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  • "Vkontakte" I can not send a message, what should I do? Why can't I send a message to "VKontakte"? How to write a VKontakte message if a personal is closed.

"Vkontakte" I can not send a message, what should I do? Why can't I send a message to "VKontakte"? How to write a VKontakte message if a personal is closed.

Sometimes you want to save a video or note you like on your wall or just send it to your friends. However, sometimes it doesn't work. Let's see why you can't repost from the VKontakte group to your wall.

This problem has only 2 reasons:

  1. The post you liked was posted on behalf of the user;
  2. Gated community.

Let's consider each of these cases.

When you want to send a post from an open community to your VK wall:

This happens because it is forbidden in communities to make reposts that are made by users and subscribers of the group. Such prohibitions are connected with the display of information when reposting. When you add materials to your wall, the name of the society from which it was taken is also published, thereby securing the copyright for the note.

To read the information posted in such a group, you need to be a member of it. To do this, apply for membership, and the moderator or administrator, having considered your candidacy, will decide to accept or refuse. Accordingly, it is also impossible to repost from such a page.

All information is available only to subscribers. It is impossible to send such materials even to your friends in private messages.

If you want to post on the wall in VK, but you cannot repost, do the following:

If you are a public administrator, please note that when posting a new note, you can choose the publication method. On my own behalf or on behalf of the community.

VKontakte prohibited reposts from groups where the author of the post is a user, and not the community itself. You cannot share news from closed groups and materials that are available only to members.

Let's talk about sending VKontakte messages. It is enough to click on the corresponding button, write the text, and now you are already having a conversation.

But what if private messages are closed? How, then, to contact the user? A couple of secrets can be used.

Now I will show you how to write a message to a user if the PM is closed.

Why I can't send a private message

With the help of privacy settings, the user can restrict access to view his page. And also block the sending of private messages to him. Here is the detailed information -,.

How to send a private message with a friend request

So, we have found a user with whom it would be nice to start a dialogue. But, unfortunately, his personal account is closed. What are we going to do in this case?

There is a little trick. When you send a friend request to a user, you can additionally send him a message. This is done as follows.

Go to his page. If there is no button "Send a message", then the PM is closed.

We do the following. Sending a friend request - click the button "Add as Friend"... After that it will change - it will be written "Application sent".

Now click on it again. A dropdown menu will appear. In it, click "A new message".

A window will open - in it you need to type a message. Then we press the "Send" button.

After that, the user will receive your friend request. And along with it your message.

Sending a message via notifications

The second way is to send a notification (see). We need to find out the id of the user to whom we want to send a message, and our community.

We go to the community. Now we need to create a new record. At the very beginning, you should write "@User ID"... In our case, it will look like this:

We send it. Now the user will receive a notification and read our message. It will look like this.

Video lesson: how to write a message in VK if the PM is closed


With these two methods, you can connect with the right person. But not the fact that he will answer you.


In contact with

I have been a reader of Habr for a long time, but I have not yet written a single article. This post prompted me to write this article: Blocking audio recordings on Vkontakte. Restoring the playlist.

I liked the methods used by the author to bypass the VKontakte filter, but as a person who has been dealing with sound processing and writing music for a long time, I can say that this is not the best decision that can be made in this situation, and here's why:
1. The quality of the audio recording deteriorates, with repeated conversions and deliberate deterioration of the quality.
2. Cutting out a piece of music changes the music.

I suggest a slightly different approach to solving this problem. Who is interested in the topic - please, under cat. I will tell you more about several methods by which you can bypass the filter, including a method that allows you to load blocked music without changing its content (i.e. completely preserving the sound).

All tests were performed in the Audacity program; for the analysis, a song performed by rapper Pitbull and singer Marc Anthony was selected, the name was Rain Over Me. This particular song is suitable for the test for several reasons: it is “forbidden” by VKontakte, all frequencies are present in its spectrum in full, it has both “quiet” and “loud” parts, which will allow experimenting with dynamics. To begin with, let's make sure that it is impossible to listen to the audio recording, because it was removed at the request of the copyright holder:

As you can see, it is true that the original audio is removed, and when you try to download the same one, we will receive a warning about copyright infringement:

Now let's try to load the same audio recording, slightly changing it in some way.

Filter Bypass Methods

1. Changing the tonal balance of the entire piece, or part of it, that is, processing with an equalizer:
In my opinion, this is the simplest method. Let's look at a few use cases for EQ:

Here I cite immediately the result of what I came to, in fact, I unreasonably began to try to "feed" VKontakte an audio recording with a slightly altered tonal balance, so that it was practically impossible to hear the difference (for example, I used a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter with very soft settings - the difference in sound was negligible). VK rejected entries with such changes, but, interestingly, accepted, processed like this:

This means that the recognition is only in the midrange, the high and low frequencies are not affected. The first option is to equalize the entire track: you need to cut out a small area of ​​the midrange. I tried to apply EQ only on a small section of the track - it didn't work.

2. Adding noise
In the comments to the article, user Gorthauer87 suggested "mixing some noise that is not noticeable to the ear". The idea is correct, in fact, it was the very first that came to my mind. In the recording industry, dithering has long been used, which is nothing more than adding noise, although now the noise is going through the stage of noise shaping - i.e. the frequencies that are most audible to the human ear are removed from it.

Adding enough white noise to be heard clearly did not help upload the audio recording. This method does not suit us, because if the noise can be heard, then we can assume that the audio recording is damaged and cannot be listened to = (

3. Working with the dynamics of the track
After processing the entire track with a compressor with sufficiently "soft" settings, the audio recording was successfully loaded. Here is a screenshot of the compressor settings:

It is quite problematic for an unprepared listener to hear the difference with the original, and if listening with headphones or with not very high-quality acoustics, it is impossible.
"Crown" way
But this method surprised me with its simplicity, while it turned out to be the highest quality of all those considered earlier. You just need to add a small piece of an arbitrary waveform to the end of the track (after the music is over). As a result, the useful signal does not change in any way, but the VKontakte website does not try to block such tracks. In this particular example, I added a 440 hertz sine wave to the end of the piece, the duration of the noise is about 1 minute.

If this article interests readers, then I can take a closer look at each of the methods of downloading music (I guess that the "crown" method will soon be "covered"), depending on the material (classic, rock, pop, electronic). Each of the options will work better on one material and worse on another, that is, somewhere it is more noticeable to a person, and somewhere practically without changing the source.

The article turned out not as complete as I would like, for the reason that my DAW refused to work and began to give an error (so I did all the work in Audacity). I suppose there are a few more ways that will work:

1. Working with a stereo base (its expansion / contraction)
2. Processing the entire track with a multi-band exciter
3. Multiband compression of the mid-frequency range, to a much lesser extent than discussed in the article.
4. Adding a very weak reverberation signal that cannot be discerned by the human ear.

Limited for some users, friends or groups of people, and how to prevent sending yourself messages to other people in VK.

Why sending messages to VK is limited

Sometimes it happens that you can't write a message to someone on VKontakte (or vice versa - someone can't send a message to you). Why does this happen:

The privacy settings for messages in VK are very useful. For example, it is allowed to set a restriction on sending messages to certain people who interfere with you (spam, insult or otherwise annoy you). Or, restrict the ability to send messages to you so that you do not have to write everything in a row. Let's see how this is done.

How to prevent users from sending you messages

Method number 1

1. Go to the page settings - section "Settings"

2. Further section "Privacy" - "Contact me". In the drop-down list "Who can write me private messages" select the desired item. If you click "Friends only", then other people, in order to write to you, will have to be added to you in. If you select "All except ...", then here you can prohibit a specific person or group of people from writing to you

3. If you select "All except ..." in the window that opens, select who is limited to sending messages to you and click the "Save" button

Now the marked will not be able to write you messages. If he goes to your page, then the "Send message" button under the avatar will be unavailable.

But this way has significant disadvantage... If you have already communicated with a person, then the restriction on sending messages will not work for you. In addition, he will also be able to create and include you in it. Therefore, there is a more effective way.

Method number 2

To completely restrict the user access to the dialogue with you, you need to add it to the black list (how to do this is described in detail in). After the operation is completed, the correspondence will become unavailable. The selected friend or subscriber will not be able to view and send you messages, and if before that he had a dialogue with you, he will now see the following message:

You cannot send a message to this user, because he has limited the circle of persons who can send him messages

How to allow a VK user to send messages to you

To remove the restriction on sending messages, you need:

In the first case you need to go to the page settings - “Settings” - “Privacy” - the “Contact me” section and remove the restrictions or exclude the user from the list of those who cannot communicate with you.

In the second case it is necessary to exclude the user from the black list. To do this, select "Settings" - "Black List" and remove the user from the emergency.

Quite a few users have already encountered the problem of logging into the VKontakte site. This can occur due to a number of problems and problems. Now we will analyze them and learn how to fix them.

So, how to solve problems with logging into contact.

Problems with the site

Although the VK administration has large resources, their servers sometimes crash. And along with them, the entire social network. You can see this when you type in the address bar of your browser, and you receive an error message.

The first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. Just try visiting any other site. If you succeed, then the problem is with VK.

The only solution is to just wait. As a rule, the administration restores access within an hour. Serious breakdowns are extremely rare, and they immediately become known from the media and open sources.

Virus infection and problems with the Host file

If you notice interruptions in work, abnormal behavior of your PC, then immediately check it for viruses. Fortunately, there are a huge number of programs and utilities for these purposes (see).

Personally, I am using a bunch of DrWeb Cureit + AVZ. Both scanners are distributed free of charge, and are available for download on the developer's website. They perfectly diagnose most threats and deal with them successfully.

So the second point in our instructions will be to check for threats that can block access to the VK website.

A common target for cybercriminals is the system Hosts file. In the Windows operating system, it participates in the formation of numeric and alphabetic addresses of network nodes. We will not delve into the jungle of network theory, and we will only define the fact that the integrity and correctness of filling in this file affects the performance of the computer's network connections and Internet access.

What are the attackers doing? They change the Hosts file so that you cannot go to the VK site, or when you enter the address, you get to another, most often, malicious site.

What should we do in this case? We need to check the hosts file for changes. You will find it at the following address.

% system-disk%: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc

Where "% system-disk%" is the letter of the drive where the operating system is installed.

Find the hosts file here, and open it with notepad.

Below I give you its appearance, which should be the default.

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # x client host # localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself. # localhost # :: 1 localhost

If in your case it is different, and the changes that you are observing were not added by you, then it is most likely that it was changed due to a virus infection.

We need to restore it to its original appearance. If you try to copy and paste the code I gave you above, you will run into a permissions issue. You will need to take ownership of this file and only then make changes. You can do just that.

There is an easier option. Remember the AVZ scanner I mentioned above? In it, in a couple of clicks, you can restore the hosts file.

To do this, launch the scanner, and click the menu "File - System Restore"... In the window that opens, check the item "Cleaning up the Hosts file"... Then press the button "Perform marked operations".

After that, you should check if you can go to the VK website. It should work.

Require to send paid SMS

Another common problem that occurs when viruses are present. You seem to go to the VK website, but when you try to enter your username and password (see), you are required to send a paid SMS.

This is the same case when you were redirected to a malicious site. Do not under any circumstances perform the indicated steps. Close this site immediately, and follow all the steps described in the previous paragraph. Clean your PC from viruses, and check the hosts file.

Forgot login and password from VK

The more data you remember, the easier it will be for you.

In any case, even if you absolutely do not remember your login and password, forgot your mail and lost access to the phone that was linked to the page, it is possible to contact the support service (see). All this is described in the instructions.


Now you know the main reasons that can affect the ability to visit the VKontakte site.

What else can you advise. Always update your antivirus databases and refrain from visiting suspicious sites. It is because of this that most infections occur.

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