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Vkontakte welcome 0. VKontakte my page (entrance to the VK page)

Vkontakte is the largest social network on the Russian Internet, where many people from all over the world are registered and communicate. Here you can search and make friends, write messages to friends and classmates and just have fun and enjoy your free time. But in order to get started chatting, you need to create your own account. And for this you need to visit the start section of the Vkontakte site - welcome (my page) and go through a short registration procedure. This process does not contain any difficulties and requires a minimum of effort and time. The user will only need a little attention and a phone to which an SMS message will come.

To log in to the site and find friends, you need to create your own profile. Registration does not take much time and will require the following steps:

This completes the registration process and the user will have to look for friends, subscribe to news, join groups and lead an active social life.

Login to VK welcome through a computer: by login and password

If an account has already been created, then getting to the full version of the site will not be difficult. To do this, you need to perform only two actions:

  1. first you need to go to the start page of the social network;
  2. then you will have to enter your username and password and confirm the actions.

If both combinations are entered correctly, the user will see a news feed and a menu for moving to various sections. This menu can be customized by the page owner and contains a lot of different items. To add a new section or delete an existing one, just enter the settings and make the necessary changes. There is also a function to change the old and unreliable password.

Login Vkontakte welcome: without login and code

Those who do not want to spend time constantly entering code combinations should save the necessary data in the browser. Then the authorization process will take place in 2-3 clicks: the user will have to click the nickname field and select the appropriate one from the proposed options. After that, it remains to click "login".

There is no way to get to the site without a login and a code at all. Without them, even registration is impossible.

mobile version

It has a social network and a mobile version. Here, the start page of - welcome to Vkontakte (my page) practically does not differ from the full version of the site. To log in, registered users will have to enter already familiar and familiar combinations.

It will be possible to open your own profile only through a number and password, the developers did not provide other options.

Not inferior to the usual, computer version and the interface of the mobile application. Here users are also able to join groups, write messages, view and comment on news. The only requirement necessary to perform the above actions is the presence of the Internet.

Password recovery

Despite the importance of secret combinations, many people forget the correct codes and have difficulty accessing the social network. Especially for them, on the main page there is a link "forgot your password?", which allows you to go to a special access recovery section.

To regain lost control over your page and get back to the Russian version of the site, you will need:

  1. follow the link to restore access;
  2. enter the username and phone number to which the page is linked;
  3. follow the instructions of the system.

Important: if the required phone is not available, you will have to use another one. But you need to make sure that it is not associated with someone else's page.

Create an account in VK

Modern social networks have long ceased to be just a place to meet and communicate. They have become universal portals where you can watch movies, listen to music, learn news and receive important information. Therefore, almost every person has his own Vkontakte page.

To get into VK through a computer, you must go through a short registration procedure. It will require a phone and time.

When all the required information is entered, and the account is created, it will remain to log in using the previously selected password.

But it is important to avoid scammers who create their sites similar to VKontakte. Before entering secret combinations, it is worth checking the name of the portal in the address bar of the browser.

Social networks have become an integral part of our daily lives. But questions about how registration is carried out in contact are of interest to many. That is why we decided to write a small instruction. Having completed all its points correctly, your registration on the VKontakte social network will pass without problems, and you can enjoy unlimited communication.

Contact registration history

Not everyone remembers how this procedure took place at the dawn of the formation of this social network. Then, in order to become a member of the project, you had to receive an invitation, which could only be sent by a registered user. This protected against a large number of fake pages, but registration was simply not available for some potential users in contact.

This restriction has been lifted today, and the site itself operates on the domain. There is nothing complicated in registration. All you need is internet access and a working phone number.

New Member Registration Procedure

You need to visit the site, and in the appropriate fields located on the main page, enter the last name and first name. After that, you can safely click the "Register" button. Then it remains to go through three steps and receive an activation code for your account:

  • Stage one. It consists in finding classmates. After entering information about your school, a list will be provided from which you can select the people you need. Here it should be noted the peculiarity that you can add them as friends even before the final registration;
  • Stage two. Similar to the first, only a search for classmates is being conducted. You can skip this step if you don't want to enter information;
  • Stage three. At this stage, in the social network VKontakte, in order for further registration to be available to you, you need to enter your phone number. A free message will be sent to it, in the body of which the activation code is indicated. After entering it in the appropriate field on the site, registration will be completely completed. To open access to the site, enter only a real phone number!

Remember, registration is carried out in a contact for free! SMS comes directly to your phone. If you received a message asking you to send a reply message to complete the registration, then your computer has a virus. Clear it or try to register from another computer.

Linking the phone of an already registered page to a new one

If during the registration process it turns out that a page in the contact is already linked to your phone number, then the corresponding notification will inform you about this. You will have a choice: create a new page or go to the old one. On the previously registered page, upon entering, a corresponding message will appear about changing the phone number. You can link to a new phone number or re-enter the old one after a day.

When a new user logs in, you will receive a brief instruction on the main functions and sections. In total, it will take you only 5-10 minutes to become a user of the largest Russian social network. And to protect your account from hacking, use an antivirus and a firewall.

People who use social networks often look for the official site Vkontakte entrance Welcome. A link will be provided below to go to the official website for computers and phones. My VK page is the user's face where, when registering, he enters his personal information, photos, music, communicates with friends and gets to know each other.

The main page of our site will help you go to your Vkontakte page in one click. You will also find many useful articles about VK security settings, as well as logging into other social networks.

We recommend that you check the site address in the line of your browser so that the link is, or there may be site mirrors, by going to which you will still get to and– Mobile version of Vkontakte .

Vkontakte Welcome - entrance to the official website

Welcome - a form of greeting that is official. With this phrase you can greet a friend, partner, colleague. It also counts as an invitation. When you want to enter, the site kind of welcomes you, expresses its hospitality and gladly invites you to go inside, that is, open your page. The expression in this case is part of speech etiquette, and it is used here to establish contact, establish trust, set you up for a positive tone. And this is not accidental, because it is a social network for those who are ready for communication, new acquaintances, glad to meet old and new friends. Also important is the fact that this site is free and will never require money from you to enter. The only important thing is that you are there and spend your time there.

If you go to your page, then you are ready to start communication and other functions of the social network. It remains only. You need to open its main page and enter your phone number (or Email) and password - this is if you are already registered there. Please note that this must be entered on the left side of the page (where the "Login" button is).

Here you can enter your first and last name - pay attention to the central part of the page. Vkontakte welcomes not only those who are already registered there, but also new users who just want to join. Telling them Welcome invites you to find those people with whom you studied, worked or rested together. In addition, it will make it possible to always be in touch with friends and loved ones.

We will help you find your old VK page. Let's say you accidentally registered on VKontakte again, that is, you created a new page. And now you can't find the old page where all your friends were.

You just confused the concepts of entry and registration. Login is when you enter your username and password and get to your existing page. And registration is the creation of a new page. What to do in this case? You need to exit the new page in which you are currently sitting and go to the old one.

How to exit from one page to go to another

You can go to the old page by exiting the new one you are currently on. To do this, open the menu on the VKontakte website in the upper right corner (triangle) and then click "Log off":

After that, you can go to the old page:

How to go to the old VKontakte page

If you know the phone number (or email address) to which the old page was registered, and also know the password, then you can always enter it. Just enter your phone number (or email) as your login and enter your password when you log in. The most convenient way to log in is to use the start page. Login is safe and secure. Having opened the site site, press the button "Entrance" under the heading "VKontakte". You will not only enter your old page, but also get additional convenient features.

What should I do if I can’t find the old page, I don’t remember the data?

If you don’t remember any of the data that the old page was registered with, then you will have to make an application in access recovery service. But first you need to at least find the VKontakte page itself so that they understand which page you want to restore access to. To find your old page by last name, first name and city, you can use our VKontakte person search:

or search for people all over the internet:

When you find it, you need to open the page and find out the link to it - for example, Also, people with whom you corresponded through the old page can help you. Let someone find messages from you and open your old page from the link by clicking on your name. In the address bar of the browser, there will be a link to your page.

And you can also find your old comments somewhere on VKontakte and, by clicking on your name or profile picture, find out the page link.

Also see this useful instruction: - at the end it says how to find out the link to the page.

In addition, you can always write to VKontakte support and ask for help. But keep in mind that it may take a long time to wait for an answer. And yet, it is believed that one page is enough for one person, so they do not welcome the simultaneous use of both the new and the old pages. Therefore, it is better to remove one of them.

How to enter the old page without leaving the new one

You can use incognito mode in your browser if you only occasionally need the old page. For example, if you have Chrome, open the browser menu and select "New window in incognito mode." A window will open in which you, as it were, have not yet entered any page. Enter your address website and button "Entrance" log in to the old page.

You can also install two different browsers - for example, Chrome and Firefox - and in one of them sit on one page, and in the other - on the other. This is more convenient if you want to constantly use different pages.

Why, when I want to go to the old page, I enter the correct password, but it is incorrect?

Possible reasons:

  1. Since then, you have registered another page for the same phone number, so you can no longer log in to the old one with this number (even if you remember the password). See below "If the old page was linked to the same number" - it says what to do.
  2. You enter the wrong password, but you think it's correct. Then restore access.

If the old page was linked to the same number

Important: if you registered a new VK page on the same phone number as the old one, then now the old page no longer associated with this number. Maybe you think that now both pages are on the same issue, but this is not so. Only one page can be linked to one number, and the number got rid of the old page when you created the new one. You just didn't pay attention to what the site told you.

What to do in this case? There are several ways to solve the problem, see here: What to do if you created two pages for one VKontakte number. Each person is allowed to create only one page in VK, and if you lose access, you need to restore it, and not create a new page (and at the same time new problems).

How to delete an old page?

How to enter the old version of VKontakte, is it possible to do this?

How to make logging into VK easier

The easiest entrance to the VKontakte website and other social networks is the “Login” start page. Here she is.

Quick navigation:

Link to my page

To go to your page, follow the link -

My page- this is your main page on VKontakte, where you can. People will be able to find you on VKontakte and add you as a friend.

Each has its own unique ID, it can take the form of a standard one, such as given randomly during registration, for example: VK. COM/id11223344 link above looks like this: only if you are previously authorized. That is, you are logged in with your username and password, the transition will take place on your page, otherwise, on the main page, where you will be prompted to enter your username and password.

If for some reason you are not yet registered on VKontakte and do not have your own page, then the instruction is located.

What is the difference between the main page and personal

If you click on the logo VK in the upper left part, then you will go to the main page of VKontakte, here you can see the news of the communities that you subscribe to and what your friends posted on their wall. In other words, it is customary to call it "News Feed".

Why is my page and not news.

I have been using VKontakte since 2008, I remember when I felt almost panic, got annoyed if instead of my personal page I got to the news.

As I used and got used to VK, I began to clearly understand the structure of the vkontakte site. Now I can immediately decide where I am, on “My Page” or News Feed.

Probably the biggest difference is that on VKontakte is my page, at the top there is personal information, a photo (avatar).

How to see guests on my page.

In my opinion, the method is not complete enough, because it is based on fixing those who somehow "inherited", put, made or left a comment. In general, the method makes it possible to see who is interested in you, who periodically visits your VK and follows your news.

Badly chosen name? Change it! How to change the name of VKontakte.

A little about why it is difficult to change your name, why you have to go through moderation for this.

At the beginning of the emergence of social network VKontakte, when there was a massive boom in registrations, many forgot their logs or passwords and re-registered. For this, it was not even necessary to receive a confirmation code on the phone. So changing the name was not difficult, even without checking by the moderators.

Now the administration of VKontakte is increasingly tightening the screws, demanding confirmation of personal data.

When in the spring of 2017 I heard the news “In Russia they will register VKontakte from the age of 14 with a passport.” I was skeptical about it, I did not think it was serious. Now on the wave of pressure that is exerted on the development team of the Telegram messenger and personally Pavel Durov. News like this doesn't seem funny anymore.

About how to change your nickname (first and last name) correctly, in Russian or in English, we wrote instructions (see).

If you don’t want to read a lot about this, then just click the “Edit” button under your Vkontakte photo, my page. Further, everything is very clear, the exact time of approval by the moderators remains a secret, and they can often reject it. As a rule, the waiting time can be from 30 minutes. till 12 o'clock.

Life position on my page VKontakte.

Your personal page VK, this is not only your photo, first and last name, but also a whole range of different information, school, work, contacts and life position - everything here is so changeable over the years.

Here are your political beliefs, religious views, what you consider the main thing in life, what you value in people and your attitude to bad habits.

"My Vkontakte page" must have reliable protection against hacking!

How can "My Vkontakte Page" be able to attract girls for dating?

A very affordable way to find new acquaintances with girls, for this you need to spend a little of their time and how to prepare "Vkontakte my page". Namely, setting all the little things that any girl pays attention to before deciding to continue communication. By the way, girls can also have a beautifully completed profile on Instagram, about how to design an Instagram profile.

Especially for guys, we have material with secrets, high-quality settings for your social media page. VK networks. (Cm. ).

And finally, the most crucial moment, how to properly communicate with a girl, so as not to remain just a friend from the Internet for her. You can read about how to communicate with a girl correctly, what not to do.

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