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What year did the cell phone appear? Mobile phone: history of creation, main functions and characteristics of modern devices

The ability to contact family and friends at any moment seems natural to us today, like breathing, but this was not always the case.

Even mobile phones became widespread no more than 15-20 years ago, and wired telephones appeared a little over a hundred years ago. Do you know who invented the telephone and what year it happened?

In almost all modern textbooks and encyclopedias, the American Alexander Bell is named the inventor of the telephone. However, this is not entirely true: Bell turned out to be just the person who was able to first patent the telephone, and this happened in 1876.

The real inventor is Antonio Meucci, who was born in Florence, Italy, who later moved overseas and settled in the United States. He founded the world's first factory producing paraffin candles, but later became interested in the idea of ​​transmitting sounds over long distances. His work progressed successfully, and already in 1860 the inventor showed the public a device that he called a telelectrophone. It used the principle of converting sound waves into electromagnetic waves and vice versa, which later formed the basis of all telephone sets.

Unfortunately, soon after the demonstration of the new invention, disaster struck, and the designer went to bed for a long time. During this time, his factory went bankrupt, and in order to somehow live, his wife had to sell some devices made by Meucci, including a telephones. Later he was able to restore his invention and in 1871 tried to get a patent for it. However, due to extreme poverty, Meucci could not pay for the services of the patent office, and soon died in poverty and obscurity. Only in 2002, justice was restored, and the US Congress recognized the Italian emigrant Antonio Meucci as the inventor of the telephone.

Few people know that the first mobile phone was created in the USSR in 1957. It consisted of the telephone itself and a base station, which was connected to an ordinary city GTS. The telephone set weighed about 3 kg, and Leonid Kupriyanovich became its inventor. The designer continued to work on his development, and by 1961 the weight of the handset was reduced to only 70 grams. The distance between the handset and the base station reached 80 kilometers on level ground. In 1957, the inventor received a patent for his development under the number 115494.

The disadvantage of Kupriyanovich's device was the small number of phones that could connect to one base station. Their number was limited by the number allocated for the station frequency channels... According to the inventor, in order to cover the entire area of ​​Moscow, it would be required to install no more than a dozen base stations. Subsequently, on the basis of the development of Kupriyanovich, since 1965, the Bulgarian enterprise "Radioelectronics" has been producing mobile mini-automatic telephone exchanges for 15 subscribers. They were used mainly at large construction sites as departmental communications.

The inventor of the world's first cell phone is an employee Motorola Martin Cooper. He made the first copy of a telephone set mobile communications operating on a cellular basis in 1973. The device weighed over a kilogram and was later named Motorola DynaTAC. There were only 12 buttons on the handset, of which 10 were numeric, and the other two were used to call and to end a conversation.

The first cell phone did not have a display, and the battery provided no more than an hour of talk time, but it was charged for 10 hours in a row. Until 1983, Motorola had released five different prototypes of the DynaTAC phone. The first cell phones were marketed in 1983 under the name DynaTAC 8000x. They sold for 3995 dollars, which was a very large sum for that time, but the queues for their purchase reached several thousand people.

The first phone equipped with a touch screen was manufactured in 1993 by employees of the famous computer corporation IBM. It was named IBM Simon, and its black and white screen controlled by a stylus, although some operations could be performed with your fingers. The phone weighed about 0.5 kg.

The battery charge lasted only an hour of talk time or 8-10 hours of standby. Although the novelty aroused the interest of buyers, but too high price and frequent breakdowns the gadget quickly wiped it out. The production of the IBM Simon was soon discontinued.

As you know, iPhones are produced by the American Apple corporation, which has gained popularity due to its non-standard and high-tech solutions. The main generator of ideas at Apple since its inception has been the legendary computer scientist and entrepreneur Steve Jobs, creator. In 1999, Jobs came up with the idea that the company, in addition to computers, should make the best mobile phones in the world. He came up with the concept of the iPhone, but the idea was realized only in 2005 together with Motorola specialists.

First Apple phone called Purple-1, it was a symbiosis of a telephone and an audio player. It did not receive the expected popularity, however Apple team continued to work, and in 2007 in San Francisco, the public was first introduced to the iPhone, which later became a cult phone. Today, millions of people in all countries of the world are happy owners of iPhones.

A telephone is a device that allows people to talk from anywhere in the world. At the moment, the transfer is carried out through electrical signals... The term itself originated from the ancient Greek language: "Tele" means "far away", and "background" means voice, sound.

Who invented the first telephone

Initially, telephones resembled large and bulky devices. They were devices with a lever for switching and dialing device in the form of a disk or large buttons... They used two types of microphones: coal and electret.

The first was coal powder, which, depending on the value electrical resistance affected the membrane. She transmitted sound to the subscriber.

The second consisted of a capacitor, one of the platinum of which was also a membrane. The sound influenced the capacitor, and the capacitor transmitted further vibrations to the plates.

Telephone set consisted of more than of 500 mechanical parts and was a bulky device. You couldn't take it with you or put it at home. For this, there were social telephone exchanges.

But time passed, technologies did not stand still, and today they represent more compact and mobile options.

The progenitor of the telephone is considered electric telegraph, which was invented after the discovery of electricity in the first half of the 19th century.

The very first device for transmitting voice at a distance, which could already be called a telephone, was invented, invented and demonstrated German scientist-inventor Johannes Reis in 1861. The device itself consisted of three main components: a microphone, a speaker, and a galvanic battery.

The history of the development of the first phones

In 1876 in America, scientist Alexander Bell patented the very first telephone in the world. entitled « talking tube". The first instance had a maximum range of 200 meters and severely distorted sound at a distance.

Over the course of the year, Bell refined his equipment to remove line clutter. After that, it served in the region for a hundred years for all mankind, until it was modernized.

It is believed that the scientist accidentally discovered the principle of the telephone. During one of the experiments to improve telegraph communication, one of the data transmission plates got stuck. His assistant, seeing a hitch, began to swear. Unexpectedly for himself, Bell heard the indignant words of his partner in the telegraph receiver. So, random event led to the emergence of modern telephones.

However, in 2002, the Congress of America recognized that Antonio Meucci was the first inventor. But the story that happened to the Italian is quite typical for that time. Italian inventor developed and invented the scheme of work of the device for transmitting voice at a distance independently. Unfortunately, at that point in time, he was a beggar. He simply lacked Money on a piece of bread. As a result, he sold his development large company Western Union on the condition that they file a patent for it. When, after a long period of time, no response came, he filed a patent application himself. However, it was rejected.

At the same time, Antonio learns that the telephone was patented Alexander Bell. Such information severely crippled him. He tried to fight the company to restore justice, but he did not have enough funds. The result of litigation was his recognition as the inventor of the telephone only in 1887. By that time, he was already old, and died in poverty and obscurity. It wasn't until 2002 that the United States confirmed that he was essentially the founding father of the phone.

To transmit sound to another subscriber, it was also necessary to use special communication lines, which were created only in 1877. First line launched in Boston, and a year later - opened the first telephone exchange in New Haven. In 1878, American scientist Thomas Edison presents another model, which was more compact.

As you can see from the photo, disk telephones were the first to appear. They were more convenient in production, That's why for a long time used mainly only the model with discs. Mass production began after 1896.

Push-button telephones first appeared only in 1963. It was another try improve the current model.

Thanks to Edison, landline telephones began to be massively used by ordinary citizens. In the fifty years since the discovery of Alexander Bell, the device for transmitting voice at a distance has become so popular that it has been installed in almost every home.

The invention of cellular communication

The prerequisites for the emergence of cellular communications are the invention domestic scientist Alexandra Popova called the registrar electromagnetic waves... He presented it at the Congress of the Physicochemical Society in 1895.

After an incident of several years, Guglielmo Marconi, using Morse code, sent a message almost one and a half kilometers. This was the next stage in the development of mobile communications. In 1896 he applied for a patent, and after receiving it founded a digging Marconi & Co.

Gradually everything large quantity scientists contributed their research and practical experiences in the development of mobile communications. Over time, the first invention of Popov was modernized.

In 1900, Reginald Fessenden conveyed a voice message from one subscriber to another using a radio wave. After this research went in a different direction.

In 1921, the first mobile telegraph station... In its principle of action, it resembled a pager. And only almost 12 years later, a two-way communication vehicle was created, the principle of which is still used today. However, improvements have been made.

Almost 30 years later, such cars have filled every city on the planet. But they had a significant drawback by that time - frequency limits... They used the same frequency, which over time began to affect the quality of communication.

Thus, in 1947, an employee of Bell Laboratories, Ring - suggested new way communication. It got the name cellular communication. That is the coverage area was divided to "cells", and each had its own frequency.

Also this year, the first transistor was created, which led to a decrease in the size of telephone sets.

Almost a century later, after Popov's invention, the head of Motorolla, Martin Cooper, made first call by mobile phone to their competitors. The event took place on April 3, 1973. This date is the official birthday of mobile communications.

The first representatives were also large and bulky, but relatively mobile.

After a while, began to appear different models telephones that became more compact and convenient.

First cell Russian phone appeared in 1957. It was development Soviet engineer Leonid Kupriyanov. The device weighed 3 kg and made it possible to do without changing the battery for 30 hours.

Unfortunately, further development history this device unknown. It was replaced by the Altai telephone complex, which was used by ambulances for operational communication with the hospital.

In Russia, for a long time, such a development was going on. passively... It was only in 1987, when Gorbachev used a mobile phone to call from Helsinki to Moscow, that development received a boost.

September 1991, marked by the following fact: the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, made a call to the United States using the Nokia 1011. This development represented by Delta-Telecom.

In Moscow, cellular communication appeared after 1992 thanks to the efforts of the companies "Moscow Cellular Communication" and "Ericsson".

The very first touchscreen phone in the world appeared relatively recently - in 1998.

Company "Sharp ", from Japan, presented its model of a wireless touchscreen telephone - PMC-1 Smart-phone to the whole world.

But, the main objective- to knock out the competitor Nokia from the mobile phone market - was not achieved. At the same time, Alcatel, against the background of other manufacturers, is launching the device “ OneTouch". Literally translated from English - one touch.

Unfortunately, at that time, both developments did not interest the mass consumer and were soon forgotten.

In 2003 " Nokia»Decides to use a sensor in control of mobile phones. This is how the Nokia 7700 project was born. But due to constant postponements, the model 7710 is presented to the consumer.

After that, many vendors start production of touch devices.

Development of cellular communication

The development of mobile phones is represented not only by models and different brands, but also by the standards of the communication itself.

Initially was the standard NMT-450, which was a joint development of several countries. It appeared at the end of the 70s of the last century. But, this project was closed, and the development of cellular communications at that time was active.

Almost every country began to come up with their own standards that were not related to others. They were also analog, which imposed certain restrictions.

All of the above led to the idea of ​​creating single protocol cellular communication. The result was the emergence of a global standard - GSM. He was developed in 1982, and became world wide over a long period of time.

Literally a year later, the Qualcomm organization began to develop its own digital standard, which later became known as CDMA.

Further development of mobile communications led to the emergence of a third generation protocol called FPLMTS (Future Public Land Mobile Telephone System). Its main difference from the previous ones is getting free access to the Internet. Also present backward compatibility.

Today the standard is the fourth generation protocol, and the fifth is being actively developed.

The first smartphone

The development of mobile phones and laptops led to the idea of ​​combining two products into one. This is how smartphones were created, and then communicators.

The prototype can be developed by IBM - Simon, which was introduced in 1992. However, at that time it was not accepted by the world community, and further research was stopped.

The next step is a joint project HP and Nokia - the 700LX communicator that was released in 1996. It is a hybrid of two models: Nokia 2110 and HP 200LX. However, these were two components working independently of each other.

Therefore, a year later, the Finnish company demonstrates the Nokia 9000 Communicator - a full-fledged device.

In 2000, " Ericsson»Releases its smartphone R380s.

In response, Nokia presents a development with color display... This is the first working model which displays information not in black and white... The model was named Nokia 9210. It runs under Symbian 6.0 and was revolutionary at that time. After her, many brands began to produce phones with OS.

After that, the market experienced an unprecedented rise in the development of smartphones and communicators.

Android and iPhone

Symbian is considered the first OS on mobile phones. It was jointly developed by Psion, Motorola, Nokia and Ericsson and was officially unveiled in 1998. Further developments of the operating system are related to the popularity of smartphones, which were described in more detail in the section above.

However, today, there is two mobile OS that compete with each other: Android and iOS.

The history of the appearance of the first OS originates in the zero years of the 21st century. Unknown Andy Rubin decided to develop his own OS for mobile platforms... He kept his idea a secret, and the result was a shortage of funds. In 2005 Google buys Andy's idea and blueprints, which serves as a starting point for the development of Android. The official presentation of the new operating system took place on July 26, 2005.

In 2007, after the boom in sensor development on phones, Apple unveiled its vision of the iPhone. It was the first device that supported the function"MultiTouch", that is, touching with a finger in several places at once touch screen... OS, which was used in the company's devices, was named iOS. The kernel of the system was taken from sources Unix-like systems and brought to the end user by the developers.

At this point in time, Android and IOS are the biggest competitors in the mobile operating system.

Telephone communication today has become so in the usual way communications, which is difficult to imagine that once people could do without devices that transmit sounds to any distance. Modern subscriber rarely thinks about the question - Who invented the telephone? But the history of this device is rooted in the distant past.

The official inventor of the telephone, capable of more or less distinctly transmitting the sounds of human speech, is considered to be an American of Scottish descent, Alexander Graham Bell. The creation of the first telephone in the world was recorded in 1876, it was then that a patent application was filed for an invention that revolutionized the scientific world. Despite the fact that the principle of the telephone was described twenty years before this event in Charles Bursel's thesis, only Bell was able to implement, and most importantly, patent in time, the bold idea of ​​sound transmission using electricity.

Today, an idea of ​​what the first telephone was like can only be obtained in a museum or from old photographs. The simplest mechanism was radically different from modern devices in the form to which we are accustomed. All manipulations with the apparatus were carried out through a single tube, which served both as a transmitter and a receiver. The sound quality was appalling - through numerous noises and interference, the voice of the interlocutor was very difficult to distinguish. However, both the creator of the phone and its admirers were not at all embarrassed by such inconveniences. The main thing is that the device worked and made it possible to significantly simplify the solution of many problems.

The period when the first telephone was created was deservedly considered the era of the telegraph. This means of telecommunication was considered the most popular and demanded. It seemed that no newfangled apparatus could supplant the telegraph. In addition, the very first telephone transmitted sound over a distance of only a few hundred meters. Further improvements to which the first telephone model underwent significantly improved its quality characteristics.

Thanks to the talented development of Thomas Edison, the device was eventually equipped with a carbon powder microphone. This invention had a significant impact on the development of telephone communications and in subsequent years began to be used everywhere.

Russian scientists have also contributed to the improvement of the telephone. The first domestic telephone, in the design of which two handsets were used, was produced in St. Petersburg at the Siemens and Halske plant in 1877. The subsequent 1878, the year of the creation of the telephone with the use of permanent magnets and capacitors, became a prerequisite for a real telephone boom. The construction of numerous telephone exchanges made it possible to fulfill the aspirations of many enthusiasts - to freely transmit sounds over long distances. And today, almost everyone in the house can find a good old telephone - a dream that has turned into reality.

Its release gives the answer to the question: the first mobile phone in the world?

What year did

The historic call on the world's first mobile phone took place on April 3, 1973, when its creator, Motorola employee Martin Cooper, phoned Joel Engel, head of research at Bell Laboratories.

Who invented and how it was born

The idea of ​​a mobile phone in it modern version was born from a less mobile prototype - a car radiotelephone. These devices were extremely bulky, weighing about 15 kilograms, but, nevertheless, their popularity grew every day.

Martin Cooper, a Motorola engineer who was involved in this area, proposed to modify the phone, reducing the weight so that people could special problems carry it with you. Several companies have worked to reduce the weight of the phone as well, but Motorola was far ahead of all the competition. Cooper's idea took 15 years and $ 90 million to implement.

Motorola DynaTAC 8000X - the first mobile phone

On that memorable day, April 3, 1973, a bell rang in the office of the head of the Bell Laboratories design bureau, Joel Engel. He picked up the phone and heard the voice of his sworn enemy - Martin, who said: "Guess where I'm calling from? .. I'm calling you from a real cell phone." Cooper later recalled: "I don't remember what he answered then, but, you know, I thought I heard his teeth grinding."

Martin Cooper demonstrates Motorola DynaTAC 8000X in 2007

Joel Engel can be understood - the era of new communications was beginning, and Bell Laboratories was rapidly flying into the ditch of history. Later, life put everything in its place - Bell did not disappear into oblivion, but showed itself in mobile communications no less than Motorola.

How much weighed

The world's first mobile phone Motorola DynaTAC 8000X (prototype) weighed about 1.15 kg and measured 22.5x12.5x3.75 cm. A small LED display showed the phone being dialed. The battery charge was enough for 30 minutes of talk time, but it took about 10 hours to charge it.

In total, until 1983, 5 pieces of DynaTACs were manufactured, and from 83 an improved commercial version of this model was produced, which weighed 850 grams and sold for $ 3995. In the first year of sales, 12,000 Americans acquired mobile phones.

"Watson, Bell says! If you can hear me, go to the window and wave your hat." This phrase, spoken 141 years ago, on March 10, 1876, was the first spoken over the telephone. The speaker - Alexander Graham Bell - became known throughout the world as the inventor of the device.

According to statistics, residents of Russia alone now make 144 million calls a day. And the average person calls on the phone almost fifteen hundred times in one year.

Discord phone

In fact, with the history of the invention of the telephone, not everything is so simple. In the early 1850s, New Yorker Antonio Meucci discovers that electricity supposedly has a positive effect on people's health. He constructs a generator and opens a private practice. One day, Meucci connected the wires to the patient's lips, and he himself went to a distant room where the generator was located. When the doctor turned on the device, he heard the patient's scream as clearly as if he was standing next to him.

Meucci dropped out of medicine and began experimenting with the device. By the early 1870s, he had already created drawings of the apparatus, which he called a telelectrophone. In 1871, the Italian was going to register his invention, but he did not succeed.

According to one version, poor Meucci did not have enough $ 250 to pay the fee at the Patent Office. According to the other, the papers sent by mail were lost somewhere. The third version says that the documents were stolen by order of the Western Union company, for which, by the way, Alexander Bell worked. Another competitor of the "well-known" inventor telephone connection there was a man named Elisha Gray. He filed an application with the Patent Office two hours later than Bell - subsequently, a legal battle between the two innovators dragged on until 1893. American Themis ultimately ruled in Bell's favor.

In the very first telephone set there was no call - it was later invented by Bell's assistant, the same Thomas John Watson. The microphone was modified by Thomas Edison. He also thought of starting a conversation with the word "hello", that is, hello ("hello" in English). However, Italians and Japanese answer calls in a different way: the inhabitants of the Apennines say "pronto" ("ready, I accept"), and the citizens of the Land of the Rising Sun - "mosi-mosi" ("speak-speak").

The history of this invention has not been without Russians. In 1895, Mikhail Freidenberg proposed to the world the concept of automatic telephone exchanges (PBX), which connected subscribers to each other without the help of a female operator. The offer turned out to be unclaimed, the profession resisted - and became a thing of the past much later, in the middle of the 20th century.

"Hello, young lady!"

Installation of telephones was rapidly spreading throughout the world. The first city where devices began to appear in the apartments of wealthy people was Boston, where Bell lived and worked. In 1879, the invention "swam" across the Atlantic: a telephone exchange appeared in Paris, and in 1881 it became possible to talk to a friend without meeting him in Moscow, Petersburg, Odessa, Berlin, Riga and Warsaw. By the beginning of the 20th century, international and intercity lines began to entangle the planet, and by 1910 there were already more than 10 thousand stations around the world, which served more than 10 million subscribers!

A telephone in those days consisted of several devices with a total weight of more than 8 kilograms! Bell's apparatus itself looked like an iron box with a lever and one or two pipes. In the first case, there was only a speaker in the receiver, but you had to be bent over to talk, in the second, the microphone was installed in an additional horn. This device was accompanied by a signal board that called as soon as the telephone operator called the subscriber. To use the device, it was necessary to pick up the receiver, twist the lever, which gave current and "informed" the typist at the station to start a conversation. This is what a typical dialogue looked like:

To call the subscriber, the "young lady" stuck the plug into the corresponding socket on the panel in front of her. A good telephone operator managed to connect subscribers in less than 8 seconds.

In 1882, three-digit numbering was used in Moscow, while the first subscribers were only 26. Over the next 10 years, the network expanded to 1892 numbers. The numbering has become four-digit. It was very expensive to own a telephone in those years. Payment for a month of use - 250 rubles. For comparison: the monthly salary of a teacher - 25 rubles, a medical assistant - 55. For the cost of installing a telephone, one could buy full set clothes or, for example, two excellent horses.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Swedes, the Ericsson company, began to deal with telephones in Moscow. They presented a new model of the device: the tube took on its usual form with two holes, and instead of a lever appeared regular button, more precisely, two - to get in touch and to hang up. The Scandinavians were able to reduce tariffs - a month of ownership of the device began to cost 63 rubles.

In 1903, the telephone was installed in the Kremlin. Emperor Nicholas II, who for the sake of such an occasion arrived in Moscow, was presented with an ivory telephone inlaid with gold.

Installation of telephones throughout the country

On January 1, 1917 in Russia there were 232 thousand subscriber numbers, the numbering has become five-digit. During the revolution, Lenin ordered his supporters in the first place to seize the post office, telegraph and telephone exchange... After the victory of the Bolsheviks - already in 1919 - the connection was nationalized. Private telephones were also seized - they were handed over to police stations, military commanders, institutions and enterprises of the city. Communication became a rarity, available only to the party nomenclature and heroes of the Red Army, as well as doctors.

The pre-revolutionary volume of subscribers was restored only by 1923, and through the efforts of the same Swedes from Ericsson, as well as the Germans from Siemens. At the same time, the construction of automatic telephone exchanges began, which did not require the work of telephone operators. The first station in the USSR appeared in 1926 in Rostov-on-Don.

One of the reasons for replacing human labor with a "soulless machine" was secrecy - in an atmosphere of constant spy mania to allow "young ladies" to listen telephone conversations it would be an unforgivable irresponsibility. However, the profession of a "telephone girl" for internal communication finally became a thing of the past in the forties.

The appearance of automatic telephone exchange led to a change in the appearance of the devices themselves - a dial for dialing appeared on them. One of the first such devices was installed, of course, in the Kremlin - it received the nickname "turntable". This word is still used now - to designate a government telephone.

On the disc, in addition to numbers, there were also letters of the Russian alphabet - A, B, C, D, D, E, F, I, K and L. The letter "Z" was absent, since it visually resembled a three. The numbers themselves were A-21-35 format.

In the United States, letter numbering is still used today. Even on the first American phones, there were rows of letters near each number. If you have a "push-button" landline phone, pay attention - they are still being written there. Even on on-screen keyboard mobile phones still have letters - and they are not intended for dialing SMS at all. This was done for the convenience of memorizing numbers, for example, instead of the long and complicated number + 1-888-237-82-89, the combination 1-888-BEST BUY is used.

In Russia, this tradition did not take root due to the similarity of the pronunciation of Russian letters. Until the mid-1960s, telephone numbers in the USSR contained both numbers and letters, and then the latter were abandoned.

Officially, the first conversation on a mobile phone took place in 1973 in New York. But there is a version that the world's first wireless devices appeared not at all in the USA, but in the Soviet Union. Back in 1961, TASS reported that radio engineer Leonid Kupriyanovich had developed a sample of a telephone that could transmit voice to base station located no further than 25 kilometers. The device weighed 500 grams and could work in standby mode for 20-30 hours. It looked like a box with a number plate, a pair of toggle switches and a plug-in tube. The owner of such a device had to either hold the body in one hand and a tube in the other, or hang the box on his belt.

The author of the invention writes in the magazine "Young Technician": "Wherever you are, you can always be found by phone, you just have to dial the known number of your radio phone from any city phone (even from a pay phone). phone call and you start a conversation. If necessary, you can dial any city bus directly from the tram, trolleybus, bus telephone number, call ambulance, fire or emergency vehicles, contact home ... "

Alas, after 1965 no one else wrote about this invention, and Leonid Kupriyanovich himself began to develop medical equipment.

The Altai apparatus is another matter. This system of full-fledged mobile communications was deployed in Russia in the early seventies. But the telephones themselves did not resemble our usual cell phones: a large box - a kilogram under 5–7 - with a tube. It was problematic to carry this in hand, but the devices were equipped with the cars of the special services and the party nomenclature. The era of "Altai" ended in the 21st century, in 2011.

Mobile at the price of "Mustang"

On a clear day on April 3, 1973, a middle-aged man named Martin Cooper walked out of the Motorola office in Lower Manhattan, New York. In his hand he was holding a strange object of light beige color. Moving away from the building, he pressed some buttons on it.

Almost immediately, a bell rang at the headquarters of rival Bell Laboratories - the phone rang in the office of the head of the research department, Joel Engel. Picking up the phone, he heard Cooper's voice: "Do you know where I'm calling you from? I'm calling you from Manhattan, from the world's first cell phone." In his memoirs, the researcher could not give Engel's answer, but he said: he clearly heard him grit his teeth.

It took 10 years to "fine-tune" the device - Motorola DynaTAC 8000X appeared on the free sale only in 1983. The device weighed about a kilogram and was 25 centimeters high. In talk mode, it worked for 35 minutes and charged for 10 hours. The price was astronomical - more than $ 3500, but despite this, a line of buyers lined up for the phone. For comparison: for $ 6,500 in the US you could buy a brand new Ford Mustang.

Full-fledged cellular communication in the form in which we know it came to Russia in 1991. Data transmission was carried out via the Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT) standard, and the most popular phones were Finnish Nokia. According to their technical specifications they lost to "Motorola" - weighed about 3 kilograms. The price was also biting - with the connection the device cost $ 4000, and a minute of conversation cost $ 1.

By this time, Motorola MicroTAC 9800X has already been released overseas - a phone with a hinged cover that fits in the palm of your hand.


By 1993, four mobile communication standards were in effect in Russia at once: NMT (Delta Telecom operator), D-AMPS (BeeLine, which was then spelled that way - in Latin letters), the already mentioned Altai and GSM (MTS and a little later Severo -Western GSM "). The last one won - so far Voice connection it is transmitted using this format.

At this time in the UK, 22-year-old Sema Group employee Neil Papworth was testing the possibilities GSM standard... The engineers were already able to implement the ability to identify the calling line number and a service that allowed this feature to be blocked. But in free time Papworth was engaged in other work - he was trying to achieve the ability to transfer not only voice, but also text over mobile lines. And in December 1992 he succeeded: the first was sent to the world of SMS (Short message Service - service short messages). The text is simple and straightforward: "Merry Christmas!" The inventor was sure that his brainchild would be used exclusively for mailing service messages, but it turned out differently: in 2015, 20 thousand SMS were sent every second in the world.

Telephone sets at that moment began to decrease in size. Displays, on the other hand, have grown. If in the first "Motorola" there was only one line on the screen, then on the released in 1994 year Nokia There were already three 2110 of them. This device has become to some extent a cult - an alarm clock, calculator, stopwatch and SMS function... When a call was made, that phone played the well-known Nokia Tune, which was installed in a standard package on all devices of the Finnish company.

This phone turned out to be very popular in Russia - and even earned the glory of "mobile for the new Russian".



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From Java to AppStore

Almost all the functions we are used to have appeared in phones at the turn of the century. In 1999, the devices learned to access the Internet using the WAP protocol. At the same time, web developers attended to the creation mobile versions- no pictures. In the same year, a phone appeared that used two SIM cards. True, switching between them had to be done manually. In 2000, cell phones played MP3 tunes, photographed and even picked up GPS satellite signals. In 2002 Siemens released the SL45 model with Java technology... On this phone it was possible to download third party applications... Mostly games, but also melodies.

The design of the phones tended to be miniature - some models were created as ladies' ones. As a result, there were such "babies" as Samsung SGH-A400 or Panasonic GD55 - the size of Matchbox... Moreover, both of these models quietly went online, even if they only had a monochrome screen.

The world's first smartphone is considered to be Nokia 9210, announced in 2002. It was equipped with a rare operating system(OS) Series S80. Subsequently, it, as well as other OSs from Nokia S40 and S60, became part of the common Symbian OS, which was installed on their products not only by the Finns, but also by Motorola, SonyEricsson, Siemens, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Samsung, Sony, Sharp and Sanyo. The presence of the "operating system" made it possible to create a more user-friendly interface and work in multitasking mode.

In January 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world. The smartphone from Apple was not the first device with a touchscreen function (that is, it was possible to operate it by touching the screen with your fingers), and even less the first touchscreen phone. But this model, due to its wild popularity, made smartphones the way we know them now: big screen and a minimum of buttons. The device with the apple on the back has an alternative "operating system" - iOS. In a year, the third player will appear, which now occupies almost 80% of the market - Android OS.

The last revolutionary change was the circuit wireless charging battery. She appeared back in 2009, but gained popularity only in 2015. Another innovation - shops AppStore applications and GooglePlay, which emerged in 2010. You can also add here NFC technology which allows you to pay by touching the terminal with your phone.

All other characteristics of phones have evolved. Let's take the built-in cameras as an example - the first of them had a resolution of 0.3 megapixels, and now you can find devices with 41 megapixels on the market. The latest trend is a double flash. The Internet has also accelerated - if on the first phones with WAP, downloads occurred at a speed of 10 kilobits per second, but now, with LTE technology, it is already measured in gigabits.

The design, in turn, has simplified: after the riot of form factors in the 2000s, now the absolute majority of models are a familiar rectangle with slim body... After miniaturization, phones began to grow again - up to a seven-inch screen diagonal!

Experts interviewed by TASS argue that smartphones are unlikely to change their appearance, but they have every chance to squeeze laptops and cameras out of the market.

Leading analyst of Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin believes: phones will turn into full-fledged laptop computers to which you can connect external monitor, keyboard and mouse. They will have a large volume random access memory(there are already eight-core processors with more than 4 GB of RAM). With the advent of the 5G standard (data transfer at speeds up to 7 Gb / s), people will begin to abandon Wi-Fi.

Murtazin believes that the "dependence" of people on telephones will also increase. Will be a thing of the past bank cards and magnetic passes: they will be installed directly into the phone (there are already such technologies). Perhaps the YotaPhone experiment with two screens will be repeated: "Everything else, for example flexible displays, is exotic, and it is unlikely that they will be massively on the market."

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