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What are the benefits and harms of social networks. The harm and addiction to social networks for dating and communication

Municipal budgetary educational institution


7th grade student

Head: Nikulina Svetlana Sergeevna,

history and social studies teacher
With. Kurlek 2014

Introduction 2

How to Get Rid of Your Internet Addiction 16

Study results 17

Conclusion 25


Twenty first century. Century computer technology and new products. Our future belongs to them. It is difficult to imagine the life of people of any age today without access to the Internet. It is an indisputable blessing of civilization, and in many ways simplifies our life. One of the sides of the Internet is the social network.

Classmates, VKontakte, FaysBuk have so filled the minds of young schoolchildren that even casual acquaintances do not happen now, all meetings are planned via the Internet. Already in early childhood, adolescents become addicted to social networks. Starting from 3 years old, children can independently turn on the computer and play their favorite games, and from school, the first thing they do is register on social networks and look for their new classmates. Teenagers "go for walks" in social networks where they become part of society often without proper control from their parents. By diligently decorating their pages, teenagers demonstrate their inner world. After all, those, in fact, are already their kind of business cards.

And what awaits us in the near future? Are computers really going to be our best friends? Will it replace " virtual reality»Real life?

We already cannot live without the Internet, and we believe that our future belongs to it. But is it? The issue is controversial.

Scientists are still arguing about the dangers and benefits. Therefore, I wanted to find out what are the positive and negative aspects of working on social networks and whether a teenager needs to spend time there.

The urgency of the problem of the influence of social networks on the process of socialization of adolescents is obvious. Increasingly in Lately information began to appear in the media that social networks harm the health of young people and dull the modern generation. And me how active user, I wanted to know: social network - best friend, secret enemy or assistant?

During the study, the following tasks were set:

  1. study the literature on the history of the creation and development of social networks;

  2. characterize the types of social networks;

  3. analyze the statistics of users of the selected social networks, registration possibilities;

  4. conduct research among students of our school about the role of social networks in their lives;

  5. process the received data, build comparison tables, charts;

  6. identify the advantages and disadvantages of social networks;

  7. give advice to students and parents on how to avoid Internet addiction and not get into "virtual reality".
Research hypotheses:

  1. Suppose that social networks lead to an expansion of the circle of communication of adolescents, have a positive effect on their personality development.

  2. Let's assume that social networks have a negative impact on the formation of the personality of a teenager.
In accordance with the tasks set, we used following methods research:

Theoretical - study and analysis of literature and various information sources on this topic.

Practical - questioning and analysis of surveys, mathematical data processing, charting.

Research subject: the advantages and disadvantages of social networks, Information Security online.

The practical significance of the research lies in the ability to perceive virtual world as additional, but not basic.

The term "Social Network" was introduced long before the advent of the Internet and modern internet- networks, back in 1954 by a sociologist from the Manchester School, James Barnes. The first computer social networks were, oddly enough, all the same groups of people who used to create and maintain social connections the means of computer communication, which has become Email... It happened on October 2, 1971 - the day of the first message sent to remote computer, and the first users of the social network were the military on the ARPANet. Next step was the invention of IRC (English Internet Relay Chat) - a service system for real-time communication, created in 1988 by a Finnish student Yarko Oikarinen.

The prerequisites for the emergence of social networks were guest books(web applications consisting of a list of messages, shown from last to first, that each visitor can leave), forums (messages are grouped thematically, each visitor can leave a message on a given topic in response to the previous one) and blogs (each participant keeps a journal, similar personal diary, his posts are sorted in chronological order, and other visitors can leave comments on posts, while the user can create lists of "friends" or restrict access to his journal).

Gradually, on the basis of these forms of communication, social networks began to form, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of clearly established links between the participants.

In 1995, the first close to modern social network appeared, which was created by Randy Konrad, owner of Classmates Online, Inc. This site helped registered visitors to find and maintain relationships with friends, classmates, classmates and other acquaintances. More than 40 million people are currently registered on this network, mainly from the USA and Canada. The Classmates concept turned out to be successful, and since the distant 2005 it has been developing, and not only within this network there have appeared such world giants as MySpace, FaceBook, Bebo and LinkedIn or the runet giants, VKontakte, MoiMir.

Social networks are rapidly gaining popularity all over the world, the audiences of some of them already exceed the population of the largest countries. There are many different social networks on the Internet now, and it is simply unrealistic to talk about all of them. Therefore, I will outline the most popular social networks among teenagers:

The owner of the VKontakte social network is Pavel Durov.
The service has gained wide popularity directly in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The social network has 200 million accounts. The daily audience of VKontakte is about 60 million people 2, mostly schoolchildren and students.

VKontakte users have access to a set of opportunities typical for many social networks: create a profile with information about themselves, produce and distribute content, flexibly manage access settings, interact with other users privately (via private messages) and publicly (using posts on the "wall", as well as through the mechanism of groups and meetings), to track the activity of friends and communities through the news feed.

Ability to upload to the site own records and use files uploaded by other users makes VKontakte one of the largest media archives on the Runet.

2. "Classmates"- a multilingual social network used to find classmates, classmates, former graduates, as well as relatives and close relatives and communicate with them. The project was launched on March 4, 2006 by Russian web developer Albert Popkov.

The creator of the Odnoklassniki website is Albert Popkov.
According to the site's own statistics, as of January 1, 2013, more than 205 million users are registered in Odnoklassniki. The website traffic is more than 40 million visitors per day. 3 Coverage of the audience of Russian Internet users 14 - 55 years old.

In Odnoklassniki you can relax and play games, add your video to your page, add and listen to your favorite music. By analogy with VKontakte, you can send messages to users, leave comments, rate photos, and also join groups. Distinctive feature from the main competitor ("VKontakte") - this is what you can see who came to your page.

3. "Facebook" currently the largest social network in the world. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while studying at Harvard University.

Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg
According to company representatives, in the fourth quarter of 2013 the number of people using the social network "Facebook" every month amounted to 1.2 billion users. The daily audience is about 757 million users. 4

The social network "Facebook" allows users to register by adding their personal photo and description about themselves. Add friends, correspond with messages, add status, make messages on the walls (at home and at friends). It is also possible to add photos, videos, create groups, join them. There is an opportunity to exchange music, photos, videos, games. There is an option to choose the page address itself, and also Skype has been integrated into Facebook.

Social network in our life

Previously, one could often hear from both adults and children: "Will you come to me?" This phrase meant an invitation to go home to communicate, spend time together, eat or drink something, help with household chores. In a word, any joint activity or joint idleness. A few years ago, this phrase received a new meaning - to visit a profile on a social network. The meaning of the invitation is about the same as before - to chat, exchange news and gossip, brag about achievements or complain about life. At the same time, time savings are noticeable: you can communicate without leaving your home at any convenient time days, if the interlocutor is tired, then there is no need to yawn highly artistically and hint that the guests are no longer a joy, you can simply turn off the Internet.

  • registration (i.e. account) the user, when registering, the user indicates some information about himself, by which he can be identified;

  • logging into the system by opening a session (the user specifies a name and confirms his identity by entering a password);

  • setting up the environment (for example, specifying additional data about yourself, your interests).
Social networks, although they work according to a single concept, have different functions and options, which allows you to divide the audience and compete successfully. Few people are registered in more than three global social networks, usually even very sociable users choose one local social network to communicate with compatriots, one international, if there are friends or relatives in other countries.

The surge of interest in social networks has become so strong that many people can no longer imagine life without their virtual counterpart, who lives rich and interesting social life... So that interest in sites does not fall, and, accordingly, so that incomes do not fall, the owners of social networks come up with new entertainment for the residents of their virtual cities, so that they spend as much time as possible on the other side of the screen.

In psychology and pedagogy, adolescence is about 11 to 15 years old. Adolescence is also called the transitional age from childhood to adulthood. The teenager has recently been called English word teenager.

Modern teenagers are significantly different from the teenage generation of past years, when the world existed without gadgets, computers and social networks, which have become the meaning of life for children of our time.

Parents often wonder how they can spend so much time at the computer when the weather is so nice!

Indeed, modern adolescents and social networks have become almost inseparable, this is an Internet addiction that has captured the minds of children and filled their entire inner world. After all, ten years ago in the courtyards one could see noisy teenage companies and hear the sonorous laughter of children. Now children and adolescents are increasingly spending time at their favorite computers, which have replaced them with real friends, entertainment and even parents.

Often the tandem "adolescents and social networks" is detrimental to the child's psyche. By chatting on social networks, the teenager joins different groups, subcultures, meets dubious people. All this can turn badly for the unstable psyche of a teenager.

It should be noted that recently the situation of the influence of the Internet on the younger generation has become aggravated. Of the entire Internet space, social networks have a particular impact on young people. Modern adolescents find all their needs for socialization right here. Some believe that this is beneficial, while others are inclined to distinguish between negative consequences in this phenomenon.

With the development of Internet technologies, the world has changed a lot. Following him, both the way of thinking and the way of life of young people change. Thus, certain advantages of social networks can undoubtedly be highlighted.

  1. Communication made easier before maximum level... In our time, the huge distance between people is no longer an obstacle to their communication. It is enough to have a computer or laptop connected to the Internet and a special software, which makes it possible to communicate, hear and see each other 5.
Teens can say a lot more online than they do on real life, and not feel uncomfortable at the same time: they have there is time to think about your thought and express it most accurately.

  1. Net makes it possible to find friends, acquaintances of classmates, and an insecure teenager to feel in demand. He makes new acquaintances, without fear that it is possible that there will be nothing to talk about with this person in the future. By joining interest groups, not afraid what can to be rejected.

  2. Social networks attract their opportunity for self-expression, to acquaint everyone with their talents, hobbies, achievements. Some post the results of their work - poetry, songs, music, video. This also happens through the design of pages: interests, hobbies, hobbies.

  3. Online you can get positive, cognitive information that is significant for education... For example, "VKontakte" is the largest repository of audio, video and photographic materials on the Runet for many academic subjects that you can listen to, view and download. In addition, a social network is fast transfer or disseminating information about the school, classroom, activities, and student news.
We see that on the one hand, social networks give a teenager everything that he needs at this age: socialization, communication, self-expression, creating his own image, finding interests and forming views, and most importantly - independence!

Negative traits of social media influence

The impact of social media on adolescents can be both positive and negative. Almost always there are more negative factors.

1. In adolescents appears dependence on the virtual world... Evening walks around the city, visiting cultural places, cafes will now easily replace verbal communication on the network. This path leads to autism and complete personality degradation as a component of society.

2. With the abuse of the network among young people on a subconscious level a phobia (fear) of communication with real people ... Teenagers are embarrassed to meet the opposite sex in life, difficulties arise with speech turnover. After all, it is much easier to go to the Internet and write a message to an invisible object. It becomes difficult to make new friends. Communication modern people mutates aside substitution of true feelings and sensations for virtual experiences.

  1. By adding strangers to their friends, teens become potential victims of deception... For Internet scammers, social networks are a gold mine. For example, using a network like VKontakte, you can sell anything to anyone. You cannot find a more grateful audience to absorb advertising information. Appropriate groups are created, invitations and offers are sent, added to friends ...

  2. Social media communication reduces and simplifies literacy rates... During correspondence, the language is simplified, it is allowed grammatical errors, to which people get used to and subsequently cannot avoid in living speech. In addition, linguistic means, which the national language is so rich in, are not used and are forgotten.
Lost time spent on the network, as a result indifference to studies, poor grades, lack of time to read fiction and other enrichment of the inner world.

Visiting the net at night is the reason lack of sleep, mental fatigue of adolescents, which is very dangerous in this age period.

  1. Over time, a teenager may develop a pathological need for constant stay on the site - virtual addiction, from which he can no longer get rid of on his own. Acute craving for using network resources is a kind of illness that can arise due to any personal or psychological problems, due to unfulfilled desires, as well as hidden complexes and difficulties in communication. Indeed, in the virtual world it is much easier to express oneself, to create an ideal image, the awareness of one's own security and anonymity is of particular importance, which is not the case in the real world. Is happening complete replacement real relationships to virtual ones.

  2. Uncontrolled by adults, hanging on the network can influence the formation of moral norms that differ from those accepted in society: propaganda of alcohol and drug use, murder, rape, distribution of pornography etc.

Signs of social media addiction

There is a constant compulsion to review your inbox, even knowing that no one should have written. Or perhaps a person is generally constantly online, even at night without turning off the Internet, so as not to miss something interesting.

People with pronounced signs of addiction spend too much time at the monitor screen, and each time they log into a social network, they promise themselves that they will stay there for only a couple of minutes, and in the end, with horror, they discover that half a day has passed. They are drawn dozens of times a day to browse the pages of their friends, in the hope that at least one of them has updated the information.

The netizen has a keen desire to regularly update the status on his page, discuss his every step with friends, take pictures of himself everywhere and everywhere, and upload new pictures more often.

There is such a case in Belgrade: the user Snezhana Pavlovich ended up in a psychiatric clinic because no one among her friends responded to her post on Facebook. After that, the clinicians called this case "Snezhana's syndrome", explained that the patient's behavior is stress from dissatisfaction with the social need of the individual for modern world.

Playing in various applications is a good alternative to other daily activities, an excuse for why a person is "stuck" in the network for half a day.

Addicted people feel terribly annoyed if for some reason they cannot get on their page on the social network.

How to get rid of your Internet addiction

A lot has been said about social networks as drugs of our time. And that social networks can drive you into depression. In any case, this addiction can pretty much ruin your physical or mental state. This should be resisted.

Even if you found the described signs of addiction in yourself, remembered suspicious interlocutors - do not despair, you always have time to pull yourself together, you just need to be able to say to yourself “Stop!” In time.

First of all, limit your time on the social network, set a time frame for yourself. You better spend free time for the benefit of yourself, for sure, you have accumulated a decent mass of unfinished business, which you put off all the time "for later". It is also better to turn off all social network notifications that arrive in the mail, so you will be less tempted to visit your page at an unscheduled time.

Try to meet with your friends in person more often, call them more on the phone, invite them over, visit some cozy place together where you can have a good time, and you will understand that this is much more interesting than spending your evening in front of the monitor.

Spend your time on fresh air, find yourself an interesting activity that distracts you.

Understand that only what happens to you here and now is real, and not in the virtual world, network resources they will not even notice your disappearance, but you will see how much freer and easier you will become without them. Believe that your invented world will never replace real communication with people for you. And if it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to often communicate with friends, get yourself a pet - and you will be much more pleasant to spend time caring for him.

And remember one thing, you should not sacrifice your real life, because the world around us is much more interesting, learn to use the resources of social networks for the benefit of yourself and only as urgently needed.

Research results

As part of this work, I conducted a survey by means of a questionnaire, the purpose of which was to assess the degree of influence of social networks on adolescents in our school. 53 students of grades 5-11 took part in the survey.

I suggested that teenagers answer the survey as honestly as possible. I processed all the students' answers and reflected on the diagrams. Here are the results of our research:

  1. To the question "Are you registered on social networks?" 48 people answered positively, and only 5 - negatively, which in percentage terms is 91% and 9%, respectively.

  1. What social networks do you use? (many are registered in several at once).
The results indicate that VKontakte has rightfully become a truly youthful social network. If we talk about Odnoklassniki, then their popularity in this group is not very high, because the main target group this network is of older age.

  1. Is your photo on your profile picture?
The answer “Yes” was given by 38 respondents, the answer “No” was 10.

4. In information about yourself, do you indicate truthful information, without exaggerating anything?

The answer “Yes” was given by 40 respondents, the answer “No” was 8.

The avatar of most users is loaded own photo and personal information about yourself is true - this indicates trust and acceptance of the norms and rules of network communication, because if a person's communication on the network is within the boundaries of the norm, he does not hide information about himself and his own photo.

Most of the respondents (40 people) go to social networks every day, 6 respondents said that they visit their pages on social networks 2-3 times a week.

This suggests that there is some kind of addiction. In addition, according to the data on the time spent on social networks in one session, it is clear that most of the adolescents are there for more than 2 hours.

The diagram shows that adolescents use social networks to a greater extent as a means of communication.

7. Whom do you invite as friends?

According to the received responses to this question it can be seen that the teenagers of our school prefer to invite them as friends and accept invitations from real friends and acquaintances. This is what 36 respondents do. The results obtained indicate stable social ties and communication preferences of the survey participants.

8. How many people does your “friends” list have?

The number of friends on a social network is obviously indicative of the level of social cohesion. The data indicate the following - the majority of users have a number of over 200 friends, which indicates some mirror reflection the amount of the average indicator of connections in society and in the network.

9. Do you agree that frequent use of social networks can make a teenager withdrawn and complexes?

Slightly more than half of the respondents (29 people) disagree with this statement. It follows that these adolescents use social networks within acceptable limits and volumes, without fanaticism.

11. Are you ready to give up using social networks under the threat of deterioration in health (blurred vision, jet lag, scoliosis) or decline in educational performance?

According to the survey results, it is clear that 14 people are ready to refuse, 25 are partially ready, and 9 people are not ready. Hence, we can conclude that those adolescents who, even under the threat of deteriorating health, cannot refuse to use social networks, have become addicted to the virtual world.

As a result of the survey, I received all necessary information, on which it became possible to conduct research.

When analyzing the research results, the dual nature of the peculiarities of the use of social networks by young people is clearly visible. On the one hand, ever-increasing needs active audience The Internet - young people - in the development and use of social networks as communication platforms, in meeting their psychological needs. On the other hand, with the creation of your own virtual microcosm, reality is lost, complete dependence on the Internet appears.

Alternatives to social media

As we were able to point out, negative impact social networks on the process of socialization of students is much more than positive. More precisely, it is much more dangerous and harmful. But, in my opinion, this is not a reason to stop using them once and for all. It is enough just to minimize all hazardous factors.

1. It is important that a teenager has a constant alternative to social networks: first of all, friendly communication with parents, secondly - sports, handicrafts, physical labor, reading literature, circles. Ideally, a minor should not access the Internet without adults seeing what is happening on the monitor. Adults should educate adolescents about the dangers of the web and how to avoid them 6.

2. It is necessary to cover the ethical side of the use of networks: which photos and videos can be posted, and which cannot.

3. Adolescents need to train willpower, firmness of character, introducing restrictions on their time on the net.

6. It is necessary to search for alternative ways of spending time. For example, playing sports, drawing, embroidering, reading books. And, of course, you need to pay more attention to your real life: problems at school, family, friends, and also to increase the time spent in the company of real, not virtual friends 7.


At the beginning of my research, I suggested that social networks lead to an expansion of the circle of communication of adolescents, have a positive effect on their personality development. As a result of the surveys and information processing, we can say that my assumption was correct, because most of the interviewed adolescents add only friends and acquaintances to their friends directly, and also use social networks as communication with their real friends. Undoubted advantages from the use of social networks - this is communication over long distances, and the possibility of full-fledged communication for closed, insecure adolescents, and self-expression, the integration of adolescents by interests and views, quick way exchange of information. The main thing, in my opinion, is that adults need to find mutual language with the younger generation and talk about possible consequences excessive passion for social networks or their analogues.

It is impossible to say that social networks have only a negative impact on the formation of a teenager's personality. But negative factors should be taken into account, such as phobias (fears) of communicating with real people, a decrease in literacy, as well as pathological dependence on the Internet, which negatively affects study, mental health, mental fatigue and quality of life in general. Some of our students add strangers to their friends, which makes them potential victims of Internet scams.


In our work, we conducted a sociological study on the topic "The influence of social networks on the personality of a teenager." The survey and questioning were conducted among students of grades 5-11 MBOU Kurlek secondary school.

This age was not chosen by chance. In the first chapter, we established that adolescence (11 to 15 years old) is the most difficult, but at the same time important stage in the socialization of the individual. The leading activity of a teenager is communicative activity. The teenager is looking for himself, his interests, views, values, his image. As it was established by us, it turned out that he finds all these tasks of the adolescent image in social networks.

As a result of the analysis of the study, it was revealed that positive influence, and negative, on the formation of the personality of a teenager.

The development of the Internet has brought a lot of new and useful things into our lives. We have the opportunity to instantly recognize the information we are interested in and to communicate continuously on social networks. However, many of us would agree that everything is good in moderation. Together with all the advantages, we received a lot of information noise, and the harm of social networks for teenagers today is quite obvious. In order for your child not to dissolve on the Internet, treat this problem with special attention.

The danger of social media

We have always suspected that the constant wandering in social networks affects children not very favorably. However, in the modern world, there are several main dangers that can harm your child with uncontrolled access to the Internet:

  1. Rapid addiction and addiction formation ... Social networks are designed in such a way that they contain a lot of diverse information, here you can chat with friends, show off new photos, read news, learn about new knitting techniques, and so on. This leads to the fact that a teenager who has got into social networks cannot get out of there for a long time and always strives to return there for new information;
  2. Easily accessible emotions obtained by positive ratings the sender's posts also form a dependency;
  3. Information in social networks is presented in a somewhat specific way, through small notes, photos, videos. This leads to the fact that the brain ceases to perceive more expanded text and analyze what you read;
  4. The easy accessibility of social networks on the phone is the reason for the constant desire to learn more and more. not evaluating the quality information received. The brain constantly requires food for new thoughts and it turns out that even getting on the subway without Internet access becomes extremely difficult;
  5. Monotonous scrolling through posts leads to rapid tiredness and fatigue , and sometimes even stress;
  6. Substitution of full-fledged communication leads to dulling of real feelings of joy, fear, compassion. As a result, it develops alienation ;
  7. Lack of ability to reflect and reasoning on various topics, coming to logical conclusions, making decisions leads to degradation and a clear decrease in intelligence.

Thus, if you do not focus on the frequency of social media use, it will lead to visible changes in behavior and a deterioration in the quality of real life.

Why is this happening?

All the negative factors of the Internet so easily affect the psyche of the child, primarily because he does not see the danger.

  • Communicate with different people;
  • Make acquaintances with peers from other countries;
  • Learn something new;
  • Safely share your achievements and skills;
  • Receive instant responses;
  • Be aware of the life events of other people, including famous personalities;
  • Express your thoughts freely.

Behind these completely harmless notions are the adolescent's extremely dangerous aspirations:

  1. Hide your real appearance;
  2. Do not take full responsibility for your words and actions;
  3. Be like others, not always good people;
  4. Induce self-envy;
  5. Block unwanted people.

All these aspirations in everyday life cannot be realized, and social networks are even a very convenient platform for this.

Internet fraud

It is much easier for the younger generation to get on the Internet of fraudsters. An adult can distinguish truthful information from forgery, take care of preventing the penetration of viruses, and adolescents, when using social networks, do not even think about their safety.

At any time, a child may face deception:

  1. Randomly list cash from your phone or a card tied to your gadget in order to learn something;
  2. Download viral applications or files and infect your computer;
  3. Take advantage of paid services to promote your page, listen to music;
  4. Get on the pages of extremist and propaganda groups;
  5. Become a distributor of prohibited information.

All this comes from the lack of vigilance and excessive gullibility of adolescents. And it can lead not only to financial losses, but also to a more tragic ending.

Dangerous groups in networks

One can argue for a long time about who and why it is necessary to treat young people in such a cruel way, however, as a result, it became clear that adolescents do not know how and cannot resist their influence. There are several types of death groups:

  • Communities that promote suicide. (For example, "Blue Whale"). Often they can be distinguished by the presence of various strange signs in pictures or posts, black and gray colors in the page design, constant posts about death, suicide, losses, lack of meaning in life;
  • Extremist recruitment groups. The teenager falls under the influence of the imposed ideology and is ready to commit any act on the orders of the motivator.

Of course, network moderators, together with specially trained people, try to identify such pages and fight them, delete them. But, unfortunately, this is a difficult and long process, so young people should be aware of this danger and beware of it.

How to protect yourself from negative influences?

Of course, parents are obliged to intervene when alarming signs in behavior appear. But teenagers themselves also need to know how to move away from the influence of social networks and return to real life:

  1. Set yourself a time to be online;
  2. Control your desire to regularly view updates;
  3. Ponder the essence of what you read in social networks;
  4. Be alert to pop-ups and suspicious pages;
  5. Find yourself something to do that will be just as interesting and will help you distract yourself in moments of idleness and boredom;
  6. Meet real people. This is much more interesting;

For parents in this case, there are helpers:

  • The ability to control the applications used on the computer;
  • Blocking unnecessary sites;
  • Installing an antivirus program.

Thus, the harm of social networks for teenagers is quite great. A special problem is that, first of all, it is necessary to understand what prompted the child to spend much more time there than in reality. None of the technical limitations will help without normal family relationships and confidential conversations with parents.

Video: 6 reasons why it is better to delete your account from all social networks

In this video, Denis Voloshin will tell you a few interesting things, after which you will want to delete your account forever:

VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki - all of them, sparing no expense, are fighting for our attention.

Let's find out dark side what is happening: what is the harm of social networks?

In this article, we will carefully analyze why social networks are harmful. And, of course, we will learn to minimize, or even get rid of this harm altogether. But first, let's highlight the benefit, because it is undoubtedly also present.

So, the benefits of social networks are as follows:

1) Always in touch with many people (including those who are far away).
2) Always up to date with the latest events and.
3) Entertainment: music, films, pictures, articles.
4) Educational information: documentaries, lectures, books, articles.
5) A means of promoting creativity and business.

Perhaps there are more advantages, but these are the main ones. Now let's move on to the cons of social networks. Let's make a reservation right away that the harm of the social network, as a rule, is caused by unreasonable, excessive use. Although everyone determines the boundaries of reasonable use for himself, so everything is relative. Okay, let's get started!

1⃣ Social media is eating up time. Time is the most valuable resource. And we often spend it on all sorts of nonsense. Of course, you also need to rest and have fun. But if we stick to social networks to the detriment of something important and useful, then the harm is obvious.

What to do? Limit the time we spend on social media. Although the restrictions are often not the most the best solution... After all, it is not always iron. It is much more effective to replace any cats on YouTube or the pseudo-humor of MDK with something really useful. After all, there is something that you like and at the same time makes you better? SIZO guarantees: every person has it, you just need to find it in yourself. Develop, improve, get out of your comfort zone and try new things - and you will definitely find something, after which you will feel sorry for wasting your time aimlessly. It is optimal to find it or just a hobby, then you yourself will understand and feel everything. Even if you remain a regular user of social networks, you will spend time usefully, that is, receive from the networks mainly the information that is USEFUL for you, your business and your life. Good luck!

2⃣ Social networks teach to consume. The result is the ideal consumer - the dream of all marketers and sales managers. The point is that social media can be used in many different ways. that is, to create something new. Or you can be an ordinary consumer of information. Of course, in this life we ​​are all to some extent consumers. But if a person only does what he likes, repost, comments (and does this in huge scale), then he thereby kills the spark of the creator in himself. For behavior on social media shapes behavior in reality.

What to do? First, it should be reduced or completely abandoned, which does not carry obvious benefits. Secondly, it is desirable to change the consumption / creation ratio in favor of the latter. After all social network- it powerful tool to create and promote your creation. There are thousands of opportunities, and you can successfully do something on social networks for your benefit.

3⃣ Social media is addictive. And you yourself will not notice how it happens. It's just that suddenly you are left without the Internet or VK will once again start up - and then you will feel an irresistible craving for your favorite social network. Although you may not feel it - if you are still not involved enough. In any case, sooner or later, the use of social networks becomes a habit, and the inability to implement a habitual action causes discomfort. Yes, social networks give freedom - the freedom to communicate, receive and exchange information - but at the same time they take this freedom away. By the way, the problem of youth dependence on social networks is especially acute.

What to do? First, you can. Secondly, you don’t need to make social networks the center of your life, you don’t need to give them of great importance... And if you are suddenly left without your usual social network, then maybe it's time to do other things?

4⃣ Social media makes you unhappy. There have been many studies, the result of which is the same: people feel the more unhappy the more they use social networks. Why? Because the so-called friends on the net are posting their the best photos, video, statuses. I emphasize that only the best is posted! And when a person sees how fun and interesting his "friends" live, sooner or later he begins to think that his life is boring and dull. Conversely, people who spend more time interacting with friends in real life are less likely to experience such negative feelings.

What to do? If you comprehend this skill, then your life will be much happier. Comparing yourself to someone is pointless, you are unique and inimitable. And you have your own way. If you still can't compare yourself with others, then realize the fact that only the best is posted on social networks. The best thing is just a pretty wrapper, and the inside can be lurking problems and the like. But they are not flaunted! So it seems that outwardly everything is fine, but you just have to dig ... The way out is not to bother and not to envy, it makes no sense.

5⃣ Social networks deny communication. It is much easier to communicate online than in real life. Many of us are already afraid to get out of this cozy cocoon. Gradually we turn into domestic social phobes and sociopaths, depriving ourselves of the joy of real live communication. What are the other disadvantages of communicating on social networks? Yes, for every taste and color! For example, you wrote something important, but your interlocutor did not answer due to busyness. Everything is a nightmare - you are ignored! Or maybe someone didn't like you? This is a tragedy, how to live further ?! Probably, each of us experienced something similar.

What to do? Communicate more in real life and do not try to replace live communication virtual. Communication in social networks on this moment not able to replace a real meeting or spending time together. But social media can easily add negativity. To avoid this, you just need not to sweat over trifles, to understand all the illusory nature of virtual communication.


Like everything around, social networks have a dual nature. There is good and bad. So use the good and try to leave the bad behind. This is a sensible approach.

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The Internet provides people with a lot of space for recreation, communication, work and exchange. different information... When he appeared, the world moved on new level interactions. It became possible to conduct communication between users in a new format.

Social media was invented to allow informal communication. Of course, they are also convenient for solving professional issues. However, the main thing for such sites is the establishment of friendships and new acquaintances.

You can view files, photos and videos from other users, exchange messages or leave comments. Performing such actions helps a person to relax, to enjoy communication. Functionality these resources are very large.

You can expand your circle of acquaintances, find colleagues, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, friends.

You can save on cellular, since a call to another city is very expensive.

Through virtual communication, the interlocutor can find out the opinion strangers About Me. However, do not assume that everything you write will be true, and the interlocutor will be honest and frank with you. You shouldn't talk about yourself personal secrets because they can be published and made public.

You can have fun playing interesting games: cards, chess, checkers and many others. The games will display your failures and successes.


Dangerous Free access to information posted on a social network. Some people publish phone numbers and other personal data on their personal pages. But they are often used against them. To avoid unnecessary problems, you need to be very careful about posting any information on social networks.

The harm of social networks is especially strong with too long communication and being online. This can lead to various psychophysiological problems: disorders in social and personal development, depression, stress, neuroses, distortions of the adequacy of the perception of reality.

Virtual communication can easily supplant the real and become dominant. This problem is especially relevant among adolescents and children. In the world of social media, everything is very simple. You just need to type messages, send them and receive replies. There are no movements, eye contact, facial expressions and no real emotions. Long-term virtual communication is addictive, and people lose the habit of live communication.

Communicating virtually, a person gradually loses the ability to harmoniously interact in the real world with other people. After all, live communication requires the ability to listen, understand, establish friendly relations, maintain a conversation, please the interlocutor, control emotions, and clearly express one's thoughts through oral speech. However, the further a person goes into the virtual world, the more his abilities for normal live communication atrophy.

Social media is especially harmful for teenagers and children, because they find in them a large number of unnecessary and dangerous information for them. This can lead to setting the wrong goals and priorities. Some people turn visiting their personal page into a daily rite. And a person can look at the personal page hoping to see the slightest change there. Other people tend to add more friends. These are pointless pursuits. But some users repeat them every day.


Social media can be harmful, but it can also be useful if used correctly. There is nothing wrong with establishing new friendships, finding old friends, comfortable listening music and watching movies. Social media has many useful features that can make life easier for people. It is only important to pay more attention to other activities, play sports, read books and find interesting hobby... Then social media won't harm you.

Until recently, this entertainment was a wonder, but now almost all young people, their parents and even grandmothers, have their own pages in one or another social network. But how useful are such contacts, what do they bring more: benefit or harm?

The benefits of social media

Of course, social networks allow you to receive a large amount of money in a fairly quick time the information you need... They provide the ability to communicate remotely with huge amount people living in different corners planets, help to get acquainted, find friends, fall in love, discuss news and events.

Social networks help find lost friends and classmates. Thanks to popular sites, people resume communication, and subsequently keep in touch with each other, find out the news, and congratulate them on the holidays.

Networks are also helpful in finding a job by letting you know useful information about the employer and the organization itself. In addition, a large number of hobby clubs have been created there, which help to spend their leisure time with benefit and not waste time on useless watching TV or computer toys.

The evil of social media

Virtual communication replaces real interaction with people, a person has the illusion of a huge circle of acquaintances. However, this communication is not lively, fragmented, devoid of emotions in their usual sense.

Social media is killing time modern man, because you can communicate in them endlessly, however, to the detriment of your personal life and even mental health. They are able to immerse a person completely in an unreal world, displacing the desire to live ordinary life not connected with a computer: go in for sports, read books, go out into nature with friends.

In addition, there are many scammers on the Internet, hiding behind masks of respectable people, sectarians recruiting followers, perverts with abnormal fantasies, seducing children.

Thus, care must be taken to avoid falling into the evil webs of the internet.

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