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Resolving Error 651: NIC Conflict

In this article, I would like to clarify one incomprehensible situation, which is associated with the appearance of error 651 when starting a high-speed connection through a router. I will explain why this error occurs and what needs to be done to get rid of it.

To be honest, if you understand how a router works, you are unlikely to encounter this error. But, as it turns out, such a problem arises. Here, recently in the comments I was asked for help. The problem was that the person installed and sort of configured the router, but after that, when he tried to start the connection on the computer, he got error 651. And that's it, he could not connect to the Internet.

I tried to explain as simply as possible why this happens, but they did not understand me, or did not want to understand. In the end, it turned out that I don’t know anything, and I’m just trying to be clever :). It's been a fun correspondence. If you are interested, you can see the first commentary by clicking on the link. Comment from the author Roman (read our correspondence).

After such a case, I decided to write this article, and also tell here why error 651 appears after installing the router.

In this article, we will consider the case when “Error 651” appears only when connected to the Internet through a router.

Simply, this error can also occur when the cable is directly connected to the computer. Then, the problem is most often in the operating system (I advise you to delete and re-create a high-speed connection), or on the side of the provider.

Everything is much easier than it seems. The main thing here is to understand how the router works. I will now write approximate actions, as a result of which the error that we are talking about today is obtained.

Why does error 651 occur when connecting through a router?

Look here. We have a provider that provides Internet using PPPoE technology. This means that you have created and configured a high-speed connection on your computer, which you launch to connect to the Internet.

We installed a router, maybe even set it up. We start the Internet connection on the computer and see:

Error 651: The modem or other communication device reported an error.

It looks like this:

Devices will connect via Wi-Fi, but most likely there will be no access to the Internet.

That's actually the whole problem.

How to solve this problem?

After installing and configuring the router, high-speed connection on the computer can be removed we don't need it! This is the main thing to understand in solving this problem.

By default, the router operates in mode router(logical :)), which means that he will call the provider and establish a connection to the Internet. And just distribute the Internet to your computers, laptops, phones, etc. But you don’t need to create and launch a connection on a computer. Simple enough, or via Wi-Fi and everything will work. No connections there. The router will establish a connection.

You can, of course, use the Bridge. At which you connect the Internet to the router, and the computer to the router. In this case, the PPPoE connection must be configured and started on the computer. But this makes no sense, the Internet will simply pass through the router and nothing more. It's better to just plug the cable directly into the computer.

On the tab WAN by selecting connection type PPPoE all required parameters must be set. You can get them from the provider, or look at the contract that you were given when connecting to the Internet. updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Error: 651: The modem or other communication device reported an error.

Description of error 651:

Error 651 occurs on Windows 7 and 8 operating systems when trying to connect to the Internet using the PPPoE protocol. Error 651 is similar to errors 678 in Windows XP and 815 in Windows Vista.

Reasons for error 651:

  1. Failure of the service responsible for the "High-speed connection" (RASPPPOE failure). It is eliminated by recreating the "High-speed connection".
  2. Connection blocked by a firewall, firewall or antivirus.
  3. Failure or incorrect configuration of the router, ADSL modem.
  4. If the ADSL modem: is configured as PPPoE and not BRIDGE.
  5. If the ADSL modem: VPI and VCI parameters are incorrect.
  6. Faulty Ethernet cable between the modem (router) and the computer's network adapter.
  7. Damaged telephone pair.
  8. Problems on the side of the provider.

Solution 1: Recreate the connection

Sometimes the problem that causes error 651 lies in the failure of the service responsible for high-speed connection (RASPPPOE).

It's easy to treat. It is necessary to delete the previously created high-speed connection (in our case it is called Rostelecom), and create it again. To do this, you will need documents from your provider containing a username and password to access the Internet.

Let's get started.

open Network and Sharing Center. In the left menu, find and follow the link called Change adapter settings.

In the window that opens, find your network connection and delete it.

After you have deleted the network connection, go back to Network and Sharing Center.

Click on "Set up a new connection or network". In the window that opens, select the item Connect to the Internet and click the "Next" button.

Perhaps the system will offer you a choice, depending on which network interfaces are present in the system. But we are interested in "High-speed connection (PPPoE)".

Immediately after selecting it, a prompt will open to enter:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Connection name

Fill them out in accordance with the agreement of your provider.

Solution 2: Disable Firewall and Firewall

There is a good chance that your connection may be blocked by the firewall of an antivirus program, or by the built-in Windows firewall.

Let's look at disabling both defenders using Kaspersky Internet Security and Windows 7 Firewall as an example.

Open the Kaspersky window, in the lower left corner, you can see a gear that will take you to the settings.

Depending on the version of Kaspersky, the interface may have some differences. But the principle is the same.
Also, if you have a different antivirus, the principle is the same. You just need to find similar settings for yours.

Now let's disable the built-in Windows Firewall.

Click the button Start and in the search field write: Firewall. Before you finish typing, you will see the result of your actions.

Now, we got a window, as in the screenshot below. Here we have two simple options.

  1. Just turn off the firewall
  2. Reset its settings to default if disabling doesn't help.

Let's try to turn it off.

Now that the antivirus firewall and the built-in Windows Firewall are disabled, try connecting again.

If this helps, you will have to fine-tune both programs. Because you can't leave. If you're not sure you can do it yourself, ask a more experienced friend to help you.

Greetings to all readers of my blog. Today I want to tell you what you constantly appear. I will say right away that this can be a problem both on the part of the provider and on your part.

By the way, have you already started commenting on my articles? Not? Then I advise you to hurry, because those 3 people who get the most comments will receive cash prizes. You can see more details here. So you can start right from this article.

The first thing I advise is to call your ISP and find out if the problem is on their side. If they answer you that everything is fine with them, then we will solve the problem on our own. Most often this happens due to the fault of the hardware, or due to old drivers for the network card that have flown down. So many times I came across that due to error 651 when connecting to the Internet, the computer just hung.

Error 651 when connecting to the internet

Let's first look at the cases that most helped me right away, and these are:

  • Just restart your computer and the problem may disappear by itself.
  • Try deleting your internet connection and then re-entering all settings.
  • I also advise you to reinstall the drivers on the network card.
  • If you have a WiFi router or ADSL modem, then I advise you to check their performance. How to strengthen the signal of a WiFi router, read here.
  • Reverting to a previous system restore point also helps.
  • If all of the options did not help you and still happens error 651 when connecting to internet then let's look at another option option. You can fix it by digging a little in the registry. You can see how to clean the registry here. To enter our registry, click:

    start>run> and enter the regedit command and then move along the registry branches


    As soon as you get to the Parameters section, create a DWORD parameter in it and specify the name EnableRSS, do not forget to specify the value 0 (zero). Made? OK! We go further through the registry and create the DisableTaskOffload parameter in it with the value (1), if you already have it, then simply change the value to (1). After completing all the operations, I advise you to restart your computer.

    Now you know what this is error 651 when connecting to internet. If you didn’t manage to solve the problem on your own, then ask in the comments, I’m always happy to answer and help.

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    Any user, faced with a system error, and even more so when the connection failed with error 651, is perplexed and confused, not understanding the procedure in such situations.

    When the message “the modem or other communication device reported an error” appears on the screen, negligent operators and computer equipment manufacturers are remembered.

    In fact, most errors can be fixed on their own and are not critical. To fix an Internet connection failure with error 651, you need to perform a few simple operations with a preliminary clarification of the cause.

    You should be aware that error 651 is in no way dependent on the provider, any client of Rostelecom,, MTS, Intersvyaz and other providers may encounter a similar situation.

    Why does the operating system report that the connection failed with error 651

    Error message 651 appears if the modem (wi-fi adapter) does not work correctly, the connection to the provider's server is broken.

    The most common reasons are:

    • Violation of the physical connection (damage to the cable, broken connector, failed network card, modem).
    • The operating system has incorrect settings for the network connection (perhaps due to a system failure or user error).
    • Carrying out preventive maintenance on the lines of the provider.

    But the key, and most common, reason is incorrect user operations with system settings. This means that the elimination is subject to the user himself.

    Procedure for identifying the cause

    First you need to carry out a small diagnostic, which already at this stage can eliminate the occurrence of an error:

    Restart your computer or laptop.

    Unplug your router or modem for 15 minutes. After a pause, turn on the device again by checking the connectors. It is required to wait until the device boots up and enters the normal mode of operation.

    Inspect the cable connecting the router/modem to the computer for damage. Pull the plug out of the network card connector and insert it back until it locks into place.

    If there are 2-3 network cards with Ethernet connectors, it makes sense to check the operation of each by rearranging the plug and observing changes in the network status on the indicator located on the screen near the clock.

    Check the connection with the router via Wi-Fi channel using a tablet, smartphone.

    In the Windows Device Manager, find the network card, remove the device, and update the system configuration. If the network card is detected again, install the latest version of the drivers by downloading them from the manufacturer's official website.

    Modem reports error 651 with whole cable

    If you managed to connect to the Internet from other devices and go, for example, to a page, you can already congratulate: the router or modem is working stably, and there are no restrictions from the operator.

    To fix a system error:

    • When connecting via ADSL

    If the LED signals on the DSL device are stable, you need to look at the modem settings:

    • VPI/VCI parameters (to do this, contact the call center of the operator).
    • Bridge connection type.

    Attention: error 651 may occur due to the fact that the cable connection between the router and the modem is made, followed by the creation of a Wi-Fi network - you need to delete the connection. When transmitting information, these devices often use different protocols and can lead to conflict.

    • At pppoe connection

    If Win7 is installed:

    - create a new connection. In the Control Panel, find the "Network and Internet" section and select "Network Connections". Next, hold the sequence of clicks "Create a new connection or network" - "Internet connection" - "PPPoE". A form will open for entering account information, usually they need to be found in the agreement with the Internet provider. When entering, you should pay attention to the layout and the language used, because. the main reason for failures is the presence of erroneous characters in the login and password.

    Update the raspppoe.sys file, which is responsible for managing connections over this protocol. The file has the following location path "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers". Open the folder, find the file, give it a different name. It is not recommended to delete, by the reverse procedure of renaming, you can return the previous settings. In the selected folder, copy the file of the same name, which can also be found on another computer (provided there is no error 651 on it either). Restart your operating system and try connecting again.

    Only in this case, if it was not possible to resolve the connection failure with error 651 on your own, you should contact the technical support of the Internet provider and make a request for a check or call a specialist.

    Connection Failed with Error 651: Fix in Windows 7,8,10

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