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Installing the firebird database server. Instructions for installing the Firebird database server

Let's take a detailed step-by-step guide to installing a Firebird server running on a Microsoft Windows platform.

Shgg 1

Download Firebird from the server's official page or from , server version 2.1 or higher is required. Then run the exe file. A window will appear where you will need to select the installation language.


After you have chosen the language, the Firebird installation wizard appears, which will help you install the server:

Step 3

Here we are provided with a license agreement.

To proceed to the next step, you must accept the terms of the agreement. Selecting " I accept the terms of the agreement" and clicking "Next", we will see a window with additional information about installing the program:

Step 4

Now we must select the folder where we want to install the server. By default, we are offered the connection path shown in the figure, but it can be changed to any other.

Step 5

At this step, you need to select the database server configuration:

To install Firebird on a computer server (where the database itself will be hosted), specify "Full installation of the server and development tools":

In addition, at this step, you must select the Firebird server configuration: Classic Server or SuperServer. In order not to go into the description of the differences between Classic Server and SuperServer, we suggest you choose the type of Firebird server according to the following criteria:

If you are installing on a server machine or a multiprocessor station with a relatively large number of connections (more than 30), then choose Firebird Classic-S3rver.

If the number of connections is small or the workstation is not powerful enough - install SuperServer

If we talk about the implementation details of Classic Server and SuperServer, then Classic Server starts a separate server process for each connected client, and SuperServer processes all clients in one process.

Step 6 d Create a folder in the menu Start

Step 7

At this stage of the installation, you must select additional options for the server:

o Uncheck " Use Guardian to manage the server".

o Select " Run as a Service".

Why do you need a Firebird Guardian?

Firebird Guardian is an application that monitors the presence of the Firebird process. If the server has been stopped, it will automatically start it. To start as a service, it makes no sense to use this function, since Windows itself restarts services that were terminated after an error.

If you are installing a Firebird server on Windows Vista, then tick "Install Panavi Control Applet" needs to be removed.

Sha 8

We have selected additional tasks for the server, after that everything is ready for installation - click Install:

After the process is completed, a window appears with information that is recommended to read:

Step 9 — Launching Firebird

At the end of the installation, you will be prompted to start the Firebird SQL Server service. Click "Finish". So, we have installed the server on our computer. To manage Firebird (stop/start services) you must open Control panel and double click to open "Firebird 2.1 Server Manager" :


Important! If you previously installed the InterBase database server, then it must be removed (uninstalled), otherwise the normal operation of the Firebird database server will be difficult. You can do this using the Add/Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel (as a rule, it is located in the My Computer folder). If you have Windows XP SP2 or earlier installed, we strongly recommend upgrading to Service Pack 3 (SP3).

1) Download the Firebird server distribution kit from the following site, as well as all the necessary instructions: http://*****/category/programs_for_mlm.

2) If you are installing on the Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system, then click on the distribution kit "Firebird_25.exe" (the name of the file with the distribution kit may differ depending on the version) with the right mouse button and select the item "Run as administrator" in the drop-down menu ”, then confirm running as administrator if prompted by User Account Control. On Windows XP, Windows 2000 and earlier versions of Windows, simply double-click the distribution file "Firebird_25.exe".

Important! The Firebird database server in Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating systems must be installed as an administrator!

3) In the window that appears, select the language that will be used during the installation process (the default is "Russian") and click on the "OK" button:" width="503" height="385 src=">

5) Set a dot opposite the inscription "I accept the terms of the agreement":" width="503" height="385 src=">" width="504" height="385 src=">" width="504" height="385 src=">

11) Uncheck next to "Use Guardian to manage the server". Check the boxes opposite "Run as an Application" if you are installing the program on Windows XP, Windows 2000 or earlier versions of Windows, or opposite "Run as a Service" if you are installing the program on Windows Vista or Windows 7. Check the boxes opposite "Automatically start Firebird on every boot", "Copy Firebird client library to directory ' and 'Create GDS32.DLL to support legacy applications'. Check the boxes Opposite "Install Control Panel Applet" if you are installing the program on Windows XP, Windows 2000 or lower versions of Windows. In operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7, this checkbox does not need to be set!" width="504" height="385 src=">

13) Wait while the installer installs the Firebird server on your computer:" width="504" height="385 src=">

15) Click on the "Finish" button:" width="589 height=442" height="442">

The following window should appear on the screen:

Rice. one Rice. 2

If you see an image on the screen as Rice. one(top, next to the logo, the inscription "The Firebird service is running"), then the Firebird database server is running. If you see an image on the screen like Rice. 2(the logo is crossed out with a red cross, and next to it is the inscription “The Firebird service is not running”), then the Firebird database server is stopped and needs to be started, to do this, click on the “Start” button in the upper left corner of the window.

Check that in the "Start" field, the dot is next to the inscription "Automatically". If it is next to the inscription "Manually", then click on the inscription "Automatically" and click on the "Apply" button - this way the server will start automatically when the computer boots.

You can manage the Firebird database server (start, stop, etc.) in Windows Vista or Windows 7 only through the service management. To do this, click on the "Start" button (the button on the task manager or the keyboard key with the MicroSoft logo image):

Then right-click on the "Computer" item, select "Manage" from the drop-down menu.

The following window will open:

Double click Services and Applications, then Services.

Find the "Firebird Server" service in the list of services:

If the status of the service is “Running”, then the Firebird database server is running, but if there is no status in the “Status” cell (it is empty), then it must be started. To do this, right-click on the name of the service "Firebird Server", in the drop-down menu, select "Start".

Running Firebird on Linux/UNIX


The default installation directory is /opt/firebird. The /bin directory contains the binary Firebird server fbserver (ibserver for Firebird 1.0.x), which runs as a daemon process on Linux/UNIX. It is started automatically after installation via RPM or a script, and each time the server is rebooted by running the firebird daemon script located in /etc/rc.d/init.d (or /etc/init.d in SuSE) which invokes the Firebird command line utility Manager - fbmgr.bin. Firebird Manager can be used from the command line to start and stop the process manually.

Server start

If you started Firebird manually for some reason, connect to it as root or firebird. Remember which account you used when you started fbserver, because all objects created will be owned by the user with that account. If another user later starts the process using a different user account, these objects will not be available to him.

Run the following command from the command line to start the process:

./fbmgr.bin -start -forever

./ibmgr -start -forever

The -forever switch means that the Guardian will manage the launch. When using the Guardian, the server process will be restarted if it crashes for any reason.

To start the server without using the Guardian, type:

./fbmgr.bin -start -once

For versions of Firebird prior to 1.5, run:

./ibmgr -start -once

The -once switch means that if the server crashes, it can only be restarted manually.

Server stop

For security reasons, make sure that all connections to the database are disconnected, if possible, before you stop the server.

The -shut switch cancels all current transactions and stops the server immediately.

You do not need to be logged in as root to stop the Firebird fbmgr server, but you must have SYSDBA user authority. Run the following command.

./fbmgr.bin -shut -password<пароль SYSDBA>

Use the command for versions prior to 1.5:

./ibmgr.bin -shut -password<пароль SYSDBA>

Managed shutdown

On this platform, Firebird does not have a utility to count the number of user connections to the database for the Superserver. If you need to give clients a window of time to shut down and gracefully shut down, shut down individual databases using the gfix tool with the -shut switch and one of the available shutdown control arguments. (See "Shutting the Database" in Chapter 39.)

Other fbmgr commands


From the command line:

./fbmgr.bin -command [-mode [option] ...]

Alternatively, you can start an interactive fbmgr or ibmgr session from the command line (for example, by entering prompted mode). Dial:

./fbmgr<нажмите Return/Enter>

to go to the next prompt:

In prompted mode, the command syntax is:

FBMGR> command [-mode [option] ...]

For example, you can start the server in one of the following ways. From the command line:

./fbmgr -start -password password In prompted mode:

FBMGR> start -password password

fbmgr switches

In table. Figure 4.1 lists the fbmgr and ibmgr switches available from the command line and from prompted mode.

Table 4.1. fbmgr/ibmgr switches



Other switches


User, -password

Starts fbserver if it hasn't already been started.

User, -password

Stops fbserver

Shows host and user


SYSDBA; used with the -start and -stop switches if the system user is not root or equivalent

SYSDBA password

Used with the -start and -stop switches if the system user is not root or equivalent

Displays a short fbmgr help text

Used to exit prompt mode

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Please note that the utility mentioned in some manuals instreg, which is used to register (and unregister) a Firebird installation in the Windows registry, should absolutely not be used if several instances of Firebird 2.5 are used on the same server. Otherwise, the correct collaboration of several Firebird instances on the same server may be broken. If, for some reason, the instreg utility was used in the system before, or the “default” instance of Firebird was simply installed using the standard installer ( exe-file), during which instreg is called, then before starting several services with different instances of Firebird, you must first remove the information about the installation of Firebird using the command instreg remove.

In our example, the Firebird services are configured on a clean system and without using an installer, so the preliminary execution of the command instreg remove we won't need it.

So, let's start registering the services of Firebird instances.

Open a command prompt with Administrator rights, go to the directory with the executable files of the first instance of Firebird and execute the command to register the instance service using the utility instsvc(you can request information about the keys of the utility and its version by launching it with the option -z):

Cd /d D:\FBInst1\Bin\bin instsvc -z instsvc install -superserver -demand -name Instance1

In the registration command, we use the following options:

    install- installing a new instance of Firebird

    superserver– instance operation mode (one of three possible modes for Firebird 2.5)

    demand- the service being created is configured for manual start (this is necessary in order to perform its preliminary configuration before starting the service)

    name is the name of the Firebird instance that will be serviced by the service being created.

During the execution of the last command, we should receive a message about the successful registration of the service.

By analogy, we register the service of the second instance of Firebird, be sure to first go to the appropriate directory:

Cd /d E:\FBInst2\Bin\bin instsvc install -superserver -demand -name Instance2

Now let's go to the Windows Services Management snap-in ( services.msc) and make sure that two new services have appeared in the list of services and both of them are in an unstarted state.

Let's open the properties of the service of the first instance of Firebird and on the tab General configure automatic service start type

Switch to tab log on and select the service account we created earlier gMSA The on behalf of which this service should run. Please note that since the gMSA account is used, the “$” symbol must be present at the end of the name, and the password field must be left empty (the server OS will authenticate this account in the domain itself). When saving the settings by pressing the button apply we will receive a message that the right to log on as a service has been automatically added to the account we specified ( Log On As A Service)

Switch to tab Recovery and set up an automatic restart of the service in case of a crash. The restart rules, of course, are customized by everyone. In our example, two restart attempts are left, and the third and subsequent attempts are disabled (so as not to enter the service into an endless cycle of restart attempts in case of some significant problems).

By analogy, we set up the second service, which was created for the second instance of Firebird. For the second service, all settings can be similar, except for the account under which it will run. After the startup parameters of the Firebird instance services are configured, let's try to start them.

Services should start without long delays and errors.

Let's make sure that after starting the services from each of the Firebird instances, the system has TCP-A listener to accept client connections on a previously specified port.

Netstat -na | findstr 305

Do not forget to open the appropriate ports in Windows Firewall. You can do this quickly, for example, using PowerShell:

New- NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Firebird Server (Instance1)" - Direction "Inbound" ` - Protocol "TCP" - Action "Allow" - LocalPort "3051" New- NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Firebird Server (Instance2)" - Direction "Inbound" ` - Protocol "TCP" - Action "Allow" - LocalPort "3052"

Now both deployed instances of Firebird can be considered running and ready to go.

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