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Set google chrome as default browser. Making Google Chrome the default browser

The Internet is one of the best inventions of mankind. We comprehend all its delights through special programs called browsers. Most often, a standard browser is installed on the system. There are frequent cases when it becomes necessary to replace it with a more convenient one. In this article, we will consider the question of how to change the default browser to Google Chrome.

By default, all Windows operating systems have the Windows Internet Explorer (IE) browser installed. That is, the system dictates to us which application to use. Of course, IE is good in its own way, and in recent versions it has become even better. But each user eventually develops preferences in choosing a browser. Increasingly, we are turning to third-party products. One of these is the Google Chrome browser. How to set it by default - read below.

There are two ways to do this. Let's consider each of them.

First way

1. First of all, open the Google Chrome browser by clicking on the corresponding icon.

2. In the upper right corner, press the Menu button (three horizontal bars) and select " Settings».

4. When working with Windows 8, the system will ask you again which program to open Internet pages. In this case, select Google Chrome from the list of browsers and click on its icon.

Note that the first method is automatic. In other words, when you open the browser for the first time, it will definitely ask you if you want to use it as the default or not.

Second way

An alternative option for assigning a default program. We need to assign the Google Chrome browser as this.

1. Open the Start menu and select " Control Panel»

2. Click on the item " Default programs" and then select " Setting default programs».

3. In the field " Programs» Check Google Chrome.

4. Right in the center is the item " Use this program as default» - click on it. Thus, the browser will open all Internet pages when you go to them.

5. We confirm our choice by pressing the button " OK».

Thus, your system will only start accessing the Google Chrome browser. When switching to a new browser, do the same operation, but select a new surfer for web pages.

Those users who have installed Windows 10 on their computer note that a lot has changed compared to previous versions. Undoubtedly, the "ten" made a lot of noise, and today there are both opponents who treat it, at least with suspicion, and like-minded people who are given it. And even if you belong to the second category of users, I am sure that some of the nuances still cause you questions.

For example, how to make chrome for windows 10 the default browser? It would seem nothing complicated, but for this web browser there is an algorithm that is not similar to or 8. Let's figure out how it works. I will use Chrome as an example, but the principle of working with other browsers will be similar.

How to make Chrome the default browser through Settings

As you probably remember, earlier in the Windows operating system you could go to the web browser settings, find the corresponding line there, and check the box in the right place. With the "ten" this will not work, because this line no longer exists. However, there is another way, I would call it standard, using the Options menu. So here's what you need to do:

  1. Call the start menu, there find the line "Settings". An alternative option is the Win + I key combination on the keyboard.
  2. Next, in the settings, select "System", and then - "Default applications".
  3. The “Web Browser” section will open in front of you, at the very bottom of which the current default browser will be indicated, click on it.
  4. A new window will pop up in which you need to select a new web browser, in our case it is Google Chrome.

That's all, now for almost all links, sites, etc. the specified browser will open. True, it turns out that this option does not always work, it also happens that some types of files continue to work in the pre-installed Microsoft Edge.

How to make Chrome default via Control Panel

If the previous option did not give the desired result, I suggest using an alternative option. To implement it, you need the following:

After such manipulations, problems should not arise. Now you know how to make Google Chrome or any other default browser.

Hello dear friends! Soon we will look at how to make chrome the default browser. , but first I would like to tell you a little about what this great browser is. Google Chrome is the most used browser by Internet users, both worldwide and in Runet. It occupies about half of the browser market. It owes its popularity to the fact that it was developed and now supported by one of the largest companies in the world - Google.

A feature of this browser is its highest speed and security. Here is an example of what concerns security - in chrome, the database of sites that contain malware is constantly updated. If a user visits such a site, a warning is displayed. I use Google Chrome all the time and I advise you.

Also on this blog there is information about other popular browsers. Here they are:

How to set google chrome browser as default on first launch

We launch the browser and it immediately notifies us that it is not currently the most important browser installed on your system and offers you to make it the main browser. Press the button " Set as default browser and the job is done.

How to make google chrome the default browser through the browser menu

Again, you need to launch a browser. After that, click on the top right icon that calls the main menu of the browser, in it we click on the item Settings.

On the browser settings page that opens, we find the section for setting the default browser (it is located at the very bottom of the page). We press the button " AppointGoogleChrome default browser" and that is all.

If you have completed all the steps exactly as shown, then this button will disappear and a message will appear in its place - Currently the default browser is Google Chrome..

Also on this blog there is also how to make the default browser using Windows tools.

From this informative article, we learned how to make Google Chrome the default browser. I hope I explained clearly and intelligibly. Ask questions in the comments. See you!

Sincerely, Evgeny Kuzmenko.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The most commonly used program on any computer is . And the most popular of them at the moment is Google Chrome ( download and install it is available for free from the official website).

For a short period of its existence, it literally burst into the hearts of Internet users and turned out to be currently installed and used by about on 56% of all computers in the world. A phenomenal result, if you think about it. True, not all Google products are so successful, for example, they didn’t shoot in the same time.

Thanks to such an onslaught of Google Chrome, Firefox (only 12%) and (all versions of which also gain no more than 12% of the market share) were very strongly pressed. Opera is generally content with one percent.

At the same time, Google browser is really doomed to success. It is very comfortable, functional and stable. It comes with a huge number of extensions. Its development is being carried out by what is called the “whole world” (it acts as a guinea pig) and at the moment all the most advanced technologies are concentrated in it. Today I will just talk about what is hidden under the hood of this sports car from the world of the Internet.

Where to download Chrome and how to install without problems

So, of course, I understand that most likely you already have this browser installed, but nevertheless. Download and install Google Chrome the latest version is possible and necessary only from the official site. Downloading it from other sites is dangerous, because you can pick up a virus with a certain degree of probability.

The site itself will determine your operating system and offer for downloading exactly the version of the distribution kit that is ideal for you. In the dialog box that opens, you will need to click on the "Accept the terms and install" button, but you can save the distribution package first, and install it later.

I can't completely ignore novice PC and Internet users. There is an excellent video on how to download and install this program, how to make Chrome the default browser, etc. Everything is shown in great detail.

Possible installation problems

Usually, the installation goes without complications, except that it can, for example, simply not have enough space on the default Drive C for installation or the installer file will refuse to run due to the fact that you do not have administrator rights.

In the first case, you will have to clean Disk C from garbage (temporary files, etc.), because it is impossible to select another disk for installation (the installer simply does not form such a dialogue - everything goes on full automatically). Clean the place with a margin, because the temporary files of Chrome itself will also take up a lot of space.

In the second case, everything is not so difficult. Just run the installer file ChromeSetup.exe as an administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate menu item:

Well, it may still not be possible to install it due to the incorrect removal of the previously installed version of this browser (you will have to clean the system of tails with something like a sisikliner). Also, the work of antiviruses can have a negative effect (temporarily disable them only if the distribution kit was downloaded from the site), or vice versa, existing viruses can block the installation (clean the computer from viruses, or restore the OS from the image).

On this, you can forget about the official website of Chrome, because this browser downloads updates on its own(Google Update will be installed on your computer along with it and will be loaded along with the OS startup) and you don’t have to make sure that your version is already outdated. Although, you can always verify this by looking at the current version number of your browser.

Mobile version of the browser and updates

Although no, you can from there right away download mobile version of google browser, or rather, go to the pages of their installation on your iPhone, Android or iPad (and they are all on A, as if there are no other letters).

If you already have Chrome installed, then make sure that you have the latest version, it will be possible in the settings, which are all hung on one single button (with the image of three dots arranged vertically), located in the upper right corner of the browser window:

To view the current version, you will need to select from the drop-down list "About Google Chrome Browser":

In the screenshot above, there is a situation when the latest current version of the browser is used. Well, otherwise you. Although now there are practically no situations when this may be required (unless you yourself disable the installation of updates for some reason).

10 Reasons to Use Chrome as your "Default Browser"

As I said above, a lot of people are developing this program (mostly on a voluntary basis, that is, for the soul) and it even got its name from a development called Chromium that appeared a little earlier.

Chrome is a fast browser that never freezes

The Chromium project itself is based on the fastest free engine (it also runs the vast majority of second-tier browsers - Opera and a number of others), and a very fast JavaScript processor was written from scratch for it.

In addition to high and noticeable even to the eye work speed(especially noticeable when), Google Chrome compares favorably with other analogues in its initial focus on ensuring maximum security when working with it.

I am not a programmer, but immediately after I started using it, I noticed that each tab and extension in this browser generates its own separate process, you can see them in the Windows taskbar (I like to work with a bunch of open tabs):

Thus, the developers of Google Chrome decided to kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, if the process of one of the tabs hangs, then this will not affect the performance of the others in any way. The result is a very high hang resistance and crashes. True, he eats RAM mercilessly, but this is a disease of almost all observers.

Moreover, tab processes are assigned the lowest possible priority - destructive codes in tabs will not be able to read or write any of their information, ensuring the highest possible security of working with the browser. Chrome extensions also use separate processes, which won't let them drop the entire program.

Secondly, the allocation of a separate process for each tab allows you to make the most of the capabilities of modern multi-core processors. As you know, thread parallelization is a complicated matter, but individual processes can easily be distributed between different processor cores, which makes Google Chrome one of the fastest browsers on the planet (it used to be Opera).

By the way, it is in connection with this that this browser has your own task manager(called by simultaneously pressing Shift + Esc), which allows you to see the load on the processor and on the network that this or that tab or extension of this browser creates:

In addition, you will have the opportunity terminate any hung process, created by Chrome (or an extension running in it), using the blue button shown in the screenshot.

There is a great video "5 secret features of Chrome", where they just use the built-in task manager of this browser to disable capacious processes, leaving, for example, only the one responsible for playing background music:

I now use Chrome as the main browser, and for surfing (after Opera changed the engine), and for working with sites through the admin panel, because it has a number of advantages, but the main one is stability and saving information even when system crash.

You can save all open tabs to a separate bookmark folder

To do this, it will be enough to simultaneously press on Ctrl+Shift+D on the keyboard, and in the window that opens, just come up with a name for this folder (I add the date there to make it easier to navigate).

This is very convenient, for example, when you switch from one task to another. Save the current session (all open tabs), then close them all (for example, by right-clicking on any tab and selecting "Close other tabs") and start a new session in a browser that is clean of unnecessary tabs.

If need be return to a previously saved session, then open your bookmarks (the button in the upper right corner with two arrows), find the folder with the session (it will be at the very bottom, as a rule) and right-click on it. From the context menu, select one or three items that allow you to open all saved tabs at once (in the same window, in a new one or in Incognito mode):

A very convenient functionality that I also use simply to back up open tabs, which have not yet been studied in detail.

Leader in the number of extensions, apps and themes available

Mazila Firefox used to be the king of extensions. This was his feature - a minimum of functionality in the engine itself to ensure its ease and a maximum of functionality taken out in add-ons released by third-party developers.

But now, I think Chrome has significantly surpassed Mazila in number extensions and applications offered for it.

In the region of "Downloads" I asked the browser to always show the save dialog, because downloading everything into one folder is not always convenient for me. By the way, when downloading, a download panel will appear at the bottom of the Google Chrome window with brief information about its course and the ability to go to the folder with the downloaded file, which is quite clear and convenient.

Well, in the system settings, you can force the brainchild of Google to close all background processes when the browser is closed (save space in RAM, but lose in the speed of reopening the browser), and you can also enable hardware acceleration.

Hidden settings (chrome://flags/)

In this browser, in addition to those available through the menu, there are also hidden settings. You can get into them by entering the desired combination in the address bar. For example, chrome://about/ will show you a complete list of such secret combinations for the address bar.

Going through them, you can learn something for yourself, but it’s just not worth changing something thoughtlessly there. The most interesting, in my opinion, is on the page chrome://flags/. What exactly can be changed is described in this video:

In my opinion, the settings are quite necessary, and if something goes wrong, then you can always click the “Reset all to default” button, which cancels all the changes you have made.

Extensions and apps for Google Chrome

It is clear that Chrome, along with other Internet walkers, supports the installation of extensions, of which there are already a huge number for this miracle. Manage Extensions you can on a separate tab.

You can get there:

  1. If in the browser settings discussed above, click on the "Settings" button located on the left, then at the very bottom of the menu that opens, you will find the "Extensions" item.
  2. You can in the drop-down menu of the icon with three dots (in the upper right corner of the browser) select the item "Additional tools" - "Extensions".
  3. You can paste chrome://extensions/ into the address bar and press enter on your keyboard.

On the page that opens you will see all extensions already installed in your browser. Here you can remove unnecessary extensions, or temporarily disable them by moving the slider.

If you need to install new extensions, then in the left drop-down menu at the very bottom you will find a link to Chrome online store. It has everything and more.

Personally, I use not only Seo extensions, but also applications for all occasions. I have already written about some of them in the article.

Now all modern browsers support entering search queries from the address bar. At the same time, most web browsers allow you to independently select the desired "search engine" from the list of available ones.

Google is the world's most popular search engine, but not all browsers use it as their default query handler.

If you always want to use Google when searching in your web browser, then this article is for you. We will tell you how to install the Good Corporation search platform in each of the currently popular browsers that provide such an opportunity.

We will start, of course, with the most common web browser today - . In general, as a product of the well-known Internet giant, this browser already contains the default Google search. But it happens that after installing some software, another “search engine” takes its place.

In this case, you will have to correct the situation yourself.

And that's it. After these simple steps, when searching in the address bar (omnibox), Chrome will again display Google search results.

Mozilla Firefox

At the time of this writing, it uses Yandex search by default. At least the version of the program for the Russian-speaking segment of users. Therefore, if you want to use Google instead, you will have to correct the situation yourself.

This can be done, again, in just a couple of clicks.

It is done. Now a quick search in Google is possible not only through the address bar, but also through a separate, search engine, which is located to the right and marked accordingly.


Initially, just like Chrome, it uses Google search. By the way, this web browser is completely based on the open project of the Good Corporation - .

If, nevertheless, the default search has been changed and it is required to return Google to this “post”, here, as they say, everything is from the same opera.

In fact, the process of setting the default search engine in Opera is almost the same as described above.

Microsoft Edge

But here everything is a little different. Firstly, in order for Google to appear in the list of available search engines, you must use the site at least once. across . Secondly, the corresponding setting is “hidden” quite far, and it can be somewhat difficult to find it right away.

The process for changing the default search engine in Microsoft Edge is as follows.

Again, if you haven't used Google search in MS Edge before, you won't see it in this list.

Internet Explorer

Well, where without "beloved by all". Quick search in the address bar began to be supported in the eighth version of the donkey. However, the process of setting the default search engine has constantly changed with the change of numbers near the name of the web browser.

We will consider the installation of Google search as the main one using the example of the latest version of Internet Explorer - the eleventh.

Compared to previous browsers, this is still more confusing.

That's all. There is nothing complicated about this, in principle.

Usually, changing the default search in the browser occurs without problems. But what if it is categorically impossible to do this, and every time after changing the main search engine, it changes again to something else.

In this case, the most logical explanation is that your PC is infected with a virus. To remove it, you can use any antivirus tool like .

After cleaning the system from malware, the problem with the inability to change the search engine in the browser should disappear.

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