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  • The service "Beeline Coordinates" for obtaining data on the location of relatives. Service "Beeline-Coordinates" - how to determine the location of the subscriber

The service "Beeline Coordinates" for obtaining data on the location of relatives. Service "Beeline-Coordinates" - how to determine the location of the subscriber

More than once there were cases when the child went for a walk and did not answer calls, and made the parents nervous. You can be aware of the location of a person using the service from the Beeline operator "Coordinates". Read the article about the functions, cost and other features of the service.

Description and cost of the service

The connection of the service is available to users who have given official consent to constant monitoring for a specified time. The company's high-precision base stations will help determine the exact location of a person. It is allowed to check localization every 5 minutes.

The accuracy of geolocation data depends on the location of the towers, the density of local buildings with multi-storey buildings, and weather conditions. You can track a person by phone with an error of 0.25 to 1 km. It is allowed to connect 5 numbers.

At the first connection, a week of free use is provided as a gift. There is no charge for service deactivation. In the future, 1.7 rubles per day are debited. If the option is deactivated during the bonus period, then from the beginning of the subsequent connection, funds will be debited.

The difference between "Coordinates" and "Locator"

The functional service "Coordinates" is an improved version of the "Locator". Services differ:

  • the first option determines the location of a third-party person, and the second finds the geolocation of the user himself;
  • the first service operates within the Beeline network, and the second works with all operators;
  • the difference in the daily fee, according to the terms of the Locator, 3 rubles are debited from the account, and 1.7 rubles per day for using the Coordinates service.

Attention! Both services are activated with the consent of the client whose number will be tracked.

Activation, deactivation of an option

You can connect the service in two ways:

  • call the service 0665;
  • send an empty message to the short number 4770.

After activating the option, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone. You can disable it by sending an SMS with the text "Off" to 4770.

The second option - on the operator's website in the coordinator tab in your personal account, select the disconnect function.

Service management

Management is carried out through SMS commands that are sent to the service contact 4770. Service capabilities:

  1. Subscribers are added in two ways:
  • the name is entered;
  • the number is specified in the format 9031111111.

Consent to tracking is then obtained. After performing this operation, the location of the Beeline subscriber is determined. Further permissions from the tracked person are not required. The number of attempts to determine the coordinates of the object is not limited.

  1. The location is determined through the SMS request "Where", indicating the "name" or "phone numbers". For example, “Where is Ivan” or “Where is 9031111111”.
  2. Within a few minutes, you will receive an SMS message with an approximate address, a link with a geolocation, by which the location of a person is determined. An internet connection is required to complete the operation.
  3. Remove username from the search list - the command "Delete+Name" or phone number.

Disabling geolocation detection for all subscribers of the Beeline network is performed by sending a Stop request. The combination "Stop + phone number" blocks the tracking of a specific user.

Determining geolocation via the web

You need to go to the official website of the mobile operator, select the "Coordinates" tab, click "Connect for free", enter the phone number and password for the option. To receive the secret code, a "Password" message is sent to the short number 4770.

To change the default password, you need to go to the "My Account", select the "Settings" tab. Using the search bar, there is a tab "Add subscriber". It contains a phone number and a name. An SMS is sent to the user with a request for consent to determine the location. According to this algorithm, it is allowed to add five people.

Search for coordinates

In the list of users who have agreed to determine the location of the subscriber, there is a "Find" tab. When activated, a map opens showing the location of the person of interest. In addition, an SMS with the street name of the controlled location will be sent to the smartphone.

How to know if I'm being followed

If you want to know who is tracking you, send an SMS to service number 5166 with the text "Who". In response, you will receive a notification “You are being watched” and a list of names and numbers of initiators of receiving your coordinates. If there are no such volunteers, then the message will be as follows: "No one is watching you."

To disable sending your location in response to incoming SMS, write the text "Ban and contact of the initiator" and the number will be unlinked from the service.

Determination of geolocation without consent

According to the terms of the service package, the subscriber cannot independently activate the tracking function without the consent of the object, which is planned to be monitored. If the user does not answer the call or message confirming the request, then it is not possible to find out his location.

The leading mobile operator of the Russian Federation offers to activate the service from Beeline "Coordinates" with a fee of 1.7 rubles per day for an unlimited period. Using the option, the user will quickly determine the position of people with an accuracy of 250 m to 1 km. It's convenient, simple and cheap.

You can choose the format of the received data - in an SMS or MMS message. Text information with coordinates comes in SMS, and MMS contains a map fragment with a mark of the subscriber's location.

Coordinate accuracy can be: about 1 km. For a more accurate location, use Tracker


Connection: *140# call. Using the service: or using the USSD menu: *140# call, via SMS: "WHERE 7920ХХХХХХХ" (number of the desired subscriber) to number 1400.

How to find out the location of an MTS subscriber

Locator. To connect, send the name, phone number of the subscriber to 6677. Example: "Egor 7910ХХХХХХХ". The subscriber will receive a request, if he gives his consent, then the location will be determined. Website:

How to find out the location of a Beeline subscriber

Beeline Coordinates. Connection: send an empty SMS to 4770, or call 0665. Then, add the name and number of the subscriber (example Egor, 7903ХХХХХХХ), get his consent.

Receiving coordinates: SMS to number 4770 with "Where is Yegor" or "Where is 7903ХХХХХХХ".

Positioning on the ground goes in two ways - either by triangulation relative to the base stations of the telecom operator, or by means of GPS.

Beeline launches a new Beeline-Coordinates service, which will allow you to determine the location of Beeline network subscribers with an accuracy of up to 200 meters in a populated area.
The Beeline-Coordinates service is available for Beeline subscribers throughout the Russian Federation, for any payment systems, with the exception of social tariff plans and tariff plans for modems and tablets.

How the service works

The user who has activated the service will be able to receive the coordinates of the subscribers he added to his personal list (no more than 5 phone numbers). To make it easier to send a request, each subscriber can be assigned their own name. So, in response to the command: “Where is [Name]”, the user will receive an SMS with coordinates, if the requested subscriber has given permission for this.
Example: “Subscriber +79031234567 asks for permission to repeatedly determine your location. To confirm your consent, send an SMS message with the word "Yes" to SMS number 4770. In case of disagreement, ignore the request.»

Option cost

Service connection is free!
The first 7 days, subscribers can use the service for free, then - 1.7 rubles. in a day.
The free period is provided to the subscriber only at the time of the first activation of the service. If after the end of the free period, the user disables the service and then activates it again, then the free period is not provided to such a user, and the service is billed from the moment the service is reactivated.

How to connect the service

There are two ways to connect to the service.
  • Or call 0665 and after listening to the male voice of the answering machine, press the number 1 when he asks for it,
  • Or send an empty SMS to 4770. After that, a message will be sent to the phone stating that the application for connecting the service has been accepted, wait for a response.
A notification will appear on the screen: The subscriber has been successfully added to your list. Wait for an SMS with information about the consent of the added Subscriber. After receiving it, you will be able to determine the location of this Subscriber.

How to disable the Beeline coordinates service

"Beeline-Coordinates" is easiest to disable by sending an SMS to number 4770 with the text OFF - after that, a response SMS will come in which it will be confirmed that the service is disabled. You can call the operator, but this method requires a little more of your time.

Entrance to the personal account of the Beeline service coordinates

After connecting the option to determine the location of the subscriber, you can enter your personal account. To do this, go to
If you have not yet received a password to enter your Beeline Coordinates personal account, then send the word Password to the free number 4770. A message containing the password to enter will be sent in response.
Next, enter your phone number and password from SMS. Press the login button and you will be taken to your personal account.


One subscriber can have no more than 5 users in his personal list. Once you have received the subscriber's consent, you can search for this subscriber at any time without asking for additional permission. If the desired subscriber is outside the network coverage area at the time of the request or his device is turned off, then such a request cannot be processed.
SMS commands to number 4770 - for those who are looking for
  • empty SMS Service activation
  • "NAME" "NUMBER" - Request for the formation of a list of subscribers. The command allows you to add a subscriber to the list for subsequent determination of his coordinates, provided that he agrees to repeatedly determine his location. NAME - the name invented for the added subscriber. The name can be entered in Russian or English, valid characters: "_", "-". The maximum name length should not exceed 20 characters. The input case does not matter. NUMBER - the phone number of the subscriber of the Beeline network being added. For example: Anna 79651234567
  • "WHERE" "NAME" - A request to receive data on the location of a Beeline network subscriber previously added to the list.
  • "WHERE" "NUMBER" The command allows you to find out the coordinates of the subscriber, subject to obtaining his consent to the repeated determination of his location.
    For example: WHERE Anna or WHERE 79651234567
  • "DELETE" "NAME" Request to remove from the list of subscribers who have agreed to have their location determined repeatedly.
  • "DELETE" "NUMBER" The command allows to remove a previously added subscriber from the list.
    For example: DELETE Anna or DELETE 79651234567
  • "LIST" Request a list of subscribers whose location is currently available. The command allows you to get a list of subscribers who have agreed to repeatedly determine their location.
    For example: LIST
  • "OFF" Request to disable the service. The command allows you to disable a previously connected service.
  • "INFO" Request for information about the service with a list of key commands. The command allows you to receive information about the service and a list of key service management commands in the form of SMS.
  • "PASSWORD" Request for a password to access the Personal Account on the service website. The command allows you to get a password to the Personal Account on the service website.
    For example: PASSWORD
SMS commands to number 4770 - for those who are looking for
  • "YES" - Response to a request for permission to obtain multiple location fixes. The command allows you to give permission to repeatedly determine the subscriber's coordinates.
  • "NO" - Response to a request for permission to obtain multiple location fixes. The command allows you to refuse a request for repeated determination of the location of the subscriber.
  • "WHO" - Request for a list of subscribers who can determine the location of a subscriber who has agreed to repeatedly determine their coordinates. The command allows you to get a list of subscribers who can repeatedly determine the location of a subscriber who has given his consent to this.
  • "STOP" "NUMBER" - A request to prohibit the determination of the subscriber's coordinates in the Beeline network. The command allows you to revoke the previously given permission to repeatedly determine the location of a specific subscriber of the Beeline network.
    For example: STOP 79651234567
  • "STOP" - Request for a complete ban on determining the location of the subscriber in the Beeline network. The command allows you to revoke the previously given permission for repeated location determination from all subscribers of the Beeline network.
  • "START" - A request to restore the ability to determine the location of the subscriber in the Beeline network. The command allows you to restore the ability to determine the location of the subscriber in the Beeline network.
  • INFO - Request for information about the service with a list of key commands. The command allows you to receive information about the service and a list of key service management commands in the form of SMS.

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It's no secret that any mobile device can independently track its current location. For this, GLONASS communication modules and a GPS navigator are used. At the same time, PJSC VimpelCom offers subscribers a service that will help track the location of friends and relatives. This is the Beeline "Coordinates" service. The offer is analogous to the Radar service, however, it has extended functionality and easy navigation.

Beeline "Coordinates"

The technical capabilities of the service allow you to track the location of another subscriber by Beeline phone number. It should be noted that the service does not apply to users of other providers. The location of subscribers is determined by regular Beeline stations. Given these features, it is technically impossible to track a disabled number.

How to connect the service? There are several simple ways to do this:

  • Call to number 0665. This is a dedicated line for this offer, the connection is made automatically immediately after the call.
  • Message to the number 4770. The body of the SMS does not need to be filled in, a notification will be sent about the activation of the service.
  • Beeline "Coordinates" personal account. The offer has its own internet portal at COORDINATES. BEELINE. RU. Connection of the service is possible after authorization on the site. In the "Login" field, you need to enter the phone number, the access code is received after sending a message with the word "PASSWORD" for the number 4770.

Important! The offer is connected free of charge, however, the provider charges a subscription fee for access to resources.

How to disable the Beeline "Coordinates" service? You can do it like this:

  1. "Personal Area". Here you need to go to the tariff management section and refuse further subscription.
  2. Number 4770. To deactivate the service, you need to send an SMS with the password "OFF".
  3. Technical support. You can contact a specialist by calling 0611. After connecting, you must leave a request to disable the service.

It is worth noting that the shutdown usually occurs on the day of the request, about which a corresponding notification is received.

Subscriber detection


Location by number is determined by cell towers. Accordingly, the accuracy of the service will depend on the following factors:

  • City building.
  • height of green spaces.
  • The number of towers.

According to subscribers, the accuracy of the location of another user in densely populated areas is 200-300 meters.

It should be clarified that the service is paid, but the provider offers a grace period. The user who connected the service for the first time gets 14 days of free access to resources. If the offer does not suit you, you must issue a waiver of further use. If this does not happen, the paid subscription will be activated automatically.

Important! The cost of Beeline "Coordinates" is 1.7 rubles. The fee is deducted daily from the subscriber's personal account.

The service for determining the location of Beeline subscribers allows you to simultaneously track up to 5 users. To do this, you need to specify the necessary contacts from the phone book in the navigation menu.

Service management

Additional features

The service is controlled by commands sent to service number 4770. Here is what the basic set of requests for determining the location of subscribers looks like:

  1. Name/number. The command generates a list of contacts to obtain coordinates.
  2. Where. This command is completed by entering a subscriber number or name. After the request, the phone receives a notification about the location of the person.
  3. Info. The command displays a complete list of requests for management.
  4. Well no. Requests to notify the system that someone wants to receive information about the coordinates of the current number.
  5. Stop. Complete ban on tracking your location.

Important! To obtain the coordinates of another subscriber, it is necessary to obtain consent. Otherwise, the service will not be able to track the user's geolocation.

Detailed instructions for use

Just three simple steps to use the service. Do it in order

Video for the article


The service allows you to find out the location of any number within the Beeline network. In some cases, this is a very useful option, especially when it comes to young children or older people with memory problems. In such situations, disconnecting from the service is highly undesirable, because the safety of loved ones may depend on it.

You can determine the location of a person by phone number using the Beeline Coordinates service. For this you need:

1. Obtain the consent of the person whose whereabouts will need to be subsequently tracked, for which you need to send a message to 4770 indicating his name and number (for example, Ivan 9031114445). The owner of the number will receive an SMS notification stating that the other subscriber is asking for permission to determine his location, and if he agrees, then it is necessary to send a confirmation in the form of an SMS with the text "Yes" to number 4770.

2. At any time, send a message to 4770 with the text "Where is 9031114445" or "Where is Ivan."

There are two ways to connect the Beeline-Coordinates service:

By sending a message without text to 4770;

By calling the service number 0665.

You can disable the service by sending a message with the text "Off" to 4770.

The service is available to track numbers that are online, and if the phone is turned off, then the request is not processed. The error in determining the location of the subscriber is 250-1000 m. Using the Beeline-Coordinates service, you can track no more than 5 subscribers of the mobile network, while the frequency of requests should not be less than 5 minutes.

Sending requests via call or message is free. For new users to be able to determine the location of a person by phone number, a period of 7 days of free use of the service is provided, after which a subscription fee of 1.7 rubles is charged for each day of its use.

Find out the location of a person using the service from Beeline "Locator"

An equally convenient service for tracking a phone by number is the Locator service, which is available both on a smartphone or tablet, and on a regular phone. To use the service on a smartphone with the Android operating system, it is enough to install the corresponding application. To do this, you need to dial the number 09853, and the operator will send a link with which you can install the application. You can use the program as follows:

Open the application and click on the search button;

Select the phone number to be searched;

Click "Show on map", after which a map will open, on which the location of the desired subscriber will be marked.

Before determining the location of the subscriber by phone number, you must enter his data into the application, after which the operator will ask him for consent to track the number. And only after that it will be possible to receive the relevant information.

Do not be upset if you do not have a smartphone, as the Locator service can also be used using a regular phone. You just need to do a few things:

1. Activate the service by dialing 09853 and following the prompts of the voice service, or by sending a message without text to the free number 5166.

2. Obtain the consent of the person whose phone needs to be tracked, for which you should select the “Find subscriber” item in the service menu and, following the instructions, add his number. A request will be sent to the added number asking for consent to track its number. If he agrees, he must send a response message with the text "Yes".

3. After receiving consent, enter the service menu by sending a message to number 5166, select the "Find subscriber" item, which contains a list of subscribers who have agreed to track their number.

4. Select the number of interest from the list and set the search. After that, a message should come in which contains a link to the map and the coordinates of the place where the desired subscriber is currently located.

You can determine the location of a person by phone number using the Locator service by sending a message to 5166 with a text that indicates the desired subscriber number (for example, “where is 9035551116”). In response, an SMS should come with information about the location of the object.

Calls and sending messages to service numbers of the Locator service are free of charge. A new user of the service is given a free trial period of 7 days, after which the subscription fee per day is 3 rubles.

In this way, you can determine the location of a person by phone number not only Beeline, but also MTS, Megafon. You can find a person by number if he is online, otherwise the service does not work when the phone is turned off. The number of numbers that can be added to the watch list should be no more than 5, and they can be searched for no more than 5 minutes later.

Beeline subscriber number tracking services operate throughout Russia, which makes their use even more convenient and in demand.

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