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Speed ​​up the laptop windows 7 maximum. BIOS setup for maximum computer speed

Today we will talk about how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7. To make the system work faster, you need to disable unimportant processes, defragment the main hard drive, and clean up the places where temporary files are collected.


First, let's discuss how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7 "Ultimate" without additional applications. Many programs installed on a PC are placed in startup and are activated along with the OS. You can improve performance by checking the list of application data and removing those that are rarely used. To this end, go to the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel", then open the "System" section and the "Administrative Tools" tab. Here we need "System Configuration". In the Startup tab, you can find programs that start with Windows. We delete unnecessary ones. To resolve the issue of how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7, you should also disable unnecessary services. First of all, we create a restore point. Open the "Control Panel", then the "System" section, and then the "Protection" item. Here we use the "Create" function. To get a list of services, open the "Start" menu, then "Control Panel", then the "System" section, and the "Administrative Tools" tab. We need "Services" here. Disable unnecessary ones. Deactivating the following items will not harm the laptop: process priority, remote registry, computer browser, auxiliary IP, tablet pc input. To make running programs run faster, set them to a higher priority level than all background processes. Thus, more CPU time will be available to active applications. The Win32PrioritySeparation value is responsible for the described balance. You can also customize specific settings to improve the performance of your Windows 7 laptop. To go to them, open the "Start" menu, go to the "Control Panel", then to the "System" section. This is where we need the "Advanced Options". On the "Visual Effects" tab, if necessary, turn off the animation of the "Start" menu, Aero peek and transparency of windows. Best performance can be used. This will disable the Aero visual effects. Here, each user must make a decision based on their needs, since the system will start working faster, but all the beauty that came with the interface will disappear.


The question of how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7 can be solved not only with the basic tools of the system, but also special programs which we'll talk about now. The first one is called CCleaner - it cleans the system registry and hard drive. The tool is easy to use. Moreover, it is regularly updated. The interface has two buttons: "Cleanup" and "Analysis". You can only study the state of the disk and get tips for optimization. However, if you click the "Clean" button, the application will remove any unnecessary items. When working with the registry, do not forget about creating a backup copy. The application will automatically offer to do this. The app also allows you to customize startup. If you want to use this tool to solve the question of how to increase the performance of your laptop on Windows 7, user reviews can help you. After analyzing them, we concluded that the majority of owners treat the product favorably. Among the main advantages are the high speed of the program, the free basis of its provision, the absence of advertising.

Game booster

If you wondering how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7 in games, use this application. The whole optimization procedure requires a single mouse click. The app completes various background processes, cleans up the RAM, improves the performance of the computing chip. The program is distributed free of charge, increases the speed of connection with the Network, installs latest versions drivers, has an intuitive interface, defragments game files, increasing disk performance, diagnoses the system, and generates reports.

Auslogics BoostSpeed

If you are faced with the question of how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7, this tool can help you. Also, the program can fix system errors. All unnecessary can be removed in just a few mouse clicks. In addition, defragmentation and work with the registry is possible. A module called System Advisor will analyze the current state of the system, after which it will give detailed recommendations for improving the laptop's performance. Additional tools The included applications (more than 15) will keep the system in perfect condition. It is possible to optimize the connection to the Network. Implemented an optimization reminder system.

Game fire

In deciding how to increase the performance of your Windows 7 laptop for gaming, this tool will also be useful. The tool is incredibly simple and easy to use. The application can achieve a significant increase in frame rate. All resources of the laptop are directed to graphics processing. Stop unnecessary processes and service. The application is fully automated. To work, add the game to the database, specifying the address of its executable files and press the start button. The program is completely free. The background mode of the application is available. There is a nice interface.

Advanced SystemCare

Just one click a day to solve all problems. If you have a question: how to increase the performance of a laptop on Windows 7, - the program Advanced SystemCare will definitely solve this problem. She is responsible for optimizing, protecting, restoring and cleaning the system. The app has a free version. The tool gives the feeling of a "new laptop". Implemented a powerful New Level in optimizing and cleaning the system registry. There is protection against malware software... differs in power and speed. About 50 types of unnecessary files are recognized. The built-in capabilities of the system are maximized, which allows you to achieve its performance. The speed of work increases by at least 40%. The work of the Internet is being optimized. The tool is easy to use.

Glary utilities

This kit contains many tools to optimize and customize your laptop. Application can delete unnecessary files, fix errors, clean the registry, manage autostart, optimize work random access memory... You can remove duplicate files and customize your browser. A Russian version of the program is available.


Configuring Windows 7 is the main task of this program. The interface is simple. At the same time, the user receives tools for speeding up the system, setting parameters, managing programs, cleaning hard disk and system registry. The tool is able to recognize various incomprehensible processes that are running in the system. The application is distributed free of charge.

Other programs

WinUtilities is a performance enhancement and OS customization tool. You can clean up various unnecessary files from the disk, edit various system settings, create copies of the registry, manage processes, remove broken shortcuts and duplicate files, optimize RAM, manage startup, recover files, defragment the disk, delete website history.

We also talked about the TweakNow RegCleaner application, which cleans and optimizes the system registry, maintaining high system performance. Special efficient search algorithms built into the application find junk data efficiently and quickly, freeing memory from it. Application creates backups before starting to analyze the system. The speed is incredibly high. The program works very accurately.

When solving this problem, you should also pay attention to the SystemTweaker application, which achieves increased productivity by adjusting various Windows settings. The user can control fifty different parameters. Acceleration of OS loading is noted. You can customize your network settings and improve security. Work with a conductor is available.

The last application, which we will talk about in this material, is called Defraggler Portable. The tool is engaged in defragmentation. After that, the laptop will speed up significantly.

The PC is a complex electronic technique. To make everything work for the right level, you need to make the necessary parameters in the system settings.

It is from incorrect settings that, most often, the computer can work slowly or freeze. When installing different programs, it is important to carefully look if additional applications are offered to you, they can also slow down the system.

Working at a computer, you want all the transitions to folders and files to be carried out instantly, the same applies to the Internet. But it happens that for this you need to wait a few seconds, and when loading the program, even a few minutes. Let's figure out why this is happening and what to do to normalize the process of the computer.

Why speed up your PC

With a little effort, and once spending about an hour, you can significantly speed up your PC.

This will give you the ability to:

  • do more;
  • do work earlier;
  • be less nervous;
  • work more efficiently.

Acceleration means:

  • quick opening of folders;
  • quick launch of programs;
  • quick transitions on tabs in the browser, etc.

What gives acceleration to the system

If the system is Windows 7, then the question of the expediency of acceleration is always relevant. Not all users take on the full range of capabilities of this system.

Therefore, a rational step would be to speed up the system by disabling unused programs. At the same time, such acceleration allows freeing up system resources and transferring them to the execution of user tasks. As a result, it is possible to work more complex programs and a significant reduction in command processing time. This shift in priorities makes it possible to more closely match the goals of the owner of the computer.

Video: How to speed up your computer

Ways to speed up computer performance on Windows 7

Before you speed up your computer, you need to decide on the tasks that it will perform. Because of this, there are several ways you can choose to help improve productivity. All of them imply the release from the use of unnecessary applications, services, gadgets and programs.

The most effective ways are:

  • disabling GUI effects;
  • removing unnecessary programs from autorun;
  • stopping unused services;
  • removing unnecessary files from the desktop;
  • disabling gadgets on the desktop;
  • cleaning the registry.

We clean programs in autostart

To clear autorun and speed up the system, you must:

Stopping unused services.

For this operation, you need to enable those programs that you will constantly use ( text editor, player and others) in order to activate the desired services.

This will highlight what is needed for the job:

Registry cleaning

This way to speed up working capacity Windows 7 is the simplest if you use a special program for this purpose. For example, the CCleaner program is suitable for this. It will allow you to painlessly part with unnecessary garbage not only in the system registry, but also in other places of the computer. The operation of this app is simple:

Defragment HDD

This operation, roughly speaking, collects scattered files into one heap. It is then easier for the system to find them.

To start the defragmentation procedure, you must:

In the window that appears, first you need to select an analysis, and then, based on its results, perform the necessary actions. Defragmenting must be done before you can speed up the startup of your Windows 7 computer in other ways. It happens that this procedure can shorten for a long time inclusion.

Removing files from the desktop

For fast work systems important condition there will be a clean desktop. The fact is that Windows 7 constantly pays attention to files, folders and shortcuts that directly lie in this place. Basically, they are constantly present in the computer's memory as unnecessary ballast.

If there are movies on the desktop big size, folders with a large internal structure and other files, then they must be moved to a logical drive. This method is good for speeding up the work of an old computer, which is cluttered with files.

Visual effects

Any colorful transitions and animations in the work of the computer affect its speed of work. Therefore, it is worth finding a middle ground between beauty and performance, or completely biased into work.

To disable the effects, you must:

Slow loading of the computer when turning off / on, what to do

To answer the question: how can you speed up loading computer, you need to pay attention to the paging file. Before shutting down, the system always deletes it and it takes a lot of time to do this. Therefore, the cardinal way will be to disable this operation.

To disable this feature, you need to do the following:

As a result, it turned out that we set 0 seconds to perform the file delete operation. In fact, the file simply remains intact in place.

In order to speed up the loading of the system, you need to perform the following operations:

Increase in RAM

Adding to the existing amount of RAM is an easy way to improve performance. The downside is that you have to spend money on the purchase.

This method globally increases the speed of not only the operating system, but all programs in general. But if there were critical errors in the work of Windows 7, then this method is unlikely to help. It should be used only when other methods did not give the desired result.

Selection of a video card

A noticeable improvement in performance will be with the installation of a more powerful video card. It will work faster and will not take a lot of resources from the system. You need to pay attention to the number own memory in a video card, the more, the better.

It is also worth noting that powerful video cards require separate power supply. They consume an impressive amount of power compared to a computer. Therefore, you need to make sure in advance that the power supply can withstand such a load.

Virus check

The most common problem with a decrease in computer performance is its infection with viruses. They can enter the system mainly via the Internet, or via removable storage media.

With a constant Internet connection, you need Full time job antivirus program. If it is not there, then you need to regularly check the system for viruses. On the Internet, the speed of which is high, it is much easier for viruses to enter the system. Therefore, antivirus software must be on the lookout. This article should help you tune Windows 7 for maximum performance. Regardless of your computer settings, these tips will help ensure stable work... After the performed actions, which are described above, there will be a guaranteed improvement in the speed of work.

When working on performance, it is worth keeping in mind the specifics of each computer build. When making changes to the registry, you need to be extremely careful not to delete the data, without which the system will stop working.

It's not uncommon for problems in games to manifest over time and literally appear out of nowhere. It also happens otherwise - the slowdown of the computer manifests itself at the beginning, immediately after the installation of an application. There are reasons for everything, but both of these cases have one thing in common - they interfere with the enjoyment of the Windows 7 user. To eliminate this, you can try to increase the performance of your PC.

Why games slow down on Windows 7

First, the user needs to pay attention to the settings of the game itself, in particular, graphical ones. The thing is that players are trying to install and play such games, the system requirements of which do not correspond to the technical characteristics of the device. This is the simplest and obvious problem that every PC or laptop owner can face. You can easily fix such a problem - change graphic settings the application you are using, set all values ​​to the minimum.

Often, PC and laptop users simply forget to keep track of the drivers for the video card and other system components, which, of course, negatively affects the optimization of the computer as a whole and leads to problems in games.

Laptop users, in contrast to those who sit at personal computers, may experience problems associated with strong heating of the device. For laptops, this is very important, since most often they are not operated as they should be. Surely, if you have such a device, then you will put it on the table and sit at it in the same way as at a stationary PC. You will most likely make yourself more comfortable, such as lying on the couch or bed and placing the laptop on top of you. Most models of such devices have a cooling system at the bottom or on the side. This means that when working on various soft surfaces, the device can “absorb” large amounts of dust, and this is extremely harmful for the cooling system and, as a result, for the entire device.

Stationary computers can also overheat, but usually this is due to other reasons - high performance indicators central processing unit and other components and lack of effective system cooling - a cooler that simply cannot physically generate all the heat coming from the CPU.

Optimizing your computer: how to increase performance

Optimization of the operating system in our time is available not only to highly qualified engineers, but also to absolutely ordinary users. She will allow you to achieve best performance the entire system as a whole and will improve the work of games both on desktop computer and on a laptop.

Working with the system registry

The registry is present on every computer. This is a kind of database that contains various kinds of information about the configuration of a personal computer or laptop, settings of the operating system used, software parameters. It is quite natural that a fragmented and cluttered system registry can cause errors in the operation of a computer, a significant deterioration in PC performance. Information is entered into the system registry every time you install and uninstall software, so it may remain here unnecessary garbage... You can find problems in the registry using special programs in particular CCleaner:

  • After installation and launch, you should open a tab called "Registry" and click on the "Search for problems" button. The time it takes to complete this process directly depends on the amount of information stored on your computer, so be patient.

    Finding problems in the registry

  • When this procedure is completed, click on the "Fix" button, and an alert may appear in which you will be prompted to save backup copies of the data. It's better to accept this if you are not sure about what you are deleting, in order to avoid possible problems in the future.

    Correcting problems in the registry

  • Last step- press the button "Fix marked" and wait for the completion of the procedure.

    Removing unnecessary data in the registry

  • Remember that the registry of this operating system is prone to fragmentation, which is why the performance of computers on Windows 7 regularly deteriorates. System utilities, unfortunately, cannot effectively work with the system registry, so you will have to install additional program, For example, Auslogics Registry Defrag.

    Defragmenting and cleaning your hard drive

    For the cleaning hard disk and you don't need any additional software to defragment it. Everything can be done with traditional system funds Windows 7. To perform defragmentation, perform the following manipulations:

  • Open the "Start" menu;
  • Select "My Computer";

    "Computer" on the "Start" menu

  • Select the disk by right-clicking on which the system information(by default - drive C) and go to "Properties";

    Selecting "Properties" of the disk

  • Go to the "Service" tab;

    Defragment the disk in the "Service" tab

  • In the "Defragment Disk" section, click on the appropriate button.

    Defragment the selected disk

  • This procedure allows you not only to defragment to improve performance and optimize the entire system, but also to change file system disk (usually NTFS is used).

    The defragmentation time depends on the size of the selected disk, the amount of information on it and the degree of file fragmentation. Thus, the process can take from several minutes to several hours. It is advisable to stop using the computer at this time, as this will lead to a strong slowdown in the PC.

    Cleaning and freeing up RAM to speed up processes

    The number of programs and applications running has a significant impact on performance. All of them have an impact on the computer's RAM, therefore, before starting system-demanding software, you should close everything that you can.

    First, you need to close those programs that you do not need at the moment. Typically, all active applications are displayed in the task manager. You can open it with a simple combination Ctrl keys+ Alt + Del or click on the taskbar at the bottom and select "Task Manager".

    Launching the task manager

    A window will immediately appear listing all running applications... Select the one that you do not need at the present time and click on the "End task" button.

    We clean RAM by disabling unnecessary applications

    Of course, apart from active and visible applications, others who work in the so-called background... All these programs can be seen in the same Task Manager if you go to the Processes tab.

    Disabling processes to free memory

    As a rule, some of them can have a significant impact on the performance of the PC, its optimization, but remember that disabling processes unknown to you can lead to data loss or deterioration of the computer (especially if you exit system process). It is for this reason that it is advisable to disable only those processes that you know.

    Optimizing visual effects

    Windows 7 provides an updated graphical interface- Aero, which consumes an impressive amount of system resources. Accordingly, it can affect system optimization, and turning it off will allow you to achieve the best performance indicators. Problems with this interface usually only occur on weak computers and laptops with an integrated or just an old video card. In all other cases, change visual effects practically won't change anything.

    In order to reduce the consumption of system resources, it is not at all necessary to completely disable Aero. You can change some settings in a special menu:

  • Open the Start menu and Control Panel;

  • Find and open "System" in the list of all utilities;

    Open the "System" parameter

  • Next, you need to select "Advanced system parameters" and go to the "Advanced" tab;

    Click on the tab "Additional system parameters"

  • Click on the "Options" button and select "Performance".

    Configuring Performance

  • So, here's a complete list of custom visuals. If you do not want to completely disable the Aero interface, you can uncheck only the following items: animated controls, fading, casting shadows, displaying them, displaying a rectangular selection.

    Disable interface visual effects

    Disabling these options will optimize the system and leave a pleasant appearance operating system interface. Of course, you can turn off other settings as well, but remember that in this case the effect will be much more noticeable.

    BIOS setup

    BIOS is an integrated environment designed to change the hardware settings of a computer. By adjusting the BIOS, you can get the best performance from your PC or laptop.... It is not recommended to flash the BIOS or change parameters such as processor frequency, bus speed, etc., as you risk that your CPU will simply burn out. Therefore, we will consider the simplest, optimal even for ordinary users opportunities.

    First, pay attention to the setting of the cooling system (depending on the BIOS version, the names of the items may change). For this:

  • Enter BIOS using the Del key during computer startup;
  • Open the Advanced menu;

    We enter the BIOS settings

  • Here, pay attention to the Fan Speed ​​option. It can have three settings: Enable (the cooler will always work at high speeds), Auto (the cooler will adjust to the system load), Disable (disables the cooler);

    Configuring the cooler in BIOS

  • Choose what you need, save and exit BIOS.
  • Secondly, if your device has two video cards (integrated and discrete), then in the "BIOS" Advanced menu you can change the settings for switchable graphics. To do this, select the item VGA Mode SELECT and in the list indicate what you need: dGPU Mode - the built-in video card is activated or Power Xpress Mode - the discrete video card is activated.

    BIOS switchable graphics options

    Setting up the swap file

    The paging file is a kind of addition to the RAM. We can say that this is virtual memory that the user can configure on his own. The paging file is taken from the hard disk of the user-specified size. As you know, the transfer speed of the hard drive is much lower than the RAM, so it is impossible to say that the paging file can completely replace the RAM, but it has a beneficial effect on the overall optimization. To change and configure the paging file:

  • Open the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel";

    Open the "Control Panel"

  • Next, go to the "System" tab and open "Additional parameters";

    Open the "System" parameter

  • Go to "Performance" and click on the "Options" button;

    Configuring Performance

  • In the "Advanced" tab there is a section "Virtual memory", which we need;
  • Press the "Change" button.

    Click "Change" in the "Virtual memory" section

  • A settings window will appear, where you select the disk partition, the paging file of which you want to change, click on the "Specify size" button and set it. Remember that the paging file is essentially a specific area of ​​the hard drive. It is not recommended to install great importance, because the system will automatically place data about programs in this file, and access to it is much slower than to RAM, therefore, performance may drop. Optimal size makes up about 30% of the amount of RAM. The last step is to press the "Set" button and restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

    Setting up the video card

    Improper graphics settings can contribute to poor performance on Windows 7. This problem is most relevant for laptops, since they have an integrated and discrete graphics cards... It will not be a secret for anyone that modern manufacturers regularly release not only drivers, but also system settings for their products. For example, for Nvidia - Geforce Experience, and for ATI Radeon video cards - Catalyst control Center. Many settings can be changed with this software, including optimizing the device as a whole.

    So, if you have a discrete and integrated video card, then you need to change the options in the software you are using. For video cards from Nvidia:

  • Right-click in an empty space and select "Panel nvidia control»:

    Opening the Nvidia panel

  • The settings window will appear, in the left menu of which you should find the option "Manage 3D parameters";

    Setting up an Nvidia graphics card

  • Next, select the tab “ Software settings"And click the" Add "button;

    Nvidia software settings

  • After clicking, a list of applications installed on your computer will appear, select the one you need and indicate the preferred graphics adapter in the appropriate list.
  • Thus, you can configure any application, and now, after launching it, all work will be redirected to the video card that you specified.

    For video cards from ATI Radeon, everything is a little different:

  • Right click on the desktop and select "Catalyst Control Center":

    Opening Catalyst Control Center

  • A settings window will appear, where you first need to change the view to "Advanced" and select the "Configure 3D applications" option;

    Changing the Catalyst Control Center View

  • After clicking, a list of settings will appear. Select the parameter that you need and select the "High performance" option in the list that appears.

    Performance Tuning in Catalyst Control Center

  • Thus, the system will automatically launch the most powerful graphics adapter after activating a specific application.

    ReadyBoost function

    Few people know, but the Windows 7 operating system provides the ability to use flash drives as an additional data caching device. So users can significantly increase the speed of performing data read-write functions, respectively, optimize their computer or laptop, and improve performance. You can activate ReadyBoost in the following way:

  • Insert the USB drive into the corresponding connector of the system unit;
  • After the autorun window is displayed, select "Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost";

    Running the ReadyBoost option

  • In the window, activate the "Use this device" option and specify the maximum memory size;

    Configuring the ReadyBoost parameters

  • Click the Apply button.
  • Everything is ready to use, it will be created on the flash drive special file, in which the information of programs and applications will be placed. Remember that the flash drive must never be removed by at least before you finish using your computer.

    Using additional software

    Most of the above manipulations can be performed using special software. In addition, such programs often have additional functionality, advanced settings that allow you to optimize the system in the best way.

    Razer Game Booster

    The Razer Game Booster is one of the most popular applications, which provides a wide range of options for optimizing games and other programs installed on your computer. The utility is free and you can easily find it on the Internet. To work, you need to register on the developers' website, which will not be difficult for anyone, and then enter the program interface using your username and password.

    The setting is performed in a few clicks - just specify the "Game mode", after which the system resources will be directed only to the game launched by the user:

  • Select the "Launch" tab;
  • Click the "Add" button and select a game;
  • Highlight the game and activate the game mode from the menu below.
  • Of course, everything would be fine, but the program works ideally only with powerful computers. Therefore, on older PCs, it is better to use other optimization utilities.

    This program appeared a long time ago and gained a good reputation. It is used everywhere, as it has a pleasant and intuitive interface, as well as all the necessary functionality to optimize the system. The program is distributed free of charge. Therefore, any user can easily find it on the net and download it. CCleaner allows you to analyze the system, including finding information that may be hidden in some applications. This information can be viewed after starting the "Clean" function. Also, using such a utility, you can scan the registry, as mentioned a little earlier, respectively, this tab is selected. There are few disadvantages of this program, in fact, that is why many PC users resort to using it. Perhaps the only thing that can be noted here is the ability to delete important data from the registry, but even here the user will be promptly notified of the creation of a backup copy.


    GameGain is software that allows you to get the most out of your computer or laptop. It has a very pleasant and intuitive interface, a minimum of settings, which means that almost no one will have any difficulties in working with GameGain. This utility is also free and you can easily find it on the net and download it. After starting, a window will appear in which you will be asked to select the operating system, as well as the type of processor. As you specify this data, move the slider until you get optimal performance. It should be said that the operation of the computer at the maximum "overclocking" parameters, and in the case of this program, it will be "overclocking", leads to a decrease in the operating time of the computer or laptop. You risk losing your "iron friend" ahead of time.

    System Care

    System Care- a program designed to clean the system files of the operating system from various garbage... Unfortunately, the program is paid, and also does not have the ability to change the language, and for some Russian-speaking users this can be an obstacle. In addition, System Care has a rather complex interface, vaguely reminiscent of CCleaner, but unlike this program, users will have to figure out what and where is located here. Unfortunately, this program is of no use. It spreads in a viral, fraudulent way, and after the first scan of the computer, during which viruses and great amount unnecessary junk, you are given the opportunity to buy it.

    Driver booster

    Driver booster- a program that executes in automatic mode search for the latest drivers for key elements personal computer or laptop. This utility will be useful to everyone, since you need to update drivers regularly, but each time looking for them for your component model is a very boring task. This free software can be easily found on the Internet and installed on your computer. Driver Booster has a clear and simple interface, performs a quick and convenient check for updates, does not need constant user control. Unfortunately, batch updating drivers with this utility is often very time-consuming and regularly requires a system reboot. Nevertheless, it is a very handy and good program.

    What should I do to make sure the games don't slow down again? How to keep the system in order?

    To stop games from slowing down, you should regularly keep your computer or laptop in good condition. Try to avoid installing many unnecessary programs, produce complete cleaning systems from software, and also do not forget about the system registry, in which, even after deletion, there may be residual files and data. To do this, use CCleaner and make it yours " best friend". Defragment and analyze the system once a month, then the games on your computer will stop slowing down.

    Performing these operations will allow each user, regardless of the configuration of the personal computer, to optimize the operation of the device, increase productivity both online and singles games... Check regularly for residual data, files and delete them, then the computer will work efficiently.

    The question of how to speed up a computer is of interest to a huge number of users, and interest in it does not fade away. You can really affect the speed of your computer by optimizing the operating system. Most of the functions and capabilities of modern operating systems remain unclaimed by ordinary users. Many, after reinstalling the OS, do not make any changes to the configuration and are content with standard settings, which are not the most optimal.

    We will analyze in detail all the most topical methods optimizing windows 7 to improve computer performance. If you follow our recommendations, you will surely notice that your computer has started to work much faster.

    Customizing visual effects

    Problem. Operating systems of the windows family have not only a convenient, but also a beautiful interface. This, in turn, imposes quite serious requirements on the computer hardware. With all the abundance of interesting visual effects, hardware should provide smooth operation and the highest possible performance. If the computer is not the most powerful, then a drop in performance is guaranteed. This problem is especially relevant for owners of low-power laptops and netbooks, whose manufacturers primarily set themselves the goal of increasing energy efficiency and reducing costs.

    Solution. To solve this problem, it is recommended to disable almost all visual effects and leave only the basic ones. In this case, an increase in productivity is guaranteed to you. Optimizing windows 7 for visual effects is pretty straightforward. Go to the Start menu and type “Visual Effects” in the search bar. Click on the appeared section “Tuning the presentation and system performance”.

    For convenient settings, we put the selector in front of the item "Provide best performance”, Absolutely all checkboxes are cleared. Then check the following boxes:

    • Enable desktop composition
    • Using window and button display styles
    • Show thumbnails instead of icons
    • Smooth jaggedness in screen fonts

    Click “Apply” and restart your computer.

    Optimizing hard drive in windows 7

    Problem. All files written to the hard disk are split into fragments using a special algorithm. This is done to maximize the rational use of the remaining disk space. As a result, when the computer tries to read a file, it collects a huge amount of scattered all over hard disk separate fragments. This process is aggravated by the presence of tens of thousands of fragments of unnecessary files. This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in the performance of the hard drive and the system as a whole.

    Solution. The only effective way out of the problem is regular cleaning of junk files and defragmenting the hard drive. First, revise unnecessary information on your computer. Delete annoying movies (which, by the way, take up a fairly large amount of memory), music and other files that have already lost their relevance for you. Then uninstall programs that you are not using. To do this, go to the "Start" menu -> "Control Panel" -> "Uninstall a program". We carry out an audit legacy applications and get rid of them using the "Delete" button.

    After cleaning up the garbage, proceed to defragmentation. To do this, go to “My Computer”, right-click on the desired disk and select “Properties” -> “Service” -> “Run defragmentation”. Select the disk and click the "Disk Defragmenter" button.

    Optimizing your hard drive will really help you speed up your computer. The effect will be especially noticeable on those computers where this procedure has not been carried out for a long time. Recall that it is advisable to defragment regularly to maintain optimal performance of the hard drive.

    Optimization of autorun in windows 7

    Problem. Even on powerful and expensive computers, a decrease in the loading speed of the operating system is noticed over time. And in most cases, the culprit is the sheer number of programs that run concurrently with the operating system. Update managers are added to startup various applications, agents social networks, all kinds of messengers, antivirus. By the way, it is better not to remove the latter from startup, because ideally the antivirus program should constantly protect the computer in real time. We will disable all other "unexpected guests" at startup.

    Solution. For a simple and effective removal of unnecessary programs from startup, it is recommended to use the CCleaner program. Its main specialty is cleaning the registry (we'll talk about this further), but it also does an excellent job of optimizing autoloading by providing the user with a convenient and intuitive interface.

    Start the program, go to the "Service" -> "Startup" tab and use the "Turn off" button to remove from automatic launch all programs that you do not need.

    Diagnostics of RAM and registry

    Problem. It is believed that a cluttered registry can negatively affect the speed of a computer, as can problem RAM. Everything is clear with the registry. If installed applications are incompletely removed, "garbage" remains in it (application settings, links to non-existent shortcuts, incorrect file extensions). Over time, the garbage becomes more and more. And if we want to speed up the computer, then the garbage must be removed.

    With RAM, things are a little more complicated. This is a very important component of a computer and there is simply no need to talk about optimal system performance without adequate operation of RAM. The reason for the appearance of failures in RAM can be a defect in production, a malfunction in the power supply, and even voltage drops. In any case, the optimization of windows 7 necessarily implies the diagnosis of RAM.

    Solution. You can clean the registry using the previously mentioned CCleaner program. RAM can be diagnosed using operating system tools. To do this, open the "Start" menu and in the search box enter "Diagnostics of problems of the computer's RAM".

    A window should appear in which you need to select the type of check (it is recommended to select the first option).

    After the computer restarts, a memory check will begin. It can take a long period of time, so do not schedule any urgent computer-related tasks during the diagnostics period. When checking on the screen, you will see a window similar to the following:

    The end of diagnostics will be accompanied by a computer restart. The next time you enter the system, you will be able to see the results of the check. Optimizing windows 7 must necessarily include working with the registry and RAM.

    Optimizing windows 7 for multi-core processors

    Problem. Many users have computers equipped with multi-core processors (with 2 or more cores). More cores in the processor should positively affect the speed of the computer. Although the operating system itself automatically checks the type and characteristics installed processor quite often only one core is used at computer startup. Naturally, in this case, the loading speed of the operating system decreases.

    Solution. The solution to this problem is very simple. The user can force the system to boot using the power of all processor cores. To do this, go to "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "Run". Enter the command "msconfig" and click "OK".

    In the system configuration window that appears, go to the "Loading" tab -> "Additional parameters ...". Put a check mark in front of the item “Number of processors” and select the maximum number. Click "OK".

    If you do not know how to speed up your computer, or rather how to affect the speed of the operating system startup, then this method is ideal for you.

    Removing unnecessary gadgets

    Problem. Standard and additional gadgets used in windows 7 are undoubtedly very convenient and useful. Many users are happy to use them in daily work to facilitate access to interesting information... On the other hand, gadgets can directly affect the speed of a computer, naturally in a negative way. Such gadgets will consume the resources of your system. On a powerful modern machine, this may not be noticeable, but on weaker computers, the drop in performance will be noticeable.

    Solution. Optimizing windows 7 in terms of gadgets does not mean removing them completely. Leave the 1-2 most frequently used and useful gadget and delete the rest. All the same, with a high degree of probability, it can be argued that you will receive most of the interesting information on the Internet. Why then once again load your system.

    Optimizing windows 7 with ReadyBoost

    Problem. The windows 7 operating system can use high-speed flash memory devices to efficiently cache the data of the most frequently launched applications. Actually USB memory a flash drive or SD card can be used instead of a swap file. Such a clever manipulation makes it possible to speed up the read-write procedure, which ultimately will have a positive effect on the speed of the computer and the overall performance of the system.

    Not all windows 7 users can increase the amount of RAM in the standard way (by purchasing a new bar). A variety of reasons can prevent this. These are the restrictions imposed by the manufacturer of the chipset or motherboard on their products, and the inability to purchase RAM of a suitable format.

    Solution. To expand the computer's RAM, you can use standard USB flash drives and flash cards of SDHC / SD / MS format. To use a flash card, you need a special card reader that is compatible with the card format. ReadyBoost technology is natively built into the operating system, so you don't have to download and install additional software.

    The minimum requirements for drives when using them in ReadyBoost:

    • Support USB standard 2.0/3.0
    • Minimum speed read 2.5 MB / s for information in blocks of 4 KB
    • Minimum write speed 1.75 MB / s for information in blocks of 512 KB
    • Minimum free space 64 MB

    Before choosing a drive for ReadyBoost, be sure to check its speed characteristics and make sure they meet the requirements. The use of high-speed flash cards will provide maximum performance gain.

    Go to “My Computer”, right-click on the external drive and click “Properties”. Go to the “ReadyBoost” tab. Set the selector opposite the item “Use this device” and use the slider to set the limit for the amount of memory used. Then click “Apply” and “OK”. If you want to grant the system access to all free memory of external media, then set the selector opposite the item “Provide this device for ReadyBoost technology”.

    Use this tricky way... We hope it will help you answer the question of how to speed up your computer.

    Optimizing power in windows 7

    Problem. Very often when working on a computer, users forget to configure a power plan - a set of hardware and system parameters that are responsible for energy consumption individual components systems. The power plan can be configured to maximize power savings (respectively, to minimum performance), to balance power consumption, or to improve the performance of your computer (to maximize power consumption). You can simply forget about this simple parameter and at the same time negatively affect the performance of the system.

    This problem is relevant for laptop owners. By default, the system sets up a balanced diet. When the laptop's battery runs out, it is automatically set to power saving mode. Later, when the laptop is connected to the network, few people remember about economy mode and the need to switch it. So on simple things the speed of the computer is lost.

    If you are using a personal computer or laptop (but running on mains power), adjusting the power plan can speed up your computer and improve overall system performance.

    Solution. The solution to the problem is to control the power supply mode. Go to "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Power Supply" and select the "High Performance" mode.

    You can customize the power plan if you want. To do this, select “Power plan settings” -> “Change advanced power options”. We set our values ​​as desired.


    We have analyzed 8 ways to optimize windows 7 that will help increase the speed of your computer. It is very difficult to fit all the optimization methods into one article, so this is only the first part of the article. In future articles, we will continue to analyze interesting and effective optimization methods, since this topic is quite extensive and interesting.

    Optimizing windows 7 or how to improve computer performance

    It is possible to increase the performance of your computer by optimizing the operation of windows 7. Many of the existing functions in windows that affect the speed and performance of a PC are not used by ordinary users. Most use the default settings, and they are not the best for the performance of the PC. Following are the main ways to increase speed to improve the performance of your windows 7 computer.

    Optimizing visual effects


    windows 7 has a lot of beautiful visuals, which increases the load on the hardware and slows down the performance of the PC. This slows down the performance of the computer, especially in the case of not the most modern hardware.


    It is necessary to turn off the visual effects, leaving only the standard ones. This will immediately lead to an increase in the speed and performance of the computer. In windows 7, you need to type "Visual Effects" through the "Start" window in the search box.

    Then click on "Tuning the presentation and performance of the system". In order to speed up the process, it is necessary to activate the "Provide the best performance" option.

    1. Increase the clarity of the display of fonts;
    2. Application of types of displaying windows and buttons;
    3. Connect desktop composition;
    4. Show thumbnails instead of labels.

    Then click "OK" and reboot.

    Check and debug the hard drive in windows 7


    Data on the hard drive is entered in parts for optimization disk space... As a result, the PC, opening files, spends a significant amount of time searching for them, and if there is a large number of junk files, the process slows down even more.


    It is necessary to periodically check for and delete unnecessary files, and defragment the disk. At the first stage, you need to manually delete unnecessary data from the computer memory, for example, unused programs, old movies, music, etc. In order to uninstall applications, you must enter through the "Start" in the "Control Panel" and then in "Uninstall a program".

    Next, you need to defragment. You must enter "My Computer", in context menu select the disk sequentially: "Properties" - "Service" - "Defragment". Click on "Disk Defragmenter".

    Clearing the "Startup" directory


    Often, the speed at which a computer boots can be increased simply by getting rid of unnecessary startup programs, for example, social media messaging services, updates various programs, antivirus, etc. In fact, everything except antivirus can be removed.


    It is recommended to use the CCleaner application. It will help clean your registry and optimize startup speed. In the application, you need to go to the "Service" tab, and then to "Startup". Clicking on "Turn off", go through all the applications that you do not constantly use.

    Registry and RAM cleaning


    When you uninstall programs, "garbage" accumulates on your computer (program settings, links, unnecessary shortcuts, erroneous extensions). The optimal operation of RAM is affected by possible defects in its manufacture, incorrect work power supply and mains voltage changes.


    Cleaning the registry is very easy to do with the "CCleaner" application. The analysis of the work of the RAM is carried out using the built-in windows functions 7. In order to perform the analysis of RAM, it is required to use the search bar through "Start", where to type "Diagnostics of problems of the computer's RAM".

    After that, a menu will be displayed where you need to click on the 1st diagnostic method.

    The PC will reboot and start analyzing the RAM. The process takes a significant amount of time. After completing the process, the PC will reboot again and the user will have access to information about the analysis performed.

    Connecting all processor cores


    To effectively increase the performance of your computer, you need to optimize Windows for multi-core processors.


    It is required to tell the OS to boot using the resources of all cores. Through "Start" - "All programs" - "Standard" - "Run" you need to type "msconfig" and click on "OK".

    In the menu that appears, enter "Loading" - "Additional parameters ...". Check the box "Number of processors" (to improve the performance and speed of the PC, it is recommended to check the maximum possible number). Click on "OK".

    Disable unused gadgets

    Gadgets slow down PC performance. For maximum effect it is recommended to disable all of them.


    The article discusses only the basic methods of increasing the speed and performance of your computer.

    This topic is very extensive and it is impossible to cover it entirely in one publication, therefore additional methods for optimizing windows 7 are described in a separate section.

    Optimizing and improving the performance of windows 7 (64-bit)

    windows 7 is a complex complex of interaction of many programs, therefore, a huge number of factors affect the operating speed of the OS. You can't just turn off a couple of programs or change one setting to get a significant increase in system performance.

    Optimizing your system is a tricky business that requires care and an integrated approach. This article discusses the main steps you can take to improve the performance of 64-bit windows 7.

    SSD disk application

    If you use not an ordinary hard drive (hard disk), but a solid-state drive as a system disk, then this event alone will quickly and significantly increase the performance of a PC on windows 7 (64 bit). The main advantage of an SSD-disk is the speed of saving and playing data many times faster (500 Mb / s) in comparison with hard drives.

    Even loading the operating system from this media takes only a few seconds. Currently, all equipment used in computers is high-speed, only one weak link in the interaction chain is hard drives HDDs that slow down the entire system.

    Install a new BIOS and check the relevance of the software

    The following analysis needs to be done: Are the drivers up to date, does the PC have a fresh BIOS? When installing the drivers, you should take into account the bit depth, i.e. for 64-bit OS, you must download the advisory software for your computer hardware. If there are no drivers for a specific device for windows 7 (64), it is allowed to download the appropriate software for Vista.

    Increase RAM

    Often, the problem of slow PCs with windows 7 is a banal lack of RAM. The best method fixing the problem is to increase the RAM. This event always significantly increases the speed of the PC and leads to the optimization of the OS. In order to ensure comfortable work windows 7 (64-bit) requires at least 4 Gb of RAM.

    Optimize the interface

    windows Aero in "Seven" is the main "devourer" of system resources. Although it only gives some beauty and personality to the external design and is completely unnecessary for work. Significant performance degradation due to Aero occurs on a PC with an insufficiently powerful video card or if it is built into the motherboard.

    Turning off almost all visible to the eye Aero functions. To do this, you need to open the "Control Panel", then go to the "System" tab and "Additional system parameters". Next, in the "Additional" tab, find and click on "Parameters".

    Here you can disable such functions as: showing the contents of windows while moving, sliding effects, fading menus, animations, casting shadows with icons, cursor and windows, etc. Even disabling only some of the effects will already increase the speed of windows 7, and in the case of an unassuming user, it is recommended to click on "Provide best performance" in the settings.

    Optimize the list of startup applications

    A significant number of applications are loaded simultaneously with windows 7. The developers of these programs ensure that they are loaded in the background and the owner of the computer does not see them. But this is only needed for utilities that are used constantly.

    It is necessary to disable the autorun of unnecessary applications. The following programs must be loaded with the operating system: hardware drivers, firewall and anti-virus utility. To optimize the list of automatically loading applications, hold down the "WIN" key, press "R" and enter "msconfig". Then open the "Startup" tab.

    Startup programs can be seen in system area"Tray" on the taskbar. However, not everything is displayed there. Designed specifically for windows application"AutoRuns", which is freely available from Microsoft. AutoRuns shows a complete list of downloadable applications. In the window of this application, you just need to uncheck the boxes next to the unnecessary program.

    Disable unnecessary services

    By disabling the start of some services, you can improve the performance of your computer. To do this, you need to enter the "Control Panel", then into the "Administrative Tools", where in the "Services" tab, select the unnecessary service and click "Disabled".

    Defragment disks periodically

    With increased fragmentation of data, the hard disk is forced to perform extra work, and this affects the speed of the PC. It is recommended to run manual defragmentation to organize files for optimal performance of the hard drive.

    Turn off automatic defragmentation

    The creators of windows 7 provide background defragmentation, during which the performance of the computer is significantly reduced. It is necessary to configure the process through the "Start" button. Select the "Standard" line in the "All Programs" tab, then enter the "System Tools", where to find "Defragmentation". To increase the speed of windows 7 a prerequisite is to perform regular manual defragmentation.

    Get rid of old, unnecessary or outdated applications

    Some PC manufacturers release their devices with already installed applications unnecessary for the user. They slow down the performance of windows 7 because they use up memory and disk space.

    It is advisable to rid the computer of all unused applications... This list should be supplemented with programs that have been installed by the user himself, but have lost their relevance over time. A simple action to remove these programs will improve system performance.

    Remove unused gadgets

    In windows 7, gadgets increase the comfort of using a PC, but they all need system resources during startup and operation. If you use only gadgets that are necessary for regular use, the system performance will increase.

    Restart your computer

    Any user can easily follow this recommendation. Rebooting your PC regularly is easy. It is recommended to perform this simple procedure once every 7 days. This cleans up memory and closes some of the failed services, resulting in improved system performance.

    How to increase the performance of the windows 7 operating system

    The operating system has a rather complex structure. Its work is provided by a huge number of different programs - services and processes. There are many factors that affect the speed and performance of windows 7. This article describes how you can increase the speed of your personal computer.

    The physical part of the computer (processor power, amount of RAM, solid state drives) is not considered in the article. Obviously, the better the PC, the more tasks it can solve, and the faster it copes with them. This guide describes the process of fine tuning the system, which will bear fruit on any hardware.

    General information

    First, you need to figure out what exactly affects the performance of windows. This guide only addresses those factors that can be influenced by any user without the assistance of computer specialists:


    This feature allows you to increase the speed of the hard disk and therefore the entire computer. With the help of a special utility, the system sorts all the information on the media, optimizing the path of movement of the read head.

    Over time (as a result of deletion, new files, copying and editing) the data becomes fragmented again, and the process must be started again.

    Defragmentation is performed as standard by means of windows, and with the help of special third-party programs. Also in the OS, you can set up a schedule for regular operations at a convenient time for you.

    Note! Only the hard disk drive (HDD) needs regular defragmentation. Solid state (SDD) from such a procedure only wear out, not getting any performance gain.

    Paging file

    The function of the paging file is to compensate for the lack of free RAM on the computer. Part RAM content is transferred to the hard drive, freeing up space for critical tasks. If you have a lot of physical memory, for example, 16 or 32 gigabytes, it makes no sense to carry out these settings.

    To increase the paging size in windows, you need to do the following:

    Performance settings

    V windows settings there is a special section dedicated to increasing the performance of your computer. How to open it is described in the previous section of the guide.

    In addition to setting the swap volume, users may be interested in the following options:


    If you want to reduce the boot time of windows OS and improve performance, it is recommended to disable unnecessary applications from autorun. For example, if you rarely use Skype, you can cancel it. automatic start simultaneously with the start of the system, and turn it on only when necessary.

    You can control autostart in the configuration menu of the applications themselves. In torrent trackers, clients for cloud storage, instant messengers and other utilities running in the background, there is special item in settings.

    But it is much more convenient to work with a single list for windows:

    Optimizing the registry

    To avoid any inconsistencies in the registry, you must correctly install and uninstall all applications. If you still have any problems, use CCleaner to clean up the registry and bring performance back to its previous level.

    The utility can be downloaded free of charge from the official website of the developer - Piriform. Follow the link and click on the green button "Download free version". Install the application following the instructions in the wizard.

    V running program go to the "Registry" section, and click the "Search for problems" button, and then - "Fix".

    Improving the performance of a computer with windows 7 installed

    The new powerful computer pleases users with its performance, but over time, the speed of its work is steadily decreasing. In this case, many have a reasonable question of how to accelerate windows computer 7 without messing up the system.

    Considering the question of how to configure windows 7, we have already touched upon the problem of using various programs and archives with settings. It was about tweaks - little tweaks that help increase system performance. However, you can do without third-party software.

    You can really affect the speed of a PC or laptop using the usual system optimization.

    Many windows functions are not in demand among ordinary users, so they can be safely turned off, increasing the productivity of the machine.

    Disable visual effects

    Nice windows interface 7 is a great advantage and at the same time a serious disadvantage when it comes to optimizing your computer.

    Various visual effects place high demands on the hardware, slowing down some more important processes.

    If you have a low-power laptop or a computer with old hardware, then a drop in performance with the included visual effects cannot be avoided. To fix this lack of windows 7, you can use the built-in tools and remove all unnecessary "chips".

    To bring the interface back to normal, you need to leave the four effects marked in the screenshot enabled. After that, click the "Apply" button and restart your computer to new configuration began to act.

    Optimizing your hard drive

    Files written to the hard disk are divided into fragments that are scattered over the entire surface of the media. This was done primarily for the rational use of free space, but as a result it often turns out that the computer, when the user accesses a specific file, is forced to collect fragments scattered across the entire surface of the disk in a heap.

    This also adds a huge number of fragments of already unnecessary (or deleted) files. The result is a decrease in the performance of the hard drive and, as a result, the system as a whole. There are two ways to fix this problem:

    • Periodic cleaning of the disk from temporary and simply unnecessary files.
    • Defragment your hard drive.

    Remove from your computer all unnecessary files and programs that take up a lot of space, but are not used for their intended purpose. Leave only the essentials that you can't do without.

    To remove temporary files:

    After cleaning the system from garbage and uninstalling unnecessary programs, you can proceed to disk defragmentation, which is performed using standard windows tools:

    Optimizing your hard drive is one of the most effective ways increasing the speed of your computer. This will be especially noticeable if you haven't defragmented for a long time and haven't destroyed " computer trash».

    Increasing the paging file

    Lack of RAM and the impossibility of installing an additional bar often leads to the fact that users cannot qualitatively improve the performance of the machine and are forced to put up with the low speed of the system.

    You can enlarge the paging file using a USB drive and the built-in windows technology ReadyBoost.

    An ordinary flash drive or SDHC / SD / MS memory card can be used as a storage device. Even a regular smartphone or any other device with built-in memory that meets the following requirements will do:

    • Support for USB0 / 3.0 technology.
    • Free space (at least 64 MB, but usually more than 200 MB is required).

    There are still some restrictions on the data transfer rate, but they are quite democratic: any modern storage possesses much the best characteristics than needed for ReadyBoost technology to work.

    If you want to provide everything free place for the paging file, select "Provide for ReadyBoost".

    Autostart cleaning

    Even on powerful new computers, some time after the start of continuous operation, the user notes a decrease in the startup speed of the operating system. This is primarily due to large quantity unnecessary programs in autostart, which are added there without the knowledge of the owner of the car.

    Various messengers, applications for automatic updates, agents of social networks and other similar programs, during installation, are necessarily registered in startup and run along with the system, taking up resources.

    The best solution is to remove all applications from startup except those vital for the system. The latter include antivirus with its own services and system utilities. You can clean up startup with using CCleaner:

    If CCleaner utilities no, then use the standard tools:

    In windows 8 and 8.1, this operation can be performed on the Startup tab in the Task Manager.

    Registry and RAM check

    Tails left after uninstalling programs in the registry negatively affect the performance of the system, which leads to a decrease in the speed of the computer. The solution is simple - periodically clean the registry using the CCleaner utility mentioned above.

    If you have never cleaned the registry, then after the very first "cleaning" you may notice a serious acceleration of the system.

    Do not forget about the RAM, which may also have various failures that affect the final performance. To check the RAM, use the built-in "Diagnose problems of the computer's RAM" tool.

    Choose the first option, which means reboot and check. Remember to close all programs.

    The scan can be quite long, so do not schedule any computer-related tasks for its time - it is not recommended to interrupt the diagnostics, as this can lead to serious errors.

    Power supply parameters

    The minimum number of users remembers setting the power supply parameters, although this is one of important components adjusting the performance of your computer. Typically, a power plan has three modes:

    • Maximum savings - minimum productivity.
    • Balanced energy consumption.
    • Maximum energy consumption - maximum performance.

    Switching the power mode is especially important for laptop owners. By default, the system is set to balanced mode, but as soon as the battery runs out, the power saving mode is automatically activated, which reduces performance.

    When the laptop is connected to the network for charging, the economy mode does not switch, although there is no longer any need for it. On such trifles, users lose moments, which then add up to a noticeable slowdown of the computer.

    If you are working on a computer or laptop that is constantly connected to the network, then be sure to configure the power supply scheme:

    1. Go to the "Control Panel".
    2. Find the Power Options section.
    3. Select the "High Performance" mode.

    If necessary, you can customize the scheme for yourself by clicking on the "Power plan settings" link. On the "Additional parameters" tab, you can set your own values.

    Enabling all processor cores

    It is now almost impossible to find a working computer with only one core; modern machines have 2 or more cores available.

    Usually the operating system automatically checks the type of processor installed, but it often happens that only one core is used at boot.

    You can fix this flaw on your own:

    Now, when the operating system starts, all processor cores will be used, which will significantly speed up the boot process.

    Replacing thermal paste

    Another useful advice, allowing you to seriously increase the speed of your computer - replace the thermal paste on the processor.

    How to put a password on a program in windows 7

    Basic operating room settings Windows systems 7 are suboptimal and therefore slows down laptop speed. This guide will show you how to speed up your Windows 7 laptop using effective OS optimization techniques.

    How to speed up a Windows 7 laptop

    Here are seven ways you can improve your laptop's performance. You can selectively use the methods that suit you, but for better effect it is recommended to pay attention to each of them.

    Use a performance troubleshooter

    Windows 7 has built-in special tool that can automatically find and fix performance problems. This service analyzes settings that slow down your laptop and suggests ways to fix them.

    The first thing to do to optimize your system is to run the performance troubleshooter. To do this, do the following:

    1. go to the "Control Panel";
    2. in the search bar, type the word "problems", and then select "Troubleshoot";
    3. find the "System and Security" category and select "Search for performance problems" there;
    4. then follow the instructions provided by the service.

    Remove viruses and spyware

    If your laptop is slow to function, it might be infected with viruses or spyware.

    Use one of the well-known antivirus utilities to search and neutralize malware... In addition, as a preventive measure, regularly scan the system for viruses.

    Clean your laptop of programs you don't use

    Analyze all the utilities that are installed on your laptop. If you do not use any of the programs, then the best solution will delete them. This is especially true of service utilities, which include, for example, different kinds scanners, disk cleaning services and utilities Reserve copy, which often automatically turn on at system startup and run in the background, devouring resources.

    Remove unnecessary programs from startup

    As mentioned above, some utilities are able to start automatically and use the resources of the laptop, while it often happens that the user does not even know about it. This is done in order, for example, to instantly open the program window by clicking on the corresponding icon. The problem is that it is not practical if the user never uses the service.

    Cleaning the startup from unnecessary programs is another effective method how to speed up laptop on Windows 7.

    To implement cleaning, follow the instructions below:

    1. press the Win + R keys;
    2. in the window that appears, enter Msconfig and click OK;
    3. in a new window go to the "Startup" tab;
    4. go through the list of utilities and uncheck those that, in your opinion, are superfluous;
    5. Finally, don't forget to click OK.

    Clean and defragment the hard drive

    Unnecessary files are clogging up HDD, thereby slowing down its interaction with the operating system. In addition, over time, the process of fragmentation of the hard drive occurs, which also negatively affects performance. Therefore, cleaning and defragmenting are additional methods to speed up your laptop.

    To run the Windows 7 built-in disk cleanup utility, do the following:

    1. press Win + R;
    2. enter command cleanmgr and click OK;
    3. in the window that appears, select the disk that you want to clean up;
    4. after scanning, another window will open where you need to check the boxes opposite the files that should be deleted, and then click OK.

    To analyze a hard disk for fragmentation, use the instructions below:

    1. press the Win + R buttons and enter in the window that appears defrag.exe;
    2. in the new window, click on the "Analyze disk" button;
    3. after the analysis, the program will indicate the state of the hard disk and recommendations for optimization;
    4. if necessary, start defragmentation by clicking the appropriate button.

    Disable graphic effects

    Graphic or visual effects are resource intensive. Therefore, disabling them - powerful weapon when solving the problem of how to speed up a laptop on Windows 7.

    To turn off visual effects, do the following:

    1. click "Start" and in the search bar enter the phrase "visual effects";
    2. click on the line "Tuning the view and system performance";
    3. in the new window, select "Provide the best performance";
    4. click on the "Apply" button and then restart the laptop.

    Optimize your power supply

    Laptops have three power consumption modes:

    • maximum;
    • balanced;
    • minimal.

    At maximum power consumption, the laptop is able to work with increased productivity, respectively, at the minimum - with low performance. When the laptop's battery runs out, the operating system automatically switches to the lowest power consumption mode. But the problem is that when the device is connected to the power supply, the laptop does not always switch back to balanced or maximum mode, which, accordingly, affects performance.

    To change the power mode, do the following:

    1. start the "Control Panel";
    2. go to the "Power supply" category;
    3. in the window that opens, check the box next to the line "High performance".
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