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Speed ​​Up Android: Which Methods Really Work. Powerful ways to optimize Android devices

The correct and timely optimization of the operation of a device based on the Android OS depends not only on its performance, but even its durability. In addition, judicious use of RAM helps to cope with such pressing problems as, for example, freezes. Why does the device start to slow down and warm up? How to optimize your Android phone or tablet yourself, what to do to speed up your work and what methods are really effective? Let's find out!

Why does the Android device slow down?

Before proceeding directly to solving problems, it is worth pointing out their causes. Knowing what interferes with the normal operation of your device, you can prevent the manifestation of negative factors in the future. Please note that not all of the following may be specific to your case. Therefore, problems are listed in order of decreasing frequency of occurrence.

  • RAM load;
  • Physical memory load;
  • Too many graphic elements (animations, "live wallpapers", etc.);
  • Constant search for Wi-Fi and GPS networks;
  • Application of pseudo-optimizing applications.
  • Please note that the first two issues need to be addressed first. Even if the device works more or less normally, sooner or later it will start to slow down precisely because of the memory load. Let's consider in detail how to cope with these problems and others described.

    How to optimize the performance of your phone, smartphone or tablet?

    How do I optimize my Android device?

    So, let's get down to the optimization process. To do everything correctly and not to introduce unnecessary changes to the operation of the device, follow the steps in the order indicated. If any method helped, you do not need to resort to the following. However, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the entire list so that in the future you can quickly and without unnecessary problems optimize your device.

    Cleaning up physical memory

    Physical memory is all files that are stored on a device or removable media. The first thing you need to pay attention to if your phone or tablet starts to slow down is the amount of used memory. And we are talking about both the internal volume and SD-cards.

    Cleaning up physical memory

    The more memory is used, the longer it takes to sync files, download data, load applications, etc. If there are too many files on the memory card, the operating system spends a lot of resources to load information about their contents. All this is done for the convenience of the user: this way you can access the data instantly. However, it is clear that such actions consume a lot of CPU time. For example, if you are listening to music, the player loads information about all songs at once. As a result, the phone slows down and freezes.

    Before you start cleaning up your physical memory, you need to minimize it. If you have an SD card, set the path to save files for applications such as browser, Camera, Voice Recorder, Skype or Viber on it (below is an example of setting up an Internet browser). Earlier it was said that memory cards also consume device resources. However, the use of the internal memory of the phone is much more critical for its performance.

    Photo gallery: how to save files downloaded in the browser to a memory card?

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

    After the specified settings are made, you need to get rid of unnecessary files. These files may be those that you have not used for a long time. For example, a bored album of some group or a book that you don't want to read. If you are sorry to part with your data, it is not necessary to delete it. You can just move them to your computer or cloud storage (for example, Google Drive).

    Do not delete folders and files if you do not know their purpose, as they may contain important system information.

    It makes sense to move installed applications to the memory card. Thus, their entire cache, as well as some files, will not clutter up such a small memory of the device itself. To do this, go to Settings and look for Applications. Next, click on "Application Manager". You will see a list of all programs installed on the device. Each program will need to be moved separately. Just click on its name and reconfigure the "Memory" item as shown in the screenshots below.

    Photo Gallery: Move installed apps to memory card

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

    Cleaning up RAM

    RAM is a resource that is used by active applications. The more applications you have installed, the more RAM will be used. Even if you have not started some programs for a long time, they continue to work in the background in a "frozen" form (this is a feature of the Android OS). It is logical that to free up RAM, you need to delete unnecessary applications.

    Cleaning up RAM

    First of all, uninstall the games. If you don't feel like giving up on them completely, download something small (like the infamous "2048"). The more powerful the graphics component in the game, the more memory (and other resources) it requires. Even when turned off, the apps will download some data as soon as you turn on the internet connection.

    It is also worth getting rid of the applications left “just in case”. For example, if you haven't watched movies on your phone or tablet for a long time, delete the video player. In the end, you can always download it again, if that.

    If you have uninstalled all applications that you considered unnecessary, but the device still slows down, refer to the built-in cleaning system. This is a kind of program that manufacturers usually load by default (the name may differ, for example, "Memory Cleanup" or "Cleanup"). If you don't have one, you can manually clear the RAM.

    Go to "Settings" -> "Applications" -> "Working". You will see a list of running programs. Go to any of them and click "Stop".

    Stop some programs

    Among other things, you can use special programs to clear RAM, but we will talk about them later.

    A large number of widgets on the screen, animated "live" wallpapers and other graphic excesses negatively affect the operation of the operating system. Of course, it is beautiful and convenient. But each such element requires RAM, processor time, and GPU resources (which is commonly called a video card).

    Get rid of unnecessary widgets

    Thus, even the most powerful phone or tablet can start to slow down only because of widgets and live wallpapers. Discard them, leave only the most essential.

    Removing unnecessary services and applications to speed up the processor

    If none of the above helps, you can try disabling some operating system services that clutter up both the RAM and the processor.

    Note that this will degrade the graphics for better performance.

    First, you need to go to the "Developer options" settings. Don't worry, you won't do anything irreparable. All the proposed settings can be rolled back. So, to access this item, go to "Settings" -> "About device". There find "Build number" and click on it 7 times in a row. Now you can go to Developer Options. If nothing happened, it is likely that this option was already enabled on your device. Just find it in the Applications section as a standalone program.

    Enter "Options ..." and follow these steps:

  • Check the box next to Force GPU Processing. Thus, the graphics processor will be constantly on, which means that the resources of the main processor will not be wasted on the graphics.
  • Do the same for Disable Hardware Overlay.
  • Set Animator Duration Scale, Transition Animation Scale, and Window Animation Scale to Animation Disabled (see screenshots below). This will be especially true for older models and weak devices.
  • Open the "Background Processes" item and set a limit on the number of programs running in the background. It is recommended not more than 2–5.
  • Photo Gallery: Configuring Developer Options

    Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7

    Do not change other settings unless you have the proper knowledge. In addition to changing the parameters of these services, you can try to uninstall some system applications, for example, "Google Play Games", etc. You need to do this only if you know for sure that you or the operating system will not need the application.

    Don't worry: Android will prevent you from uninstalling vital programs.

    Optimizing battery performance

    As strange as it may sound, a lot also depends on the correct operation of the battery. The point is that you need to charge your phone or tablet correctly. To do this, it is enough to follow the points below.

  • Always charge your device only after it is completely discharged.
  • Wait until the device is 100% charged.
  • Avoid using apps while charging.
  • Charge your device from USB or cigarette lighter as little as possible.
  • Also, dim your screen whenever you can; turn off apps, don't just lock the screen.

    Optimize battery performance

    Disable Wi-Fi, GPS and Geolocation

    GPS and Wi-Fi networks are often essential. Without them, smartphones would be devoid of many of the functional features that users love them so much for. But this does not mean at all that these networks must be turned on all the time.

    Disable GPS and Geolocation

    GPS and geolocation are functions that provide data exchange with satellites. The device spends a lot of energy and resources on organizing and conducting such an exchange. Thus, disabling GPS helps speed up the operating system. After all, you still do not need to be constantly connected to satellites if, for example, you are at home. You can turn off GPS and geolocation by going to Settings -> Location.

    When Wi-Fi is on, installed applications will exchange data with Google Play servers. This is necessary for constant synchronization and stable operation of programs. But when, for example, you want to listen to music or watch a movie, you should turn off the Wi-Fi network. This will not only help conserve battery power, but also free up RAM.

    Getting rid of ads

    Advertising in applications and in the browser is not only annoying, but also "eats up" some of the RAM. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to install applications to combat it. Why "sometimes"? Because programs to hide ads also require memory. In addition, they are usually running continuously.

    AdBlock Plus program interface

    You can optimize the work of anti-ad applications by disabling them when they are not needed. Try installing, for example, AdBlock Plus and compare the RAM consumption with and without it. Draw the necessary conclusions. Also, do not install such programs if you rarely go to your browser or play games with a disconnected Internet connection.

    Firmware upgrade

    Firmware is, in simple terms, the version of the Android operating system installed on your device. And we are talking not only about the standard versions, but also about the OS with additional software. For example, today many smartphone publishers add a number of programs to the original Android, change the interface and other graphic details. As you probably already understood from what was said earlier, the fewer unnecessary applications, the better the device behaves. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to change the firmware in order to get rid of such applications. Remember that reinstalling the OS without an official update will void the factory warranty. Therefore, this method is very radical. Nevertheless, he really can help.

    Do not use the following steps if you do not have sufficient knowledge. In this case, it is better to contact the service center.

    There are a number of programs for reinstalling the OS on Android. The most popular and stable is Odin. To change the firmware using it, you need to download and install the program on your PC. Please note that the original version is only available in English; all others are potentially dangerous. In addition, you will need the firmware file directly. There are many such files on the network, but be careful. Trust only trusted resources.

    Odin program interface

    Now you need to put Android in firmware mode. To do this, turn off the device and simultaneously hold down the Volume Down, Home and Lock keys.

    Press the indicated keys at the same time

    The "Firmware" menu will open. Press the "Volume Up" key to agree with the transition to the installation mode.

    Press the "Volume up" key

    Connect your device to your computer using a USB cable. All that remains is to open the firmware file in the Odin program and press the Start button. The firmware will be updated.

    Video: Samsung J3 phone firmware example

    Applications to optimize the work and increase the performance of the Android OS

    All of the above methods take time and skill. If you do not want to manually clean up RAM and / or physical memory every time, you should install one of the programs created specifically for this. The most common are:

  • CCleaner;
  • Power Clean;
  • Avira Android Optimizer;
  • SD Maid.
  • This list is far from complete. In fact, there are a lot of applications with similar functionality. Moreover, their interface is often very similar, and is very simple. Take "Clean Master" for example.

    Clean Master program

    Once you enter the program (which can be downloaded from the Google Play Market), you will see all the functions you are interested in on one screen. In one click, you can clean the device from residual application files, free up RAM, configure the operation of programs. In addition, the Clean Master will automatically prompt you to clean every 3-5 days.

    All the other applications mentioned are almost identical to the Clean Master program. So you can safely choose the one that you like best.

    Remember that rooting will void your factory warranty. In addition, with them, an inept user can harm the system. Therefore, this function should only be used by professionals.

    Be careful when removing certain files and programs, even if you are confident in your abilities. After all, now the responsibility for the correct operation of the device rests entirely on your shoulders.

    Video: An example of rooted Android optimization

    Hard reset

    Hard Reset - a complete reset of the Android system settings. If none of the above has helped to cope with the brakes and freezes, this is the only thing that can be done. In this case, all personal data, as well as installed programs, will be deleted. So you need to do a Hard Reset last.

    To reset the system, go to "Settings" -> "Backup and reset" (this item may have a different name). In the menu that appears, click "Reset data" and confirm it.

    Hard Reset - Step 4 Hard Reset - Step 5

    False optimization techniques

    As you have already seen, there are quite a few ways to optimize the operation of Android devices. However, some software developers trick their customers by offering non-existent methods to deal with freezes. It is quite simple to protect yourself from quackery: download programs only from the Google Play Market and only from trusted publishers. Also, remember the following:

  • Defragmentation for Android devices is a cheat. Do not download applications that offer to defragment the memory or registry of the Android OS. At best, they don't do anything useful.
  • Do not install applications that offer automatic process management (called task managers). As mentioned earlier, on Android, all applications run permanently in a “frozen” state. Therefore, such programs (if they really do what they suggest) will only slow down your device. After all, each application will be automatically restarted by the operating system.
  • Be careful with what you download. Don't forget to use your antivirus.

    What if my device heats up and starts to freeze?

    What to do if the device gets warm?

    If your phone or tablet gets very hot, then the system needs optimization. In fact, overheating is a sign that something needs to be fixed. Moreover, this "something" can refer to either software or hardware.

    The device heats up and discharges quickly

    The combination of these two factors means that the problem is in the software side. All of the above optimization methods are applicable in this case. After all, heating occurs due to excessive use of the processor and RAM. After optimization, the problem should disappear. If this did not happen, go to the next item.

    Hardware problems

    If the phone or tablet itself is defective, it will continue to overheat even after a full factory reset. This means the battery may be the problem. In a short time, even a message will start to appear: "The battery is overheated, remove the battery." In any case, the first thing to do is to replace the battery, because it is most likely swollen. You can purchase it yourself, but it is better to contact the service center.

    Note that modern smartphones and tablets rarely overheat. The fact is that the latest technologies for integrating processors and cooling equipment allow developers to make their devices virtually immune to temperature changes.

    What if my device overheats while playing games?

    How can I prevent my device from overheating while playing?

    If your phone or tablet usually works fine, and only starts to heat up in games, then there is very little free RAM. To prevent overheating, do the following before starting the game:

  • Close all open programs.
  • Clean up physical memory with optimization programs. Excessive cache can interfere with the normal operation of applications.
  • Free up RAM in any of the following ways.
  • Turn off GPS, Wi-Fi and mobile data.
  • In general, no other applications should be running for the phone to function properly while playing a game.

    The Android operating system is designed so that the user can independently manage almost all processes. Therefore, you need to manually optimize your phone or tablet at least once every two to three months. Even if the device operates virtually without interruption, cleaning will improve performance and extend the life of the device for many years.

    With the daily use of an Android device, unfortunately, one has to face problems with its performance. Most likely, you know that a program to optimize the work of Android can come to the rescue here. Now we will look at the best applications for optimizing memory on Android, which will come in handy for us.

    Optimization product for Android 4

    Often we spend our patience waiting for the response of the applications used: they are updated, download something, "hang" in active processes, thus occupying the memory of devices. As a result, the response time increases, and sometimes it is even worse: system errors appear, applications do not respond, or an automatic restart occurs.

    So, meet: Clean Master. This application will help to deal with the so-called "garbage" by selecting and deleting unnecessary files. The program is very popular and available for free use, has a friendly interface and effectively copes with the task.

    Android. Not enough free memory: Video

    Optimization of Android with process analysis

    Also, the best Android optimization program will help you - this is the Android Assistant. A distinctive feature of this utility is that it performs a complete analysis of devices. In the main menu, you can control all the processes. The best optimizer for Android will show the amount of occupied and free memory, and which applications are hanging in processes.

    How to work with it:

    Optimization of the device using Android Assistant is completed. After that, you can return to the main menu and see how successful the optimization of the Android system has been. This is the simplest and most optimal solution for your devices.

    Many Android smartphones come with weak components. In this regard, their performance cannot be called flawless. Fortunately, there are various accelerators that try to keep the system from freezing. In this article we will try to find out which of the accelerators does its job better.

    You can read thousands of reviews online that people don't like the way their smartphone works. They complain about all kinds of glitches and freezes. This is explained by the fact that a rare manufacturer is trying to seriously optimize their own creation. So it turns out that the user needs a memory accelerator in order for the system to start working much faster. But which one should you choose? After all, there are now malicious applications masquerading as utilities of this type. This is the question that this article will try to answer.

    The interface of this utility is made in Russian. This allows even a beginner who first picks up a tablet or smartphone to deal with the program. The application is capable of performing the system optimization process in an automatic mode - you only need to press one button. But this is not all Super Optimize functionality!

    This accelerator for Android allows you to clear your browser history without even going into it. There is also a function for uninstalling programs. Believe me, many newbies do not understand exactly how to uninstall applications from a smartphone! Super Optimize will be heavenly manna for them. Also, here you can transfer programs from the device's memory to a microSD card, if the operating system allows it. Well, as a bonus, the user has access to the functions of adjusting the volume, display and battery.

    Super Optimization is free to download. The payment for using the program will be viewing ads, which is located at the bottom of the interface (it does not cover any menu items).


    • The functions of removing applications and transferring them to a memory card;
    • Competently implemented memory optimization;
    • Clearing browser history;
    • Battery, screen and volume settings;
    • Free distribution.


    • Still, not the widest functionality;
    • Lack of scheduled optimization;
    • The presence of advertising.

    Clean master

    Price: Free

    This accelerator for Android is good because it works even on the oldest versions of the operating system. Namely, they are equipped with many of the cheapest smartphones that have problems with optimization. Like many other apps, Clean Master lets you clean up your operating system and optimize memory in just a couple of taps. At the same time, the program is supplemented with a widget, which further simplifies this process.

    The utility is supplemented with an application manager, with the help of which they are deleted not only irrevocably, but also with all their cache and other garbage. Clean Master also has a built-in simple but effective antivirus that will immediately make itself felt if you have installed something bad on your smartphone. This useful utility is distributed free of charge, while it practically does not bother with advertising.


    • Ability to clean the file system from garbage;
    • Application manager;
    • Availability of antivirus;
    • Simple and intuitive interface;
    • Startup manager (root rights required);
    • Free distribution.



    Price: Free

    Another free accelerator. Many are familiar with its counterpart for the Windows desktop operating system. The mobile counterpart is not so functional, but it copes with the main tasks without any problems. The program is very lightweight, so it fits even on a very old smartphone with a minimum amount of memory. Like other utilities of this kind, CCleaner is able to search for cache and other residual files that you no longer need. The program also displays the temperature and battery charge, supplementing all this with the level of processor load.

    The application is very fast. Like its siblings, CCleaner optimizes memory in one click. The interface is made in Russian, the user shouldn't have any problems with it.


    • High speed of work;
    • Small size of the executable file;
    • Easy memory optimization;
    • Search for junk files;
    • Application manager;
    • Display of system information;
    • Free distribution.


    • Lack of additional functions;
    • Lack of scheduled optimization.

    DU Speed ​​Booster

    Price: Free

    This application will try to speed up the phone by 60%. For this, not only the RAM is optimized, but unnecessary files are also deleted. For example, the cache from those games that you have already deleted. Another undoubted advantage of DU Speed ​​Booster is the presence of antivirus.

    Like some other similar utilities, this Android accelerator has a built-in application manager. With it, you can move programs to the SD card, if allowed by the operating system, and also completely delete them. The utility interface is made in Russian, but if necessary, you can switch to any of the sixteen other supported languages. The product is distributed free of charge.


    • Regular cleaning function;
    • Well-implemented optimization;
    • Availability of antivirus;
    • Built-in application manager;
    • Speed ​​test;
    • The presence of a permission manager;
    • Free distribution.


    • Not the easiest interface to learn.


    Perhaps the best accelerator is Clean master... It can be run even on very old smartphones. Namely, they most of all need such utilities, because devices with fresh versions of the operating system are perfectly optimized in themselves. But it should be noted that this accelerator is supplemented with many secondary functions. For example, antivirus software. If you would like instead to get a tiny utility that only focuses on system optimization, then take a look at CCleaner... There is nothing superfluous in this application, while it also runs on almost any smartphone.

    How to speed up or optimize an Android device - sooner or later, any owner asks this question, because slowly but surely even the most sophisticated smartphone will become clogged with unnecessary files, and the wear of the microcircuits does not increase the speed of the smartphone. But even the most braking device can be accelerated!

    Optimization or acceleration of the device must be approached comprehensively, we have described four main stages, after completing which you are guaranteed to speed up your smartphone or tablet: this will affect both the FPS in games and the speed of application launch. All stages, except for the first one, improve the stability of the device, but with the swap file - you have to experiment yourself, because it can give both positive and negative results.

    Its main advantage is that it consumes less system resources, is quite flexible in customization and is as close as possible to a pure Android OS.

    It is especially useful to set Nova Launcher for "weak" devices and devices of little-known (Chinese) brands. Also, custom skins are used to maximize the customization of the smartphone for the user, and we will analyze the main ones in the following articles (stay tuned).

    In this article, we have analyzed 3 main ways to speed up android: correct configuration using the "Developer Options", use of special software and regular actions to optimize the android device, optimization and acceleration of android using custom shells (launchers)

    Super optimize- an excellent tool for optimizing the operation of smartphones and tablets running Android OS. The excellent functionality of this application can help you customize and optimize any gadget exactly the way you need it. The number of features and capabilities of this optimizer is impressive! The list of tools included in this application includes analogs of the standard capabilities of your device, and tools that allow you to make advanced settings.

    • Removing programs;
    • Clearing history;
    • System optimization;
    • Moving applications from device memory to SD card;
    • Screen customization;
    • Volume setting;
    • Battery setting.

    Removing programs differs from the standard one, since it makes it possible to remove even system programs. But when uninstalling programs, you should be especially careful not to accidentally delete something you need, for example, the "Contacts" utility. Clearing history allows you to delete not only data from browsers and various applications, but also the history of incoming / outgoing calls and SMS, and much more. The battery setting allows you to enable and configure automatic switching to power saving mode, check the battery percentage, etc. System optimization reduces the processor load (closes unused processes), cleans up the RAM. Among other things, you can monitor the status of the internal memory and SD (Free / Used Space). You can also customize the display of notifications for quick launch. All of the above and some other Super Optimize tools for Android are divided into 8 sections, and when you start the application, the "System Settings" section opens. The interface of the application is quite simple and convenient, so that setting up and optimizing your device will be carried out in just a few clicks. It should be noted that the speed of the application is quite high. The app is free, but ads are displayed at the bottom. By the way, this advertisement does not interfere with or cover any control elements. The only negative point worth warning about is that many Super Optimization users recommend not updating the application, as this often leads to errors in the application. Although the initially installed versions work stably and flawlessly.
    Download Super Optimize for Android you can follow the link below.

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