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DIY digital TV antenna amplifier. Dimensions and assembly

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In the modern world, there is a significant range of high-tech and functional antennas for installation in the home. But there are times when the TV has ceased to be shown in a suburban home. Some craftsmen find a way out in this situation and make something that helps to correct the situation. Moreover, they give recommendations to others: how to make an antenna with your own hands for a TV. Let's take a look at some simple methods that you might find useful.

Homemade devices are especially good when they are needed for temporary use.

The easiest and most unusual option to construct an antenna is from beer cans. And according to experts, they will show as many as seven channels. To build a similar structure, prepare:

When deciding how to make an antenna with your own hands for a TV, keep in mind that the gap between the end parts of the cans should be about 75 mm. And the best arrangement of the structure is near the windows.

The stick to be used for the antenna must be made of wood. You cannot take aluminum or titanium options. Parts of the cable can be soldered. Instead of tape, you can use duct tape or even a plaster. The containers for creating the device must be well rinsed and be sure to dry. To improve the image quality, you can play with the distance between the banks.

Table 1. Antenna from beer cans


Prepare the cable. To do this, make a cut from one edge and remove the layer of insulation. Then the middle layer is cut off. At the other end, a plug for the TV antenna is mounted.

Stock up on banks. Their capacity should be 1 liter!

Bring your contacts. One end of the twisted cable is mounted to the bank, and the other, with a copper core, to the other. Fastening is carried out using a screwdriver and a soldering iron.

Assemble the antenna. A trempel is used as a supporting device.
Set up your device.

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In the article we will consider the features of the application, the type of device, the secrets of selection and installation.

Is it possible to make a homemade antenna for digital television from wire

A good way is to use copper wire to create the antenna. For such a mechanism, you will need an amplifier, wire, a sheet of metal, a drill, bolts, a metal pipe, a cable, and a hammer.

To make such a homemade home antenna for a TV, we do the following:

  • at the first stage, we make a catcher. To make it, the wire must be bent so that all sides have a length of 45 cm;
  • then we fix the wire on the plate. In this case, a connection is made to the plate;
  • the cable is connected;
  • a mast is made from a metal pipe. Its base needs to be buried.

Helpful information! All details should be painted over. This will protect the product from corrosion and aggressive operating conditions.

DIY antenna option for digital TV HDTV

There are various methods to make your own TV antenna. The first two methods we have considered operate at a frequency of 270 MHz. And the next option has great possibilities. In this case, the picture will be of better quality, since the signal can reach 490 MHz. You will definitely need a special transformer, which is unlikely to be found among the materials at hand. Such a device must be purchased in advance. There are also methods for making a transformer on your own, but they are quite complicated. From the materials it is worth preparing cardboard, tape, foil, stapler, marker, tape measure and glue.

  • First, you should print a special diagram for installing such a device. According to the scheme, all structural elements are cut out, as well as all the necessary parts from foil. Then you need to make a butterfly out of cardboard and paint over individual parts with a marker.
  • The next step is to build a reflector, the size of which is 35-32.5 cm. One side is glued with foil.
  • In the middle, rectangles of the same size are cut. They are needed to design a trap for construction. The length of the plate should be about 35 mm. This product is designed to - maintain the distance between additional elements and the reflector.
  • The individual parts are glued to the rectangular element. Then recesses are drilled for the cable.

How to make an antenna with your own hands for a TV, the correct instructions will tell you. The transformer is necessarily connected, and the cable is installed in the plug. This method is only suitable for indoor use, as the paper will quickly deteriorate outdoors.

The table details all stages of the installation of such equipment.

Table 2. DIY antenna for digital TV HDTV

ImageStages of work
Prepare the necessary material.
Print the template and cut it out.
Cut out the reflector from cardboard, and then glue it with foil.
Cut out rectangles in the middle.
Also, you need to cut out all the necessary parts from cardboard. In this case, the template is applied.
It is better if you color all the details.
Foil is also cut using stencils.
To create a bend, a small undercut is made on the dotted line.
Foil is glued to individual antenna elements.
The antenna is being assembled. At the same time, measure 35 mm from the reflector and glue the butterfly.
In the middle of this element, a hole is made for the passage of the cable.
A suitable transformer is installed and the antenna is ready.

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This article tells about what parameters a high-quality TV stand has, and photos and descriptions will help you choose the best option for your interior.

The nuances of the apartment option

In the manufacture of some types of structures, you can make an antenna amplifier with your own hands. Try to make a quality amplifier from scrap materials that can be used for both street and home use.

To carry out the work, the following materials will be required:

  • copper wire, the length of which is 4 m and the diameter is about 4 mm;
  • board of any thickness with a width of 70 mm and a length of 550 mm;
  • self-tapping screws and screwdriver;
  • plug and soldering iron;
  • pencil and ruler.

Follow the drawing. First, drill holes in the surface. The parameters from the diagram are transferred to the board, and drilling is performed in certain places. Copper wire is measured and cut into 8 identical sections. In the middle of each section, you need to remove the insulation.

Cut two pieces and conditionally divide them into three parts, and remove the insulation layer at the fold points. In bare areas, you need to bend the wire. On these elements, the distance between the edges should be about 75 mm. This is the optimal distance for good signal reception. You need to attach the plug to the prepared homemade product, and then connect the cable to it. Then you need to find a suitable place to mount the device.

If the receiver is at some distance from the generator, then its power decreases. To correct this defect, special amplifiers are used.To fix a homemade device, a special mast is required, which is performed on its own. In this case, steel pipes come in handy.

Select two pipes and bury them in the ground. On the sides of the highways, it is necessary to drill recesses and install steel rods. Then a prepared pipe from a sleeve is put on them. With its help, you can mount a different number of pipes. Attach them with a special steel cable. By using additional pipes, you can all make the mast longer. It is not difficult to make such a structure.

It will take no more than 30 minutes to make some versions of the antenna. This will create a mechanism for receiving the television signal.We hope that our instructions will help you make an antenna with your own hands. You can find many other interesting instructions. After all, a homemade structure can be made from electrodes, aluminum discs and copper tubes.

Gradually, everyone is abandoning analog television, giving preference to digital broadcasting. The largest providers are also reorganizing to work with a newer, modern format. The era of analog TV is gradually coming to an end.

In order for the previously installed home antenna devices to finalize the resource, it is enough to connect a DVB-T receiver to the TV, as a result, digital signals will be received correctly.

You can make an antenna for digital TV with your own hands, so you don't have to go to the store and spend extra money. No special skills or equipment is required; you can create the necessary structure using available tools.

Now we will answer in detail the question of how to make an antenna for digital TV. We will carefully analyze the process, select the optimal material, and carry out all the necessary calculations. Nevertheless, let's first deal with the theoretical nuances.

Regardless of the signal format, it is transmitted from the tower's emitters. The reception of the wave channel is provided by an antenna device. To receive a digital signal, you need a sinusoidal device with the highest possible frequency, which is measured in MHz.

When an electromagnetic wave passes through the surface of the antenna's receiving beams, a V-voltage is induced in it. Each wave contributes to the formation of a different potential, marking it with its own characteristic sign.

Under the influence of the induced voltage, an electric current flows in a closed receiving circuit with a resistance R. It is gradually increasing. Processing is carried out by the TV circuit, a picture is displayed on the monitor, and the sound is transmitted through the speakers.

It will not work with a conventional indoor antenna. First, you need an intermediate link that will decode the information - a DVB-T receiver. Secondly, you should use a decimeter antenna or Turkin antenna for DVB.

Antenna figure eight

How to make such an antenna with your own hands? First you need to prepare the material. Then carry out the appropriate calculations. At the final stage, assemble the structure and connect it to the TV. Nothing complicated. Every user can cope with this task.

Antenna assembly materials

It is not difficult to make an antenna for digital television. The list of materials used will vary depending on the type of antenna device. For example, if you wish, you can make it even from the most common beer cans.

To produce a good and simple TV antenna for digital channels, copper or aluminum wire with a thickness of 2 to 5 millimeters is required. In general, it will take only 1 hour to create such a structure. You also need to use:

  • a tube;
  • corner;
  • copper or aluminum strip.

Without fail, you will need a tool that will allow you to bend the frames of the required shape. To bend the wire, use a hammer after securing the material in a vise.

An antenna is made with your own hands, not only from wire, but also from a cable (coaxial). Match the plug to the socket on your TV. Naturally, you also need to fix the structure, the bracket is made from scrap materials.

As for the cable, it must be taken with a resistance in the range of 50-75 Ohm. Particular attention should be paid to insulation if the device is to be placed outdoors.

The specificity of the fastening is determined in accordance with where the structure will be located. For example, residents of multi-storey buildings will be able to make an antenna for digital TV themselves and hang it up as a home, i.e. on the curtains. This will require large pins to act as a fastener.

However, if you want to place the created device on the roof, then you need to make a bracket. This requires a file, a soldering iron and a file.

We figured out the spiral antenna, but you can also make another design - a double square. It is made from copper, brass or aluminum tubes. Less commonly, wire with a thickness of 3-6 mm is used. In general, the choice of material is determined according to the MV range and the number of channels.

Double square - two frames that are connected by an upper and lower arrow. The small frame is the vibrator and the large one is the reflector. For maximum gain, increase the number of frames to three. The third square is the director.

The mast needs to be made of wood. At least its upper part. Please note that it should start at a distance of one and a half meters from the level of the frames.

So, step by step instructions:

  1. Take a coaxial cable and strip it at both ends.
  2. One end will be attached to the antenna, the wire should stick out 2 cm.
  3. The shield and braid are twisted into a bundle.
  4. We get two conductors.
  5. Solder the plug to the second end of the cable. A distance of 1 cm is sufficient. If you use a crimp metal plug, you can skip further steps.
  6. Tin and make 2 more conductors.
  7. Wipe the soldering points of the plug with alcohol.
  8. Slide the plastic part of the plug onto the wire.
  9. A mono-core is soldered to the central entrance of the plug.
  10. A stranded harness is soldered to the side entry of the plug.
  11. Crimp the grip around the insulation.
  12. Screw on the plastic tip or fill with glue.


It is not necessary to calculate the wavelength to tune digital TV reception. Just try to make a broadband design. As a result, you will be able to receive the maximum number of signals. To achieve this result, add additional elements to the T2 antenna with your own hands. It is about them that will be discussed below.

Antenna calculation for digital TV is based on the definition of the signal transmission wave. Divide this value by 4 to get the desired side of the square. To determine the distance between two components of the device, make the outer sides of the rhombuses a little longer, therefore, the inner ones, on the contrary, should be shorter.

If you do not want to calculate the antenna dimensions yourself, use the ready-made drawings:

  • The inner side of the rectangle is 13 cm.
  • The outer side of the rectangle is 14 cm.

The difference is in the distance between the squares, by the way, they should not be connected in any case, the extreme sections give the necessary maneuver to fold the loop. It is to it that the coaxial antenna wire is attached.

Antenna making

If we calculate the entire length, then in the end we get a value of 112 centimeters. Cut off the wire or any other material that you plan to use, take a ruler and pliers, and begin to bend the structure. The angle should be 90 degrees. If the sides do not coincide in length, it's okay, a small error is permissible.

Initial data for the manufacture of an antenna for digital TV:

  1. The first element is 13 centimeters and 1 centimeter per loop, by the way, you can immediately bend it.
  2. Two elements of 14 centimeters.
  3. Two by 13 centimeters, but at the same time there should be a turn of the opposite direction, here an inflection is created to another square.
  4. Two more sections of 14 centimeters each.
  5. The latter is identical to the first.

The antenna frame for digital TV with your own hands is ready. If you did everything correctly, then there is a gap of a few centimeters between the 2 halves in the middle. Naturally, there may be minor discrepancies. After that, the hinges and bends must be cleaned until the metal is visible. Processing is carried out with fine-grain sandpaper. We connect the hinges, squeeze them with pliers to fix their position.

The structure itself is ready, but in order for the antenna made for T2 to function correctly, the cable must be processed. We start with double-sided wire stripping. One edge will connect directly to the antenna. It is necessary to strip the cable in this section so that the cord sticks out about two centimeters. If it turns out a little more, the remainder can be simply cut off in the future.

We twist the screen and the braid of the cable into a bundle, as a result we get 2 conductors - a central core and a twisted element of several braid wires. All this needs to be tinned.

Using a soldering station, we solder the plug to the second end of the cable. A centimeter length is enough, small errors are permissible. According to the principle described earlier, you need to make a pair of conductors and tin them.

The plug is placed in those areas where soldering will be carried out in the future, wipe it off with alcohol or a special solvent. Then, using a file or emery, we carry out stripping. Slide the plastic element of the plug onto the cord. Now start soldering. Attach a core to the central entrance, and a multi-core braid to the side entrance. Crimp the grip around the insulation.

Screw on the plastic tip, some specialists even fill it with glue or special sealant to strengthen the fixation. While the fixing base is not frozen, quickly assemble the plug by screwing on the plastic part, and then remove excess glue or sealant. As a result, the lifespan of the plug can be maximized. The homemade product has been created, it's time to connect it.


Connect the cable and frame of the homemade DVB T2 antenna. You don't have to bind to any particular channel, so solder the cord in the middle. As a result, a broadband antenna will be created that will receive the maximum number of TV channels. Solder the second split end of the wire to the other two sides again in the middle, you previously stripped them, and also tinned them. To extend the receiving range, do not solder the cable underneath.

When the structure is assembled, it must be checked. We connect the tuner and turn on the TV. If digital television catches, for example, it was possible to set up 20 channels, you need to finally complete the assembly. Fill the soldered areas with sealant.

However, if there are very few active channels or there is certain interference, then you need to find a place where the optimal signal will be. If there is no positive change, change the antenna cable. To make the testing process as simple as possible, use a telephone wire, it is quite cheap. Solder the plug and frames to it. If the signal quality has improved, then the problem is really in the cable. will broadcast channels, even if noodles are used, but as practice shows, its service life is extremely limited.

To protect the cable junction areas and antenna frames from precipitation and other atmospheric influences, wrap the soldered joints with the most common insulating tape. However, this is not a durable solution. A more efficient option is to install heat shrink tubing on the brazed areas, which will provide proper insulation.

An alternative, with maximum reliability, is glue or sealant. The point is that these substances do not conduct current. Be sure to make a housing for the antenna, the most ordinary plastic cover is suitable for this. If necessary, make indentations so that the frame "lies down", do not forget about the cord outlet. We fill in the sealant and wait until it dries. Everything is ready, we connect the equipment and enjoy digital TV.

Double or triple square for weaker signal

A TV antenna is used in villages, dachas and in areas that are on the border of the coverage area of ​​television towers. The device allows you to receive even a very weak signal. If you do everything correctly, the TV signal strength will increase markedly.

A double or triple square has only one drawback - you need to direct the structure to the signal source with maximum accuracy. Therefore, if you do not know exactly where the tower is located, difficulties will arise.

The number of frames determines the signal quality. Therefore, if you are outside the coverage area, you can not be limited to 2-3 frames, you can do 5. Do not open the antenna with varnish or paint it. This negatively affects the quality of signal reception.

What are the strengths of the design? First of all, the quality of the reception. Even if you are away from the repeater, the signal will be clear. However, it will be possible to achieve a positive result only if the user correctly determines the size of the frames and the matching device.

Materials (edit)

To make an antenna for digital TV yourself, you need to prepare materials that will later be used to make the structure. An antenna is made from metal tubes or wire:

  • 1-5 TV channel of the meter range - copper, brass, aluminum tubes 10-20 millimeters thick;
  • TV channel 6-12 meter range - copper, brass, aluminum tubes 8-15 millimeters thick;
  • decimeter range - copper, brass wire with a thickness of 3 to 5 millimeters.

Double square - 2 frames that are connected by a pair of arrows (upper and lower). The smallest frame is the so-called vibrator, and the largest is the reflector. A device with three frames will have a large TV signal gain. The third square is usually called the director.

Instructions for creating an antenna T2:

  1. The upper boom (made of metal) must connect the midpoints of all frames.
  2. The lower boom is made using materials that insulate electricity: wood, textolite.
  3. Place all frames so that their centers are on the same line.
  4. Direct should be directed to a repeater.
  5. The vibrator must be open-loop. Its edges are fixed on a PCB plate.
  6. If you made frames from metal tubes, then the edges should be flattened, and holes should be made in them to fix the lower boom.
  7. The mast must be made of wood, or at least its upper part.

Size calculation

Antenna calculation for digital TV will directly depend on the range - meter or decimeter. The dimensions of the antenna with three frames are characterized by a large distance between the ends of the vibrator. You need to leave more distance - 50 millimeters.

The tables show the dimensions of the dual element loop antennas. Meter range:

Channel numbers

Decimeter range:

The size of the three-piece antennas. Meter range:

Channel numbers

Decimeter range:

Vibrator connection

Considering the fact that the frame is symmetrical, and the connection is made to an unbalanced antenna cable, a matching device must be used. The best option is a short-circuited loop. It is made from pieces of coaxial cable. The left segment is a feeder, and the right one is usually called a loop. In the place where the feeder and the loop will be connected, we fix the cable, which is further connected to the TV.

How long should these segments be? The calculation is carried out in accordance with the wavelength of the received TV signal.

At one end, you need to cut the cable by removing the aluminum screen. The braid must be twisted into a tight bundle. Cut the central conductor to insulation. The feeder also needs to be cut. Take out the aluminum shield and then twist the braiding. However, we leave the central conductor.

The further assembly process is carried out as follows:

  1. Solder the cable sheath and the feeder wire to the left side of the vibrator.
  2. The braid of the feeder must be soldered to the right edge of the vibrator.
  3. A metal jumper connects the cable sheath to the lower end of the feeder. You can also fasten these elements with metal wire. The main thing is that there is proper contact with the braid.
  4. The braid defines not only the electrical connection, but also the distance between the sections of the matching device.
  5. If there is no metal wire and a jumper, then twist the braid of the lower part of the loop into a bundle, after removing the screen and removing the insulation. To ensure proper contact, you need to solder the harnesses using solder that melts easily.
  6. Pieces of cable should be parallel to each other. Distance - 50 millimeters (small margin of error). To fix the distance, special clamps are used, made of electrical insulating materials. You can also fix the matching device to the textolite plate.
  7. The cable that is inserted into the TV socket must be soldered to the feeder (to the bottom). The braids are interconnected like the center conductors.

To reduce the number of connecting elements, the feeder and the cable connected to the TV can be made one. Strip the insulation where the feeder ends. This is done in order to carry out the installation of the jumper.

The matching device is a must to prevent interference. It will be especially useful if the signal transmitter (TV tower) is located at a great distance.

Butterfly antenna

The TV antenna can also be made in the form of a butterfly. Such a device will be in no way inferior to a decimeter antenna. You don't have to do everything from scratch. It is much easier to convert a conventional grille to a digital one for T2 tuning. To make it yourself, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Take a small board that will form the basis of the future antenna.
  2. Cut 8 wires, each 37.5 centimeters long.
  3. The middle of all wires must be stripped about 2 centimeters.
  4. Bend the wires to form a V-shape. The distance between the wires should be 7.5 centimeters.
  5. Cut 2 more wires, each of them should be 22 centimeters long.
  6. Strip the wires where they will be attached to the antenna base (board).
  7. Place the self-tapping screws along the base of the antenna, and then connect the V-shaped elements with two wires.
  8. Connect the antenna and cable using the dedicated plug.

Each user can create such a device. You don't have to buy anything. An antenna is made from improvised means.

From coaxial cable

You can actually make a TV antenna manually using a cable:

  1. Cut off approximately 530 millimeters of the cable.
  2. Strip the cable from both sides by tying the braid into a bundle and exposing the center conductor.
  3. Twist the cable into a ring or diamond, securing it with tape to the plywood. The distance between the rings of the cable should be 2 centimeters.
  4. Cut a piece of coaxial cable - 175 centimeters. Make a horseshoe matching device out of it. To do this, you need to strip the wire from both ends, as you did in the process of making the rings.
  5. Prepare the antenna cable. A plug is put on on one side, and the other is cleaned. The center core and braid must be removed.
  6. Align the ring and matching device with the antenna cable.

As a base, you can use not only plywood, but also plexiglass.

Tin can antenna

To make a simple TV antenna for digital channels, you need a cable, a pair of aluminum or tin cans, and a small plastic pipe. A wooden plank can also be used as a base.

Remember that the antenna can only be created from aluminum or tin cans. Plastic or glass will not work. The main requirement is smooth, not ribbed, inner walls. Everyone will be able to assemble such a device with their own hands in just a few minutes.

  1. Rinse well and then dry the jars.
  2. The end of the coaxial cable must be cut.
  3. Strip the insulation of the center conductor.
  4. Twist the braid.
  5. After receiving 2 conductors, attach them to the banks.
  6. If you have a soldering iron handy, solder the wires. They can also be secured with self-tapping screws with flat caps. Twist the loop at the ends of the conductors, and pass a self-tapping screw with a washer in it, then fasten it to the bank.
  7. Pre-clean the metal, you need to take a fine-grained sandpaper and remove plaque, as well as paint.
  8. Attach the cans to a plastic pipe or wooden bar.
  9. The distance is calculated individually.
  10. Connect the cable to your TV and try to tune the channels.

This is an emergency solution to the problem. Do not entertain any illusions, in the best case, several channels will be available in good quality. The final result directly depends on how far away the TV tower is, what is the "cleanliness" of the corridor, as well as how correctly the antenna is made.

Now you know how you can make an antenna for using improvised means.

Humanity lives in a digital age. Television is switching to digital transmission of signals. The peculiarity of digital broadcasting is that it is conducted in the decimeter range.

The transmitting stations have a small transmitted power of the encoded signal. Therefore, to receive the signal and display the image on TVs that are far from the station, a receiving digital antenna is required. If you do not know how to make an antenna for TV, then the answer is simple: you can assemble it with your own hands from scrap materials in literally one hour.

Receiving antenna types

For reliable signal reception from a TV tower, there are many different television antennas. They differ in shape and range of receiving frequencies.

Antennas can be categorized into several basic types:

Currently, the vast majority of television signals are transmitted using digital coding. Broadcasting is carried out in the decimeter range... The format of this transmission is called DVB - T2.

Theoretically, this signal can be received by some old universal antennas, which was used by marketers, calling them DVB - T. In order to distinguish the new narrow-profile decimeter antennas from the old classical ones, the number "2" was added at the end of the abbreviation.

Fundamentals of digital television

Television transmitters transmit digital signals over relatively short distances. The transmission range does not exceed sixty kilometers and is limited by the line of sight of the emitter from the TV tower.

For these distances, a low power signal is sufficient. But the design of the receiving antennas must meet certain requirements:

The digital signal has its own unique feature. He can either be caught or not. He has no middle position.

If the digital signal is one and a half decibels higher than the noise, then its reception is always of high quality. The signal can disappear with a damaged cable or phase distortion in the transmitted section. In this case, even if the signal is strong, the image splits into small squares.

In order to catch decimeter broadcasting, an appropriate antenna is required. According to theory, any antenna will do, but in practice there are nuances.

There are several types of antennas for DMV reception offered by manufacturers:

It is not difficult to make a do-it-yourself antenna for digital TV.

Assembling antennas at home

bend shapes should be as smooth as possible. Basic phase distortion appear due to dips and emissions of a sharp nature.

Homemade digital antennas are frequency independent. They do not have the best characteristics, but they are easy to assemble and take little time and money to design. Suitable for work in a noise-free air at a short distance to the repeater.

Signal reception for beer cans

From ordinary beer cans, you can construct a simple all-wave antenna. Of course, it is inferior to industrial designs and is not always able to provide a stable signal, but it serves its purpose well. This device receives at least fifteen channels at least.

To assemble this structure, you will need:

After rinsing and drying the metal cans, DVB - T2, you can start assembling the antenna.

Carefully, so as not to deform, pierce through the hole in the upper parts of both cans. A screwdriver is suitable for this procedure. With its help, self-tapping screws are screwed into the prepared holes.

Then take one end of the cable PK75 and at a distance of ten to twelve centimeters with a knife is cleaned from the upper shell. In this case, the copper braid must not be damaged. The braid is twisted into a pigtail. The aluminum screen is removed.

Then the polyethylene sheath is cut off by six to seven centimeters and the central core is exposed.

The resulting pigtail and central core are screwed to self-tapping screws. If you have a soldering iron and skills in using it, then it is best to solder parts of the wire to the banks.

Banks are sequentially fixed with adhesive tape along a plywood board or other base that is at hand. The distance between the banks should be seven and a half centimeters.

At the end of the work, a plug is connected to the second end of the cable.

To do this, the end of the cable is stripped and the central core is passed through the hole in one of the halves of the plug. The cable sheath is attached to the plug housing. One half is screwed onto the other and, as a result, we get a plug ready to go.

All that remains is to connect it to the antenna input of the TV and place the antenna in the right place where the quality of the received signal will be good.

In the event that the created structure is placed outdoors in the open air, it is necessary to protect the device from moisture and dampness. For these purposes, you can use plastic bottles in which the bottom and necks are cut off. Inside them are the metal parts of the antenna.

The resulting model is easy to "tune" by turning it in space and simply moving around the apartment, balcony or summer cottage.

Zigzag antenna Kharchenko

Engineer K.P. Kharchenko invented this zigzag broadband design in 1961. For reception of a digital signal, it perfectly suited and received wide deserved recognition. It is popularly nicknamed the "eight" and the complete assembly looks like two rhombuses, one above the other.

When making an eight you will need:

  • Copper wire with a diameter of 3-5 millimeters.
  • Coaxial antenna cable 3-5 meters long and 75 Ohm impedance.
  • Soldering iron with solder.
  • Scotch tape or duct tape.
  • Plug.
  • Bolts for assembly.
  • Base: plywood or plastic sheet.

At the first stage, we assemble the antenna frame. We take a wire 109 centimeters long and bend it in the form of a frame. The frame is in the form of two consecutive rhombuses with sides equal to thirteen and a half centimeters. One centimeter will remain. A loop is made from it, which holds the wire together. The ends of the frame are soldered to each other and thus it turns into a closed loop.

The coaxial cable is then stripped. The cable shield is rolled up into a tight rod and soldered to the wire of the frame in the place where the diamonds converge. The central cable rod is also soldered in the central part of the frame. The core and braid must not touch each other.

The other end of the cable connects to the plug. The plug in the soldering points is preliminarily wiped with alcohol and processed with sandpaper. The mono-conductor is soldered to the central outlet of the plug, and the twisted braid is soldered to the side.

If the frame will be used outdoors, then the future plywood base can be painted or varnished. The soldering points can be wrapped with tape or tape. But this is not the best option, as the sticky tape can unwind over time. If, before soldering, plastic tubes of a suitable diameter are put on the wire, then at the end of the work the tubes are pulled onto the welded places and reliably protect the frame. After that, the frame is installed on the prepared base.

The digital antenna is assembled by hand and ready for use.

If desired, you can assemble an antenna tuned to a specific wavelength. To do this, you need to calculate the length of the square. This is not difficult: the wavelength of the desired signal is divided by four. As a result, the desired value of the length of the rhombus of the frame is obtained.

The simplest cable antenna

It requires one 75 ohm TV cable. The required cable length is calculated based on the desired digital broadcast frequency. Its value in megahertz is divided by 7500 with the resulting amount rounded.

The resulting value is the desired cable length.

After that, one end of the cable is cleaned of external insulation and inserted into the antenna connector of the TV. A mark is made on the cable from two centimeters after the connector.

It is from this mark that the required cable length is counted. The excess part is pinched off with pliers.

After that, you need to return to the mark on the cable. Only the insulated bar is left at this point and the outer braid is removed. The cleaned part is folded at an angle of ninety degrees.

Everything is ready. The TV can be tuned in with a new antenna.

Installation safety

For the reliable operation of such antennas, they must be placed above the ground at a level of 7-10 meters. Therefore, during installation, it is necessary to strictly observe safety rules:

  • Do not mount the structure in heavy rain or heavy fog.
  • It is undesirable to go upstairs alone, especially in ice, cold, snow.
  • If it is necessary to climb a wobbly structure or high-altitude work is carried out in dangerous places, then a fixed mounting belt is required.

After proper installation, homemade antennas work no worse than factory antennas with significant budget savings.

If you live in the suburbs, cable TV connection problems are not uncommon. For example, the signal can often disappear - this deteriorates the picture quality. But the situation can always be corrected, and you can do it yourself, even a TV master is not required. A do-it-yourself TV antenna made from scrap materials is not fiction, but reality, and you will get a very powerful device that can receive a signal without any problems.

TV "battery" design

How can a do-it-yourself TV antenna be made if you don't even have an idea of ​​basic technical concepts? It's simple. It is necessary to find copper or brass wire, arm yourself with a penknife. The method is good for people living in an ordinary urban high-rise building. The wire is stripped at each end. One of them should be tied to the central heating battery, the other should be connected to the TV socket. That's all - the signal will arrive without any problems immediately after such a connection. The secret is simple: the pipes are located throughout the dwelling - including near the roof, due to this, the signal is amplified, from five to seven channels will definitely be "caught".

Antenna dryer

A do-it-yourself TV antenna can be made without using batteries. Copper wire can always be tied to a balcony dryer, or rather to its metal strings. The procedure in this case is exactly the same as in the example above. This technique will not only increase the number of television channels, it will also improve the overall picture quality.

"Can" antenna

We present to you another version of a homemade antenna, designed purely for a limited budget. By the way, this way of "catching" TV has been known for a long time. Requires several cans of beer (or lemonade), TV cable or copper wire, and a clothes hanger. If you have a soldering iron, good, it will not hurt: the design will be more reliable, the signal will be much better.

Cans of sparkling water or beer are well washed and dried. Then they are carefully fixed at both ends of the hanger. This work can be done with duct tape or tape. The ends of the TV cable are stripped, the two copper wires must be freed from under the sheath. Further, the copper ends of the wires are threaded into the "ears" (the same ones with which the bank is opened). A wire is clamped between the container surface and these "openers". The entire structure is exposed behind the window - the free end of the TV-wire must be inserted into the connector cavity. What can I say - the antenna is completely ready for use, it's time to start testing!

Indoor antenna

To make an excellent device that will provide reliable signal reception, you need a copper wire with a diameter of 2-3 mm. You also need a standard TV cable, a plug, and a small amount of double-sided fiberglass. If copper is not available, aluminum may be used. When there is no antenna for digital TV, this option will definitely help.

First, a copper wire is bent into a ring (with a diameter of about 200 mm) - often they use a bucket of paint as a guide.

Fiberglass is needed for the manufacture of the board, without it the TV antenna will not work. You can do this with your own hands, the main thing is that the size of this element is at least 0.25 by 0.30 cm.To complete the board, you need to have some experience - current-carrying paths are transferred from the drawings, they are laid with copper wire, excess foil is removed.

In order for the structure to be protected from mechanical damage, it is advised to fix it in a plastic or metal box. Holes for the cable and antenna are made in the side faces.

When the preparation of the elements is completed, you can assemble the device. The ends of the antenna ring are put into the box, bent at right angles, inserted into the board and sealed. Then the front side of the board is turned to the bottom of the box, secured with a nut and screw. A TV cable is threaded through the hole on the box, the central core is soldered to the right end of the antenna ring, and the shielding braid is attached to the board foil. It remains only to close everything, install the cable plug in the connector, and start setting up the channels.

3G antenna

To get the simplest homemade 3G antenna design, you need to make two squares from bent wire. The side of each should be 5.3 cm. The ends of the squares are soldered to form a continuous system. To make such an antenna with your own hands, the thickness of the copper wire should be from 1 to 4 mm.

What preparatory work should be done? First of all, the RG6U (antenna wire) is stripped, a connector is put on it so that the end protrudes 1 cm from it. That's all, we can say that the device is done. Now it is necessary to perform a reflector - for this, plywood is often chosen. Tiles 120 x 135 mm are wrapped with foil (metal).

GSM antenna

To begin with, they take an RG6U television cable, strip it from one end. Next, the copper wire is soldered to the center conductor. It can be of any thickness, the optimal length is 820 mm (if the 900 MHz range is of interest). A do-it-yourself GSM antenna is quite real: a wire is attached vertically upwards, the second one is exactly the same soldered to the braid, and then fastened down vertically. The other end of the cable is connected to the phone using an adapter - an excellent amplifier for cellular communication is ready.

As you can see from the numerous examples above, at home it is really possible to make antennas for a variety of purposes. But some manufacturing options are quite complicated - to get the best result, you need certain tools and special skills.

The store today has a large selection of all kinds of antennas for TV, and there is always an opportunity to buy what you need. But there are times when the antenna is needed very urgently, for example, after a thunderstorm or in the country, and you still need to walk to the store. Then skilled hands, ingenuity and a little source material will come to the rescue.

This is the most popular DIY TV antenna. The secret of its popularity lies in the simplicity and availability of materials. Such an antenna can be made at the dacha and at a picnic. And even in an apartment, where reception on a store antenna is not always ideal. The masters say that it will take only 10 minutes to make such an antenna yourself, and it receives much more channels than a stationary one.

To create a receiver from empty cans you will need:

  • antenna cable;
  • a couple of cans from beer or other low-alcohol drinks;
  • self-tapping screws - 2 pcs;
  • plug;
  • insulating or adhesive tape;
  • screwdriver;
  • stick.

Instructions on how to make a TV antenna yourself:

The antenna from under the empty beer cans is ready, you just need to connect it to the TV and set it up. You can improve the design and make an antenna from several sections from a beer container.

Simple TV antenna

If you do not think that you are a great master, but you still want to try to make an antenna with your own hands, you need to try to make its simplest design. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. To make the simplest antenna with your own hands, you need to connect the antenna input to the TV with any pre-insulated metal circuit.
  2. The circuit must be installed on a plastic or wood stand, and placed on the TV itself or on the balcony.
  3. You need to connect the TV to the antenna using a plug and cable, from which you need to cut off the insulation about 5 cm in length.
  4. The opened winding must be divided in half and bent.
  5. Also cut the inner winding to the same length and expose the cable core.
  6. Fasten the core with the winding in the plug with screws. If there is no room in your plug for attaching the winding, then you need to cut it off.
  7. Fix the other end of the cable on the loop, before stripping it in the same way, make a ring from the core and fasten it.
  8. The joints must be wrapped with insulation for structural reliability.

To improve the signal on the home antenna, you need to use electronic signal amplifiers.

Powerful homemade antenna

In order for the antenna to work no worse than the purchased one, or even better, it is necessary to improve its receiving circuit.

  1. To buy a signal amplifier that connects directly to the antenna, be sure to wrap the cable at both ends with electrical tape so that there is no interference in the signal.
  2. For the reception to be of high quality, you need to make a screen - this is a metal mesh that is isolated from the TV and placed behind the receiver. As a screen, you can use a metal mesh from the fence.
  3. The reception area should be increased as much as possible; for this, metal rods can be attached to the screen, paying attention that the entire structure is made of one metal, so that oxidation does not occur over time. It is necessary to connect the rods with the screen symmetrically in order to obtain the largest possible area.
  4. In the center of the structure, you need to place another amplifier by soldering the contacts to the receiver.
  5. Antennas of this type are not installed in the house, they are usually taken out to the roof, turning towards the nearest TV tower.

Antenna with a minimum of materials

There are two completely elementary methods on how to make an antenna for a TV at home:

  1. You will need the simplest wire, but you do not need to take from aluminum, as it is subject to very rapid oxidation. For these purposes, copper or brass wire is great. Strip the wire from both ends of the insulating material, attach one end to the battery or pipe, and insert the other into the TV connector. You will notice that a signal immediately appeared, since the pipe, passing through most of the house and going up, is an amplifier of the desired frequencies. In this way, you can "catch" about five channels.
  2. The second option will only be available to people who have a balcony. In this case, you need to take the same wire, only longer, so that it connects the TV and the balcony area. Strip the wire on both sides, and connect one end to the TV in the cable socket, and wind the other to the stretched strings on which the laundry is hung. This method will not only help to add the number of channels, but also make the image quality an order of magnitude higher.

Satellite antenna

With your own hands, you can make not only simple antennas for a TV, but even satellite ones. This is especially true for those who live far from big cities and cannot buy a parabolic receiver in a store. It is good if the TV tower is located at a distance of 35 km from the building so that the signal is strong enough. And if there is a tall building nearby, then the task will become even easier.

Necessary materials:

  • unnecessary umbrella;
  • foil;
  • antenna cable, preferably copper;
  • beer can empty;
  • signal amplifier with power supply.

Work progress:

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