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Strengthening the wifi signal using a second router. Wi-Fi - optimization of the wireless network: increase the range of the wi-fi router, increase the strength of the wireless network signal

It's a shame when your neighbor's Wi-Fi is more powerful than your home one. There are two ways to increase its power. Hardware improvements and software tweaks. The location of the router, the type of building and the device that receives the signal also affects the strength of the signal.

"As you name the boat, so it will float." Unfortunately, this adage does not work on Wi-Fi. Call your Internet "100mb / sek" and, oddly enough, its capacity will not increase at all. First of all, it depends on the quality of the antenna. Here the rule is: "How much money you spend on an antenna, it will give out so much power." But unlike mystical ways to increase the speed of the Internet, the wireless signal lends itself to manipulation. So, the antenna propagates pulses of different frequencies (length, periodicity) through the air. Then the Wi-Fi transmitter of the device (phone or computer) receives the sent packets (bytes), processes them, and then sends them back to the router.

The power of the router may be greater than the power of the receiving device. Therefore, signal quality is lost at long distances. From this we can conclude that in order to increase the stability of the Internet, it will be necessary to reduce the range. In fact, it looks like this:

However, signal quality is not always so important as to sacrifice range. Especially in areas with a large territory. If you own an ADSL2 + modem, increase the transmission power. For this:
  1. enter into the address bar of your browser;
  2. fill in your name and password;
  3. open "Interface settings", "Wireless networks";
  4. set the transmit power to maximum.

Now let's talk about the channels through which the signal is transmitted. They are created so that the points do not intersect with each other. When two devices operate on the same channel, "information confusion" occurs. This leads to degradation and "pollution" of the signal. To find out on which channel the nearest routers work, special programs will help. We recommend using only the outer channels - 1/6/11. Let's say that you and one neighbor have a device working on channel 1. Intersecting with it, you will only catch interference from it. If you change the settings to channel 8, your signal will intersect with several more routers. As a result, the amount of interference will increase and the power will become even less.

Conclusion: changing the channel will only help if there are no more than two Wi-Fi points in the vicinity.

The point at which the router is located plays an important role in signal strength. The correct position is shown on the left, and the wrong one on the right. Place the router so that it is in the center of the room. The antenna spreads the signal along a radius. The further the wave moves away from the source, the wider and weaker it is. In addition to neighboring routers, all wireless devices are enemies of your Wi-Fi. These are phones, remotes, microwave ovens, alarms, bluetooth and other equipment. Ideally, when there is no obstacle on the way of the equipment.

In addition to technology, obstacles block the signal range. Try to position the modem at a point where there is as little interference as possible between the receiving device and the router. Look at the values ​​in the table.

Effective distance is indicated as a percentage. If the coverage radius of your modem at 100% is 200 meters, then after passing through the tinted window it will become 50% - 100 meters.

Get a more powerful router. First of all, when buying, look at the version of the supported standard. The highest throughput rates are for 802.11n and 802.11ac. The number of antennas will increase the signal strength. If a router with one antenna has a bandwidth of 150 Mbps, then two antennas are 300, etc. See reviews and compare modems with each other. This will help you make the right choice.

Place the Wi-Fi router in the center of the room. Avoid physical obstacles and frequency interference. Set the maximum power that the device only allows. These tips will cure your lack of signal strength. Upgrade your hardware if that wasn't enough. If you don't want to spend money, then watch the video and make a homemade antenna amplifier.

Surely, everyone has come across a situation where the device catches a Wi-Fi network, but cannot connect to it, giving out. As we wrote earlier, the most common cause of all errors when connecting to a wireless network is a weak Wi-Fi signal.

Users are constantly asking questions like:

  • Why can't I connect to the wireless network, because the device sees it?
  • Why does the smartphone see a Wi-Fi network, but does not connect?

Once again, let's briefly explain the essence of the problem: The Wi-Fi transmitter of the router has a higher power than the transmitter of a laptop or smartphone. The transmitter power of the router is enough for a laptop (smartphone, tablet) to see the network, but the transmitter power in the laptop (smartphone, tablet) is not enough for the signal to reach the router. If you explain "on the fingers", then the client device sees the network of the router, but the router does not see the weaker signal from the client device. Therefore, it turns out that the signal level is stable - in 1-2 divisions, but you cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Ways to strengthen the signal of a Wi-Fi router and increase the area where the network catches

Here are some steps you can take to strengthen the signal of your wireless network and expand its range. Let's start with the most important tip: determine for yourself the places in the room where you want to have a strong Wi-Fi signal. If there are more than one of these locations, place the wireless router at an equal distance from them. We often see comic cases when the router hangs near the entrance to the apartment, and the Internet is used in the farthest room. Guess what kind of complaint the owners have? Of course low speed and regular Internet cuts... And the solution is extremely simple - just install the router a few meters closer. Perhaps after that you will not need to puzzle over how to strengthen the wireless signal and, in addition, you will not need to spend money on buying a repeater or additional access point.

1. Setting up a Wi-Fi router and network adapter

First of all, you need to check the power settings of your wireless router or access point. Make sure the transmitter power is set to 100%. It’s silly if you move the access point, and then find that it was not working at full capacity.

3. Installing a more powerful antenna

In some cases, the situation is saved by connecting an external external antenna (with a high gain) to the router instead of the standard one. This option can be tested if the router has a removable antenna. An important detail is that the remote antenna can be positioned where the router cannot be installed. Sometimes, these few meters can help solve the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal.

4. Buying a repeater

This is another option to boost the signal and increase coverage. The repeater solves the problem of weak signal and long distances. By installing it, you add an additional link to your Wi-Fi network. Now some devices will be able to connect to the main router, and others to the repeater, depending on whose signal they receive better.

This option is simple only at first glance and we placed it in the last place for a reason. The fact is that in practice, a Wi-Fi network scheme consisting of a wireless router and a repeater is far from ideal stability. For large homes where the problem of a weak Wi-Fi signal is acute, we recommend implementing a scheme where several routers are connected with an ethernet cable (read more).

If you still decide to use a repeater to expand the coverage area of ​​your router's network, keep in mind:

  • repeater and router must be from the same manufacturer;
  • it is highly desirable that both devices run on the same chipset.

Now you know how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of your router, wireless modem or access point.

How to increase the range of Wi-Fi is a question that worries almost every router owner. The fact is that in large rooms the signal level is greatly reduced even at a relatively short distance from the signal source. This, in turn, negatively affects the connection speed.

How to increase the coverage of your wireless router

The lower the signal strength, the higher the chance of losing data packets. What to do in this case? How to increase the range of a Wi-Fi network?

There are several ways to increase your Wi-Fi coverage at home:

  • Correct organization of the network (location of the router).
  • Improve reception with amplified antennas.
  • The use of repeaters (signal amplifiers or so-called repeaters).
  • Configuring the second router in the "Bridge" mode.

As you can see, there are many ways. Of course, almost all of them require certain financial costs. But the first option is absolutely free. At the same time, the correct placement of the router will significantly expand the coverage radius.

Where is the best place to place the hotspot

The first rule is to position your router in the center of the room. Thanks to this, you will not have remote rooms, they will all be at the same distance. The second step is to raise the router to its maximum height. It is best to put it on a shelf under the very ceiling.

Wi-Fi is transmitted using radio waves, so the higher you place the antenna of the signal source, the wider the range of the network will be.

By following these simple rules, you can maximize your Wi-Fi range. Moreover, without any financial costs.

In addition, amplified antennas are available commercially. They have a standard mount and are screwed in instead of standard antennas. They are large in size. This increases the transmission distance of the signal.

Such equipment has the lowest cost from the list of devices required to enhance the Wi-Fi signal.

How to Increase Wi-Fi Range: Video

How to improve reception with signal boosters

These are devices that work in bridge mode. That is, an increase in the Wi-Fi range occurs as follows: the repeater connects to your access point and distributes its signal further. This way you can cover an entire residential building. You can use multiple repeaters if necessary. Setting up such a device is very simple.

First, plug it in. Now connect your laptop or tablet to the Wi-Fi signal booster. To enter the repeater settings menu, you will need to enter the login and password - admin, admin, respectively. This data may differ. You can find them out in the instructions for the equipment.

You can find out more about connecting and configuring such a device in the instructions that come with the gadget. The fact is that each model has its own characteristics and it is simply impossible to describe the universal settings. So, now you know how to increase the range of Wi-Fi signal reception using a repeater (repeater).

Improving reception with a second router

It is worth noting that buying a second router will cost more than purchasing a repeater. However, sometimes users already have two routers or, for some reason, it is advisable to buy a second one.

In any case, it is worth remembering that not every model supports the "Bridge" function. Let's consider how to configure this function using the D-Link Dir-615 router as an example.

When using a second router, the Wi-Fi coverage area increases due to the creation of a separate home network, which is connected to the first access point.

As a result, you get two different networks, but with Internet access through the first (main) router. In other words, the second router connects to the first only to access the global network.

So, connect to your hotspot by air or cable. To enter the options menu, you will have to enter the IP of the router in the address bar of your browser. You can find out the IP in the instructions for the gadget or on the device itself (there is a sticker with product information). Next, enter your username and password - admin, admin, respectively.

Click "Advanced Settings". In the "Wi-Fi" section, select "Client".

In this section, you need to check the box "Enable".

A list of available connections will appear below. Select the name of your first hotspot. Even below, you must enter the password from the first network. Then click the "Apply" button.

Nowadays the computer has become an integral part of progressive life. It is used to perform a variety of tasks, not least for accessing the Internet. Since almost everyone at home has several devices with this capability, a router is used to meet the interests and needs of each family member.

But when multiple users are using the same access point at the same time, there may be problems with Wi-Fi reception. In order not to suffer from poor communication and not run around the apartment in search of a signal, you can carry out some equipment upgrades. We would like to show you how you can increase the quality of your reception with your own hands.

Reasons for a weak signal

Typically, a router with a built-in antenna has a maximum coverage radius of several tens of meters, and often even less. This is due to the fact that a cheap router has a low-power transmitter, unable to provide high-quality Wi-Fi reception over the entire coverage radius. Also, when the router is installed near sockets to which other devices are connected, radio signal interference may occur, which will affect the quality of reception and the wave propagation distance will worsen.

Correct location of the router indoors

For uninterrupted reception of the wireless signal, you need to correctly position the Wi-Fi router. The operation of the network is influenced by the walls located in the apartment and their thickness, the location of the computer, and the operation of electrical appliances.

The router should be located as high as possible and close to the center of the apartment or house

The router should be installed in such a way as to minimize the number of walls overcome by the radio signal, because each of them significantly reduces the coverage radius. It is better when the signal will travel perpendicular to the wall, rather than at an angle.

Routers operate at 2.4 GHz, and almost all other household appliances - refrigerators, microwave ovens, televisions - work on it. Therefore, try to locate the Wi-Fi equipment a few meters from the rest of the equipment.

In addition, interference can be caused by:

  • glasses and mirrors;
  • aquariums;
  • soundproofing of walls;
  • metal constructions.

Selecting a communication channel

To transmit the signal from the router to other devices, 11 communication channels are used. The router automatically changes the channel, choosing the optimal one. But sometimes the channels are not chosen quite correctly, which is why they are adjusted to each other and the signal weakens. You can change the channel manually.

  1. Enter the router settings mode. To do this, enter the IP address of the router in the browser (usually or, login (usually admin) and password (usually admin or parol).
  2. Go to the Wireless Network - Settings tab. In the Channel line, select one of the 11 available channels.

But which channel should you choose? You can use special utilities, for example, Free Wi-Fi Scanner on a laptop or WiFi Analyzer on Android. They will show which channels are free and which are busy.

Run the utility on your laptop. Its task is to scan all available networks and show on which channel each of them works. Information about each connection is displayed in a diagram. Please note that some channels may overlap, which will impair reception. Connect to a completely free channel, and then do not forget to click the Save button.

Choosing a broadcast standard

All Wi-Fi equipment operates in one of four standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n. The most common ones are b, g, n. The latter provides better gain and stability. In the settings of the router, you can determine in which standard your device will work.

  1. Enter the router settings.
  2. Go to the Wireless network - Settings section, in the Mode line select 802.11n.

The parameter of the Wi-Fi wireless network "Mode" - allows you to make a choice according to which the broadcasting standard occurs

Attention! Not all devices support this standard, so it is better to choose automatic selection of the standard.

During continuous operation, the router may malfunction due to heating of the board or software errors, for this reason, Wi-Fi starts to work worse. It is best to reboot through the web interface of the router, for which you need to go to the settings mode, the System settings section, where you will find the corresponding button.

Making an amplifier antenna

Option 1. Parabolic antenna. We will need a metal can of beer or drink, or food foil. We cut out a piece of foil as wide as the antenna of the router, or cut out the bottom and top from the can and cut it on one side to make a rectangle. The can is already curved in shape, and if we use foil, then bend it so that it becomes parabolic. Now we need to attach our creation to the antenna. This way you can increase the range of your coverage, and the Wi-Fi will be less scattered.

Parabolic antenna for a router made of aluminum can

Option 2. Focusing attachment. You will need copper wire 0.8–1 mm in diameter and a piece of cardboard or plastic. Cut the wire into lengths of 48 mm (2), 50 mm (2), 52 mm (1) and 59 mm (1). They are mounted in cardboard exactly in the middle at a distance, as indicated in the diagram. We cut out the cardboard and attach the structure to the antenna. It will help to significantly enhance signal reception and range of coverage. If the router has two antennas, we make an amplifier for each.

This method is suitable if the router has a weak translator or if the router is at a sufficiently remote distance from the devices, due to which the connection is not stable and the network is constantly interrupted

Signal repeater

If no method has brought the desired result, it is worth trying a scheme with two routers, one of which will act as an amplifier. To improve reception in this way, you can buy a special device, but if you have an old router, you can use it.

  1. Enter the router setup mode.
  2. In the Wireless network section, find the Operation Mode item.
  3. Select the “Universal Repeater” mode.
  4. Click the "Search" button to find the network of the main router. Connect to it and restart your device.
  5. Select an encryption algorithm and reboot again.


There are really many ways to boost your home Wi-Fi signal. To increase the radius of coverage of a home network, a specific method is suitable for each user. Someone will need to rearrange the router, while others will have to make an amplifier. But the truth is, you don't have to hire a specialist to do this.

How do you improve the quality of the wireless signal? Share your ideas in the comments.

Wi-Fi is the most popular way to connect to the internet today. This became possible due to the good characteristics of this protocol, ease of connection and the availability of a wide range of inexpensive equipment.

However, this interface has some drawbacks. Many users are faced with incomprehensible disconnections, errors, or low data rates. In this case, do not rush to immediately call the support service or call the repair team. You can deal with many of the troubles with your home Wi-Fi network on your own.

1. Reboot the router

Yes, this is exactly what it is advised to do when contacting support. And absolutely right.

A modern router is a complex device, in the operation of the software of which errors may appear over time. The easiest and fastest way to get rid of them is to reboot the hardware. Some routers allow you to do this automatically on a schedule, you just need to look for the appropriate option in the settings.

2. Install alternative firmware

Alternative firmware is written by enthusiasts to eliminate the shortcomings of proprietary software. The most famous project of this kind is DD-WRT. This firmware supports a wide range of hardware and is completely free.

Installing a third-party firmware allows not only to improve network performance, but also in some cases to activate previously unavailable functions of the device. However, it is worth considering that the process of flashing and subsequent configuration of the equipment will require time and special knowledge from you.

3. Use a Wi-Fi repeater

If devices in any part of the house constantly lose their connection to the Internet, then the signal of the router is too weak here. The problem can be solved by using a special repeater, which are also called repeaters, or repeaters.

The main task of the repeater is to strengthen the signal of the existing Wi-Fi network. These compact and inexpensive devices are manufactured by almost all popular network equipment manufacturers, as well as dozens of obscure Chinese firms.

4. Design a signal amplifier

Using a Wi-Fi repeater may not help out in all cases. Sometimes, to amplify the signal of the router, you have to resort to other, more artisanal methods. For example, you can design a custom reflector from or for CDs.

But if you need something really powerful, then try to assemble an antenna from scrap materials to expand your "home zone" of the wireless Internet, which we wrote about in this one.

5. Control application access to the Internet

If someone in your house is constantly watching streaming video, playing online games, downloading large files, then this can significantly slow down the network. Pay special attention to torrent clients. Some of them are configured in such a way that they automatically start at system startup and continue downloading and distributing data in the background. A separate pain is computer games that quietly download multi-gigabyte updates and add-ons.

6. Close access to unauthorized persons

By default, the manufacturer installs the same well-known logins and passwords on all its routers. Each user must independently change them to protect their network from unauthorized access. However, unfortunately, not everyone does it.

If you do not want your neighbors to use your wireless network, thereby interfering with you, then you need to configure the router in detail. You can read how to do this in our guide "".

7. Get rid of the clutter

Signal quality over a Wi-Fi network can be affected by many different factors, including interference from phones, microwave ovens, and so on. You can get rid of them only by placing the router and the source of interference as far away as possible. A special WiFi Analyzer application that can display signal strength in real time will help to cope with this task.

8. Tune into a free channel

In modern apartment buildings, multiple wireless access points operate simultaneously, occupying all available channels. As a result, some of them have to share the same channel, which leads to a mutual decrease in the speed and stability of communication.

9. Find a new location for the router

The unsuccessful location of the router in the apartment can also affect the quality of the connection. If your workplace is separated from the connection point by several concrete walls, then you should not be surprised that the Internet is constantly slowing down.

You can choose the optimal place for a router only by experience, moving it around the apartment and measuring the signal quality. The diagnostic utility NetSpot and our instruction, which is called "", will help to do this.

10. Use modern technology

One of the best ways to make your wireless network as fast, stable and secure as possible is to use modern hardware.

Communication standards are constantly evolving and improving. New implementations of this protocol provide faster connection speeds, less errors and less susceptibility to interference.

However, to use them, you need the appropriate equipment. Therefore, the most radical and expensive method to improve the quality of a home network is to buy a modern dual-band router from a well-known manufacturer.

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