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Strengthening the signal of the satellite dish. How to increase the signal of a satellite dish

  1. Antenna tuning inaccurate
    The antenna, as you know, must "look" in the direction of the satellite - and in order to rotate it accordingly, the parameters of the tilt and azimuth are used. The correct settings can be prompted by a special device or a program for a smartphone, do not turn the antenna "by eye".
    Sometimes it happens that the antenna was initially tuned correctly, but it was moved by a strong gust of wind or a bird.
    In both cases, to amplify the antenna signal, you need to tune it exactly to the satellite and fix it securely. If the problem persists, consider purchasing a lighter aluminum or perforated antenna or reinforcing the mount.
  2. Obstacle in the direction of the satellite
    It happens that the antenna is rotated at the right angle, but is installed in the wrong place. The point is that there should be no visible obstacles between the satellite and the antenna. Trees, a nearby house wall, and similar obstructions interfere with good signal reception. There are two ways out in this case: either remove the obstacle or choose another place to place the antenna.
  3. Small satellite dish
    If you live in an area with an unreliable satellite signal, then it would be most correct to connect to another satellite. But sometimes this is simply impossible to do - in some territories there is no high-quality signal from any satellite at all (for example, some regions of the Far East, the Far North, etc.). In this case, you need to use a large diameter "dish", which will not only enhance the signal, but also preserve its quality in bad weather.
  4. Poor converter quality
    Converters supplied with some operator's equipment are usually of good quality, but not of the best quality. To enhance the signal quality, it is better to replace the converter with an expensive model, or, which is preferable, to immediately "assemble" a set of equipment on your own, purchasing both an antenna and a converter for your own needs.
  5. Large number of cable connections
    Each cable connection degrades the signal quality. The rule works here: the fewer obstacles in the signal path, the better it is. Therefore, if there is a need to amplify the antenna signal, you need to eliminate as many of these connections as possible. If a cable splicer was used, replace the cable with a solid one. If dividers are installed, try using other methods of connecting multiple TVs, for example, a converter with two outputs.
  6. Long length of poor-quality cable
    Signal attenuation is inevitable with long cable lengths. But what if you need just such a length? In this case, you need to choose a high-quality cable, with a completely copper, and not copper-plated steel central core.

First, let's figure out why we need to increase the signal from the satellite dish.

If you want more channels, then increasing the signal is unlikely to help. Except if there is no reception of several transponders.

Another thing is when the picture pours or disappears altogether, in other words, there is no signal from the satellite.

There can be several reasons for a bad signal, but it can be quite simple to fix them.

The wind or someone turned the antenna, even a few millimeters would be enough for this, or it was initially poorly tuned and the signal disappeared during rain or heavy cloudiness.

Everything from the fact that mistakes were made during installation, in particular, the fastening bolts were not sufficiently pulled (the wind turns). In this case, it is enough to increase the signal, remembering to correct the converter (left-right, forward-backward).

Everything was fine with you, the TV was showing regularly, but over time, the signal began to disappear more and more often, or, say, in winter (when there is no foliage) everything is fine, and in summer - completely the signal from the satellite has disappeared... The reason is trivial. Nearby, a growing tree has grown a new branch towards the antenna and obscures the signal beams from the satellite. It is enough to cut a branch (or tree), or install a satellite dish in another place.

Another very common problem. Its essence lies in poor quality. A layer of insulation falls off from it, water gets inside, or it is simply frayed. Signal - drops gradually with cable failure. The best way out is to replace it with a better one. When installing, do not forget to fasten it so that the wind does not chatter to them.

With the cable, there may still be those cases. If the length of the cable is very long, the signal is simply attenuated in it. And if the quality indicators are good near the antenna, then you may not find a signal in the room.

How to improve satellite dish reception

In this case, you should take a high-quality cable and, if necessary, install a satellite dish amplifier, there are some. It is better to install it in the middle between the receiver and the satellite dish.

It is extremely rare, but still there are breakdowns of the satellite receiver - in this case, except for the master, no one will help you. A breakdown of the receiver can sometimes be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver (if all other equipment is in order), the signal scale should at least somehow react. In the event of a breakdown of power supplies, most often the tuner simply does not turn on, but sometimes it happens that there is no signal or disappears on one or all of the satellites.

What if everything is in order, but the signal is simply not enough - you need to amplify it.

In this case, only increasing the diameter of the satellite dish mirror will help. On a large antenna, the signal strength is higher. In order to choose the right size, it is better to look at the lingsat for the recommended antenna size for a specific satellite in the desired area.

There are also various artisanal ways to increase the satellite signal. But I personally have not tried them myself and I will not argue about their performance.

Some people make special frames, graphite watering cans. I don’t think it all works.

Although in the C band, the selection of a polarizer and a feed is very important, and if you choose them carefully, it is possible to amplify the useful signal even to small satellite antennas.

Perhaps not all signal amplification options are here, and write your objections in the comments.

You turned on the TV and instead of your favorite programs you saw the inscription "NO SIGNAL"... Why did this happen and what to do? Let us list all the reasons why Tricolor TV (or NTV Plus) does not show and why the signal from the satellite has disappeared.

Why "Tricolor TV" writes "No signal".

The reasons why the inscription "NO SIGNAL" appears on your TV can be roughly divided into two groups.

1. External, i.e. independent of your receiving equipment
2. Internal, when you need to look for the reason

Now about everything in order. You turned on the TV and it "made me happy" with the inscription there is no signal. We are trying to figure out what the problem is by examining all the problems in order by the method of exceptions. First of all, make sure that the TV remote control has selected exactly the input to which the receiver is connected. If everything is correct, let's move on.

External causes


Make sure that Tricolor, NTV Plus or another operator does not carry out scheduled maintenance work on the equipment through which the satellite signal is transmitted today.

How to check:

View the news on the official website of the operator of the preventive maintenance. Check now

When maintenance work is in progress, there is no signal on all channels.

How to fix:

Wait until the end of the work.


In case of heavy snowfall or the passage of a thunderstorm front, the signal cannot get through from the satellite to your dish.

In this case, the signal will be either completely weak or completely absent.

How to check:

Look at the weather outside, make sure there is no rain, heavy snowfall, or clouds from the side where the plate is turned.

How to fix:

Wait for the weather to improve.


There is another reason for the lack of a signal. If you have not used the receiving equipment for a long time, then during this time, obstacles could arise on the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish, for example, trees grew or a tall house was built.

How to check:

View at 13 o'clock in the sun. An imaginary straight line from the plate to the sun should not be any obstacles, even the branches of a tree can interfere with the signal.

How to fix:

If an obstacle appears, the plate, alas, will have to be outweighed to another place or, if possible, to remove the obstacle itself.

Internal reasons

If external reasons are excluded, then the matter is most likely in your receiving equipment. We check the points.


The satellite dish may slightly change its position or deform over time.

How to check:

Find out if the plate is rigid enough.

How to fix:

If the antenna is "walking", try to move it in different directions while watching the signal. If the signal appears, tighten the fastening nuts. It is best to entrust the tuning of the antenna to professionals and call a tuner.


Adding snow and ice can also disrupt signal reception.

How to check:

visually inspect the plate for mechanical damage, whether there is ice, snow or other foreign objects on it.

How to fix:

Carefully clean the plate of snow and ice, remove all unnecessary.


The satellite converter is located on a dish and is therefore subject to external influences. It is the breakdown of the converter that is very often the cause of signal loss.

How to check:

Replace your converter with another, obviously working converter.

How to fix:

in case of breakage, replace the converter with a new one.


How to check:

Visually inspect the cable for breaks and damage, check if the F-connectors are tightly tightened.

How to fix:

Tighten the F-connectors, if damaged, replace the cable


The receiver is the most expensive part of the kit.

How to check:

If possible, connect your receiver to another, obviously working antenna. If there is a signal, then it’s not the receiver.

How to fix:

If the receiver turns out to be inoperative, you will have to take it for repair or change it to a new one.


It so happens that the inscription "no signal" has nothing to do with the operation of the satellite dish and the inscription is displayed directly by the TV.

How to check:

Press the "OK" button on the Tricolor (or NTV +) remote control. If the channel list does not appear on the TV screen, then the TV settings are out of order.

How to fix:

It is necessary with the help of the TV remote control in the TV menu to select exactly the input to which your satellite receiver is connected.

Weak, unstable signal "Tricolor TV"

It so happens that the signal seems to be there, but it is too weak for high-quality viewing of TV channels. The reason may be a loose cable, broken cable connections, or a swinging plate.
If the signal constantly disappears, and then reappears, then overgrown tree branches may be the cause.
Outdated receiver models can behave the same way. Here the reason lies not in the level and quality of the signal from the plate itself, but in the equipment. In this case, setting the dish will no longer solve the problem, you will have to change the receiver according to

Let's find out what we need for increase signal with.

If you want to increase the number of channels, then this is unlikely to help you. But there is a case when they show only with a strong signal, and a weak one either "pours" or does not show at all. In this case, increasing the signal will also help increase the number of channels.

It is another matter if the picture on all channels is "pouring", or even does not show at all, which indicates that there is no signal or it is weak.

There can be several reasons for this signal behavior. And eliminating them, as a rule, will not be difficult.

There is also a case when for a long time everything showed excellently for you, but now the signal began to disappear more and more often, especially in summer. Stand against the antenna and see if there is a tree nearby in the direction of the antenna, which could have grown in several years and blocked the passage for the signal from the satellite to the antenna, especially in summer, when the crown of the tree is thickened by foliage. In this case, it is enough to remove the interfering branch, and, if necessary, the entire plant, otherwise move the antenna to another place.

There is also a common quality problem. It consists in the fact that under the influence of temperatures, the cable braid begins to crack and fall off, or even easier it begins to fray on the descent from the roof in an unprotected place, due to this, moisture enters the cable, the braid begins to oxidize and rot. In this case, the signal begins to gradually weaken. It is necessary to replace the cable with a better one and during installation pay attention to the fastening so that the wind cannot loosen and rub the cable.

Pay attention to the length of the cable as well. the longer the cable, the stronger the signal attenuation, again as a result of poor broadcasting of television channels from. In this case, near the antenna, the signal quality will be satisfactory, but in the room it simply may not be there. If your TV is located at some distance (50m-100m) from the antenna, you need to buy a better cable with the least attenuation, and, if necessary, install a signal amplifier.

The amplifier should be installed in a cable break at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the converter.

Breakdowns rarely occur, but it happens even from moisture ingress through the cable. The cable draws in moisture like a capillary, and it accumulates in the lowest place - this is the connection to the receiver. In the event of a receiver breakdown, no one except the master can help you. Visually, the breakdown of the receiver can be diagnosed by connecting and disconnecting the cable to the receiver; the signal scale should still somehow react to these actions, provided that all other equipment is in good working order. If the power supply breaks down, the receiver simply does not turn on, but it happens that the receiver turns on, but there may be no signal and the picture just freezes.

Well, what to do if everything is checked, everything is working fine, but the signal is still not enough.

Here it is necessary to increase the size of the antenna mirror, in other words, it is easier to purchase an antenna of a larger diameter. The larger the antenna, the larger the signal reflection area, respectively, and the signal strength itself increases. In order to be correct, it is necessary to calculate its dimensions depending on the strength of the broadcasting of the transponder from the satellite, or use ready-made calculations.

Various handicraft methods can also increase the signal. But you can only say about their performance if you try it yourself. Although in the C-band converter, the selection of the feed and polarizer is of great importance.

So, we will start our extensive story from the very beginning - the basics. Understanding what satellite Internet and television are all about.

Well, an ordinary TV - the principle of its operation is not a secret to anyone. A television center was placed in the very center of the city. It also houses a colossal antenna that can be seen from different parts of the city. Almost every apartment has a TV with an antenna connected - it doesn't matter which one.

They may be:
1. Small and indoor
2. Outdoor
3. Collective.

The TV tower sends a signal, and the indoor antenna catches it. The TV processes the signal that comes to it from the antenna, decodes and displays it on the screen.

How does satellite communications work? The principle is quite similar. Let's analyze it step by step, starting from the very beginning. So, satellites are initially launched into Earth's orbit. This is how they will look in geostationary orbit, see the diagram:

It's no secret that the globe is rotating ... However, judging from the point of view of an observer on the planet's surface, the satellite does not move, hanging at one point.

First of all, a special transmitting antenna comes into play, looking like this:

The colossal structure transmits the signal (be it the Internet or TV broadcasts) to the satellite - which, in turn, shields and sends them back to earth. That earth's surface where you can catch satellite signal and will be called the familiar phrase "coverage area". Each of us knows where the signal is weak and where it is more powerful.

Taking more specific examples, sending a signal to the ground will more resemble the work of a familiar flashlight in the dark. The circle of light in the center, directed to some surface, is distinguished by increased brightness - along the edges it is noticeably dispersed. Most often, transmitters (satellites) direct to a certain part of the land, and everyday people call this direction only as rays (maybe a Russian beam, European or Asian).

V At the beginning of the article, we mentioned a few words about the principle of operation of ordinary television programs - the only difference is that the signal from the satellite is very weak, it cannot be caught just like that. Actually, it is for this that the notorious satellite dishes were invented. Another name is satellite dishes, by analogy with ordinary porcelain dishes.

I hope we have convinced you of the similarity. Let's continue to expand on the topic.

So, satellite signal strength very weak, it cannot be lifted with ordinary devices. The essence of the action is as follows - the signal, after it hits the plate, is reflected from it and, in the end, converges at a single point. This point is the apogee of the signal, and the name of the point is nothing but a focus. To receive such a signal, you need to put a specialized device in the mentioned focus - this is a convector. It will not only receive signals, but also additionally irradiate the antenna to collect all useful material without exception.

In the picture below, you can clearly see how exactly the signal passes from above from the satellite, and after that it is captured by the converter:

How does it go satellite signal? To a converter that looks like this:

A special cable is connected (we will talk about its purpose a little later). The cable leads to a satellite receiver, which at first glance looks more like a VCR or DVD player:

By the way, there are also receivers for personal computers that convert signals into computer formats. We will also talk about them a little later.

So, it's time to summarize the first results. Satellite signal sent from a satellite - it is perceived by a familiar satellite antenna on which the converter is fixed. The latter transmits the received signal via the above-mentioned cable to a special satellite receiver - it, in turn, is sent to our TV screens. The principle of operation of satellite Internet is approximately similar, only the signal is transmitted to a personal computer.

It is also necessary to supplement, to introduce a kind of clarification. Logical reflections lead to the question - how exactly in the usual TV (operating in the UHF and MV format the satellite signal is transmitted in Kg or C band (the main satellite formats). And, most importantly, how can linear or circular polarization be present here. If we are not we will go into the basics of science, and we will reduce all explanations to a minimum, we will get - in order to receive one or another directional signal, a converter is needed, developed specifically for this range. Their name is a C-band converter, as well as a Ku converter. Do you need converters? This is a reason for further narration, but for now we suggest you look at the scheme of action of a complex chain called "satellite - our TV":

The principle of satellite broadcasting. Frequency range C and Ku

So, since we started talking about television broadcasting, we will continue to talk about it. Satellite TV broadcasting systems differ today in seven frequency ranges at once - however, for a specific satellite broadcasting, the previously mentioned Ku and C intervals are allocated. By the way, the level of the satellite signal does not depend on the typology.

C-band - the frequency band is used here from 3.5 to 4.2 GHz. These converters generally accept all signals that are included in their frequency spectrum, however, in order that they cannot be used in the Ku band.

Ku bands - here the band is 10.7-12.75 GHz. It is because of the difference in formats that satellite converters are used with a different spectrum of action. But radio frequencies are a limited resource, therefore, with the development of high technologies, it became necessary to use the same frequencies, but at different earth stations. How can I do that:

1. The first method is called spatial separation. Here, each of the satellite antennas will receive a signal originating from a specific area. Different regions, however, may well use the same frequencies.
2. The name of the second method is polarization separation. The principle of operation is such that different antennas will receive or transmit a signal in perpendicular polarization planes. It is important to note that the same frequencies can often be applied not one at a time, but as many as two times (for, in fact, each of the planes).

What is polarization, which we have written about many times above? One of the properties of a radio signal is that it allows you to distinguish signals with similar frequencies and transmit much more signals within those bands that are generally available here. There are two types of polarization. It:

1. Linear (can be successfully referred to as horizontal or vertical.
2. And circular (in other words, right and left) polarization.

It is this property of the satellite signal that will make the most effective use of those frequencies that are allocated for the transmission of satellite signals.

The uniqueness of television (we are not yet concerned with satellite Internet) television broadcasting is that a large number of regions can be provided with a television signal using this technology. First of all, we are talking about those parts of the earth's surface where an ordinary television antenna is not able to receive a signal of really high quality.

It should also be noted that when receiving with an ordinary antenna, one can often see such a "snow", a terrible distortion of the picture. The key difference with a satellite signal is that the picture on your TV screen will not be inferior to DVD quality. In some cases, the quality will even significantly exceed it (remember the notorious format).

By the way, in most cases the number of channels that the local television center broadcasts rarely exceeds 15. The satellite signal will allow you to watch a couple of thousand TV channels that are broadcast in all world languages. Likewise, with radio waves - taking advantage of satellite TV, you can listen to any radio station in the world.

"Correct the antenna!" or "the signal from satellites has disappeared"

If the signal from the satellite does not pass and the picture does not appear on your TV, do not rush to scold the near-earth satellite and rent a spaceship in order to send an electrician neighbor into orbit so that he “straightens the antenna”. What to do in this case and what could be the reason that signal from satellites disappeared?

Remember that such actions must be taken if the signal disappeared from several at once, or just from one satellite. Symptoms, as a rule, are the same for everyone - literally a day ago everything worked, but today everything is gone.

The problem arises after the receiver has been subject to self-flashing by the user. Remember that in the long chain "satellite - TV" the most important link is your receiver, therefore, in the absence of experience with its operating system, it is better not to approach it at all.

Since you have started updating the receiver's software, after the update is completed, you need to return to the menu called "Antenna Installation" and drive in here your own working positions of the ports called DiSEQC. You can get this information from your equipment supplier.

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