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Is the number of the electric meter device indicated on the receipt. How to find out the number of the electricity meter


The counter number is usually indicated on its front side. The location of the number may be different and depends on the model of the energy meter.

If you have a passport for the counter, then it will not be difficult for you to find out its number. In the passport of the meter, it is usually indicated on the first pages of this document. So that in the future you will not have problems with determining the meter number, make a copy, or rather a few, of the first two and last pages of the passport for the meter.

When installing the meter, employees of the energy supply organization are required to draw up an act on the acceptance of your meter into operation. Such a document is drawn up in two copies, one of which must be with you. This act must indicate the number of your counter. If you do not have a copy of this document, then you should contact the energy supply company with a request to provide you with a copy of the act or tell you your meter number. In some cases, the number of the metering device is indicated in the contract between the consumer and the supply company.

Employees of sales companies make scheduled visits to houses on a quarterly basis in order to record readings and check metering devices. Call the company that maintains your property, find out when the employees of this organization will work in your home, and ask them to give you the number of your meter.

If you have already given the meter to, then look for a verification certificate, since metrological service employees are required to indicate the serial number of the meter in this document. If you do not have such a certificate, contact the organization that verified the meter with a request that you provide a copy of this document or tell you the number of your meter.

The need to determine the contract number may arise in various situations. In particular, the number is required to find the document in the database or to be indicated in other documents.


Only one of its parties or special authorized state bodies can find out the contract number on the basis of a relevant request. Although there is no secret in this, especially when the contract is.
It is necessary to distinguish between the serial number of the contract, when the numbering is the contracting organization, and the registration number of the contract.
The easiest way is the contract number - the contract itself or a copy of it. Copies of the agreement must be kept by all parties to the agreement.

If you have lost the contract or you didn’t have a copy of it initially, which, of course, is your omission, then you can find out the contract number in the following ways:
- contact the other party to the contract (parties) and ask to tell you its number (sometimes it is enough just to call);
- look at the contract number in others where it may appear, for example, the contract number can be indicated on payment receipts, on payment orders, the contract number may even match the number of your personal account, which is used to pay for services, etc. .;
- contact the organizations through which the contract passed, or where you provided copies of it;
- if you entered into an agreement online

You can look at the bill-receipts for electricity. Or contact the company's specialists:

Hotline: 8-800-700-40-70.

contact center of OAO Mosenergosbyt at this number for all territorial offices of Moscow 8-495-981-98-19.

Transfer the readings of electricity meters in Moscow for OAO Mosenergosbyt

Submit readings of electricity meters in Moscow for OAO Mosenergosbyt

There are several ways to transmit electricity meter readings in Moscow and the Moscow Region for consumers who purchase electricity from Mosenergosbyt OJSC.

What is the time frame for a consumer residing in Moscow or the Moscow Region to submit meter readings to Mosenergosbyt OJSC.

In accordance with the requirements of Mosenergosbyt, the transfer of data on indications must be made before the 26th of the current month.

Electricity meter number how to find out: the most popular tips

For example, through old payment receipts
  1. How many owners the property has and information about them;
  2. Is there sewerage, electrical wiring in the room;
  3. What type of bathroom;
  4. How many rooms are in the room;
  5. The presence of other nodes of a technical type that are associated with the communal sector.
Considering how high information a personal account has, it is he who can tell what the amount of debt the payer has.

  • How to find out the counter number
  • How to find out electricity consumption
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It is necessary to distinguish between the serial number of the contract, when the numbering is maintained by the contracting organization, and the registration number of the contract.

The easiest way to find out the contract number is to look at the contract itself or a copy of it. Copies of the agreement must be kept by all parties to the agreement.

- contact the other party to the contract (parties) and ask them to tell you its number (sometimes it’s enough just to call);

- contact the organizations through which the contract passed, or where you provided copies of it;

- if you entered into an agreement on the Internet, through any site, then the agreement number and your other details should be in your personal account (for example, everyone who has ever used the Sberbank-online service knows that all the details are in your personal office);

- if the contract was registered, then all its details, including the number, remain in the database of the registering authority, so you can find out the number by requesting information from this authority (in most cases, you will have to pay a state duty).

How to find out the debt for electricity Mosenergosbyt

If electricity was cut off at your house due to debt, and you are not able to pay off the debt immediately, contact Mosenergosbyt with a request for an installment payment of the debt.

Do not forget to take with you a receipt of partially repaid debt and your passport. You will have to sign an agreement with Mosenergosbyt OJSC (MES) - it will be an integral annex to the energy supply agreement.

How to find out the personal account of the apartment at the address

1. Through the website of State Services (for Muscovites) For example, residents of Moscow have access to the website of the GU IS, created by the department of the fuel and energy economy of the city.

You can find out the personal account number of the housing and communal services at the address and check the debt on it after entering the address in the search line. 2. Phone call to housing and communal services / UK 4.

Specialized sites How to find out the debt for the apartment? The most complete information on utilities and the amount of debt is provided only by management companies and their websites.

Meters for metering consumed energy resources, whether they are electrical metering devices or meters for gas supply and water supply, must necessarily have a serial number.


The counter number is usually indicated on its front side. The location of the number may be different and depends on the model of the energy meter.

If you have a passport for the counter, then it will not be difficult for you to find out its number. In the passport, the factory number of the meter is usually indicated on the first pages of this document. So that in the future you will not have problems with determining the meter number, make a copy, or rather a few, of the first two and last pages of the passport for the meter.

When installing the meter, employees of the energy supply organization are required to draw up an act on the acceptance of your meter into operation. Such a document is drawn up in two copies, one of which must be with you. This act must indicate the number of your counter. If you do not have a copy of this document, then you should contact the energy supply company with a request to provide you with a copy of the act or tell you your meter number. In some cases, the number of the metering device is indicated in the contract between the consumer and the supply company.

Employees of sales companies make scheduled visits to houses on a quarterly basis in order to record readings and check metering devices. Call the company that maintains your property, find out when the employees of this organization will work in your home, and ask them to give you the number of your meter.

If you have already given the meter for verification, then look for a verification certificate, since metrological service employees are required to indicate the serial number of the meter in this document. If you do not have such a certificate, contact the organization that verified the meter with a request that you provide a copy of this document or tell you the number of your meter.

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It's strange when people in Yandex.Metrica try to hide the ID number. This is often done by novice and inexperienced webmasters who do not know that this number can be viewed by everyone. If Yandex.Metrika is installed on the site, anyone can see the counter number!

To put it simply, there is no point in hiding the identifier data, since all these things are very easily revealed if you just look at the code of the site pages. The fact that in Yandex.Metrica the counter number is public information, we will tell you about how to find out the number of your own counter on the site in this step-by-step instruction. For a change, let's even consider a few options on how to find out the number of the Metrica counter in a matter of seconds.

Yandex Metrica counter number: view from profile

Step #1

If you are registered in the system, if you can enter your own webmaster profile in Yandex (), you can find out the counter number directly on the page with the list of sites. To do this, copy the link and paste it into the address bar of your browser:

Step #2

If you go to your site settings on the page with the list of Yandex.Metrica web resources, the counter number will be displayed in the top two lines of the General tab at once.

Yandex Metrica counter number: see on the website

Step #1

Let's consider the easiest way to get this data even without access to the webmaster and admin panel. This is the way anyone can use it. And for this reason, it makes no sense to hide the counter numbers.

If you are sure that Yandex tools are installed on the site, open any page of the project and look at its code. There are many ways to view the code in the browser. The easiest way is to press "Ctrl + U"

Website with Metrica: website

Site code with Metrica

Step #2

To find the desired identifier in all this program code, you can use the search on the page (combination "Ctrl + F") for the phrase "metrika" or "yaCounter" or "Ya.Metrika" or "Yandex.Metrika". The result will be the same - you immediately go to the counter, where you can see the Yandex.Metrica counter number.

If you do not use the page search, then manually scroll through the code to the item you need. Most often, all counters and informers are placed at the bottom of the web resource pages. The main thing is to find the desired line of program code and look at the number of the Metrica counter. And it's very, very simple. You could do the same procedure on any other foreign sites where you are not an administrator. This information is not secret. It is available for everyone to view.

Useful information about the counter number Metrica

1. Each site is assigned an individual counter number. There are no two identical ().

2. Anyone can look at the site counter number in Yandex.Metrica, but no one can go into the statistics. Unless the statistics are publicly visible.

3. By ID you will not be able to find the site itself or its owner. At the very least, it will be very difficult, you will have to search by code fragments or content. The Yandex number itself will not help you with this.

4. The Yandex counter number is required whenever you set Yandex.Metrica Goals.

5. If you copy someone else's code and paste it on a third-party site, it will work. The only thing is that the work will stop on services that take into account the domain name (for example, Monitoring will stop working).

6. You can paste the same code on all your sites (only Monitoring will not work).

7. In order to replace one counter with another, it is enough to change the identifier in the settings. The rest can not be changed.

8. For a domain and a subdomain, you can use 2 options: a common single identifier and 2 different identifiers.

9. The Yandex.Metrica code, which can be viewed on any site on the Internet, is able to provide much more information than it seems at first glance. But this is a topic for a completely different article.

    There is no need to call anywhere to find out your counter number. And Google and Yandex will not help you find it, don’t even try, they don’t know anything about it (namely your counter number).

    Just go to the counter (with a flashlight if the installation site is poorly lit) and look carefully at the dialquot ;. There must be a number there.

    The counter number can be found in several ways:

    firstly, look in the technical passport that each meter has and which should be kept.

    Also on the receipts that are sent to you to pay for electricity, this number is also indicated.

    As a rule, the number of the electricity meter is indicated not only on the device itself from the side where the readings themselves are, but also in the documents (passport) for this equipment.

    It should be noted that there is no precisely defined place on the device where its number would be located. That is why it can be located both above the indications, under the indications, and nearby in the center.

    Any meter has a passport and its number is registered there. If you are going to transfer its number to the power grid service, take it there.

    But now, when we have modern electronic meters, when an electrician installs it, he writes an act in which he indicates the number of this meter and can be viewed in this act.

    Now such an act is usually stored in the power grid - the second copy.

    And the females are simple, look at it in your electricity bill, which comes to you monthly, your meter number is indicated at the top.

    And this is the easiest option, because now you can transfer meter readings over the Internet and there we enter its number.

    Why fool yourself - everything is on the surface - open the shield and take a closer look at the counter, there you will find this very number. He, of course, also appears in the contract - without him (the number), you would not have drawn up a contract.

    The number of the electricity meter is on its front panel, as well as on the electricity bill, which is sent by mail. More precisely, it should be, and in my case it is. If there is an instruction for the counter that comes with it upon purchase, the number should also be indicated there.

    Another way to find out the number of the electricity meter is to wait until you receive a receipt for payment for electricity. It must contain the corresponding number (usually they write something like Personal account or Calculation of the counter ).

    The number of the electric meter must be indicated in the passport going to each meter. When the meter is put into operation, the number of the meter is also entered in the commissioning certificate. And it is also duplicated on the electric meter itself.

    You can find out the number of your electricity meter from the front panel of the device (meter) itself.

    On almost all counters, the number is written on the front panel from the bottom (under those numbers that are meter reading). Most often, a combination of numbers (counter number) is preceded by a sign. The number is usually six digits.

    Also, the meter number is indicated in the technical passport or in the same receipt.

    Each counter has its own passport, and so the number can be seen immediately on the first pages.

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