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Remove installed update on iphone. How to uninstall an update on iPhone

Get real iOS-Jedi.

I continue to experiment with users iPhone. Last time I brought together almost three hundred beginners who practically do not understand the intricacies of iOS and gave five simple tips that have already made their lives easier. If you missed it - , and smart comments under the topic are very welcome.

There are fewer users who consider themselves real geeks. Maybe most of the respondents simply did not understand the meaning of the very word that I tried to call them, but this does not change the essence of the matter much. I will try to deal with the top five of their problems, which generally have a solution.

I'm sure it will be interesting for all of us to adopt extraordinary skills so that we don't look so stupid anymore.

1. Hiding the iOS Update Notification

The network has repeatedly raised a storm of discussion about the inappropriateness of installing new versions iOS to older devices. Of course, especially the ancients begin to work too slowly and very clumsily. It is on them that the notification about the system update and the update itself I advise delete altogether.

To do this, go to the device settings, select the storage menu and iCloud in the main section, go to management and erase the information from the new unnecessary item - after that iPhone should be reloaded.

Thus, two birds with one stone were killed at once: they got rid of the annoying badge and cleared the memory.

2. Delete the App Store cache in ten taps

sorry work iOS 9.x.x leaves much to be desired. I think this revision of the platform turned out to be the most buggy among all those released before. Many of the people I interviewed this time specifically complained about App Store- they say, it hangs, then something else. I myself have faced this many times.

Prudent programmers from Apple prepared a solution to any problems with the app store. You just need tap ten times by any icon of program sections - for example, by "Selection".

Cache App Store will be cleared, and the glitch will most likely be resolved.

3. Clear the RAM completely

Despite the huge amount of relevant material that only the lazy did not publish, many still do not understand that deleting applications from the multitasking menu iOS doesn't make any sense. At the very least, it doesn't affect device battery life or system performance.

However, in cleaning RAM burnt out geeks still sometimes need a device. It is for them in iOS there is a hidden feature. To do this, go to the shutdown menu iPhone long press on the power button, and then hold down the key Home.

After a few seconds, the device will go to the home screen, and its RAM will indeed be completely free.

4. We remember what happened exactly a year ago

With the advent of the service Google Photos I uploaded the entire family photo archive of a couple of hundred GB there - absolutely free of charge and without SMS. However, what pleases me most of all is not even the storage system itself, but the "smart" assistant built into it. Favorite feature is "What was the day like" a year or two or more ago.

As it turned out, in iOS there is exactly the same feature. But it is available only to owners iPhone 6s and 6s Plus- hidden in gallery quick action menu via 3D Touch.

Please note that there will be no corresponding label if the photos a year or more ago not in device memory.

5. We finally deal with the dialer

I was surprised, because several users who were advanced in their opinion noted the inconvenience of the built-in iOS dialers - especially in terms of repeated calls. They wrote that they are nostalgic for the times of push-button Nokia, where for this it was only necessary to press the call key twice.

I inform you in iOS there is a similar possibility. If you click on the button with the phone in the empty dialer, the field will be filled with numbers last call which is very convenient.

Already knew? Pretty boy!

I'm sure not everyone knew, right? I myself was not aware of the existence of most of these features until recently, so do not be discouraged.

website Become a real iOS Jedi. I continue to conduct experiments on iPhone users. Last time I brought together almost three hundred beginners who practically do not understand the intricacies of iOS and gave five simple tips that have already made their lives easier. If you missed it, here's the link, and smart comments under the topic are very welcome. There are fewer users who consider themselves real geeks....

As a rule, most instructions are written on the basis of experience, sometimes sad. So I recently ran into a problem - one of my household members clicked on "Download and install" updates, or answered yes to a request to update on the computer. Thus, a constantly pop-up request to update iOS appeared on the tablet. For reference, I flashed on iOS 9.3.3, and the system requires an update to 9.3.4, which I don’t want to install yet.

The problem is that this request cannot be canceled in any way. If updates have been downloaded to the tablet, then the system will be updated sooner or later, whether you like it or not. An update request can only be delayed, not cancelled. A web search gave me one "recipe" - resetting the tablet to factory settings, which I hurried to use. After the reset, going into the settings in the "Software Update" section, I saw how the update was downloading quickly again. The problem, to my great regret, has not disappeared anywhere.

The network gave out a lot more possible options, but some did not work, while others required a jail, which, at the moment, I do not have. I will not torment you, friends, but I found the solution and for it you do not need to perform the jailbreak procedure or other drastic actions with the iPad.

How to prevent updates?

If, for whatever reason, you don't want to update to the next version of iOS, there are a few steps you can take to prevent your tablet from randomly updating.

1. Do not run the update. The very first rule that you must remember is that the system will never update itself without your permission. Thus, do not click on update either on the tablet itself or in iTunes, as the update process is almost irreversible.

2. Set a passcode on your tablet. This simple step will prevent you from accidentally installing the update, as you will be prompted for a password before installing the update.

3. Turn off automatic updates on iPad. Follow the path: Settings –> iTunes Store and App Store. On the page that opens, opposite the "Updates" item, move the slider to the extreme left position. However, I want to warn you that in iOS there is no separate disabling of updates for the system and programs, and disabling this item will also affect automatic software updates. However, programs can also be updated manually.

4. Turn off automatic updates in iTunes. When you connect your tablet to your computer, iTunes checks the Apple server for iOS updates. If updates are found, tuna immediately offers to apply (update) them. To disable the update check, follow the path: iTunes –> Edit (on the menu bar) –> Settings. On the pop-up window, click the "Add-ons" tab. Uncheck the box next to the line (at the very bottom of the tab) "Check for software updates automatically."

By following these simple rules, you will be able to control the update process and stay on the desired version of iOS.

How do I delete an update request?

If you still downloaded updates on your iPad, the system will require you to update. As I wrote above, you cannot cancel it in the usual way. In other words, this process does not have a Cancel button.

But, despite the fatality of the situation, there are even two options for solving this problem.

Option number 1. To cancel the update, you need to delete the file of this update itself. As it turned out, for this you do not need to get into the wilds of the file system, especially since this requires a jailbreak. Everything is much easier. :)

We follow the path: Settings –> General. On the page that opens, tap on "Storage and iCloud usage".

On the page that opens, in the list of programs, we find "iOS 9.3.4" (or another similar file, depending on the relevance of the system) and tap it.

In the window that opens, tap "Uninstall update". When asked to confirm the action, we confirm the deletion.

After that, the update file will disappear from the list of programs, and in the "Software Update" section, you will again see the "Download and install" update prompt. The tablet will no longer disturb you with an annoying message about the need to update.

Option number 2. The most cardinal solution to tablet software problems will help you with this problem. It's about flashing. But, here you need to make one reservation - this option is suitable for you if the previous (old) version of iOS is still signed by Apple. You can find this information here ( or on thematic sites.

You need to reflash with the indication of the firmware file, which is pre-downloaded for your device. A link to the firmware can be found on our website: All iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch firmware.

Naturally, before flashing, you need to back up your iPad data to iTunes and iCloud.

Friends, this instruction is universal and may be useful to you, say, when switching to iOS 10, or rather, unwillingness to switch to it. So, enjoy your health!

P.S. Based on the results of our joint experience with readers, I want to make some clarifications to the article.

  • The above methods really work but are temporary. In other words, sooner or later, the firmware will be downloaded to your device via Wi-Fi. However, you can remove it again and get rid of the offer to upgrade. Fortunately, this action takes 10 - 15 seconds.
  • The remote update is not re-downloaded on devices running iOS8 and below.
  • Since Apple has stopped signing old firmware (9.3.3, 9.3.4), you will not be able to upgrade to them. Thus, the flashing advice is relevant (as of September 2016), only for iOS 9.3.5 (and from September 13 for iOS 10). If you want to stay on an older version of the system, then you can not reflash! Please take this into account!
  • To prevent iOS from downloading an update again, you need to block addresses on the router:, But, I want to warn you, if you do not understand the configuration of the router, then it is better to entrust this process to a specialist. Naturally, the update ban will only apply in the zone of your “configured” router.

Apple constantly modifies and supplements the operating systems of its devices by releasing new firmware versions. If the iPhone constantly offers updates, or even freezes when trying to install them, this problem is fixed in the following ways:

  • disable downloading updates;
  • delete already downloaded files;
  • replace the new version server.

There are tips on the Internet to prevent downloading by disconnecting from wireless Wi-Fi. This is illusory, as the update will continue when the connection reappears. Therefore, more efficient methods should be used.

Disabling the download of updates is easy. To do this, go to Settings and open the AppStore menu. In the Automatic downloads section, move the slider next to Updates and Programs.

How to Delete and Prevent Updates from Downloading on iPhone

To delete existing downloaded update files that take up a lot of free space, you need to go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "iPhone Storage".

The vault lists your apps, updates, and other files. The volume of new firmware versions is large, so it is usually at the top of the list, but not always. Find it and click "Uninstall update".

After that, the large update file will be deleted.

There are recommendations on how to downgrade the firmware version, but without proper experience, it is not advisable to perform such manipulations.

An effective way to get rid of annoying updates is to replace servers. This requires a browser download tvOS11 Beta Software app . The next step is to change the update check address. iPhone will contact the server AppleTV, respectively, the system update will not occur.

If in the future you need to download a new firmware, go to the settings menu and remove the above sentence. The device will automatically find the desired server and update itself.

Apple strives to ensure that your iPhone is always running the most up-to-date version of the iOS operating system. This desire is not difficult to understand. The less different versions are used by users, the less various problems arise with the compatibility of various programs and firmware.

But, for the user, updating iOS does not always play a positive role. Not infrequently, after significant updates, older iPhones start to work much more slowly. The history of such models as iPhone 6, iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4s and iPhone 4 proves this. .

Whatever it was, but there is no official way to disable iOS updates. If earlier the user could simply not connect his iPhone to iTunes and the updates did not bother him. Now updates arrive on the iPhone by air, take up space in the smartphone’s memory and regularly remind the user of the need for installation. And if the user does not want to install the update, then all this can be very annoying.

Previously, in order to disable iOS updates on the iPhone, you had to use JailBreak. But, now there is an alternative way to bypass the system. The idea is that iOS can be tricked into specifying the wrong update server. Below is a detailed instruction on what needs to be done in order to disable iOS updates on iPhone without using JailBreak.

Disable updates on iPhone

Step #1: Delete the already downloaded update.

If an update has arrived on your iPhone over the air, then before starting the whole procedure, it must be deleted. This can be done in Settings under "General - Storage and iCloud - Manage (storage)".

Here you need to find the downloaded iOS update for your iPhone and delete it. If there is no update, then it has not yet arrived by air and you can proceed to the next step.

After the downloaded iOS update is removed, you can proceed directly to disable iOS updates on iPhone. To do this, copy this link:


Then you need to open the Safari web browser, paste this link into the address bar and follow it.

As a result, you should be prompted to install a profile. We agree and click on the "Install" button.

When you save your profile, you will be prompted to enter your password. Enter the password and continue.

Step number 3. Reboot iPhone and check the result.

After installing the downloaded profile, you will be prompted to restart your iPhone. Click on the "Reboot" button and wait until the device boots up.

After downloading, you need to check if updates are disabled or not. To do this, open the iPhone Settings and go to the "General - Software Update" section. If everything was done correctly, then there should be no updates here, iOS should report that your iPhone is running the latest software version.

If you want to return everything and still update iOS on your iPhone, then you just need to open Settings and go to the "General - Profiles" section. Here you just need to delete the tvOS 10 profile and reboot the device. After that, the updates will work again as usual.

iPad and iPhone owners with iOS 5.1 and above have a great opportunity to update their devices "over the air". Downloading the necessary files is carried out via Wi-Fi, and the process takes place in the background, that is, it does not require the participation of the device owner.

However, for some owners of apple gadgets, this iOS function is unacceptable, since updates are downloaded to the device’s memory, which means they take a lot of time. That is why many iOS tablet users are looking for an answer to the question of how to stop updating iOS. In addition, the download occurs even when the device is not being charged, which “eats up” quite significant battery resources.

How to stop downloading iOS

There is no way to stop downloading updates on iOS. That is, as soon as the iPad user goes to the address "Settings - General - Software Update", tablet or smartphone starts downloading the files available for it on the server. This is because iOS automatically receives a command to download the current version of iOS at the time it receives a command to search for them. Thus, in order to prevent downloading updates when Wi-Fi is connected, you should not visit the corresponding operating system settings menu.

You cannot cancel the iOS update even if you disconnect your device from the Wi-Fi network. In this case, it will only pause and start downloading again as soon as the gadget is connected to Wi-Fi again.

How to uninstall an iOS update

Deleting a downloaded iOS update file is not easy. It is safe to do this only on gadgets with, and owners of non-hacked tablets will have to erase all settings and content. This is a rather troublesome, lengthy and unsafe procedure, which involves the complete cleaning of the device's memory. of course, all the content on the iPad can be copied to a computer using a backup, but there is always the possibility of various errors. Therefore, it is better not to touch the files of the current iOS downloaded into the gadget’s memory.

Jailbroken iPad owners in this case are more fortunate, who can handle this task in two ways:

  • manually using the iFile app for iOS or the iTools program installed on your computer;
  • automatically using Cydia utilities such as iLex R.A.T or SUK.

It is very easy to delete junk files on jailbreak tablets. To do this, you just need to install on the iPad, go to the "/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/" folder and delete all the files in this folder. Removing the iOS update using iFunbox (computer program) is also not difficult. It is performed in a similar way.

How to disable iOS update

If you are wondering how to disable iOS update, then the following instruction will help you:

  • You should find and install the “No Update” tweak. It takes up minimal space and is distributed free of charge.
  • Install the utility and restart the desktop.
  • We go to "Settings" - "Software Update" and make sure that no updates are requested (the check should fail).

If iOS still starts checking, then the utility was installed incorrectly. It should be removed and reinstalled.

Now you know how to stop downloading iOS, as well as completely disable the update of an apple device, which will not only save space in its memory, but also avoid other difficulties.

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