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Remove the program from startup windows xp. How to remove unnecessary programs from startup

How to disable startup of windows 7 programs? This question is increasingly being asked by users. If you download a large number of utilities, the likelihood increases that the speed of the computer device will slow down or a system crash will occur. It is important to note that frequently installed applications add themselves to automatic downloads. Therefore, a list of several processes quickly turns into a long list of utilities and their components, which negatively affects the performance of the computer. This is the main reason users experience slow boot times.

This article provides step-by-step instructions that allow you to quickly remove unnecessary programs from startup, even for inexperienced or novice users.

It should be noted that not all utilities should be removed. For example, antivirus or firewall can be disabled in xp, but it is strongly discouraged to do so in order not to lower the high threshold of computer protection. It is better to uninstall other utilities in order to reduce the OS startup time and more economically use system resources. If you remove Magnifier from startup, no crashes will occur. You can easily launch it whenever you need it. It is also recommended to remove ccleaner from startup, because you can always start it from the desktop or the Start menu.

Step-by-step shutdown guide

To effectively manage the loaded utilities, the system is equipped with a special tool called MSConfig. Opening it, you will see what is included in the autostart. In addition to viewing, you can turn off the startup of programs that you do not need in a matter of seconds. This application is multifunctional, so care is essential when using it.

To disable unnecessary startup programs, run MSConfig. To do this, simultaneously press "Wi" and "R" and follow these steps:

  • When the Run window appears on the screen, an empty command line appears.
fig. 1. Write the following command
  • Click on "OK".
  • Then a section with system configurations will open. Go to the tab called "automatic download". In the window that appears, you will see a list of utilities that run together with Windows when the device is turned on.
  • Each application has a check mark next to it. If you want to disable the program from startup, uncheck the box next to it. Then click on "OK".
fig. 2. If you want to turn off the program from startup, then uncheck the box next to it and then click on "OK"
  • When the screen prompts you to restart the OS, click on the appropriate option, otherwise the changes will not take effect.

In addition to the ability to turn off programs when the computer starts, MSConfig allows you to turn off services that the user does not need.

To do this, go to the tab called "services"

It is worth noting that disabling services is similar to disabling utilities. You can easily remove updates from autostart, but Microsoft services and antivirus are best left on.

Removal using special utilities

There is an alternative option to disable startup in windows xp or other OS. This method involves the use of additional software, in particular CCleaner. This utility is available for free download on the Internet. After downloading and installing, open it. Then follow these steps:

  1. Click on the section titled "Tools".
  2. Click on the item called "Automatic download".
To disable an unnecessary application, select it and click on the option responsible for shutting down

The operation of this utility will give instant results. However, some applications cannot be removed from automatic download using this method. In this case, you need to open the settings of an unnecessary program and disable the option that automatically launches along with the operating system.


If, when you turn on your computer, your operating system takes a very long time to load, then the point is in those programs that open automatically. A whole bunch of apps are running at the same time. This significantly slows down the computer. Therefore, you need to disable the automatic launch of applications. We will look at the most popular methods for various systems.

Autorun programs in Windows 7. MSConfig utility.

This method is quite simple. Go to the Start Menu. Next, enter msconfig in the search bar. Open the first (and only) result.

Here you see a huge list of applications. And they all start at boot. Review the entire list carefully. Uncheck the boxes for those utilities that you do not need at startup. Then save your changes and be sure to restart your computer. The OS should boot many times faster.

Tip: If you've accidentally disabled some required utility, don't worry! Just go back and check the boxes where you want.

How to disable autostart through the registry?

This is the hardest way. It is better not to do anything in the registry, as it is possible to disrupt the operation of the computer if you do something wrong. So, open the Start Menu. Below, in the search box, enter regedit.

Then find the two Run sections. In the screenshot, you can see the full paths. One of them is responsible for automatic launch for the current user, and the other for all users.

Go there and simply remove the components of those utilities that you do not need.

Programs to disable autorun

There is a utility called Autoruns, which is quite powerful. In it you can find absolutely all applications that start at boot.

You can download it from this official site:

Then unpack the archive and run the utility. This is how it looks:

Go to the Everything tab. This means that there are collected programs that automatically open on your computer. After that, uncheck the boxes next to those that you want to disable at startup.

CCleaner utility.

This utility is convenient in that, in addition to disabling autorun, it can also remove any garbage from the computer, making it still productive.

You can download it from this site:

Select the required setting. If you do not know which one to choose, then choose the first one.

Disable unnecessary utilities, and they will no longer bother you the next time you start.

In this way, you can easily and simply disable any program from autorun. The following methods will be discussed for other versions of Windows.

How to disable startup programs in Windows 8

Through the system partition.

Hold down keys such as Win + R.

This window will open. Enter shell: startup, then click OK.

This is where the applications of the current user are stored.

And if you want to open it to all users, then enter shell: common startup.

Now just click on any of the folders you don't need at startup and delete it.

Through the Task Manager

In the next versions of operating systems, automatic start is not in the MSConfig utility, but in the Task Manager. Call the context menu on the control panel with the mouse and select the item you need.

Select the unnecessary application and click on the "Disable" button.

How to disable startup programs in Windows 10

For this operating system, the methods that are listed for version 8 are suitable. Even the location of the folders in the registry is the same.

Tip: use any method other than the registry. Important data is stored there, which is very easy to damage. If you don't understand the registry well, it's better not to even go there.

Thus, now no unnecessary applications will interfere with the computer's boot. Just do not disable all utilities in a row. Of these, some are extremely important for the full operation of a campaign.

Although there is no direct relationship between programs that load automatically when Windows starts and the overall performance of your computer, they have a direct impact on the speed at which the operating system boots.

Startup programs are loaded during startup, and after that they release some of the system resources they use, but, unfortunately, this is not always the case. However, in any case, it is better to keep the number of automatically loaded programs to a minimum. Some of them can slow down the performance of the entire system, while others can seriously slow down the boot process.

Fortunately, the procedure for deactivating programs at startup is extremely simple. However, in the last two, current versions of Windows - 7 and 8.1 - this process is slightly different.

Deactivation in Windows 7 and earlier

The only tool we'll look at here is called msconfig (or System Configuration). Most old Windows users know about it, and its launch is very simple - you just need to open the "Start" menu and enter "msconfig" in the search field.

You will find a list of all automatically loaded items in the "Startup" section, and to deactivate you just need to uncheck the box next to the corresponding application.

It is not at all difficult to navigate in this list, since in most cases the name of the program speaks for itself, but sometimes difficulties may arise with recognizing the program.

In such cases, the Vendor and Team fields can help you. They will tell you who the developer of the respective software is and where the automatically downloaded program is located.

Deactivation in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10

In newer versions of Windows, the functionality of the msconfig tool has been slightly stripped down, so they use the task manager to manage startup. Along with this change, the "Startup" section has also changed. It now includes a new Launch Impact column that can be very helpful. As the name suggests, it shows how strongly the corresponding program affects the overall boot speed of the system. This can help you decide which programs are best removed from the startup list and which ones you can keep. To exclude a program from startup, just select the appropriate item in the list and click "Disable".


The native tool for managing startup in either of its two incarnations is a bit limited. The truth is that it only offers basic features that boil down solely to auto-downloadable programs. But every time you start Windows, along with the operating system, drivers for many different devices, multimedia codecs, system services, and much more are also loaded.

If you want a more complete picture of the entire download process, try this great tool. It is part of the Windows Sysinternals package and offers an extremely detailed list of all modules loaded with Windows. However, from the point of view of less experienced users, Autoruns has two big drawbacks: on the one hand, it is too detailed (especially if you look at the full list of automatically loading elements), and on the other hand, it carries the risk of serious destabilization of the operating system if used by people who not quite sure what the features they want to disable are responsible for.

However, if you are more than confident in your technical knowledge, Autoruns can help you optimize the Windows boot process as much as possible, as it offers much more powerful and flexible options than the tool built into the operating system.

Have a great day!

During installation, many of the installed programs write their parameters to startup and try to start together with the operating system. This is sometimes quite handy. But often this is not required at all, and the user has to intervene in order to correct the situation according to his requirements.

Let's try to briefly describe the main sequence of actions in order to remove the program from autorun.

First of all, you need to open the menu " Start"And among the list of all programs installed on the system, find the folder" ". All applications with shortcuts in this folder will start with Windows. That is, they are included in autorun. If among them there is a program whose autostart you are trying to disable, then feel free to delete its shortcut from this folder. It is done.

If her icon was not there, then move on. Run the program itself and carefully review its settings. Among the options and parameters, try to find something similar to " Run with Windows», « Load along with the operating system" etc. similar in meaning. If you can find it, turn it off.

These are the very first, basic steps to remove the program from startup. But with their help, it is far from always possible to resolve the issue. Only when in the program itself its developer has provided such an opportunity. Therefore, we will consider other, slightly more complex ways of how you can remove programs from autorun.

How to remove programs from startup using standard Windows tools

We go to the menu " Start", Click the mouse on the command" Execute"(Instead, you can use the combination of" hot keys " Win + R). In the small window that opens, we type the command


A window with settings for system administration will open. We are interested in the "" tab in it. We find our program in it and turn it off (just uncheck the box from it). Click "Apply" and close the window by "Ok". Everything.

ATTENTION... In the system settings window, you need to be extremely careful and accurate. Careless actions can render Windows unusable. Here, as nowhere else, the rule “If you don’t know, if you’re not sure - don’t touch!” Is relevant.

How to remove programs from autorun using third-party programs

To facilitate the process of managing system startup, you can use various third-party utilities. There are a great many of them for this purpose, choose the one that is more convenient for you.

As an example, let's take a look at how to manage startup with the very popular system cleaner. CCleaner .

You can read about how to install, configure the CCleaner program and how to use it in the corresponding guides on our website. Well, a little more about its capabilities.

In the program window, we are interested in the "" section. On the tab “ Windows"All the programs that are included in autorun are just listed. The status of each of them is visible in the leftmost column. The label " Yes "Means that program startup is enabled.

To change something, you need to select the line with the desired application with the mouse. Then, in the right part of the window, the buttons “ Turn off" and " Delete". When you click on the "Disable" button, the autostart of the program will be disabled, and it will no longer start together with the operating system (which is what we needed). But at the same time, its record will remain in the autorun parameters, and if necessary, it can always be turned on again. When you click on the "Delete" button, the program line is completely removed from autorun. And subsequently, restoring its startup by simple means can be very difficult, or even impossible.

Let me remind you once again that in addition to CCleaner, there are a lot of other utilities in which you can also quickly and conveniently control autostart.

It is also necessary to mention that you can also remove programs from startup by editing the system registry. But any work with the registry is intended only for sufficiently experienced users who know exactly what they are doing. Since any error in the registry is fraught with serious problems with the operating system.

How to remove a program from startup in system services

There are programs that register their individual modules as system services. This is sometimes the “sin” of, for example, Java programs - all kinds of automatic update or quick launch modules, some applications from Adobe and Apple, etc. This is far from always advisable, and the user has to correct the situation.

To do this, you need to go to the system services tab in the management console. This can be done either through Control Panel In chapter Administration, or to do a little easier - find the "Computer" icon (on the Desktop or in the "Start" menu - it doesn't matter, the result will be the same), right-click on it and select the line " Control". Here, in the management console under " Services and Applications"And the menu we need is located" Services».

To view the full size, click on the picture

On the right, in a large window, all system services are listed (including those installed by various third-party programs), their state and startup type are indicated. If among them you managed to find the program you need, you should double-click on the line with its entry. A small window that opens will provide us with all the options for managing this service. Buttons " Start" and " Stop»Start or stop it in real time. And the section “ Launch type"Indicates whether this service will run concurrently with the operating system. To change, click on the small triangle on the right and select the one you need from the three proposed options. A type " Auto"Means that the service will start with Windows," Disabled"- the service is completely disabled and will not start at all, and the type" Manually"Means that the service will be started only when a program needs it. This is the safest option if you are not confident in your actions.

All changes made here and saved will take effect after Windows restart.

It must be remembered that any work in the management console, including with system services, must be carried out very carefully and accurately. Any errors here will certainly lead to various failures in the system or even to its complete inoperability. And you should take any action here only if you have the necessary knowledge and experience.

One more necessary note.

When working with programs that are responsible for various aspects of system security, for example, antiviruses, firewalls, etc., you should remember that managing their startup using the above methods most likely will not work. This class of programs reliably protects its files, settings and parameters to resist the actions of malicious programs and intruders. Therefore, the only way to disable such a program from startup is to try to find the appropriate option in its settings. If it is, of course, provided there at all. Which is not always the case.

Almost every program installed on a computer strives to put itself on startup. Therefore, there are more and more icons in the system tray (Tray - next to the clock), and the boot time of the operating system, every day, is increasing and increasing!

In most cases, there is no need to automatically download programs. How can you disable the startup of the program and reduce the number of icons near the clock?

Removing programs from startup in Windows 7 is done as follows.

Press the START button 1, then enter the word in the search line 2 msconfig and, press the search button 3. Although, most likely, you will not need to press the button - the search will be performed automatically.

Rice. 2

Under the name msconfig, 1 program was found (Fig. 2). Click on the name msconfig.exe

Rice. 3

The System configuration window will open (Figure 3). In this window, select the Startup tab (circled in red pencil).

Rice. 4

... Its general view is as in Fig. 4. Only the programs you have will be those that are on your computer, but not the same as mine.

In the list of startup items, find those programs that brazenly load when Windows starts, put their icons next to the clock, and sometimes even open their dialog boxes when no one asked them!

In my picture, you see: the checkboxes mark the programs that run in automatic mode. But this is the tip of the iceberg! Below is a list of several times larger programs, the autostart of which is disabled.

Your actions on this tab - remove the checkmarks in front of the programs that are automatically loaded when Windows starts, and you don't want that!

Of course by name Startup item it can be difficult to determine which program this item belongs to. Then look at the folder of which program the Team is leading. If you cannot see the entire Command line, then drag the separator element between the words Command and Location with the mouse cursor to the right. Then the whole line will open.

Antivirus programs and firewalls do not need to disable startup.

In addition, for example, I have the Punto Switcher program that automatically switches the Russian and English keyboard layouts. When you work on the Internet, this program is simply irreplaceable. Naturally, every time you get tired of running it yourself. Therefore, the best option is when it is at startup.

But the programs Download Master, Adobe Reader and many others can be launched if necessary - why should they hang around at startup all the time.

After you have removed the check marks in front of some programs, click the Apply buttons, and then OK (Fig. 4). The following message will appear.

Rice. 5

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, then click the Restart button. And if you take your time, then click the Exit button without restarting, and all the changes you made will take effect after the next shutdown or restart.

If the result turns out to be unexpected - somehow I accidentally turned off the system clock along with the language bar, don't worry! It is enough to set the checkboxes back, reboot and everything will return to its place!

Removing programs from startup in Windows XP

In Windows XP, removing programs from startup is done as follows. Press the Start button and open the main menu.

Rice. 6

In the main menu, click the Run button.

Rice. 7

The Run Program window will open. In the Open field, type: msconfig and click OK.

Rice. eight

You will see the System Settings window. You will see 6 tabs in it. You don't need to touch anything on five tabs! Immediately click the cursor on the tab -. Its general view is as in Fig. 8. Only the programs you have will be the ones that you put on, but not the same as mine.

In my picture, you can see: green check marks mark programs that run in automatic mode. But this is the tip of the iceberg! Below is a list of several times larger programs, the autostart of which is disabled.

You look through the list of programs and remove the green check mark in front of the programs you do not need.

After you select the startup items to disable, click the Apply and then OK buttons (Fig. 8). The following message will appear immediately.

Rice. 9

If you want to immediately admire the result of your actions, then click the Restart button. And if you take your time, then click the Exit button without rebooting, but anyway the changes you made will take effect after the next shutdown or restart.

Disabling startup in Windows XP and Windows 7 are similar, so in order not to repeat yourself, you can see my advice under Figure 4.

Disable programs at startup in Windows 10

Easier and faster, you can disable startup programs in Windows 10 via Task Manager.

To call the Task Manager, press the keys Ctrl + Shift + Esc and a window appears in front of us:

Disable startup programs in Windows 10

In the Task Manager window, click the Startup tab. The tab shows a list of programs installed on your computer, where the Startup status is indicated: enabled or disabled.

Click on the program for which you want to disable autoload. The line will be highlighted in blue1. Press the Disable button 2 and the autorun of this program during Windows boot will not work.

By the way, on button 2, instead of the Disable command, Enable appears. That is, if you accidentally disabled the wrong program, you can correct the error and, by pressing the button again, enable the autoload of this program.

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