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Removed from all social networks. Deleting from VKontakte

« I renew therefore I exist"(Andrew Keene)

You can name many advantages of communicating on social networks, but few people talk about the disadvantages, so I decided to fill this gap.

“There are reasons for active communication on the Internet. For example, loneliness or lack of communication in reality, or even the possibility of self-expression when no one listens to a person in any other way, and no one is interested in him. On social networks, a user can instantly make any of his ideas, any thought that comes into his head, public. “Bloggers write” has become a stable expression, as “British scientists have proven.” Even in the press it became possible to refer to the inscriptions on the fence. A person on social media seems important only because he expressed his opinion. Through social networks, you can immerse yourself in a special world that is very close to reality, and begin to live in it according to its laws, seriously receiving support and confidence from this world.”

“...virtual improvement requires no effort. IN ordinary life a teenager can be frail, with pimples on his nose, awkward, but online he can be brave, beautiful, and convincing. The main thing is to post it good photos and fill the page with appropriate content,” says Lev Perezhogin, a senior researcher at the Serbsky Center, who has been studying the behavior of “virtual drug addicts” for more than ten years.

Technology is a unique way of compensating for dislike and failure, which has certain and unconditional advantages. Unlike other methods of compensation (shopping, food), it requires neither money nor effort. At the same time, it is not as socially condemned and does not seem as dangerous as alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

"IN last years Social networks are flooded with pages of groups raising money for urgent and insanely expensive surgeries for seriously ill children. The most popular ones consist of hundreds of thousands of people! However, alas, not all of them are driven by a noble goal. “If a person does not have a personal scale of values ​​and happiness, then he evaluates his life in context. Among the “stars,” it’s easy to feel like a loser, but in the context of someone else’s grief, you can effortlessly feel your own well-being. People sometimes prefer not to change their lives, but to create emotional contrast: against the backdrop of other people’s problems, the subjective feeling of the quality of one’s own life improves", explains psychotherapist Gennady Averyanov."

In pursuit of safety, man built technosphere, thereby fencing off from “natural” nature. There has been an alienation of man from nature:

Having provided physical security, appeared free time, which began to be spent on entertainment, in particular virtual reality.

“... our laziness leads to the fact that we waste our lives on games. You have everything: there is light, there is gas, previous generations did their best. Previously, people could do something with their hands, and not just sit in white shirts in the office. And now we live in an era of illusion of action. Our whole reality leads us to the need to somehow kill time.
Only no one can ever kill time, but time constantly kills us. What will you come to the end of your life with? So you killed and killed your time, and now it’s over, and then what? What did you manage to do? Grow two tons of virtual carrots? Gather a thousand virtual friends? .

Social networks attracted people with the opportunity for self-expression and communication, but they are an illusion (ersatz, surrogate) of meeting real needs. Social networks have led to the gradual alienation of man from man; social atomization- the phenomenon of breaking friendships, family, neighbors and other social ties; the emergence of isolated individuals, whose social ties and contacts are predominantly impersonal and rational in nature.

« Existential vacuum- a widespread phenomenon in the twentieth century. It's easy to explain; it is to blame for the double loss that man has suffered since he became a real human being. At the beginning of its history, man lost some of the animal instincts that determined the behavior of the animal and served as its protection. Such protection, like Paradise, is forever lost to us; we have to make decisions consciously. In addition, another loss occurred, and at a very recent stage of development: traditions, which had long served as a reliable support for human behavior, were greatly weakened. Now neither instincts tell him what to do, nor traditions what to do; sometimes he doesn’t even know what he wants. Instead, a person either strives to do as others do (conformism) or does what others want him to do (totalitarianism)" ( Victor Frankl. "Man's Search for Meaning").

Mass thinking is another trend visible on social media.
“The masses are those who float with the flow and lack guidelines. That's why mass man does not create, even if its capabilities and strength are enormous.”
“Mass thinking is the thinking of those who have a ready answer to any question in advance, which is not difficult and is quite satisfactory.” “... the psychological picture of today’s mass man: these two traits are the unhindered growth of life’s demands and, consequently, the unbridled expansion of one’s own nature and, secondly, innate ingratitude towards everything that has managed to make his life easier.” This is not about the mass person being stupid. On the contrary, today his mental abilities and capabilities are wider than ever. But this does not benefit him: in fact, a vague sense of his capabilities only encourages him to bottle up and not use them. Once and for all, he sanctifies that jumble of truisms, incoherent thoughts and simply verbal garbage that has accumulated in him by chance, and imposes it anywhere and everywhere, acting out of the simplicity of his soul, and therefore without fear or reproach. Today, on the contrary, the average person has the most rigorous ideas about everything that is happening and should be happening in the universe. Therefore, he forgot how to listen. Why, if he finds all the answers in himself? There is no point in listening, and, on the contrary, it is much more natural to judge, decide, pronounce a sentence. There is not a social problem left that he does not interfere with, remaining deaf and blind everywhere and imposing his “views” everywhere. (José Ortega y Gasset. Revolt of the Masses, 1929).

Artist: Steve Cutts

“The presence of a person on social networks has brought serious Internet sins into the spiritual world. For example, there is a strong addiction when you check messages, comments, photos every minute, fortunately now they come to both your computer and your phone, and you are “always in touch.” Or pure internet vanity when you think how many likes did you get, how many reposts, how many people you have as friends - this is virtual collecting, the price of which is understandable to a person living a spiritual life.”

“Does it take long to write? Too lazy to write? Do you find it difficult to write because your vocabulary does not allow you to express the full range of feelings? Like» .

“A person does not have his own words to express feelings; he is too lazy to think a lot about what he read. But at the same time the user wants to remain smart and modern in the eyes of his friends. And therefore - repost. A whole mass of users have been doing the same thing for many years: they are looking for what they think is something interesting and fun on the Internet and reposting it. Fortunately, now every site provides the opportunity to take some news and post it on your Facebook (or VKontakte) page.”

“In practice, this means that if you create a message that explains to the reader why sharing it will make them look better in the eyes of others or how it will improve their relationships with others, it will make them more likely to actually repost.” ".

The study showed that “a large number of “friends” on social networks is characteristic of people who are primarily interested in themselves. They expand the list of their contacts by any means, only to increase the number of people who could satisfy their need to be the center of attention. In fact, their activity on the network does not imply either actual communication or cognitive development... Thus, they believe that their “avatar” should convey the message that they are happy and that they have a good sense of humor. That is, the Internet is a way for them to create a certain image of themselves. It is they who begin to form a dependence on the network, they turn on alerts via e-mail in order to constantly be aware of who is writing to them, what comments they are making. This ultimately leads to the development of hysterical traits and the formation of dependence on social networks» .

“The feeling gained from self-presentation is so strong that when a user views his own Facebook profile, his self-esteem rises.”

Artist: Jean Jullien

“When creating a page about yourself, a person always paints a portrait that is pleasing to others. Without any doubts. He will not post anything on his page that will ruin his image. To some extent, we see a real person, but only to the extent that he wants to show himself to others. That is, in essence, we see a lie."

“We put our lives on pause, curiously studying other people’s pages on social networks. And... we understand that the people around us are more successful. Compared to us, they go to restaurants more often, travel more, and dress more expensively. They have such a happy family and a beautiful car! We do not realize that we are only seeing a ceremonial portrait, an image version that has undergone strict censorship. In other words, distorted reality. But who thinks about reality in the virtual world?

Social networks create an illusory planet- like in the American film “Surrogates” (directed by Jonathan Mostow, 2009), where people’s lives are lived by android robots bought in a supermarket. A person has the right to choose a surrogate according to his taste, embodying in him all his unrealizable dreams of beauty, youth, strength and sexuality. And while the doll performs representative functions, its owner can lie on the sofa in a dirty robe with an unwashed head and cellulite on his hips, enjoying the sensation his “deputy” is making.”

“Any network, including Facebook (and VKontakte), provides the opportunity not to live, but to play a chosen role. Moreover, over time, these roles can be changed by changing accounts, creating new ones, inventing new roles for yourself. This is the main attraction of the network: the opportunity to seem to live a different life, to feel like you’re in a different entity, albeit invented, even if not real, but how sweet and how easy it is to become different! The network becomes a place for realizing the almost impossible - starting from scratch. And even if this opportunity is absolutely illusory, even if it is your own fantasy, even if you can only be in it while sitting at the computer, it attracts with its prospect of feeling strong, respected, beautiful, smart, interesting... Man is designed in such a way that the most significant matter he is inclined to consider the one that brings him maximum satisfaction from the results obtained. Since "setule" ( frequent user of social networks) almost always manages to play his role in the network; in a very short time, social connections and real relationships begin to lose their meaning for him. All events are relegated to the background real life, it begins to seem that here, on Facebook, he, setyulya, has become real, has become what he always wanted to be, that this is where his talents are revealed. There is a substitution of concepts: a person passes off his virtual role as his own “I”.

“The real spiritual food will always be a book. If it disappears, so will the Internet.. Because it all starts with a book. The Internet is the translation of a book into another space, into another short, clip form. But there is nothing new here either. Proverbs, sayings, wisdom, aphorisms have always existed. They publish special collections where aphorisms are selected by topic. Let's say, “philosophers about friendship” or “physicists joke.” Facebook is also a saying that you read at breakfast.”

Artist: John Holcroft

“Excess information and the inability to cope with it lead to stress and persistent disorder nervous system, interpersonal conflicts, human diseases" - " ".

A little about #Facebook:

"1. Looking at other people's accounts can have a strong impact on your self-esteem. 75% of Facebook users are unhappy with their appearance. Of these, 51% consider the reason for this to be constant comparison of their photos with others on social networks.

2. Excessive enthusiasm for communicating on the Internet can lead to the loss of social skills - behavioral and communication: social networks actually trick the brain into believing that virtual communication satisfies all the social needs of children and adolescents.

3. According to survey results, most people do not hesitate to spy on their partners on social networks. The result is burning, baseless jealousy or even a break in the relationship.

“And how many times have I seen the development of events according to the scenario of “The Bat”, when the hero was chasing a stranger, confessed his love to her, and it turned out to be his own wife! This happens all the time on the Internet, where wives start communicating on the Internet with their husbands under the guise of free girls, or their girlfriends do the same at their request, thus testing you. And if you're in virtual reality If you have now agreed to meet with a stranger, then think about whether this will be a date with your own wife or girlfriend?
And if the gorgeous girl whom you wait for every day on ICQ and who regularly sends you photos of herself in extremely revealing and beautiful outfits with an ideal figure, is in fact a bored gay man who is amused by your confessions, then you only have yourself to blame for entertaining him Thus" .

“Support from loved ones is equally important for men and women: 22% of Russians admitted that if a person dear to them does not like or comment on their posts, they begin to worry. The imbalance is explained by the fact that men are more sensitive to social approval - 14% of Russians said that they have a fear of getting too few likes and being considered unpopular among friends. For Russian women this figure is 7%."

4. Simply scrolling through the feed not only wastes time, but also creates an irresistible feeling of loneliness and limitation in the addict. 80% of social network users surveyed by researchers admitted that they cannot help but check the page at least once a day, and a third of those surveyed do this every day. painful regularity."

"… dependence social media manifests itself if, firstly, a person spends more time in the online space than offline, and, secondly, if his main experiences take place in virtual reality, there may also be a desire to constantly log into the network, find out last news. So, it turns out that communication on a social network does not complement communication with real people, but often simply replaces it.”

Artist: John Holcroft

“Among those surveyed, 90% agree that social networks cause psychological dependence. 35% confirmed that they have a desire and interest in going to a social network if they have not visited it for several days. At the same time, not a single person from those surveyed believes that social networks are harmful; on the contrary, 40% expressed a positive attitude, and 60% believe that it should be considered depending on the purpose of use. To the question “Have you ever wanted to delete your account?” 35% answered that it was not. The rest (65%) had a similar desire and the main reasons were: “loss of interest” (32.5%), “takes a lot of time” (17.5%), “I feel dependent” (5%), “I don’t I want to show off my life (5%). The results indicate that the majority recognize their dependence, but do not consider it a negative quality.”

Artist: Makkah Newspaper

Other types of addictions (ways of obtaining the hormone dopamine):

  • alcohol;
  • drugs;
  • smoking;
  • gaming addiction;
  • anorexia nervosa, bulimia;
  • shopaholism;
  • medicines;
  • workaholism;
  • codependency (love addiction);
  • counterdependence.

Why does addiction form? Insufficient (loss of) intrinsic value. Seeking external confirmation of one's worth (demanding that others recognize one's own worth).

“The truth is that on so-called “social” networks we mostly communicate with ourselves. MIT Professor Sherry Turkle calls this state « loneliness together", i.e. The more social we become, the more we connect, communicate and interact, the more lonely we feel.”

Artist: Jean Jullien

Most of the currently known arguments FOR and AGAINST communication on social networks are collected in the book “Intellectual Stroke. How to remain human in the world of robots and not lose yourself” (2016). # Recommended reading!

#Joke about this theme.

The daughter tells her father: “Dad, I fell in love with a guy who lives very far away. Imagine, I’m here – and he’s in Australia!” - “And how did this happen?” “It’s simple: we met on the same dating site, then he became my friend on Facebook, we corresponded with him for a long time on ICQ, he confessed his love to me on Skype, and now we’ve been together for two months on Viber. In general, dad, I want you to give the go-ahead and congratulate me!” “Yes, of course, I agree: get married by clicking “Yes” on Twitter, buy children on Amazon and pay for them using PayPal. And if someday you can't stand it anymore, sell it on eBay."

"So called " trolls" is a well-known category malicious users Internet that absorb other people's attention, provoking other users in various ways. Is it necessary to share your attention with completely incomprehensible people who talk some kind of nonsense, demand pity for themselves, and invent things to themselves? various stories, ask you for your opinion on some issue? You need to study, work, meet with friends, create your life, why be distracted by these “trolls”, who are countless, they have filled all forums and blogs.”

About communication on social networks. Below is a large excerpt from the book by Andre Maurois (1885-1967) - he specifically indicated the years of the author’s life (there was no Internet then):

« #Chronophage. This word, if I’m not mistaken, was invented by Monterlant. It denotes a dangerous species of the human race: time eaters.
A chronophage is most often a person who has no real business and who, not knowing what to do with his time, decides to fill his leisure time by devouring yours. The impudence of this creature is incredible. He writes to authors he does not know, demanding an immediate response; at the same time, he goes so far in his heartlessness as to attach to the letter postage stamp, thereby plunging the well-bred addressee into confusion; he seeks an obviously unnecessary meeting and, if a person, to his own misfortune, agrees to accept him, he pesters him until the extreme irritation of the owner prevails over politeness. He will tell you about his life and ask about yours. It will be happiness if, among other things, he doesn’t keep a diary, where he will later write down that you are no longer the same as before, where the former liveliness has just disappeared, that you seem faded, it is of little interest to talk with you, in a word, he is very disappointed. And future biographers, not suspecting that your silence stemmed from your indignation, will not fail to present you in their descriptions as a pitiful old man.
Don't expect to cajole the chronophage by giving it a piece of your time to devour. He is insatiable. Just as a dog, to whom one of his companions carelessly threw a chicken wing, certainly returns to the hand that fed him and, looking tenderly, stretches out his paw for a new portion, so Chronophagus, having discovered that the person in front of him is soft and weak-willed, will mercilessly abuse this discovery . Your tolerance will encourage him to come again, write to you and bother you in every possible way.
“I have a lot of work,” you say hesitantly.
- Indeed? - Chronophagus will ask. - How interesting. So what are you working on?
- On a novel.
- On a novel? But my whole life is a novel... And they definitely spurred him on. Midnight will find you in the same place. If he manages to lure you to him, you are dead. You are a bone that he dragged into his kennel, and you can be sure that he will gnaw you clean. And if he sets his friends on you, a whole pack of chronophages will devour you. These creatures group into communities and willingly share their prey with each other.
Hence the moral: stand firm with the chronophages and mercilessly exterminate them. You won't achieve anything by being soft and scrupulous. On the contrary, it is these qualities that create the microclimate in which the chronophage thrives. He is unusually tenacious, and must be destroyed. I hate violence, but in this case it is necessary. After all, you won’t allow a predatory beast to tear you apart without trying to defend yourself. And the chronophage is like a predator, it takes your life. For what is our life if not time. “Where is the person who at least somewhat values ​​time, knows how to cherish every day and understands that moment by moment brings him closer to death?.. While we put off life until tomorrow, it passes. Nothing belongs to us as much as time; it is ours. And we allow the first person we meet to take possession of this unique and fleeting property...”
Here, my dear, is what Seneca wrote to his friend Lucilius two thousand years ago, and this proves that chronophages have existed as long as human society itself. But most importantly, let the attack of bad mood in which you found me not serve as a reason to deprive me of your presence or to skimp on the moments that you give me.
The woman we like will never become a chronophage; she fills our time in the most pleasant way for us. Farewell".

Artist: Makkah Newspaper

“Yes, if you communicate a lot on a social network, then ask yourself, what have you learned from these social networks? By by and large, some kind of nonsense that the next day you won’t even remember.
I once read a contemporary romance novel. I arrived at the dacha, there were no books there at all, but someone forgot this book in the car. And overnight more precisely an hour in three years, I read it all, about who loved whom, what passions happened to the heroes. And in the morning I went out to have breakfast and could not remember anything at all from what I read: no plot, no names, nothing. This is emptiness. The same thing happens with virtual communication. People communicate, share information with each other, and what, smarter or better than steel from this?"

In the book by Jocelyn Glay “E-mail cleaning. How to get rid of phobias in your head and junk in your mailbox" met some interesting thoughts:

“There is an old saying: “Tools make excellent servants, but very poor masters.” This is also true for information technology. One of the skills we all need in the 21st century is the ability to test and master new technologies. Amazing thing: e-mail It's been over 25 years, and it still brings confusion into our lives, mostly due to technological progress that changes the time and means of receiving letters. We have developed a system for processing mail arriving at workplace? And if messages start coming to mobile phone? What if a smart watch starts signaling the arrival of each new letter? And so on.
Email is not unique - it is just one example of how new technology can quickly take leading roles in our lives. The widespread use of smartphones, text messaging and social networks have all had a huge impact on the way we live and work: smartphones allow us to be found anywhere, text messages made conversations unnecessary, and social networks abolished privacy.
These different paradigm shifts are not over yet. Something new is constantly being invented in the world, and we have to change our relationship with existing technologies.
Ten years ago, we didn't spend time on social media because it simply didn't exist. Now a person spends an average of 1.72 hours a day on social networks alone, and more than 6 hours a day on the Internet in general. But what are we sacrificing? What would we have spent these hours on ten years ago?
In essence, every new technology is an unexpected test of our priorities as it offers new pleasures and entertainment that compete for our attention. We must choose again and again which activities are worth focusing on and which ones will simply distract us and reduce our effectiveness.
Many other technologies cause us the same irritation as email, and for about the same reasons. Social media, text messaging, real-time chat programs are all addictive, irregular reward systems that stimulate our rat brains. Twitter, Facebook, Slack and other social networks offer streams of information that can entertain, inform, surprise. But they are never predictable. Each of these information media, like email, offers an extremely attractive “lever” that we can pull to avoid less enjoyable (and tedious) serious work. But if we want to achieve something, we must learn to ignore them when more important matters require it.
Moreover, by abandoning the world of tangible, material means of communication - newspapers, letters, receipts - in favor of digital ones, we are moving from a state limited by physical space (literally - the size mailbox), to a state where the amount of information received is unlimited. In other words, the volume of incoming messages - information, questions and suggestions from other people - now always exceeds the volume of outgoing messages that we are able to respond to. You could spend all day commenting on every new entry friends on Facebook or by replying to every tweet. An unlimited flow of information awaits us every second, trying to take as much of our time and energy as we are willing to give to it.”

"...every user service forced to comply with the rules established by the owners systems, if he doesn’t like these arrangements, then simply up and leaving (for example, to another similar system) doesn’t work outright: after all, those with whom our user communicated will remain in this service, everyone at once to the new one system you can't convince him to leave. Moreover, for the sake of being able to communicate with existing users service More and more people are coming into the system (still!).”

Be careful before investing your time and energy in someone else's grab for leverage over the Internet..

“According to the results of the survey 4831 active user social networks, which Kaspersky Lab conducted in 12 countries, the vast majority (78%) of respondents thought about leaving them, but were forced to continue using them. The number one reason why users would like to leave social networks is that they spend too much time on them.”

“The very fact of accumulation in one place deserves special mention. large quantity personal information and information about the social connections of individuals, and only the lazy did not write about this problem. In this context, the desire of administrators of “social networking” sites of Russian origin to find out the mobile phone number of each user at any cost looks very interesting. Foreign sites are not noticed in such “telephone mania”, but this is understandable: Russia is one of the few countries where users cellular communication When connecting, you are required to present your passport, that is, to reveal your identity. And now we have two large-scale repositories of personal and social information, and, if desired, the identity of each participant can be unambiguously established. At this rate, the intelligence services will soon be able to disband their secret informants, because it is much easier to find out everything they are interested in by analyzing the information accumulated by “social networks.”

#Futurology.Continuing the topic, I recommend : “The world becomes better everywhere if it is touched by the “Sphere”, which creates new world- a society without crime, where human life is as if open book; a world without secrets, envy and hatred. Log in to your account, like it, add friends - and happiness is guaranteed to you forever. In the wonderful world of the “Sphere”, citizens work together to improve a transparent world in which there is no place for dirty intrigues. And there are no nasty secrets left at all. After all, in reality: if you don’t do anything bad, then what’s the point of hiding something?..."

Why do people delete themselves from social networks?

Social networks have become a part of every person's life. In fact, everyone has their own page on social networks, where all the information is posted. This is of course a great opportunity to communicate and meet new people, find old acquaintances...

Surely, many people catch themselves thinking that when we go online, we rush to go to our page; in the future, this can take quite a long time. long time. Now many are trying to delete the page.

There are many reasons, let's try to consider at least a few of them:

Firstly, they delete pages from social networks due to the desire to live “for real”.

Secondly, I delete pages from social networks because virtual acquaintance will never replace a real one.

Thirdly, pages are deleted from social networks because difficulties arise in communication.

Sometimes you don't even know where to start. This can affect not only your personal life, but also your career. Naturally, it’s easier to communicate when you don’t see the person on the other side of the monitor, but at the same time, complexes remain and increase, making them more difficult to overcome.

Fourthly, they delete pages from social networks due to disappointment: when you go to your page day after day, you don’t receive messages, no one is added as a friend...

Fifthly, pages are deleted from social networks because for a person who is in a relationship, the page can become a reason for jealousy, and sometimes even for breaking the relationship.

Virtual friends you met while still in the “in” status active search", can put you in an awkward position in front of your significant other.

Sixthly, they delete pages from social networks because of their career.

Device on new job, especially for high positions, requires maintaining the image of a business person.

Under such pressure, a person tends to lose his true self, and most simple solution the page will be deleted. All the same, this will only partially reflect individuality; for this you will have to remove “frivolous” photographs... After all, now you represent the interests of the company for which you work.

Seventh, deleting a page from social networks due to the desire to stand out from the crowd.

Teenagers always strive to stand out from the crowd of their peers. The absence of a page on social networks can become a distinctive sign.

Eighth, deleting a page from social networks due to an unsuccessful online acquaintance.

Gradually, many come to the conclusion that there is no need to have a page on a social network, and besides, there is a wonderful opportunity to replace correspondence on social networks with communication on Skype, an excellent analogy to live communication.

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A woman is an amazing creation of Nature. The most important functions on Earth are given to women, because their purpose is to continue the human race, this is the main feature of female nature. However, it can be noted that sometimes women face many more trials than men. And oddly enough, such a destiny is shaped by the woman herself.

Registering on any of the social networks is quite simple - the main thing is to have access to the Internet and the desire to share news and events from your personal life with the outside world. The excitement around social networks began to subside and many users had a completely natural desire to delete their account. It seems that this option should not cause any particular difficulties, since there is a delete function everywhere. However, after the “Page Deleted” alert appears, in most cases information about the user remains on the network and the ability to quickly restore the account. If you want to completely and forever get rid of your social network page, you will have to arm yourself with knowledge.

It is worth noting that if you decide to delete your account in Odnoklassniki, you must clearly understand that it will be impossible to correct the action. Inability to restore deleted page obliges the user to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons before making a final decision. If, after liquidating your account, you wish to join Odnoklassniki, you will have to go through the registration procedure again and re-enter your personal data.

Step-by-step instructions for deleting a page in Odnoklassniki

How to delete a page on VKontakte

It is worth noting that the final liquidation of the account will not happen overnight, but after a certain time. For several months, the information will be invisible and inaccessible to other users and will be stored in the service system. If you do not wish to restore it, the profile will be permanently deleted.

The procedure for deleting a page on VK

The removal procedure is as follows:

How to delete a Facebook page

Facebook offers users two ways to terminate an account:

Deactivation and deletion with the possibility of recovery

We begin by activating the profile. After authorization, go to the account settings section - it is located in the menu hidden under the triangle in the upper right corner of the page.

Find the security line - located on the left:

Now let’s look down the page – there is a clickable link “Deactivate page”.

Now you can begin the procedure of deactivating your profile. First, you need to decide on the reason why you are performing these actions - be sure to check the box next to one of the items in the pop-up window. Confirm your actions by clicking on the link.

Next, you just need to enter your profile password - if it is entered correctly, a captcha window will appear, eliminating the possibility of accidental account deactivation. That's it - the page becomes inaccessible to other users of this social network, but you still have the opportunity to restore it.

How to delete your facebook account permanently

Now you need to complete the authorization procedure - be sure to remember or recover the password for the page, without this information it is impossible to destroy the data. A window opened with information about the consequences of actions. Confirm your intention to permanently delete your facebook profile.

Now it’s time to enter the password and captcha - make sure you enter the data correctly, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

Facebook really doesn’t want to lose its users, so it again asks you to go through the authorization procedure - enter your login and password. Now you need to confirm once again that your decision is final and irrevocable - click “Confirm decision”.

After all these actions, your Facebook account is deleted forever, all personal information - photos, videos, articles, links and friends are not only inaccessible to other users, but erased by the system. At this stage, restoring the profile is no longer feasible.

How to delete a Twitter page

If a situation arises when you decide to leave Twitter, be prepared for the fact that saying goodbye to your profile will be quite simple. Complete the authorization procedure and go to personal page– in the upper right corner there is a gear icon. Exactly at this menu hide “Settings” by going to this section you just need to select “Delete my account”.

Next, the system will offer you the opportunity to cancel your actions. If the decision is final, click confirm. If you have any complaints about this social network, you can tell the developers about them:

It is worth saying that filling out this window is not mandatory, you have every right delete your Twitter account without commenting on your actions. The administration retains the ability to restore your personal page - if you change your mind, you can cancel your actions within 30 days. Otherwise, all personal information will be permanently erased by the system.

How to delete a Google account

Before you begin to liquidate your Google account, you need to understand that this action entails a number of consequences - for example, you will lose access to Gmail and will not be able to use Google+. Also, remember that when you try to register again, you will not be able to use the same name - a duplicate, even deleted profiles, is impossible.

So, to start the deletion process, you need to log in to your profile and go to the “ Personal Area" The next steps are extremely simple and anyone can handle them:

As a result, you see a profile liquidation notification that will appear in a pop-up window. It is no longer possible to recover deleted data.

Deleting a google+ account

In order to maintain a valid Google profile, but make personal information inaccessible to other users, simply delete your Google+ account. To do this you need to log in google profile and follow the link Confirm your intentions with a checkbox - a window will appear in the lower right corner, and click “Delete”. That's it, the google+ profile has been liquidated.

How to delete an account on Instagram

Before you begin the process of eliminating your Instagram page, remember that this procedure performed exclusively with full version, that is, through a mobile phone will not help in this situation.

To delete your Instagram account, log into your account.

While on your personal page, click on your own name, the link to which is located in the upper right corner. A menu will open in front of you, from the sections of which you should select “Edit profile”.

Now we lower our gaze to the lower right corner - that’s where the treasured profile elimination button is located.

Now you need to indicate the reason for deletion and enter the profile password again. After all these steps, you can delete your Instagram page by clicking on the huge red button at the bottom of the page.

After deleting your profile, the nickname you used becomes free and other users have the right to use it. If you wish, you will not be able to return it to yourself.

How to delete a page in photoland

Go to PhotoCountry’s personal page – there is a gear-shaped icon in the upper right corner, click on it. The site settings menu will open in front of you; in the window that appears, check all the items starting with “not”:

You will be prompted for a password - enter your registration data, after which you will need to confirm the deletion.

Even at this stage, the administration of Photostrana will invite you to think again about the correctness of your decision. Remained steadfast? Then inform the system of your intention.

Next, you need to indicate the reason that forced you to take such a step. If you choose the option proposed by the system, you will immediately receive notifications with possible options solutions. In the case when you are not interested in receiving notifications, you need to select a “other reason” and indicate your option - for example, you are tired or have no time.

Upon completion of all these actions, a letter with a link to liquidate your profile will be sent to the e-mail that was specified when creating an account in Photostrana.

Confirm your actions. Within 30 days you have the right to change your decision and restore your profile.

How to delete a YouTube account

To begin the deletion procedure, log into your account using a computer or laptop. In the upper right corner of the page there is a user name - click on it to open a menu in the items of which you need to select the “Options” section.

How to delete a friend's account

There are two options for deleting a profile from Friend Around. One of them can be called true, and the second – fake. One way or another, both methods are effective. As for the first option, there is a need to write a letter to the site administration. In the letter, state the essence of the appeal as accurately and competently as possible and indicate the reasons that influenced your decision. Flaw this method– You can wait a long time for a response from the administration. And not all users are enthusiastic about drawing up a petition.

If you don’t want to compose a letter, you can simply go to your personal data settings and change them. Enter a non-existent name and delete photos and contacts. The changes help completely erase personal information.

Moreover, if you change your mind, you can easily restore your profile by simply returning the necessary information.

How to delete my world page

From the proposed sections, you must select “settings”. It is at this point that the account delete button is hidden.

Deleting a My World account does not in any way affect the use of mail.

Social networks have become a part of our lives and require us to take them more and more seriously. Some people are fired from their jobs because of a Facebook post, while others are rejected from a promising position because of a cheeky tweet. You can actually sit down for a thoughtless phrase carelessly published on a social network.

However, we are adults. We can and must be responsible for our actions. What about children? Is it worth involving them in the social web before they themselves can decide whether to belong in this digital world or not?

We invite you to think about the reasoning of Kim Shendrow, a person who has personally encountered the consequences of a careless attitude towards social networks.

Some will say that I am a bad mother. Every day I talk about the lives and affairs of my children to hundreds of strangers. I have accumulated 1,549 people on my “friends” list, most of whom I have never spoken to or even seen. These so-called “friends” could tell you what my kids eat, how they are doing at school, what they love and hate.

Before my kids were old enough to articulate their resentment of my past actions, documenting life's moments on Facebook seemed like a good thing. Now that the children are getting older, their anger and resentment are growing stronger. This just creeps me out. Everything is going to the point that sooner or later I will have to delete my account.

Every time I post another photo of my kids jumping in the pool or sleeping curled up on the couch, I'm violating their privacy, and Facebook (and subsequently the entire Internet) won't forget. Will never forget.

However, there are more common reasons, why you should delete your accounts on social networks. Consider this list:

1. Facebook makes you think your life sucks.

People only post on social media positive points own life. Failures and disappointments remain behind the scenes. As a result, looking through your friends' feeds, you may get the impression that their lives consist entirely of success, joy and accomplishment, while yours is not. This is a dangerous illusion.

2. Mom won't let me talk to strangers.

But the Facebook friend search algorithm thinks the opposite. He wants strangers to become your friends. The more there are, the better. Every day the social network tries to feed me people who are “friends of my friends.” This flow is diluted by people from my past - those, many of whom I would like to forget. It also contains my cousin, who passed away 2 years ago.

3. Your boss reads you

These are the times when a Facebook post can get you out of your current job and away from many promising jobs in the future. In Foxboro, USA, a man was fired for publishing a photo with a swastika drawn on the body of a drunken friend. There, teachers are fired for photos in which they drink alcohol. One senior female teacher was fired because she refused to unfriend current students. Even if you keep your posts away from specific individuals, your enemy may whisper about your posts and photos to your boss.

4. Your Facebook “friends” don’t care about your little joys and events.

Seriously, it’s unlikely that there will be many people on your list of friends who were really interested in learning that your kitten has finally trained to use the litter box. You need to be able to filter things based on whether there are reasons to be published. Dads, moms, stop posting photos and events with your children when “awkward” moments occur. In the future, this could be used to ridicule and mock your children.

5. You will stop slacking off at work.

Well, or at least you will spend a little less time on idleness. It's no secret that Facebook is a great time waster. In the USA, such gatherings on social networks work time cost employers $28 billion in losses annually.

6. Consequences of your revelations

There are times when you want to admit to some mistake or failure. And you write about it on Facebook. And friends, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues read this. And they remember this when they meet in person. And you will see it in their eyes, and maybe you will hear it behind your back. What makes people deliberately belittle their personality in the eyes of others?

Everything written here within Facebook is applicable to any other social service. With a sufficient level of insanity, the social network may well ruin your life. What do you think makes people behave this way in the digital environment? What reasons made you abandon social networks or reconsider the format of interaction with them?

Remember that awkward feeling when you know your potential employer is “vetting” you online. Or when you restrain yourself from leaving some sharp comment - God forbid, your missus sees it. The Internet knows almost everything about each of us. This fact is annoying, isn't it? Fortunately, removing yourself from the Internet completely is not that difficult. Here's how to do it.

For famous public figures It is, of course, impossible to disappear from the Internet. But for the average person, committing web suicide is very easy. It all depends on how much information about you is already on the Internet.

Step 1: Deleting your social media accounts

The first thing that will be bombarded are the search results for your last name or nickname in a search engine. As a rule, these are accounts on Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, and also wherever you use your real name. Deleting your profiles:

How to remove yourself from Facebook?

Step 2: remove yourself from search engines

Once you get rid of your social media profiles, their content will continue to float on the Internet. Photos, notes, resume. The first step is to find out where your information is shown in online mode. Any search engine will help you with this. The only way remove your data from these sites - contact the resource directly and ask to erase any information about you, or at least your name.

After this you can contact search engines with a request to delete the edited pages or index them again. For example, Google has special services, which will help you remove a site's content or image from Google search results.

It's not a fact that it will work. But it's worth a try. Your chances increase if the post violates your copyright or the page displays confidential information about you. If you can’t completely remove yourself from search engines, then you need to try to destroy all your personal data from your profiles as much as possible. So, besides your name, Internet detectives will get nothing else.

Step 3: getting rid of the trail of social life

In addition to social networks, there are so-called databases of people. For example, try to “punch” yourself or your neighbor on some of them: , here or . Most likely, you will be a little (to put it mildly) surprised by the amount of information that these databases provide.

You can delete all information about yourself for money ($99), or you can try to do the same yourself. And contact search engines like those mentioned above, or various social media and mass media will help you with this.

By completing the third step, you will get rid of everything that may appear in the results search results. But this will not delete absolutely all your data from the Internet everywhere. As long as your address or phone number is registered somewhere, people will be able to find you.

Step 4: Removing nicknames associated with email

If you try hard, you can use email to reach your nicknames and pseudonyms that you used on different sites, blogs, and forums. And this thread can already lead to your real name. The process for deleting this information depends on the sites where you registered.

Ideally, if you can remove your main email from them. You should try to at least change your username. If we're talking about about forums, ask moderators to delete posts that can somehow identify you. Come up with new nicknames for each site.

Step 5: Maintaining Your Anonymity

From now on, you should always prevent your personal data from leaking onto the Internet. No social networks with a real name, and periodic monitoring of sites to make sure that no new information about you does not appear there. You will have to create accounts for a non-existent identity, as well as email specifically for working on the Internet. To avoid the hassle of choosing fictional characters, you can use a name generator.

But even after doing all the above machinations, if you really want to, information about you can still be found on the Internet. However, doing this will be much more problematic. By at least, you will protect yourself from amateur detectives and increase the level of confidentiality of your personal data.

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