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  • Removing lock 1c 8.3 file system. Blocking the establishment of connections to the infobase

Removing lock 1c 8.3 file system. Blocking the establishment of connections to the infobase

Let there be little complexity in life,
but there are simple joys...
...simple joys will decorate your life.

Processing version 8.3 from
+ Processing adapted to work under 8.3 in configurations
where the use of modal methods is prohibited.
If modal methods are disabled in the configuration properties,
then their asynchronous counterparts are used.
+ Compatibility with the typical functionality of BSP edition 2.2:
- Opening a standard form of server information security administration parameters;
- Compatibility of the structure of authorization parameters on the 1C server;
+ Processing modules adapted to standard configurator localization tools
(texts in messages, warnings and menus are formed using the HSTR () function).
Backwards compatibility restrictions:
- Under platform 8.2 processing this version will work fine in thick and thin clients.
- When opening processing in the Web client under 8.2, there will be an error compiling the form module
due to "open" use of global async methods
ShowWarning() and ShowQuestion () .
The problem is solved by commenting out the lines with a call to these methods on the Web client side,
specially allocated for this by preprocessor instructions.

Versions processing 8.1(3+) / 8.2(3+) from 14.03.2014:
+ Service for managing the execution of scheduled tasks for client-server information security
suspension of execution "manually" and when blocking connections) () ;
+ Launching an alternative disconnection in the client-server IS
from the "Tools" menu without setting the connection blocking itself () ;
+ Flag for using alternative disconnection in client-server information security
(to cancel the alternative break without changing the "Break Mode" );

Processing version 8.2++ from 03/22/2014:
Note taken into account:
disconnected connections with Web clients
with an alternative break in connections in the client-server information security.

Processing versions 8.2++ / 8.1++ from 12/14/2013:
Wish Fulfilled:
Service added "Alternative break connections"( and ) and related
dialog "Authorization on the server 1C" (). Details are briefly described below in the publication.
See the Processing Reference for more details.

Laziness, as you know, is the engine of progress. So I finally got lazy too.
I'm tired of every time before updating a long and tedious entry of the start time and
the end of the base lock, and after that, edit the message to users.
I decided to make this process more ergonomic.

To do this, the following have been added to the typical database lock processing:
interface additions:


  1. When selecting the blocking time from the menu and changing it with the adjustment buttons, the time value
    aligned to the beginning of the minute. It also controls the correctness of the start and end times.
    An empty time value is replaced with the beginning of the current minute.
    If the end time is less than the start time, it is replaced by the start time plus one minute.
  2. The message to users is filled according to the template if all three values ​​are set:
    template text, lock start time and end time.
  3. When changing the blocking parameters, the form is modified.
    After the lock parameters are written, the form modification flag is cleared.
    Before closing the modified form, the user is asked for confirmation.
  4. In the version for 8.2, the processing parameters are saved in the standard settings storage under the username SA
    and are the same for all users with access to processing.
    In the version for 8.1, the settings are saved in the old way (in the user profile)
    and therefore for each user their own.
  5. If the alternative disconnection with the server database is used (), then before setting the database lock
    processing checks the IS administration parameters.
    If necessary (if the name of the IS Administrator is not specified or in case of errors of previous authorizations on the 1C server)
    the user is prompted to specify these parameters in the dialog "Authorization on the server 1C" ().
    This dialog can also be used as an alternative to the generic generic form.
    allowing you to save administration settings in a constant "IS administration settings" or (in its absence)
    in the standard settings storage in the processing settings - only for processing version 8.2++.

Additional memorized processing options:

  1. Flag "Open modally"- if set, processing always opens modally
    (on the Web client, the option is ignored).
  2. Flag "Open in UV"- valid only for inline processing in a thick client (regular application).
    Allows you to choose in which form (regular or managed) to open processing.
  3. Since when the connection blocking flag is cleared, the value of the permission code cannot be restored from
    blocking parameters processing remembers its last non-empty value when closing
    and, if necessary, restores it when opened.
  4. Disconnect mode - one of the values ​​shown in (), determines how the
    forcibly break connections with the infobase (in the client-server version):

    - For the value "Standard" - disconnecting connections to the database is in progress only generic global handlers
    shutting down the system (the only value available in the case of a file base).

    - For other values ​​- break connections additionally duplicated service "Alternative break
    in the processing form's wait handler.
    Connections are terminated with the specified delay,
    counted from the moment the base lock was started.

  5. Flag "Without configurator" - if installed, then:
    When alternatively breaking connections with the server database, the connection with the configurator is not closed,
    and in the file version - when checking the ability to set a lock, the configurator is excluded
    from the list of compounds that "can't be closed"

Processing is universalized:

It can work in a completely non-standard or even "empty" configuration.
The processing version for the 8.2 platform has both managed and regular forms.

The usual form is taken basically from UPP-1.2, and the controlled one from UPP-1.3.
By note for compatibility with the directory "External Processing" normally
the usual form was chosen as the main form of processing, and the controlled form was chosen as the additional one.

When processing in a non-standard configuration, certain restrictions apply, related to the possible
the absence in the database of the used standard functionality. The list of restrictions is given in the help description.


Processing can be built into the configuration, replacing the typical connection blocking processing with it.
It can also be used as an additional external treatment,
saved in the directory "Additional reports and processing" or "External Processing".

Current processing versions:

The current processing versions are in the following delivery files:

The rest of the files are left to save download statistics and
not recommended for download.

Having launched the 1C program once, at startup I saw the error “Starting a session with an infobase is prohibited. Backup". I was very surprised - I myself did not set blocking. After a little analysis, the reason turned out to be in the “glitch” of automatic archival copying, which are built into (one of the subsystems).

The error looks like this:

The thing turned out to be that when setting up the creation of archive copies of the database, the system automatically sets a lock on entering the infobase. It prevents users from running the program for the duration of the process.

But sometimes it happens that after copying, the system cannot remove the . In this case, we get the error "Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited ..."

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The easiest way to fix the problem is to delete the file 1Cv8.cdn(infobase lock file) from the database folder.

For example, in my screenshot above, the base location is:

You need to go to this folder and then find and delete 1Cv8.cdn.

Removing the lock from the client-server base 1C

If you have access to the server console, it is very easy to remove the lock. It is enough to go to the properties of the infobase and uncheck the "Session start blocking is enabled" flag:

How to set the date of prohibition of data changes in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0)


Often, when working in 1C: Accounting 8.3, you need to prohibit changing the data of past periods. This may be necessary, for example, if reporting on them has been submitted and changes in accounting data in these periods are unacceptable.

And in order not to accidentally change the data of past periods yourself, or so that another less experienced accountant does not accidentally start reposting documents for all periods, it is required set a ban date up to which (inclusive) it is impossible to change documents in the database.

I will tell you how to do this in 1C: Accounting 8.3 (version 3.0).

1. Open the "Administration" section and find the item "User and rights settings" ():

If you did not find the "User and rights settings" item in the "Administration" section, most likely you simply do not have the rights to set this restriction. To perform this operation, the user must have the appropriate rights - for example, administrator or chief accountant rights. Read more about rights.

2. In the "User and rights settings" window that opens, find and set (if it is not already set) the "Change prohibition dates" checkbox and click on the link on the right "Configure":

3. In the opened window "Dates of data modification prohibition", select the option to set the data prohibition: "For all users" or "By users". I think the meaning is clear. Let's stop at the point " For all users".

4. Select the method for specifying the date of the ban "General date" or "By objects". The second option is needed if we want to specify different ban dates for different organizations within our database. Let's stop at the point " General date".

5. As the prohibition date, we indicate the date until which (inclusive) it is impossible to make changes to the database. I got it like this:

6. Close the form through the cross in the upper right corner. Ready!

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

The data editing prohibition date is a functionality of the 1C 8.3 BP program that allows you to restrict the entry and modification of documents for a certain period of time. Speaking in the language of accountants, it is necessary to “close the period in 1C”. The ban can even be set for specific users and organizations in the database so that no one can make changes.

The instruction is relevant both for 1C Accounting and for other programs created on the basis of the Library of Standard Subsystems (Trade Management 11, ERP 2.0, 1C ZUP 3.0, 1C UNF, and so on).

Where to find the date of prohibition of editing in 1C 8.3? This function is located on the "Administration" tab, in the "Support and maintenance" section:

If you have not yet included the editing prohibition date in 1C 8.3, then set the required flag:

How to open and close a period

First you need to decide whether we will differentiate the rights to change by users or we will use the date for everyone:

For example, let's choose the option "By users". Now it became possible to specify individual settings for each employee.

Example: for employees "Sergeev" and "Ivanov" you need to set the date of editing 01/01/2016, and for the rest - 01/03/2016.

To organize this option, you must:

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Now let's complicate the task. For the user "Ivanov", you need to put a restriction on changing the data of the organization "Konfetprom", like for other users, on 03/01/2016.

We select an employee in the list and set the switch "Method of specifying the date of the ban" in the position "By objects" in the lower part of the screen:

The menu for setting the editing date by organization will appear. Using the "Select" add the desired organization to the table and write the date of the ban:

Setting a "dynamic" ban date

The method described above is not always convenient: it requires constant administration. That is, every month / quarter / year, the date will need to be set manually.

In 1C there is a way to simplify - setting a "dynamic" ban date. That is, the program can be configured so that the system will automatically “move” the date of the ban. An example is at the end of the year, month, quarter, week, day.

It's easy to set up. As you probably noticed, in all the settings above there is a field "Date of the ban". Just it is responsible for this setting.

Common date for all users:

Or customization:

Date of prohibition of data loading in 1C BP 3.0

We will also touch on the topic of prohibiting data loading into the 1C 8.3 program. It happens that very unpleasant situations happen when any data in a closed period is received from the management base (for example, UT) to the accounting 1C.


Launch the 1C Accounting program using the desktop shortcut or from the corresponding Start menu item. In the base selection window, pay attention to the drop-down menu. Switch the startup mode to "Configurator" and click "OK". The program window in the "Configurator" mode is almost the same as in the normal mode. Find the “Configuration” item in the main menu and click on it with the left mouse button. In the drop-down menu, hover over the "Support" item, and then click on the "Support Setup" item.

The Support Settings window opens. Find the "Enable Editing" button and click on it. Confirm the changes by clicking on the "OK" button at the bottom of the window. The Support Settings window will automatically close.

If you need to set a password for the configuration, use the menu item "Configuration" - "Configuration delivery", and in it run "Delivery settings". In the window that opens, you can set a password for changes. As a rule, it is best to set a password combination in mixing upper and lower case characters so that it cannot be cracked if information is lost from a personal computer. Close the "Configurator". The configuration is now editable.

After making the necessary changes, return the application configuration to the blocked state. To do this, follow the steps described in step 1-2 and remove the editing option. Don't unblock without a good reason. It is also worth noting that to perform such operations in the operating system, you do not need administrator rights, so you can safely log in under any account.

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1C is software that serves the purpose of automating accounting in enterprises. Previously, 1C existed only for accounting purposes, but now their programs cover almost every aspect of the enterprise.

You will need

  • - 1C program;
  • - Internet access.


Study the features of the 1C software version you are using. Also take a look at the manual files and informational data supplied with the updates. Also, before making changes to the 1C configuration, you must first familiarize yourself with the reference literature regarding the mechanisms for updating and maintaining configurations at 1C:Enterprise and study the external printing forms of the version of the program you are using. You can find all this in the reference literature. Also register on the forums for 1C programmers so that you have someone to contact for help, for example,, and so on.

To make changes to the configuration or its elements of the 1C:Enterprise program, enable this option by entering the configuration mode of the configurator. Go to the item called "Support", then select "Setting up support". Accordingly, in the options that appear, click on the inclusion of the possibility of making changes to the configuration.

Use an alternative method based on external printing forms of 1C:Enterprise. This is due to the fact that the above process can become quite laborious in execution, which will also lead to problems with updating the configuration.

If you have certain difficulties in making configuration changes or other problems related to 1C software, sign up for special courses to improve your skills and develop general knowledge on all topics at once. You can find out the location of such courses in your locality on special city forums. Also do not forget to periodically read the literature regarding new releases.


  • how to change 1s in configuration

Unlocking all objects in 1C is usually required when the error “To execute the command requires unlocking all objects” appears. This error can occur in two cases: when loading a configuration file of a slave node of a distributed infobase and when loading a configuration file into an infobase where configuration changes are prohibited. Let's consider both cases in more detail.

Error loading the configuration file of a distributed infobase slave node

The slave node configuration is updated automatically during data download from the master node. If we try to update the configuration manually, we get the error "Command requires all objects to be unlocked." The slave node configuration may need to be updated when the error "Command requires all objects to be unlocked" occurs. In this case, you must upload the configuration file from the master node, followed by the exchange from the slave base. In the configurator of the subordinate database, load the previously obtained configuration file; in this case, in no case should you use database merging. Then reconnect the slave node to the exchange and perform the data exchange.

Error loading a configuration file into an infobase where configuration changes are prohibited

In all typical 1C configurations, by default, they are installed with support settings that prohibit any configuration changes. These settings guarantee the download of updates supplied by 1C. But, unfortunately, the typical one quite often cannot take into account all the nuances of the work of a particular enterprise and requires some refinement. Changes made during the revision process sometimes need to be transferred to other databases. This may result in the error "Command requires all objects to be unlocked." This error indicates that the current database settings prohibit making changes to the configuration, and in order to make these changes, you must unlock all configuration objects. There are two ways to do this: unlock objects while maintaining support if you plan to download an update for typical configurations in the future, and de-support if you will not download updates in the future.

To unlock while maintaining support, you need to open the configuration in the Configurator, then select the item Configuration - Support - Support settings. In the window that opens, click the "Enable the ability to edit" button and set the "Edited with maintaining support" mode on all configuration objects.

To remove a configuration from support, you need to follow the same steps, but in the support settings window, click the "Remove from support" button.
After completing these steps, it becomes possible to load a file with changes into the configuration without errors.

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