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Accounting for computer equipment. Urgent inventory

Today it is difficult to imagine a company without IT infrastructure. Every organization has computers. And like any property, they need to be inventoried periodically. What are the features of inventory computer technology?

Absolutely all property of the organization is subject to inventory. But computers are quite different from other property values.

They are often part of the inventory. Often computers are upgraded. How to inventory computer equipment? What are the features of such verification?

What do you need to know?

Computers, office equipment, mobile devices and similar objects are something that almost no company can do without today.

Often, computer equipment is a fairly significant part of the property of the enterprise. And this means that it is necessary to carry out not only constant monitoring, but also periodic checks.

The presence of computers, as well as other property, is checked through an inventory. But how often should you check?

The legislation provides for a mandatory inventory at least once a year, before the preparation of the annual financial report.

All other cases of inventory checks remain entirely at the discretion of management, except for the occurrence of circumstances requiring an indispensable inventory.

In practice, organizations carry out the procedure in late December - early January. In addition, the Accounting Regulations provide for the possibility of inventorying fixed assets once every three years.

It should be noted here that the computer is complex mechanism and it consists of many details. Often repairs, upgrades, replacements of individual parts are made.

The accountant is aware of all these operations only in general terms, since the prerogative of servicing computers still belongs to representatives of the IT sphere.

Thus, in a year the computer can change beyond recognition and it will be very difficult to restore the accounting support for all transactions carried out.

It is better to inventory computers and similar equipment as often as possible. The order and timing of the inventory are determined by the head.

But it is advisable to check at least once a quarter. Moreover, there are many special computer programs, allowing to make an inventory of computer equipment in a matter of hours.

Basic terms

Inventory of property involves an audit, during which the actual number of objects is checked against the data on their presence in accounting.

Inventorying computers is no different from checking any other property. But we must understand that the concept of "computers" refers to all computer equipment available to the enterprise.

Computer technology is a complex concept. It covers the whole range of computer technologies, from conventional smartphone to a super-powerful computer.

Refers to computer hardware and software that is installed on a computer to perform certain functions.

In general, computer equipment and the programs running on them constitute a single hardware and software complex.

If we talk specifically about the types of computer technology, then these are:

For what purpose is

An inventory of computer equipment is necessary, first of all, to check the compliance of its quantity. But not only... In the course of check it is possible to find out how effectively this or that equipment is used.

This helps to optimize the cost of computer and software. Perhaps the organization does not have the necessary computer equipment or desired programs leading to a decrease in labor productivity.

Or, on the contrary, there are too many unnecessary computers in the enterprise, and some programs are not used at all. Also, the inventory of computer equipment allows you to determine how much the cost of individual objects has changed.

It may turn out that some computers have become unusable due to their dilapidation and they need to be completely written off. The cost of other computers may increase due to upgrades.

The result of the inventory may be getting rid of unnecessary computer equipment and purchasing necessary computers or programs.

The legislative framework

Computer inventory is regulated by the regulatory framework regarding general order inventory.

Legislatively, the inventory procedure does not differ from the usual inventory of fixed assets. Inspection is also carried out in mandatory cases and according to the schedule approved by the organization.

The results of the check are drawn up in standard - unified forms established.

Emerging nuances

The nuances of computer inventory are that often computer equipment is moved from one office to another, responsible persons change, individual computers are portable portable devices.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to link with respect to location and accounting to computers. Another nuance in the identification of objects. In accounting, computers are registered according to their model, brand and inventory number.

Video: taking inventory

Only an IT specialist can distinguish a certain model by eye, and comparison with the inventory number will take a lot of time, especially if several identical models are used.

Therefore, to simplify the inventory, each individual object of computer equipment must have a special label. It must contain all the necessary data, including the name and inventory number.

Order of conduct

Conducting an inventory of computers is possible manually or with the help of automated accounting programs.

In both cases, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures. In particular, this concerns the simplification of identification. This is achieved by supplying each object with a label.

With the manual method, the label indicates:

  • name of the owner (organization);
  • the name of the object according to accounting (often in accounting, the name is very different from the real name);
  • inventory number of the object;

With an automated process, based on a database of computer technology, labels are printed for each object with the presence of bar codes. These are then glued onto the appropriate technique.

The usual scheme for inventorying computers, in general, looks like this:

Published about the need for an inventory of computers The document indicates the period of verification, its procedure and the composition of the inventory commission
The commission receives in the accounting department forms of statements with credentials Direct verification is carried out. With manual inventory, data on the actual availability is entered into the act. At the same time, it is not advisable to check in the sequence of the accounting inventory, since this way you can lose sight of individual objects. It is better to move around the room (rooms) and mark all available computer equipment along the way. With automated accounting, it is enough to go through the verification area with a scanner and read information from barcode labels. Then the information is transferred to the computer used for inventory, where the verification certificates are filled in automatically.
Verification of actual availability and accounting data is carried out The reasons for the identified discrepancies, the guilt of the responsible persons are determined
If there are inconsistencies Amendments to accounting

As a program that supports inventory through barcoding, you can use the 1C program "Equipment Accounting".

To get acquainted, you can download the demo-base of the program or watch the presentation "Equipment Accounting 1.0".

An equally popular solution is the Hardware Inspector program, which allows you to inventory computers using a barcode scanner.

Inventory of computers over the network

Computers in general are designed to simplify human work. This quality applies to inventory as well.

On the given time to conduct an inventory of computers, it is not at all necessary to move around the enterprise with a piece of paper and a pencil or a scanner.

What’s more, you don’t even have to leave your desk to check it out. Suffice it to use the inventory programs of computers on the network.

To implement such a program, all computers in the organization must be connected to single network. The process is more than simple:

An important advantage of the program is the ability to use both ready-made report templates and those developed independently.

It is noteworthy that in this way it is possible to carry out an inventory absolutely imperceptibly. Verification is carried out in background and no action is required from users of devices under test.

The speed of the inventory by the program and the accuracy of the data collected are especially significant. Even in a very large organization, an inventory of computers on the network is carried out in the shortest possible time.

In this case, the maximum amount of data is collected regarding the hardware and software of the device. That is, using the program, you can inventory not only the computers themselves, but also the software installed on them.

Another feature of the computer inventory program over the network is that in most cases, scanning can be scheduled according to a schedule.

At the indicated moments, the program will scan and provide ready-made reports. This will allow you to always be aware of the state of computer technology in the organization.

What is the program for this

There are many programs for inventorying computers on the network. Each of them has its own characteristics, but general algorithm their work is about the same.

As an option for the free version of such a program, you can download and apply the program "Inventory of computers on the network."

You can also keep an inventory of computer equipment using the IT Invent program. This product supports network scanning and automatically collects data on computers that are part of a common network.

Using the program, you can inventory any computer equipment in several branches, if the objects are connected to a single database.

In addition, the program has many other functions that facilitate the accounting of computers. If you want to use the full range of functions, you can buy the program.

And if necessary, you can use free version IT Invent. Another program of this type is 10-Strike: Computer Inventory.

With its help, you can monitor the status of computer equipment in the local network and keep records in a timely manner. There are several versions of the program and you can choose the most suitable one.

In general, the inventory of computers is no different from the inventory of fixed assets. Features of the check is that you can simplify the task.

With the help of special programs, you can reduce the process of inventorying computers to just a few steps and carry out a check in the shortest possible time without leaving your work computer.

This program is necessary for system administrators, heads of IT departments, owners of computer stores, home network owners, owners of a large number of components and computer equipment.

Main functions of the program

  1. Maintaining a database of computers and office equipment
  2. Storage of information about all computers and office equipment of your organization (device type, technical specifications, inventory and serial numbers, supplier, cost, purchase date, warranty period and expiration date, responsible person, etc.).

  3. Accounting for repairs and upgrades. Warranty control
  4. Fixation of repairs and upgrades, replacements Supplies and parts preventive work. The date, type and description of the work performed, their cost are indicated.

  5. Accounting for established software
  6. Fixing the name of the software, its description, registration key, number of copies, cost. Controlling the need to install new versions software products, as well as in the acquisition of "novelties" for the necessary tasks.

  7. Assigning objects to responsible employees
  8. All accounting objects can be assigned to responsible employees with division into departments and branches.

  9. Maintaining a database of suppliers and other partners
  10. Storage in the database of full contact information for all partners. Ability to analyze the history of work with suppliers, evaluate prospects, make plans for the future.

  11. Inventory of computers, scanning of the local network, hardware resources of computers
  12. Export and import of any data
  13. Selection, search, grouping, sorting of data according to various criteria
  14. Flexible database structure with customization for any task
  15. Network and multi-user modes, flexible configuration of access rights with restrictions on fields and records
  16. Creation and configuration of reports, reminders for different conditions, email newsletters
  17. Customization - customization of menus, toolbars and other elements personally for each user

Standard platform features

With the program, you can do the following:

  • Create, modify, delete records, fields, tables
  • Import data into any database table from text files
  • Sort tables by any field, including sorting by multiple fields (up to 3) by holding Shift key
  • Filter a table by any field using the following operators: =, >, >=, "Contains", "Does not contain", "Starts with", "Does not begin with", "Ends with", "Does not end with", LIKE, NOT LIKE
  • Group the same data in any field when the table is sorted by this field (for checked fields in table properties)
  • Mark entries as "Favorites", then they will be displayed orange. The color is set in the table properties
  • Mark entries as "Dead" ("Uninteresting"), then they will be displayed in gray (or other) color
  • Set color rules. You yourself determine which lines, what color and under what conditions to highlight.
  • Build a tree by any fields with an arbitrary number of levels for hierarchical display of data from any table
  • Change data in any field (except for ID and calculated fields) directly in the table or in a separate form (selected in the settings), mark several records, delete, print, export marked
  • Modify or delete multiple records at once in any database table using the Bulk Update form
  • Create new stored fields for tables of the following types: text, numeric, yes/no, date and time, picture
  • Create calculated fields for tables, for example, you can create a field with the formula "[Field 1] / [Field 2]"
  • Create calculated fields whose values ​​will be taken from other tables. For example, you can display the debtor's name from the Debtors table.
  • Create new tables with exactly the same options for actions with them as with any other table
  • Link drop-down lists of fields to other tables for easy choice values ​​from them when editing in a table or to select from other forms when editing in a form
  • Set an arbitrary number of subordinate tables for any table, for which you need to set the binding by fields in the table properties
  • Change the order of fields in any table using drag and drop or using the "Settings" form
  • Rename the fields of tables and the names of the tables themselves in accordance with the specifics of your business. (More specifically, their labels.)
  • Print the current view of any table, taking into account the visibility of the fields, their width and order
  • Export the data of any table to MS Excel or a text CSV file, taking into account the current table view
  • Export the current record to MS Word based on a template file with bookmarks corresponding to the field names
  • Work with several database files, create new databases, of course, you can also open them with MS Access.

Program installation

To install the program you need:

  • Download CompCount.msi program
  • Run the installer by double clicking on the downloaded file
  • Install the program on your hard drive following the instructions of the installer
  • Run the program by selecting it from the "Programs" menu by clicking the "Start" button or a shortcut on the desktop.

To replace your current version new program, you must first uninstall the current one and then install a new one.

Certificate of Rospatent

Version History

VersionWhat's new
2.657 1. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.655 1. When moving an entry up or down, subordinate entries are now taken into account.
2. New internal commands GenerateBarcode and GenerateBarcodeEan13
2.653 1. Two new forms - Export to CSV folder and Import from CSV folder
2.652 1. Improved performance when importing from XML and CSV
2.648 1. New form "Counter settings" (called from context menu right click on the ID field)
2.639 1. Improvements to the SMS mailing form
2.636 1. Functional improvements: interpreter, internal commands
2.621 1. Improvements in SMS messaging 2. Improvements in the VBScript interpreter
2.597 1. Improvements on import
2.590 1. Integration with new models of receipt printers - Atol 30F, ShtrihM PTK
2. Improvements to the "Simple Filters" functionality
2.585 1. Added the ability to set tree personalization
2.582 1. New checkbox in table properties - "Simple filters"
2.581 1. Added the ability to set business rules for subordinate tables - a different set of tables depending on the condition
2.568 1. Refinement of export to XML and import from XML 2. Refinement of reminders with the checkbox "All reminders in one form"
2.566 1. A new property "Field font size" has been added to the color highlighting rules 2. New internal commands: AddRecordsIntoSchedule (fill the calendar a year in advance), SetValueForCellRange (add to a group of cells), Sum (sum)
2.555 1. Improvements in export - in export forms of any type, you can select a template file from the database table 2. Improvements in export to RTF - you can use the tags , ,
2.550 1. Added the ability to export to XML using a template
2.546 1. Scheduled import improvements
2.544 1. Improvements on import, the ability to import on a schedule 2. Ability to view a list of databases on different MS servers SQL Server
2.542 1. Improvements to the configuration protection form - new options 2. Implementations replace functions in default value and other places
2.539 1. New checkbox "Do not print empty columns of tables" in the form for generating a Word document from a template 2. Ability to store template files in a separate database table - tblTemplates
2.538 1. Improvements for "Many-to-many" relationship type 2. Improvements in document generation based on templates with labels and
2.537 1. Ability to set more than one custom button for subordinate tables 2. Ability to enable the "ADD" button on the main toolbar 3. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.533 1. Processing of the form "Export to CSV" - the ability to export the main and subordinate, as well as export by template
2.512 1. Improvements to reminders in the case of "Show all reminders in one form" 2. Improvements to SMS messaging - new parameter"XML query"
2.501 1. Completion of mailing lists - the ability to insert more than one picture in HTML format, the ability to use bookmarks from subordinate tables
2.492 1. Completion of the "Print receipts and labels" form, a new item in the "Service" menu, support for new equipment and the ability to use the RTF template
2.479 1. A new checkbox in the field settings "Allow to select a group of cells", useful for calendar tables when entering a full name in a date range
2.478 1. New internal command Translit - for writing Russian text in Latin 2. New internal command SetVisibleTabs - for installation visible tabs on the form for editing by condition from the script 3. Refreshing the RefreshTable, RefreshActiveTable, RefreshActiveSubTable commands
2.473 1. Added the ability to customize the toolbar for subordinate tables 2. In the field properties, the functionality of creating composite indexes on several fields has been improved
2.464 1. Completion of the form "Printing receipts and labels", new equipment
2.463 1. Refinement of the VBScript interpreter 2. Refinement of the functionality Condition on the value 3. Refinement of the color selection rules
2.456 1. Refinement of the "Receipt Print" form - the Fprint-11 receipt printer has been added, the ability to set a script for the operation of POS equipment 2. Improvement of the conditions for the value - the ability to call procedures 3. New commands GetControlValue, SetControlValue 4. Improvement of the color rendering rules - the ability to recognize NULL values
2.446 1. Refinement of generation of Word documents - new endings _LETTERS for inserting each letter into a separate cell of the Word table, _DAYS, _WORKDAYS 2. New types of triggers - after adding an entry, after deleting an entry 3. Improvements in image fields - output to the panel on the right from another table with the ability to edit and so on
2.439 1. New context menu item on the right click on the subtable tab "Show filter panel" 2. Improved export to CSV - the ability to select fields
2.438 1. New button on the Export Table to XML toolbar
2.436 1. Displaying file fields in the form for editing 2. Storing user images directly in the database for the form for editing, color selection rules 3. Ability to set a command when clicking on a user image for the form
2.418 1. Refinement of the functionality of storing images in the database, displaying links to images. 2. New types of links - "Link to a picture file" and "Link to a file - short name" 3. Improvements in integration with the PsPhone IP telephony program - displaying the caller's card, calling PsPhone from the program with dialing 4. New internal commands : SetTab, HideTab, relevant for flexible customization of the form for editing using conditions
2.413 1. Implemented integration with the PsPhone IP telephony program - when incoming call client's card is shown 2. New internal SetTab command to set the current main tab or form tab for editing 3. The "Print all records in one file" checkbox is implemented in the "Export to HTML" form and other improvements
2.401 1. New opportunity quick search across multiple fields
2.384 1. New checkbox in the properties of the table "Arbitrary tree settings"
2.383 1. Ability to pass parameters to user procedures 2. Improvement in duplication of records - second-level subordinate tables are taken into account
2.376 1. New link type in field properties - link to file-short name
2.370 1. New type of trigger - when double clicking on records 2. New ability to set hyperlinks in the edit form and user forms
2.368 1. New internal command GoToUrlAndImportXml, designed to obtain various information from sites (exchange rates, counterparty by TIN, etc.)
2.361 1. New setting in "Merge by fields" reports
2.357 1. Completion of the "Field settings" form - the panel on the left and the field rules are now personal settings
2.352 1. Completion of the form "Internet Search" to receive XML
2.347 1. Two new types of triggers: When opening a table and When switching to a tab 2. Improvements in export by template to RTF documents
2.326 1. Improvements in the "Add a lot" functionality
2.325 1. The ability to create forms and display them, for example, at the start of the program or by a command. List of Forms in the Database Properties Window
2.318 1. Ability to add custom buttons and pictures to forms for editing. 2. Improvements in document generation based on templates
2.315 1. Implementation of the checkbox "Print all records in one file" for Excel 2. Implementation of labels or for highlighting a repeating block in Word and Excel template files and in reports
2.314 1. Form for generating documents from templates - instead of one, two checkboxes "Print all records in one file" and "From a new sheet for each record"
2.312 1. Ability to change the width of the drop-down list in the main or subordinate tables
2.309 1. New ability to customize the panel on the left, where you can place filters-lists to filter the table with one click, as well as a calendar
2.308 1. New internal command InputFromList 2. New tab ending _NOFORMAT and _CODE128 for printing barcodes in office documents
2.301 1. Improvements on reports - you can apply filters for reports of any type, a drop-down calendar is shown for the "Date and time" fields
2.298 1. Improvements in reports - color highlighting and other settings can be applied when outputting to Excel in various combinations, templated and styled
2.295 1. Improvements in export to Excel - picture fields are saved in the file itself 2. Improvements in reports - the ability to output a report to Excel grouped by template
2.291 1. Improvements on import - buttons for saving and loading all form settings
2.289 1. Improvements in export to Word and Excel in terms of color highlighting, as well as in reports 2. Improvements in export to RTF. The ability to specify the # symbol in the tabs of the tblTable_#_Field2_Field3 view, printing serial number records 3. In the import forms, a new checkbox "Call the procedure when finished"
2.283 1. In the rules for highlighting, a new opportunity has appeared to set a picture (file BMP format) to display it in a table cell
2.276 1. New checkbox in the settings "Automatically check for updates at startup" and a new form for checking for a new version 2. Improvements in reports - the ability to specify complex SQL statements containing nested queries, as well as several statements, not necessarily SELECT
2.261 1. A new checkbox in the "Print grid" settings in the "Export table to Excel" form 2. When generating a document using a template, selected records of a subordinate table are displayed 3. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.250 1. New form "Import from client-bank" 2. Improvements on import, redesign of the import form
2.248 1. Improvements in hint settings - they can be set for form fields 2. Improvements in the output of reports in Excel - when several SQL statements are specified, all tables are shown sequentially with headings 3. An algorithm has been implemented automatic placement Tab sequences for form fields
2.244 1. Improvements in tooltip settings 2. New internal commands: InputDate, InputDateRange, SetStatusText, SetMousePointer, SetVisibleFields, SetInvisibleFields, SetFieldsVisibility 3. Improvements in importing from Excel files 4. Improvements in the VBScript interpreter
2.236 1. Setting tooltips to show additional information when hovering the mouse, you can set formulas depending on the text under the mouse. Called from the "Table properties" form
2.235 1. In the field settings, added the ability to fix certain columns of the table so that they do not scroll when scrolling horizontally 2. Improvements to the VBScript interpreter
2.230 1. New preset values ​​for filters for date and time fields: Current Quarter, Last Quarter, Quarter Before Last, Next Quarter 2. Improvements in importing from Excel files - automatic search beginning of table 3. Improvements to export to Excel by template
2.226 1. New types of commands for triggers: Send email to everyone, Send sms to everyone, VBScript to everyone, which will be triggered for all records that meet the condition specified in the "Condition" parameter, and not for the current record. 2. Improvements to export to Excel
2.211 1. New types of bookmark endings when generating documents: _LETTERS (each letter in a separate cell of an Excel document), _LETTERSOVER#, LCASE, UCASE, _LEFT#, _RIGHT#, _MID#, _MID#AND# 2. Improved analyzer of custom SQL expressions and formulas 3. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server 4. Added new SMS providers
2.190 1. Implemented access rights "By roles" with the ability to create custom roles
2. Added the ability to make database backups every time interval
3. Added the ability to set the default value for fields of the type "Picture" - the path to the file
4. New link type "Link to image file" in field properties, images will be displayed in the same way as stored image fields
2.187 1. New form "Send e-mail by template"
2.146 1. New checkbox in the field settings "Align field headers to the center"
2. Added the ability to specify "any field" in the color selection rules
3. Improvements on the tree - the ability to set arbitrary formulas for building levels and for filtering data
4. Improvements in exporting a table to Excel
5. Improvements in VBScript
2.144 1. Added new internal commands ExportTableToExcel, LoadFilters, CheckFilters
2. Improvements in exporting a table to Excel - color highlighting is picked up
3. Improvements in entering into tables - the inability to leave the table when the required fields are not filled in, saving the sorting of the drop-down list
4. Updates on reports - you can specify several SQL statements separated by a semicolon and get, respectively, several tables in the report
2.140 1. Added internal commands EnableFields, DisableFields, EnableToolbarButtons, DisableToolbarButtons to block the fields of the current record and buttons by condition. See screenshots in Gallery #25 and #26
2.137 1. Added new internal commands: GoToRecord, GoToTableAndRecord, CopyRecord, CopyRecordAndSubTable, which can be used for custom buttons, as well as in triggers, reminders, etc.
2. For custom toolbar buttons, the ability to specify a VBScript command and, accordingly, a code in this language has been added. Example in Gallery screenshot #23
2.133 1. Added implementation of second-level subtables in the editing form (when setting ShowSubTables=1)
2.131 1. New form "Export to text file", which allows you to do various transformations existing text files (including HTML files) or generate new ones
2.128 1. New context menu item for fields - "Assign value to all field records..."
2. New context menu item for numeric fields - "Number all values ​​in the field..."
3. Import improvements
2.126 1. For MS SQL Server, you can specify a call to a stored procedure as an SQL statement, for example, "call dbo.sp1("param1")". But with the subsequent creation of the Access database, all the logic of stored procedures will be lost.
2. Improvements in export to Excel - in the template file, you can specify bookmarks of the form
3. Improvements on triggers - you can refer to the calculated fields of the saved record when adding
2.124 1. New checkbox in the import form - "Fill in default values"
2.121 1. Improvements in SMS distribution
2.117 1. Improvements when working with a barcode scanner
2. New checkmark in the form " new document Word/Excel template" - "Do not print empty tables"
2.115 1. New form "Import from XML file" with the ability to set a schedule for this task
2. Changing the form of report parameters - added the name of the target report file with the ability to save reports in a specified folder
3. When the setting "Show a list of databases at startup" is enabled, the ability to select a DBMS has been added
2.114 1. Implemented setting "Show list of databases at startup" in case of MS SQL Server
2.111 1. Added "Link to folder" to field properties
- correct work with nested subqueries in the FROM part
2.109 1. In the properties of the table, the ability to set the color highlighting of individual cells for the table has been added
2.105 1. Improvements in customizing menus and toolbars
2.103 1. Added functional block for SMS sending
2. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
2.101 1. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
2.95 1. Improvements on filters in reports - more options
2. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
3. Improvements in the logic of creating a database on MS SQL Server using the current Access database
2.94 1. Added the ability to specify the encoding when exporting to XML and CSV
2.91 1. Expanded the possibilities of fields with a link to the file - by clicking on the button with an ellipsis, menu items are displayed, incl. item "Assign a link to a file with copying to the server"
2. Improvements in access rights - for horizontal filtering rules in the "Value" column, you can set via AND or OR and other conditions
3. Improvements on subordinate tables of the second level - now you can assign to any subtable
4. Improvements in the functionality of multiple adding to subtables ("Add many" button)
2.85 1. Reconstruction of the Condition on the value form, which now allows you to set the construction "If ... Then ... Otherwise ..."
2. Panel on the right is now personalized

2.84 1. When sending an email on a trigger, it is now possible concurrent execution SQL statements
2. Improvements when working with drop-down lists when editing in a table
3. The "Allow input in the field of another table" checkbox now works in the case of MS SQL Server when editing in a table
4. Improvements when copying text through the clipboard - questions instead of Russian letters no longer appear
5. Improvements to filters in reports - a list of possible values ​​is shown in case of custom filters
2.83 1. Improvements according to trigger conditions
2. Improvements on import
2.82 1. For custom buttons on the toolbar, the ability to set the command type "Execute SQL" has been added
2. Added a new type of triggers "When updating the table" ("When triggered" parameter)
3. Improvements in the algorithm for creating an Access database based on the current MS SQL Server database
2.80 1. Improvements in access rights settings (horizontal filtering rules)
2. Added the ability to set the type of relationship "Many-to-many" between views
2.76 1. Added the ability to set a formula for building the path to the folder with documents
2. The "Proxy server" parameter has been added to the functionality of mailing lists
3. Improvements on triggers and reminders - the ability to generate a document on the fly and send it by email
2.72 1. Improvements in the functionality of displaying subordinate tables in the form for editing
2. Improvements on import
2.71 1. Added the ability to set a multi-user mode not only for employees, but also for any other persons (clients, partners...) contained in any table with the Login and LoginPassword fields.
2.69 1. A new property has been added to the form settings for editing - ShowSubTables, which allows you to show sub-tables in the form
2. A number of other improvements
2.67 1. Improvements in the "Conditional field visibility" functionality
2. Improvements to triggers and quick search
2.62 1. Added the ability to exclusive login
2.60 1. Improvements in replication
2. Improvements on the panel on the right - you can set arbitrary calculated fields
2.59 1. New context menu item for image fields "Paste from clipboard"
2.51 1. Improved work with filters - filters are saved when opening a table in selection mode
2. Improved handling of custom filters specified in SQL expression in reports
3. For a quick search, you can set a hard search field. This is done from the right click menu.
4. New new value for triggers "When triggered" - "When adding, changing and deleting a record"
2. New ability to run reports on a schedule - the "Schedule" button has been added to the report settings form
3. Added the ability to rename the table name in the table properties
4. Improvements for working with MS SQL Server
5. Performance improvements
2.48 1. Added two items to the context menu for entries: "Move entry up" and "Move entry down"
2.47 1. Improvements on triggers

3. Minor improvements to the form builder
4. Improvements in security - added encryption of passwords for the database
2.46 1. Improvements to the functionality of conditional visibility of fields - now you can specify subqueries for conditions
2. Trigger improvements - new "send e-mail" operation type
3. Newsletter improvements - new "Delete Duplicates" button
2.44 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed - a subordinate table "Characteristics" has been added, showing one or another set of parameters depending on the type of device
2. Improvements on MS SQL Server
2.37 1. Added drop-down calendars for fields of the "Date and time" type in the format without time ("dd.MM.yyyy", etc.)
2. Added a quick search bar - available from the context menu by right clicking on the toolbar
3. Improvements on MS SQL Server
2.36 1. Added the ability to customize the form toolbar for editing (custom buttons)
2. A new checkbox "Report about unprocessed bookmarks" has been added to the form for generating documents from templates
3. Redesigned and improved functionality "Value condition" in field properties
4. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server - improvements when creating a database according to the structure of the Access database
2.35 1. Added a new checkbox "Apply post style" in the table export form to Excel and HTML
2. Completion of the condition for the value in the field properties - you can set the form "= "
3. Improvements to the functionality Bulk update - you can add a range of records to the table from a specific index and with a given step
2.34 1. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server - improvements when creating a database according to the structure of the Access database, as well as performance improvements
2. Redesigned and improved functionality "Value condition" in field properties
2.33 1. Improvements in the form designer - you can set flexibly arbitrary inscriptions and frames
2. Improvements on adding new records to subordinate tables when editing in the table - can be added with an unsaved record in the main
2.29 1. Added a vertical scroll bar in case of using custom forms for editing
2 In the properties of the field, the ability to add several fields at once from another table has been added
3. Improvements in filling in default values
2.27 1. Improvements for working with MS SQL Server
2. Improvements in export to RFT format (support for compound bookmarks, global constants, sums in words)
3. Improvements on import in case of using the checkbox "Update data"
2.24 1. Added form constructor - the ability to design user forms for editing with grouping by tabs
2. When generating office documents according to templates, processing of one more ending _spellmoneyint was added - the amount in words without specifying 00 kopecks
2.22 1. Added the ability to set subordinate tables of the second level (3 tables on the tab - main, subordinate and subordinate to subordinate). To do this, in the setup table, in the field of the main table, you must specify the name of the first subordinate table, a point and the name of the field.
2. Improved functionality for copying field properties for other fields (in the form of field properties)
2.19 1. Improved algorithm for scanning computers on the local network

2.13 1. A condition on the value has been added to the field properties
2. Added "Link to Skype" to the list of link types in the field properties
3. Added the ability to show the "Calendar" element to filter fields of the "Date and time" type in the panel on the right
2.6 1. Added the ability to set multiple values ​​separated by a semicolon to set the conditional visibility of fields, color highlighting, etc.
2. Improvements when working with MS SQL Server
2.4 1. Improved the functionality of scanning computers on the local network - you can scan with the firewall enabled on a remote computer
2. Added the ability to generate RTF documents with template and without template
3. A new version references
2.3 1. Updated help
2. Added the ability to search in all fields
2.0 1. Added support DBMS Microsoft SQL Server
1.115 1. Optimizing the speed of working with the database
2. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.112 1. Added a checkbox "Show all reminders in one form" in the reminder settings
2. Added the ability to customize the panel quick view on the right, the margins for which are set in the margin settings
1.109 1. A button has been added to the form for setting the toolbar for copying to other tables.
1.107 1. Improvements in scanning computers on the local network
2. Added two scripts ScanNetwork.vbs and ScanNetwork2.vbs, which can be run from any computer to read its configuration and then import it into the database
1.106 1. Improvements in customizing the main tabs
2. Improvements in export to Word by template
3. Added script GetComputerInfo.vbs, which can be run from any computer to read its configuration
1.103 1. Optimized the speed of working with the database
2. Additional settings in field settings
3. Improvements in export to Excel by template
1.102 1. Improved functionality "Scanning computers in the local network"
2. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.85 1. Improved "Folder scanning" functionality file system": you can import different file properties into different fields of the target DB table
2. Improved "Scanning computers on the local network" functionality
3. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.81 1. The ability to accurately specify the type of stored link: a link to a file, to a website, to an e-mail, to a phone (if links are stored in the field)

1.78 1. The setting "Highlight the text of the current record" has been moved from the general settings to the table properties, which can now be set for each table separately
2. Improvements in tree settings: the ability to set the data source for each level (from the table itself or from the directory); the ability to save and load tree settings from files (called from the menu by right clicking)
3. A number of other fixes and improvements
1.73 1. In the "Tools" menu, a new item "Scanning computers on the network ..." for importing configurations into the database. (If you don't see this paragraph, reconfigure the menu by clicking the "Default" button in the menu setting form.)
2. A number of other fixes and improvements
1.71 1. New reports
2. A number of other fixes and improvements
1.67 1. The structure of the demo database has been changed: a new table "Movements", some fields have been changed
2. A number of other improvements: table export to Word, field uniqueness control, color highlighting rules, conditional visibility of fields, saving report settings, displaying search results in a list, etc.
1.65 1. Interface appearance improvements - some new icons
2. Fixed the error of copying the settings of the status bar panels
1.62 1. Improved import from format Microsoft Excel
2. Added the ability to configure the status line for each user
3. More flexibility copy custom field settings (and others) from one to another
4. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.58 1. Improved export to Microsoft format Excel by template: new checkbox "Fit cell width"
2. New functional block "Reports", new reports added.
3. Flexible setting of the main menu

1.55 1. The algorithm for duplicating records has been improved: now records of subordinate tables are also duplicated
2. Improved functionality for creating database backups, new settings
3. A number of improvements and fixes
1.50 1. The algorithm for duplicating records has been improved: now it works more correctly, taking into account unique fields
2. New setting: highlighting the current record with "floating text" - the entire record is not highlighted with color, but the text of the current cell is highlighted with "floating text" for convenient copying it to the clipboard
3. New setting: auto-refresh tables every minute to see records added by other users
4. New functionality - export to Microsoft Excel by template, generation of a package of documents
5. New autoform properties: ShowCalcFields - show calculated fields, ShowHiddenFields - show hidden fields, ShowPictureFields - show picture fields, PictureControlHeight - picture height, ColumnMaxHeight - maximum height columns with fields
1.47 1. Redesign of the table properties form, new settings: short description tables, font, line height, number of lines in field headers
2. New properties in field settings: combining values, field background color
3. Improved export to HTML
4. New functionality - dialing a phone number
1.45 1. Improved reminder functionality
2. New form "Field settings" with the ability to copy all settings
3. New functionality - conditional field visibility
4. A number of improvements and fixes
1.37 1. New functionality - triggers for adding and updating records, allowing you to write the necessary SQL statements for other tables
2. Redesign of the form for adding fields - some settings can now be set for calculated fields
3. New button in settings "Install current setting tabs for all users"
4. Improved search for duplicates: added the ability to set the second field
5. New context menu item for the entry of the subordinate table "Go to the entry in the main table..."
1.36 1. New functionality - replication, to create copies of databases and use them in different offices, followed by data synchronization
2. New functionality - flexible setting of reminders for any field of the "Date and time" type of any table
3. Improved algorithm for constructing calculated fields from other tables (now without a subquery)
4. Added more information about the current database in the status line
5. Fixed several bugs
1.33 1. New buttons on the toolbar: "Enable all filters" and "Disable all filters" (hidden by default)
2. New functionality "Search for duplicates" to search for duplicate records in a given table by a given field
3. Fixed several bugs
1.31 1. Creating tabs is now done by selecting a table from the list
2. The structure of the demo database has been changed: a new table "Workshops"
3. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.29 1. Added a new field property "Input mask"
2. Added a new checkbox "Sort list values" in the field properties
3. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.26 1. Added flexible setting of user access rights
2. A number of other improvements and fixes
1.24 1. Improved form for creating new tables
2. Improved form with settings: many settings are personalized
3. The form for setting up the menu has been improved: the settings for the visibility of menu items are personalized
4. All the latest improvements on the platform
1.23 1. New ability to customize the main menu
2. New ability to display the values ​​of numeric fields on the chart
3. New setting in the properties of the "Word wrap" field
1.16 1. New ability to customize the toolbar
2. New setting "Show buttons for filters to the right of the table with filters"
3. New setting in table properties "Table description" and "Show table description"
4. A number of other improvements (main tabs, working with filters, etc.)

Remote scanning of computers and servers based on windows,
OS X, Linux, FreeBSD
And ESX/ESXi without using pre-installed agents - you only need to know the administrator password. Scan individual nodes, ranges network addresses or structure Active Directory.

Computer accounting

In the TNI 4 centralized storage, each computer occupies only a few tens of kilobytes. Group devices, provide them with comments and attach to them Additional information. Total Network Inventory 4 makes inventorying computers in your enterprise a relaxing experience.


Generate flexible reports on different categories data. Build tabular reports using hundreds of model fields data Total Network Inventory 4. Reports can be copied, exported or printed, and the search function will show you the results before you finish typing your query.


Track changes in hardware and software. See when software was installed, removed, or updated on any computer on your network, monitor device connections and disconnections, disk space usage trends, and more.

Scan Scheduler

Automate data collection across your organization. Create one-time pending tasks or schedules for periodic computer scans. Every day? On Fridays? On the first Monday of every month? Schedule a network scan so you'll always have up-to-date information.

As well as...

Create a database of users of your computers; keep multiple passwords for different devices and protocols; monitor the online status of devices in real time. These and many other features of TNI 4 will save you a lot of effort and nerves.

Everything is scanned!

Computers based Microsoft Windows - 2000 and above. • Computers from Apple from OS X on board. • Devices based on OS family linux. • OS based devices FreeBSD. • Servers ESX/ESXi. • Any network devices that support protocols SNMP or telnet. •

What is needed for this?

Administrator password only. Preset to remote computers agents or otherwise prepare them for scanning. Install Total Network Inventory 4 on one computer - and in a few minutes, the data on the entire network will be in front of you.

Really smart scanner

Just tell the program what you need to scan and it will start working: find all hosts in the IP range, show you a list of computers in working group, will retrieve the structure of the domain. Select the necessary nodes, specify logins and passwords for individual devices or groups - and click Start scanning.

In just a few minutes, scanning of computers on the network will be completed, and the information will be placed in the TNI 4 storage.

Scheduled Scan

If some devices need to be scanned later or updated regularly, save them to a separate list and specify how and when to scan them. The task scheduler allows you to flexibly configure the time and frequency of scanning:

You can create an arbitrary number of tasks scheduled for different days and times. Your data will be kept up to date automatically!

Centralized storage

Storage TNI 4 - simple folder on the hard drive. Each computer in it is a file about 35 Kb in size. You can easily transfer these files to another database or create backup. Allowing general access to the storage folder, you can work with it from different places.

Everything you need for computer accounting

Add notes, inventory numbers, and additional fields different types: strings, prices, dates - all necessary information will be stored in one place, always at hand.

Network at a glance

The network tree can display the most various information: network name, IP address, inventory number, icon and title operating system, online status light bulb and more. Total Network Inventory 4 will automatically detect virtual systems and mark them. All this information can be used for searching: if you know anything about a computer, you will instantly find it among thousands of others!

Shelf data

Each scanned computer can be examined as if you were sitting at it. Computer accounting couldn't be easier!

Include any number of computers and categories in the report at the same time.

Tabular reports

The tabular report editor allows you to present any data about your network in the form of a convenient and visual table. Decide for yourself what information you want to see in your reports.

Instant Search

Search results become visible as you enter a query: no extra clicks!

Printing and export

Any report can be printed in short or full form, copied to a spreadsheet editor, or exported to PDF, RTF, ODT, HTML, and other formats.

Know what's happening on your network

Each time a computer is rescanned, TNI creates a new configuration snapshot for it. Changelog compares these shots and provides a comprehensive list events: if anything was
added, Removed or changed, you will learn about it here.

You can see how they are installed, removed and updated applications...

…how they apply system updates...

…how to start and stop services... it moves Hardware…

…and much more!

The magazine is provided instant search and the ability to filter, and is also available as a printed report:

Create a detailed map of your network

Visualize the structure of network devices the way you want. Users of the Total Network Inventory 4 Professional license have access to a new network map editor.

Create common card or divide the network into separate segments and levels. These can be office floor maps, various departments of the company, or other options.

Simply drag any groups and devices directly onto the map with the cursor, and then arrange them in a way that suits you. Add various links between devices.

Figures and background

Upload any images or use the already available shapes, which can be easily given the look you want. For example, you can use the fill, change the color, width and style of the frame. You can also set the level of transparency for objects and change the depth of their location relative to other objects.

(Click on pictures to view demo)


Work with devices directly on the map, because it's easier! You can ping, rescan or perform an action directly from the context menu.

The size of the map has no limits. Give free rein to your imagination!

Computer technology is used today in every enterprise. Like other fixed assets, it is subject to inventory. This procedure has distinctive features. The procedure for conducting an inventory of property is regulated by: Law on Accounting No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, Guidelines, approved Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 dated 06/13/1995, Regulation on accounting, approved. Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 34n dated 07/29/1998. Let us consider in detail in the article how the inventory of computers takes place, what the inspectors need to know about this type of accounting.

Basic Inventory Concepts

Checking the availability of computer equipment involves an inventory and related components. The main objects of the inventory are presented in the table.

The inventory of computer equipment has the following objectives:

  • Property safety control;
  • Determining the correspondence of actual availability to accounting data;
  • Optimization of expenses for the purchase of computers;
  • Identification of unused objects;
  • Formation of a list for write-off;
  • Control of changes in the value of property;
  • Maintaining the discipline of persons responsible for the technique.

Inventory of computers over the network

Currently, there are a large number of special programs that allow you to quickly perform an inventory computer science. To carry out an inventory in an automated way, it is necessary that all the company's equipment is connected to a single network. Order further action shown in the table.

The use of an automated program has several advantages:

  • Ability to use template or self-developed reporting forms;
  • Checking in the background;
  • Saving time;
  • No need to interrupt employees from performing their duties;
  • One hundred percent accuracy of the received data.

The entire amount of data on computer hardware and software products is subjected to verification.

A feature of a specialized program for inventory is that you can schedule a scan according to a specific schedule. According to the specified scheme, the program will view network data and present final reports. This allows in right moment find out the state of the computer equipment of the company.

Computer inventory accounting

The shortage of computers is written off at the residual value to the 94th shortage account. If the culprit is identified, then he must pay damages. Its value is determined by the value of the property on the balance sheet. If the guilty person is not found or the court refused to collect funds from him, then the shortage is written off to the financial result. Similarly, take into account the loss from force majeure.

The surplus is taken into account at market value. It is determined by the price of a similar object, confirmed in writing, for example, by the manufacturer or according to the opinion of expert appraisers. The cost must be documented. The corresponding amount is charged to the financial result.

In the income statement, the surplus is shown under the item "Non-operating income".

Example. A computer worth 48,000 rubles on the balance sheet disappeared at Vympel LLC. The depreciation amount is 14,000 rubles. The investigating authorities did not establish the culprit and issued a corresponding decision. The object is subject to write-off to the financial result.

Dt 01.2 Ct 01 48 000 rub. - reflected the initial cost of the missing computer;

Dt 02 Ct 01.2 14 000 rub. - depreciation is taken into account;

Dt 94 Kt 01.2; Dt 91.2 Kt 94 34 000 rub. - shortage written off.

Timing of the audit

Computers are the main assets of the company. In accordance with the law, their planned inventory is carried out once every 3 years before filling out the final financial statements. Management can independently determine the timing and frequency of verification and reflect this in the accounting policy.

Conducting an inventory is mandatory for the following reasons:

  • Change of responsible employees;
  • Identification of cases of theft and damage to property;
  • Liquidation of the company or its reorganization;
  • Emergencies and natural disasters;
  • In others statutory cases ( p. 1.5, 1.6 of the Recommendations, approved. Order No. 49).

The procedure for conducting computer accounting

Before starting inventory activities, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. To simplify the procedure, a label should be attached to each object. It displays the following information:

  • Company name;
  • Name of the object according to accounting data;
  • Inventory number;
  • Responsible officer.

The order of the inventory is reflected in the table:

No. p / p Stage Actions
1 PreparatoryAppointment of a commission, drawing up an inspection plan, issuing an order, printing inventory records
2 ExaminationInspection of objects by divisions of the organization in the context of financially responsible persons, filling out inventories
3 Registration of discrepanciesDocumentation of surpluses or shortages (memorandums, inventories) indicating the reasons for discrepancies
4 Registration of resultsDrawing up an act
5 Data mappingReconciliation of received data with accounting

The order can be drawn up in the INV-22 form or in any form. The document indicates the reason for the inspection, the composition of the commission, the start and end dates, what property is being inventoried. The data during the inspection are recorded in the inventory records (, for intangible assets).

The information in them is grouped by responsible employees and structural units. They contain accounting information about the nomenclature, quantity and inventory numbers of objects to be checked. During the inspection of the equipment, the commission enters into the inventory similar data on the fact.

If faulty equipment or its absence is detected, a report is drawn up addressed to the director. Names, numbers of equipment lost or unsuitable for further use are recorded in it. The reasons for the identified defects are also indicated here, the signature of the employee and members of the commission responsible for the safety of valuables is put. The identified surpluses are processed in the same way.

Based on these inventories, the commission draws up an act on the results of control. The final stage is the reconciliation of the received information with accounting data. Necessary adjustments are made, the perpetrators are punished, etc.

Example. In October 2016, during the inventory at Udacha LLC, it turned out that a computer purchased in July last year was in operation. He was not taken into account. The cost of the object is 50,150 rubles, including VAT - 7,650 rubles.

The computer must be registered and depreciated for the entire period of its operation. The service life is defined as 30 months. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method.

1 / 30 * 100 \u003d 3.33% - depreciation rate;

(50,150 - 7,650) * 3.33% = 1,415.25 rubles. - amount of depreciation per month.

In October 2016, the accountant made the following entries:

Dt 08 Kt 60 50 150 rub. - the computer is taken into account;

Dt 19.1 Ct 60 7 650 rub. - VAT on the purchased object is taken into account;

Dt 01 Ct 08 50 150 RUB - the computer is included in fixed assets;

Dt 91.2 Kt 02 7 076.25 rub. - reflected depreciation for 2015 (1,415.25 * 5);

Dt 26 Ct 02 RUB 14,152.50 - the amount of depreciation for the current year at the time of detection of the error was taken into account (1,415.25 * 10).

Automated Inventory Program

At automated way inventory from the database of credentials for computers for each object print labels with a barcode. Subsequently, they are glued to the appropriate equipment. When encoding In a similar way for inventory, the 1C program "Accounting for equipment" is used. On the Internet, you can download its demo version and watch the presentation.

Checking computers by scanning barcodes is performed by the well-known Hardware Inspector program.

All specialized programs on the market have a similar workflow. For example, it's easy to download and use the Network Computer Inventory product. It allows you to detect outdated models, schedule equipment updates, select computers whose resource does not match the tasks performed on it, etc.

The IT Invent program has proven itself well. It supports network scanning and collects information on all network devices. With its help, you can carry out inventory accounting of network computers in all branches of the company.

The free version contains a limited set of functions, their full list is available in the commercial version of the product. Another program "10-Strike: Computer Inventory" is offered in several modifications. The organization can choose the most suitable one for its purposes.

Accounting entries for accounting for surpluses and shortages

To reflect the results of the inventory in accounting, the following typical operations are provided:

Surplus Accounting:

Dt 08.3 Ct 91.1 - income in the form of fixed assets was taken into account;

Dt 01 Kt 08 - the object is accepted for accounting at the market price.

Dt 91.1 Kt 99 - reflects the profit from the acceptance of an unaccounted object for accounting.

Deficiency accounting:

If the culprit is not found, the damage is reflected as follows:

Dt 94 Kt 01 - a shortage was detected;

Dt 02 Kt 01 - depreciation of the missing object is written off;

Dt 91.2 Kt 94 - the loss was charged to other expenses.

If the culprit is found, then the operations look like:

Dt 73 Kt 94 - the shortage is written off to the culprit;

Dt 50 Kt 73 - the employee repaid the debt;

Dt 70 Kt 73 - the debt is deducted from the employee's earnings.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Question number 1. What maximum amount can be deducted from the salary of the guilty employee to pay for the shortage based on the results of the inventory?

Monthly you can keep no more than 20% of earnings.

Question number 2. What consequences can threaten an organization if tax authorities discover unaccounted computers?

Such errors in accounting lead to distortion of financial statements. If it is equal to or greater than 10%, then the minimum fine will be 5 thousand rubles.

Question number 3. Is it possible to recover the identified shortage from a financially responsible employee who quit before the start of the inventory?

No. According to Art. 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, termination of an employment agreement with an employee does not relieve him of liability for a shortage. To prove that the damage was caused by the employee, it is necessary to conduct an inventory upon his dismissal. After a while, it is impossible to prove his guilt and to recover the shortage too.

Question number 4. How to take into account the shortage of equipment that arose due to a fire?

The loss at book value is attributed to the loss of the current year:

Dt 91.2 Kt 94 - damage from force majeure is written off.

Question number 5. Do I need to draw up an INV-1 form for computer equipment leased to other firms?

No need. The tenant must inspect such property. He sends one copy of the inventory with the results of the inventory to the lessor.

An inventory of computer equipment is necessary to account for the number of objects and determine the productivity of their use. With this procedure, the organization optimizes the cost of acquiring computers, components and software. Special programs allow you to carry out it without spending time and labor, to obtain accurate data.

    Computer inventory

    IT Invention it is not only the accounting of computers, printers, programs and accessories. This is also accounting for repairs and maintenance, work to support equipment, orders to suppliers, receipts and movements of equipment, accounting for counterparties, employees, maintaining employee work schedules and schedules, and much more.

    Here is not a complete list of operations that the computer accounting program allows you to carry out:

  • computer accounting
  • accounting software
  • computer inventory
  • equipment accounting
  • pc accounting
  • accounting for cartridges
  • accounting of office equipment
  • accounting for consumables
  • accounting of computer equipment
  • network inventory
  • network computer inventory
  • inventory of computer equipment

IT Invent is a flexible and customizable system that has an intuitive interface and has the following functionality:

  • Division of accounting configuration units into 5 basic classes:
    • Equipment (computers, printers, office equipment, network equipment, telephones, etc.)
    • Programs (boxed software and license numbers)
    • Accessories (memory, DVD, cartridges, SIM cards, etc.)
    • Consumables (paper, stationery, toner, cable, etc.)
    • Inventory (household materials, furniture, special clothing, fire equipment, service vehicles, etc.)
    • Inventory of computers and printers on the network by scanning IP ranges using WMI and SNMP interfaces. Ability to export network scan results to the program and automatically create equipment objects. This tool allows you to get full information about computers: processor, memory, drives, network, installed software and much more. Information about network printers is also collected: the number of printed pages, operating time, and more.
    • Accounting program local networks and subnets. Keeping records of static IP addresses. Analysis of the occupancy of IP addresses. Integration with the network scanning module.
    • Automatic generation and assigning a unique inventory number to each piece of equipment or component. Allows you to keep a unique record even of those devices that do not have their own serial number.
    • A unique system for creating and printing inventory labels. Printing is supported on two types of printers: conventional laser printers(A4 format), barcode printers (eg Zebra, Godex, etc.). The label editor built into the program allows you to customize appearance labels with a barcode for any parameters.
    • Each accounting unit contains properties rigidly assigned to it, with all the necessary information and links. In addition, it is possible to add and customize your own properties of various types. Additional properties can be of the following types: text, number, date, boolean yes/no, color, link, money, list, multiple choice.
    • Keeping a history of changes in key fields of all types of accounting units. In addition to the key fields, the system records the operator's name, the date and time of the change. All key changes can be commented, which is also recorded in the history. With automatic changes, the system itself adds comments.
    • Accounting for repairs and preventive maintenance of accounting objects. Convenient filtering by the "Warranty Until" field makes it easy to control warranty periods for purchased equipment.
    • Accounting for any type of work in the organization (for example: Internal repair, Issuance of equipment, Inventory, Crossing the network, accounting for refilling cartridges, etc.). Works can be connected with all types of accounting objects. For works, their Views and Additional Properties are configured.
    • Logical linking of programs and components with equipment. For example, the "MS Office" program, "memory" and "hard disk" components can be tied to the "Computer" hardware. The association logic is unlimited - any object can be associated with any object of any type.
    • Accounting for orders to suppliers. You can create orders for any accounting objects and then capitalize them with automatic addition order objects to the database.
    • All accounting objects can be assigned to responsible employees with division into departments and branches. This function allows you to easily track the owners of mobile equipment, draw up a budget for the department (plan the need for the required amount of consumables for a certain period, components for a reserve in case of possible failures.
    • Maintaining a database of suppliers, service organizations and other contractors. The database contains complete contact information. Using information from the database, you can analyze the history of work with suppliers, evaluate the prospect, and make plans for the future.
    • The scheduling module allows you to graphical form create schedules for various types of resources: employees, companies, branches, locations, accounting units, free list. You can maintain work schedules for employees, maintenance schedules for equipment, inventory plans for branches, project schedules, field events, and any other types of schedules that may be required in the organization.
    • Convenient functions of filters and grouping information in tables. By grouping data by selected fields, you can very quickly evaluate the amount and composition of content in groups.
    • A large number of built-in reports with the ability to edit.
    • Export data from tables to excel formats, Word, PDF, HTML, Text. Export allows you to process the data of the program at your discretion: create your own reports, printouts or upload information to the Internet.
    • The search mechanism will help you find the necessary accounting unit (or group) according to the specified criterion. All parameters used in the properties of objects can participate in the search filter.
    • Flexible differentiation of access rights for system users. An extensive list of access rights to menu items and functions allows you to very flexibly customize the capabilities of each database operator. Users are grouped by roles. User roles can be created, deleted and edited.
    • Convenient interface primary data entry - information from the previous entry entered is stored in the form. It also provides convenient data import from Excel.
    • E-mail notifications for all major events in the program. Notifications allow you to customize the interaction between various services IT department, accounting and management.
    • Interaction with the Active Directory service to import contact information for company employees. Also possible convenient viewing complete list employees online from Active Directory.

Branches in different cities must run the program with the same file"DBPath.ini", so all users will work with the same database, but at the same time in the history of changes it will always be visible who and when made certain changes.

In the "FAQ" section, you can see frequently asked questions on setting up and working with the program.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the functions of the program, you can read.

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