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We remove horizontal stripes on the monitor screen that appeared suddenly. How? I'm telling

Technical equipment, new technologies, a subtle but not necessary interconnection of various elements - this is what modern progress has come to. This, of course, is about a computer, which has a lot of elements that need care and careful monitoring so that they work correctly and do not break. But not every one of us can do this, so we are faced with various problems, which sometimes manifest themselves very strongly and cause a lot of inconvenience. Basically, we will talk about technical problems that are difficult to diagnose, but it is quite possible to fix it yourself. And in this article we will analyze where and why stripes appear on the monitor, which sometimes overshadow the entire picture on the screen. Fortunately, the problem is not always critical, so in most cases you can fix it on your own. And sometimes it is they who indicate that the equipment has broken down and urgently needs to be replaced.

What is this problem?

Before analyzing where the vertical stripes appeared on the monitor, it is worth considering the problem itself, which in most cases is of a technical nature. Yes, a program crash, a virus and other problems, even a driver-related option - all this is not the reason why defects appear on the monitor screen. This problem is a consequence of the negative influence of computer elements on the monitor or their incorrect interaction with each other. The problem is simple and critical, but it will become known only after a thorough diagnosis of the equipment. When this unpleasant situation occurs, various defective stripes begin to appear on the monitor, which bring with them a lot of trouble. Either completely obscure the entire monitor, or replace colors, or the screen completely breaks up into pixels.

Why does it arise?

If stripes appear on the monitor, this means that it is time to diagnose all the equipment. You should not blame everything on the video card in advance, as it is not always the main cause of the problem. Other elements of your equipment may be involved in this, which may affect this defect. It is worth completely excluding options that relate to programs, driver failures, since image distortion, which is also filled with extra bands, is a guaranteed technical problem. Therefore, you can safely turn off the computer and start checking all your equipment for damage, dust, and much more.

The main causes of this problem

Vertical or horizontal streaks on the monitor may be due to equipment failure or overheating. It is also necessary to take into account the incorrect interaction of various technical elements. In addition, do not forget that the source of the problem may be dust and pollution of the plumes, which are the connecting connection between the various elements. Therefore, in order to establish the true causes, it is necessary to conduct a series of diagnostic studies that will identify the true problem, and only then think about ways that will help get rid of this unpleasant situation. And it is worth remembering that you should not immediately run to the service, since in most cases you can get out of this situation by your own efforts. Well, if a technical problem is classified as critical, then there are no options - you will have to find among your friends those who have experience in troubleshooting such problems.

video card

Horizontal stripes on the monitor and in general any defects on the monitor screen can be caused primarily by a malfunction of the video card. It is necessary to check if it works normally, if the cooler on it is dusty, which can cause overheating of the equipment, and if it is connected to the motherboard correctly, that is, if the wires are damaged. Yes, the graphics card is the imaging center that can cause the problem. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the board itself is working normally, you should definitely clean it of dust with cotton swabs. Then check its connectors and try to clean them. After that, check the wires for physical damage. If not, then that's good news; if the wires are damaged, then the equipment will have to be replaced.

If no problems are found and everything is cleaned, it is worth conducting another check, which consists in examining the technical features of the video card. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything is simple: you need to check the hardware on another computer. A friend can help you with this: just insert a video card into his computer and see if there are stripes on his monitor. If there are no stripes, then the problem is different; if there is a defect, then the problem is in this graphics hardware. So, you should contact the service or buy a new video card.

Monitor malfunction

When vertical stripes appear on the monitor, do not panic. Just start checking your hardware. And it should be noted right away that the option with a monitor is also appropriate, although this element is not programmable. Any physical impact on the monitor can cause a lot of problems regarding image deformation. You can also note factors such as falling sunlight and exposure to high humidity on the monitor. To test this device, no special education is needed, just test it on another computer. Take advantage of this opportunity with a friend. If after connecting the stripes on the monitor disappeared, then the problem is in your computer; if there is an opposite result, then you need to contact a specialized service, since you can’t fix such a problem with your own hands.

Checking loops

Stripes on the monitor screen can also mean that you probably have problems in the connections of the elements themselves, which can sometimes be either physically damaged or simply dusty. To check them, you need to carefully examine every millimeter of the cable for physical damage. Are there black dots there? Is the loop positioned correctly? Does it have unnecessary curves? Is everything connected correctly? If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth checking them on another computer. In fact, the problem of loops is quite complicated, and not everyone can fully check these wires, therefore, in order to diagnose such a problem instantly, you must always have several spare loops on hand, which can be replaced if necessary. If, after using fresh wire options, stripes on the monitor continue to appear, then it is worth looking for the source of the problem in other equipment. And if there is no problem, then you have already solved it and you can continue to enjoy the possibilities of virtual space. It is worth remembering this nuance, since not many people know that this can also be the cause of an unpleasant situation.

Computer cleaning

Breakdown of internal elements

But do not forget about the possible breakdown of internal devices, which can also be the cause of defects on the screen. Basically, these elements include tracks and connecting elements on the motherboard. If you carefully check them, you can find that some strips have turned black, and the resistors are swollen. It is this state of affairs that is the cause of the breakdown, which cannot be fixed by one's own efforts. Therefore, if you find at least one of the items listed, then it is worth replacing the motherboard, since its repair will no longer be possible.

How to solve this problem?

Lines appear on the monitor. How to solve this problem? Actually, we have considered all possible solutions in this article, all of them are described above. First, it is necessary to diagnose the equipment, clean the computer, since dust can cause overheating of important elements of the computer, and then draw conclusions and look for a way out of this unpleasant situation. A vertical stripe on the monitor or another graphical defect - all this is caused by the problems that we examined with you. As for the ways to eliminate them, we also analyzed them, in particular, we mentioned the motherboard itself, which can serve as a source of negative impact. But it is, unfortunately, quite difficult to check it, so the only right decision can only be to contact a service center. Everything else can be checked and figured out what exactly is the cause of the defect on the screen.

Service is a guaranteed solution to the problem

A black bar on the monitor, the image splitting into pixels of different sizes, the disappearance of the image, incorrect colors - all this and much more indicates that there are problems with your computer. This article allows you to fix them or diagnose them yourself. But it happens that the hands are simply afraid to touch anything there and generally disassemble the computer. It is in such cases, when you are not confident in your abilities, that a specialized service center will help you, where they will provide all the necessary services. For a fee, they will clean your computer and restore the normal image on the monitor. And if the breakdown is critical, then they will definitely tell you what exactly the problem is and how to fix it. Now it has become much easier to navigate in this situation, which will undoubtedly serve as a positive new experience in terms of managing and controlling computer technology.

User Question


Stripes and ripples have recently begun to appear on my computer screen, the picture can sometimes twitch when passing a horizontal strip.

This happens only in games. Tried reinstalling Windows, changing video drivers - zero effect. These are artifacts on the video card (I was told so in the service center), and it needs to be changed. Or are there other options?

Good day!

In general, the presence of any distortion on the screen is a very alarming sign. Stripes and ripples on the screen can appear both with software problems and with hardware problems. In this article I will try to analyze the most basic things that I have to face, what can be done and taken to diagnose and find the cause (well, knowing the essence of the problem - often you can fix it on your own 😉).

Photo of a monitor with vertical (horizontal) stripes and ripples (as an example to understand what is at stake)

What to do if ripples and stripes appear on the screen

STEP 1: check if the cable connecting the monitor to the computer is intact

The first thing I want to start with is the cable (perhaps a bit trite, but still!). The fact is that it can be accidentally killed, gnawed (by a pet, a cat, for example), etc.

And in general, many users do not always screw the VGA cable (for example) with bolts so that it does not come off. Often a simple adjustment of the plug solves the problem.

The photo below shows a damaged USB cable. (video cable is damaged in the same way) ...

I'll add a couple more notes. (relative to wires):

  1. do not use long cables: if the length of your video cable is more than 3 meters, then the image on the screen may begin to be distorted (here, of course, much depends on the monitor);
  2. see if the video cable is intertwined with the cable of the printer, phone charger, cable TV, etc. The fact is that such elements can interfere (especially in the absence of shielding). Try to keep the video cable away from other wires.

STEP 2: pay attention when artifacts appear

Immediately after turning on the computer, i.e. they are both when entering the BIOS (), and when loading the OS, and after it has loaded, in all applications and games;

They appear only at a certain stage: for example, when the OS is loaded, and then disappear. Either when entering a particular game, or after some time spent in the game.

If in the first case - you can’t work at a PC at all and you need to eliminate the cause (you can ruin your eyesight), then in the second, for example, you can continue to work for quite a long time.

By the way, a simple observation will help determine the cause of the malfunction. For example, if you have artifacts appearing in only one game, then most likely the problem lies in the temperature, the driver, and the errors of the game itself.

I also note that in the second case, the chances of restoring a PC / laptop (without material costs) are much greater!

STEP 3: connect another monitor for diagnostics

This step is very important!

It will allow us to determine whether the problem of artifacts is related to a malfunction of the monitor, or to problems in the system unit (video card, motherboard).

Surely in every home where there is a PC, there is a TV, or some other screen ✌. For example, when stripes appear on the laptop screen, connect it to a regular monitor and see if there are any distortions in the picture. Now any modern monitor can be easily and quickly connected to a computer using an HDMI cable (sold in almost every computer store).

In the photo below: a TV was connected to the laptop in order to see if there would be artifacts on the TV screen.

If there are no artifacts on the other screen and everything is fine: The problem is with the monitor. By the way, on CRT monitors, the problem of the appearance of horizontal stripes used to arise quite often. In general, if the fault of the stripes on the screen is the monitor itself, then, having no experience in repairing equipment, you can’t do without it.

If artifacts are present on another monitor: then for sure the problem is in your computer: the problem is either with the software or with the hardware. We'll investigate further...

STEP 4: check the temperature of the components (video cards, CPU)

With stripes on the screen, first of all, you need to look at the temperature of the video card. You can do this with a special utilities: .

Screenshot example below. We check the temperature in the GPU-Z utility (see the "GPU Temperature" line).

In general, it is difficult to give an exact value critical temperature of the video card : see your specific model here (check your manufacturer's website). But in general, anything above 80 gr. Celsius - should alert for a thorough check.

To help!

How to find out the allowable and critical temperature of your video card:

If overheating is suspected, it is recommended first of all clean your computer from dust , replace thermal paste. Dust often blocks the vents, reducing air circulation. As a result, the temperature inside the system unit (laptop) begins to rise.

In laptops, by the way, it is easy to determine overheating if you bring your hand to the ventilation holes (usually they are on the left): very hot air starts to come out from there, you can even get burned.

By the way, these utilities can also measure the temperature during your game, tracking all the highs and lows. As soon as you notice the appearance artifacts- check the temperature.

To help!

1) Checking the video card for performance, test for reliability and stability -

2) How to perform a stress test of the processor and the system as a whole, does it keep the frequencies, is there any overheating -

At all, pay special attention to temperature in hot summer time, when PC components often heat up to significant values. To reduce the temperature in the system unit, simply remove the side cover, and put a regular fan in front.

There are specials for laptops. coasters that help improve air circulation (due to which it is possible to reduce the temperature by 5-10 degrees Celsius).

STEP 5: Check and update your graphics card drivers

Drivers are the head...

Video card drivers can significantly affect the quality of the picture (especially for 3D games).

For example, about 15 years ago I had several versions of drivers for the Ati Radeon 8200 video card (if I'm not mistaken) (there are no official ones).

So, on the official drivers, on the latest version, there was a glitch: some elements in the games (in particular, fire) were not shown - instead of it, some squares ran, sometimes stripes ... When switching to another version of the drivers, everything worked, as it should be. Over time, the developers fixed this bug...

By the way, pay attention to how the computer will work when you remove the drivers: will there be stripes or ripples. Below is a link to an article that will help you uninstall and update drivers.

To help!

How to update the driver for AMD, nVidia and Intel HD graphics cards: from A to Z -

STEP 6: a few words about overclocking the video card

If you overclocked your video card, then it is likely that artifacts could appear (especially if you have never done anything like this before and have no practical experience 👀).

Overclocking, in fact, is a whole science where you need to know and feel quite accurately how the hardware behaves. (and, of course, there is always some risk).

Try resetting the frequencies and see if it works. As a rule, if the problem was related to unsuccessful overclocking, it is solved.

Screenshot from the game Doom 3: pay attention to the white dots - the result of unsuccessful overclocking

In general, in most cases, with unsuccessful software overclocking, modern video cards, processors and memory themselves reset the settings to safe ones.

STEP 7: check if the required shader version is supported

Each video card supports a certain version of shaders (and games, by the way, also require a certain version, see the description for any game).

The bottom line is: if you are trying to run a new game on a far from new video card, it is quite possible that it does not support the necessary pixel shaders.

In general, usually, in this case, Windows will tell you that the game cannot be launched, an error will appear. But, sometimes this does not happen, and the game starts with distortions in the picture (especially now there are special shader emulators that allow you to run games on video cards that are not approved by the developers).

Therefore, if you have a problem in any one game, check : whether your video card model is included in the list of supported by the game.

To help!

How to find out the amount of video card memory, its type, and other characteristics -

STEP 8: what else to look for (iron malfunction: video card, motherboard)

As a rule, in case of problems with hardware, artifacts appear everywhere: in the BIOS, when loading Windows, in games, in any other programs. In some cases, artifacts appear when the video card is heated to certain temperatures (for example, in games), etc. Most often, the reason lies in the detachment of the graphics chip, or with overheating of the memory chips.

You can try to do the following: open the system unit, remove the video card and inspect it. Is there any visible damage to it? Most likely, there will be no visual signs of a breakdown on it (statistics from personal experience).

However, if there is a lot of dust and high temperature readings in AIDA Speccy I recommend this:

1) First: clean the system unit from dust (can be blown out with a regular vacuum cleaner). .

2) Pay special attention to the contacts of the video card. Try cleaning her contacts with a rubber band. (clean the part that is inserted into the motherboard). Then blow the entrance itself, where it is inserted. With artifacts, this method helps, but not in all cases.

3) If the artifacts have not disappeared, it will not be superfluous to check the video adapter on another working computer (although I understand that this advice is unlikely to suit ordinary users, not everyone has 2 PCs at home ...).

The photo below shows what normal capacitors (red arrows) and swollen ones (circled) look like.

The motherboard / video card could fail for reasons beyond your control (i.e. without overclocking). For example, electricity jumped, factory defects, overheating, etc.

In general, with problems with iron (and lack of repair experience), it is better to contact the service center.

However, I want to immediately warn:

1. Some craftsmen may offer to repair and replace the chip on the video card. It is expensive (almost like a new video card), and it is not known how the repair will be carried out, and how the video card will behave later. In general, I do not recommend;

2. They may offer to warm up the video card (sometimes they call it hot). This topic is specific and extensive. But I want to say right away that such a repaired video card (at best) will not work for a long time, a maximum of another six months. And then it ends anyway...

The most preferred option for these problems is to replace the video card with a new one. In the end, it's cheaper for the wallet... 👌

By the way, I want to give a couple of links to self-repair of a video card:

– is it possible to fix a video card in the oven;

Rostislav Kuzmin

Good day, dear readers and subscribers of my blog! A computer is a complex device where all the elements are subtly interconnected. Poor quality work of one of the nodes can lead to equipment defects. In order for the equipment to serve for a long time, it is necessary not only to take care of it, but also to carry out diagnostics. This will allow you to identify the malfunction in a timely manner. Not every user will be able to do this on their own. Today I will tell you what to do if horizontal stripes appear on the monitor screen, how to remove it will be described below. It is not uncommon for a problem to be caused by a technical breakdown, but it pleases the fact that there is usually nothing critical in this, which means that it is quite possible to cope on your own.

A monitor is a means of displaying an image on a display. It is closely related to various computer components. Sometimes multi-colored stripes are the result of a driver malfunctioning or a failure due to a virus. But software problems are rarely the root cause. More often, the reason is the incorrect connection of the PC nodes or the negative impact of one of them on the other.

Before starting the diagnosis, it is worth checking what kind of defects on the screen. If the picture is simply deformed or the colors are inverted, then the likely cause is in the driver. Its updating is a simple task. It is best to download the latest version from the manufacturer's website. In the case when the screen is divided into strips or breaks up into pixels, then the reason is clearly in the hardware, and not in the software. Not all users know what to do in this case. Many blame the graphics card, but that may not be the issue. Loose wires, overheating, dust are all possible sources of streaks. Therefore, first of all, I recommend disconnecting the computer from the network and starting a sequential diagnosis of each element.


Why can a monitor fail? More often this is a physical impact - impact, increased moisture, sunlight on the matrix. Sometimes a power surge or interference in the network can ruin the device. For all users, I recommend connecting the monitor to the electrical network through a surge protector. This is a good way to protect. There is a nuance here. Sometimes an extension cord is used instead of a surge protector. When you connect different devices to it, noise may occur, which cause distortion of the image. In this case, we check the monitor by separately connecting it to the network. If this does not help, then refer it to a friend. This is the easiest way to rule out monitor failure and start checking the rest of the computer.

video card

The second node that is responsible for displaying the image on the screen is the video card. It processes the incoming data and forms a picture. Like any device, it can burn out or deteriorate. In addition, it is subject to heat, clogging and other unpleasant phenomena. Diagnostics of the video card consists in cleaning it of dust, checking the operation of the cooler, and lubricating it if necessary. It is also important to check the integrity of the connection wires. Often the reason lies in them. The system unit accidentally touched by the foot, the wires that came off the connector - that's the distortion of the image.

If this does not help, all the wires are intact, the card does not heat up and is not dirty, then repeat the previous paragraph. He removes the video card and again we go to visit a friend. The video card is working. So we are looking for a problem further.


Service employees often talk about the fact that most of the breakdowns are solved by checking or replacing the connection wires. It was said above that you need to check how the video card is connected. However, it does not hurt to consider the cables that connect other components. What is the verification? We eliminate dust, check the reliability and correct connections, inspect the wires for black dots, bends and fractures. Many users for many years of using technology do not look inside their system unit and do not suspect what kind of anarchy reigns there. A lot of wires, mixed up with each other, covered with dust, and sometimes cobwebs. All this will naturally affect the work. To make my work easier in the future, I recommend inspecting the system unit after purchase, switching the wires and trying to lay them as evenly as possible. In the future, this will avoid breakdowns.

When switching wires and checking the connection, it will not be superfluous to inspect the motherboard. There are many elements on it and an unprepared user is unlikely to find a problem himself. But it is quite possible to notice small defects. These are burnt resistors. These are small protruding parts. Most often they have the shape of a cylinder, they can be of various colors - black, green, red. The burnt transistor will be black and with traces of soot. The second sign of its failure is bloating. It’s not worth changing them yourself, but this is a call to the fact that it’s time to take the PC to a service center.

Checking the monitor matrix

Above, I mentioned that the appearance of stripes is often the result of a hardware failure. But sometimes the nuances lie in the setting. First, you should try resetting the monitor to factory settings. It is very easy to do this. On the body of the device there are buttons that allow you to change the gamma, brightness, contrast. Among them there is always a reset button to factory settings. It returns the monitor to factory settings.

To understand the correct operation of the monitor itself, it will not be superfluous to check for the integrity of the matrix and the presence of hidden factory defects. This trick is often used by sellers to sell services to customers. It all sounds tricky and complicated, but in fact it is done easily.

There are several ways:

  • use of a special program;
  • video launch;
  • Microsoft tools.

Option 1 - download special software to a USB flash drive and run it on a PC. There are a lot of programs, they take up little space, and they are quite easy to use.

Popular utilities include:

These utilities will allow not only to detect a broken pixel, but also to check the matrix for color transitions and contrast. In general, the test is to drive the device to fill with one color. The dead pixel will be highlighted in a different color. Special images with gradation will help you determine if the colors are displayed correctly.

Option 2 - go to youtube and enter the query "matrix test" in the search. The principle is similar, only you do not need to download anything. We just start the video, expand it to full screen, remove all unnecessary elements and carefully look.

Option 3 - in the OS settings there are special items that allow you to customize the desktop. Among other things, you can choose a background here. The verification process boils down to removing all elements from the desktop, the taskbar and sequentially filling it with one color. In other words, this is a variation of the first option, you just have to dig a little in the settings. I do not recommend using this method, because it is the longest. Suitable if there is no Internet and special utilities.

For those who decide to turn to this method, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Personalization - Options.
  • Background - Solid Color - Complementary Color.
  • You need to choose alternately white, gray, black, green, red, blue colors. It is on them that the pixels are noticeable.
  • We return to the Personalization menu and go to the Taskbar.
  • Select "Auto-hide the panel on the desktop". Now she will hide on her own outside the screen. To return it to its place, just move the cursor down.
  • Last point. We click on the table with RMB and go to the "View" item. At the bottom, check "show desktop icons".
  • After completing these steps, nothing will remain on the desktop except the selected color. The action must be repeated for each of the above colors.

It should be understood that the software and methods listed above are a way to find a matrix defect. Repair in this case comes down to replacing the matrix. This is an expensive pleasure and it can be carried out in a service center. I recommend doing a similar test for a new device. This should be done at the store, as if pixels at home or stripes are detected, the monitor will be difficult to change quickly. A quality check will be required, which takes 21 days. It is unpleasant to buy a new monitor and wait 3 weeks for it to be changed.


If the stripes on the screen are faintly visible, and they are more like an incorrect display of colors, then you can try to fix this by adjusting. There are a number of special programs that allow you to achieve the most accurate display of colors.

The appearance of stripes on the screen is not a reason to buy a new monitor, video card or system unit. You can often fix a defect yourself, and I hope this article will help you do that.

If you want to be in the know, I'm in instagram, where I post new articles that appear on the site. Also there is my personal blog.

Thanks for attention! See you again on my blog! Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.


The reason for the appearance on your TV screen or monitor vertical stripes , there may be a malfunction of the matrix itself, failed circuit elements and.
In this article, we will talk about one of these reasons, namely a malfunction matrix loop .

So, if you have a problem like vertical stripes on the screen , first of all, you need to pay attention to the matrix cable. The stripes can be of various widths and colors. Also for failure matrix loop may indicate screen ripples appearing and disappearing, an image fading in and out, screen flickering, or a half-image.

The matrix cable is glued to the panel on one side, and on the T-con board on the other.

The cause of the malfunction may be poor cable contact with the panel or T-con board. To detect such a malfunction, sometimes it is enough just to move the cable while looking at the screen. Sometimes a simple visual inspection through a magnifying glass will help determine this malfunction.
Such a breakdown is eliminated quite simply - you need to take a soldering dryer and solder the cable, but be careful, cables “do not like” high temperatures, so you need to carry out this procedure very carefully.
Similar malfunctions in the device can also be caused by other cables that are not securely fixed in the connectors. If this is found in you, then you are lucky, since you can eliminate the non-contact in the connector simply by installing the cable properly.

Another reason for the failure of the cable is the oxidation of the contacts of the cable, which are soldered to the board. In such a place, the board and the cable become green. If the oxidation is large-scale, it can be very difficult to carry out plume repair at home, and even more so to spend cable replacement . Then it is best to turn to specialists who are equipped with the necessary devices for such work.

There are matrix plumes , with smd components installed on them. And there are times when these components are soldered and fall off. In this case, you need to find out which components were installed and restore their presence on the loop. You can find out according to the scheme or by contacting specialists.
Also, sometimes non-contact can occur in smd components. It is necessary, armed with a magnifying glass, to carefully examine the soldering points of these elements for such non-contacts or poor (cold) soldering and eliminate these defects.
Carrying out on my own matrix cable repair you have to be very careful, patient and careful. If you do not have experience in such matters, it is better to contact specialized workshops, since any careless movement on your part can lead to the replacement of the matrix itself, and this is comparable to buying a new TV or monitor.
Well, in general, that's all!
If you have anything to add or ask, welcome to the comments!
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I also recommend visiting my youtube channel ,which contains videos with examples of repairing various equipment!

Phones are a very common problem. The main trouble is that such a malfunction can appear at any time: on the day of purchase or after several years of use.

However, despite the frequent appearance of the problem, there are device owners who do not know how to solve it.

What does the defect look like?

The main thing to remember is that the display does not lose performance after a malfunction is detected. But this is not a reason to leave the device in such a state, because only its owner suffers from the incorrect functioning of the smartphone. If stripes appear on the phone screen, the image quality drops, so reading and watching movies will have to be excluded (few people like to "break their eyes"). That is, the presence of such a device will no longer make sense.

The defect manifests itself as a distortion of the content on the display. It ripples and goes in stripes (horizontal or vertical) of different colors: from black to iridescent tints.


In this section, you can indirectly find out the cause of the breakdown, but it will be rather inaccurate. However, it's worth a try.

  • For example, colored and white stripes on the phone screen are often a sign of mechanical damage to any component of the display or a loose fit of the cable into the groove.
  • Black lines signal the need to replace this part of the smartphone.
  • Colored ripples indicate a problem with the controller.

However, without opening the case, such "diagnoses" do not have confirmation, so either your own hands or service centers can help here.

How does the defect appear?

This section is also important, because it will make it clear to which part of the device (hardware or software) the malfunction belongs. It's pretty simple here:

  • If the stripes on the phone screen appear only when you launch a specific application or make any changes to the settings and files of the device, then the problem is the failure of the operating system.
  • When the lines go across the display after mechanical interference, damage, or when touching the touchscreen, we can safely talk about problems in the hardware itself.

After determining the type of malfunction, you should proceed to methods for solving it.

Stripe on the phone screen: what to do?

If the problem is caused by mechanical damage, then there are two ways: take the gadget to a service center or disassemble it yourself. In the latter case, you should look for a master class in video format, which will show you how to open the case and get to the display. Next, you will need to carefully examine this part of the gadget to understand the extent of damage.

If the problem is only in the loose entry of the cable into the groove, then it is enough just to fix it, and the stripes on the phone screen will disappear. But in the case when it or the controller (microcircuit) is damaged, there is nothing left but a complete replacement of components.

In the event of a software failure, the situation is usually corrected by a hard reset (a reset, during which all personal data is deleted, it is recommended to save important files before execution) or by cleaning smartphones from viruses. Although the first method is more reliable, since many OS protection programs do not see the pest.

Flashing the device also helps, but this item is best done only by people with experience, otherwise the gadget will turn into a "brick" with a wave of the hand. Although this is also an option, then display malfunctions will be the least of all, but you should not experiment.


Phones arise in a number of situations, since a modern gadget is a very fragile thing. Among the common reasons, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • strong pressure on the display;
  • hit or fall from a great height;
  • moisture ingress (provokes corrosion of microcircuits);
  • viruses that have leaked into the system with unverified applications;
  • manufacturing defects;
  • controller failure;
  • rupture or loose entry of the loop;
  • overheating during charging;
  • system failure;
  • unsuccessful flashing or installing an update.

And this is not all the possible factors leading to a breakdown. If the smartphone is assembled from low-quality parts, then just shake it hard - and voila! Something inside let go. Therefore, there are dozens of nuances, it is impossible to predict all of them.

Precautionary measures

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, you need to follow the basic rules for using equipment. Smartphones must not be dropped, wet, charged with an unsuitable adapter, disassembled unnecessarily. Do not give them as a toy to small children, and do not install applications from suspicious sources. An even better solution would be to install an ad-blocking program, then the phone will definitely not be affected.

And of course, it is worth buying high-quality equipment. Otherwise, it is pointless even to be surprised at the next breakdown, because the owner does not expect such a "miracle" to happen.

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