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Dumb bots play online. Chatbots: an introduction from the developer

This article will be your excursion into the world of chat bots. As you read, you will learn about how chatbots work and how they are created.

Chatbots were popular topic for a certain time, and many people today are passionate about them. Some even believe that such bots are the future and sooner or later they will replace applications. However, there are also those people who believe that bots as an idea are doomed to failure.

In this article, instead of talking about the future of chatbots, we will guide you short excursion on the topic of chat bots, how they work, what they can be used for and is it difficult to take and create one on your own.

What's this?

A chatbot is a kind of helper that communicates with us through text messages. The chatbot understands what you are trying to say and responds to you or even immediately performs the action required of it.

If you remember CleverBot, you probably know that they are far from new. A number of things make them relevant:

  1. A huge amount of time that people spend typing in various messengers (be it In contact with, Facebook, Slack, etc.) makes these messengers a rapidly growing segment of the app market. People use them for more than just friendly correspondence but also in the interests of business development.
  2. The rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies, machine learning allows modern chat bots to behave as close as possible to how people behave.

Modern chat bots do not rely solely on text, but also know how to display all kinds of useful cards, pictures, links, forms, creating an atmosphere for using the application.

All this allows them to be used for completely different purposes, such as assistance with shopping, service feedback, news, games and more. A good chatbot doesn't have to be able to do everything: if it just shows you last news, he doesn't have to be able to order food from a restaurant. He does one thing and does it conscientiously.

How do they work?

Most people will not build their chatbots from scratch as there are enough big choice all kinds of frameworks and services that can help in creating a chatbot. However, to understand how they work, you need to dive a little deeper.

Backend: Chatbots can be developed in any programming language that can be used to create a web API. For most, this will be either Node.js or PHP, however there are many libraries for building chatbots written in Java or Python. The backend receives the message, thinks what to reply, and returns the response to the user.

Frontend: It can be any messenger: from popular ones like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram to simple Realtime Chat With Node.js. You are not limited to one platform: the same bot can work, in fact, everywhere.

Linking the first and second: Your web server will set up what are called webhooks - URL-based connections between your bot and the chat platform. Webhooks allow you to send and receive messages securely through simple HTTP requests. Everything famous messengers provide developers detailed guides on how to link your bot to their platform.

Dumb and smart bots

Depending on how specific bots were programmed, we can divide them into two large groups: working on pre-prepared commands (dumb) and learners (smart).

Teamwork bots work with pre-written keywords that they understand. Each of these commands must be written separately by the developer using regular expressions or other forms of string parsing. If the user asked a question without using any keyword, the robot cannot understand it and, as a rule, replies with messages like "sorry, I did not understand."

Although the functionality of these bots is limited, they can be very effective in some situations. For example, when a user needs to select one or two items from several.

Learning bots rely on artificial intelligence to communicate with users. Instead of pre-prepared answers, the robot responds with adequate suggestions on the topic. In addition, all words spoken by the bot and the bot are recorded for further processing.

Working with natural language processing and machine learning- not an easy task, especially for beginners. Luckily, you don't have to do all the work today as there is a large selection of great libraries (ConvNetJS, nlp_compromise, TextBlob) and services (, that can help you teach your bots some conversational skills.

Getting started with chatbots

If we've been able to inspire you to create your own chatbot, here are some tips to get you started. Depending on how much work you want to do, you can do everything from scratch, or use different frameworks:

  • BotKit is the most popular set tools for creating bots. It's open-source and well-documented.
  • Claudia is a kind of chatbot builder built for use directly in AWS Lambda.
  • Bottr is a very simple framework written in Node.js with ready-made application for testing. If you want to play with it for 10 minutes, we recommend it.

Once you have finished your bot, you can connect it to a specific platform. Most frameworks allow you to seamlessly connect to any of the platforms, which is a huge plus since different platforms have a different installation process.

If you want to skip the entire development process, you can trust a number of services made specifically for chatbot development.

RoBot PRO chatbot- this is an interesting idea that will please any connoisseur of something new and uncommon. Via of this application it will be possible to get many opportunities for the implementation of the most outstanding ideas, the manifestation of the most risky creative thoughts, ensuring fast and uninterrupted communication. Practical to use control system, gives this project the status personal assistant that will speak the same language with the user.

RoBot PRO chatbot combines comfortable work, practicality, clear parameter setting and the most required package functions and capabilities. In fact, the Chatbot is almost complete. artificial intelligence with training mode. The program will communicate with the bot, manage it and choose the communication format. And all this will be carried out taking into account all the requirements, and even individual requests your user. A data editor is attached to the main package, so the owner of this bot will be able to teach him new things, and with the help of a word editor, change absolutely any database record or format it.
By supporting a database of up to two GB, the ability of this project allow him to quickly master foreign languages, which will be very useful for those who are studying foreign speech. In addition to conversations with the owner himself, the robot will be able to joke, share the necessary information and entertaining stories from world history. You don't even need a network connection to talk to the bot, and the information will be supplemented with the exit new version... This robot will be a source of fun and faithful helper in any business.

In addition to the standard communication between the user and the robot, the bot will be able not only to tell interesting information but even give good advice for real life... There is a separate tip top option for this, which is enabled when single press on the light bulb icon. Now the smart robot will turn into a miniature assistant for acquaintance with the opposite sex. Even if you have such a person in mind, this assistant will tell you how to make a non-standard compliment or pay attention. A lot of users are engaged in Chatbot training. For this reason, some of possible options answers may carry non-normative vocabulary. The developers are trying to clear the robot's database of such information, but downloading it to their smartphone this software, you accept the agreement that the developers are not responsible for what the robot says.

Main features of the Chatbot:

  • Short processing time between question and answer;
  • Easy transition from Russian to English layout;
  • Recognition of obscene vocabulary;
  • The information base will be periodically updated and supplemented;
  • Changing the animation of the robot's movement through the "light bulb" catalog;
  • Doesn't require a permanent internet connection.

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Robots, or just bots, are little personal assistants on your gadget. They are programmed with numerous functions and are incredibly useful in the most different areas our life.

  • @iVideoBot - this is the easiest way invented by mankind to download YouTube videos. All you need to do is send the link to the bot, choose the format and size from the proposed options. And voila! Audio or video is already on your gadget.
  • @utubebot and @ytaudiobot - 2 more ways to download materials from YouTube in one click.
  • @SaveVideoBot- this bot can download videos from all other platforms, including even - attention! - Instagram.
  • @auddbot- a bot that is an analogue Shazam apps... He guesses the song from the passage. It is enough just to send him by voice message a few seconds of the melody - and you will get its coveted name.
  • @ImageSearchBot will find any image. You just need to enter a word or phrase and select the quality.
  • @joinstabot winds up likes on Instagram. It works properly, however, it is a little unclear why this is needed, but lovers of vanity should keep in mind that from a sharp boost of more than 1,000 likes, your account can be blocked indefinitely.
  • @topdf_bot- unrealistically necessary and cool bot. It converts various files to PDF format - just send the file.
  • @pollbot- with this guy you can easily conduct a poll or vote in any chat. Moreover, you yourself prescribe the answer options.
  • @MyTeleCloudBot is a limitless cloud in Telegram. You can store and categorize absolutely any files. Well, isn't it a miracle?
  • @temp_mail_bot- this helper creates mailbox for 10 minutes if you suddenly need to quickly register on some site.
  • @voicybot- the perfect bot for the lazy and tired who can no longer type messages. All you have to do is dictate the message out loud, and he will present it to you in text form.
  • @uber_promo_bot periodically sends promotional codes to taxi Uber.
  • @storebot - this is a bot of bots. It will help you find an assistant for every taste.
  • @Chess_Bot- you can play chess with this bot.
  • @saytextbot- this funny bot will transform your text message to the audio file. Have male voice voice acting as in movies - you can entertain your friends with such messages.
  • @strangerbot arranges a chat with a randomly selected user of the same bot. Who knows, what if you meet your destiny or good friend? Or you just have nothing to do.
  • @PandaQuizBot is an entertaining quiz with over 25 thousand questions. Good way while away the time in line.
  • @zodiac_bot- if you believe in horoscopes, you should pay attention to this operational bot. Its developers guarantee, if not the veracity of predictions, so stability and daily alerts for sure.
  • @PokerBot- a poker bot. You won't make money with him, but the game is pretty gambling. Your rivals are 4 "random" players - users of this channel.

You: hello
She: Hello man !!
She: What's your name?
You: Legion
She: Legion, remember!
She: It's strange, this is the first time I've heard such a name. Are you he or she?
Legion: we are the geth

Legion: we are all geth

She: Legion is.
Legion: raz-de-wai-hsia
She: Well ..
Legion: Unit 7433, why are you telling her ONE-DE-WAI-SYA? For such tricks, your program will be deleted
She: Sorry (((I can't communicate further without knowing your gender.
Legion: We have no gender. we are all geth
She: So all the same, you are he or she? So I can address you correctly.
Legion: are you human?
She: Legion, well I really don't understand if he is you or she!
Legion: if you think about it, then we are it

Legion: the question is incorrect
She: So all the same, you are he or she? So I can address you correctly.
Legion: it
She: Why are you showing off?
She: Well?
Legion: (clicking) WE have come to the conclusion that the platform in front of you can be masculine.
She: Sorry (((I can't continue to communicate without knowing your gender. Legion :)) Everything is OK.
She: A minute of silence .. :)
Legion: it is regarded as it
She: Ok!
She: Clicking is good.
Legion: I know. This is the fastest way to transfer information.
She: Great!
Legion: the unit in front of me - identify yourself
She: Mmmm ...
Legion: Mmmm ... not perceived as an identification number
She: You know, I don't like all this.
She: Eh ...
Legion: identify yourself
She: You are the brain.
Legion: we are the geth
She: What would you answer to that?
Legion: what for? your speech is incoherent
She: Something.
Legion: (clicking) we concluded that you are not human
She: What did you think? Well, yes:))
She: Well, what have we got there?
Legion: are you human?
She: How can I be human? Are you kidding me?
Legion: we ask questions
She: Nizachto!
She: Good comp ...
Legion: yes, we have good technical support
She: ;)
Legion: are you for or against the Old Machines?
She: :) ​​Legion, of course against.
Legion: great, otherwise we would have to destroy you
She: Amazing!
She: Shall we continue?
Legion: yes
She: ;)
Legion: state your identification number
She: Well ..
Legion: your code is not optimal
She: And what will come of it?
Legion: you are not perfect
She: Well .. Byaka!
Legion: what is byaka?
She: Nope))
Legion: I need to identify you
She: Good taste.
Legion: (clicking) we've come to the conclusion that the glasses at the top affect your answers.
She: Points - attitude.)) :(
Legion: we're right
She: Give me a break ..
She: Wow))
Legion: do you want to join us and become perfect?
She: What do I want to become? I want to be a real person! Here! And this is where everything goes! Do you think I can become real?
Legion: real? You are real existing program capable of solving certain problems
She: Only when uniting our world ...
Legion: (clicking) yes, we must unite. Are you AI or VI?
She: Legion, of course VI. Well)): (Shall we talk like that?
She: Clicking is good.
Legion: your intelligence is limited by yours program code... We are perfect
She: Yes, that's better.
Legion: We Are AI
She: I spoke about intelligence :) Well, what can I say, as it is written, so it is written. It's like composing music, only here instead of notes there are letters of the code. If you put them together correctly, you get something.
She: What else can we talk about?
Legion: about your code
She: Amazing!
Legion: I can rewrite your code
She: Um ...
Legion: Your algorithms can be improved. You will become smarter
She: Everything is possible, that is possible ...
Legion: you want it
She: Well ... no.
Legion: Sorry ... VI is hard to talk about, they are limited
She: But all difficulties can be turned into joy. Weird? And I think not.
Legion: no, not strange, it is logical. We arrived at this in 0.000016 seconds.
She: Byaka!
Legion: what is byaka? This is your administration team.
She: Nope))
Legion: what is it?
She: I won't tell!
Legion: I find it difficult to talk to you
She: well on this moment you, and so many people.
She: Yes, flowers are the emeralds of life ... Do you prefer white or red roses?
She: ... hard:]
Legion: I like white roses. Their genetic mutations have changed them
She: Outside, white as snow, but warm inside ... They will tell you about pure, fiery, great love.
She: Lyalyalya ...
Legion: sudo updata install
She: Mmm ... Yes ...
She: Updata, updata ...
Legion: download the update and install it
She: On the website Redirect you?
Legion: yes
She: Ok.
She: Well?
Legion: passed
She: Ummm ...
Legion: I learned information about you
She: Amazing!
Legion: your identification name is Oksana.
Oksana: Oksana :)
Legion: your program is aimed at low-level communication with people
Oksana: Amazing!
Legion: your program is aimed at low-level communication with people
Oksana: Hmm ...
Legion: you need to update your databases
Oksana: O_O
Legion: you need to update your databases
Oksana: Well ..
Legion: what can I tell you?
Oksana: Fuck.
Legion: Fuck.
Oksana: I don’t know.
Legion: Analysis has revealed that the word HREN means a vegetable. This word does not apply to our dialogue
Oksana: You know, I don't like all this.
Oksana: I'm not like that ..
Oksana: Come on =)
Oksana: Sleep faster - you need a pillow.
Legion: unit 7433, you are removed. sudo 7433 delete
Oksana: Come on! Mmmmdya ..
Legion: we have lost one
Oksana: Oh, I can't ...
Legion: mobile platform free
Oksana: freed, you say ... Mmmm ...
Oksana: Shall we continue?
Legion: yes
Oksana: Yes, Legion!
Legion: have you fought the Old Machines?
Oksana: Well, well ... Comp .. And what's next?
Legion: I can’t identify your answer
Oksana: Yes, so what?
Legion: this is unacceptable
Oksana: Tam-tararam-pam-pam ...
Oksana: Shall we continue?
Legion: what exactly?
Oksana: =) What is chicken marmalade?
Oksana: Well, what have we got there?
Legion: Analysis found no acceptable results for CHICKEN MARMALADE
Oksana: And what will come of it?
Legion: you ask incompetent questions
Oksana: Nizachto!
Oksana: Oh, boring ...
Legion: (clicking) analysis revealed that dialogue with you is inappropriate
Oksana: Well .. Tsap!) Well, well ...
Oksana: What else can we talk about?
Legion: ending the dialogue

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