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  • Ts ad what the quality. What is the best video and movie quality? What video formats are there? Description of video formats and properties of various translations

Ts ad what the quality. What is the best video and movie quality? What video formats are there? Description of video formats and properties of various translations

Needless to say, in the vastness of our country there are not so many people who prefer to buy films. It’s not even that they’re all so eager to break copyright laws. It's just that the vast majority of users have such incomes that they have nothing to do but use illegal copies.

It's just that when a new film appears on the network, the releases contain a bunch of information, most of which the average user will never understand on their own. Take TS quality for example. This phrase is constantly found in the releases of new paintings, but what does this "Chinese letter" mean?

In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The fact is that under this definition films that are filmed in a cinema with a camera are distributed. But do not rush to be indignant! These are far from the awful crafts that we all remember from pirated DVDs: intermittent with noise, dark, completely unsuitable for viewing. The fact is that TS quality is obtained when a video camera is placed in an empty cinema hall to record what is happening on the screen.

Since in this case a tripod is used, the image sometimes comes out quite high quality. However, the quality of the product obtained at the output is also facilitated by the fact that in most cases the sound is recorded from the sound output of professional equipment.

Of course, the quality of a full-fledged DVD (not to mention more advanced formats) is far from here, however, you can already watch a movie. True, the TS quality will most likely not allow you to enjoy fast and dynamic scenes, because in most cases the image will still be somewhat blurry.

It should be remembered that negligent users often pass off their shots in a crowded cinema as TS (which do not even reach the normal CAM). In general, films of this quality are quite rare, since to shoot them you need to be (at least) an employee of the cinema, and even have unlimited access to the premises. Most often, "TS quality" on the distribution means only that the person who made the banal "screen" just worked a little with various filters, after which the "masterpiece" began to look a little better.

In addition, even in the case of a normal vehicle, one can often observe a poor-quality and blurry picture. This happens when the operator is in a hurry and, for reasons of conspiracy, does not properly set up the technique. As a result, the footage is not much better than the copy taken in a hurry by the average cinema goer.

So, should you use the TS format for home movie viewing? If you are a man of rare impatience, then you should. If quality is more important to you, then it is better to go to the cinema or wait for better quality rips. Moreover, in modern conditions discs with legal copies of films appear quickly. Just as quickly they make "casts", which can be found on the net the very next day after the premiere.

In short, if you have a luxurious plasma display at home, then TS quality is not for you. Better wait for better quality copies!

CamRip (CAM): Lowest quality. The film is recorded by a camera from a cinema screen. Some films show the heads of other moviegoers, etc. The sound quality is different, interference such as audience laughter is possible.
Telesync (TS): Recorded by a professional (digital) camera mounted on a tripod in an empty theater from the screen. The video quality is much better than with a simple cam. Sound is recorded directly from the projector or other separate output, such as the headphone jack in the seat (like on an airplane). This way, the sound is very good and without interference. Usually the sound is in stereo.
Screener (SCR) or VHS-Screener (VHSScr): Second place for quality. For this, a professional press videotape is used. The picture quality is comparable to very good VHS. Sound is great too, usually stereo or Dolby Surround.
DVD screener (DVDSCR): same as Screener, but taken from a promotional DVD.Promotional DVDs are usually released without additional material, subtitles. Sometimes (completely optional) on the dvd screener there are counters, black and white inserts, inscriptions.
DVDRip: This version is made from DVD. The quality is the best of all of the above. Such releases are released after the release in cinemas with the release of DVDs.
TV-Rip, SAT-Rip: rips from a TV channel or satellite channel, respectively. On them you can see the logos of the corresponding TV or satellite channels.
HDTV-Rip: Rip from HDTV broadcasts or 720p / 1080p HDTVRip "a. HDTV is high definition television broadcast over digital communication channels (cable and satellite networks). The worst image quality among other high definition formats, compared to them often has serious problems with color reproduction, there are often significant "artifacts", noise, sometimes there is a channel logo.However, this format still provides better image quality than DVD and, moreover, is currently very widespread abroad and will remain and so in the foreseeable future.
HD-DVD-Rip (HDDVDRip, HDDVD-Rip, HDDVD): Rip from an HD DVD disc (15 GB per layer, frame size 1920x1080, 1280x720) is usually done with a regular rip resolution (sometimes with the original resolution). Quality is often better than DVDRip Refers to HDTV. Due to the fact that the Blu-Ray VS HD DVD formats have actually lost the war, the number of such rips will be insignificant.
It is interesting!
High definition television
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HDTV logo - (Russian name - HDTV) is an abbreviation of the "High-definition television" standard, which translates as "high definition television (HDTV)" or "high definition television".
Broadcasting of films and TV programs in the HDTV standard in the West (USA, Japan, Europe) has been going on for several years, via paid cable and satellite channels. To view such an HD signal, you need: a special HDTV tuner, a plasma or LCD panel with HD resolution, and payment for displaying the signal. In Russia and Ukraine, the HDTV signal will not be shown via cable or satellite until the mid-10s.
In addition, quite recently in the West, the release and sale of discs and players with HDTV films was started, and in two competing and incompatible standards: HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, they are the same in quality, differ only in the capacity of the discs and their principle. work.
What is the difference between HD video and a regular DVD or TV signal? The difference is mainly only in resolution, clarity (the number of lines horizontally and vertically) and in the ratio of the length of the sides of the screen:
conventional CRT TV (any diagonal): 640x480 (maximum, actually even less), ratio 4: 3;
video signal from DVD player: 720x576 (PAL) or 720x480 (NTSC), ratio 5: 4 or 3: 2;
720p HD signal: 1280x720 progressive scan ratio 16: 9;
1080i HD signal: 1920x1080, interlaced (interlaced), 16: 9 ratio;
1080p HD signal: 1920x1080 progressive scan ratio 16: 9.
The higher the resolution of the film, the more detail and spectacle of the events taking place, the more impressive the viewing of such a film. Anyone who has once compared the quality of HDTV films with ordinary DVD films will forever become an adherent of films in the HDTV standard, and become their buyer. In 2005, about 18 million HDTV displays were sold in Europe.
The resolution of a conventional TV is not enough for high-quality display of video from a DVD player, and the HDTV standard is significantly superior to the quality of modern DVD-images, in addition, in conventional CRT TVs there is no HDMI or DVI interface, so it is impossible to transmit a signal with HD resolution to it.
In 2006, home HD players became available (HD-DVD or Blu-ray formats), films on such discs are also available, at a price several times more expensive than DVD (about 1000 rubles ($ 40) in Moscow at the end of 2006). Professional translation of HD films into Russian, official releases and high definition broadcast television has not yet been observed. The generally accepted codec for high definition video (broadcast and recording) is H.264. Also widespread are high-definition films compressed to the size of one or two DVDs (4.5 or 9 Gb) and intended for viewing on a computer. There is no generally accepted codec in this case, the resolution is usually 720p (1280 * 720, progressive scan), audio is AC3 (5.1). This allows for a slightly higher picture quality than DVD, but is not a full HD video.
BDRip: Rip from Blu-ray Disc Image / Copy or Blu-Ray Remux "a. Blu-Ray is a high capacity optical media (up to 50GB) that provides the best HD picture and sound quality for home video today. Accordingly, ripping from Blu-Ray also claims the best picture and sound quality available.
Hidden text
Rip from Blu-ray DVD disc (from 25 GB per layer). Refers to HDTV. Real BDRip
movie quality is much better than DVDRip. The file size is 9.5 GB. Often in the notation
indicate the size of the picture. For example, BDRip.720p BDRip.1080p. Sometimes meet
DVD rips with enlarged picture and incorrect BDRip designation.

The so-called "screen" or "rag". Video and sound are recorded on a camera in the cinema hall. The image can sometimes be shot at an angle to the screen, shake, some films show the heads of other moviegoers, etc. The sound quality is different, interference such as audience laughter is possible. Usually the worst and very first quality that can be found after the official release of a film.
Telesync (TS)
Ideally, it is recorded from the screen with a professional (digital) camera mounted on a tripod in an empty cinema or in an operator's cabin.

The video quality is much better than CAMRip. Sound is recorded directly from the projector or other separate output, such as the chair's headphone jack. Thus, the sound is very good and noise-free, usually in stereo.
Telecine (TC)
The copy is removed from the film using special equipment. The film is recorded from a projector with audio and video outputs. The quality can be different, from good to indistinguishable from DVD, depends on the used equipment, the sound is excellent. Sometimes there are problems with the naturalness of colors ("yellowness" of the picture).
Super Telesync (SuperTS, Super-TS)
The so-called "digitization". This is TS (occasionally TS), driven through a computer - the film is clarified, aligned, extraneous noise in the image and sound are removed, etc. The quality is often not bad, but depends on the creator.
DVD-Rip (DVDRip)
Rip from original DVD, often compressed in MPEG4 to reduce the size of the movie. Mostly there are DVDRip with a volume of 650-700 MB and 1.3-1.5 GB. The quality is very good, although it depends on the skill of the creator (ripper). Sometimes the higher quality versions are referred to as SuperDVD, HQ DVD.
The same as DVDScr, only with video cassettes. Copy from "promotional" VHS (film critic cassette, promotional version or beta). The picture quality is comparable to very good VHS, but the picture is usually "spoiled" by watermarks, warning labels and black and white inserts (color dropouts). Sound is good, usually stereo or Dolby Surround.

Copy from the "promotional" DVD (Critics' version, promotional version or beta) Same principle as Screener, but on DVD. Quality - like DVDRip, but the picture is usually "spoiled" by watermarks, warning labels and black-and-white inserts (missing color).
TV-Rip (TVRip)
SAT-Rip (SATRip)
Pure Digital Television Rip - Rip from pure digital television. The designation indicates that there was no analog-to-digital conversion during encoding. The general designation PDTV-Rip can hide IPTV-RIP, DVB-RIP, SAT-Rip. The source can be a satellite channel, unencrypted terrestrial digital broadcasting DVB-T, sometimes IP-TV and another digital broadcasting channel, which does not use (or successfully bypasses) special methods that prevent direct recording of a digital stream. Most often, the channel logo is present.
DVD5 (DVD-5)
Copy (uncompressed) from the original DVD. Volume - 4-4.5 GB
DVD9 (DVD-9)
Copy (uncompressed) of the original double layer DVD. Volume - 7-9 GB
Rip from an HDTV movie (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720), which is usually done in regular rip resolution (sometimes in original resolution). Quality is often better than DVDRip
Rip from the broadcast over the Internet in excellent quality... The source from which this rip was made was downloaded from iTunes or another paid server for Internet broadcasts. No logos, no pop-up TV trash and end credits.

What is the best movie quality - SATRip, CAMRip, BDRip or HDRip

In general, we can say that this is a new kind of rips, which are not inferior to DVD rips, and are even more likely identical to BDRips.

Rip from Blu-ray DVD disc (from 25 GB per layer). Refers to HDTV. Real BDRip movies have much better quality than DVDRip. The file size is 9.5 GB.

Video quality designation

pinch your nose and speak - dubbed translation, and a polyphonic is a man who speaks in a man's voice, and a woman speaks in a woman's, choose which one is better

the best is dubbing, then the original language is not heard and the voices are synchronous with the movement of the lips, polyphonic voiceover, they simply impose a translation and drown out the original a little, often they will not get into the movement of the lips, and when the nose is clamped, this is a one-voice voiceover

polyphonic - when each character has his own voice. ... Dubbing can be of several types: Each actor is voiced (speaks for him) by another person (nevertheless, several characters can be professionally voiced by one actor-stunt double, sometimes only specialists can recognize this fact); All men are voiced by one man, and women are voiced by the same woman; All actors are voiced by only one person. best polyphrase but there is a subjective look, then all of you listed there is nothing to be different

Well, polyphonic is the film where each character has his own voice, and dubbed is the film in which the original soundtrack is not audible, only Russian translation. As a rule, these two concepts are related.

Dubbed - everyone speaks in his own voice like in a movie theater, polyphonic - like on TV in three voices (man + man + woman) with audible English, amateur - translation with "stuffy nose". I find dubbing the best because it's always nice to hear individual voices.

Duplicated is when you hear Russian translation and, for example, English. And polyphonic is when only Russian is in the flesh to the point that the sound of a flying fly, even in Russian

This is the slang of our masters from counterfeiting.

I mean, how many people voice the translation of the film. In "dubbed" it is just a translator mumbling off-screen, which is sometimes not heard behind the original voices. In "polyphonic" - these are 2 or more hired "actors", as a rule, a man for the entire male party and a woman for all women. There are rarely more than 2 votes for each actor. The original track is not jammed. Therefore, there is no particular difference between them. In normal (licensed) production, any translation is duplicated, but in this case it means not only translation, but also muffling of the original voice track and overlaying the voices of duplicate actors. In addition, it happens, but rarely, the opportunity to purchase a disc with the original soundtrack and subtitles. So, for example, the musical "Chicago" was released (for which I am immensely grateful to the creators). And in the case of a licensed DVD, you have the opportunity to choose between the original (in the language of the film) and the translated audio tracks. So the license definitely rules :))

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What is DVDRip, CAMRip, TS, TC, DVDSrc, etc.

Explanations of abbreviations found in the titles or descriptions of downloaded films.

Film quality:

CAMRip (CAM, " screen", "rag")
Sometimes mistakenly labeled as Screen (SCR). Video and sound are recorded on a camera in the cinema hall. The image can sometimes be shot at an angle to the screen, shake, some films show the heads of other moviegoers, etc. The sound quality is different, interference such as audience laughter is possible. Usually the worst and very first quality that can be found after the official release of a film.

Telesync (TS)
Ideally, it is recorded from the screen with a professional (digital) camera mounted on a tripod in an empty cinema or in an operator's cabin. The video quality is much better than CAMRip. Sound is recorded directly from the projector or other separate output, such as the chair's headphone jack. Thus, the sound is very good and noise-free, usually in stereo. A lot of TS are actually CAMRip, which got the name confused.

Telecine (TC, " roll")
The copy is taken from the film using special equipment (film-scanner) or recorded from a special projector with outputs for audio and video. The quality depends on the equipment used - from good to indistinguishable from DVD, the sound is excellent. Sometimes there are problems with the naturalness of colors ("yellowness" of the picture).

Super Telesync (SuperTS, Super-TS, " digitization")
This is TS (occasionally TS), driven through a computer - the film is clarified, aligned, extraneous noise in the image and sound are removed, etc. The quality is often not bad, but depends on the creator.

DVD-Rip (DVDRip)
Rip from original DVD, often compressed in MPEG4 to reduce the size of the movie. Mostly there are DVDRip with a volume of 650-700 MB and 1.3-1.5 GB. The quality is very good, although it depends on the skill of the creator ("ripper"). Sometimes the better quality versions are denoted as SuperDVD, HQ DVD.

DVD-Screener (DVDScr, DVDScreener) (SCR)
Copy from the "promotional" DVD (film critic disc, promotional version or beta).

Quality - like DVDRip, but the picture is usually "spoiled" by watermarks, warning labels and black and white inserts ("color fading").

The same as DVDScr, only with video cassettes. Copy from "promotional" VHS (film critic cassette, promotional version or beta). The picture quality is comparable to very good VHS, but the picture is usually "spoiled" by watermarks, warning labels and black and white inserts ("color fading"). Sound is good, usually stereo or Dolby Surround.

TV-Rip (TVRip)
The material was recorded from a television signal, usually cable (but also from a simple antenna). Almost all TV series are initially distributed in this or SATRip format. The quality depends on the hardware, software and skill of the ripper.

Pure Digital Television Rip - Rip from pure digital television. The designation indicates that there was no analog-to-digital conversion during encoding. The general designation PDTV-Rip can hide SAT-Rip, DVB-RIP, IPTV-RIP... The source can be a satellite channel (DVB-S), unencrypted terrestrial digital broadcasting DVB-T, sometimes IP-TV and another digital broadcasting channel, which does not use (or successfully bypasses) special methods that prevent direct recording of a digital stream. Most often, the channel logo is present.

SAT-Rip (SATRip)
Similar to TVRip. The material was recorded from satellite video (usually digital MPEG2 video). The quality depends on the provider, channel and rip quality. Usually this Rip is only slightly inferior to DVDRip (although there are exceptions). Most often, the channel logo is present.

DVB-Rip (DVBRip, DVB-T Rip)
Similar to SATRip. The material was recorded by terrestrial digital television broadcasting (usually digital MPEG2 video, occasionally MPEG4). The quality depends on the provider, channel and rip quality. Usually this Rip is only slightly inferior to DVDRip (although there are exceptions). Most often, the channel logo is present.

What is WEBDL, CAMRip, SATRip?

Similar to SATRip. The material was recorded from digital IP-television (usually digital MPEG2 or MPEG4 video). Usually this Rip is only slightly inferior to DVDRip. Most often, the channel logo is present. Appeared relatively recently.

DVD5 (DVD-5)
Copy (compressed) from the original DVD. Volume - 4-4.5 GB

DVD9 (DVD-9)
Copy (compressed) from the original double layer DVD. Volume - 7-9 GB

Rip from an HDTV movie (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720), which is often done with a regular (non-HDTV) rip (sometimes original resolution). The quality is often better than DVDRip. Under the general name HDTV-Rip, there are rips with BD-Rip, HDDVD-Rip, digital satellite and cable operators broadcasting in HDTV. The description often contains designations 720p, 1080p, 1080i, 1280p(see below.)

BD-Rip (BDRip, BRRip, BR-Rip)
Rip from Blu-ray DVD disc (from 25 GB per layer). Refers to HDTV. Real BDRip movies have much better quality than DVDRip. The file size is 9.5 GB. Often, the size of the picture is also indicated in the designation. For example, BDRip.720pBDRip.1080p... Sometimes there are rips from DVD with enlarged picture and incorrect BDRip designation.

Rip from HD DVD disc (from 15 GB per layer). Refers to HDTV. Due to the fact that HD-DVD will actually lose in the Blu-Ray VS HD-DVD war, the number of such rips will be insignificant.

Laserdisc-RIP (LDRip)
Similar to DVDRip. This version is made from Laserdisc. It is quite rare, mostly old films.

VHS-Rip (VHSRip)
The source of the material is VHS cassette, usually of fairly average quality.

Other abbreviations:

Workprint (WP)
This is the so-called "Beta" version of the film. Especially interesting for film lovers. Usually it comes out in VCD format much earlier before it starts showing in cinemas around the world. Due to the fact that this is a preliminary version of the film, the quality of the material can be excellent or very low. Some scenes, computer special effects may often be missing. However, there may also be scenes in the Workprint that will be cut out in the final version. You can find out such versions by the timer at the top or bottom of the screen (it is needed for the subsequent editing of the final version).

720p, 1080p, 1080i, 1280p etc. - designations are found in HDTV-films and rips.
Digital - the vertical resolution of the picture with an aspect ratio of 16: 9. For example - 720p - 1280 × 720
i (interlaced scan) - interlaced scan, the image is formed from two half frames (as in conventional television). This reduces the flow (and hence the file size), but in motion you can see the so-called. "Comb effect" on the border of flowers. Frequency 50 or 60 half frames per second
p (progressive scan) - progressive scan, the frame is transmitted and formed as a whole, while the picture in motion is not distorted. The disadvantage of progressive is that the stream is doubled compared to interlaced. The consequence is a larger file size or a lower frame rate.

Fullscreen (FS)
release in full screen mode, video resolution 3: 4. Often, Fullscreen is made from the Widescreen version using the Pan and Scan (PS) method, cropping part of the frame on the sides.

Widescreen (WS)
widescreen video, typically 16: 9. When viewed on a normal 3: 4 screen, there will be black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.

Second release of the same film by another release group (usually stolen from the first)

Director's Cut (DC)
Director's Cut is a special edition of a film that presents the film from the director's point of view, and is not edited according to the requirements of customers, distributors, studio, film critics, etc.

Removed the original sound from the movie. For example, they took a track from a Russian cinema and put it on an American release.

Same as Dubbed, only in this case the sound was taken from the "chair" or "projector" (Line).

Same as Widescreen (WS)

The film was shown in a limited number of cinemas. Usually no more than 250-500.

Same as Dubbed, except that the sound was recorded with a microphone in the theater.

Pan and Scan (PS)
A method to convert widescreen (WS) video to fullscreen (FS). This cuts off part of the frame to the right and left.

Re-release of the film (sometimes by another group) due to the poor quality of the previous one.

Release converted to a different format or re-encoded

New rip of the movie

Special Edition (SE)
Special version of the film. A striking example is the restored version of Star Wars with the addition of computer graphics, animation, and 3D models to the material of the 70s.

Straight To Video (STV)
The film was immediately released on DVD / cassette bypassing cinemas. Quality - respectively DVDrip or VHSrip.

Film with subtitles

Small logos of a TV channel or a release.

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First, let's discuss the original quality of the movie, depending on the source.

CamRip (CAM): Lowest quality. The film is recorded by a camera from a cinema screen. Some films show the heads of other moviegoers, etc. The sound quality is different, interference such as audience laughter is possible.

Telesync (TS): Recorded by a professional (digital) camera mounted on a tripod in an empty theater from the screen. The video quality is much better than with a simple cam. Sound is recorded directly from the projector or other separate output, such as the headphone jack in the seat (like on an airplane). This way, the sound is very good and without interference. Usually the sound is in stereo.

Screener (SCR): Second place for quality. For this, a professional press videotape is used. The picture quality is comparable to very good VHS. Sound is great too, usually stereo or Dolby Surround.

Dvd screener (DVDSCR): Same as Screener, but taken from the promotional DVD. Promotional DVDs are usually released without additional materials, subtitles. Sometimes (completely optional) on the dvd screener there are counters, black and white inserts, inscriptions.

VHS-Rip: A rip made from a VHS cassette. Differs in oversaturation of colors (typical for VHS). In addition, there are horizontal stripes and jitter in the film - defects in jammed film or loss of tracking. Along the edges there are characteristic VHS noises - white specks and stripes.

Workprint (WP): A special treat for movie lovers. This is the so-called "Beta" version of the film. Usually comes out in VCD format and much earlier before the start of showing in cinemas around the world. This is a preview of the film. Because of this, everything can be expected. From super quality to complete sludge. Some scenes are often missing. However, it may be such that there are all the scenes, and then they will be cut out ... You can find out such versions by the timer at the top or bottom of the screen - it is needed for subsequent editing.

Telecine (TC): These versions are very rare. But the quality is very good. The source is a projector with audio and video outputs. The film is recorded directly from the projector. The video and sound quality is excellent.

DVDRip and LDRip: This version is made from DVD or Laserdisc. The quality is the best of all of the above. Such releases are released after the release in cinemas with the release of DVD.

TV-Rip, SAT-Rip: rips from a TV channel or satellite channel, respectively.

On them you can see the logos of the corresponding TV or satellite channels.

HDTV-Rip: - rip from HDTV broadcast (cable HDTV-channel or other HDTV-source). HDTV stands for High Definition TeleVision (high definition television), and its main distinguishing feature is its extremely high resolution: 1280 * 720 (720p standard) or 1920 * 1080 (1080i standard). Sometimes the resolution is a few pixels lower - the ripper * cropped * the edge of the frame. Typically, these rips are 1 or even 2 DVDs in size.

BDRip: - rip made from BluRay Disc also comes in 1280 * 720 (720p standard) or 1920 * 1080 (1080i standard), but can also be regular (DVD) size. It all depends on the "weight" of the file. These media produce the best quality rips of all with high resolution.

HDDVDRip: -Rip made from HDDVD (High Definition DVD) also comes in 1280 * 720 (720p standard) or 1920 * 1080 (1080i standard), but can also be regular (DVD) size. It all depends on the "weight" of the file. HDDVDRip is slightly worse than BDRip (quite a bit)

STV: Straight To Video means that the film was never released in theaters, but was immediately released on video (DVD)

Dubbed: The original sound was removed (For example, they took a track from a Russian cinema and put it on an American release)

Line.Dubbed: Same as Dubbed, except in this case the sound was taken from the "chair" or "projector" (Line).

Mic.Dubbed: Same as Dubbed, only the sound was recorded with a microphone in the theater.

What is BDRip

other abbreviations:

LETTERBOX = another term for Widescreen

LIMITED = film shown in less than 500 cinemas

DC = "Director" s Cut "

SE = "Special Edition"

FS = Fullscreen release

PROPER = Another version of the release, with the fixes of the previous one. For CAMRip and TS-Release filmed after the first best camera and has noticeably better video and sound quality (not to be confused with SUPER!)

SUPER = Release driven through filters (lightening, enhancing contrast and color)

RECODE = release converted to a different format or re-encoded

DUPE = second release of the same film by another release group (usually stolen from the first)

RERIP = new rip of the movie

Subbed = movie with credits

WATERMARKED = Small TV channel or release logos.

INTERNAL = unofficial release. For some reason, the group that released such a release does not want the "scene" rules to apply to it.

Explanation of abbreviations indicating the quality of the video copy.

CAMRip (CAM): the so-called "screen". Video and sound are recorded on a camera right in the cinema hall. The picture may shake, be shot at an angle to the screen, in some cases you may see the heads or silhouettes of other moviegoers, etc. Sound quality varies, and there may be noise interference (eg, laughing and moviegoers' voices). As a rule, CAMRip is the poorest quality rip. Usually films in this quality appear shortly after their official release. Also, CAMRip is sometimes mistakenly labeled Telesync (TS).

Telesync (TS): the material is recorded from the screen by a professional (digital) camera mounted on a tripod in an empty cinema or in an operator's cabin. The video quality is better in this case than in CAMRip. The sound is good, and usually in stereo and without interference, as it is recorded directly from the projector or from another separate output, such as the headphone jack in the chair.

Telecine (TC): the copy is removed from the film using special equipment. The material is recorded directly from the projector with audio and video outputs. The video quality can vary from good to almost indistinguishable from DVD, depending on the equipment used, the sound is good. Sometimes there are problems with the naturalness of colors (excessive "yellowness" of the picture).

Super Telesync (SuperTS, Super-TS): the so-called "digitization". This is a TS-rip processed through a computer - the film is lightened, straightened, extraneous image and sound noises are removed, etc. The quality is usually good, but depends on the person who processes the rip.

VHS-Rip (VHSRip): The source of the material is a VHS tape, usually of average quality.

SCREENER (SCR) or VHS-SCREENER (VHSScr): copy from "promotional" VHS-cassette (for film critics, promotional version or beta). Picture quality is comparable to very good VHS, but footage can be “tainted” by watermarks, warning labels, and black and white inserts (“color fade”). Sound is good, usually stereo or Dolby Surround.

PPVRip - Pay-Per-View videos that were taken in the hotel rooms, the source is the TV in the hotel room, the recording was made on a PVR or DVD recorder. Unlike SCREENER (SCR) or VHS-SCREENER (VHSScr), the video sequence is not “spoiled” by watermarks, warning labels and black and white inserts (“missing color”).

DVD-Screener (DVDScr, SCR): same as VHSScr rip, but from DVD. A copy of the "promotional" DVD (for film critics, promotional or beta). The image quality is DVDRip, but, as in the case of VHSScr-rip, the video sequence can be “spoiled” by watermarks, warning labels and black-and-white inserts (“missing color”).

TV-Rip (TVRip): the material is captured from a television signal, usually cable (but there are also rips from a simple antenna signal). Almost all TV series are initially distributed in this or SATRip format. The quality depends on the hardware, software and the skill of the riper.

SAT-Rip (SATRip): the same as TVRip, but the material is captured from a satellite signal (usually digital MPEG2 video). The quality depends on the provider, the channel and the skill of the rip-off person. Usually, this rip is only slightly inferior in quality to rips from DVD discs.

HDTV-Rip (HDTVRip): rip of the broadcast from an HDTV channel, has a high resolution, but the channel's copyright may be present. The quality depends on the broadcasting channel. Sometimes any High Definition video is mistakenly referred to as HDTV.

PDTVRip: rip from a digital cable TV signal with a resolution lower than that of HDTV. Often, a DVB (Digital Video Broadcasts) compatible TV tuner or a stationary digital video recorder (DVR) is used for ripping. Sometimes these rips are called DVBRip.

VODRip: VODRip, nVODRip, iVODrip - Content recorded and RIP made from material taken from the network (cable, local or global). Literally translated, VOD is Video On Demand. Accordingly, VODRIP is a Video On Demand stored on a computer. The quality depends on the channel from which the video was captured. There may be a channel logo, advertising banners. As a rule, VODRip has a very decent quality. Roughly the same as DVDRip. VODRip is a regular video file in one of the common formats (.mkv, .avi, .mp4).

BDRip: rip from Blu-ray disc (1920x1080, 1280x720), which is usually done in high definition. The quality is always better than DVDRip. As a rule, it is placed in a Matroska container (files with the .mkv extension). Equivalent in quality to HDDVDRip.

HDRip: Rip made with BDRip 720p or BDRip 1080p with reduced resolution (for example, up to 720x400 or 720x304) and placed in a more common avi container. The file size, respectively, is also smaller than the original BDRip 720p or BDRip 1080p. Even after such compression, the quality remains higher than that of DVDRip.

DVD-Rip (DVDRip): rip from original DVD. The video and sound quality is very good, although it depends on the skill of the ripper and is inferior to rips from Blu-ray discs.

LaserDisc-RIP (LDRip): rip from optical media LaserDisc, slightly worse in quality DVDRip.

Workprint (WP): the so-called "beta" version of the film. Especially interesting for movie lovers. Usually comes out in VCD format before showing in cinemas. Since this is a preliminary version of the film, the quality of the material can be either excellent or very low, some scenes may be missing, or there may be scenes cut in the final version, computer special effects. You can find out such versions by the presence of a timer at the top or bottom of the screen.

WEBRip (WEB): means that the rip was received directly from the webcast. Recently, American television networks, in case of not reaching the required ratings with their serials, stop showing them on TV and post the remaining episodes on the Internet using various streaming technologies. Then these series are ripped with the help of diverse stream ripper software and this rip quality is called WebRip. As a rule, initially the bitrate of the series that are laid out on the Internet is quite high, but the quality of each individual WebRip can be very different.

WEB-DL (WEB-DLRip): this is a recording of the broadcast in excellent quality over the Internet. At the moment, most of the source material comes from the paid iTunes Store and YouTube video sharing. Of the obvious advantages: the absence of all kinds of logos, episodically pop-up TV garbage and the presence of the final credits. In general, this is a new kind of rips, not inferior in quality to DVDRips. And perhaps soon WEB-DLRip will become a competitive analogue of BDRip. But, do not forget that 80% of the quality of the material depends on the skill and "straightness of the hands" of the ripper. WEB-DLRip is a rip, usually done with WEB-DL 720p.

Remux: HD DVD or Blu-ray image without transcoding, but with clipped extras, unnecessary audio tracks and subtitles.

Dear readers of the blog, the article “Table - video quality in ascending order” is published as a supplement to, in which, in addition to Torrent TV, the topic of watching torrent movies without downloading was touched upon.

It doesn't matter which way we are going to view torrents with or without downloading, in any case, we are all interested in the quality of the motion picture. It is always pleasant to watch a movie with high-quality images and no less high-quality sound. And for this you need to understand what all sorts of letters mean in the abbreviation telling about the source of the copy of the film.

When we begin to understand all this, we come to the understanding that not everything and is not always available in the version in which we would like.

Below the table is a little more information about the quality of the video, as well as talk about translations. Which voice acting is worse, which is better.

What is the best video quality?

Video formats are sorted in ascending order (by quality). From worst to best. The table is interactive, we hover the cursor over the abbreviation of interest, we read what it means.

From Wikipedia
Ripping (English ripping - tearing off) - extraction of information from the media of audio-video information into a file. Sometimes the term is used for the opposite action, more often called "mastering" (for example, DVD-mastering) or "remastering".

Screen Extremely poor audio and video qualityDuring rental
TeleSync The video quality is poor, the sound depends on the sourceDuring rental
VHSRip Low, mediumOutdated media (VCR)
TVRip The averageAfter showing on TV
Working (intermediate)
The averageBefore the film premiere
PDTV GoodAfter showing on TV
Promo version GoodBefore the premiere of the film, or during the rental
Telecine GoodDuring rental
PPVRip GoodDuring rental
LaserDisc-RIP GoodObsolete media
VideoCD-RIP GoodObsolete media
DVDRip Good
HDTV-Rip GoodAfter showing on the HDTV channel
WEB-DL Good to bestAfter the appearance of a digital copy in online stores
DVD Very goodAfter DVD drive exit or leak
HDDVDRip ExcellentObsolete media
BDRip BestAfter being released to Blu-ray
Remux Best
HD disc, Blu-Ray disc BestAfter exiting to Blu-ray or HD DVD
Digital Cinema Package During rental or after

What else is useful to know about? Although it has absolutely nothing to do with the issue of video quality, I think those who do not know about it yet will find this information useful. Often, the same film has different versions (editions). It is written in the title of the motion picture.

I will list the options as a list:

Theatrical / TC (Theatrical Cut)
- Extended / EC (Extended Cut)
- Special Edition / SE (Special Edition)
- European / CEE (Central Europe Edition)
- Movie not rated MPPA / Unrated
- Director's Cut / DC (Director's Cut)

And now I will dwell on each in more detail.

Theatrical / TC (Theatrical Cut)

Theatrical - a commercial version for cinemas or otherwise for rental. If the title of a picture from a torrent contains Theatrical Cut, be sure everything will be one-to-one, just like at the box office. A significant part of what we watch is "theater-goer".

Extended / EC (Extended Cut)

The extended version has all those moments in the tape that are missing in the theater. In order to lower the age limit, scenes with profanity, erotic shots, scenes of violence, etc., can be cut out in order to lower the age limit for the sake of higher box-office receipts in the theatrical version of the picture.
In the expanded version, everything that was cut out earlier for the sake of the cash register is present.

Special Edition / SE (Special Edition)

SPECIAL EDITION - video restoration, making any improvements in the display of the film reel taken earlier.
As an example, you can type in a search engine - Star Wars 4: A New Hope / Star Wars Special Edition: Episode IV - A New Hope, and see what a special edition of the motion picture which was filmed in 1977 is.

European / CEE (Central Europe Edition)

Central Eastern Europe is a motion picture release for Central and Eastern Europe.

Non-censored and therefore not rated (MPAA) by the Motion Picture Association of America.

MPAA - the American Association of Film Companies, is a non-profit, unites the largest producers, created to defend their business interests. Six of Hollywood's largest studios are members of the MPAA:

Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. (Warner Brothers);
- 20th Century Fox Film Corporation (Twentieth Century Fox Film Association);
- Sony Pictures Entertainment (Sony Pictures Entertainment);
- Universal Studios (also known as Universal Pictures) - the oldest existing Hollywood film studio;
- Paramount Pictures Corporation (Paramount Pictures Corporation);
- The Walt Disney Company

The MPAA has its own film rental ratings system. Copyright protection, lobbying for tougher legislation in this area is the main activity of the association, which is a member of the International Intellectual Property Alliance.

Director's Cut / DC (Director's Cut)

This is a motion picture director's option. It is usually not available on a wide screen, but it is often available commercially. This is a version of the tape (TV series, clip) in which the viewer can see everything without the producer's corrections, through the eyes of the director himself.

Want to take a fresh look at your favorite films? See them in other versions. One of my favorites is Once Upon a Time in America. I watched only the rental version, the other day I'm going to see the Director's Cut (director's cut).

Which video format is better in quality or what is 1080i

On many torrent trackers, in the title of the tape after the name of the source of the copy of the picture, you can see the following - 720p or - 1080i, etc. What is it, what does this mean, and what video resolution options can you find?

Ranging from 240p, 360p, 480p to 1080i. However, there are already higher ones, in the distributions there were also 2160p (4k UHDTV standard). It will take a little time to watch it in 8K UHDTV standard with a resolution of 4320p.
The higher the number, the better the resolution. The number itself indicates the number of horizontal scan lines, that is, the vertical resolution of the display.

The most commonly used resolutions are 720 and 1080, both of which are related to HDTV (high definition television). Permission 1280 × 720 pixels - HD Ready, 1920 × 1080 - Full HD.

Well, now about the letters.
p (progressive scan) - progressive scan when all lines of each frame are displayed sequentially.
I (interlaced scan) - interlaced scan, each frame is divided into two half-frames, composed of lines selected one after another.

It is believed that progressive scan, under equal conditions, gives a more authentic high-quality image.

With the formats and video quality, which is better or which is worse, we have decided, now a little information about the translation of films or voice acting.

What is good voice acting?

The older generation, and not only, knows the best voice acting is Goblin. Yes, there was a time ... video salons ... 🙂

Okay, back to the topic. Bad sound can ruin any good picture. I think a lot of people have had situations where they had to give up watching a movie because of the terrible voice acting.

Let's decipher the most common types and variants of translations.

Offscreen - Overdubs the original track. That is, first we hear the original language, followed by the translation word.

Duplicated - the original track has been deleted, only the translated track works. No unnecessary sounds.

A licensed translation is always duplicated.

Professional- the translation is written in the studio. Accordingly, the sound quality is at a high level.

Amateur - Has a wide range of quality standards from terrible to professional.

Well, that's probably all. And at the end of the article "Table - video quality in ascending order", see - Interview with Quentin Tarantino as Goblin.

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