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Tricolor tv satellites transponders and channels. Tricolor TV frequencies for setting up receiving equipment

Replacement of Tricolor satellites
At the position of 36 degrees, the satellites were replaced, instead of Eutelsat 36A, Eutelsat 36C was put into operation, Tricolor TV now broadcasts from satellites Eutelsat 36B/36C (Express-AMU1).

Tricolor satellite data
Tricolor TV is located and broadcasts channels digital television on the European territory of Russia (since 2005) with artificial satellites Lands, and the territory of the Ural, Siberian and part of the Far Eastern districts (since 2007) is served from a satellite Express-AT1 (56 East).
SATELLITE "EUTELSAT 36B" - 36° E. Broadcasting is carried out in the RANGE "KU". This is a powerful satellite that has 70 transponders, five steerable beams high power. The service life of the satellite is at least 15 years.
24 transponders SATELLITE "EUTELSAT 36B" are used in a fixed beam for direct TV and radio broadcasting on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. For services broadband access up to 27 satellite transponders allocated. The commissioning of the satellite made it possible to triple the existing throughput for Russia, Ukraine and the CIS. In addition, 36B also provides services to customers in Central Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.
SATELLITE "EUTELSAT 36C" - 36° E. Broadcasting is carried out in the RANGE "KU". This is a powerful satellite that has 70 transponders, five high power steerable beams. The service life of the satellite is at least 15 years.

What are the features of receiving signals from satellites EUTELSAT 36C and 36B in Nizhny Novgorod?

N. Novgorod is located on the 44th meridian of east longitude, and these satellites are on the meridian of 36 degrees of east longitude, i.e. the difference is only a few degrees. As is known, the largest angle of elevation at satellite dish will be when it is located on the meridian of the satellite. Thus, the angle of elevation of the plate in Nizhny Novgorod large enough that you can receive a signal over various obstacles, such as houses, trees and other things. At a large angle of elevation, the attenuation satellite signal in the atmosphere is negligible, which makes it possible to steadily receive a signal during precipitation on a small dish.
Accurate satellite parameters Eutelsat 36C and 36B (36 East) in Nizhny Novgorod: azimuth - 189.592 degrees east longitude, elevation - 25.516 degrees.

On which satellite is NTV-Plus located?

NTV Plus is located on the same satellites EUTELSAT 36C and 36B (36 East) as Tricolor. In Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in other cities of the European part of Russia, Tricolor broadcasts from satellites EUTELSAT 36C and 36B (36 East) Frequencies and other channel parameters can be viewed in the Tricolor transponder table.

The largest operator of satellite audio and TV broadcasting in Russian Federation considered Tricolor TV. The operator broadcasts while covering the entire European part of Russia, Siberia and partly the Far East.

The European part of Russia is covered by the Tricolor operator by broadcasting from Eutelsat 36A/36B satellites. Siberia and part of the Far East receive broadcasts from the Bonum 1 satellite. In addition, the beginning of last year was marked by the company reserving 10 transponders on the Express-AT1 satellite device launched in March 2014 by the Russian Federation.

Earlier two satellite transponders, located on the Bonum 1 satellite, and as far as is known, five, placed on the DirecTV-1R satellite device, were used by the largest satellite audio and TV broadcasting platform in Siberia. To date, the Tricolor TV Siberia operator serves more than one million subscribers living in Siberia. The presented volume of reservation of transponders on the Express-AT1 device is explained by the expectations of the company's management to increase the total number of subscribers.

In fact, Siberia is home to 20 million citizens. Thus, the population of the region represents one seventh of the total population of the Russian Federation. It was thanks to the launch of a new satellite device that the company had the opportunity to expand its own HD offer for the Siberian region, which has about two dozen TV channels. Thus, the platform in the Siberian region will be comparable with the operator's platform used for TV broadcasting to the entire European part of Russia. This is the news of the growth of the company's activities.

Latest up-to-date news of Tricolor TV operator

Since the first day of the current 2015, the operator has been trying to abandon free broadcast package "Basic". The news of intentions concerned all subscribers without exception. However, on January 5, the proposed intentions to introduce pay-per-view were somewhat postponed, as reported by latest news. Currently, the subscriber continues to receive the service in free mode, without any failure.

In turn, on January 26 of this year, the company put into circulation new tariff called "Single" with a fixed indicator subscription fee. News has an official status. So given tariff package came to replace the old tariffs, which have ceased their practical existence:

  • "Optimum";
  • "SuperOptimum";
  • "Maximum HD";
  • "Maximum HD Siberia".

Typical changes do not apply to subscribers who receive and pay for the "SuperMaximum HD" tariff, which combines the "Maximum HD" tariff package excluded from service, as well as "Radio package" and "Cinema halls".

By the end of last 2014, Tricolor TV, which had already become a national operator, presented more news - it released a new device for sale. None of the competitors directly on the market has a typical device satellite TV broadcasting. It's about about a branded tablet ("GS700"), available for sale to all consumers, without exception, complete with satellite equipment regarding the "Multiroom" system.

Satellite transponders of the operator Tricolor TV Siberia

Tricolor TV Siberia offers its subscribers living in the regions of the Siberian, Ural and part of the territory of the Far Eastern District, broadcasting, enclosed in the MPEG-4 format. Distinctive feature of this broadcast is reduced to the widest range of free channels included in the package. The list of 52 channels includes a wide variety of broadcasts, including information channels covering the news of the Russian Federation and the whole world, as well as sports, children's, educational and erotic broadcasts. For subscribers, the company offers promotional offers, for example, watching paid channels for a year is completely free from the date of registration of the cooperation agreement.

To set up all the channels of the "people's" operator, it is in manual mode using remote control remote control receiver, select the item "Search for Tricolor TV channels" in the main menu, or do the following list of manipulations:

  • in the open satellite list find Bonum-1 or Most-1;
  • Verify the local oscillator frequency indicator (LNB): the value should be - 10750;
  • Check the list of entered transponders (frequencies):

With the correct settings entered, in the list open channels the following satellite broadcasts of the Tricolor TV operator should appear: First, Infokanal, Russia, Sport, Culture, STS, Bibigon, NTV, TNT, Home, Mother and Child, House of Cinema, Petersburg, Vesti, TV Center, Muz TV, Russian Night, Mnogo TV, Ren TV and others.

Not the entire list of receivers can open satellite broadcast tricolor. To achieve the goal, it is permissible to reflash the tuner for the Tricolor TV operator. It is possible to download the firmware from any site providing typical services, where possible, and find the latest transponder news, updated virtually every day.

For the correct setting of Tricolor TV, you need to know the frequencies of the channel packets (the second name is transponders or repeaters, broadcasting TV channels). Many TV receivers are not factory-set, so for manual input satellite frequencies, you need to know the parameters of the Tricolor transponders.

Modern models of receiving equipment do not have a program editing point. latest generation TVs have a built-in CI (Common Interface) slot, which connects a satellite signal and receives encrypted channels. The presence of the slot is not guaranteed. complete set programs. It is required to verify the volume of transponders entered into the TV. And if necessary, update the data.

Some models of television receivers have a difficult input interface, so users are advised to read the instructions. For example, to enter parameters in some SAMSUNG series, it is required to produce successive actions using the remote control.

In this case, more convenient option is an automatic scanning in full mode. The antenna must be accurately tuned to the satellite. After the search is completed, you will need to edit the channels. You can delete unnecessary ones, and form the rest by topics by sorting.

To manually search for TV channels, you need to know their parameters, since the channels are distributed over different carrier frequencies with their own polarization, symbol rate and error correction code. Each frequency is assigned a group of channels.

Satellite transmitters

Satellite provider Tricolor TV uses two satellites, Eutelsat 36A/36B, which have the same orbit - 36° east longitude. Content is broadcast in two formats - SD and HD.

The transmitted stream is DRE-Crypt 3 or ADEC encoded. After a forced encoding change, in cases of vulnerability, users must update software receiving equipment used.

Channel characteristics by frequency

When broadcasting content, Tricolor TV uses the division of TV programs into streams. There are kits for domestic broadcasting (within the country) and abroad. In addition, internal packages are divided by image quality. Full information on the composition of the packages is contained on the main website of the operator.

Subscribers using new models of Tricolor TV receivers tune channels in automatic mode. If another receiver is installed, you need to go to the menu, then select settings and manual search. After self-selection of frequencies, search.

In 2016, HD packages are broadcast with frequencies:

  • 11766 - includes three channels;
  • 11919 - a block of educational programs;
  • 11958 - information and educational content;
  • 12034 - broadcast of three channels;
  • 12418 - a package of 5 TV channels.

Reception condition on your TV this package is the presence of the latest satellite equipment with Full HD technology support.

The following in the list are 10 frequencies that were divided between the Optium and Super Optium channel sets in 2016:

  • 11727 - a set containing 23 channels of different subjects. To view broadcasts, the subscriber must have a receiver that supports MPEG-4;
  • 11804 - the second part of the "Super-Optimum", which includes 26 diverse channels;
  • 11843 - two channels of the same package. The receiver must support MPEG-4;
  • 11881 - a block that includes 17 entertainment TV channels. Compression of MPEG-2 information, so any receiver is suitable for receiving broadcasts;
  • 12054 - the second group of the Optium package, which includes three channels;
  • 12111 - the third block "Super-Optimum" includes 18 pieces, mostly information and broadcasting. IN Lately the image quality of these channels has improved significantly;
  • 12149 - a multi-themed set of "Super-Optimum", broadcasting 23 channels.

In 2016, the final frequencies were given to the Optium package. The MPEG-2 compression method allows all receiving devices to receive these signals:

  • 12226 - includes 15 TV channels;
  • 12303 - consists of 12 channels.

Foreign content in 2016, intended for Armenia, is broadcast on two frequencies 11109 and 12630.

Tricolor TV is a popular digital television operator. Due to the high quality of the services provided, more and more Russian consumers prefer to contact this particular company. Subscribers can view both free and paid channels on Tricolor TV.

Public Channels

How many channels can you watch without spending money on provider services? The list of free channels "Tricolor TV" in 2017 includes 4 items:

  • Info channel. He will talk about changes in the broadcasting schedule, as well as about current promotions. In addition, it broadcasts entertainment programs.
  • Promo TV. Here you can find out about the packages available for the company's subscribers.
  • "TV-TV". In addition to commercials, educational programs about gardening, films (including children's), as well as youth programs are broadcast on the air.
  • TV Instructor. Created for those who are interested detailed information about the company's offerings. You can also learn how to set up channels, pay for services, or troubleshoot equipment.
  • SHOP24. This teleshop is open 24/7 and offers various groups goods.

Tune free channels You can use the manual search by number. So, the info channel is at number 0, SHOP24 - 6, Teleinstructor - 11, Promo TV - 13, TV-TV - 310.

It is worth noting that the frequency at which free and paid channels are broadcast on Tricolor TV may change over time, so it is recommended to constantly monitor the operator's news and change the settings if necessary.

What kindconditions for obtaining access to these channels? To watch free channels provided by Tricolor TV, you do not need to connect l put on no mustache l Yep, but requires the installation of suitable equipment. When choosing, it is important to take into account many details, such as broadcast frequency, video format, and others. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase the receiver directly from the company.

Free package "Basic"

For Tricolor TV clients, free channels are also available as part of the Basic package. It is available to anyone who has connected any of paid packages. How many TV channels does it include? The list includes 20 positions, among them:

  1. "First". Offers various programs: from detective series to children's programs.
  2. "Russia 1". It also reaches a wide audience and offers a variety of content.
  3. "MATCH!". Here you can watch broadcasts of sports competitions and other programs about sports and an active lifestyle.
  4. "NTV". For those who prefer information programs.
  5. "Russia K". Broadcasts theatrical performances, concerts classical music and other cultural programs.
  6. "Fifth". Aimed at viewers who are interested in politics and social issues.
  7. "Russia 24". Suitable for those who turn on the TV just to watch the news.
  8. "Carousel". Here you can watch cartoons and other programs for children, including the popular program “Good night, kids!”.
  9. "OTR". Broadcasts informational, analytical and educational programs.
  10. TV Center. Illuminates different areas life of the capital.
  11. REN TV. Broadcasts programs designed for a wide audience.
  12. "Saved". TV channel for Orthodox Russians. Talks about important church rules and events, as well as prominent clergymen.
  13. "STS". Dedicated exclusively to entertainment programs.
  14. "Home". Suitable for viewing by the whole family.
  15. "TV-3". For viewers who are interested in mysticism and the supernatural.
  16. "Star". Its broadcast is devoted to materials on military-historical topics.
  17. "PEACE". Broadcast news regularly. The rest of the time is dedicated to movies and TV series.
  18. "TNT". He is popular primarily due to his own series and reality shows.
  19. "MUZ TV". Focused on music lovers: video clips and non-stop music broadcasts.
  20. "Friday!". On the air - only informative and entertaining programs.

As you can see, this provider provides all subscribers with Free access to 4 channels, and those who have connected any of the paid packages - to 24 (including those included in the "Basic" package).

Tricolor TV is one of the most popular satellite television operators, broadcasting both throughout the Russian Federation and beyond. The company's subscribers are offered a wide range of domestic and foreign TV channels designed for audiences of various ages and interests. A huge advantage is the constant replenishment and updating of existing packages with new interesting TV channels. However, it is worth considering that the tricolor TV frequencies, the values ​​​​of which are necessary when setting up the receiver, change periodically, so you need to follow the company's news.

The quality of broadcasting is ensured equally in both urban and countryside, that's why satellite television Tricolor TV is available in every corner of the country. At home, in the country, where there is no way to connect cable or terrestrial TV, you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows, enjoying excellent picture and sound quality.

Basic tariffs and settings

Broadcasting within the European part of the Russian Federation is carried out using Express-AMU1 and Eutelsat 36B satellites, and in the Urals and on Far East- with the help of the Express-AT1 spacecraft.

When setting up the vast majority of Tricolor TV channels, the following parameters are used:

  • flow rate - 27500;
  • FEC - ¾;
  • encoding - DRE-Crypt 3 or ADEC;
  • standard - DVB-S/S2;
  • polarization - left-hand for satellites Eutelsat 36A(B) and "Express-AMU1" and right-hand for "Express-AT1";
  • supported codecs are MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 (since 2016, TV broadcasting has been translated from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4), HD and Ultra HD.

To date, Tricolor TV presents 7 active packages:

  • "Single";
  • "Children's";
  • "Night";
  • "Our football";
  • "MATCH! Football";
  • "Base".


The universal package "Single" includes more than 200 channels of various subjects. Depending on the capabilities of the receiving equipment, the set of available TV channels may differ.

It includes 22 all-Russian, as well as information, sports, educational and entertainment, children's, regional TV channels, radio stations and television stores. Channels are presented on which broadcasting is carried out in French, German, English and other languages.

About 40 TV channels are available in HD format. Among them are Food, Film Screening HD-1 and Film Screening HD-2, Our Favorite, Russian Extreme (frequency 11766 MHz); educational ("Nat Geo Wild HD" and National Geographic Channel HD) and sports ("Match! Arena" and "Match! Game") - tricolor frequencies of 11958 MHz and 11919 MHz, respectively - and many others.

Services "United Multi Light" and "United Multi" allow you to watch available channels simultaneously on TV and mobile device(“Single Multi Light”) or on two TVs or on a TV and a mobile device (“Single Multi”).

The Ultra HD package consists of 4 channels, when viewed (naturally, with the appropriate equipment), an ultra-clear image is provided. It includes: Tricolor Ultra HD, educational Insight UHD, entertaining Fashion One and sports Russian Extreme Ultra.


The "Children's" package includes 17 TV channels of different genres for children of all ages, 3 of which are available in HD format: "Cartoon", "Nickelodeon HD" and "Ginger HD" (channel frequencies 11919 MHz, 11919 MHz and 12418 MHz respectively). Here your children will find cartoons, good instructive tales, and many educational and educational programs.


The "Night" package includes a selection of 9 TV channels for an audience of 18+. Here you will find films for adults, and programs that allow you to create a romantic mood. It includes one channel in HD format - "Temptation" (included in the selection with a frequency of 11766 MHz).

Our football

The Nash Football package includes two TV channels of the same name in regular and HD formats.

"Our Football" (12226 MHz) will be of interest to football fans, as it broadcasts in live all major matches.

MATCH! Football

Package "MATCH! Football” consists of 3 TV channels broadcasting all significant football events, presenting analytical and review programs dedicated to football (frequency 11804 MHz). The channels of this tariff will certainly be frequently viewed by football fans and just football fans.


The "Basic" package includes 20 all-Russian TV channels, 4 information channels, one TV shop and 3 radio stations.

Together with Tricolor TV

Huge variety of channels to choose from high quality broadcasting, accessibility, ease of connection, a wide network of offices throughout the country, high level services, numerous promotions and new offers make cooperation with Tricolor TV attractive and distinguish the company from its competitors.

In addition, regardless of location and time of day, subscribers can always count on timely and competent technical support and service. That is why the number of subscribers is growing every day.

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