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  • Three services where you can buy high-quality proxies for VKontakte.

Three services where you can buy high-quality proxies for VKontakte.

A proxy server is a server that acts as an intermediary for any requests to the desired site.

In fact, proxies are needed only to make the desired site think that you are not you, or rather that you are in a completely different place. Applied to the Bot, this is mainly needed when working with multiple profiles. Many sites do not like it when requests from multiple profiles come from one IP address and they are usually blocked. To avoid this, Bot has full support for working through a proxy.

Where can I get a proxy?

Usually, proxies are either bought or found free on the Internet.
It is best to use paid ones. Unfortunately, for the sake of security of user accounts, we do not give advice on where to get a proxy. Since the more people use the same service and, accordingly, the same proxies, the more likely they will fall under the VK filter and massive bans will begin.

There are several offers from our partners in the proxy store:

How to set up a proxy in Bot

Go to the application settings (Program menu - Settings - Network tab):

Check the box "Use proxy", then click "Edit list" - a system text editor (for example, Notepad) will open. In the editor, enter the list of proxies you want to use, one proxy address per line. A correctly completed file looks something like this:

Save the file, return to Settings, change the proxy type and delay if necessary (more on that below), and save the settings with the “Save” button. Now, on the "Proxy" tab in the main window, you can see, for example, a similar picture:

In the first column, we see the same proxies that we entered into the file, the second indicates which proxies have already been assigned to any of the profiles, and the "Status" column indicates the result of our last check of this proxy server. This list is loaded directly from the file and is re-read each time the file is saved.

In the future, to edit the proxy list, it is enough to correct the file itself (pathWhereYouUnpackedBot / data / proxies.txt) and save it.

You can also add accounts to the program from a file, the file must be in the following format (on each line of the file):
login, password, phone number, proxy
the phone number is not used anywhere, except in the data of the questionnaire, but the comma is required for now, that is, without it it will be like this:
login, password, proxy
Proxies are bound to accounts themselves, but when adding profiles, you can also specify specific proxies.

How the bot checks the health of the proxy

The bot checks the performance of the proxy periodically, at intervals from half an hour to several hours, depending on the results of the last check. To check the status of the proxy, we use them to load a test page (specifically, and check the correctness of the loaded content:

  1. If the page has loaded with incorrect content, we consider the proxy to be inoperative;
  2. If the page has not loaded within the time specified in the proxy settings, we consider the proxy to be inoperative;
  3. If all is well, then we do another control check just in case.

Incorrect content and unstable work can often be obtained by using free proxies, which can be found in huge quantities on the Internet. Practice shows that almost all free proxies are not suitable for normal work with sites. In any case, if you see that several proxy Bot accounts are not working, you can get rid of them by clicking on the "Remove non-working proxies" button. When pressed, the following happens:

  1. All non-working proxies will be removed from the program;
  2. All profiles with such proxies will be assigned either previously unused proxies, or used and verified;
  3. The health check is forced to run again.

It is worth noting that proxies are linked to profiles regardless of the results of the check. This is done to ensure that profiles do not change their proxy during operation, even if it is (temporarily) unavailable.

  • Use the proxy of the same country in which the profile was registered. Otherwise, many sites (quite logically) will not allow your profile to enter the site under the pretext of "your profile may have been hacked." However, now the Bot is able to bypass the VKontakte security check, but we warned you;
  • Use an HTTP proxy. Although the Bot supports SOCKS proxies, most sites respond poorly to them and may refuse to work correctly;
  • If possible, buy paid proxies, and when importing a proxy list into the Bot, use the options without being bound to your IP address, but with an explicit indication of the login and password for all proxies;
  • If the Bot considers most of your proxies to be inoperative, it may be worth specifying the maximum delay a little more. On the other hand, if the request through the proxy does not fit, for example, in 10 seconds, then imagine how this proxy will delay the work of the questionnaires in the Bot with a lot of requests;
  • It is not at all necessary for each questionnaire to have a separate proxy, often a ratio of about 1 good proxy for 2-3 questionnaires is sufficient.
  • If you need to confirm your social network account through a proxy, we recommend that you adhere to the following algorithm:
    1. Register in the network settings of the browser the proxy with which the profile works
    2. Then go under the proxy to OK or VK.
    3. There, enter the account settings and click on change the phone number.
    4. Once again, write your number so that you receive an SMS with a code.
    5. Write this code to OK.
    6. Next, we enter the profile into the brobot and everything works.
  • We recommend buying the proxies presented in this article.


First thing you need to do is find a proxy server. To do this, enter "Free proxy" / "Free proxy" / "Free proxy" in the search engine. The proxy server address looks like "; where" - IP- address, ": yyyy - port.

Check the proxy for functionality. This can be done in two ways: using special programs or using Internet services. The second method is simpler, which is why it is better to use it. In order to test the proxy server for operation, go to and in the “Place proxy list here” window copy the address of your. Then click “Check list and, if your server is working, soon it will be displayed in the window“ Good proxies.

Now you need to configure your browser to use a proxy server. For the Mozilla Firefox browser, do the following: "Tools - Settings - Advanced - Network - Configure - Manually configure the proxy server. If you use the Opera browser:" Tools - Settings - Advanced - Network - Proxy servers. To configure Google Chrome to work with proxy server: “Options - Settings - Advanced - Network - Change proxy server settings. In Internet Explorer, work with a proxy server can be configured as follows: “Service - Internet Options - Connections - Network Settings - Use a proxy server for local connections.

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Proxy servers are computers used as an intermediate link in the transit download of web pages from any site to the user's PC. These servers play the role of intermediaries and allow you to solve many network problems. In particular, by logging out through a proxy, you can remain online as an anonymous user on a website or forum. You can enter through a proxy on any computer. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to change the general network settings of the OS. Proxy exit is ensured by appropriate browser settings.


Switch to advanced settings mode. To do this, in this window at the top, find a list of possible settings. Select the "Additional" element with the mouse. The corresponding window with settings will be displayed below. Open the "Network" tab in it. This is where the browser's network settings are located. In the options section, click the Customize button.

In the new window "Connection parameters" set the required operating mode -. To do this, check the box for one of the possible modes displayed in this window. If proxies are not specified in the general network settings of your system, to work through a proxy, select the checkbox for manually configuring this service.

In the fields of various proxy protocols, enter the IP addresses through which you intend to access the network. Enter in the "Port" field next to each entered address of these proxy servers. If you know the URL for automatic, enter it in the corresponding field at the bottom of this form.

To save the entered parameters, click the "OK" button. In the general settings window, also press the "Enter" or "OK" key. Any next download will go through the entered proxy server.

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Tip 3: How to make your server visible on the internet in 2019

Novice users from time to time are faced with a seemingly insoluble task, which is to make the server visible from the Internet.

For example, when it comes to the game, its visibility is that other players can enter it if necessary. It should be noted that this problem is clearly not one of the unsolvable ones. The way to solve it in most cases depends on what type of ip-address is provided to the owner of the server. In the case when the server owner does not have an external IP address at all, you should contact the technical support of the provider company that provides the Internet connection service. They should offer an additional service such as providing an external ip address. In most cases, this service is paid, but each provider has its own tariffs, the exact cost must be clarified to us on the spot. If an external ip-address is assigned, but it is not permanent (dynamic), you can choose one of two options for resolving the issue. Firstly, you can order a permanent (static) ip-address allocation service from your provider. Secondly, it is possible to make a dynamic ip address in the dns server and it will always redirect to your ip address. What if you have a static external IP address, but no one can access the server from the Internet because it is not visible? This is what you can make the server visible by simply changing the settings - write the line + sv_lan 0. That's it, the problem is solved. Now you can, at any time convenient for you, on your own server, which will be visible and accessible from the Internet for everyone who wants to take part in your game.

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Proxy servers are an intermediate link in the transmission of information, they are used if they want to remain anonymous when using the Internet. In this case, the real IP address of the user is substituted with the IP address of the proxy server. Or in order to bypass the restrictions imposed by the network administrator. For example, an administrator can block access to certain sites, social networks (Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, etc.). To take advantage of the proxy server capabilities, do the following.


Find the addresses of the proxy servers through the search engine. They may or may not be free. In order for the addresses, type in the search bar free proxy. The address looks like this: Here, the first digit is the server IP address, and the second 8008 is the port.

Configure your browser to work with a proxy server. To do this, write down the IP address and port of the proxy server in the browser settings. If you have Mozilla Firefox: "Tools - Options - Additional - Network - Connection - Configure - Manually configure the proxy service." In the case of Google Chrome, go to "options - settings - advanced - network - change proxy settings". For Opera it can be done like this: "Tools - Options - Advanced - Network - Proxies". For Internet Explorer 8: "Service - -" Connections "tab -" Network Settings "button - uncheck the" Automatic settings "checkbox and put a check mark on" Use a proxy server for ". In the "Address" field, write the IP address of the proxy server, and in the "Port" field - the address. Click on "OK". Restart your browser.


Proxies come in three levels of anonymity:
transparent - the proxy transmits your real IP address; anonymous - the proxy does not transmit your IP address, but informs the final server that the connection is going through a proxy;
elite - the proxy transmits the request as it is, does not report the IP address and does not report that the connection is going through the proxy.

Useful advice

Using a proxy server also increases the security of the Internet and can increase its download speed.


  • Site about proxy servers.

In the life of any active Internet user, there is a moment when you need to use an alternative server. The reasons may be different, but the bottom line is always the same - you do not want to be discovered. But are you as anonymous as you think? The selected, time-tested proxy server can be tested on special sites that provide such capabilities.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - the Internet;
  • - browser.


Open your browser and enter the link in the address bar Make sure you are connected to the Internet through an alternative proxy server by checking your browser settings. You can use almost any browser you know that is installed on. The main thing is that the Internet connection allows you to check the performance without any problems.

This site offers tests for checking the proxy server for anonymity. Click the test1 button to start testing. After a moment's wait, the page will display information about your host and your connection. Your IP address will be displayed at the bottom of the test results. If you have, for example, a provider from the Beeline company, then the IP address may change when you reconnect the Internet.

When you click on the test2 button, another test will start. Also, the program will display a message that you can change the proxy server every 10 seconds, and then check it on this site - this is a normal situation. The test results will be displayed below. To run the full test, click on the env button. A table will appear in which all the main parameters of your computer as a participant in network data exchange will be displayed.

In general, we can say that it is not difficult to check with a computer. This does not require special knowledge, since everything is carried out in a few simple steps. It is also worth considering the fact that the proxy server can simply "die". As a rule, proxies are different, so you need to have some skills in order to fully use all the functions of a particular proxy.

Some services also provide various proxies that may be needed, for example, to hide the real IP address or surf the Internet. You can use the site for these purposes.

The entrance to the various devices connected to the computer is carried out by connecting it through a specific port. In recent years, the USB interface has become especially widespread.

You will need

  • - cable for connecting the device to a computer.


Connect the USB cable to your device. Connect the opposite end to the corresponding port on the motherboard. Install the device driver. If it is a mobile phone, portable player or camera, the disc usually comes with the purchase.

Please note that many of these devices can be connected via the USB port, after which they will appear on the computer as removable media (flash cards), and after they are connected, autorun will appear as when loading a disc in a drive or using removable drives.

If your device does not have software, install it on your computer to perform further operations with it. If you do not have a disk with the driver, you can download it on the Internet using a search engine, entering a query corresponding to the model name of your device, or using the “Hardware Installation” control panel menu.

After installing the driver, go to the system memory of your device and perform the required actions. In addition to copying data, you can also start synchronization, install applications, and so on, it all depends on the type of hardware and software functions.

If your device only supports communication through the communication port, then be sure to install the device driver in advance. Connect the device to the port and pair. Usually this option is only valid for older phones and portable players.

Useful advice

Always turn on antivirus software before connecting devices with memory modules.

Everyone has it site the Internet has its own unique address. This is a short link made up of English letters and numbers. The length of an Internet address can be three or more characters.


To enter by link to a specific portal on the Internet, you need to know the address. It is entered in the browser. This is special software that allows users to navigate the pages of websites. In real time, you can see all the information. Open any of the available browsers. If you don't have one, download your favorite Internet surfing program from the installation disc or from the Internet.

Install one browser software on your hard drive: Opera, Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer. Try to install to the system local drive of a personal computer. A shortcut will appear on the desktop with which you can launch the program. To do this, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Enter the name in the address bar site, on link which you need to go to. The address looks something like this - "". In some cases, the browser will automatically assign "http". However, you do not need to enter this combination, as it does not play a significant role. If you don't know the address site, then you can use special search services.

To do this, enter or in the address bar. These are some of the most popular search engines on the internet. Next, enter your search term. For example, "" or "". The system will automatically give you the results. Click on one of the links to view information. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, you can go

Hello everyone! If you want to buy a proxy for a contact, or you just need a proxy for parsing for any of the social networks, then I present to your attention proxies at a very affordable price, which can be purchased at

Review of a service with a proxy for VK and other social networks

After registration, you can immediately purchase proxies necessary for your purposes, it can be either IPv4 proxy or IPv6 proxy. In the amount from 1 to what you need.

Attention! Since March, proxies for Vkontakte can only be used with IPv4. IPv6 Vk no longer supports.

  1. Proxy IPv4 price list depending on the number and validity period is different, I will give a screen for review. ↓↓↓

As you can see from the table, the more you take a proxy, the cheaper the unit price and if you take it for 60 days at once, there is also an additional discount.

  1. IPv6 cost differs, familiarization on the screen ↓↓↓

  • Here there is a difference in terms, which are more flexible and the number of purchased proxies.
  • If you use IP rotation, the cost will double.
  • For large orders an individual approach. An individual order is considered when purchasing more than 10,000 proxies.
  1. It is worth noting more several important features of the service.
  • You can bind a package of purchased proxies to your IP address and you do not have to enter a username and password when using it.
  • If necessary, you can change the protocol from HTTP / HTTPS to SOCKS5 for the entire package.
  • If you have a lot of proxies and you need to create a list in the form you need, then for this use the "Export proxy list" function, this item can also be found in the vertical menu.
  • Convenient proxy renewal, all you need to do is enter the order number and renew the entire package at once. Also, after the expiration date, within three days, you can still renew your proxies.
  • For IPv6, proxy replacement is available once a day.
  • In the "Configuring IP Rotator" section, you can independently set the rotation of your proxies for IPv6.

If you want to buy a proxy for SPAM in social. networks, this site is suitable for these purposes.

What is a proxy server for?

A proxy server is used to replace your IP address, it is mainly used for:

  • work in social networks, including content parsing;
  • online anonymity;
  • sometimes a proxy is used to bypass site blocking;

Proxy server for Instagram

To work with this social network, ideally, you need a proxy of American IP addresses. For these purposes, they are available at Proxy-Shop, only in large quantities from 10 thousand proxies, but you can work with a smaller number with Russian IP addresses. So you can also buy a proxy for Instagram here.

Proxy for Odnoklassniki

If you want to buy a proxy for classmates, both for parsing and for inviting, as well as for content to your groups, then choose the appropriate package, depending on your volume and financial capabilities, and start promoting profitable communities in this popular social media. networks.

Proxy for Vkontakte

Perhaps the most popular network in the open spaces of the Russian Internet, therefore, here you can squeeze a lot of money out of the target audience! All those who want to buy a proxy for Vkontakte are welcome to Proxy-Shop. But don't forget that now you need to buy Ipv4 proxy for VK, since the sixth protocol is no longer supported by vk.

Proxy for YouTube

Another social network that may need a proxy server is. If you are a doorway manager and massively create channels, or just do, then without a proxy for this social. the network is indispensable.

Proxy for Avito

As you know, mass propagation of ads in different regions is a great way to make money on sales using the popular classifieds board. If you need to buy a proxy for Avito, then use Russian IPv4.

Proxy for Kay Collector

The next destination for a proxy server can be to work with the semantic core.
Those who massively use key parsing for further or creating doorways may also need to buy a proxy server for Keycollector.

Using a proxy server to bypass site blocking

In some cases, a proxy may be required to enter any site that is blocked by the ISP.

For example, in Italy, access to our website is blocked, and to bypass the block, you simply cannot do without a Russian proxy server.

Besides this example, you can use proxies for other similar cases.

The main thing, do not use Russian proxies to bypass the blocking of torrents, such as Rutrecker, since access to them is closed in Russia and therefore non-Russian proxies are needed to enter torrents.

More use cases for proxies

In addition to these goals, there are many other possibilities that are implemented using a proxy, and here are some of them:

  • someone might need a proxy for brute, the use of proxy servers for these purposes is prohibited by many proxy shops.
  • using a proxy for Steam and other servers of famous games.
  • someone can use a proxy for various bot programs, not necessarily for social networks.

The purpose of the proxy is extensive and at the same time individual for each user. Choose high-quality proxy servers, and do not chase after the cheapest prices, since this option may not be the most economical one, as you can buy, and they will drop from time to time. As a result of such interruptions, all the savings on proxies will go down the drain.

If the article was useful, then share it on social media. networks. And if you decide to buy a proxy for VK or for other purposes, then you know with affordable prices for proxy servers.

In contact with

Proxy server for VK- one of the prerequisites for users who use programs for promotion, where they work from several social network accounts at once. If you don't know, we offer an overview of the most effective and inexpensive resources.


This service is one of the best, here proxy server for VK presented in large numbers. The price starts at around 3.6 rubles. You can purchase proxies for different periods - everything will depend on your preferences. IPv6 is the most affordable, but today sots. the network no longer supports it, so it is best to look at IPv4 (higher price, but also proven by many customers). Using your personal account, you can extend the term of using the proxy.

Main advantages:

  • The personal account is very convenient, it is easy to replenish it, there are no problems with the purchase of servers. Proxy renewals take a little time, the intuitive interface really pleases.
  • The service is incredibly reliable and stable, it has been functioning for more than 2 years, while no large-scale problems have been observed;
  • Each proxy server works as quickly and efficiently as possible;
  • If you need help on how and where to buy a proxy for Vkontakte in the service - contact the support representatives, they will be able to provide you with qualified assistance;
  • The fastest possible transition to SOCKS5;
  • Huge selection of countries for each server, it is possible to request any country, despite its absence in the original list.


  • Initially, it was difficult to immediately connect to the server, but today this problem is no longer relevant.


  • Advantages:
  • It is enough just to pay for the purchase in order to automatically receive the required proxy through your personal account;
  • IPv4 is available here as well as IPv6;
  • Technical support works extremely professionally, specialists are ready to promptly answer any questions, provide qualified assistance in resolving issues;
  • You can purchase IPv4 and enjoy all the advantages of a shared system. A convenient option for those who want to save money, several people will be able to use the server at once;
  • The servers are working properly, there are no problems with their use.


  • The design of the personal account is not very pleasant, it is difficult to immediately understand all the features of the resource;
  • Quite high prices for IPv4 when compared with the previous resource;
  • Wholesale IPv6 only - each customer is required to purchase from 15 servers;
  • There is access to a limited list of countries - Russia, as well as the United States.


This service can hardly be called unique, it does not have many differences from competitors. Only one advantage can be highlighted - versatility. Here you can find IPv4, as well as IPv6, use the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. But there is no personal account here, which does not allow making purchases quickly, you have to spend additional time purchasing the required number of servers. Wholesale buyers will be happy to use this resource - when buying large quantities, you can get a significant discount, as well as extend the operating period of the servers.

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