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Requirements for the content of structural elements of the report. LLC "Technical documentation

The title page is the first page of the research report and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and document [from clause 5.1.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The title page contains the following information:

  • parent organization;
  • name of the research organization executing;
  • index (UDC);
  • Higher classification groups of the All-Russian classifier of industrial and agricultural products for research (VKGOKP), preceding;
  • numbers identifying the report;
  • vultures and;
  • title of work;
  • title of the report;
  • type of report (final, interim);
  • work number (code);
  • positions, academic degrees, academic titles, surnames and initials of the heads of the organization-executing research work, heads of research works;
  • place and date of the report.

General requirements

The presentation and the report are performed in accordance with the requirements of this standard, GOST 2.105 and GOST 6.38. The pages of the text of the research report and the illustrations and tables included in the report must comply with the format according to GOST 9327 [from clause 6.1.1 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The research report should be performed in any printed way on a typewriter or using and on one side of a sheet of white paper in a format one and a half later. The color must be black, the height of letters, numbers and others must be at least 1.8 mm (size at least 12).

The text of the report should be printed, observing the following dimensions: right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, left and bottom - 20 mm.

It is allowed to use computer capabilities to focus on certain formulas, theorems, using fonts of different typefaces [from clause 6.1.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Regardless of the way the report is executed, the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables, printouts must meet the requirement of their clear reproduction [from clause 6.1.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

When executing a report, it is necessary to maintain uniform density and image clarity throughout the report. The report should contain clear, non-blurred lines, letters, numbers and signs [from clause 6.1.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Typos, misprints and graphical inaccuracies found during the preparation of the report may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place by typewritten method or black ink, paste or ink - by handwriting.

Damage to sheets of text documents, blots and traces of incompletely deleted previous text (graphics) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microfilming requirements established by GOST 13.1.002 [from clause 6.1.5 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Surnames, names of institutions, firms, product names and other proper names in the report are given in the original language. It is allowed to transliterate proper names and give the names of organizations translated into the language of the report with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name [from clause 6.1.6 GOST 7.32-2001]

Abbreviation of Russian words and phrases in the report - according to GOST 7.12 [from clause 6.1.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

Building a report

The names of the structural elements of the report “List of performers”, “Abstract”, “Contents”, “Normative references”, “Definitions”, “Designations and abbreviations”, “Introduction”, “Conclusion”, “List of sources used” serve as structural elements of the report [ from clause 6.2.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The main part of the report should be divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs. Items, if necessary, can be divided into sub-items. When dividing the text of the report into clauses and subclauses, it is necessary that each clause contains complete information [from clause 6.2.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Sections, subsections, clauses and subclauses should be numbered with Arabic numerals and written in indentation.

Sections should be sequenced within the entire text, with the exception of appendices.

Example - 1, 2, 3, etc.

The subsection or clause number includes the section number and the subsection or clause ordinal number, separated by a dot.

Example - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

The subclause number includes the number of the section, subsection, clause and the ordinal number of the subclause, separated by a dot.

Example -,,, etc.

After the number of the section, subsection, clause and subclause in the text, do not put a full stop.

If the text of the report is subdivided into paragraphs only, they should be numbered, with the exception of annexes, by serial numbers within the entire report.

If a section or subsection has only one clause or the clause has one subclause, then it should not be numbered [from clause 6.2.3 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Sections, subsections must have titles. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections [from clause 6.2.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Section headings, subsections and paragraphs should be typed with a capital letter without a period at the end, not. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a dot [from clause 6.2.5 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Numbering of report pages

The pages of the report should be numbered with Arabic numerals, observing the continuous throughout the text of the report. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot [from clause 6.3.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

The title page is included in the general page numbering of the report. The page number on the title page is not put down [from clause 6.3.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering of the report. Illustrations and tables on a sheet of A3 format are taken into account as one page [from clause 6.3.3 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs of the report

Sections of the report should have serial numbers throughout the entire document, denoted by Arabic numerals without a period and written with paragraph indentation. Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items [from clause 6.4.1 of GOST 7.32-2001]

If the document does not have subsections, then the numbering of clauses in it should be within each section, and the clause number should consist of the section and clause numbers, separated by a dot. There is no full stop at the end of the item number

1 Types and basic dimensions

1.2 Numbering of paragraphs in the first section of the document

2 Technical requirements

2.2 Numbering of clauses in the second section of the document

If the document has subsections, then the numbering of clauses should be within the subsection and the clause number should consist of the section, subsection and clause numbers, separated by dots, for example:

3 Test methods

3.1 Apparatus, materials and reagents

3.1.2 Numbering of clauses in the first subsection of the third section of the document

3.2 Test preparation

3.2.2 Numbering of clauses in the second subsection of the third section of the document

[from clause 6.4.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

If a section consists of one subsection, then the subsection is not numbered. If a subsection consists of one item, then the item is not numbered. The presence of one subsection in a section is equivalent to their actual absence [from clause 6.4.3 of GOST 7.32-2001]

If the text of the report is subdivided only into paragraphs, then they are numbered with serial numbers within the entire report [from clause 6.4.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into subclauses, which must be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example,,, etc. [from clause 6.4.5 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each enumeration should be preceded by, or, if necessary, a reference in the text of the document to one of the enumerations, a lowercase letter (except for e, z, o, z, b, and, s, b), followed by a parenthesis.

For further detailing of the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numbers, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with paragraph indentation, as shown in the example.

  1. _______
  2. _______
    1. _____
    2. _____
  3. _______

If the report consists of two or more parts, each part must have its own serial number. The number of each part should be affixed in Arabic numerals on the title page under the indication of the type of report, for example, "Part 2" [from clause 6.4.7 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Each structural element of the report should begin with () [from clause 6.4.8 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The numbering of the pages of the report and appendices included in the report must be end-to-end [from clause 6.4.9 of GOST 7.32-2001]


Illustrations (, graphs, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Illustrations can be computer-generated, including color.

Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in the report must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).

It is allowed to execute drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams by using computer printing [from clause 6.5.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Photographs smaller than A4 size should be pasted on standard sheets of white paper [from clause 6.5.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of the annexes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively.

If there is only one picture, then it is designated "Picture 1". The word "picture" and its name are placed in the middle of the line [from clause 6.5.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the sequential number of the illustration, separated by a period. For example, Figure 1.1 [from clause 6.5.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (figure text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and positioned as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device [from clause 6.5.6 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The illustrations of each application are denoted by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the designation of the application before the number. For example, Figure A.3 [from clause 6.5.7 of GOST 7.32-2001]


Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The name of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and concise. The name of the table should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, in one line with its number separated by a dash.

When transferring part of the table, the name is placed only above the first part of the table, the lower horizontal line limiting the table is not drawn [from clause 6.6.1 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The table should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page [from clause 6.6.2 of GOST 7.32-2001]

A table with a large number of lines can be transferred to another sheet (page). When transferring a part of the table to another sheet (page), the word "Table" and its number are indicated once on the right above the first part of the table, above the other parts they write the word "Continuation" and indicate the number of the table, for example: "Continuation of table 1". When transferring a table to another sheet (page), the heading is placed only above its first part.

A table with a large number is allowed to be divided into parts and placed one part under the other within one page. If the rows and columns of the table go beyond the page format, then in the first case, the head is repeated in each part of the table, in the second case - the side.

If the text repeated in different lines of the table column consists of one word, then after the first spelling it is allowed to replace it with quotes; if from two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced with the words "The same", and then with quotation marks. It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols. If digital or other data is not given in any line of the table, then a dash is put in it [from clause 6.6.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables. An example of table design is shown in Figure 1.


Graph headers

Subheadings graph

Rows (horizontal rows)

Side for

(heading column)


[from clause 6.6.5 GOST 7.32-2001]

Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the table, separated by a dot.

The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the designation of the application before the number.

If there is one table in the document, then it should be designated "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is given in Appendix B [from clause 6.6.6 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the columns with a lowercase letter, if they make up one sentence with a heading, or with a capital letter, if they have an independent meaning. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables do not put dots [from clause 6.6.7 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Tables on the left, right, and bottom are usually delimited with lines. It is allowed to use a font size smaller in the table than in the text.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not complicate the use of the table.

As a rule, the headings of the graphs are written parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table [from clause 6.6.8 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The design of tables in the report must comply with GOST 1.5 and GOST 2.105 [from clause 6.6.9 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Notes (edit)

The word "Note" should be typed with a capital letter from a paragraph and not [from clause 6.7.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

Notes are given in documents if explanations or reference data are needed to the content of text, tables or graphics. Notes should not contain requirements [from clause 6.7.2 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes refer. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals without a period. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

Note -______________________________________________________________________

Several notes are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals.

Notes (edit)




[from clause 6.7.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas and Equations

Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation, at least one free line must be left. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-) signs, multiplication (x), division (:), or other mathematical signs, and the sign in the beginning of the next line is repeated. When transferring a formula on a sign symbolizing the operation of multiplication, use the sign "X" [from clause 6.8.1 of GOST 7.32-2001]

An explanation of the values ​​and numerical coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula [from clause 6.8.2 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas in the report should be numbered by sequential numbering throughout the entire report in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.

Example A = a: b, (1)

One formula is denoted - (1)

[from clause 6.8.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Formulas placed in annexes must be numbered separately in Arabic numerals within each annex with the addition of an application designation before each digit, for example, formula (B. 1) [from clause 6.8.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1) [from clause 6.8.6 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The order of presentation in the report of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas [from clause 6.8.7 of GOST 7.32-2001]

In the report, it is allowed to execute formulas and equations in handwritten black ink [from clause 6.8.8 of GOST 7.32-2001]


References to this document, standards, and other documents are allowed in the report, provided that they fully and unambiguously define the relevant requirements and do not cause difficulties in using the document [from clause 6.9.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

Reference should be made to the document as a whole or to its sections and appendices. References to subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations are not allowed, with the exception of subsections, clauses, tables and illustrations of this document [from clause 6.9.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

When referring to standards and indicate only their designation, it is allowed not to indicate their year, provided that the standard is fully described in the list of sources used in accordance with GOST 7.1 [from clause 6.9.3 GOST 7.32-2001]

Title page

The title page contains:

  • the name of the superior or other structural entity, the system of which includes the executing organization, the name of the organization (including the abbreviated one);
  • UDC index, VKG code of the All-Russian Classifier of Products (OKP) (for reports on R&D preceding development and production) and the state registration number of R&D, affixed by the executing organization, as well as the inscription “Inv. № "- these data are placed one below the other;
  • special marks (if there are numerical data on substances and materials in the report, this part is marked with the abbreviation GSSSD - State Service of Standard Reference Data);
  • neck, neck.

The stamp of approval consists of the word "APPROVED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, personal, its transcript and the date of approval of the report. The seal of the organization that approved the report is also affixed here.

The approval stamp consists of the word "AGREED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, his personal signature, its decryption, date of approval, seal of the coordinating organization.

If the approval was carried out by letter, the abbreviated name of the approving organization, the outgoing number and the date of the letter should be indicated.

In the requisites "approval stamp" and "approval stamp", component parts consisting of several lines are printed at 1 line spacing, and the component parts themselves are separated from each other by 1.5 line spacing.

and the dates of signature should be done in black ink or ink only.

Date elements are given in Arabic numerals in one line in the following sequence: day of the month, month, year, for example: the date April 10, 2000 should be drawn up on April 10, 2000:

  • type of document - in lower case letters with the first capital, the name of the research work - in capital letters, the name of the report - in lower case letters in parentheses, the type of report (intermediate or final) - in lower case letters with the first capital (if the name of the research work coincides with the name of the report, then it is printed in capital letters letters);
  • the code of the state scientific and technical program, the code of the work assigned by the executing organization;
  • positions, academic degrees, academic ranks of the heads of the organization-executing research work, heads of research work (if printed in several lines, then print after 1 line spacing), then leave a free field for personal signatures and place the initials and surnames of the persons who signed the report below the personal signatures the dates of signing are affixed (if all the necessary signatures are not placed on the title page, then it is allowed to transfer them to the next page);
  • city ​​and year of release of the report.

[from clause 6.10.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

Examples of the design of title pages are given in Appendix B [from clause 6.10.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

List of performers

Surnames and initials, positions, academic degrees, academic titles in the list should be arranged in a column. On the left indicate positions, academic degrees, academic titles of performers and co-performers (if printed in several lines, then print after 1), then leave a free field for genuine ones, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of the performers and. The number of the section (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer should be indicated in brackets near each surname. For co-executors, the name of the co-executing organization should also be indicated [from clause 6.11.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

An example of the design of the list of performers is given in Appendix B [from clause 6.11.2 of GOST 7.32-2001]

List of designations and abbreviations, conventional designations, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms

The list should be in a column. Abbreviations, symbols, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms are given in alphabetical order on the left, on the right - their detailed decoding [from clause 6.12 of GOST 7.32-2001]

List of sources used

Information about sources should be arranged in the order in which links to sources appear in the text of the report and numbered with Arabic numerals without a period and printed with indentation [from clause 6.13 of GOST 7.32-2001]


The application is drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document [from clause 6.14.1 GOST 7.32-2001]

All attachments should be referenced in the text of the document. Appendices are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the document, with the exception of the reference appendix "Bibliography", which is located last [from clause 6.14.2 GOST 7.32-2001]

Each appendix should start on a new page with the word "Appendix", its designation and degree indicated at the top in the middle of the page. The application must have a title, which is written symmetrically relative to the text with a capital letter in a separate line [from clause 6.14.3 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, I, O, H, L, Y, b. The word "Application" is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of the letters I and O.

In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

If the document contains one attachment, it is designated "Appendix A" [from clause 6.14.4 of GOST 7.32-2001]

The text of each appendix, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses, which are numbered within each appendix. The number is preceded by the designation of this application [from clause 6.14.5 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Appendices should share sequential pagination with the rest of the document. If necessary, such an application may have a "Content" [from clause 6.14.6 of GOST 7.32-2001]

Applications or parts issued in the form of an independent document, the designation is assigned as part of the document, indicating its serial number in the document code [from clause 6.14.7 GOST 7.32-2001]

APPENDIX A (mandatory) - An example of drawing up an abstract for an R&D report

Report 85 pages, 2 hours, 24 figures, 12 tables, 50 sources, 2 app.


The object of research is piston installations for accurate reproduction and measurement of large gas flow rates.

The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for metrological research of installations and non-standard equipment for their implementation.

In the process of work, experimental studies of individual components and the total error of the installations were carried out.

As a result of the research, for the first time, two piston reversible flow metering units were created: the first for flow rates up to 0.07 m3 / s, the second for up to 0.33 m3 / s.

Main design and technical and operational indicators: high measurement accuracy at high gas flow rates.

The degree of implementation - the second unit, according to the developed methodology, is certified as exemplary.

The efficiency of installations is determined by their small influence on the course of the measured processes. Both installations can be used for calibration and verification of industrial rotary gas meters, as well as tachometric flow meters.

final report, interim report

[from clause 7 of GOST 7.32-2001]

  • When reproducing materials from the portal, it is necessary to set an active hyperlink to the source - the page with this publication on the site.

The scientific report on the research carried out is just as important as the laboratory journal - it will be used by other researchers in your results. The purpose of the report is to present the purpose, course and results of the experiment in the form in which it is most convenient to understand and test them for other people. In particular, this also applies to reports on the performance of laboratory work by students - they will be checked by teachers and used by other students.

An important property of a scientific (and any) report is

trust in him on the part of readers. This means that the report should definitely include those experimental or statistical data on which your conclusions are based - if desired, the researcher can repeat the calculations and check their reliability and the adequacy of the results you obtained. Naturally, they must be fully rechecked before submitting a report to the scientific community (or a teacher).

The report does not need to tell the whole story of the results, as well as provide data from experiments that correspond to dead-end branches of research or are not important for the announced results. However, all relevant data must be presented, regardless of whether they support or against the presented theory.

When preparing a report, it is worth highlighting those experimental data, results and ideas that have been obtained by other researchers and laboratories. Plagiarize, i.e. appropriating authorship is unsafe - if caught, the researcher may consider his scientific career completed, and the student may not wait for a good grade (and,

he may have to redo the report).

The following sections should be clearly highlighted in the report.

Report title- usually given on the title page.

Research team data who performed the experiment, and the laboratory (enterprise) in which it was carried out.

Research Objective- the main tasks or the need to achieve certain results are briefly formulated.

Experimental data- by analogy with a laboratory journal; it is necessary to indicate the materials used, the conditions of the conduct (temperature, pressure, magnetic field strength, rotation frequency, etc.), the duration and other parameters of the experiment that are important for its reproduction.

Theoretical calculations allowing readers to understand the model functional dependencies within which the interpretation of experimental data occurs.

Experimental data processing- presentation of data in a graphical form (more visual for understanding), assessment of the parameters of functional dependencies,

their errors, statistical testing of hypotheses about the adequacy of the models used. When using software packages, indicate their name, version and values ​​of the numerical parameters used in data processing.

Research results- conclusions are given on the confirmation or refutation of the hypotheses under consideration. Verbs should be used investigated, verified, measured etc.

Bibliography- bibliographic references to those books and articles from which experimental data, results or ideas were used. It is convenient to use tables to record the results of a large number of measurements of the same type. With their help

it is possible to avoid unnecessary multiple recording of the designation of the measured value, units of measure, used scaling factors, etc. In tables other than ex

perimental data, intermediate results of processing these data can be summarized. In the title of the table, the dimensions of quantities, characteristic degrees are entered. Tables are drawn using a ruler and a pencil (if the report is handwritten). The table indicates the serial number of each measurement.

More visual than tables are the graphs of the dependences of the investigated physical quantities. Graphs provide a visual representation of the relationship between values, which is extremely important when interpreting the obtained data, since graphical information is easily perceived, causes more confidence, and has a significant capacity. On the basis of the graph, it is easier to draw a conclusion about the correspondence of theoretical concepts to the experimental data.

When constructing a graph, consider the following characteristics.

Axles- graphs, with rare exceptions, are plotted in a rectangular coordinate system, where along the horizontal axis (axes

abscissa) lay the argument, an independent value, and along the vertical axis (ordinate axis) - a function, dependent value.

Axis scale- the numerical value of a physical quantity corresponding to a unit segment. The axes do not have to contain the origin - usually,

The minimum and maximum values ​​decrease. Select a logarithmic or double logarithmic scale, if necessary.

Axis labels- name of the deferred value, scale factor.

Scale- axis labels in the form of a numerical scale, taking into account the scale factor. Usually some "round" numbers with a minimum of decimal places are chosen.

Scale grid- for the convenience of determining the values ​​of specific points, thin vertical and horizontal

tal lines that are continuation marks

Experimental points- must be clearly visible. If several dependencies are shown on one graph, they must be highlighted with points of different types (circles, rhombuses, squares, etc.).

Drawing curves- the experimental points are connected by a smooth curve so that they, on average, are equally located on both sides of the drawn curve. If

the mathematical description of the observed dependence is known, then the theoretical curve is drawn in the same way. A correctly constructed curve should fill the entire field of the graph.

fick, which will be evidence of the correct choice of scales for each of the axes. If a significant part of the field turns out to be empty, then you must select again

scale and rebuild dependency.

Measurement errors- around the set experimental point, two segments are drawn, parallel to the abscissa and ordinate axes. In the selected scale, the length of each

the segment should be equal to twice the error of the value plotted along the parallel axis. The center of the line should be at the experimental point.

Name- under the graph, its name should be given, explaining what the depicted dependence refers to.

All pages, tables, formulas, diagrams and graphs must be numbered(in order of use). The content of the report is usually given at the beginning of the report. If

tables or graphs are significant in size and interfere with the associated perception of the text, they should be taken out in Annexes and link to them in the text.

3.10. Implementation of the experiment plan

Before carrying out the slides, it is necessary to carefully prepare: take a look at the last date, reconsider and send a message, send a message, put in a special magazine. The magazine will be drawn up at a glance according to the methodology and the plan until the end of the day can be seen. On the spine of the magazine, rimmed the meta of the preliminaries and the vibration parameters of the optimization with the values ​​of the dimensions. It is possible to retrace the factors and to direct the table of equal factors and intervals of variation from the values ​​of the number of factors. For a matrix of planning, you can manually send a fold to the magazine, so you have the ability to add to the matrix, to record repeated notes and comments.

In order to turn on the pardons when choosing the minds of preliminaries, in the working matrix of the plan it is not only the coded values ​​of the factors, but the natural ones. When the working matrix is ​​folded, it is necessary to add a space for hundreds of people, in which the dates were held before.

In order to turn on the flow of systematic mistakes, zoomed out by the calling minds, I recommend to recommend the last message when carrying out preliminaries, planned by the matrix (randomization). For randomization of predictions, a table of random numbers (dod. 6), as well as numbers, get hold of the help of a generator of random numbers on the EOM.

Probably a simple butt of randomization of minds to the experiment. In the main factorial experiment 2 3, the skin value of the optimization parameter is transferred to the skin after one prediction. Vipadkovo roztashuvati is required for all 8 preliminaries. For the whole it is necessary to speed up the table of vypadkovyh numbers (dod. 6). In a vipadkovom misc of tables, the numbers are written, from 1 to 8 for numbers that are greater than 8 or more. In our vipadku, repaired from the fourth century, you can get the following consistency: 2; 5; eight; 1; 3; 7; 4; 6.

Tse means, how to implement the word N~ 2, others N- 5 and etc.

Having checked all the preparations, proceed to the experiment, and after its completion - before the processing of the experimental results.

The practice report is carried out in three sections:

Title page (Appendix 1);



Applications, incl. recall of the immediate superior from the enterprise (Appendix 2).


In the introduction, it is necessary to formulate the role of UUT in ensuring the functioning of enterprises of the oil and gas production industry and the place of management of technological transport in the system of providing equipment for oil and gas production enterprises (oil and gas production enterprises).

General characteristics of the enterprise

The manufacturing practice report is carried out in three sections:

1. General characteristics of the enterprise.

3. Technology of maintenance and repair of machines (at the student's place of practice or according to options).

The option number is determined by the corresponding figure in the grade book, the full number of which is given on the title page of the report (appendix).

Title page;


General characteristics of the enterprise.

Technology of maintenance and repair of machines;


Applications, incl. recall of the immediate superior from the enterprise.

Technology of maintenance and repair of machines

Give a diagram of the technical process for the main divisions. Give a detailed answer with explanatory pictures, tables, diagrams to the question "Technology of work, sequence of operations"


General requirements

The report is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.32-91 in 1 copy.

The pages of the text of the report and the illustrations and tables included in it must correspond to the A4 format (297 210) in accordance with GOST 9327. It is allowed to present illustrations on sheets of A3 format.

The report is presented in the text editor Times New Roman Cyr №14. The text is placed on the sheet observing the following margins in the “Page settings” mode: top - 1 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, right - 1.5 cm. In the “Paragraph” mode (“Format” menu), set line spacing - "single", "first line" - indent 1.27 mm. In this case, frames and stamps on A4 sheets are not made.

The number of characters per line (with spaces and punctuation marks) is set automatically in accordance with the above parameters.

Section titles are typed in capital letters, in bold # 14. Section headings are centered without a period at the end and printed in capital letters without underlining. Double between heading and text. The headings of subsections and paragraphs (subparagraphs) begin with paragraph indentation and are typed starting with a capital letter, then capital letters, without underlining without a period at the end.

If the title includes several sentences, they are separated by periods. Headings are not allowed to hyphenate.

It is allowed to inscribe in the printed text individual words, formulas, signs only in black ink or ink.

Typos, misprints and graphic inaccuracies may be corrected by erasing or painting over with a "stroke" and applying the corrected image in the same place by typewritten method or by hand in black ink or ink.

Surnames, names of institutions, organizations, firms, product names and other proper names are given in the original language. It is allowed to translate proper names and give the names of organizations translated into the language of the note with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name. They do the same with generally accepted abbreviations, for example: “... the aspect of the media (mass media) activity is relevant ...”, or “.... the aspect of the media (media) activity is relevant ...”, which allows further narration use abbreviated names (ATP ATS STO, etc.) Abbreviations of Russian words and phrases in the report under the name GOST 7.12.

GOST 7.32-2001

Group T62


System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing


Structure and design rules

System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. The research report. Structure and rules of presentation

For the text of the Comparison of GOST 7.32-2001 with GOST 7.32-2017, see the link.
- Note from the manufacturer of the database.

ISS 01.140.20
OKSTU 0007

Date of introduction 2002-07-01



1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Information Center and the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 191 "Scientific and Technical Information, Library and Publishing"

INTRODUCED by the State Standard of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (report of the Technical Secretariat N 19 dated May 22, 2001)

Voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Glavgosluzhba "Turkmenstandartlary"

The Republic of Uzbekistan


3 By the Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology of September 4, 2001 N 367-st, the interstate standard GOST 7.32-2001 was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2002.

4 REPLACE GOST 7.32-91

5 EDITION (January 2008) with Amendment No. 1, approved in June 2005 (IUS 12-2005), Amendment (IUS 5-2002)

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard establishes general requirements for the structure and rules for the preparation of scientific and technical reports, as well as rules for those cases when a single registration procedure will facilitate the exchange of information, improving the processing of the report in the information system.

This standard applies to reports on fundamental, prospecting, applied research work (R&D) in all areas of science and technology carried out by research, design, design organizations, higher educational institutions, research and production and production associations, industrial enterprises, joint stock companies. societies and other organizations.

The provisions of this standard can be used when preparing a report in other areas of scientific activity.

2 Normative references

Throughout this standard, references are made to the following standards:

GOST 2.111-68 Unified system for design documentation. Norm control

GOST 7.1-2003 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up

GOST 7.9-95 (ISO 214-76) System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Abstract and annotation. General requirements

GOST 7.12-93 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules

GOST 7.54-88 System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Representation of numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in scientific and technical documents. General requirements

GOST 8.417-2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities

GOST 13.1.002-2003 Reprography. Micrography. Microfilm documents. General requirements and standards

GOST 15.011-82 * System for the development and launch of products. Procedure for conducting patent research
* On the territory of the Russian Federation, GOST R 15.011-96 is in force.

GOST 9327-60 Paper and paper products. Consumer formats

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards and classifiers, compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information signs published in the current year. If the referenced document is replaced (changed), then when using this standard should be guided by the replaced (changed) standard. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 General

3.1 Research report is a scientific and technical document that contains systematized data on research work, describes the state of a scientific and technical problem, the process and / or results of scientific research.

3.2 Based on the results of the research and development, a final report on the work as a whole is drawn up. In addition, interim reports can be drawn up for individual stages of R&D, which is reflected in the Terms of Reference for R&D and in the schedule for the implementation of R&D.

3.3 The executing organization is responsible for the accuracy of the data contained in the report and for its compliance with the requirements of this standard.

3.4 The R&D report is subject to mandatory regulatory control in the executing organization. When carrying out normative control, it is recommended to follow GOST 2.111.

4 Structural elements of the report

The structural elements of the research report are:

- title page;

- list of performers;

- essay;

- content;

- definitions;

- designations and abbreviations;

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- a list of sources used;

- applications.

Required structural elements are in bold. The rest of the structural elements are included in the report at the discretion of the R&D contractor, taking into account the requirements of Sections 5 and 6.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1, Amendment).

5 Requirements for the content of structural elements of the report

5.1 Title page

5.1.1 The title page is the first page of the research report and serves as a source of information necessary for processing and searching the document.

5.1.2 The following information is provided on the title page:

- the name of the parent organization;

- name of the research organization executing;

- index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);

- codes of the Highest Classification Groupings of the All-Russian Classifier of Industrial and Agricultural Products for R&D (VKGOKP) preceding the production of products;

- numbers identifying the report;

- stamps of agreement and approval;

- title of the work;

- title of the report;

- type of report (final, interim);

- number (code) of the work;

- positions, academic degrees, academic titles, surnames and initials of the heads of the organization-executing research work, heads of research works;

- place and date of the report.

5.1.3 If the research report consists of two or more parts, then each part must have its own title page corresponding to the title page of the first part and containing information related to this part.

5.1.4 The title page should be drawn up in accordance with 6.10.

5.2 List of performers

5.2.1 The list of performers should include surnames and initials, positions, academic degrees, academic titles of R&D leaders, executives in charge, performers and co-performers who took a creative part in the performance of the work.

5.2.2 If the report is executed by one performer, then his position, academic degree, academic title, surname and initials should be indicated on the title page of the report.

5.2.3 The list of performers should be drawn up in accordance with 6.11.

5.3 Abstract

5.3.1 General requirements for the abstract on the research report - in accordance with GOST 7.9.

5.3.2 The abstract must contain:

- information about the volume of the report, the number of illustrations, tables, attachments, the number of parts of the report, the number of sources used;

- a list of keywords;

Abstract text. The list of keywords should include from 5 to 15 words or phrases from the text of the report, which to the greatest extent characterize its content and provide an opportunity for information retrieval. Keywords are given in the nominative case and printed in capital letters on a line separated by commas. The text of the abstract should reflect:

- object of research or development;

- goal of the work;

- the method or methodology of the work;

- results of work and their novelty;

- basic design, technological and technical and operational characteristics;

- the degree of implementation;

- recommendations for the implementation or the results of the implementation of research results;

- application area;

- the cost-effectiveness or value of the work;

- predictive assumptions about the development of the research object.

If the report does not contain information on any of the listed structural parts of the abstract, then it is omitted in the text of the abstract, while the sequence of presentation is preserved., (Revised edition, Rev. N 1).

5.3.3 An example of the preparation of an abstract is given in Appendix A.

5.4.2 When drawing up a report consisting of two or more parts, each of them should have its own content. In this case, in the first part, the content of the entire report is placed, indicating the numbers of the parts, in the subsequent ones - only the content of the corresponding part. It is allowed in the first part, instead of the content of subsequent parts, to indicate only their names.

5.4.3 In a research report of no more than 10 pages, the content is allowed not to be compiled.

5.5-5.5.3 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

5.6 Definitions

5.6.1 The "Definitions" structural element contains definitions necessary to clarify or establish terms used in research and development.

5.6.2 The list of definitions begins with the words: "In this R&D report, the following terms and definitions are used."

5.7 Symbols and abbreviations

5.7.1 The structural element "Designations and abbreviations" contains a list of designations and abbreviations used in this R&D report.

5.7.2 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

5.7.3 It is allowed to give definitions, designations and abbreviations in one structural element "Definitions, designations and abbreviations".

5.8 Introduction

5.8.1 The introduction should contain an assessment of the current state of the scientific and technical problem being solved, the basis and initial data for the development of the topic, the justification for the need to conduct research, information about the planned scientific and technical level of development, about patent research and conclusions from them, information about the metrological support of research ... The introduction should show the relevance and novelty of the topic, the relationship of this work with other research works.

5.8.2 In the introduction of the interim report on the research stage, the goals and objectives of the research stage, their place in the implementation of research work as a whole, should be given.

5.8.3 In the introduction of the final report on research and development, a list of names of all prepared interim reports by stages and their inventory numbers are placed.

5.9 Main part

5.9.1 In the main part of the report, data are provided that reflect the essence, methodology and main results of the research work performed.

5.9.2 The main part should contain:

a) the choice of the direction of research, including the rationale for the direction of research, methods for solving problems and their comparative assessment, a description of the selected general methodology for conducting research;

b) the process of theoretical and (or) experimental research, including the determination of the nature and content of theoretical research, research methods, calculation methods, justification of the need for experimental work, the principles of operation of the developed objects, their characteristics;

c) generalization and assessment of research results, including an assessment of the completeness of the solution of the task and proposals for further areas of work, an assessment of the reliability of the results obtained and the technical and economic efficiency of their implementation and their comparison with similar results of domestic and foreign works, justification of the need for additional research, negative results leading to the need to discontinue further research.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

5.9.3 Data on the properties of substances and materials are presented in the report in accordance with GOST 7.54, units of physical quantities - in accordance with GOST 8.417.

5.10 Conclusion

The conclusion should contain:

- brief conclusions based on the results of research work or its individual stages;

- an assessment of the completeness of solutions to the assigned tasks;

- development of recommendations and initial data on the specific use of research results;

- the results of assessing the technical and economic efficiency of implementation;

- the results of assessing the scientific and technical level of the completed research work in comparison with the best achievements in this area.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

5.11 List of sources used

The list should contain information about the sources used in the preparation of the report. Information about the sources is given in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.1.

5.12 Applications

5.12.1 The appendices are recommended to include materials related to the performed research, which, for some reason, cannot be included in the main part.

Applications may include:

- intermediate mathematical proofs, formulas and calculations;

- tables of auxiliary digital data;

- test reports;

- a description of the equipment and instruments used in the experiments, measurements and tests;

- conclusion of the metrological examination;

- instructions, techniques developed in the process of performing research;

- illustrations of an auxiliary nature;

- copies of the terms of reference for research work, work program, contract or other source document for the implementation of research work;

Protocol of consideration of the completed research work at the scientific and technical council;

Acts of implementation of research results, etc.

5.12.2 The appendices to the R&D report preceding the launch of products for production should include a draft technical assignment for the development (modernization) of products or a document (application, protocol, contract, etc.) containing substantiated technical and economic requirements for products.

5.12.3 The appendix to the R&D report, which provides for the conduct of patent research, must include a patent research report drawn up in accordance with GOST 15.011, a bibliographic list of publications and patent documents obtained as a result of R&D, in accordance with GOST 7.1.

5.12.4 Applications should be designed in accordance with 6.14.

6 Rules for preparing a report

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The presentation of the text and the design of the report are performed in accordance with the requirements of this standard. The pages of the text of the research report and the illustrations and tables included in the report must correspond to the A4 format in accordance with GOST 9327. A3 format is allowed if there are a large number of tables and illustrations of this format.

6.1.2 The research report should be done in any printed way on a typewriter or using a computer and a printer on one side of a sheet of A4 white paper at one and a half intervals. The font color must be black, the height of letters, numbers and other characters must be at least 1.8 mm (size at least 12). Bold is not used.

The text of the report should be printed, observing the following margins: right - not less than 10 mm, top and bottom - not less than 20 mm, left - not less than 30 mm.

It is allowed to use computer capabilities to focus on certain terms, formulas, theorems, using fonts of different typefaces.

6.1.1, 6.1.2 (Modified edition, Rev. N 1).

6.1.3 Regardless of the way the report is executed, the quality of the printed text and the design of illustrations, tables, printouts from a PC must meet the requirement of their clear reproduction.

6.1.4 When executing a report, it is necessary to observe uniform density, contrast and clarity of the image throughout the report. The report should have clear, solid lines, letters, numbers and signs.

6.1.5 Typos, misprints and graphical inaccuracies found during the preparation of the report may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint and applying the corrected text (graphics) in the same place by typewritten method or black ink, paste or ink - by handwriting.

Damage to report sheets, blots and traces of incompletely deleted previous text (graphics) are not allowed.

After making corrections, the document must meet the microfilming requirements established by GOST 13.1.002.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.1.6 Surnames, names of institutions, organizations, firms, product names and other proper names in the report are given in the original language. It is allowed to transliterate proper names and give the names of organizations translated into the language of the report with the addition (at the first mention) of the original name.

6.1.7 Abbreviation of Russian words and phrases in the report - in accordance with GOST 7.12.

6.2 Building a report

6.2.1 The names of the structural elements of the report "LIST OF CONTRACTORS", "ABSTRACT", "CONTENT", "DEFINITIONS", "SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", "LIST OF USED", "SOURCES" elements of the report. Headings of structural elements should be placed in the middle of a line without a period at the end and printed in capital letters without underlining.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.2.2 The main part of the report should be divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs. Items, if necessary, can be divided into sub-items. When dividing the text of the report into paragraphs and subparagraphs, it is necessary that each paragraph contain complete information.

6.2.3 Sections, subsections, clauses and subclauses should be numbered with Arabic numerals and written with paragraph indentation.

Sections should be sequentially numbered throughout the entire text, with the exception of annexes.

Example - 1, 2, 3, etc.

The subsection or clause number includes the section number and the subsection or clause ordinal number, separated by a dot.

Example - 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

The subclause number includes the number of the section, subsection, clause and the ordinal number of the subclause, separated by a dot.

Example -,,, etc.

After the number of the section, subsection, clause and subclause in the text, do not put a full stop.

If the text of the report is subdivided into paragraphs only, they should be numbered, with the exception of annexes, by serial numbers within the entire report.

If a section or subsection has only one paragraph or the paragraph has one sub-paragraph, then it should not be numbered.

6.2.4 Sections, subsections should have headings. Paragraphs, as a rule, do not have headings. Headings should clearly and concisely reflect the content of sections, subsections.

6.2.5 Headings of sections, subsections and paragraphs should be printed with paragraph indentation with a capital letter without a period at the end, without underlining.

If the title consists of two sentences, separate them with a period.

6.3 Numbering of Report Pages

6.3.1 The pages of the report should be numbered with Arabic numerals, observing the sequential numbering throughout the text of the report. The page number is placed in the center of the bottom of the sheet without a dot.

6.3.2 The title page is included in the overall page numbering of the report. The page number is not used on the title page.

6.3.3 Figures and tables located on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering of the report.

Illustrations and tables on A3 paper count as one page.

6.4 Numbering of sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses of the report

6.4.1 Sections of the report should have serial numbers throughout the entire report, denoted by Arabic numerals without a period and written with paragraph indentation. Subsections should be numbered within each section. A subsection number consists of section and subsection numbers, separated by a dot. A full stop is not put at the end of the subsection number. Sections, like subsections, can consist of one or more items.

6.4.2 If the report does not have subsections, then the numbering of clauses in it should be within each section, and the clause number should consist of the section and clause numbers, separated by a dot. At the end of the item number, a full stop is not put.


1 Types and basic dimensions

2 Technical requirements

Numbering of paragraphs in the second section of the report

If the report has subsections, then the item numbering should be within the subsection and the item number should consist of the section, subsection and item numbers, separated by dots, for example:

3 Test methods

3.1 Apparatus, materials and reagents

Numbering of clauses in the first subsection of the third section of the report

3.2 Test preparation

Numbering of clauses in the second subsection of the third section of the report

6.4.3 If a section consists of one subsection, then the subsection is not numbered. If a subsection consists of one item, then the item is not numbered.

6.4.1-6.4.3 (Modified edition, Rev. N 1).

6.4.4 If the text of the report is subdivided into paragraphs only, then they are numbered with consecutive numbers within the entire report.

6.4.5 Clauses, if necessary, can be divided into sub-clauses, which should be sequentially numbered within each clause, for example,,, etc.

6.4.6 Enumerations may be given within clauses or subclauses.

Each item in the enumeration must be preceded by a hyphen. If it is necessary to refer to one of the enumeration elements in the text of the report, instead of a hyphen, lowercase letters are put in the order of the Russian alphabet, starting with the letter a (except for the letters e, z, d, o, h, b, s, b).

For further detailing of the enumerations, it is necessary to use Arabic numbers, after which a parenthesis is placed, and the entry is made with paragraph indentation, as shown in the example.



b) _________________




(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.4.7 If the report consists of two or more parts, each part must have its own serial number. The number of each part should be entered in Arabic numerals on the title page under the indication of the type of report, for example, "Part 2".

6.4.8 Each structural element of the report should begin with a new sheet (page).

6.4.9 The numbering of the pages of the report and the annexes included in the report shall be continuous.

6.5 Illustrations

6.5.1 Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, computer printouts, diagrams, photographs) should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

Illustrations can be computer-generated, including color.

All illustrations should be referenced in the report.

6.5.2 Drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations placed in the report must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).

It is allowed to execute drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams by using computer printing.

6.5.3 Photographs smaller than A4 size should be glued onto standard sheets of white paper.

6.5.4 Illustrations, with the exception of illustrations of annexes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

If there is only one picture, then it is designated "Picture 1". The word "picture" and its name are placed in the middle of the line.

6.5.5 It is allowed to number illustrations within the section. In this case, the illustration number consists of the section number and the sequential number of the illustration, separated by a period. For example, Figure 1.1.

6.5.6 Illustrations, if necessary, can have a name and explanatory data (picture text). The word "Figure" and the name are placed after the explanatory data and are positioned as follows: Figure 1 - Details of the device.

6.5.7 The illustrations of each annex are denoted by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the appendix designation before the number. For example, Figure A.3.

6.6 Tables

6.6.1 Tables are used for better clarity and ease of comparison of indicators. The name of the table, if any, should reflect its content, be precise and concise. The name of the table should be placed above the table on the left, without indentation, in one line with its number separated by a dash.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.6.2 The table should be placed in the report immediately after the text in which it is mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.

6.6.4 A table with a large number of lines may be transferred to another sheet (page). When transferring a part of a table to another sheet (page), the word "Table", its number and name are indicated once on the left above the first part of the table, and above other parts on the left they also write the words "Continuation of the table" and indicate the number of the table.

A table with a large number of columns can be divided into parts and placed one part under another within one page. If the rows and columns of the table go beyond the page format, then in the first case, the head is repeated in each part of the table, in the second case - the side. When dividing a table into parts, it is allowed to replace its head or side, respectively, with the number of columns and lines. In this case, the columns and (or) lines of the first part of the table are numbered in Arabic numerals.

If the text repeated in different lines of the table column consists of one word, then after the first spelling it is allowed to replace it with quotes; if from two or more words, then at the first repetition it is replaced with the words "The same", and then - with quotation marks. It is not allowed to put quotation marks instead of repeating numbers, marks, signs, mathematical and chemical symbols. If digital or other data is not given in any line of the table, then a dash is put in it.

6.6.5 Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables. An example of table design is shown in Figure 1.

Table_________________ _ ____________________
number table name

Picture 1

6.6.6 Tables, with the exception of annex tables, should be numbered with Arabic numerals sequentially.

It is allowed to number tables within a section. In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the sequence number of the table, separated by a dot.

The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the addition of the designation of the application before the number.

If there is one table in the report, then it should be designated "Table 1" or "Table B.1" if it is shown in Appendix B.

6.6.4-6.6.6 (Changed edition, Amendment N 1).

6.6.7 The headings of the columns and rows of the table should be written with a capital letter in the singular, and the subheadings of the columns - with a lowercase letter, if they make up one sentence with a heading, or with a capital letter, if they have an independent meaning. At the end of the headings and subheadings of tables, periods are not put.

6.6.8 Tables on the left, right and bottom are usually delimited by lines. It is allowed to use a font size smaller in the table than in the text.

It is not allowed to separate the headings and subheadings of the sidebar and the graph with diagonal lines.

Horizontal and vertical lines delimiting the rows of the table may not be drawn if their absence does not complicate the use of the table.

As a rule, the headings of the graphs are written parallel to the rows of the table. If necessary, the perpendicular arrangement of the headings of the columns is allowed.

The head of the table should be separated by a line from the rest of the table.

6.6.9 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

6.7 Notesand footnotes

6.7.1 The word "Note" should be capitalized from the paragraph and not underlined.

6.7.2 Notes are given in reports if explanations or reference data are needed to the content of text, tables or graphic material.

6.7.3 Notes should be placed immediately after the text, graphic material or in the table to which these notes refer. The word "Note" should be capitalized with paragraph indentation and not underlined. If there is only one note, then a dash is placed after the word "Note" and the note is printed with a capital letter. One note is not numbered. Several notes are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals without a period. A note to the table is placed at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.


Note -_________________________________________________________


Several notes are numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals.


Notes (edit)

1 ____________________________________________________________________

2 ____________________________________________________________________

3 ____________________________________________________________________

6.7.2, 6.7.3 (Changed edition, Amendment N 1).

6.7.4 If an additional explanation is required in the report, it is allowed to issue it in the form of a footnote. The footnote sign is placed immediately after the word, number, symbol, sentence to which the explanation is given. The footnote sign is performed in superscript Arabic numerals with a parenthesis. It is allowed to use asterisks "*" instead of numbers. It is not allowed to use more than three stars on the page.

The footnote is placed at the end of the page with paragraph indentation, separated from the text by a short horizontal line to the left. A footnote to the table is located at the end of the table above the line indicating the end of the table.

(Introduced additionally, Rev. N 1).

6.8 Formulas and Equations

6.8.1 Equations and formulas should be separated from the text on a separate line. Above and below each formula or equation, at least one free line must be left. If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+), minus (-) signs, multiplication (x), division (:) or other mathematical signs, and the sign at the beginning the next line is repeated. When transferring a formula to a sign symbolizing a multiplication operation, use the sign "X".

6.8.2 An explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly under the formula in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula.

6.8.3 Formulas in the report should be numbered by sequential numbering throughout the entire report in Arabic numerals in parentheses in the extreme right position on the line.


One formula is denoted - (1).

6.8.4 Formulas placed in annexes should be numbered separately in Arabic numerals within each annex with the addition of an annex designation before each digit, for example, formula (B.1).

6.8.6 Numbering of formulas within the section is allowed. In this case, the formula number consists of the section number and the ordinal number of the formula, separated by a dot, for example (3.1).

6.8.7 The order of presentation in the report of mathematical equations is the same as for formulas.

6.8.8 In the report, it is allowed to execute formulas and equations by handwriting in black ink.

6.9.1 References to the sources used should be indicated by the serial number of the bibliographic description of the source in the list of sources used. The reference number is enclosed in square brackets. References are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order of references in the text of the report, regardless of the division of the report into sections.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.9.2 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

6.9.3 When referring to standards and specifications, only their designation is indicated, while it is allowed not to indicate the year of their approval, provided that the standard and specifications are fully described in the list of sources used in accordance with GOST 7.1.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.9.4 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

6.10 Title page

6.10.1 The title page contains the details:

- the name of the superior organization or other structural entity, the system of which includes the executing organization, the name of the organization (including the abbreviated one);

- UDC index, VKG code of the All-Russian classifier of products (OKP) (for reports on R&D preceding the development and modernization of products) and the number of state registration of R&D, affixed by the executing organization, as well as the inscription "Inv. N" - these data are placed one below the other ;

- special marks (if there is numerical data on the properties of substances and materials in the report, this part is abbreviated as GSSSD - State Service of Standard Reference Data);

Approval signature, approval signature.

The stamp of approval consists of the word "APPROVED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval of the report. The seal of the organization that approved the report is also affixed here.

The approval stamp consists of the word "AGREED", position indicating the name of the organization, academic degree, academic title of the person who approved the report, his personal signature, its decoding, date of approval, seal of the coordinating organization.

If the approval was carried out by letter, the abbreviated name of the approving organization, the outgoing number and the date of the letter should be indicated.

In the requisites "approval stamp" and "approval stamp", component parts consisting of several lines are printed at 1 line spacing, and the component parts themselves are separated from each other by 1.5 line spacing. In these attributes, the words "APPROVED" and "AGREED" are allowed to be centered within the attribute field.

Signatures and dates of signature should be in black ink or ink only.

The date is drawn up in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day of the month, month, year. The day of the month and the month are formatted with two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot; year - in four Arabic numerals. For example, the date April 10, 2000 should be issued: 04/10/2000.

Allowed is a verbal and digital way of formatting the date, for example: April 10, 2000. It is also allowed to format the date in the following sequence: year, month, day of the month, for example, 2000.04.10;

- the type of the document is given in capital letters, the name of the program (R&D) - in lower case letters with the first capital letter, the name of the report - in capital letters, the type of report (intermediate or final) - in lower case letters in parentheses.

If the name of the report coincides with the name of the topic of the program (R&D), then it is printed in capital letters;

- the code of the state scientific and technical program, the code of the work assigned by the executing organization;

- positions, academic degrees, academic titles of the heads of the research organization executing research, research and development managers (if printed in several lines, then print after 1 line spacing), then leave a free field for personal signatures and place the initials and surnames of the persons who signed the report in one the signature line is marked with the dates of signing (if all the necessary signatures are not placed on the title page, then they are transferred to an additional page of the title page). In the upper right corner of the additional page indicate "Continuation of the title page", and at the end of the first page on the right indicate "Continuation on the next sheet";

City and year of issue of the report. (Amendment).

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.10.2 Examples of cover pages design are given in Appendix B.

6.11 List of artists

6.11.1 Surnames and initials, positions, academic degrees, academic titles in the list should be in a column. On the left indicate positions, academic degrees, academic titles of the head of research, executives in charge, performers and co-performers (if printed in several lines, then print after 1 line spacing), then leave a free field for genuine signatures, on the right indicate the initials and surnames of performers and co-performers. The number of the section (subsection) and the actual part of the work prepared by a specific performer should be indicated in brackets near each surname. For co-executors, the name of the co-executing organization should also be indicated.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.11.2 An example of the design of the list of performers is given in Appendix B.

6.12 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

The list should be in a column. On the left, in alphabetical order, abbreviations, conventions, symbols, units of physical quantities and terms are given, on the right - their detailed decoding.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

6.13 List of sources used

Information about sources should be arranged in the order in which references to sources appear in the text of the report and numbered with Arabic numerals without a period and printed with paragraph indentation.

6.14 Applications

6.14.1 The appendix is ​​drawn up as a continuation of this document on its subsequent sheets or issued as an independent document.

6.14.2 All attachments should be referenced in the text of the report. Appendices are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the report.

6.14.3 Each appendix should start on a new page with the word "Appendix" and its designation indicated at the top in the middle of the page.

The application must have a title, which is written symmetrically relative to the capitalized text on a separate line.

6.14.4 Applications are designated by capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of letters 3, Y, O, H, b, Y, b. The word "Application" is followed by a letter indicating its sequence.

It is allowed to designate applications with letters of the Latin alphabet, with the exception of letters I and O.

In the case of full use of the letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, it is allowed to designate applications with Arabic numerals.

If there is one attachment in the report, it is referred to as "Attachment A".

6.14.2-6.14.4 (Modified edition, Rev. N 1).

6.14.5 The text of each annex, if necessary, can be divided into sections, subsections, clauses, subclauses, which are numbered within each appendix. The number is preceded by the designation of this application.

6.14.6 Appendices shall share sequential pagination with the rest of the document.

6.14.7 An appendix or several appendices can be drawn up as a separate book of the report, while the word "Appendix" should be written on the title page under the book number. If necessary, such an application may have a "Contents" section.

(Modified edition, Amendment N 1).

APPENDIX A (reference). An example of drawing up an abstract for a research report



Report 85 pages, 2 hours, 24 figures, 12 tables, 50 sources, 2 app.


The object of research is piston installations for accurate reproduction and measurement of large gas flow rates.

The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for metrological research of installations and non-standard equipment for their implementation.

In the process of work, experimental studies of individual components and the total error of the installations were carried out.

As a result of the research, for the first time, two piston reversible flow metering units were created: the first for flow rates up to 0.07 m / s, the second - up to 0.33 m / s.

Main design and technical and operational indicators: high measurement accuracy at high gas flow rates.

The degree of implementation - the second unit, according to the developed methodology, is certified as exemplary.

The efficiency of installations is determined by their small influence on the course of the measured processes. Both installations can be used for calibration and verification of industrial rotary gas meters, as well as tachometric flow meters.

APPENDIX A (Modified edition, Rev. N 1).

APPENDIX B (reference). Examples of cover pages design


Example 1 Title page of the research report

Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation


UDC 378.14

State registration number 01970006723

Inv. N


Vice-rector of the university for scientific work

N.S. Zhernakov

"___" ______________ _______G.


Socio-economic problems of training military specialists in civilian universities of Russia

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