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Route tracing: from and to. Description of the TRACERT command


A program for tracing the routes of information packets is included in almost every network operating system. On Windows it is tracert, and on GNU / Linux and Mac OS it is traceroute. The principle of operation of this program is as follows: The program sends packets of information to the address indicated to it, setting deliberately impracticable delivery conditions - a very short packet lifetime (TTL - Time To Live). When sending the first packet, it is equal to 1 second. Each server on the way from your computer to the desired address must decrease this value by at least one. Therefore, the packet's lifetime will expire on the first node, and the latter will not transmit it further, but will send a notification to the sender about the impossibility of delivery. In this way, the tracer will obtain information about the first intermediate node. Then it will increase the packet lifetime by one and retry sending. This request will live up to the second node and the situation. Thus, the tracing program will compile a list of all intermediate nodes, and if it does not receive a notification from any one, then this will mean one of two things - either the packet is still delivered to the recipient, or this node does not execute. To find out, it will send a request with another defect - a deliberately non-existent port number will be indicated. If this packet returns with an indication, then the node is normal and it is the recipient, and if not, then the packet delivery chain is broken at this node. In any case, the tracing procedure will be completed at this point.

In Windows, the executable file of this program (tracert.exe) is stored in the WINDOWSsystem32 folder on the system drive of your computer. But to run the program there is no need to search for the file. This program can only be controlled from, so you need the command line first. To do this, in the main menu (on the "Start" button) select "Run" to open the "Run the program" dialog box. You can also open it by pressing the WIN + R keyboard shortcut. Then type "cmd" (without quotes) and press the "OK" button (or press Enter). In the terminal that opens, type tracert and, separated by a space, the address of the node on the network to which you need to navigate tracing... This can be either an IP address or a domain name. You do not need to specify the http protocol. After it is finished, the result can be copied - press CTRL + A to select everything and Enter to copy the selection into RAM. Then you can paste the copied into any document of any text editor.

Sites on the network do not arise by themselves - they are created and maintained by computers called servers, and these servers are managed by an organization - a provider or a hosting provider. And so that everything is clearly and accurately reproduced for everyone, the provider monitors its network equipment, servers, communication channels through which information and other various data are transmitted directly to users. In turn, the user can diagnose his Internet connection in the event that he cannot receive this information in order to determine whether the hosting or the provider through which the Internet access is provided is to blame. Tracing the route from the personal computer to the required site helps in such diagnostics.


Trace using the traceroute command in Windows-tracert. In order to trace the route, do the following: open the menu "Start" - "Run". Enter cmd.exe and select OK.

In the command line, type the tracert server_name command (the server name is indicated in the welcome email when ordering the service). Wait for the command to complete, then right-click in the Command Prompt window, select Select All, then (after highlighting) press Enter. Further, in order to see the trace, right-click, then click "Paste" in the message input field.

2) What is the principle of relative addressing? in what situations does it manifest itself?

3) Cell D7 contains the formula (C3 + C5) / D6. How it will change when you transfer this formula to a cell:
a) D8; b) E7; c) C6; d) F10.

1.What is a file?

2. What are the parts of the file name?
3. Who or what gives the file name?
4. Who or what gives the file the extension?
5.How many characters can a file name include?
6. How many characters are usually reserved for a file extension?
7. What should be done with the disk so that files can be stored on it?
8.What areas is the disk partitioned into when formatting?
9. When is the file system single-level?
10.How to write down the path to the file?
11. What software does the operating system belong to?
12. What information should the operating system have to organize access to files?

13. Where is the currently executing program and the data being processed stored?
14. What is called a directory?
15.When does the operating system boot up?
16. What is an operating system?
17. What is the name of a logical drive?
18. What directory is called the root?
19. What is the state of the operating system when it stops producing results and responding to requests?
20. What happens to the OS files during the boot process?
21. The user, moving from one directory to another, sequentially visited the directories LESSONS, CLASS, SCHOOL, D: \, MYDOC, LETTERS. With each move, the user either descended into the directory one level below, or ascended one level higher. What is the fully qualified name of the directory from which the user started the move?




22. Determine which of the specified file names does not match the mask:? * Di.t? *

4) melodi.theme

23. In some directory the file Literature_List.txt is stored. In this directory, we created a subdirectory named 10_CLASS and moved the file Literature_List.txt into it. After that, the full file name became D: \ SCHOOL \ PHYSICS \ 10_CLASS \ Literature_list.txt.

What is the fully qualified name of the directory where the file was stored before moving?


24. Which of the files matches the mask ?? P * .A ??:

1) What is information?

2) What actions can we perform with information?

3) How and where can we store information?

4) What media are there?

5) How can we transfer information?

6) What is a code?

7) What is encoding?

8) Code the word: Ivanov Ivan.

9) How else do you think you can encode information?

10) What is hardware?

11) What is software?

12) What is a processor, why is it needed?

13) Why do you need fans in your computer?

14) What is a printer, scanner, mouse, keyboard and speakers for?

2.What is graphic. Bitmap image files store information about the color of each pixel in an image on ekreen primitives?

3. What information is stored in raster and vector files?
4.What is a graphical coordinate system?
5. By what means (software, technical) is raster and vector graphic information obtained?
6. What way of presenting graphical information is economical in terms of memory usage?
7.What is the purpose of compressing raster files?
8. How do raster and vector images react to resizing "rotation?
Get the bitmap code and vector description for displaying the letters "H", "L", "T" on a black and white screen with an 8x8 graphic grid.

You cannot "go" online to a specific site or group of sites, or even a whole segment of the Internet suddenly became unavailable for you. One of the tools for "fixing the Internet" is route tracing. What it is?

The Internet is so integrated into all spheres of modern life, including business and professional, that communication problems can cause tangible financial losses.

Of course, any ISP (World Wide Web Service Provider) provides technical support services. Only now the technical support workers are "eager" to call in about the same way as the locksmith from the housing office: it's good if you wait for the evening. And if problems overtook you on weekends or holidays ... That is why the situation often has to be taken into your own hands. Carrying out, if not repairing, then diagnosing an Internet connection is as much a necessary skill of a modern person as the ability to fix a tap or at least turn off the water before an emergency team arrives.

One of the tools for "fixing the Internet" is route tracing. What it is?

Suppose you cannot “go” online to a certain site or group of sites, or even a whole segment of the Internet suddenly becomes unavailable for you. What could cause this to happen? As mentioned above, the modern world wide web is a very complex system. If you "go", for example, to Odnoklassniki, this does not mean at all that your computer connects directly directly to the site server. Before it reaches your computer, information passes through a series of so-called nodes. Moreover, for different sites and different users, this path (route or route from the English route) will also be different. Tracing allows you to "ring" the entire path, revealing the problem node.

How do I trace?

To do this, you need the traceroute utility. The principle of its operation is simple: the program sends an information signal in the problem direction - a data packet, receiving a response from each of the nodes - a kind of information echo. Thus, it is possible to measure the transit time of a signal from one node to another, easily identifying the "weak link".

No need to rush to look for where to download such a useful thing: the traceroute utility is already built into your operating system.
To start it, use the tracert command. So what you need to do:

  1. We call the command line. For this:
    • Press the start button on the screen or the win key on the keyboard (the win key on a standard keyboard is located between Alt and Control, it shows the world-famous logo of the beloved Windows operating system);
    • In the menu that appears (start menu), select the "execute" item. The "run" command allows you to use the Windows system utilities hidden away from the hands of curious users, since inept use of some programs can harm the operating system and the data stored on the computer. A kind of "protection from the fool." But we are certainly not fools, so we continue;
    • In the line that appears after selecting "execute", enter manually in Latin font cmd and click Ok. The command line has been called.

Help: you can quickly call the "execute" line by pressing the win + r combination on the keyboard. Then you can enter cmd.

  1. In the command line, enter the command tracert name orSite IP(with the connection to which there are problems). For instance, tracertru.
  2. We are waiting for the result. As a result, we will see several lines (up to 30), each of which is a node through which information passes. The line will contain the name or IP of the node and the signal propagation time in milliseconds (ms is a thousandth of a second).

The above is relevant for the Windows operating system, but how is route tracing performed under Linux? In general terms, the same is true, only the terminal (analogue of the command line) instead of cmd is invoked by the Ctrl + Alt + t key combination, and instead of tracert we enter traceroute. It is also worth noting that tracing in Linux will continue until the user interrupts it himself by pressing ctrl + c.

What will the result give us? The longer the packet transit time, the more the site "slows down", thus, we will identify the node that is guilty of the "brakes". An impassable junction will be marked with the inscription “Route waiting interval exceeded”. The higher the problem string is in the list, the more local the problem is. "Obstruction" at the bottom of the list indicates problems with the site or domain, and at the top - at your provider or in the local network.

Do you know how we access information posted on the Internet? How is the data exchange going? Here you write a message and send it. How do you think it goes from one computer to another?

It is no longer a secret for anyone that all electronic information is based on His interpretation at the level of electrical engineering is reduced to the elementary: 1 - there is a current, 0 - there is no current. Further, this code is collected into bits, and they are added into bytes - the minimum addressable units of information. These bytes are transmitted over the network already in the form of data packets.

Data packets are not in the air. For about Internet pages servers are used, and even entire server networks. Now add the providers' servers here. Sometimes, in order to open a website on your computer, you have to go through more than a dozen such servers. And, unfortunately, this does not always work out.

If you are unable to log into your VKontakte profile, then you are unlikely to want to know which server on the way failed. You just close the tab and do something else. But it will be important for the site administration to know why users cannot access. And then they primarily use a tool such as tracing the route to the site.

In Windows, this procedure is performed using the "tracert" console command. To trace, we need to know the web address of the site or the required server. Next, in the "Start" menu, we call the command line from "Run". We enter "cmd", and already in the window that appears, we type "tracert desired_address". After a while, we will have a complete list of servers through which our information packets pass, and the response time of each of them will also be indicated.

If it goes slowly, we can determine which server is slowing it down. If you are using a router, its address will be the first in the list. He should appear instantly at the beginning of the operation, if this did not happen, then the whole problem is in him. Reboot your device or connect directly, then try starting over.

A trace route will show all problems. If some server does not respond to requests, then this will be discussed. Take a close look at who owns the server - the site or your ISP. If the second, then it's time to call and complain, let them fix the problem. Better yet, first trace the path to the DNS and VPN servers (if used), so that you know for sure that the provider has failed.

For example, this is how my trace looks like:

As a result, the route was traced successfully. As you can see, the data first passes through several ISP servers before going to someone else's servers.

You may have heard of such a feature as network tracing. not the same as the above tracing route. This rather useful feature helps to track the traffic used by the application and provides a detailed report on the application's network activity. This tool will be useful for developers of network applications.

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