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Total human control. Total control at work - how to solve the problem? Spies in a team

From 2016, all purchases by Russian citizens will be registered by the state

The government is creating a technical and legal framework to control employment and tax payments by the population. This will be done through the personification of all purchases made by citizens. The Ministry of Finance has created a bill according to which all cash registers at retail outlets must be replaced, and new ones will register purchases electronically. Cash purchases will be linked to the customer's phone number. This innovation will make it possible to automatically take into account the expenses of citizens, and this is what the initiators of the laws on fines and taxes on informal employment mentioned: they were talking about monitoring the payment of taxes by the population by comparing mandatory contributions with expenses.

The Ministry of Finance published draft amendments to the law on the use of cash register equipment (CCT) for public discussion on June 9. The text of the draft is three times longer than the entire current law on the use of cash registers and provides for revolutionary changes in regulation in this area, primarily new requirements for the cash registers themselves, RBC reports.

According to the idea of ​​the Ministry of Finance, cash registers should accumulate and transmit fiscal data to the tax authorities online (through an authorized operator). Each cash register installed in 2016 will be required to process both paper and electronic checks, and all information is proposed to be stored in a centralized database.

The business will be required to not only issue a check to the buyer, as before, but also register the purchase in his name (phone number) and send the check to the tax authorities electronically, as well as forward it to the buyer if he requests it. The law may come into force on January 1, 2016. Old cash register equipment can be used until its expiration date, but no longer than seven years from the date of registration, the bill says.

The project has already been tested in a number of regions: Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions and Tatarstan. According to the Federal Tax Service, more than a thousand companies took part in the experiment on a voluntary basis; in six months, more than 4 thousand new cash registers were connected and over 17 million cash receipts worth more than 13 billion rubles were punched. In Moscow, new cash registers were tested in the networks of Metro Cash & Carry, Azbuka Vkusa, Dixy, Perekrestok, M.Video and others.

Failure to use new cash register technology may result in more significant fines than before. Amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations provide for essentially unlimited fines. If the seller makes payments past the cash register, the fine will be determined in the amount of three quarters to the full amount of these payments, both for legal entities and citizens. According to the bill, non-use of cash registers also includes the absence of a record of payment in the cash register and information not transmitted to the tax authority.

The bill provides an exception for traders operating in hard-to-reach areas remote from communication networks. If there is no connection, you can use cash registers without data transfer. And in remote areas, the list of which the regions will independently approve, you can not use cash registers at all, provided that the buyer is issued another document confirming the payment.

Exemption from cash registers is also retained for individual entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in certain types of small retail trade, such as the sale of ice cream, kvass, hawker trade, and ticket sales.

Let us note that the Ministry of Finance motivates the bill solely for the benefit of the consumer. Data transfer will create an automated control system and protect the rights of buyers. Electronic documents will be available at any time, which distinguishes them from paper checks, which can be irretrievably lost, says the explanatory note to the bills. At the same time, the reason for such philanthropy is not explained anywhere: it is proposed to accept that the enormous costs of creating and debugging a unified database and system for exchanging information about public purchases are provided only to ensure the comfort of consumers and greater protection of their rights. And also to save retailers (M.Video, during an experiment, calculated that one shopping center can save more than 14 million rubles on checking and servicing new cash registers).

It appears that the Ministry of Finance’s project is part of a set of fiscal measures being developed by the government, which include the introduction of new taxes, raising old ones and increasing their collection. Other measures have been reported in the media over the past month. In particular, we are talking about two bills: fines for parasitism (from the St. Petersburg ZAKS) and the Rostrud project on a tax on the “unofficial” unemployed.

Rostrud proposed introducing a tax on those who work without official employment. This “social contribution” (according to the department’s wording) must be paid by all adult citizens who are not officially employed, are not registered as unemployed and are not representatives of preferential categories: students, disabled people, pensioners, etc. Typically, individual entrepreneurs were not listed as exceptions. Those whom the department wants to burden with taxes include “labor emigrants” - Russian citizens who work under contract abroad, as well as trade workers in various fields.

“A number of measures aimed at reducing illegal employment are currently being considered at the federal level,” announced Deputy Head of Rostrud Mikhail Ivankov at the end of May and at the end of winter.

In addition, Rostrud proposed to identify and punish those who work “semi-officially,” that is, formally receiving only the minimum wage. Deputy head of Rostrud Mikhail Ivankov let it slip at the end of May that “unreliable” citizens of both categories will be calculated by comparing their expenses with taxes and social contributions paid to the Russian Federation and fiscal authorities by the citizens themselves and their employers. At the moment when this was announced by the deputy head of Rostrud, this proposal caused some bewilderment as to how the government and fiscal authorities in particular were going to take into account the expenses of the population. The legislative initiative announced by the Ministry of Finance dotted the i’s.

However, the expert community considers the prospects for total control over employment through financial control to be a very vague prospect. Maintaining an all-Russian database of household expenses and automatically comparing them with tax deductions and social fees seems to be an impossible task. Especially in the example of how databases function in narrower areas. For example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been unable for many years not only to unite all regional ballistic examination databases, but even to introduce a single standard for this procedure. Moreover, the government as a whole has still not created a unified standard for data exchange and a unified sample of documents - even taking into account the functioning of such mechanisms as the Unified Portal of Public Services. The databases of the Federal Tax Service, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Rosreestr and other departments have not been brought together.

To control citizens' transactions, existing banking mechanisms for recording and exchanging such information could be used, but such systems, even within one large bank, pose one big problem. Taking into account the fact that the Bank of Russia makes changes to the rules of banking reporting on average 1-2 times a year, this method of implementing the Ministry of Finance’s plans can also be classified as dystopian.

In addition, registration of the buyer, as a natural condition for issuing an electronic check, may become the reason for various legal conflicts, and higher courts will be forced to force the state to abandon or reduce the conditions for the functioning of such a system.

Having appeared only 10-15 years ago, mass control technologies in the West turned the entire way of life of society upside down and formed the basis for the functioning of entire areas of the economy and the state: insurance, the fight against crime and terrorism, political technologies, etc. The mass introduction of only video surveillance cameras made it possible to The United States will increase crime detection by 25-30%, and for insurance companies, video surveillance cameras have generally become the main source of income. As reported in a series of US documentaries on the introduction of these technologies shown on the channel "Reality TV", in 2004, US insurance firms were able to use CCTV cameras to earn $65 billion by exposing imaginary "victims" demanding insurance payments. These include all kinds of “victims” in stores, casinos and hotels (hidden video recording exposes them as malingerers), these are also imaginary victims of road accidents who want to receive payment for the damaged car. The enormous effectiveness of covert surveillance cameras has allowed US insurance companies to switch entirely to making profits not according to the old, classic scheme of an insurance company, but to making profits from exposed malingerers, who are fined in a significant amount. As a result, insurance companies were able to reduce the cost of their services (which increased their competitiveness) and found a strong, permanent source of income in the form of exposed malingerers. With an annual profit of $65 billion from covert monitoring, US insurance firms have literally stocked US streets and highways with hidden surveillance cameras. And agreements with their clients (enterprises and trade and service establishments) made it possible to connect internal surveillance cameras at these facilities to this GLOBAL NETWORK. As a result, a system of complete control over every step of any person outside his home was created. It should be noted that insurance company cameras are HIDDEN cameras, unlike most non-hidden police and business cameras. These cameras are mounted secretly (invisible to people, they cannot be recognized externally) in the walls of houses, poles, etc., and their very location is a trade secret. Covert filming is recognized by US courts as evidence of the main category, and millions of court cases are instantly decided on the basis of covert filming. In a word, we have witnessed the emergence in the United States of a completely new and very profitable industry, generating fabulous profits from the secret surveillance of people. It is clear that this industry will develop incredibly in the future, creating ever more sophisticated methods of control and expanding the scope of control to the maximum. But the question is: what will this lead to in the future? Centralization of control systems potentially makes it possible for a hacker, terrorist, or anyone else to penetrate the system and use it for their needs. And there have already been such attempts in the United States - and many times. Visual control systems and private detective agencies in the United States have begun to actively use them, 90% of whose cases involve searching for evidence of adultery. The image of a nasty private detective who spies on someone with a camera in his hands has already sunk into oblivion. In just 3-4 years, the largest detective agencies in almost all US cities have united in a project to create local hidden video surveillance networks. Such a network allows the dispatcher to see and record every step any person takes in a public place. That is, US detective agencies have created and continue to improve another covert surveillance network, which, of course, is significantly inferior to a similar network of insurance companies, but is developing rapidly, and no one can yet say what this will lead to in the future. But in addition to just hidden video cameras, US detective agencies also use special spy equipment. These are, firstly, eavesdropping systems, which in the future are also planned to be assembled into a system similar to a network of hidden cameras. Such a system will allow you to hear the conversation of any people in a public place from a distance, without resorting to such outdated methods as installing a listening device in a table. New remote eavesdropping devices are miniature and similar in size to CCTV cameras, and therefore are often mounted together: such a device allows you not only to see the object, but also to hear what he says. And secondly, another category of devices is actively used: they allow you to literally see the contours of people through walls. Including how the objects of surveillance hug and have sex, which then becomes decisive proof of the fact of betrayal. That is, even behind curtains or walls a person can no longer hide his personal life. It is clearly visible. Today, such devices are extremely expensive and cumbersome, but there is no doubt that they will become cheaper and simpler in the future. When any curious person, having bought such a device, will see with his own eyes what his neighbors are doing, supposedly closed from prying eyes by walls and curtains. Truly, human civilization is entering a new, extremely strange stage of its development, when anyone - the police, intelligence services, insurance companies, detective agencies, paparazzi or simply ill-wishers or voyeurs - will see, in full view, your entire personal life. A person becomes naked, devoid of personal secrets and open, just as animals in their cages in zoos are open to the public eye. Moreover, control technologies are often developed not on purpose, but as if “in addition” to expanding the range of capabilities of household and office equipment. For example, a huge number of modifications of telephone sets produced in the West have a built-in “just in case” function that allows the owner of the device, by dialing a certain code, to listen to what is happening in his apartment. This, according to Western designers, should appeal to husbands who, while sitting at work, can thus check whether their housewife wife is cheating with someone, or listen to what she is gossiping about with her friends. However, the manufacturers did not create any strict secrecy system for dialing these password codes for phones, and therefore these password codes for different phone models quickly leaked to hackers and other curious people. As a result, masses of people could now eavesdrop, and not just suspicious husbands. And these password codes themselves can easily be cracked by the most primitive hacking programs. In 2002, Der Spiegel magazine wrote that since about 35-45% of German offices and apartments have phones with this function, any hacker can guess the password in 5 minutes and listen to what is happening in that office or apartment. The email system also contains similar “flaws,” which allows hacking of any correspondence. The connection of mobile phone functions to the Internet automatically means that anyone can eavesdrop on your conversations. And the progressive functional complication of mobile phone models leads to the fact that you can be eavesdropped even when your phone is “turned off”.

And, of course, the secret services have made the most progress in this TOTAL CONTROL REVOLUTION. In the United States, the terrorist threat became the pretext for large-scale work in this area. The hysteria around it became the reason for the creation of entire control systems: entry and exit at the border (with fingerprinting and photographing of everyone who crosses the border); complete hidden video monitoring of the movement of a person (and/or his car) throughout the United States; implementation of a monitoring system for telephone conversations with keywords related to terrorism; country-wide e-mail visualization - again with a program looking for such keywords; a number of other similar systems. All this, of course, became known to the Society in the USA and caused huge complaints. As a result, some projects seemed to be suspended, as the hysteria around the terrorist threat itself subsided. But the State clearly showed a tendency: as soon as a reason appears, it strives to bring control over its fellow citizens to the Absolute. Even the US State seems to be a stronghold of democratic values. In fact, all these projects, no doubt, secretly continue to develop in the USA, because they are TECHNOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE. Including a project to create a unified computer surveillance system that would automatically record every step of a person, wherever he moves in the United States. As the New Yorker newspaper wrote in March 2003, the technological component of the project is unknown, but its essence is that the person who received it - without suspecting it! - a special mark (crossing the US border or otherwise), becomes a reference point for the satellite guidance system, which in turn sets the orientation of covert surveillance and covert wiretapping cameras everywhere in the United States (wherever these devices are installed by intelligence services, and today they cover almost the entire territory of the States). As a result, to control this person there is no need for a large staff of employees, everything happens automatically - all his movements and conversations are recorded by technology. And if in the future it will be of interest to the intelligence services, then it is enough to scroll through these records and analyze them. And if it turns out to be uninteresting, then this spy control information will simply end up in an electronic archive, without being claimed by anyone at all. Until some time ago. All this increases by a thousand times the number of objects over which intelligence services can exercise full control. The author of the article pointed out that the decision about who to give such a “label” and make the subject of surveillance of the SYSTEM is made purely by the intelligence services and is not controlled by any by-laws. As a result, the secret services can establish a regime of TOTAL CONTROL over anyone, which becomes tempting in the political struggle. Of course, the United States is a country where democratic traditions have long been a routine, and there presidents have been elected dozens of times, and not like in the countries of “young democracy”, where once someone is elected, someone is already for life. There, the laws clearly suppress any attempts by the executive branch to influence the election process with “administrative resources”. However, even in the US, these new CONTROL technologies are so quickly penetrating the life of the state that no one can evaluate them and see their consequences. The meaning of the article in the New Yorker is therefore clear: new technologies create new opportunities, do they not destroy the balance of relations between Civil Society and the state, created over decades? New technologies of control are being actively monitored by the countries of the "young democracy" and the countries of the authoritarian persuasion, and especially China and the Arab countries, eagerly adopting all the developments in this area from the United States. If even in the USA these technologies cannot yet be controlled by the Civil Society and are secretly used by the executive branch for their political needs, then what can we say about countries where there is no Civil Society at all?
The most important component in these new technologies of control is the discussed (or started?) US project to create a computerized database of a “personal file” (a huge virtual passport) of every inhabitant of the country, this database of a “personal file” should expand as the capabilities of technologies expand. This "accounting" of each person allows us to solve a lot of problems: in the field of health, and in the field of combating crime, and in social areas, and in the field of finance. It all comes down to a unified system of resident status, where paper documents are already losing their value. This is actually a complete transition of the country to electronic document management. Where from now on each person loses TO A HUGE EXTENT his AUTONOMY (independence, in other words) from the state, which existed earlier due to the fragmentation of departments and the presence of paper documents. The advantages are great: the bureaucracy is eliminated as an intermediary in resolving many issues (a number of permits in the US and Europe are already issued by machine guns today), red tape and confusion are eliminated, and when you get to the hospital, your electronic medical record is instantly available to doctors, wherever you are. Any lost person can be found immediately, because one can only get lost in this System by hacking it. But there are many disadvantages. Firstly, this data system contains all the information about your personal life, your accounts, and your taxes. A person becomes COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT in relations with the State, naked as a stick. Complete control in all areas of human life. What already changes (disciplines?) people. And this is precisely a revolution in social relations: from now on, everything that does not fall into the NORM will be identified by the System, seen - and evaluated. And since those in power will definitely protect themselves from being in this System (at least under the pretext of its possible hacking by terrorists), the entire population of the country is divided, as it were, into two classes: some are observable, and others are free from observation. What is class discrimination with its further development into ugly forms: a social class of “observers” and a social class of “observed” appear. And here, secondly, the main weak point of the System is revealed, which in the United States they want to use simultaneously in the process of citizens expressing their political will (in elections). The secrecy of voting is lost (since it is formally respected by the secrecy of the System data, but it can easily be hacked by a hacker or on behalf of the authorities). The System itself already falls under the political control of the “observer” class, because their political opponents are in the “observed” class, which allows them to greatly influence the results of any elections. Watergate became a once-great scandal in the US, with the Nixon administration eavesdropping on the opposition presidential candidate's team. But within the framework of this new System, such accusations will already be unfounded, since the System is already eavesdropping and spying on every inhabitant of the country as part of “terrorism prevention” or under some other pretext.
Can all these technologies of control over a person and Society as a whole be considered simply a form of state espionage? That is, call a spade a spade? It seems that Civil Society has not yet made its decision here. Just as it has not found in general that share of its sovereignty that the state can delegate to new technologies without loss of freedom. A person is a subject of freedom, and new technologies, although they simplify many government functions (which is for the benefit of Society), can also threaten the functions of Civil Society as a society of free individuals. Yes, new technologies make it possible to change the essence of relations between Society and the state. But IT IS POSSIBLE - does not mean that it is NECESSARY. Otherwise, it won’t be long before we slide into the relations of military communism, which was ideally sung by the juntas of Leon Trotsky and Pol Pot. Turning a person - a unique individual - only into a bee or an ant for the “generally significant purposes of the state.” In North Korea, military school cadets are prohibited from covering their windows with curtains, since “the defender of the Motherland has no secrets.” It is this slogan of regimes that reject Civil Society that allows them to OPENLY implement systems of total control into practice, immeasurably complicating the very emergence of the sprouts of Civil Society - democracy - in these countries. But democracy does not consist at all in the fact that the people go to the polls once every 5 years, giving 99.9% of the votes to the beloved leader of Cuba or North Korea. In such countries, there is a perverted idea of ​​democracy: they say, the more votes a leader gets towards the limit of 99.9% of votes, the more “democratic” and “popular” he is. Although it is obviously clear that such a number of voters simply physically cannot come to the polling stations. In fact, democracy is not elections, but the creation of a Civil Society, which controls the executive branch every hour as a servant of the people. In these countries, everything is the other way around: there the people are the servants of the authorities, and the authorities loudly associate themselves with the people and automatically call any criticism addressed to them “anti-people”. It is on this “fertile soil” that all sorts of new technologies are deposited, used THERE not for the purpose of fighting terrorism, etc., but for the purpose of suppressing any sprouts of Civil Society. What becomes an insurmountable brake in the evolution of social relations and immeasurably strengthens the regimes of totalitarianism, regimes of individual power. All this, like much else, creates the most fertile ground for all sorts of fears within the framework of Conspiracy Theory.
* * *
What awaits us tomorrow? How will technologies of total control change our very lives - perhaps beyond recognition? Will we, as a result of these technologies, become deprived of our personal lives and our “I”, which - unbeknownst to us - will be entirely shaped by “those in power”? There are many questions and fears. There are no answers or anything reassuring. Today, our fellow citizens do not even notice video cameras on the streets, and do not feel that they are constantly being watched in the cities. Tomorrow this surveillance will penetrate even deeper into all areas of our lives - every word dropped, every gesture - not to mention every action - will be recorded. And everything will be systematized and automatically “formed into an electronic dossier” for each person. Personally, I do not want to live in such a world - for it deprives me of freedom and places a spy on me in everything I do. This future seems scary...

Artem DENIKIN “Analytical newspaper “Secret Research”

Margarita Smurova

15.01.2015 | 1489

What happens when a boss overly controls his subordinates, and how to find a way out of this situation? You will find answers to these questions in our material.

There may be negative aspects at work: a picky boss, an unfriendly team, a lot of boring and uninteresting tasks. There is also such a misfortune as total control of management. We bring you the story of a girl who found herself working in a company where management monitored every move of the employees. And also comments from psychologists on the current situation.

Life story - Margarita and her new job

Before being hired, I was not alarmed that the interview was conducted by the director himself. Standard questions on his part, standard answers on mine. It was later that I found out that before the meeting, the future boss had already managed to make inquiries about me, talking with the previous management and some of my former colleagues.

Although, according to one of them, this conversation was more like an interrogation: who am I, what am I hiding, what mistakes have I made...

Control comes first!

– You, as one of my deputies, will need to supervise the work of the staff! - this was the first task of the new boss. – Who spends their working time and how, and whether they are engaged in personal matters. In short, collect daily reports from employees, and then compare them with the results of programs that monitor computer work.

I can’t say that I really liked these duties, but I had the opportunity to perform them before. Now there are computer programs that allow you to track how much time an employee spent on the Internet, what sites he viewed, how many minutes the computer was in standby mode, and so on.

Spies in the team

Probably, it is the right thing for the management to monitor how the machines are used: after all, people are not paid a salary so that they can sit on Odnoklassniki. But I have already become convinced of the ineffectiveness of daily reports! Firstly, compiling them also takes time, which is why you have to postpone basic work tasks.

Secondly, an employee can write anything: “thought, read, analyzed,” but how to check this?

I shared my doubts with my boss and heard in response:

What is the informant for? Invite a couple of employees to take this, so to speak, position, and let them, for a reasonable remuneration, report to you what this or that employee actually did.

To my surprise, there were quite a few people willing to play the role of “spy.” In the end, I chose two employees and, regularly listening to their “reports,” I came to the conclusion that this form of control was also unproductive (and, in addition, also humiliating).

One of the informants, with his stories about the work of his colleagues, settled scores with those he did not like. The second, that is, the second, poured out tubs of information on me, passed through its own - I must say, quite original, even ridiculous - “filter”. By the way, the company employees knew well who their “informer” was, and they portrayed vigorous activity in front of them.

Instead of work - visibility

In general, imitation of labor instead of doing real things, as I was convinced during the several months of my work in this company, flourished. Daily reports were written by employees skilled in their preparation in “one-two-three” periods – sometimes for the whole week at once. Everyone tried to tell their superiors about their successes and at all costs keep their mistakes secret. But it’s better to “open” them in time and correct them, so that, having accumulated, they don’t ultimately ruin the whole thing.

Also, work was carried out first, the result of which was immediately visible, and employees tried to neglect routine tasks. Finally, there was no respect for the authorities - I had never heard so many offensive epithets, nicknames, and jokes before.

Four months later I quit. And, although I didn’t find a new job right away, I never regretted the decision.

What does total control at work lead to?

According to psychologists, total management control over employees, based on mistrust and designed to “identify, punish, suppress,” can cause the following consequences:

  • Kills initiative and independence in decision making. Employees are afraid of inadequate criticism in case of failures (from which, as we know, no one is immune).
  • Causes negligence in performing duties. Immediate superiors are perceived as a “parent” who will definitely check your “homework” and correct mistakes, so you can allow yourself not to strain yourself once again.
  • Generates paperwork. When even minor problems arise, exculpatory notes rain down on the manager: “It’s not my fault, I was there at that time and was doing that.”
  • Causes irritation among subordinates. Who would like it if every step is closely monitored eight hours a day, five days a week! In addition, mistrust breeds apathy and reluctance to show initiative and creativity.

How to solve a problem?

Common situation? In this case, you need to act. If you hold a leadership position in your company, seriously consider whether you really need strict control over your employees or whether you can give them some freedom.

If you find yourself in such a situation as a subordinate, weigh all the pros and cons of the job and, if the latter outweigh, decide to change employer.

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". Which arose after a lengthy analysis of evidence from various sources. The result of this analysis was shock! No need for chips in your heads! Total control is implemented differently! Moreover, it has been implemented for a very, very long time. In practice, implementation began at the beginning of the last century. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. And let's go in order, in the course of the analysis.

The analysis used a variety of sources. However, the most productive source turned out to be in the ZOG(contact with which, unfortunately, was lost due to the expiration of the source). The materials of which led us to the final conclusion:

Shock! No need for chips in your heads! Total control is implemented differently! And now we will show you why we came to this conclusion. Let's start with chips in general and why microchips are needed. Real-life microchips today are microchips for animals. According to the definition:

The microchip is very small, little larger than a grain of rice, approximately 12 x 2 millimeters in size, and weighs only 0.6 grams. Consists of a glass capsule made of bio-compatible glass, which is well accepted by body tissues. Inside the glass capsule is a silicon chip carrying a unique individual code, along with a ferrite core and a copper coil that receives and sends information to the reader. The microchip is passive until activated by the scanner.

It would seem that total control is ensured very simply: implant a microchip into each person - and voila!

However, this will not happen until the technical revolution takes place, and medicine uses modern diagnostic methods. Let's take a closer look at the field of medicine.

Probably many of you have watched series Doctor House. And an episode where this doctor treats a magician who choked for an unknown reason when he tried to get out of the chains and the pool. In order to diagnose what was happening to the magician, House's team placed the patient in magnetic resonance tomograph. As a result, the magician began to terribly yell and sausage. No one knew why until House came and pulled out a metal key from the magician's guts, which magicians swallow before performing a trick - so that they can quickly and easily open the locks and get out of the trap.

Why did this thing happen with the magician in the magnetic resonance imaging scanner? Because the metal key began to be attracted by the walls of the tomograph with very great force. And he almost gutted the magician.

Now imagine what will happen if a person with a microchip in his head (or anywhere else in his body) is placed in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner? It will be very, very, very, very painful. And it’s absolutely unnecessary for those who microchip people. By the way, have you ever wondered how microchips are affected by X-ray radiation? But in vain. But back to the topic.

Why will it be very, very painful? Because microchips need to be implanted very deeply, into internal organs. Why? Everything is very simple: if a microchip is implanted under the skin, it will be very easy to remove it using the same magnetic tomography. But who needs such total control? G ol?

Naturally, we can assume that with the help of secret Alien technologies, biochips, which do not respond to a magnetic field... But you can find a dozen more arguments against the fact that microchips can be successfully used. There are a dozen counterarguments to this. However, all these arguments have one thing in common - this will all be nonsense. Why?

Because microchips are not needed as such. Or rather, they are needed - but not in order to control everyone. And in order to divert attention. What is meant? Everything is very simple.

A favorite trick of magicians is used to distract attention - to encourage them to look for something where there is no trace of it.

Naturally, some will find nothing. But the majority are happy to come up with more ideas and will be sure that everything is so. And all the counterarguments are the machinations of the Aliens and ZOG.

As you can imagine, microchips have become an excellent target for distraction - technically and practically impossible to implement technology at this level of technological development. Whereas the truth lies in a completely different place. Where?

Let's go through the logical chain:

  1. Why are microchips needed?
  2. To ensure total control.
  3. Why is total control needed? Who the hell knows...
  4. But speaking without being distracted by trifles: to know exactly who is where and when, and, if possible, what they are doing.

The first two points are When And Where someone is located - can be attracted and implemented to a limited extent by chipping. But the third point is that someone does— there is no way to find out using a microchip. Why? Yes because microchip - passive device. He doesn't have

  • long lasting battery,
  • reliable wireless charger,
  • powerful microphone,
  • sufficient memory and
  • a powerful antenna that can transmit data over long distances (which requires a lot of energy).

Of course, we can return to our sheep and convince that Alien technologies make it possible to arrange something else, but this will be nothing more than a usual distraction from the real method of total control.

So how is total control implemented? Let's think about it. In order to know where and when someone is and what they are doing, the monitoring device must:

  • worked constantly to provide total control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 28-31 days a month, 365-366 days a year;
  • it could not be turned off without harm to the user;
  • it must be necessary so that it cannot be abandoned without loss;
  • it should be as widespread as possible;
  • it must be large enough to safely accommodate all the components of the tracking device (including the source of powerful directional radiation) without arousing suspicion;
  • or the tracker components must be taken for granted.

So we have a few points ideal control device. It is difficult to stuff such a complex thing into the human body, so it is logical to assume that the control device is located

  • a) close to a person
  • b) in every apartment
  • c) works constantly.

What is this? No, not TV. And some people turn off their computers at night. And it’s not even mobile phones (although we’ll talk about them later) that periodically die and can be easily turned off. So, what kind of household appliance is this that meets all the listed requirements for a control device? The answer is very simple:

Of course! How did you not guess? Or - if you guessed it - then you're great! Fridge:

  1. Always online.
  2. Always close to a person.
  3. Located in every apartment.
  4. It cannot be turned off without harm to the user.
  5. It is necessary and cannot be abandoned without loss.
  6. It's big enough to hold DOZENS of tracking devices.

Well, or one is quite powerful.

Here is the answer! And, most interestingly, total control began to be realized just after the advent of radios and refrigerators! Since the beginning of the last century! And now this useful household appliance is watching us.

Just think: you decided to conspire against ZOG (or against any other world government advocating total control). Where are you going to discuss your secret plans? That's right: in the kitchen! What do we have in our kitchen? That's right - a refrigerator! It stands and fixes. And writes an opera :)

Go ahead. For example, the conspirators did not gather in the kitchen, but on the balcony. It would seem that the refrigerator does not hear anything. However, if you think a little more, you will realize that building a really sensitive microphone into a refrigerator is a piece of cake. Moreover, there is plenty of space. And as a result, at least part of the message will be caught. In the same way, some part of the message will be transmitted by the refrigerators of the neighbors above, neighbors on the side, and below. It turns out that different pieces of the puzzle are assembled and sent by a dozen tracking devices. It would seem that there is no benefit to anyone from this mishmash. However, nevertheless, modern neurocomputers working with fuzzy logic (this is our case) are able to extract information from almost anything! And as a result, the conspirators were discovered again.

You might say, "Well, if that were true, tracking devices in refrigerators would have been figured out a long time ago!" Is it so? Answer the following questions:

  1. How often do you look inside the refrigerator?
  2. How often do you look at what's hidden in its thick insulating layer?
  3. How often do you take apart, say, a compressor in search of extra parts?

The list goes on and on. And there will be only one answer: " Of course, very rarely"By the way, even repairmen don’t look into the insulation.

Well, even if they (or you) look, will they pay attention to a couple of unnecessary details? Of course not. Typically, refrigerator repairmen and ordinary citizens do not have much education in the field of spy electrical engineering and are unlikely to distinguish a powerful antenna from a refrigerator heat exchanger, or a sensitive microphone from one of the compressor components.

Thus, in order to recognize a tracking device in a refrigerator, you need to:

  • a) completely gut the refrigerator;
  • b) do this constantly to collect the necessary statistics;
  • c) have a professional understanding of eavesdropping electronics.

As you can imagine, this combination is very, very, very rare. However, it does occur. For example, it was precisely this that led to the fact that we received this information. However, the world government very carefully monitors such manifestations (as you already understood, with the help of refrigerators). So our source ran out very quickly.

A brief history of the refrigerator as a tool of total control.

On July 14, 1850, the American physician John Gorey first demonstrated the process of producing artificial ice in the apparatus he created. In his invention, he used compression cycle technology, which is used in modern refrigerators, and the device itself could serve as both a freezer and an air conditioner.

The first household electric refrigerator was created in 1913. Like industrial refrigerators, it worked using the heat pump principle. The first household refrigerators used rather toxic substances as coolant.

At the same time, in 1866, Mahlon Loomis, an American dentist, announced that he had discovered a method of wireless communication. In November 1894, a public demonstration of experiments on wireless signal transmission in the millimeter range by Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose took place at the Calcutta Town Hall. 1897 - French entrepreneur Eugene Ducretet builds an experimental wireless telegraphy receiver according to drawings provided by A. S. Popov.

Further, refrigerators and radios were ignored until a secret meeting of international bankers in 1930 decided that total control should be established over people. Among the proposed methods, it was proposed to create a hybrid of a refrigerator, microphone and radio station.

Military scientific institutes of the world government around the world began development in all directions, and literally within 5 years the first serial production of refrigerators as total control devices began. And today we have much more advanced refrigerators than in the last century, much more reliable, durable - and much better at transmitting all the information about you straight to the world government.

However, as you can quite rightly note, refrigerators are not always found in all areas of human activity. For example, you rarely see a refrigerator in a car. Or on the street. Yes, indeed, before, conspirators could conspire in nature. However, for the last twenty years this has been practically impossible. Why? Because over these twenty years, irreplaceable, useful accessories have very easily entered our lives, including almost all the characteristics of control devices. These are mobile phones.

Naturally, they can be turned off. You can forget them at home and so on. However, thanks to their ubiquity, refrigerators have received very strong support. And total control has become even more total.

And now the main question: "What to do with all this?"

How to deal with the total control implemented through refrigerators and mobile phones?

Well, the advice "choose a normal adequate government" is already too late. Therefore, we will solve the problem differently. So, did you know that a mobile phone can be very easily shielded using ordinary food foil? The procedure is very simple:

  • take foil
  • wrap your phone in it.

All! Testing this method is very simple: call the enclosed phone number. You will be answered "the subscriber is in the zone ...". And on the phone subsequently deployed, the message "you called" will appear.

Thus, if you are planning to plot against the world government, then:

  1. Gather in nature.
  2. Shield mobile phones with foil.

As you can see, the rules are very simple. However, we only touched the phone and did not touch the neutralization of the refrigerator. Of course, the most obvious solution is to cover the refrigerator with foil, just like your phone. However, this is not very correct, since then the refrigerator will overheat. Plus, it will be difficult to use it, since when the door is open, data collection and transmission becomes possible.

Therefore, the solution is very simple: you just need to cover the entire room with foil - the ceiling, walls, floor, windows, doors. And for reliability - and batteries, ventilation ducts, etc.

As a result, you will get an excellent shelter, completely protected from both your refrigerator and neighbors' refrigerators. In order for information not to be transmitted when the front door is open, it is better

  • Or just don't go outside
  • or hang a multilayer foil curtain.

But it's better not to go outside.

Thus, total control rests on refrigerators, mobile phones and redirecting attention to microchipping people.

And in order not to be in a position of total control, you need to protect yourself from mobile phones and refrigerators with foil.

Well, or start thinking with your head 🙂

Goes daily. Some data people transmit on their own, some end up in the wrong hands without the consent of the person. In society, total control is everywhere - these are video cameras, sensors, GPS navigators and determinants.

Control over a person

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that everyone has the right to privacy. The emergence of electronic passports and cards allows you to read information about the subject with a single touch. Total control is a way to track information about a person based on previously collected data.

When preparing documents in government agencies, consent to the processing of personal data must be signed. The control system allows you to find out not only your date of birth and passport data, but also your career growth, hobbies, and marital status.


The total control system stores information in electronic form, which creates risks:

  • data can be stolen by hackers for personal use;
  • information about a person's health can be used by scammers.

Subscriber tracking by mobile operator

Cellular operators collect information about a person’s movement to correctly redistribute traffic between towers. The company needs this for uninterrupted operation of cellular communications. Operators know the amount of traffic spent and topics of interest. The information is shared with the government of major cities to analyze and improve the city's infrastructure. An honest person has nothing to hide, but there is no guarantee that this information will not turn against him in the near future.

Total control over people is safe as long as information does not fall into the wrong hands or repression begins for political reasons. Information technology is developing faster than the law. The greater the difference between these points, the more dangerous is total control.

Controlling society

Video cameras on city streets are found in large and small cities of Russia. They help solve crimes, find those responsible for accidents, or help find people.

The “Safe City” program has been developed, which allows you not only to track a person’s movement, but also to predict his behavior. Digital cameras with the function of tracking a person’s condition by gait and gestures are installed at Moscow metro stations and railway stations.

The technology identifies each person who passed and compares it with the database; if there is a match, the information is transmitted to the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Total control over society is of interest to the state, because it allows it to monitor the situation and make decisions. Any person caught in the lens is checked and, if necessary, the camera will give a signal to the appropriate services. The reason may be a physical resemblance to the criminal.

Legislative basis for total control

Total control is the ability to monitor a person's private life without additional permission. In the Russian Federation, the issue of wiretapping telephone conversations and Internet correspondence has been resolved. To do this, you must obtain court permission for a certain period.

Video recording makes it possible to film society and store data about each person, while the actions of law enforcement agencies are not fixed by law. Surveillance of a person is possible only with a warrant, and permission is not required for the camera.

People carelessly leave personal information on various websites, and the government takes advantage of this. It’s easy to track who visited prohibited Internet resources. The data can be used to protect the public or to find criminals.

Total control of a person speaks of a society with clear signs of a repressive regime.

Social media

Total control is an opportunity to preserve national security, but sometimes a person himself puts information on the Internet that allows him to see his whole life.

Social networks track our preferences, posts that evoke positive emotions and offer interesting material for viewing. But Facebook went further and patented a system that allows the bank to transmit information about the financial status of the user’s friends. Such data helps the bank to make a decision on issuing a loan.

Not only the status of friends is assessed, but also the degree of relationship with them. If the rating of friends is higher than the rating required to receive the loan amount, then the bank continues the procedure for collecting information about the client.

Information is collected based on the data that the user himself posted on the network. Social networks are a great dossier created by your own hands. In this case, the main condition when uploading photos to the network is the person’s face, which should be clearly visible. In this case, you must confirm that it is you in the photo.

You can not upload photos of other people, children and animals. Unauthorized persons cannot be uploaded to the network without their consent. But social networks prohibit posting animals. This is done in order to have a comparative base for camcorders. By linking photos and videos, you can create a complete picture of a person’s life and movements.

Quality control

Total verification can be useful. Japan is the first country to prove this. Total quality control was introduced here. In the absence of such control, up to 60% of the time may be spent correcting errors and defects. Market leaders are always responsible for product quality.

In Japan, it is tested not only at the enterprise. After the sale of products, durability, performance, and maintenance are monitored.

Quality management moves to a new level and strengthens control over it by the consumer. The latter is interested in buying reliable quality for long-term use.

Japanese developers are confident that job analysis is mandatory. It allows you to discover the relationship between flaws and the opinion of the end user. Control takes place at every stage from development to the user.

Training on monitoring the quality of products concerns not only the workers of the enterprise, but also managers. The management of the enterprise puts it in first place. The personnel appraisal system makes it possible to cover all employees and conduct an analysis of their training.

The Japanese adhere to the following rules:

  • saw a defect - stop the conveyor;
  • do not accept low-quality products;
  • don't repeat mistakes.

The future of control

From time to time there are proposals to introduce total surveillance not only of the personal data of the country’s residents, but also of their income. Stores equipped with online cash registers will allow you to control citizens’ expenses not only with credit cards, but also when paying in cash. In the second case, a link will occur by phone number.

Thus, the state wants to identify those who have a salary in an envelope or work unofficially. The store must not only issue a receipt to the buyer, but also send information to the tax authorities.

It will be possible for the consumer to always restore the receipt electronically, even if it is lost on paper.

Such a system may appear in the future, but it is not yet possible to resolve technical issues. Total control is the ability to restore information from any date and at any level. On the other hand, data about a person is a lever of pressure that the state can use to make him subject to the control of the system.

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