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Tor and the "Shadow Internet": Secrets of the Dark Side of the Internet. The dark side of the internet: how to get there

Over the past few years, I have heard the concept of the Deep Web more and more often. But I never thought about how to get there. And so, after a little digging, I decided to understand this topic.

There is an opinion on the Internet that the deep Internet stores almost 100,000 TB of information, while the regular Internet does not exceed 2,000 TB. Almost all information on the dark side of the Internet is open source and free. Deep Web is not indexed by Google or Yandex search engines.

How to get there

If you want to access such a domain through a regular browser, you will see this.

Well, if through TorBrowser, then the page will naturally open. In the screenshot below, I opened the local Wikipedia (Hidden Wiki)

What can be found on the Deep Web

Since the deep internet is used by hackers, criminals and law enforcement agencies, this place is considered dangerous. The truth is not entirely clear why.

Somehow it happened that the first thing I came across was the Runion forum, which has things that amazed me.

I'm not even sure if it's worth writing about it at all, since modern laws of the Russian Federation can be punished for this. I just hope that all the people who sell weapons on the forum are police officers, thus calculating the alleged criminals.

I was surprised not so much by the fact that they sell firearms, but by the fact that for communication they use strange boxes of the type: 4d2b151932e7 and require encrypting letters.

Most sellers only accept Bitcoin for payment. A little later, I found a service that allows you to send messages to such strange addresses.

On the forum there are orders for body armor and even acetone. There are even SIM cards issued for legal entities. Many branches about politics, mercenary camps and the like.

On the portal http://doe6ypf2fcyznaq5.onion/ there is a catalog of popular resources. Of the harmless ones, there is a virtual confessional, in which you can absolutely anonymously ask priests from the local religion to forgive your sins.

© Mikko Lagerstedt

Wondering what the Dark Web is and how to access it? We'll tell you in detail, step by step, about the best and safest way to access the Dark Web, from TOR settings and choosing a VPN service to how much extra effort you need to make to stay anonymous.

In fact, accessing the Dark Web is fairly easy. But it’s even easier to be found in it if you don’t take precautions.

According to research, only 4% of the entire Internet is visible to the general public. This means that the remaining 96% of the Internet is in what is called The Deep Web. But let's understand the terminology.

What is Surface Web?

Clear Web / Clear Net / Surface Web is the usual Internet, the "world wide web", where you hang out every day and do everyday things: check your mail, go to Facebook and Twitter, buy on Amazon, etc. All sites and pages that a search engine such as Google "sees" are on the Surface Web.

What is the Deep Web?

The Deep Web is a subclass of the Internet, sites that cannot be found on search engines like Google. This includes all pages that are blocked for outside users by login windows, all company pages created for internal use. Most of the Deep Web resources are not illegal.

What is Dark Web or DarkNet?

The Dark Web is a subclass of the Deep Web containing all kinds of sites, legal and illegal. This includes black markets selling drugs, counterfeit goods and weapons, as well as hacker sites, adult pages, bitcoin mixers, and even hitman recruitment sites. The variety of sites on the Dark Web is surprising at times. But the Dark Web does not have its own search engine, which would work in the same way as Google on the "regular" Internet.

If you need access to black market sites or DarkNet resources (with the .onion domain), then you need to access the Dark Web using the TOR network through the TOR browser. It is the most used web browser on the Dark Web.

How to access the Dark Web

Step 1

First, connect to a reliable VPN, for example, and use it all the time, regardless of whether you are using TOR or not. You can find the most suitable VPNs to use with TOR. You must take your anonymity and security seriously if you visit the Dark Net.

Don't be fooled into thinking that ISPs and law enforcement are not trying to track whoever uses TOR to access the Dark Web. Moreover, they do it pretty well, so don't make it easy for them.

Please note that recently it became known about the TOR vulnerability, which reveals your real IP-address, which, in turn, can lead to your real location. If you already have a TOR browser, please update it immediately. Vulnerabilities like these most often occur in TOR.

With a VPN, your DarkNet activities will be hidden from your ISP and government agencies as all your data will be encrypted. No one will even know you are using TOR, let alone browse the DarkNet markets.

Better yet, the VPN gives you a fake IP address registered in a different country altogether. Therefore, even if TOR is at risk, you will simply be tracked to another location that is not actually connected to you.

Another advantage of using a VPN is to prevent hacker attacks that steal your identity, as well as personal files and photos from your computer.

You need to use a good VPN that doesn't require login, is fast, accepts bitcoin preferentially, has a DNS leak switch, and is TOR compliant.

Step 2

You cannot access the Dark Web with a regular browser like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. To enter the Dark Web, you need to download the TOR browser. But download it only from the official TOR website!

Close all windows and applications that are connected to the world wide web, including Skype, OneDrive, iCloud, etc. Open the VPN app and connect to a different location than where you are. Make sure to use the OpenVPN protocol as it is the most secure.

After that, open your regular browser and then download the TOR installation files.

Step 3

Download the TOR browser package to your PC or laptop. When the download is complete, double-click the downloaded file, select the destination folder (the folder where you want to extract the browser) and confirm the installation.

Step 4

Launch the TOR browser. Open the folder where you extracted TOR and launch it. The TOR home page will open in a new window. Connect to the network via TOR following a simple instruction.

You now have a good level of anonymity and security and can access the Dark Web sites.

And now you want to go to some of the Dark Web sites ...

Check out the Dark Net Marketplace below to visit some of the sites. Just look! Many domains exist for a short period of time or are often "moved".

Silk Road - http://silkroad7rn2puhj.onion/

Dream Market - http://4buzlb3uhrjby2sb.onion/?ai=552713

Imperial Market - http://empiremktxgjovhm.onion/

Router - http://xuytcbrwbxbxwnbu.onion / (Russian market)

If you want to enter specific Dark Web markets, you must follow the specific market guide as it will guide you in detail on what to do in order to register, view offers, and more.

If you're looking for a larger list of hidden deep web links, see below.

This is one of the largest lists of verified resources with the .onion extension on DarkNet with a search function, site name, status, description, categories. But whether they work or not is unknown.

These are all necessary steps to securely access the Dark Web, but there are a few more important points to be aware of ...

Bitcoin and shopping on the Dark Web

If you go to the Dark Web to buy something, then you will need to use a cryptocurrency to do this, and Bitcoin is the most used cryptocurrency on the Dark Web.

Buying digital currencies is a separate topic, we will not delve into it, but there is one valuable advice on what to do so that your account is not immediately closed and you do not lose your money.

Never send cryptocurrency directly from your account (where you buy tokens) somewhere on DarkNet, and also never send tokens directly from anywhere on DarkNet to your account. Otherwise, it will be possible to immediately tell where the coins came from. You need to send tokens through the exchange to the wallet, and from the wallet to the Dark Web, and vice versa.

Additional Security Steps in DarkNet

Step 5

Don't resize the TOR browser window unless you enjoy tickling your nerves. The intelligence services have special programs that can determine by the size of the window which browser a person is using. The default TOR window size allows you to remain incognito.

Step 6

Remember that TOR is not necessarily 100% anonymous. You will need to disable JavaScript in your browser settings.

Step 7

Disconnect your webcam or cover it with black tape. Otherwise, later you may be surprised that your intimate photos are used for blackmail or extortion.

Step 8

Also mute the microphone or cover it with tape to mute.

Step 9

Never use your real name, photos, email, or even the password you previously used on the Dark Web. This is the fastest way to track you down. Use an anonymous email account and pseudonyms that have nothing to do with you and that you have never used before.

Step 10

If you are using TOR on the Dark Web for anything other than, you should seriously consider your privacy and security.

How much do you know about the internet? And how much does the Internet know about you?

What is deep web

The Deep Web is a shadow Internet, which is based on maximum anonymity, a complete rejection of provider servers, which makes it impossible to determine who, where and what is sending. Before you get to any site via the deep web, your data is encrypted and transmitted through the same network participants as you, which makes the transfer of data as anonymous as possible, but rather slow. The Deep Web now resembles the speed of the first Internet using dialup modems. The concept of the Deep Web has gained popularity quite recently and still does not have a clear meaning. In a broad sense, this phrase denotes information hidden from indexing by search engines, and includes closed communities and forums, certain pages of sites are prohibited from indexing, databases, as well as encrypted networks for anonymous surfing (the latter most often mean TOR and i2p). In a narrower sense, the Deep Internet is a pseudo-domain space created using encrypted connections that ensure user anonymity by hiding the IP address given to him by the provider.
Usually, interest in the deep Internet is associated with the desire of more or less experienced users to find something secret on the Internet, hidden from the eyes of the majority. Novice internet stalkers are sure that the deep internet includes a lot of interesting information, which, only by misunderstanding, turned out to be hidden from the eyes of the majority. In fact, this opinion is only partially true, and the so-called Deep Web includes both information that is not needed by the majority of law-abiding citizens (the vast majority of TOR and i2p network sites), and very interesting discussions and opinions of people united in a closed community. to isolate themselves from people with alien views and opinions or inexperienced newcomers to their field of activity (a typical example is closed SMO or SEO forums). In addition, the closed nature of some communities makes them elite in the eyes of other users (a vivid example is the closed collective blog Leprosorium).


The size of the deep web is unknown. There are relatively reliable estimates of the total number of sites leading to online databases: about 600 thousand of such sites on the entire Internet and about 30 thousand on the Runet. The most interesting thing is that the amount of information concentrated in the deep web is tens of times greater than the amount of information in the ordinary Internet space.

Below are some links to interesting (in my opinion resources)

Https:// - Tor search engine and gateway to the Internet. - M. Zillman's collection of deep web resources. - Study material with verified clickable links to Deep and Dark Web search resources. is a paid deep web search engine. is a platform for collecting information about political stability, security of countries, various incidents and unrest, collecting and scanning information on the deep web. - US National Security Archive at George Washington University. is an invisible web search engine for open academic web resources belonging to top universities and research centers in the US and UK. - an invisible web search engine for various publications, books, articles in the field of computer solutions and information sciences in English. - The most comprehensive file search on the Internet. Allows you to search for files in 47 formats. The search can be carried out by the author of the file, its name, a fragment of the content. Supports not only basic types of text and table files, but also compressed files, audio-video files and much more.

Http:// is a leading provider of "deep web technologies" that implement a federated search approach, creator of a number of deep web search engines, Internet and intranet solutions. is a search engine for collections containing the most relevant and interesting information resources created as a result of the voluntary joining of efforts of thousands of students, volunteers of information cataloging and classification and leading specialists in the field of information technology. - Search over 50,000 of the largest open source databases for free. For example, it can provide information about business applications, available licenses, and even about participation in criminal proceedings, bankruptcies and many, many other interesting things. - is a collection of the most in-demand business and scientific issues supported by a community of researchers and specialists in collecting and cataloging information. - the world's largest virtual library uniting digital resources from many countries, training centers, commercial organizations, etc. is the most advanced federated deep web search engine for business. - The first real-time deep web search engine with elements of semantic analysis. Allows you to grasp news and facts inaccessible to other systems. It integrates into browsers. - a virtual library of Internet resources, contains data from libraries of many of the richest and most successful American universities.

Not of course many sites inaccessible on the regular network, such as WikiLeaks, Piratebay, The Hidden Wiki and a bunch of other sites, as they say: everyone has ...

How and who is using the Deep Web?

Tor users use this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than direct connections, thus allowing organizations and individuals to exchange information over public networks without revealing their privacy. Tor is effective in circumventing Internet censorship by allowing users to browse sites that would be prohibited on the regular Internet.

Criminals of all stripes, terrorists, drug dealers, hired killers feel at ease in these open spaces, although from time to time information leaks into the media.

Tor can also be used by software developers to create new and improve old communication tools with built-in privacy protection.

Hidden services allow individuals to create websites without revealing the webmaster's IP address and true location. For example, Tor is used to discuss socially problematic topics: chat rooms and web forums are formed for victims of domestic violence or people with certain diseases.

Journalists can freely and safely correspond with dissidents and denunciators of the regime. Employees of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) gain access to correspondence with families when they are out of their country without revealing to the general public that they are working with the organization.

It is clear that such a place cannot be bypassed by the military, special services, law enforcement officers to ensure the secrecy of their messages and tasks. They also use the Deep Web when searching for terrorists, other criminal elements and their illegal actions.

What currency is used in the Deep Web

Bitcoin is a commonly used currency in the deep web of black markets, and they do not exist in physical form, but computers, and sometimes entire computing centers, are used to acquire them.
What distinguishes bitcoins from conventional currencies is that it is unrealistic to trace their owners and the chain of transactions, which makes them the most preferred form of settlement for illegal transactions.

Most likely, this space in the near future will be under the control of supervisory authorities, but time does not stand still and we should certainly expect the emergence of new programs and browsers, since the secret Internet allows you to cash out huge amounts of money.

P. S. this is my first post, if anything - sorry ...

Hi, today I will talk about one computer network that is based on the Internet infrastructure. It contains everything that is not on the regular web: arms trafficking, drugs, child pornography and much more. Servers with this content are located in the DeepWeb zone - segments of the Internet that are not available for indexing by search engines. Access to many of these sites is possible only through a chain of encrypted connections - the TOR network, the nodes of which are scattered all over the world.

I warn you specifically, if you are a normal person, you really WILL NOT LIKE what you see there. If you are in order with your nerves - a selection of screenshots in the continuation of the post.

TOR client management console. The screen displays the current traffic route through the encrypted network. All connections are anonymous, you can create a new route at any time. At the same time, TOR does not guarantee 100% protection against interception, since data can be "tapped" at the provider's level at the stages of entering and exiting the network. The software client can work in the mode of an entry or exit point, so that flows of someone else's traffic will pass through it and the owner of such a computer will always be able to say "that it was someone else who downloaded / entered" and will be right. By the way, they say about TOR that 99% of it consists of trolls, hackers, lovers of child porn and FBI agents.

Since the usual search indexing on the network is not available, collections of links to various resources are popular in TOR. The most famous of these is HiddenWiki, one of the largest. Since access to it is anonymous, it is often vandalized, for example, by deleting sections with links to child porn. It also contains the archives of all AnonOps operations, with all data and files stolen from the FBI. Even WikiLeaks would envy some information.

HackBB is one of the largest cybercrime experience boards. There is also a kind of market where you can buy a pack of credit card data, spambots, order DDoS (for example, on LJ) or hack mail or a specific site. Most transactions go through an intermediary - a person with an established reputation who will not lose it for the sake of immediate profit. Of course, the middleman takes a percentage for his services. Basically, they trade in credit card data, but once they even sold an administrator account in World of Warcraft.

The prices are not very high. Card data is obtained from skimmers at ATMs. With such cards, you can easily make purchases on the Internet. Data with a pin and full scans of cards are a little more expensive - with such information you can make a real card and make purchases in stores.

Due to encryption and a large chain of nodes, the connection speed in TOR is very, very low, so most sites are designed extremely ascetic. Often this is ordinary HTML, just like 15 years ago, when the Internet was just appearing in Russia, and even that was carried out via dial-up access.

Search for the services of a computer cracker. Pay attention - 6 (six!) Minutes from posting the assignment to finding the vulnerability and showing willingness to help in this delicate matter. This is where Department K needs to look for its talent.

And here is an incipient scam using the operator Verizon.

In addition to online services, there are also clothing stores on the deep Internet that sell stolen equipment and appliances. These are very affordable prices for Apple products. Surely my brand new MacBook, which was stolen from me in Madagascar, is also somewhere here.

But the guys from Russia are playing with skimmers. Put it in an ATM and take off the data of other people's cards until you get bored. Below are a few more photos of their products.

Reader for cards, installed as a cover on an ATM.

A camera box that simulates an ATM part.

Her insides. Miniature camera and Flash memory.

Installation examples. Complete with a skimmer, as expected, an instruction manual, a warranty card and drivers are sent.

Here we understand that the guys are from Russia. Here the soul will not be overjoyed for the craftsmen-compatriots ..

Nationalist-revolutionaries from various countries find themselves in the vastness of the encrypted network. They create forums, and only trusted members who have proven their loyalty in some brave act, such as beating an immigrant or drawing a swastika on fences, can access restricted areas.

Revolutionaries in Denmark are actively sharing personal information of statesmen they dislike. Their phone numbers, addresses, names of their relatives. This is the chief of all prisons in Denmark.

And here is the chief of police. The radicals are also unhappy with her. These guys, in particular, had a lot of information about Denmark, Sweden and Germany. It turns out that everything is not as calm there as it seems to us from here, from Russia.

For lovers of all sorts of dark deeds, there is always a wide range of fake documents and identity cards. Too lazy to do Schengen and visa? Buy yourself a Czech passport, for example, and that's it.

Product samples: driver's license. States of Hawaii and Maine. You can open all the categories for yourself and travel with them in Russia without any special problems.

And here is the fake passport. The seller prudently works with gloves so as not to leave unnecessary marks.

As a result, it is also easy to buy all the necessary documents in Europe. True, unlike in Russia, they can do all this via the Internet - that's what service means.

Another passport. By the way, all goods are sent by regular mail. Contrary to the statements of the postal services, no organization is simply not able to inspect all goods and parcels for the presence of substances and items prohibited for transportation. The drugs are hidden, and the weapons are disassembled into their component parts and sent through several parcels. How difficult do you think it is to hide and forward a passport or a plastic card?

The title page of a section with links to child pornography in HiddenWiki. 5 seconds before the screenshot was taken, it was "overwhelmed" - but after a moment - it was restored again. Inveterate pedophiles, as a rule: self-organize into sites of interest, where they exchange photos and experiences. Some of these resources are open to everyone, and some require a "contribution" to the common collection of porno materials.

List of major porn forums with DP. Nobody knows the exact amount of disgusting resources, but there are a lot of them.

Home page of one of the popular English-language forums on this topic. It is unlikely that such a site would have lasted more than 10 minutes on the regular Internet.

Some pedophiles openly brag about their achievements and make websites about themselves and their victims. Here's an example of one of them. Yes, it's all one site.

Photo deleted = -

And here is the dating section on one of the resources. A married couple is looking for a young boy to sleep with his young wife.

One of the biggest child porn sites. The creators claim hundreds of gigabytes. To the services of perverts visiting it there is a search, tags, catalogs and commenting on the materials they like. If you transplant all pedophiles from this site, the number of this scum at large will be reduced at least several times.

These freaks live among us, go to work with us, ride in transport, etc. Having gained access to such resources, they only aggravate their decay, which can ultimately lead to their active actions. Access to such resources must be unambiguously blocked and denied. Unfortunately, our law enforcement agencies do not seem to be aware of the existence of TOR at all.

And of course, there is a place for the traditional perverts. The ulybaka dog happily greets everyone who has come to the site.

Oddly enough, there are also fighters against pedophilia in the deep web. Here is a screenshot from one of the resources, where pedophilia is discussed as a disease, and the administrator is trying to instruct the perverts who come to him on the right path.

Silk Road is the largest drug dealing resource on the web. On the site and its forums, you can buy any kind of all kinds of substances. In addition, weapons and equipment for drug laboratories are actively traded there. SilkRoad uses an internal currency - bitcoins. For the normal functioning of the market, there are exchange offices where bitcoins can be exchanged for ordinary money.

Heroin delivery. Sealed packages, Russian Post.

The legendary "Desert Eagle" - delivered in parts worldwide.

Nice and convenient Glock for solving life problems.

A lot placed to resolve some private transactions. "For Dmitry" - the Russian trace is immediately visible.

Two Glocks with silencers. Worldwide delivery, by mail, in parts.

We are approaching the Russian segment of the TOR network. Directory of links. Child porn is neatly called "highly specialized" here.

There are also their own, Russian, drug stores.

Another example of such a store.

Large selection of items and several delivery options.

Not only drugs are available. Left Sims:

Few weapons:

And discussion of current political topics.

In the Russian Federation, there are no problems with documents either. In the discussion, the seller says that there are also Russian passports, but more complicated and more expensive.

And here are the Russian pedophiles. One of their many forums. To get access there, you need to put your story of the abuse of a child in one of the available sections so that everyone else can make sure that he is a pedophile and embrace him.

In fact, TOR was not meant to be a pedophile network. It was created for some kind of military needs, but in the end it was declassified and made public, after which its active development began. It began to be used by a wide variety of people, ranging from journalists seeking to remain incognito during investigations and safe communication with the organizers to law enforcement agencies who do not want to "shine" their official IP addresses when visiting various sites. Thus, there is nothing wrong with the TOR network directly, it is a very convenient and good tool for protecting a person's privacy and bypassing Internet censorship.

And nevertheless, now it is at the same time a breeding ground for pedophiles, cybercriminals and perverts, which is just a couple of clicks from the regular Internet, and the essence of this problem in relation to our country lies not at all in the availability of TOR, but in the complete prostration of our law enforcement agencies regarding capabilities of this network.

The governments of different countries are trying to fight the deep internet. In 2006, German intelligence agencies seized six computers running as nodes on the Tor network on the grounds that they had been illegally used to access child pornography.

In 2007, the German police arrested Alexander Janssen in Dusseldorf, who organized a Tor server on his computer, through which an unknown person sent a false report about the terrorist attack. Even though Mr. Janssen was soon released, he decided to abandon his continued use of his computer as a Tor exit point.

On September 25, 2009, 80% of the IP addresses of public Tor servers were blacklisted on the Great China Firewall.

Unfortunately, I have not found the facts of the fight against TOR of domestic law enforcement agencies. They may be doing it anonymously.

Why am I telling all this? The next time you see a message that you have closed another torrent tracker or pirate, do not rush to be indignant. The image of internet pirates has been overly idealized lately. And the problem is much deeper. That is why more attention needs to be drawn to them and it is necessary to fight them. Until a wide resonance arises in society on this issue, pedophiles and cybercriminals will continue to fearlessly continue their dirty work.

This text was created for informational purposes only, does not call for action and does not contain links to any sites. In addition, we remind you that the production, sale and transfer of narcotic and psychotropic substances is a criminal offense in accordance with Art. 228-231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the deep internet

The Internet that we use every day is called the "surface web". You don't need any special tools to access it - a working connection is enough. All pages of the "surface" Internet are easy to find using any search engine, and user actions on the Internet and data about them are available to Internet providers. Accordingly, they can be tracked by law enforcement agencies in accordance with the court's decision.

In addition to the surface network, there is also the deep internet (from the English "deep web"). It is impossible to find pages from the deep web through an ordinary search engine.- they are not indexed by search engines. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately estimate the size of this segment of the Internet.

Links to pages on the deep internet work in a special format .onion, so they cannot be opened with a regular browser. To access the deep network, you need special programs that preserve the anonymity of users and encrypt traffic.

There is also The darknet is a closed network within the deep internet. The concepts of "deep web" and "darknet" are often confused, but the darknet has a fundamental difference from the usual deep web.

The Deep Internet is a single network hidden from search engines, and there can be several darknets, and each of them needs special access. So, to get into each of the popular darknets - Freenet, RetroShare or I2P - you need to install separate software.

Why do you need a "hidden" Internet

There can be many reasons for creating pages on the deep web or one of the darknets. The main advantage of closed networks over superficial ones is, of course, anonymity. Therefore, the hidden Internet is often used for illegal activities.

Darknet trading floors sell drugs, weapons, fake documents, and even people. If desired, contacts of a contract killer can also be found on the darknet.

In addition, user data often leaks to the dark Internet - hackers who break into databases periodically merge them into closed networks. The easiest way to pay in local markets is with cryptocurrency - again, due to the fact that it allows you to remain anonymous.

Another option for illegal activity on the darknet is distribution of pirated content... However, here you will not surprise anyone with this, even on the "surface". And in countries where the authorities are actively pursuing piracy, the dark Internet comes to the aid of lovers of free content.

The deep internet and dark net have gained notoriety for their frequent use by criminals. However, illegal activity is not the only use of hidden networks.

There, for example, human rights activists and journalists from totalitarian and authoritarian states create their pages. On the darknet, they are not afraid of either censorship or the authorities. The Deep Internet is an excellent platform for fighting for freedom of speech, and it can be used not only for illegal purposes.

What can be found useful on the deep internet

The deep web isn't just sites for criminals. We have collected several links that may be useful to ordinary law-abiding citizens.

Libraries After the Russian-language library "Flibust" was blocked on the surface Internet, it moved to the "depth". There you can find thousands of books in Russian. Flibusta has its own pages on the deep Internet and on the I2P darknet. Other well-known deep web book resources include the Word Bogatyr and the Imperial Library of Trantor.
Rosjustud Database of publicly available court decisions from all over Russia.
Image hosting Anonymous image hosting, where you can upload jpg, png or gif files up to 20 megabytes in size for free.
Science articles A deep "mirror" of the Sci-Hub portal, which allows you to download scientific articles for free.
Censorship community The multilingual community We Fight Censorship publishes materials that, for one reason or another, have been declared prohibited in different countries.
Service of questions and answers The English-language service Hidden Answers works on the same principle as Answers. Some users ask questions, while others answer them. The main difference from similar "superficial" platforms is the topic of the questions. They are mainly devoted to cybersecurity and the deep internet. Although there are quite common thematic sections, for example, about relationships or food.
Search engine If you want to search for something in the deep web yourself, you can use a system that allows you to search for working sites in the deep web.

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