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Top VK groups by subscribers. VKontakte group statistics - detailed guide

Vkontakte is a large social network in the open spaces of Runet. Every day, about 50 million people visit their personal pages for various purposes. As you can imagine, such a social network contains terabytes of information and all kinds of static data. Your personal page, favorite public or group - they all have statistics that display the number of visitors, their age, gender, geography and even the time spent on the page. It is logical to ask a question - "How to view Vkontakte statistics?", after all, it is very interesting how many people came to your page or how popular this or another public is. Today we will talk about this topic, I will tell you all the secrets. After reading the article, you can easily view all the statistics of any Vkontakte communities.

Related article:

Personal page visit statistics

As I said, Vkontakte has a lot of statistics and your personal page is no exception. For many, this may be a revelation, but you can easily see how many people came to you, where they came from, their age, gender and many other criteria. All such statistics are official, you do not need to install anything or use third-party sites.

All you need is to paste the browser link into the address bar of your browser, where 654321 is your personal id. If you do not know how to find out the id, then I advise you to read the article in which I spoke in detail about the methods.

Such statistics may be needed by those who use a personal page not only to communicate with friends, but also to earn money.

There is also one very important aspect, you can see only your statistics, this "trick" does not work with the pages of other users.

How to view statistics of a public (group)

If you have a public or a group, then you know how to view the statistics. This is not a problem. There is a "community statistics" button on the community avatar. When you click on it, you will be taken to the personal account of the public, where graphs, diagrams, tables showing all kinds of statistical data are displayed.

Related article:

The statistics of their community are interesting, but in most cases, administrators, and ordinary users, are more interested in what and how competitors from larger publics are. You can also get this data, but only if the administrator has not closed access to them. All you need is to insert the following address into the address bar -, where 789456 is the personal id of a public or group.

By the way, quite recently I found one very interesting service On this site you can see the statistics of the largest Vkontakte communities - MDK, Quotes of Millionaires, BORSCH, Women's magazine - everything is there. A very large database has been collected there. There is access to statistics of about 1000 publics.

Why do you need to know the statistics of Vkontakte publics?

There are several aspects to this. If you are developing your own community and want to buy ads in other public places, then access to statistics can provide you with a selection of quality sites. You will find out the audience reach, the number of unique visitors, the gender and age of the public subscribers. All this data is very important, and with the right selection, the effect of advertising can be many times greater than you expect. In more detail about how to analyze statistics and how to get 10 times more effect from advertising in groups, I told in my course:

If you already have a good community, then statistics may be needed to analyze competitors and build your own promotion strategy. Based on the sources of the transition of users to the competing public, you will build your development methods.

Let's say that a competitor has a large proportion of users coming to other communities. This means that he actively buys advertising, and thus develops. You should also pay more attention to advertising.

Traffic can also come from news. Then it becomes obvious that the chosen direction for unique content. The administration of a competing public relies on its subscribers and high-quality news content. Thanks to reposts, there is a "natural" advertising of the group, which is a very good indicator of development.

If you can correctly evaluate the statistics of a competitor, then I am sure that building your own campaign for the development of a public will become much easier. See what methods really bring results, combine, experiment, derive your ideal formula for attracting subscribers.

Related article:

Vkontakte site visit statistics

As you already understood, everything in VK has its own statistics, but do not forget that Vkontakte is primarily an Internet site that also has statistical data on the number of visitors. How to find out the statistics of visits to Vkontakte? If you still did not know, then I will tell you about one more "trick". VK has a counter from Liveinternet, the statistics of which are available to anyone in the public domain.

To do this, you just need to insert this address into the line of your Internet browser

A window will open in front of you with various data regarding VK. Of course, the statistics are not all, but even what the administration of the social network decided to open for general viewing will be quite enough.

For me personally, the most interesting is the tab "by time of day", as well as "online". By clicking on them, you will see two graphs that show at what time and how many people visited the site. This schedule will also help to correctly build a plan for promoting a public or group. As you can imagine, advertising should be given when the maximum number of visitors sees it. According to the statistics presented, the peak falls on the period from 21 to 22 hours. It will be logical if it is during this period of time that you launch your advertisement. Another important fact is that it is at this time that users are most loyal to various kinds of advertising. They are relaxed, they went to the network to browse the news, see new pages, find something interesting and it is your ad, if it is well-constructed, that can interest and attract a user.

Related article:

Analyzing and studying statistics is an important stage when working with social networks. After all, movement is good, but knowing the direction and seeing the reasons, as well as ways to improve, is a must.

In this article, you will learn about ways of viewing Vkontakte group statistics. Most of them are free. The modes are ranked from more convenient and detailed to less functional.

How to see the statistics of the Vkontakte group (any)

If you need a convenient and visual statistics of any Vkontakte group(or pages of another social network - currently 10 are supported), the service will be optimal.

With it, you can quickly and clearly do the following:

  • See which publications are the most popular(for the period chosen by you);
  • sort posts by likes, reposts, comments, Er engagement rate;
  • sort by post content - photo, video, text, animation (and find out the most popular among them);
  • compare graphically simultaneously indicators of several groups;
  • global search for the best posts in all accounts by phrase, hashtag or word;
  • add favorite posts to Favorites, creating various lists with the ability to publish via autoposting (Novapress, SMMplanner);
  • view the numerical indicators of groups for the selected period (real number of subscribers, average Er of a post / group per day, number of comments, etc.);
  • study text material in groups using summarization;
  • export of statistics to Exell;
  • and other possibilities.

That is, you can see the dynamics of development both their groups and others, study which publications are "viral" and the most commented. Learn from experience and improve the performance of your groups.

The analysis and statistics of Vkontakte groups in the service begins with the choice of a social network in which it is necessary to carry out the analysis.

The service interface is intuitive and straightforward and now looks like this:

You can view any post you like in the original by clicking on the "Record" button.

Comparison of indicators in graphical form

To view or compare the indicators of several groups in a graphical form, you must:

  1. Uploading posts of the required groups for the same period (choosing the period when loading at the beginning) is done in order for the data to be accurate;
  2. Press the button "Charts" (in the photo above, point 4).

You will see something like this:

Average activity of accounts by day of the week and by hour (if you are choosing the time for advertising in the public - that's what you need)

Number of likes and comments by day of the week

Indicator Er day / post (engagement) and a summary table of the main indicators of groups.

Search on social networks

In popsters it is possible to search for publications by phrases or hashtags in general, in social networks (in which they are authorized). Followed by:

  • Filter by attachment type (photo, video, text, animation);
  • sorting by likes, reposts, comments;
  • displaying information on publications in graphical form.

It looks like this:

For example, you can quickly and conveniently search for information about an event with the subsequent selection of the best material.

Text referencing

Under the sorting buttons on the main page it is possible to perform "Text referencing" and "Search". What are they for? Using this function, you can find out which topic works best in a group.

By clicking on the "Referencing" button, the texts of all uploaded publications will be analyzed, you will be shown the most frequently used words and hashtags (photo below). After clicking on any word or hashtag all posts where this word (hashtag) is absent will be filtered, and the service will recalculate the amount of likes, reposts and ER (engagement rate) for all filtered posts.
The "Search" button allows you to filter all records with a specific phrase, after which all indicators are also recalculated.

In general, a huge field for action.

The next service for viewing statistics of Vkontakte groups (only their own)

This is the service. Pretty old service, but it has some useful functionality. You can scan (groups where you are the administrator): wall pages / groups, photo albums, popular groups among your friends.

I especially like the ability to analyze active core of the group(the most active users). What can be useful in various contests.

Community rating among friends

Unfortunately, you can watch and analyze only your friends... And group statistics only in which you are in administrator status.

And another way to find out the statistics of the Vkontakte group

To see group statistics, you need to copy this address and after the "=" sign, add the id of the group whose statistics you want to look at. To find out the group id, in the tape of the selected group, hover the mouse cursor at the very top of the tape over the number of entries and copy the address. This address will contain a numeric value, this will be the group id. It should be inserted after the "=" sign in the address above.

For clarity, I recorded a small video:

The disadvantage of this method is that this way you can see the statistics of only those groups where administrators have not closed the viewing option in the settings other users.


Analysis of statistics is an important and necessary stage for working in the world of social networks. Information in a convenient and understandable form with the use of a share of creativity allows you to quickly respond to modern trends and create your own.

All the tools discussed in this article have different capabilities and are suitable for different purposes. Thanks to its convenience and functionality (and the ability to analyze all groups and different social networks), the service is the most versatile.

In most cases (about 99% 😉), these methods of viewing the statistics of Vkontakte groups will probably be enough. Successful use of you!

P.S If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends.

How do you like such a thing? Probably convenient for working at a computer 😉:



In the same way as a child moves from the stage of cognition of the world around him to awareness of his "I", SMM specialists have just finished dealing with the functionality of social networks, they are learning to think critically and are trying to analyze their work in terms of objective indicators and statistics.

For the convenience of this complex process of "growing up", kind developers have already prepared a number of services and small programs that help in collecting and analyzing information. This review is dedicated to the most convenient and popular services for analytics of social media activity, namely "In contact with".


Reincarnation of the deceased Postee service... The main task is to analyze the interests and hobbies of the audience in order to prepare the most suitable content for it.

After analyzing the community, provides information on the percentage of likes, reposts, comments and bots in the community, as well as the engagement rate (ER). The main advantage of the service is the ability to work with the feed. It can be sorted by content type, activity and many other parameters, and then you can select the most suitable posts from it to your Favorites.

By linking the service with auto-postings Time2Post or Novapress, you can, without a twinge of conscience and waste of time, fill your own group with selected entries from someone else's tape. The only drawback of this method is that the uniqueness of the content suffers.

WITH it is convenient to work on mobile devices. There is a trial version. The service interacts with Facebook, Twitter, Instargam and Odnoklassniki. The only drawback is that there is little detailed information and the lack of analysis of subscriber data. Although for a repost - the very thing.


A wagon of free analytics and data, and for a modest fee - a small cart of detailed statistics on any possible parameters. Alas, the service analyzes only your own community, so you won't be able to spy on other people's pages.


  • Scanning of all posts, likes, comments and other things in the community and segmenting the audience by type of activity.
  • Many options for engagement metrics, from standard ER calculation to special methods of Active core Activity and SocialBakers.
  • Analysis of photo albums, rating of photos by the number of likes, comments, user reactions and authors of posts.
  • Video statistics are the same as in photo albums.
  • Rating of related communities in which your subscribers are present. A very handy feature for understanding your audience.
  • Page popularity rating. Alas, only the top 5 pages by user interests are available here.
  • Sorting friends of subscribers. The rating is compiled depending on the number of friends who are also connected to the community. Shows a kind of "word of mouth" effect.
  • User geography rating.

The service is free, which explains the gloomy interface and the lack of a mobile version. If you want to improve it, you can thank the developers by making a modest or not so much contribution through Visa or MasterCard.


One of the most popular and successful services for smm... Convenient, well-styled interface and the presence of its own Wiki with explanations for work.

It provides a huge amount of statistics, so before downloading, you should select at least some research period. For example, the last month. And voila - all the information about the duration of user visits, content analysis, ER, etc. draws very convenient and beautiful graphs on the dynamics of filling the group with content and its attractiveness to users.

Also, the huge advantages of the service are:

  • Detailed analysis of the audience.
  • Separation by cores of user activity.
  • Statistics on former subscribers, how they reacted to the content when they stopped.
  • Segmenting the core of activity into special categories.

It also contains complete information on subscribers, starting from the date of registration and ending with the geography and gender of the participant.

The most important advantage of the service is the ability to analyze adjacent communities. The service package includes uploading reports to XLSX, automatic reporting to a smartphone or mail, but, alas, among the minuses is the lack of a mobile version and a high price.


Simple yet effective community analysis service. Indicate public addresses on the service website and receive a link to detailed reports by email.

The statistics collect data on community members, their geography, gender, age, rating of 30 publics to which the group members are subscribed, as well as the collective image of the average subscriber. The maximum number of people in the sample is 30 thousand people.


In addition to external community analysis services, the social network itself also provides detailed community statistics. And, frankly, at first there is more than enough of it.

Internally, the service is divided into four sections: coverage, attendance, activity and records.

Attendance unloads and structures in the form of diagrams the statistics of community users: their age, geography, gender, the source of the transition to the public, as well as the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Coverage successfully combines the functions of the previous section, namely, it analyzes the third-party audience that has viewed the group's recordings. Activity, in turn, provides more than detailed information on all user actions: uploading photos, comments, discussions, average residence time and, as a result, the level of user engagement.

Posts give feedback on user activity: their reactions to posts, the number of likes, clicks and reposts. The negative effect of posts in your group is also displayed here: how many people have hidden your posts or complained about your content. This is, perhaps, the most convenient part of the service, which allows you to process the negative of visitors in time.

Alas, there is no mobile version of the service yet. But there is an option to export statistics to CSV or XLSX. The statistics of third-party publics can be seen only with the direct permission of their administrators.

In 2008, working with VKontakte was easier: there were few competitors, they were invited to the groups manually, no one had heard of applications, advertising exchanges and being linked to a phone number. Now, when 97 million people visit the site every day to put a billion likes, everything is different - you need special tools to manage communities.

The selection contains 45 tools to help the SMS user and the administrator of VKontakte.

The division is conditional, since some services are universal and multifunctional.

We are looking for a target audience and collecting retargeting databases

Segmento Target

The basic tariff is 500 rubles. If you just want to try, there is guest access: 1 day - 60 rubles.


  • Follow newcomers to the group or public.
  • Gather an active community audience.
  • Upload the retargeting database to the ad account.
  • Look for overlapping audiences.
  • Track advertising promo posts and so on.

The service works with Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and Odnoklassniki.

You can use the service for free for only 1 day. The starter package costs 490 rubles per month. If there is not much work, it is easier to buy access for 2 days for 190 rubles.

Target hunter

Service for searching target audience and collecting retargeting databases. What TargetHunter can do:

  • Find employees who have listed the company's community as a place of work.
  • Provide links to users who have left comments on the site through the VKontakte widget.
  • Find posts and comments by keywords (this tool is useful for ordinary users as well).
  • Find out the communities most popular with your target audience.
  • Remove bots and fakes from the database.

Telegram notifications can be configured.

Twenty functions are available for free. There are more than ninety of them in the service.

Paid tariff "Automation" costs 799 rubles per month. For this money, you have access to all the tools of the service, round-the-clock data collection and automatic uploading to the VKontakte advertising account.

A service that collects retargeting databases for targeted advertising. The tools will help you find an audience by intersection of communities, age, country or city, select groups by topics and activity of participants.

All scripts are available for free, but the amount of calculations is limited. Pay 399 rubles a month - no restrictions and priority technical support.


An application that shows all the subscribers and "unsubscribers" of the communities.

It will be useful for the administrator to personally communicate with each "fugitive" and find out the reasons for this behavior. Feedback will help optimize your SMM strategy, make a public or group more useful and interesting for people.

How to use the "Deserter", see the video:

Appendix Compare multiple audiences

The application allows you to compare the audience of two communities and calculate the percentage of total users. It is useful for administrators and SMM specialists to evaluate an advertising strategy.

9999 checks are available free of charge.

Cerebro Target

Search service for "warm and loyal" target audience "VKontakte" for subsequent targeting.

How it works: Cerebro monitors all open actions of users in a social network in hundreds of ways, collects and processes this data. This, in turn, makes it possible to clearly define the portrait of the target audience and increase the efficiency of advertising placement.

There is no free trial period. The cost of using the service is from 1,225 rubles per month.


The service is able to search for communities with a target audience, as well as assess its involvement. It is especially useful if you want to promote on VKontakte through direct advertising from group and public owners.

Working with the tool is very simple: specify the geography, gender, age and interests of the audience - you get a list of communities sorted by the index of relevance. You can also analyze the public / group of interest by engagement and share of bots.

SMMup is absolutely free, use it for health.

We collect statistics, conduct analytics


Service for collecting statistics and analyzing the interests of the audience of social networks. Popsters provides information on likes, reposts, comments, subscribers and their engagement. Reports can be downloaded to PDF, XLSX, PPTX. The service works with VKontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki.

The free trial period lasts 7 days. At this time, the following restrictions apply: 1 account, 1 social network, 10 trial downloads. Access to the full functionality of the service costs 399 rubles per month. If you buy a subscription for six months, there is a 20% discount.


Service for the analysis of communities and personal pages "VKontakte". Provides detailed statistics on photo and video content, wall posts and friends lists. Will show the most active subscribers of the community and give out a list of publics and groups that are most popular with your audience.

SocialStats is a useful and free service. If you want to thank the developers, check out the ads or donate.


Service for advanced statistics and community analytics. Supports VKontakte, Facebook, YouTube and other social networks. Works with at least thirty SMM metrics. The service has a user-friendly interface and beautiful graphics.

JagaJam positions itself as a platform "for building effective brand communications with the audience of social networks."

The trial period for using the service is 7 days. Further - from 2,700 rubles per month.


A small service for analyzing communities. Collects statistics for publics and groups. Shows coverage, number of subscribers and visitors, growth and CPP - the price of informing 1% of the audience. AllSocial helps administrators and SMM specialists choose an advertising platform.

The service is free.


Social media analytics service. Link the VKontakte group - you get information on the dynamics of subscribers, the number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions, gender and age of the audience. LiveDune will show user engagement, likes, reposts and comments for any period.

With the help of the service, it is convenient to search for bloggers in order, for example, to discuss cooperation. In addition to VKontakte, Livedune works with Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LiveJournal.

The free version is limited. To explore all the features, connect the trial version. It gives you access to LiveDune Pro for one day.

The cost of the tariff plan depends on the number of accounts.


Service for monitoring ads and analyzing communities. Publer will find any posts, even deleted ones, by links, text and a specific date. The service helps administrators of the VKontakte communities track the current demand and advertising trends.

Publer's demo mode is limited to ten queries and fifteen search results. Full access for 1 day - 300 rubles, for 1 month - 3,000 rubles. When buying for a year - 44% discount.


  • Detailed statistics of communities.
  • Data on the audience of publics and groups.
  • Classification of subscribers by gender, age and geographic location.
  • Comparison of prices for advertising on different exchanges, etc.

With Borgi, the administrator will be able to keep track of both his community and competitors.

The service is free.


A simple service designed to analyze groups, publics and meetings. Collects and uploads statistics on community members. Helps to study competitors and determine the portrait of the target audience. Determines the top 30 pages popular with your target audience.

The service is useful for adjusting the content plan and planning advertising campaigns.

Media-VK reports are sent to e-mail.

When registering on an account, you will have 10 rubles. The minimum amount for scanning a community is 45 rubles. The missing points can be gained by telling your friends about the service and subscribing to the Media-VK group.

VK Scan

Application showing statistics of communities and personal pages. You will see the total number of likes, shares, comments and attachments.

When you start the application, you get 50 coins. That's 5 friend checks.

Repost tree

A service for analyzing the virality of a post. See how content is distributed on a social network.

The Repost Tree is a free tool.


Free application to help the administrator. Tracks activity: new comments, reposts, discussions, the arrival and departure of users. Allows you to keep groups and publics under control, to quickly get in touch with the audience.

If the community has moderators, invite them to collaborate directly through the app.

Additionally, you can set event filters and set up notifications so that notifications appear on the site, in a PM or Telegram.

We create deferred publications and set up auto-posting


Service for posting and analytics.

The publication works for all popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki. The post editor processes images, links and videos, taking into account the characteristics of each social network. Amplifier automatically shortens links and adds UTM tags. It is possible to import content from RSS.

The service counts likes, comments and reposts. The personal account displays data on audience activity, growth dynamics and the best posts.

The trial period is 2 weeks. The cost of the service depends on the number of accounts. You will have to pay $ 5 per month for each page on the social network.

There is also a useful SMM blog on the site.


Delayed posting service. Supports all popular social networks and messengers: Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, VKontakte, Viber, Telegram.

To get started, register and connect your accounts. You can post at different times, add photos, audio files and polls to posts. If you place an advertisement, immediately plan to remove it, for example, in a day.

The trial period is 7 days. Limitations of the free plan: you can work with only five pages, and schedule no more than 10 posts at the same time.

SMMplanner gives 50 posts every month, 50 more - for like and joining a group. You can buy posts and unlimited or immediately pay for access for a month. To maintain five pages, you will need 450 rubles every month.


The service helps manage communities. Provides statistics on group development, monitors ads and post exchanges. There is functionality for deferred posting and content analysis.

The trial period is 1 week. All inclusive rate costs 700 rubles per month.


Deferred publications service. Schedule a fast, set a time and do other things - Ecotime will do it all.

You can easily add, view and edit community content. There is support for files that you previously uploaded to

The service also shows when the audience of the VKontakte community is more online.

Ecotime requires no money.

Service for postponed posting to Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other sites. adapts content for each social network, puts UTM tags and shortens links, collects statistics on user engagement.

The trial period is 14 days. For $ 5 a month, you can manage 5 accounts and make 500 posts.


  • Content navigator.
  • Design editor.
  • Page statistics and post analytics.

PublBox helps the administrator draw up a publication plan, prepare unique and beautiful posts, and launch promotions.

Free trial - 2 weeks. Basic plan limitations: 1 manager, 1 project, few templates in the design editor. PRO account costs $ 7 per month.


Service for content search, deferred posting and community analytics. Works not only with VK, but also with Instagram, Telegram, OK and other social networks.

The free trial period is 14 days. Further, the subscription will cost from 149 rubles per month.


The free trial period lasts 10 days. To continue using the service, you will need to pay from 350 rubles per month.

We design groups, publics and posts


Online photo editor. Allows you to create graphics even with zero knowledge in web design. The service offers a large selection of templates specially adapted for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. If the templates don't suit you, make a collage.

The tool is free, some of the templates are sold for $ 1. The price includes design, font and background. Any template can be edited: change the text and position of the inscription, load a different background and adjust the transparency of the elements.

There is a paid plan for Canva for Work. It allows you to add your own fonts, connect your team to work and use the advanced functionality of the service. Access costs $ 12.95 per month ($ 9.95 when billed annually). Free trial version - 30 days.


Service similar to the previous tool. Like Canva, without the help of a designer, it allows you to create beautiful graphics, including for social networks. It's easy to use: you just need to select a template, then change the text, color, position of individual objects, etc.

PRO access, which removes all the limitations of the free version, costs about $ 10 per month.

Hey teaser!

To remove all limits and download high quality pictures, you will need to buy a subscription for 350 rubles per month.


Dynamic cover service for VKontakte communities. It will take a couple of minutes to create the cover:

  • You open access to the service using an API key.
  • Load the background image and add the widgets you like.
  • Save and include the cover.

It's simple.

For 1 group 1 cover for 2 days - free. The minimum paid tariff is 149 rubles per month.


Another tool for creating dynamic covers. Among the widgets: "the most active" (by likes, reposts, comments), "date and time", "weather", "exchange rate", etc. You can set up a change of covers on a schedule.

The service has a free base plan, but if you want high-resolution cover art, unlimited templates and an expanded number of widgets, you will have to pay. From 100 rubles per month, the exact amount depends on the number of communities.

Vkontakte group statistics needs two categories of people: group owners and advertisers. Owners need to understand what is happening to the group or communities of competitors, and advertisers need to be sure that they are placing ads on quality platforms. (although if you are, it doesn't matter)

Why be able to view statistics? Well, if only because the number of people in the group does not say anything. There are groups with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but in reality it turns out that these are all bots (fake profiles controlled by the program). Also, the page traffic does not mean anything. the owner of the group can increase this indicator in order to sell advertising at a higher price.

Group statistics

It is very easy to enter the statistics section: select the "Community statistics" item in the group menu:

The most important sections of statistics:

Unique visitors and views

1. The most important graph in statistics is “ Unique visitors and views". It shows the attendance of your community.

  • Visitors Is how many specific people have entered your group
  • Views Is the total number of views (visits to the group, views of photos and videos) that were made by all visitors. Those. the more pages the user has viewed, the more views according to statistics will be, and the attendance will not increase.

Large indicators on this graph are good, but at the end of the article I will show you how you can wind them up.

Group attendance may be overestimated due to the fact that people visit VKontakte from different devices, and each device in this case is considered a unique visitor.

When counting visitors, any visitors to the group are counted, even if they are not registered on Vkontakte, but simply entered the page through a browser. Thanks to this, you can easily wind up these indicators, because no social network accounts needed (more on that at the end)

Therefore, we move on to the next graph.


The second important graph is “ Coverage". It shows how many Vkontakte users have seen messages from your group, public or page.

  • Full coverage- shows how many people have seen messages
  • Subscriber reach- how many subscribers saw messages

This is a very important difference from the previous graph. It is the users of the social network that are taken into account here and this parameter is more difficult to wind up (but it is possible)

By the way, the number of members of a group or community without coverage does not say anything. A group can have a million subscribers, while the coverage is 10 people / day. This is an indicator that the group is filled with bots or hacked profiles.

Sources of referrals

3. The third important graph “ Sources of referrals«.

With the help of it, you can understand how the attendance of a group, page, community is formed. Everything is clear here.

You should be wary when there is a large percentage of browser bookmarks. This usually indicates that there is a promotion of participants or attendance. Why is this happening? When a person (or bots) complete the task of entering a group, they usually enter it via a direct link, and this is considered a browser bookmark.

For example, in the screenshot above, this figure is overestimated. I was just winding up subscribers in the experimental group.


The activity graph shows the actions of users in the group. You can focus on it when trying to understand if the group is alive. Although all these parameters can be screwed up. Nevertheless, if the group has a high attendance, and the activity is zero, this is suspicious.

Other charts

4. The rest of the graphs show the structure of the community: geography, gender, age, etc.

Also important information. Especially if you are going to place ads in a group for money. You should have an accurate idea of ​​your target audience, ask the administrator for access to statistics and check the composition of the group.

How to view the structure of subscribers of a group without access to statistics

Let's say you need to find out the composition of a community or page subscribers. If there is no access to statistics, then we will no longer be able to see the structure visually. But we can use this trick:

Let's go to the group, click on the "Subscribers" block, a window with subscribers will appear, where you need to select "Search by subscribers":

How to increase traffic and views

Why would someone increase group attendance? For example, to show the advertiser that the group is very popular and worth it to advertise in it for money.

You can wind up views even manually by simply refreshing the page without interruption. You can wind up unique visitors if you use a proxy (a special computer through which the connection goes and its address is substituted).

There are many special programs for this business that automate the work (automatically switch proxies, go to the page and update it the required number of times). Below is a screenshot of a similar program (the name of the program is in the title bar, you can find this program in Yandex):

As I wrote above, when counting visitors and views, all visitors to the page are counted, even if they are not registered on Vkontakte. Therefore, any cheap traffic will do. Bot traffic (i.e., clicks are not made by people) costs from 1kop per click.

When should you be on your guard?

  • There are many browser bookmarks in conversion sources
  • There are many people in the group, and coverage and activity are very low
  • High traffic and small coverage
  • High traffic, but zero activity (few likes, "share" and comments)

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