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  • Thin trolling and fat trolling: in classical literature and on the web. Trolling phrases

Thin trolling and fat trolling: in classical literature and on the web. Trolling phrases

Today we have next in line, perhaps, the most common word that is used everywhere. It will go about internet trolls and their impact on our online lives (digital ecology).

The phenomenon called trolling has been studied for a long time, practically from the moment in which we are now accustomed to seeing it.

V general view a troll is a character who actively interacts with network users, but at the same time violates some ethics of online interaction... But who are they in life, why do they do it and how to deal with them? Read about all this below.

What is trolling and how to deal with it?

The word itself comes from the English trolling, which in one of the translation variations means trolling. Most likely, this is where the name comes from. Trolls are mostly engaged in provocation and inciting desperate controversy. They do it quite the same way, throwing a grain of discord (spoon) and waiting for someone to take a bite.

It is only natural that people involved in trolling began to be called trolls (like characters in many fantasy novels). And it turned out somehow to the cashier, because in fantasy trolls just have similar characteristics. In general, everything is one to one and the name stuck.

So, the troll violates the rules of communication conventionally accepted in a particular virtual community (insults, plays off, provokes aggression). I'll make a reservation right away that trolling only exists on the web... There it was born and there it grew from a way of self-affirmation to a well-paid job (when you need to raise doubts or, on the contrary, promote something to the masses).

Pick up analogues for him in real life pretty hard. Unless to imagine some kind of skillful provocateur, capable of playing off people, while remaining, as it were, with nothing to do with it. There are quite a few such people, because you need to subtly feel the edge when "they start hitting and possibly with their feet."

In the online environment, trolling no longer requires special skills of a verbal balancing act in order to play off and piss people out while not doing business. Here the troll does not risk getting a face on the table due to the inherent anonymity and remoteness of the network. Well, they will ban him on the forum, and he will continue to shit under another one in the thread he likes.

The task of trolling is to hurt someone's feelings and provoke response emotions (they feed on them). For example, recently the so-called "language of scum" was actively used for this purpose (drink poison, learn Albanian, kill yourself against the wall, etc.). At the same time, most often the victims of trolls are those who are subjected to pressure outside the network (women, adolescents and other vulnerable groups).

Trolls are everywhere, where there is an established virtual circle of communication (forums, social networks, chats, comments on blogs or news sites and other places where written interaction occurs). They deliberately provoke aggression and reduce the level of comfort of being online (in other words, they crap). As a result, this leads to the fact that everyone hates such radishes.

Since this phenomenon has existed for a long time, the virtual community has developed a single rule, which says - don't feed the troll... Those. never engage in communication if you see that it is dead-end, offensive and does not lead to any positive outcome (counterproductive). Another thing is how to understand all this, what exactly to react to and what exactly to do.

What does it mean not to feed? Banning (this is what men do most often)? ... Or, on the contrary, not to notice the "animal grin" and continue to communicate with him as a worthy participant in communication? Women just more often try to admonish the troll by entering into communication with them (which only suits him). Or maybe choose something extraordinary? Respond with humor or something else, but do not follow the lead.

In general, it turns out that trolls are such everyday sadists. It seems that these are people who have an offline habit of humiliation and production of boorish statements. More precisely, they have a desire to behave this way, but offline you can pay for it.

But get physical feedback online not scary (the return line will not arrive), and therefore it is not necessary to filter the “bazaar”. It's even fun to bring everyone to white heat, without risking anything except your account. Especially to adolescents, but not to them alone, as practice shows (the troll sits in each of us).

Types of trolling and why there is so much of it on the web

There is a kind of trolls, which are usually distinguished into a separate group -. You can read more about them at the link provided, but in a nutshell, these are people who throw out their unfounded hatred on a person or phenomenon (as a rule, they are heard). This is, in fact, purely aggressive trolling without any attempts at camouflage - pure negative.

There are trolls who deliberately and often very subtly provoke (srach not related to the topic under discussion). This often develops into holivars (verbal battles), when people generally forget why they came here. Moreover, these will be conflicts deliberately not resolvable within the framework of the dispute.

There are options for trolling when there is an outright harassment of some vulnerable member (or group of people) virtual community... It's like in school, when an individual student who is unable to defend himself is hounded in a crowd. There are those who like to express negativity and mock a person's appearance, which is especially common on social networks and Instagram in particular.

Now comes the fun part. From all of the above, we can conclude that that trolling is a deviation (deviation from the norm)... How would, huh? Then there should be few such deviations, but this is not at all the case. There are a lot of them and this does not fit into the standard distribution of deviations from the norm (units of percent). So what's the deal?

The answer is simple. In one way or another, in one form or another, but practically all of us have ever trolled someone. We all have in mind a group of people who seem strange to us or who believe in some things that are not very clear to us (for example, that the earth is flat). We all have social behaviors that irritate them, or some habits of other people that we do not accept.

So, if we start to speak aggressively (or not very aggressively) about this, then we are actually carrying out the same trolling that we wholeheartedly condemn when it is directed against us or our community.

It's simple online criticism(often primitive and vulgar), which in offline communication is clothed in a more civilized form (or generally keeps to itself), because you can get it "off your feet" (or just then it will be ashamed to look a person in the eye).

But in online communication, we all feel some kind of security due to the complexity of physical feedback due to the anonymity and distance between you and your opponents. You can not follow the "bazaar" and speak out when offline would prefer to remain silent.

In general, there are significantly fewer barriers in the network that restrain us within the bounds of decency. Therefore, we often do not shy away from trolling a little(producing or, which would not be allowed offline), albeit without malice (just let off steam). Thus, we also contribute to the entropy of the network.

What to do with trolls?

Therefore, we can conclude that trolls are not the ones who need to be caught (), tried, or forcibly treated. After all, the same haters are 90% teenagers with their maximalism and transitional age. Of course, if all this does not cross a reasonable line. But in most cases, the recommendation when contacting a troll will be rhetorical - "to understand and forgive." Maybe sorry, and then banned 🙂.

Besides, trolls stimulate us. We learn to resist them, we temper and grow stronger, which would not be the case if we lived in the greenhouse conditions of ideal virtual communications. Anyway, trolling has already become an integral part virtual environment(due to its specificity) and without it it will not work, especially since it will already be not so interesting for us to communicate (that's what the wolf is for, so that the shepherd does not doze). IMHO.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The Internet has long become another type of media, and therefore a tool for forming opinions, influencing people, etc. Here's something about the influence-shaping methodology ...

Warning! The moral and ethical side of the issue is not considered. In modern conditions, trolling is just a tool, nothing more. In addition, this information may be useful to users, administrators and moderators to protect against trolls.

Origin and meaning of the term.

There are two more popular versions. According to Wikipedia, the word comes from "trolling" (English) - fishing with a spoon. The second option is from the English "to trawl" - to trawl with a net.
A network troll is a person who makes a scandal on any network resource by way of both provocative demagogic statements and direct insults.
Trolls are aimless (as a rule - notorious or sick people), and "trolls" with some definite, final and achievable goal.

Types of trolling

1) Dumb T. He is the so-called. "srach in the comments." The most primitive.

Attack - to shower the interlocutor with curses, if the format of the site allows, then swear.
Standard protection- do not react in any way, if possible - inform the administration of the resource.
Very often dull T. grows on national-religious-political soil.

2) School T. Grew up out of black humor and bawdy jokes.

Attack - to study the most bad, barracks humor, toilet jargon, "yazyg padonkaf". Apply. After - accuse the opponent of hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Something like "Why did I say that? Everyone does this (everyone knows this, everyone says that, etc.)"
Protection is standard. Just like the stupid T., the school one is ineffective.

The considered types are used mainly by poorly educated adolescents and inadequate adults and are found on the resources:
- With optional registration.
- Bad moderation.
- Spinning up with the help of trolling and obscenity (for example - Lurkomorye).

Attention! When using the following types of trolling, in no case get personal! In addition, maximum politeness and literacy is required!

3) Provoking T.

Attack - provoke the opponent on a dull T. Before that, it is best to "probe" the victim's vulnerabilities. National, religious, etc. accessory does not fit. Either illegal or too obvious (see stupid T.). Better - political views, membership in a social group, or social movement... Better yet, a personal relationship to an object or phenomenon:

Victim (F) - Oh, I loved the movie so much!
Troll (T) - I wonder what it is, if not a secret?

The scheme is simple. The victim describes the virtues of the film (recipe, car, book, politician). Troll - criticizes, moving from light jokes to malicious sarcasm and outright banter. Immediately - it is impossible, the victim can "break".

Protection is standard. But, since the aggression is not as pronounced as in the previous case, it is much more important to determine in time that you are simply "trolled". If your mood has soured from reading someone's comment or post, you may be "trolled". If you start answering your opponent out loud, forgetting that he does not hear you, you are "trolled" without any "possibly".

4) Intelligent T.(not to be confused with intellectual!).

Immediately before the attack, it is recommended to open in the browser tabs:
- Google.
- Wikipedia.
- Online dictionary of the Russian language.
- Online translator (multilingual is best).
You should also have a spelling / punctuation checker handy. Otherwise, you can miss the chance to poke the victim's nose into her illiteracy (even if it was a typo), or be exposed to the blow yourself. Practice in fast switching between the above tools.
Attack - Lightly criticize the victim's message. The best thing is to deliberately "not understand" something. From individual words and phrases - to the entire message as a whole. Quote an opponent or subject of discussion with a distorted meaning. Quotes taken out of context are also appropriate.
This technique will help you quickly find out the strengths and weaknesses of the victim. At the same time, it is necessary to quietly translate the discussion into areas unknown to the opponent. Along the way, you need to look for unsuccessful statements of the victim in order to accuse her:

In ignorance of the "materiel",
- that all the victim's arguments are from Wikipedia or Google,
- in racism, fascism, communism, in general in any "-ism". Fob and Phil are also good. Slavophobe, hamster, etc.,
- in trolling.

Protection. Learn to run from Google to Wikipedia faster than an attacker.
It is more common on resources that do not have a clear focus. Any non-topic forum, news portal etc.

5) Intelligent trolling.

The most difficult one. It can contain any features of the previous types of T. (except for a blunt T.). Necessary condition- excellent knowledge of the subject of discussion. Also - a set of alternative opinions for any patterns and stereotypes found in modern society... (All blondes are fools, all hackers break computers, all cats are gray at night, etc.)

Attack - you need to beat ONLY by ignorance of the victim of the materiel and by stereotyped thinking.
Protection. Except for interrupting communication, nothing.

It is found mainly in thematic, highly specialized, or closed communities. It is often used by professionals to "squeeze" out of the topic "non-groping" in question and previous types of trolls.

I almost forgot to mention the most common type of trolling, namely

6) Household.

This type of trolling differs from the others in that it arises spontaneously - a person simply "clings" to an idea, thought, word or phrase in someone else's article, post or comment with which he does not agree. After that, trolling begins, most often mutual. Those. each participant is both a troll and a victim at the same time.


Let's say a hypothetical site comments on an article about a new diet:

User A : - Best food in the world - sausage scraps!
User B: - Yah? This is complete bullshit, sausage is better than scraps!

Someone A I felt discomfort - all of us, sharing our opinion, subconsciously expect that what we like should be liked by everyone. But so far this is a normal exchange of views. Whether trolling or not depends on the reaction A... If it seems to him that they have offended the best that is in him, then:

A: You say so because you don’t fumble in the sausage scraps!

Here it comes not about tastes anymore B... There is a personal attack here - he was accused of incompetence and he already feels discomfort. Naturally, most often people tend to respond with blow for blow:

B... I still lacked to fumble in such nasty things! Only a person completely devoid of taste can praise sausage trimmings!

After that, trolling can be considered successfully started. If there are still people in the subject who love sausage or its trimmings, a flamewar is provided! Moreover, very often the root cause of the dispute is forgotten and people go through dozens of topics and arguments.

This is due to the fact that the primary goal of the dispute (to prove to the opponent the value of the sausage scraps), due to resentment, is replaced by the goal of adequately offending the interlocutor. Instead of " TOSausage trimmings - rule, because..." it turns out "The fool himself and your ears are cold!"

This type of trolling is the most widespread, spontaneous and aimless. Participants constantly change roles "Troll - victim".


Whichever type of trolling you choose, remember one rule - no personal emotions or worries! If the discussion hooked you "to a living" and you started to get nervous - you are no longer a troll, you are a victim!
If they troll you, best remedy- silence! The troll is powerless without your cues.
And the last one! If you consider yourself a mentally adequate person, your trolling should have a clear goal. If you started trolling someone "just like that" and in the process felt an uncontrollable desire to humiliate and insult a stranger at all costs ... You must IMMEDIATELY turn off your computer, drink valerian and seriously think about consulting a psychoanalyst.

Trolls as a rule, we consider them as some kind of fairytale-mythical creatures that live under bridges. Fairy tales are, of course, good, but let's return to the world of adult aunts and uncles with their adult problems!

While these mythical creatures can only exist in legends, "Internet trolls" are real people... Of course, we only meet with them in the Internet space.

But in real life, Internet trolls, of course, also occur. Behind this abbreviation are specific people, because a troll that gets you, for example, in some kind, may well be your neighbor)) but anyone!

V this period time can be occupied by both people and specially developed programs that work autonomously, which can maintain a dialogue with you, responding to your messages.

In the computer virtual world, the term "troll" refers to a specific person who, with his messages, can spam your content, inserting his messages not even on the subject of an article or an ongoing open dialogue.

These comments will be displayed in web forums, on your social network wall, in blog fields, after various kinds of news programs and in chats.

What might trolls want from you? To cause any dispute between a group of persons, as they say, can "add fuel to the fire" or they simply do not have enough attention to themselves beloved.


Internet trolls can use news feeds instead of social networks, communicating with each other on various topics and these topics often do not coincide with the topic of the news itself. In any case, Internet trolls will be viewed by society as a hindrance to online discussions.

I think that every Internet user has encountered trolling on the network at least one race in his life! But most people do not pay any attention to this, and if they do not, then there is no problem, period.

For example:

On the social network "that he is a super-duper jock, does not drink, does not smoke and knows how to do everything in the world, while giving you various advice, and he has answers to any questions that interest you." But in fact, this person may turn out to be an ordinary drunkard and a smoker, and the advice he gives is a deception and has nothing to do with reality.

At the very least, troll comments can disrupt discussions and guide her in a different direction. This can be done not intentionally, or vice versa intentionally and even for a fee. "Eh, at least earn a couple of three rubles."

Any incomprehensible announcements and obscene comments are often called "Trolling". Their activity is highly undesirable and some of them may disrupt the measured process of some blogs, and various internet resources.

Fortunately, site moderators and webmasters successfully fight trolling, of course within the limits of their authority, responsibilities and capabilities. If a large number of visitors will complain about the same user, in some cases his page may be blocked.

But let's face it, various social networks are not profitable, because they are in in this case will lose content, and they cannot allow this in any way, for them this will mean a huge minus, and this is direct financial loss. I think that I will not reveal a big secret by telling that many users of various social networks have several accounts. And their number reaches ten pieces per brother, these people use them for various purposes.

Now let's imagine that all social networks will allow one person to use only one account, then what will happen? "And according to their rules, you should have one account anyway." I'll tell you what will happen. At the moment, the Internet empire, let's call it that, operates with many trillions in dollar terms (money), and every year these figures will only grow and double.

And so, having lost about half of all accounts worldwide, all social networks will instantly go bankrupt, they will have nothing to give back bank loans... And a new global financial crisis, chaos will begin. Once again, "Uncle Sam will turn on his press and start printing unsecured North American dollars."

Perhaps, after a certain period of time, all social networks, without exception, will take money for registering an account! Where without them.

And this number will increase every day.

The emergence of trolling

The very first person who identified the problem of trolling was an American, she is a researcher in the field of "modern media" at Harvard University and this is Judith Donut. And the first mention of trolling dates back to the distant past century, namely in 1996.

Yes, I didn't even hear what the Internet was then, and my first computer was bought by my brother and me only in 2003. This is our Ukrainian poverty. We are a hundred years behind America, I said so modestly !!! Well, we'll break through nothing.

Well, in general, in my opinion, the first trolls appeared immediately after the Internet appeared. And it seems to me, on the contrary, it does not happen, these are links of the same chain.

In my report, I outlined some norms of the behavioral factors of those users who are engaged in trolling, namely the ethical and moral norms of people and their actions. After all, take the notorious tabloid press, which pokes its nose into all the holes, giving out material of such content that you can't even put it on your head.

My opinion is that the yellow press and trolling are links of the "same notorious" one chain, and we can simply say that these words are synonymous.

Normal trolling

This is when a person is very bored, and he does not intentionally try to write his messages to everyone in a row, looking for communication, and possibly sympathy (and he doesn't care who it will be).

Intentional trolling

These are people who are trolling alone (or with a group of people), deliberately sending various kinds of messages, and they want to achieve certain results(of course in their favor).

Targeted trolling

This type of trolling has a specific justification for malicious impact on a specific person, site or organization alone or in a group of people, pursuing their specific goals and acting on the basis of their own selfish motives. (Also trolling lead special programs offline).

Paid trolling

Trolling is carried out on a specific person, site, institution, enterprise or organization, regardless of their form of ownership and their location. The order comes from outside. That is, a person engaged in trolling knows that he is violating certain norms, and in some cases the law, and is acting in favor of third parties. (Also trolling is carried out by special programs in offline mode).

By this kind trolling legislation in our country does not take any decisive measures. Why? -Ah !!!

Trolling by gender

These are the people who pretend to be members of the opposite sex, conducting an open dialogue with you. The reasons why they do this can be different.

For example:

  1. For a joke or.
  2. To offend the interlocutor.
  3. Financial scams.
  4. Compromise a person.
  5. For the purpose of exposure.
  6. Conducting special operations by various power structures.

Trolls and their varieties are no secret here, they are in the service of various states, and believe me, they have titles and regalia.

Well, why does the state use trolls, let everyone think up for themselves! And this will not be far from the truth!

But as long as there is such an infection as money, we will never get rid of some aspects of trolling. In the future, it will become even more intrusive and sophisticated!

“Remember! From regular user Internet trolling is just one step away. Don't do it! "

by the way, there are a lot of them too, fortunately in the admin panel of the site, the "comments" section, there is a wonderful "spam" button, which I use from time to time))

p.s .: take care of yourself friends and do not get fooled by any assholes in the network who "attack" you, as people often go to the Internet only to drain all their negativity and swear off other g ... openly ...

V modern internet the term "trolling" has become firmly established. The web is full of its definitions. But it is much more interesting to consider the types and techniques of attacking trolling, as well as how to defend against it. Warning! The moral and ethical side of the issue is not considered. In modern conditions, trolling is just a tool, nothing more. In addition, this information may be useful to users, administrators and moderators to protect against trolls. Originand the meaningTermina. There are two more popular versions. According to Wikipedia, the word comes from "trolling" (English) - fishing with a spoon. The second option is from the English "to trawl" - to trawl with a net. A network troll is a person who creates a scandal on any network resource by both provocative demagogic statements and direct insults. Trolls are aimless (as a rule - notorious or sick people), and "trolls" with some definite, final and achievable goal. Vida trolling 1) BluntT. He is the so-called. "srach in the comments." The most primitive. Attack - to shower the interlocutor with curses, if the format of the site allows, then swear. The standard protection is not to react in any way, if possible, inform the administration of the resource. Very often dull T. grows on national and religious soil. 2) School T. Grew up out of black humor and bawdy jokes. Attack - to study the most bad, barracks humor, toilet jargon, "yazyg padonkaf". Apply. After - accuse the opponent of hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Something like "Why did I say that? Everyone does this (everyone knows this, everyone says so, etc.)" Protection is standard. Just like the stupid T., the school one is ineffective. The considered types are used mainly by poorly educated adolescents and inadequate adults and are found on the resources: - With optional registration. - Bad moderation. - Spinning up with the help of trolling and obscenity (for example - Lurkomorye). Attention! When using the following types of trolling, in no case get personal! In addition, maximum politeness and literacy is required! 3 ) Provocative T. Attack - provoke the opponent on a dull T. Before that, it is best to "probe" the victim's vulnerabilities. National, religious, etc. accessory does not fit. Either illegal or too obvious (see stupid T.). Better - political views, membership in a social group or social movement. Even better is a personal relationship to an object or phenomenon. Example: Victim (F) - Oh, I loved the movie so much! Troll (T) - I wonder what it is, if not a secret? The scheme is simple. The victim describes the virtues of the film (recipe, car, book, politician). Troll - criticizes, moving from light jokes to malicious sarcasm and outright banter. Immediately - it is impossible, the victim can "break". Protection is standard. But, since the aggression is not as pronounced as in the previous case, it is much more important to determine in time that you are simply "trolled". If your mood has soured from reading someone's comment or post, you may be "trolled". If you start answering your opponent out loud, forgetting that he does not hear you, you are "trolled" without any "possibly". 4) IntelligentT.(not to be confused with intellectual!). Immediately before the attack, it is recommended to open in the browser tabs: - Google. - Wikipedia. - Online dictionary of the Russian language. - Online translator (multilingual is best). You should also have a spelling / punctuation checker handy. Otherwise, you can miss the chance to poke the victim's nose into her illiteracy (even if it was a typo), or be exposed to the blow yourself. Practice quickly switching between the aforementioned instruments. Attack - Lightly criticize the victim's message. The best thing is to deliberately "not understand" something. From individual words and phrases - to the entire message as a whole. Quote an opponent or subject of discussion with a distorted meaning. Quotes taken out of context are also appropriate. This technique will help you quickly find out the strengths and weaknesses of the victim. At the same time, it is necessary to quietly translate the discussion into areas unknown to the opponent. Along the way, you need to look for unsuccessful statements of the victim in order to accuse her: - in ignorance of the "materiel", - in the fact that all the victim's arguments - from Wikipedia or Google - in racism, fascism, communism, in general in any "-ism". Fob and Phil are also good. Slavophobe, hamsterkophile, etc. - in trolling. Protection. Learn to run from Google to Wikipedia faster than an attacker. It is more common on resources that do not have a clear focus. Any non-thematic forum, news portal, etc. 5) Intelligent trolling. The most difficult one. It can contain any features of the previous types of T. (except for a blunt T.). A prerequisite is excellent knowledge of the subject under discussion. Also - a set of alternative opinions for any patterns and stereotypes found in modern society. (All blondes are fools, all hackers break computers, all cats are gray at night, etc.) Attack - you need to beat ONLY out of ignorance by the victim of materiel and by stereotyped thinking. Protection. Except for interrupting communication, nothing. It is found mainly in thematic, highly specialized, or closed communities. It is often used by professionals to "squeeze" out of the topic "non-groping" in question and previous types of trolls. Conclusion: Whichever type of trolling you choose, remember one rule - no personal emotions or worries! If the discussion hooked you "to a living" and you started to get nervous - you are no longer a troll, you are a victim! If you are being trolled, the best remedy is silence! The troll is powerless without your cues. And the last one! If you consider yourself a mentally adequate person, your trolling should have a clear goal. If you started trolling someone "just like that" and in the process felt an uncontrollable desire to humiliate and insult a stranger at all costs ... You must IMMEDIATELY turn off your computer, drink valerian and seriously think about consulting a psychoanalyst.

Today we will talk about how to learn professional thin trolling and how to troll your interlocutors on forums and social networks. We will also consider the techniques and basic algorithms of NLP with a scientific approach to trolling on the Internet or how to become an experienced troll

Trolling (from the English trolling) - posting provocative messages on the Internet in order to cause a flame (on forums, in Usenet newsgroups, in wiki projects, etc.).

Internet trolls or just trolls in The World Wide Web name people who deliberately publish (in forums, newsgroups, in Wikis) provocative articles and messages that are designed to cause conflicts between participants, flame, insults, edit wars, etc. Such articles and messages themselves are also sometimes called trolls ... The process of posting such messages is called trolling.

Trolling is an interesting psychological and social phenomenon that originated in the 1990s on Usenet. Many people have tried posting provocative messages on the World Wide Web once or twice just out of curiosity. But for some it has grown into a habit and even a style of communication on the Internet. So far, there is no serious research into whether this style of communication among avid trolls can go into real life and into live communication with people, but, obviously, potentially such a danger could exist. Since the beginning of the 21st century, Internet trolls have begun to form own communities and organizations, sharing experiences on the most effective incitement to conflict. Nowadays, any popular forum, newsgroup and wiki project sooner or later (but rather sooner) encounters trolls and trolling. Wikipedia did not escape this either.

Types and examples of trolling
The following types of trolling are known:

Publishing "naive" messages like: "I think George W. Bush is the best president of all time in the world!" Of course, this message will cause more furor if it is published on the forum of members of the US Democratic Party. Sometimes trolls pretend that they accidentally ended up on the wrong forum.

The publication of very controversial or deliberately wrong opinions, for example: "The city of Chicago is a crap hole, I was there a couple of times and could hardly stand the street stench" or, "The Movie" 2001: A Space Odyssey "is best movie Roman Polanski. "This is the main trick of the trolls, the more" delicate "the topic - the better.
Multiple return to faded flames. On this basis, a troll can be identified quite unambiguously.

Publishing a ridiculous, easily refuted statement (to refute such is called "feeding the troll"). After refuting the first statement, the second often appears - even more awkward. Etc.
Posting obscene or inappropriate photos on photo-sharing sites. As well as inserting nasty or outrageous images into a forum post.
Posting messages in forums that are not relevant to the topic (the so-called offtopic).
Repeated remarks to other participants about spelling and syntax errors in their posts.

Repeated incorrect (possibly offensive) spelling of nicknames of other members in order to irritate them.
Making fun of the views and personal beliefs of the panelists.
Direct insults (this last resort if other methods have failed to ignite the conflict).
It is also worth noting that trolls rarely go into conflict with moderators. On the contrary, they try to get their sympathy, try to become a victim of ferocious fanatics.

Start by following the conversation closely. Wait until your interlocutor makes some mistake, and then deftly emphasize it, developing a possible outcome of the situation. The task of the troll is to put the situation in an unusual direction, to make people look at specific events differently, with different eyes. As a rule, if you do everything right, and do not go too far, the person you are joking about will not be offended, but will start having fun with you. To be a troll means to be, first of all, a cheerful person, to be able and willing to have fun.

Also, Troll is obliged to be kind to people, he is simply obliged. Only in this case, the results will be positive, and communication will go in the right direction. Try to sincerely listen and understand other people, and when they do something that you don't like, just tell them about it in a joking manner.

You probably have already met them many times ... These are people who come to the forum in order to write a defiant controversial definition, deliberate stupidity, to be rude or simply swear at you or someone from the members of the forum. Usually, trolls use clearly provocative phrases ("beat the Jews", "I hate @! # $ S", "Japanese women - derbmo", etc.) in order to start a scandal. The term "troll" comes from the English to trawl, "catch with a net" - trolls scour the forums of the net in search of attention (trawl for the attention).

The troll is completely indifferent about what, in fact, the conversation is going on. He has nothing to say on the merits, or just report anything interesting. He is only interested in attention to his person - and he will do anything to attract attention to himself. If you answer the troll, he will completely ignore the content of your letter and write either another nonsense in response or just get nasty. If you do not answer him, he will be rude even more intensely, trying to provoke you to rudeness or rash statements. The classic troll trick is to claim that you were scared of him or that you have nothing to answer if you decide to end the conversation with him. Sometimes the troll, offended by the lack of attention, begins to systematically litter the forum with garbage ("flood")


Trolls often come into active discussions in order to turn them into a massive explanation to them, the trolls, that they are wrong and, thereby, completely destroy the meaning of the discussion and turn it into an ugly scandal.
Many forum members simply prefer not to notice the trolls, considering them an inevitable evil. Unfortunately, negative emotions from contemplating the scriptures of the trolls tend to splash out in discussions with adequate people.

Trolls seek attention in such a perverse form simply because they have extremely low self-esteem and have no other way to attract attention (among trolls, they almost never come across smart or interesting people - they simply have nothing to say). As a rule, in real life, trolls are sociopathic and often have problems in their personal life. The very fact that someone noticed the troll and answered him increases the troll's self-esteem. The troll's next desire is to drag the interlocutor to his level (and, if possible, humiliate him with a stream of rudeness and innuendo).

Due to inadequate socialization, trolls do not perceive their interlocutors as people, for them you are just an abstract picture on the screen. Therefore, they do not consider it necessary to be polite, show respect for the interlocutors or bother themselves with understanding what they are trying to explain. The typical troll is completely immune to criticism, reasoning, logic, or appeals to morality. Therefore, the troll cannot be persuaded or re-educated.

Do not enter into any discussions with the troll. If you tried to explain something to him, he won because you spent on him efforts, time and attention, which he will defiantly ignore. If you tried to offend him, he won, because he pulled you to his level of communication. If you started answering him, but then stopped talking, he won because he decided that he managed to offend you or that you have nothing to answer (and then he will brag that he "leaked" you).
The most useful thing you can write is to remind other participants in the discussion not to punctuate the troll (more and more often on online forums this is formulated as "DO NOT FEED TROLLS!").

It would be a big mistake to defiantly complain about the troll to the forum admins, who are likely to "ban" him. As a result, the troll will not only receive more attention than his worthless persona ever deserves, but a crowd of "free speech" advocates will form around him - many of whom are lazy to figure out who is right and who is wrong. As a result, you will receive nothing but a portion of dirt to your address.

Trolls, like cockroaches, cannot be completely lime. Get rid of one, a new one will always come in its place; there are a lot of idiots and sociopaths. But like cockroaches, trolls can be brave.
The worst thing for a troll is when they don't pay attention to him. The troll will simply get bored and leave for new "pastures". But before that, he will crawl out of his skin in order to still attract attention to himself - personal insults, flooding, etc., etc. will be used.

Therefore, the only sure remedy for a troll is to "ban" without getting into a skirmish. This requires that the forum admins keep track of such things and take care of the cleanliness of their forum. Unfortunately, this is a very rare occurrence ... What a pity! Regular deletion of troll posts from the forum is a sign of good form and respect for our readers (as well as for their time - many of us simply do not have time to read streams of nonsense from trolls).
Undoubtedly, skirmishes with trolls can be entertaining and quite lively, but remember the popular saying: "If you argue with an idiot, think, maybe he does the same!"

There is an opinion that banning a troll is an admission that he won. Trolls brag to each other that they were banned, presenting it as their "victories" because they "did not find what to answer." In fact, this is their game - they do it in order not to be banned by everyone, except those who are as poor as themselves. To play along with them in this is not only stupid, but also antisocial. The more actively the community banns trolls, the sooner they will remain isolated and leave. Often, serious, creative people stop reading those forums that admit trolls, where they multiply at a terrible speed ... And from this all forum users who have come really for useful information lose.

Dear admins! When adding another troll to the banned list, you need to remember that it was not he who "defeated" you, but you decided that his worthless persona does not deserve a minute of your time and the time of your members of the forum to read his nonsense and write an answer. Banning him is faster and easier. He has nothing to be proud of. If you meet a troll in someone else's forum - pay attention to the forum owner and ask him to ban the troll, in order of social hygiene.

Unfortunately, often on the forums there are simplified registration schemes (as in this one) - and this makes it possible for trolls and other hooligans to create hundreds of virtuals. Till good way there is no fight against this, but I hope that sooner or later the problem will become so serious that the administration of the forum will change the registration procedure in order to complicate the creation of multiple registrations by the same person.

Different trolls behave differently. Some have enough intelligence only to respond to all remarks with monosyllabic phrases, others like to intellectually, beautifully trample opponents into the mud. But there are some techniques that are used by most experienced trolls. Here are a few of them:

1. "And who's the troll?" A popular tactic of forum trolls is to accuse their opponents that they are the trolls. Since the very notion of "troll" is subjective, and there are no clear criteria for identifying trolls, it is enough to simply accuse a person that all his statements and arguments are nothing more than a provocation, and he himself is a terrorist flame who came just to flood. Inexperienced members of the forum will start making excuses, but this is always a dead-end path.

2. "Just a joke." If the dispute reaches its peak and the entire forum is up in arms against the troll, he may simply declare that everything he said is a joke and the debaters who took everything too seriously are stupid.

3. "Two brothers-acrobats." A fairly effective way, especially on forums and IRC, is to create your counterpart under a different pseudonym, with which you can support yourself. When a third party appears in a dispute between two opponents, which completely takes the side of one of the participants and makes fun of the other, this has a fairly strong psychological effect. Moreover, the double may be completely different from the main character of the troll, posing as some authoritative serious person.

4. "Do you know that ...". Experienced flamers often refer to known facts or cases in support or support of their words. For example, somewhere on the #anti-gay channel, a troll begins to argue that gays are not so bad, and cites as proof a bunch of famous personalities who have achieved success despite their sexual preferences.

5. "Chill out, kid." A very effective tactic in which the troll first drives some forum reader out of himself (for this it is enough to ridicule reasonable, logical arguments), and then, when he speaks with emotions and becomes personal, plays on contrasts: he speaks deliberately calmly, with smart look pointing out the mental disorder of the opponent.

6. "Evidence". Experienced trolls are very fond of asking for proof of any sayings addressed to them. No matter what they say to him, no matter what he is accused of, the troll will demand irrefutable proof, otherwise "these are just words." Needless to say, whatever the evidence presented, it will be ridiculed along with its author?

7. "Silence of the Lambs." Silence the most powerful weapon troll. During an argument, the opponent can make a brilliant argument, but the smart troll will simply leave it unanswered, commenting instead on completely irrelevant fragments. But if the opponent makes a mistake or makes a weak argument, then the troll's eloquence will manifest itself in all its glory.

The best way to counter a troll is by not responding to his posts. Over the hill, the expression is very common: "Don" t feed forum trolls "(" Do not feed forum trolls "), because the food of trolls is precisely the answers of excited users. And the more the flame grows, the more satisfying the troll becomes. Of course, you can get involved in polemics and try to "defeat" the provocateur, but it should be borne in mind that usually professional flamers have a very wide experience of disputes and they simply do not recognize the opponent's arguments, no matter how convincing they are.

And any attempts to point out the wrong troll, end in your ridicule. It's like trying to beat a fish in a competition for the longest breath holding underwater: arguments and verbal skirmishes are for a troll as natural as water is for a fish. And usually all a controversial person can expect is irritation and a spoiled mood.

Trolling and flame wars came to Russia with the advent of FIDOnet, and this phenomenon was especially popular in 1995-1997. I just saw the times when there was a heyday of conferences SU.NAEZD, TYT.BCE.HACPEM, SU.FLAME - then the central places for flooding and flame. The third is not so remarkable, but the other two are worth telling in more detail.

SU.NAEZD was created for "intellectual disputes". Swearing there, although it was not prohibited, was not encouraged, and ordinary flooders, who cannot connect two words without "b # I", did not stay for a long time. There were about 40 active subscribers in the conference, which made up the elite of the "Sunezdni". Each new person, who came to flood, was tested by the regulars for strength. Everyone usually took up arms against him - so quickly it became clear what to expect from him. Those who liked to have long polemics usually stayed and joined the "old guard."

The conference was not devoted to any specific topic - disputes and hot flames arose out of the blue here, the size of some answers often reached 50-80 Kb (including quotes from the previous post)! This place, despite the specifics, was quite friendly - it was even a question of gathering from all over Russia and drinking beer together, but, as far as I know, it never came to that. The regular participants respected each other in their own way, although they did not miss the opportunity to pin up and mock anyone at any opportunity.

TYT.BCE.HACPEM was the complete opposite of sunezd. There were practically no long tirades and multi-kilobyte intellectual polemics - they simply sent everyone and everything in the most obscene ways, and the rules encouraged everything that was strictly prohibited in other conferences.

It also had its own regulars, had its own elite club, which most of the time was engaged in ridicule and expulsion of lamers. TVN was well known to all Russian FIDOnet because of the huge traffic that circulated in the conference and the subversive activities of its subscribers. The favorite fun of TVNs was to go in a crowd to one of the popular conferences (RU.ANEKDOT, RU.HIP-HOP, RU.COCA-COLA) and, swindling subscribers, doom it to collapse. After such invasions, the confes were usually declared “branches” of the TVN.
In 1999-2002, when the popularity of FIDOnet began to wane and the Internet came to our country, many of the old fidosh flamers settled on IRC and forums, conducting subversive activities in the most crowded places.

Livejournal and the acclaimed portal have become a particularly convenient place for flamers and trolls to work.
Nowadays trolls can be found everywhere. Wherever enough is going large audience, sooner or later a flamer appears, sowing seeds of discord and watching with pleasure the results of his work. According to some network analysts, trolling is the plague of the computer age, along with spam. And it is impossible to eradicate this phenomenon as long as there are forums, channels for communication and sites ...

Well, first of all, there is no need to tell real information about yourself, so that you cannot be offended and figured out. This will make you feel safe.

It would be nice to have several accounts and several emails in advance.

Next, you need to be able to recognize the weaknesses of people, their shortcomings. Something on which you step a little will cause a lot of hatred, apparently remaining, as it were, has nothing to do with it. It will seem to others that it was he who attacked you first.

It is also advisable to stay positive. A bunch of smilies. This will give a welcoming look.

It is advisable to study the rules of the resource well so as not to rudely violate them, but to balance on the brink.

It remains only to choose a victim. The thin troll must have its own ethics. For example, do not mock the disabled, the kind, naive. Choose someone who has gone too far or someone who has offended you or someone.

You need a sharp mind and a sharp tongue. Sense of humor and situation. IQ level from average to above.

Only now trolling is a thankless task ... trolls are not really tolerated on the Internet ... they are banned.

When a fat troll appears, they usually press on him with the whole crowd, and hammer verbally. Until it disappears or is banned forever.

Thin trolling is an art that is not available to everyone. Reasons - the qualities described above are needed.

Thin trolling rules:

1. Never answer directly to the question posed and do not fully disclose your position. This will give yourself more room to retreat by saying, "That's not what I mean."
2. Remember - the opponent has to prove all the time that he is not a camel. If he will prove any nonsense, then he will not have time to expose you and the audience will feel that you are leading.
3. Never argue with another demagogue. If you have a choice to whose post to answer, choose newcomers who are naively trying to talk to you like a sane person. They are the easiest victims, and you cannot lose to them.
4. Dirt does not stick to the demagogue. No matter what they write to you, always remain cheerful, calm and polished. It pisses me off.
5. Do not engage in primitive rudeness and flame. Caustic, mocking jokes are a hundred times more offensive. In addition, the moderator will not find an excuse to shut your mouth, no matter how much he wants to.
6. If your opponent's post contains 90% of compelling arguments to which there is nothing to object, ignore them. Then find the weak point in the remaining 10% and unwind it.

7. If you are caught cheating or making a mistake, pretend that nothing happened and move the dispute to another topic where you can seize the initiative. Never admit your mistakes, do not make excuses and do not defend yourself - this is unworthy of a real demagogue.
8. Give your posts a halo of self-evidence. The phrases "anyone knows that ...", "only a fool does not know that ...", "they found out long ago that ..." work wonders.
9. There are no absolutely indisputable truths in the world, so an experienced demagogue can turn any post against an opponent:

O if someone expresses an expert assessment - say that this is only his opinion;
o if you are given any facts, tell them that the source is unreliable;
o if they say that twice two is four - answer that this is not an argument.
10. One of the best tactics is to infuriate an opponent (a good demagogue does it without difficulty), and when even the slightest hint of flame appears, offendedly declare that the opponents have run out of arguments and they have become personal.
11. Other good welcome- appeal to the mind of the opponent. “You are an intelligent person and you yourself understand that ...” If he still objects, it will seem to everyone that he himself admitted that he is an idiot.
12. If you are pressed against the wall, defiantly yawn and say: “All this complete nonsense... I think that…". The argument “this is all nonsense” is fundamentally irrefutable.
13. Phrase: "Opponents have not provided any evidence" - best friend demagogue. Don't be afraid to use it, even if there was incontrovertible evidence on every line. Opponents will not be able to object to this anyway.
14. Do not be afraid to declare with an impudent muzzle that white is black and black is white. Oddly enough, it is very difficult to prove the opposite.
15. There are no ranks and titles for a demagogue. A reference to someone's authority is never proof and can be debunked by a simple "Do you have your own thoughts?"
16. Remember that the word "justify" is a gross curse. If they call you "justify", say in response that everything has already been said before, and that opponents do not know how to read your posts.
17. Never end an argument first. Wait for your opponents to understand that it is useless to talk to you and get them out, and then declare your victory.
18. If you have nothing to say, quote,, famous blogs in LiveJournal. This is very cool and respectful. Take two or three phrases and repeat them constantly.
19. Be sure to name opponents on you. do not move away from it.
20. And finally, the last ... Remember, everyone around you knows that you are a demagogue. Therefore, you should not care about their opinion. All this you do to rise in your own eyes, and not in others.

There is an opinion that in general the purpose of any communication of people with each other is to strengthen their position in society, self-affirmation. To understand this, it is enough to trace the thread of any conversation, to analyze any conversation. If you do this, you will clearly see that with each sentence they say, people are trying to surpass their interlocutor, show him the complete inconsistency of his point of view, and put their point of view higher. This is often expressed in disputes or discussions. Everybody tries to argue in life, and they argue. For what? With only one purpose - to prove to another person that it is you who understand a specific situation better, that your status in this life is higher, that you have seen and know more, that your life experience is far superior to all others combined.

So it was, so it is, and so it will be. It is important for you to understand how people communicate and what their motives are. Personally, I clearly see one motive and purpose of communication - domination. Even now, reading these lines, some of you may have inner discomfort, you may not agree with what I say and what I write, and this is normal. My goal is to convince you of my point of view by pushing yours into the background. This is normal, healthy competition between people; this is normal.

Continuing the thought further, we can say that people put pressure on each other, suppressing their interlocutors, and proving their point of view. Someone always tries to convince the other that they are right. It's okay too. And the very nature, the form of such a conviction can be both soft and tough. I just want you to understand everything, so I am describing in such detail. My goal is to tell you about the harsh form of social dominance in communication - trolling. You may have heard about this phenomenon on the Internet, especially if you actively participate in discussions on any popular forum, where every day thousands of people aggressively argue with each other, proving something.

Thus, we smoothly got to the concept of trolling, and you should understand how it works. There is even a specially created character - "Trololo". This is a picture with a smiling face, but this smile does not carry the pure joy of a smiling person. Rather, it is a malicious and malevolent smile of a person who was able to maliciously play a trick on you, ridicule, turn your thoughts into chaos, make you panic. And it turns out that some people might like it. When they talk about trolling, they mean a very evil and cruel form of lifting, from which the one who trolls feels good, and the object of trolling always feels bad.

In fact, the target of the troll is also emotions, a lot of emotions that he gets looking at a humiliated person. But a real troll rarely completely humiliates a person, his interlocutor. In order to get maximum pleasure from his impending triumph, Troll makes a series of almost imperceptible and not very offensive remarks to the interlocutor throughout the entire time of communication, perhaps jokes about him cheerfully, nevertheless, making the person feel uncomfortable, not at ease. And this is the main thing in the matter of trolling. See how the other person is shaken and embarrassed. At the same time, Troll is fully aware that the cause of all these psychological incidents and embarrassment of another person is his Troll personality.

Now try to remember similar situations from your past life, when a similar technique of mental influence was applied to you. Surely, on your way there were people who joked at you, and it was clear that they felt good about it. These are the trolls. And the main weapon against such people is the successful parrying of their psychological attacks. Often this is not always possible to do fully, especially if your level of communication with people is very low. But everything can be fixed. To defeat people who enjoy your humiliation, you yourself need to become the same person, that is, learn to troll. In fact, this is an extremely unrewarding activity, and most people will turn their backs on you if you try to mock them in one way or another. And trolling is mockery in pure form.

The truth is that with the help of trolling, you can get and great amount fun and fun, and at the same time make it clear to the person that you are just joking with him, and in no case want to offend. In fact, the question becomes this: how to learn to joke maliciously without offending others? The task of a good troll is, on the contrary, not to destroy the interlocutor, but to “keep him alive”, to keep him close to you, communicating with the person, but constantly adding fuel to the fire with sharp jokes and subtle funny remarks.

Troll does not want to offend people, he wants to joke with them, while at the same time supporting social status the interlocutor is in a lower state than his own. And, most importantly, Troll wants the other person to respond in kind. Thus, you can have a lot of fun, parrying phrases and statements of each other. And this can be learned, for example, by communicating a lot on forums on the Internet, in any forums where people communicate.

In fact, trolling is higher form communication, when you dominate other people in communication with them, but at the same time do not offend them. Unfortunately, you will not learn to joke according to some instruction or written script, because there are a lot of situations around which communication with people is usually built, and you cannot predict all of them. The main thing is to remember one thing: always be positive, joke, joke, and joke again. Do this endlessly, and then your level will grow steadily. People will feel that you are an interesting and intelligent conversationalist who can support any conversation and fill it with new colors.

To become a troll (learn to joke, evoking positive emotions in others), you need to endlessly increase your social experience, constantly communicate. Your task is to point people to funny and funny moments in their behavior, so that these people themselves understand how funny and funny it is, and do not take offense at you. Then your level in their eyes will grow many times over. You will be respected and a little afraid. Others will clearly understand that you are well versed in the subject of any dispute, and in any dialogue, your point of view is undeniably more significant than the other. This is the foundation of your success in life. If people think that way of you, they will do what you need for you, no matter what.

Trolling means being in special condition where you show other people that your personality is very strong, fun, and positive. This is the key to success in life. To become a good troll - develop, read a lot, communicate a lot, ask people as many questions as possible in order to find out how they behave in certain situations. And then it will be very easy and pleasant for you to joke on any topic, and to do it in such a way that the person is not only not offended, but imbued with deep respect for you, and even fell in love with you because you understand him so deeply.

Pondering the title and content of this article, I remembered one of my friends who very easily and naturally communicated with others, making fun of them a little. If you recall, then there are such comrades in any company. Observing their behavior, it seems that at these very moments all the power in a particular situation belongs to them. They seem to control the situation, turning the communication in the direction they need. They do not like and are afraid of trolls, but, for sure, few people thought about why these people behave in this way, provoking others and causing mixed feelings in them.

In essence, becoming a good troll is becoming a cheerful and positive person with a very high social status. You want this, don't you? Do you want others to respect you? Do you want your opinion to be taken into account? The truth is that in communication, as a rule, the opinion of only one person dominates - the leader of the group, and you should become this leader, whatever the cost.

Trolling, trolling - if you have visited Internet forums more than once, you should probably be familiar with given word... A troll is a person who teases the audience, provokes the interlocutors to show additional emotions, or even aggression towards each other. He does this with the help of witty jokes and timely phrases on some topic. For example, if a conversation in a company (on a forum) is about poker, then the troll will definitely say something daring, bold and defiant.

All this is trolling, or domination, manifested in a latent form. At the same time, another interlocutor with the nickname cybermonkey successfully supported the conversation, joking at his friend with the phrase "they washed down the door for me)))". We see how friends, playing poker for each other in the same room, joke with each other, which makes their communication interesting and easy. When people communicate like this, they develop a certain level of trust in each other. There is no question of being offended. In this case, no matter how offensive the words cybermonkey are, they are not able to offend or offend the interlocutor, who at the moment allows him to make fun of himself in this way.

Trolling always implies the dominance of the troll over the rest. Trolls are always either well-known people or strangers who, after using trolling, become well-known. After using trolling, a person either takes the side of the troll, succumbing to him and becoming loyal, or the interlocutor defends himself and becomes a vital enemy of the troll.
Why do you need trolling?

Real, good trolling is a weapon that can be used to improve your life situation, as well as increase people's interest in your own person. But most of the interlocutors use this opportunity with a banal and trivial goal - to offend. Often it comes almost to the point of bullying people: sharp jokes are expressed, or dirty expressions that force the interlocutor to use psychological defense techniques.
To be a troll is to be a leader

The flip side of the coin is when you kindle small wars between people, enjoying it. There is also such a form of suppression of people, or the so-called cruel trolling, which I mentioned above. You need to use it only at your own peril and risk, because in this case there is Great chance scare a person away from yourself forever. Do you need it - decide for yourself. You will definitely become a good troll if you understand how it works. You already understand the main fate - it's fun (or not so), and we joke wittily, and thus we get pleasure from observing the reaction of other people, while at the same time raising our social status in the eyes of others.

Here are a few more points to help you gain a deeper understanding of the nature of trolling other people.

When you troll, you thereby do the person, your interlocutor, a service, provide him a service, showing possible comical options for the development of events in the future. Or you show what a life situation you just lived could be like. In fact, when trolling, you make a person happy, you play the role of a jester. But this is only partly. In reality, a troll is a person who takes on leadership qualities and seeks to completely control the situation. I will say even more: to control not only the situation, but also his interlocutors - the people he trolls.

In a company, the one who is allowed to troll by status is always trolling. Here troll - to joke in a special way, when the troll indicates a possible comical outcome of certain situations, or simply teases his interlocutors, but does it in a special way, making the conversation interesting and filling it with new stories. If the company has a troll, communication comes to life. Some people get angry, but many also respond to trolling in a very witty manner.

Troll is always a witty person. To troll is to be witty. The acuity of the mind is manifested in cool, caustic expressions directed to the entire group of people with whom the Troll communicates, in general, or to someone in particular. It's natural for a witty person to be a troll. How do people react to trolling? As a rule, there are two reactions: aggression, or reciprocal trolling in the form of witty jokes. The ability to joke positively is what distinguishes a good troll from an evil one.

Why troll people, we have already found out. It remains to learn how to do it easily and naturally. As already mentioned, there is no clear scheme of how to troll a person. You either manage to be interesting or you don't. To learn to joke - to learn to see more than the people around, to be able to see things differently, to be able to lead people, opening up new horizons for them in life situations.

Therefore, in order to become a good troll, you need to be, firstly, very social person, that is, to be able and, most importantly, to want to communicate with people constantly. Troll is often himself a leader in any company, and if he gets into a new company, he quickly gains credibility and receives the exclusive right to express himself as he pleases about the people present.

A good troll is always in a great mood, and it is impossible to offend him. No way. Troll always dominates, which means that he receives certain life bonuses, as a leader social group... As a rule, people agree with trolls and support them in jokes and caustic remarks. Because to go against the troll is to go against everyone who is currently in the team.

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