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Explanatory dictionary of IT-shnik. Computer terms and definitions

Computer slang

Upgrade- PC upgrade
Bug- error
Loafs- designation of keys.
Blank- blank CD, DVD disc.
Varese- stolen Windows programs
Spinner- hard drive, hard drive.
Weight- file size
Vidyuha- video card.
Wizard- an experienced programmer.
Windows- OS Windows.
Windec- abnormal termination.
Vir- computer virus.
Giga- gigabyte
Glitch- a crash in the program.
Device- some kind of device.
Directory- folder.
Board, Klava- keyboard.
Firewood- hardware drivers.
Emelya- address, e-mail.
Iron- boards, computer hardware.
Fill- upload files to the server
Internet- the Internet.
Source codes- source codes of programs
Ass- Internet Explorer browser
A rock- processor
Carlson- fan
Click- press the mouse button.
Rat- mouse
Rattrack- mousepad
Crack- cracker program.
Lamer- a loser who considers himself a genius.
Loser- inept user.
Mother- motherboard.
Messaga- message, letter
Meter- megabyte.
Muzzle- home page of the site
Soap- E-mail
Note- notebook
Wallpaper- desktop background.
Stump- Pentium class processors.
Pisyuk- IBM PC computers.
Fuck- make a photocopy.
Prog- program
Puzomerka- indicator (counter)
Frame- RAM
Cutter- food drive
Swears- error messages
Roulez- the highest approval.
Saxon-the highest degree of disgust.
Sysadmin- System Administrator
Slot- connector for controllers
Emoticon- dynamic drawing
Jet- jet printer.
Tablet- hacking program
Toilet- basket
Hamster- Homepage
FAQ- FAQ (Answers to questions)

To create a site, you need a text editor. In extreme cases, you can use Notepad from standard Windows programs, but it is better to immediately download a text editor designed for creating sites, for example Notepad.

You must have the main browsers Internet Explorer, Opera, Google, Firefox installed on your computer, a graphics editor must be installed to process graphics, for example, free Photoscape.

To upload files of your website to hosting, download and install an FTP client, for example free Filezilla.

Also install a simple animation program.

It is worth paying attention to the safety of your computer. The presence of your website presupposes frequent use of mail on the site, incoming letters to your mailbox, visiting various resources on the Internet, so update antivirus programs constantly.

Clean and defragment hard drives often. Check and fix registry errors once a month.

Graphic adapter- a device that controls the display and provides the output of graphic images. Determines the resolution of the display (the number of dots per unit of screen area), the number of colors.

LAN adapter(network adapter, network interface card - NIC) - an adapter for connecting a computer to a local network of computers. For example, an NE-2000 adapter is used to connect a personal computer to an Ethernet network.

Azo compounds- a class of organic compounds containing one (or more) azo group -N = N-. They are dyed and many of them are used as dyes (azo dyes or azo dye). Can be used in recordable CD / DVD technologies.

Analog to digital converter(ADC, ADC) - a device that converts an analog signal to digital and vice versa. For example, to transfer data over a digital telephone network using a modem, an analog-to-digital adapter is placed between the modem and the digital telephone channel.

Aperture- the effective aperture of the optical system, determined by the size of lenses, mirrors or diaphragms. Angular aperture - the angle a between the extreme rays of the conical light beam entering the system. The numerical aperture is n sin α / 2, where n is the refractive index of the medium. The illumination of the image is proportional to the square of the numerical aperture.

Open architecture- architecture developed by IBM for personal computers. Main features: presence of a common information bus, to which it is possible to connect various additional devices through expansion connectors; modular construction of a computer; top-down compatibility of all new devices and software with previous versions.

Von Neumann architecture- the architecture of a computer that has one arithmetic-logical unit through which the data flow passes, and one control unit through which the command flow passes.

Asynchronous data transfer- a method of transmission and a method of extracting data from a continuous stream of messages, in which the transmitting side inserts start and stop bits into each datum, indicating where the datum begins and ends.

Audio adapter(Sound Blaster, sound card) - a card that allows you to record sound, play it back and generate it by software using a microphone, headphones, speakers, built-in synthesizer and other equipment.

Basic input / output system(Basic Input / Output System - BIOS) - programs designed to perform the following functions: testing the main computer devices; recognition of the types of devices installed in the computer; calling the boot block of the operating system; service of system interrupts. In most computers, the BIOS is written to read only memory by the computer manufacturer and the user has no means of changing it.

Byte- a machine word of minimum dimension, addressed in the process of data processing. The byte dimension - 8 bits - is accepted not only for representing data in most computers, but also as a standard for storing data on external media, for transmitting data through communication channels, for presenting text information.

Bit(English Binary digiT - binary unit) - a unit of measurement of the amount of information, equal to the amount of information contained in an experience that has two equally probable outcomes. It is the smallest unit of information in a digital computer and takes on the values ​​"0" or "1".

Baud(baud, bit / s, bps) - a unit of measurement of data transmission speed.

Drive speed- speed of reading / writing data in the drive. It is determined by two parameters: average access time and data transfer rate.

Processor speed- the speed of performing operations by the processor. Since the speed of execution of individual operations of the processor is different, then the speed of the entire processor is taken either by the speed of execution of "register-register" commands, or the speed of execution of commands over floating point numbers. The latter has a special name - flops (from Flops - FLoating point Operations Per Second).

Vector graphics- a way of representing an image as a set of graphic elements (graphic primitives - lines, arcs, etc.), described in any way, including graphic commands.

Video adapter- an electronic board that processes video data (text and graphics) and controls the display. Contains video memory, I / O registers, and a BIOS module. Sends to the display beams brightness control signals and image scan signals.

Video memory- additional memory to ensure a high-quality image on the display. It is part of the video adapter, has a volume of up to several tens of MB. In the video memory, images of one or more screens are formed, which are then fed to the display. On some computers, video memory is allocated from RAM.

External devices(VU) - input-output and information storage devices. VUs are connected to the system using interfaces that implement certain protocols of parallel or serial exchange. VU includes - keyboard, monitor, external storage devices using floppy or hard magnetic disks, optical disks (CD-ROM), magnetic tapes and other types of information carriers, sensors and information converters (analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog), executive devices ( indicators, printers, motors, relays and others). Since they tend to be significantly slower than others, the host must suspend the program to complete the I / O operation on the corresponding device.

Fiber optic cable- a cable that transmits data using light, which increases the speed and quality of transmission. In the simplest case, the light guide is a fiber (flexible) dielectric made on the basis of silica glass and surrounded by a cladding with a refractive index lower than that of the core.

Octal number system- positional number system with base 8. For example, 123 8 is 1 * 8 2 + 2 * 8 1 + 3 * 8 0 = 64 + 16 + 3 = 83 10

Computing network... A complex of computers, auxiliary equipment, communication channels and special software for data transfer between network elements. Depending on the tasks, type of equipment and communication lines, computer networks are divided into local, corporate, territorial and global. Networks are created for a more complete use of resources or their redistribution, for fast and automatic communication with the transfer of large amounts of data.

Clock generator- a device for generating at equal intervals of time a sequence of pulses. The time between two successive pulses is called a beat. Some processor instructions are executed in several clock cycles. The impulses, passing through all the elements of the computer, make them work in a single cycle - synchronously. The clock pulse rate determines the speed of the computer.

Flexible magnetic disk- a disk made of flexible plastic in a protective plastic package, in which holes are cut for the entry of the magnetic I / O heads. The disc is covered with a magnetic compound. Often referred to as a floppy disk or floppy disk. Discs with a diameter of 5.25 and 3.5 inches are used.

Gigabyte(GB) is a unit of measure containing 1024 MB. As an alternative IEC proposed in 1998 GiB (Gibibyte); 1 GiB = 1024 MiB (Mibibyte).

Main (internal, random access) memory (RAM) of the computer- an ordered sequence (array) of bytes or machine words (memory cells).

Global computer network- a set of individual computers and local area networks located in different countries, connected by different communication channels and working in different software environments. This set has agreed communication protocols.

Plotter- a device for outputting information from a computer in the form of graphs and drawings on stationary or rotating paper on a drum (plotter).

Binary number system- positional numeral system with base 2. To write numbers, binary digits 0 and 1 are used. For example, in the binary system 101101 2 = 1 * 2 5 + 0 * 2 4 + 1 * 2 3 + 1 * 2 2 + 0 * 2 1 + 1 * 2 0 = 45 10. Derivatives of the number system (powers of 2) are also known - octal and hexadecimal.

Double precision- a numeric data (fixed or floating point), located in two machine words, requires support for operations of special arithmetic.

Joystick(from the English joy stick - a cheerful stick) - a lever input device designed to control the movement of graphic objects on the display screen, widely used in computer games and simulators. It is usually performed in the form of a handle equipped with buttons, which can be tilted and rotated. These movements are converted into control electrical signals proportional to the angles of deflection of the handle from the vertical. By pressing the buttons, you can tell the running program some information or give some commands.

Digitizer(or digitizer, from the English digitizer - digitizer) - devices for entering graphic data into a computer, based on different technical principles. As a rule, when using any of them, the contour of the image is outlined with a special pen.

Dynamic RAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory - DRAM) is a type of semiconductor random access memory. Each bit (bit) is stored in a circuit consisting of a transistor and a capacitor. If the capacitor is charged, then this corresponds to 1, the discharged capacitor corresponds to 0. The transistor controls the access to the capacitor.

Disk- a data carrier in the form of a round plate on which recording is carried out in various ways. The device that writes (reads) data to / from disk / s is called a data storage device. Disks differ in the way they write / read data, the ability to replace them, and the recording density. By the way of writing / reading, disks are divided into magnetic, laser (optical), magneto-optical. Magnetic disks, in turn, are divided into floppy and hard disks. Often, “disk” refers to multiple disks that are bundled together.

Drive- a device that controls the rotation of a magnetic disk, reading and writing data on it.

Display(monitor) - a device for visual display of information (in the form of text, tables, figures, drawings, etc.) on the screen of an electron beam device.

Track- a concentric circle on the magnetic surface of the disk, where information is located. Tracks are numbered starting from 0 (the track with the largest radius).

Driver(driver) is a resident software module that controls an external device and communicates with the operating system and application programs.

Hard magnetic disk(ZhMD, HDD) - a disk for long-term data storage on computers. Unlike a floppy disk, which is removable, a magnetic hard disk is integral with a disk drive.

Memory device(Memory) - a device for recording, storing and issuing data. Distinguish between devices: long-term and operational data storage, they are also non-volatile and volatile; read-only data (read-only memory - ROM, CDs) and both read and write. Depending on the physical principles of data storage, magnetic, magneto-optical, optical and semiconductor (circuit) devices are distinguished.

Star- a method of connecting computers to a network, in which one computer is allocated and called the master (master), and all the rest are directly connected to it. Data can be transferred from one peripheral computer to another only through the host computer. If the host computer fails, the entire network becomes inoperable.

Integrated circuit(IC) - the implementation of an electronic circuit that performs a certain function, in the form of a single semiconductor crystal, in which all the components necessary to perform this function are manufactured. Includes a set of transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors and others, interconnected by microconductors. The IC is manufactured using a technology that ensures extremely small dimensions and high reliability. By the number of elements, ICs are conventionally divided into small (MIS) - with the number of elements in the crystal up to 102, medium (SIS) - up to 103, large (LSI) - up to 104, extra-large (VLSI) - up to 106, ultra-large (UBIS) - up to 109 and gigabytes (GBIS) - more than 109 elements in a crystal.

Cartridge(English cartrige - cartridge, cassette) - replaceable part of the device. Usually this is a protective shell that stores ink ribbon for printers, toner for laser printers or duplicators, ink for inkjet printers, and more. The cartridge is completely ready for use, for this it is enough to insert it into place.

Kilobyte(KB) - a unit of measure for the amount of data or the amount of memory, equal to 10 3 = 1000 bytes. An alternative is the proposed IEC KiB unit (Kibibyte); 1 KiB = 2 10 = 1024 bytes. The discrepancy is 2.4%.

Keyboard- a device designed for manual data entry into a computer. Keyboards differ in the number of keys. The standard for IBM-like computers is a keyboard with 101 keys, where the blocks are highlighted: function keys; letters, numbers and auxiliary symbols; cursor control keys; numeric keypad (duplicated for ease of entry).

Cluster(from the English cluster - group) - a unit of data storage on floppy and hard disks. The cluster contains several adjacent sectors.

Customer(client) is a software and hardware complex that provides an interface with the user (another active party) when sending and receiving requests from the server.

Client server architecture(client-server) - distributed processing of requests in the network, implemented on two interacting software and hardware complexes (client and server).

Coaxial cable(from - together and axis - axis). A cable consisting of two coaxial conductors, between which an insulator is located. Used in communication channels of computer networks. It is used to transmit signals with a carrier frequency of up to 3 * 10 10 Hz.

ASCII code(from the English American Standard Code for Information Interchange - American standard code for information interchange) - a standard for encoding Latin characters, numbers and auxiliary characters or actions in the form of a single-byte binary code (1 byte = 8 bits).

Unicode code- a standard for representing characters using 16-bit codes (2 bytes). Allows 65,536 characters. The standard should in the future replace ASCII, since it is more convenient to use the same code for different languages ​​than to change the conversion tables in the ASCII code.

Codec(from the English Codec - COmpress-DECompress - to compress, restore) is a hardware and software complex that ensures the operation of a personal computer with video information. The codec allows you to achieve the quality of the VCR through the use of hardware and software data compression methods.

Coding(coding) - establishing a consistent (legalized) correspondence between a set of characters and signals or bit combinations representing each character for the purpose of transmitting, storing or processing data.

Amount of information- the following basic units are used for measurement: 1 kilobyte (KB, KB) = 1024 bytes = 2 10 bytes; 1 megabyte (MB, MB) = 1024 KB = 2 20 bytes and bytes; 1 year gabyte (GB, GB) = 1024 MB = 2 30 bytes ~ bytes. V Lately in connection with the increase in the amount of information being processed, such derived units as 1 terabyte (TB, TV) = 1024 GB = 2 40 bytes ~ a bytes come into use; 1 petabyte (PB, PB) = 1024 TB = 2 50 bytes ~ bytes; 1 exobyte = 10 18 bytes and so on. These are the so-called decimal units. As an alternative, IEC proposed binary units in 1998: 1 KiB (KibiByte) - 2 10 = 1024 bytes; 1 MiB (MibiByte) = 1024 KiB; 1 GiB (GibiByte) = 1024 MiB (MibiByte) and so on

Ring- a method of connecting computers to a network, when data in the network is transmitted sequentially from one station to another. As a rule, data is transmitted in one direction only, therefore, in order to transmit a message to a computer standing next to the data movement, you need to go through all computers on the network.

Team is a binary number that consists of two parts (fields) - the operation code (CPC) and the address part (ADC). The KOP operation code specifies the type of operation performed by this command, and the ADC determines the choice of operands (addressing method), over which the specified operation is performed. Depending on the type of microprocessor, the command can contain a different number of bits (bytes). For example, instructions on Pentium processors are between 1 and 15 bytes, and most RISC processors use a fixed 4-byte format for any instructions.

Modem command language(modem AT-command, Hayes AT command) - a command language element that controls the operation of a Hayes-compatible modem.

Commutation- 1. The process of connecting or switching computing systems, including computers. 2. Distinguish between packet switching of messages, which is understood as the combination of some data and their transmission over communication channels.

Switched communication channels... General purpose communication channels that are used by a particular network only at the time of communication. In territorial and global computer networks, as a rule, general-purpose telephone channels are used, which are connected (switched) on a call to this network. Dial-up circuits are low speed in contrast to leased circuits.

CD- a disk for permanent data storage, which is a circle made of plastic or aluminum alloy, covered with a protective transparent film. The recording is done in one spiral, very long track so tightly that up to 700 MB of data can fit on a 5-inch disc. Recording is carried out in stationary conditions on special devices, and then compact disks for reading only (CD-ROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory) are stamped for mass consumption.

Composite video(composite video) - video signals in which signals of brightness and color are transmitted together (mixed). Home video equipment typically uses NTSC, PAL and SECAM signals. The carrier signal Y (luminance signal) and the color signal located in the color band are superimposed on each other, forming one signal.

Component video(component video) - video signals in which the luminance and chrominance signals are transmitted separately to improve image transmission. In high definition television (HDTV), this refers to images that are composed of three independent signals - Y (luminance signal) and Pb and Pr (color difference signals).

Controller(from English control - to control) - a device that connects peripheral equipment or communication channels with the central processor, freeing the processor from direct control of the operation of this equipment. The controller interprets processor commands for individual devices.

Cursor- a luminous area on the display screen indicating the position at which the next character entered from the keyboard will be displayed.

Cache memory- cache memory, access to which is much faster than to the operative memory, and in which the most frequently used parts of the latter are stored. When accessing memory, the required data is first searched for in the memory cache. If it is absent, access to the RAM is made, as a result, the total time of access to the memory is reduced.

Laptop(laptop, "knee pad") - a portable computer, in size close to a briefcase. In terms of speed and memory, it roughly corresponds to desktop personal computers.

Trunk-modular structure- a common computer structure, in which individual devices (modules) that make up the system exchange information over a common system bus - the backbone.

Magneto-optical storage- a drive for working with magneto-optical disks. The magneto-optical disc (MO-disc) is made of an aluminum alloy and is enclosed in a plastic shell. Data recording technology: a laser beam heats up a point on the disc, and an electromagnet changes the magnetic orientation of this point, depending on what needs to be recorded - "0" or "1". Reading is performed by a laser beam of lower (than when recording) power, which, reflected from this point, changes its polarity.

Manipulator(from lat. manus - hand) - a device that allows you to control the state of the computer, including entering data using hands. The manipulators include a joystick, mouse, trackball, touch pad, pen, trackpoint, J-key.

Router- an electronic device, sometimes with a program unit, that determines the optimal path (route) of a message packet in computer networks.

RAID Array(from the English. Redundant Arrays of Independent / Inexpensive Disks - an array of independent disks with redundancy) - a set of hard disk drives, structurally combined into one unit with a common controller. Typically used in servers to ensure reliability through data duplication.

Scalability- a property of a system or its individual parts, which characterizes the ability of the system to adapt to a decrease or increase in its individual parameters. For example, Windows operating systems have a scalable user interface that provides a consistent look and feel across displays. different sizes.

Matrix printer- a printer, in which the printing unit is a metal plate with holes (matrix), in which pins (needles) move freely. The pins, driven by a magnet, hit the ink ribbon (like a typewriter) and a symbol is created on the paper in dots.

Machine word(MS) is an ordered set of binary bits used to store program instructions and processed data. Each bit, called a bit, is a binary number that only takes on values ​​of 0 or 1. The bits in the MC are usually numbered from right to left starting at 0. The number of bits in the MC is called the dimension of the MC or its capacity. Typical MS lengths are 16 or 32 bits.

Machine language- a set of computer machine instructions, characterized by the number of addresses in the command, the purpose of the information specified in the addresses, the set of operations that the machine can perform, and more

TIR structure- the structure "metal-dielectric-semiconductor" used in the creation of electronic devices, including microprocessors, memory for computers. It is an ordered set of very thin (less than 1 micron) layers of metal and dielectric deposited on a semiconductor wafer. If oxides (aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide) are used as a dielectric, a MOS structure ("metal-oxide-semiconductor") is formed. The method of creating devices based on such structures is called MIS technology or MOS technology.

Megabyte(MB) - a unit of measure for the amount of data or the amount of memory, equal to 10 6= 1,000,000 bytes. An alternative is the proposed IEC unit MiB (Mibibyte); 1 MiB = 1024 Kibibyte. The discrepancy is more than 4.8%.

Slow communication- Connection via a modem (performance from 9600 to 28 800 bit / s).

Microteam- an elementary action that ensures the execution of a given operation, the control unit of the processor generates a sequence of microinstructions in accordance with the code of the received command. Each micro-instruction is executed during one machine cycle.

Micrometer(μm) - 10 -6 m, 1000 nanometers (nm).

Microprocessor- a device that performs data processing and controls this process, made in the form of one or more large (very large) integrated circuits. Microprocessors are built into control devices and are included in the main part of a computer. For example, a BMW car has 54 integrated circuits that control anti-lock brakes and airbags. The microprocessor includes: an arithmetic-logic device that performs arithmetic and logical operations; control and synchronization unit; input-output unit; registers and so on.

Microsecond(ms) - 10 -6 s, 1000 nanoseconds (ns).

Modem(modulator-demodulator, modem) - a device for converting digital information into analog and vice versa by modulation / demodulation of the carrier frequency for data transmission over telephone lines. Discrete (binary) data from the computer goes to the modem, where it is encoded in the appropriate way (modulated) and transmitted to the communication line.

MOS structure("Metal-oxide-semiconductor") - the structure of the material from which transistors, capacitors and other electronic devices are made.

Multimedia- a collective concept for various computer technologies, in which several information media are used, such as graphics, text, video, photography, moving images (animation), sound effects, high-quality soundtrack.

Mouse(mouse, mice) - a manipulator that allows you to select data on the display, enter graphic data. The ball sensor makes the cursor move around the screen, and the buttons act as keys (input) and (exit).

Pulse / tone dialing(dialing pulse / tone) - Dialing dialing operations performed by the modem.

Storage device- a device for writing / reading data to / from a certain medium (s). Storage devices are referred to as external storage devices. Distinguish drives on disks (MD, CD), tapes (ML), cards. A distinction is also made between drives: with removable media (in this case, the storage medium can be replaced, for example, floppy disks, magnetic tapes); with permanent media (in this case, the media is built into the drive and cannot be replaced, for example, a hard magnetic disk).

Nanometer(nm) - 1 nm = 10 -9 m = 0.001 micrometer (μm).

Nanosecond(ns) - 1 ns = 10 -9 s = 0.001 microseconds (ms).

Nanotechnology- technology of manufacturing integrated circuits, which is based on quantities corresponding to nanometers and nanoseconds. For example, the expression "130 nanometers (or 0.13 microns) technology (process)" means that the dimensions of the structural elements of the microcircuit do not exceed 130 nm.

Hum- unit of brightness (candela per square meter, cd / m 2, cd / m 2).

Notebook(notebook) - a portable computer similar in size to a large-format book. Fits in a briefcase-diplomat. Usually comes with a modem and a CD-ROM drive.

RAM(OP, the same as random access memory, RAM). Designed to store programs and data they manipulate. Physically made in the form of a number of microcircuits. Logically, the OP can be represented as a linear collection of cells, each of which has its own number, called an address (or a matrix, the intersection of rows and columns of which determines a specific bit of memory).

Open systems interaction(OSI - Open system Interconnection reference model) - a set of ISO requirements for establishing the interconnection of open systems in networks.

Palmtop(palmtop, "handheld") - the smallest modern personal computer that fits in the palm of your hand. Magnetic disks in it are replaced by non-volatile electronic memory; information is exchanged with ordinary computers via communication lines.

Device ports- electronic circuits containing one or more I / O registers and allowing to connect computer peripherals to external microprocessor buses. The serial port communicates with the processor byte-by-byte, and with external devices - byte-by-bit. The parallel port receives and sends data byte-by-byte.

Read-only storage(ROM). Serves for storing constants and standard (immutable) programs. ROM usually contains programs for initial initialization (loading) of systems, test and diagnostic programs, and other service software that does not change during the operation of systems.

Primitive(from the English primitive - primary, simple, basic) - one of the simplest elements that form vector images. Basic primitives are geometric objects such as points and lines.

a printer- a printing device, converts the encoded information coming out of the processor into a form that is easy to read on paper.

Progressive scan(progressive scanning) An image scanning method in which the image data is scanned sequentially from top to bottom, rather than line by line, as is the case with interlaced scanning.

Translucent screen(transparent screen) - the screen used for rear projection. Translucent screens play the opposite role to reflective screens. If the purpose of the latter is to reflect the maximum amount of light, then the task of the translucent screens is to transmit all the light without delaying it. Translucent screens have a glass or acrylic base.

Communication protocol- an agreed set of specific rules for the exchange of information between different data transmission devices. Protocols available for baud rates, data formats, error control and more

CPU- the central device of a computer, designed to control the operation of a computer according to a given program. The capabilities of a computer as a universal executor for working with information are determined by the processor's command system. This instruction set is the Machine Instruction Language (MCL). A separate command defines a separate operation (action) of the computer.

Display resolution (projector)- the physical number of elements (pixels, pixel - picture element) in the columns and rows of the image. There are standard types of resolutions - VGA (640 x 480), SVGA (800 x 600), XGA (1024 x 768), SXGA (1200 x 1024), UXGA (1600 x 1200), QXGA (2048 x 1536).

Register- a memory element of the processor that performs the functions of short-term storage of numbers or commands and performing some operations on them.

Command register- UU register for storing the command code for the period of time required for its execution.

Status register SR (State Register, called EFLAGS in Pentium microprocessors). Determines the current state of the processor during program execution. The register contains control bits that specify the processor operating mode, and feature bits (flags) that indicate the characteristics of the result of the operation performed.

Sector- each track located on the disk is divided into sectors (blocks). For MS DOS case, each sector is 512 bytes.

Server(server) is a network computer on which the resources available to clients are located. Server resources can be files, printers, or server applications (such as multi-user databases).

Computer network- a set of computers connected using communication channels and switching means into a single system for messaging and user access to software, technical, informational and organizational resources of the network. According to the degree of geographical distribution, networks are divided into local, city, corporate, global and other Local area network (LAN) connects a number of computers in an area limited to one room, building or enterprise. A wide area network (WAN) connects computers that are geographically distant over large distances from each other. It differs from a local network in more extended communications (satellite, cable, etc.). The urban network serves the information needs of the big city.

Data transmission network(data transfer network) - a complex of communication facilities and control computers that provides data transfer for various applications.

Command system... Processors execute a set of instructions that implement the following main groups of operations: transfers; arithmetic; brain teaser; shift; comparison and testing; bit operations; program management; processor control.

Notation- a set of rules for naming and displaying numbers using a set of symbols called numbers. Number systems are divided into positional and non-positional. An example of a non-positional number system is Roman, positional number systems include binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal.

System bus contains several dozen (in complex systems more than 100) conductors (lines), which, in accordance with their functional purpose, are subdivided into separate buses - addresses A, data D and control C.

Scanner- a device for entering documents into a computer - texts, drawings, graphs, drawings, photographs. Creates a digitized image of a document and places it in computer memory.

Standard machine word- a machine word, the dimension of which coincides with the bit width of the processor. Most processor instructions use a standard machine word to process data.

Stack- a set of memory cells that are not available in an arbitrary order, but only in the stack ("store"): LIFO - "last in - first out", like cartridges in the clip (magazine) of a rifle (machine gun), for example, a medium for storing data for return from subroutines as well as their arguments.

Superparamagnetic effect- a state in which the magnetic domains in the magnetized material (as well as the gaps between them) are so small that their magnetic orientation can easily change under the influence of the thermal motion of the molecules.

Superscalar processor structure... Provides an increase in processor performance by introducing several parallel operating devices into the processor structure, ensuring the simultaneous execution of several operations. In such processors, the parallel operation of several execution pipelines is realized, each of which receives one of the selected and decoded instructions for execution.

Command address counter(СчАК), command address register (PAK), program counter, Program Counter (PC), in x86 - Instruction Pointer (IP) - processor register that stores the address of the next command and whose contents are automatically increased by 1 after the next command is selected ...

Terabyte(TB) is a unit of data amount equal to 1000 GB. As an alternative IEC proposed in 1998 TiB (TibiByte); 1 TiB = 1024 GiB (GibiByte).

Terminal(terminal) - a terminal device, a combination of input and output devices in a computer.

Data type- the form of data presentation, which is characterized by the way data is organized in memory; many valid values; a set of operations. In other words, a data type is a schema of a certain kind of variables embedded in the translator. The data type integer, (int, fixed, etc.) sets the properties of an integer variable - it can only accept integer values ​​in a certain range depending on the processor's capacity, for example, -32 767 ... +32 767. Data type REAL (double, FLOAT, etc. ) sets the properties of a floating point variable.

Computer network topology- a logical and physical way of connecting computers, cables and other components that make up a network as a whole. Topology characterizes the properties of networks, regardless of their size. This does not take into account the performance and principle of operation of these objects, their types, channel lengths, although these factors are very important when designing.

Trackball- cursor control device. A small box with a ball embedded in the top of its case. The user rotates the ball by hand and moves the cursor accordingly.

Control device(UU) - a part of the processor that performs the functions of controlling computer devices.

File(file) is a named organized set of data of a certain type and purpose, under the control of the operating system. This is a homogeneous set of information in its composition and purpose, stored on an information carrier and having a name.

File system(file management system) is a dynamically supported information structure on direct access devices (disks), which provides the function of managing these operating systems through the name-address link.

Fixed point(fixed) - the simplest type of numeric data, when the number is located in a computer word, and the range of values ​​depends only on the word width.

Floppy Disk(floppy disk) - removable floppy disk.

Host machine(host computer) - a main computer (in a network or autonomously) that supports information and computing resources and provides them to remote users.

Color difference signal(color differential signal) - transmission of signals over three cables - Red-Bright (bright red, R-Y,), Bright (bright, Y) and Blue-Bright (bright blue, B-Y). This allows composite signals to be projected more clearly (RGB and luminance signals are transmitted over the same cable).

Cylinder- combining tracks with the same number located on different surfaces of the disk (for a floppy disk, a cylinder means two tracks).

Refresh rate(refresh rate). The luminous display element can maintain the same brightness and color for a very short time. Therefore, the image must be periodically refreshed, and the number of such cycles per second is called the "refresh rate" and is expressed in hertz (Hz).

Interlaced scan(interlaced scanning) A scanning method in which the image data is divided into horizontal lines that are reproduced sequentially from left to right and from top to bottom across the screen. Even and odd lines are played alternately.

Floating point numbers(float) - numeric data, placed in a machine word in the form of mantissa and order, which allows you to represent a wide range of values; assumes built-in or emulated arithmetic (floating point).

Sensitive screen... Allows you to communicate with your computer by touching your finger to a specific place on the monitor screen.

Tire(bus) - a device capable of controlling at least one more device. The adapter cards are connected to the bus. From the point of view of the Plug & Play subsystem, a bus is any device that can provide resources.

Modern computers have appeared relatively recently when compared with the development of science and technology in the history of mankind. And computers are developing so quickly that if, for example, cars were improving in the same way, then they would have already flown to the moon.

Every day there are new items that need to be named somehow. For many designs, devices and processes, names did not exist before, therefore, along with the development of computer technology, new words, terms, and jargon appear.

Some of the most basic computer terms are presented in the following list. A few more - follow the link at the end.

Basic computer terms

Upgrade(English Upgrade) - upgrade, modernization of a PC (personal computer), i.e. replacement of outdated components with more modern ones.

Archiving- data compression in order to reduce their volume. It is used for more efficient storage and transmission of data. For archiving, special archiving programs are used (the most popular are shareware WinRAR and free 7-Zip). Modern versions of Windows have their own built-in archivers.

Bit- the minimum unit of information in the binary system. The bit value is always either 0 or 1.

Byte- usually 8 bits.

Browser- a program with which you can view pages on the Internet (Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape, etc.).

Clipboard- an area of ​​the computer's RAM, in which data of various formats can be stored for transferring or copying them between applications or parts of one application.

Typically, content copied to the clipboard erases its previous content.

The most common combinations for working with the clipboard:

Ctrl + C - copy the selected objects to the clipboard
Ctrl + X - cut selected objects to the clipboard (for moving)
Ctrl + V - paste from clipboard.

Virus(computer) - a malicious program that gets into a computer most often from the Internet or from an "infected" disk. Performs harmful actions prescribed in it, preventing it from working normally. Destroyed by antivirus programs.

"Winchester"- a disk that stores all the information in the PC. Located inside the system unit. The second name is a hard disk drive (HDD).

Driver- a program that provides data exchange between a computer and equipment connected to it (for example, a printer, scanner, etc.). Until the driver is installed, the hardware is not working. Many drivers are installed during installation on the PC of the system.

Installation- installation of a program or operating system on a PC.

Kilobyte(Kbyte, Kb) - a unit for measuring the amount of information, equal to 1024 bytes. Used to indicate the amount of memory.

Logical partition of a hard disk- usually a hard disk (HDD) for convenience is divided into partitions C:, D: and others. These are logical partitions (or logical disks). One physical disk can be represented as several logical ones and we have, as it were, not one disk, but two or more (although we have one physical disk). Windows is usually installed in the C: partition.

Operating system(OS) is the most important program that is installed on a computer first and ensures the subsequent exchange of data between a computer and a person (examples of OS are Windows, Linux).

Task bar- a panel at the bottom of the screen, where icons for programs that are used most often are placed for quick access.

- shutdown Windows and then immediately start Windows. A reboot is often used after installing some programs and drivers, or if the PC "freezes" (ie does not respond to pressing the keyboard and mouse buttons).

Reinstallation- installing the operating system or program first. Reinstalling Windows is often done when the system malfunctions.

Peripherals- additional devices to the computer (printer, scanner, etc.)

Desktop is the entire working area of ​​the screen. You put the icons (shortcuts) of programs on the screen, like on a table, and you can move them as you like.

Registry is a database for storing information about the computer and the operating system. The registry contains data that Windows constantly accesses during boot, operation, and shutdown.

Software- the same as the software (programs) that are installed on the PC. "Soft" (soft) - programs, "hard" (hard) - computer hardware.

Utilities are utility (not application) programs that are used to configure, control, restore, and protect the operating system. These are just some of the functions that utilities can perform. In fact, there are a lot of them.

File- a collection of data (a piece of information) on a disk that has a name with which the PC user works. It can be a document, a program (or a separate element of it). All information on the disk is stored as files.

Formatting the disk- the process of disk partitioning (HDD, floppy disks). Usually, formatting destroys all information on the hard disk.

Hosting- placing your information (usually a website) on a round-the-clock computer connected to high-speed Internet channels.

"Kettle"- a beginner in any business.

Chipset(chip) - a set of microcircuits that determines the characteristics of a system (computer). Created for specific processors and memory types.

"User"(English user) - user.

BIOS- a program that the processor executes to start the computer after it is turned on. In addition, the BIOS controls the communication between the computer's operating system and peripheral devices connected to it.

You can search for other terms (jargon) on the site

Reading time: 10 minutes

IT-technologists have generated just an unrealistic number of terms, for the pros they are all familiar, but for a beginner, a complete headache. Simple definitions of complex terms will help you figure it out.


An application is an application program. For smartphones and tablet computers, applications are offered by stores built into the OS. On smart Smart TVs, you can also download applications - for example, to watch movies online.

Random access memory (RAM)

The amount and speed of RAM can affect the performance of your computer. The more RAM you have, the faster your computer can process large files (such as pictures or videos). The amount of RAM is measured in megabytes and gigabytes.

Operating system

Computers and smartphones require an operating system. It loads at startup, prepares basic functions, and allows you to run all other programs. The most common PC operating system is Windows. For smartphones, the choice is wider - Android, Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows Phone 8.


Bluetooth is a technology that allows data to be exchanged, for example, between mobile phones and laptops. Some wireless keyboards, mice and headphones for mobile phones function with Bluetooth. Devices of power class 2 have a range of about 10 meters, power class 1 - up to 100 meters.

Blu-ray, CD, DVD

Blu-ray discs, CDs and DVDs are storage media. CDs can hold up to 800 MB. Single layer DVDs - up to 4.38 GB, double layer (Double Layer) - almost 8 GB. Blu-ray media can store up to 25GB of data, dual layer media can store up to 50GB.

Byte and its derivatives

The amount of data in a computer is measured in bytes. 1 byte corresponds to one character in the text. 1,024 bytes are 1 kilobyte (KB), 1,024 kilobytes are 1 megabyte (MB), 1,024 megabytes are 1 gigabyte (GB), and 1,024 gigabytes are 1 terabyte (TB). Attention! Hard drive manufacturers use 1000 as a baseline. So a 100 GB hard drive actually only holds 93 GB!

Extension, file format, PDF

The last letters after the period in the file name are called the file extension and indicate the file format. For example, texts saved in Word have the DOC extension, and JPEG is the most popular format for images.

With the help of special programs, Word texts with pictures and graphics can be saved in PDF format and opened on all computers using the free Adobe Reader program.

Data rate (kbps and Mbps)

The baud rate indicates how much data is transferred in 1 second. The unit is bits per second. The derived units are kilobits per second and megabits per second. In the case of music, the bit rate indicates how strongly the audio files have been compressed: the higher the bit rate, the better the audio quality should be.


DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. DSL capabilities are enough for telephone calls over the Internet (Voice over IP), high-speed versions will even allow you to watch movies in real time. Although data is transmitted over a telephone cable, you can use a landline telephone in parallel.

DVB-C / -T / -S / -S2

DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) stands for digital television. The letters after the hyphen indicate the transmission channel: DVB-C is received through a cable, DVB-T through an antenna, and DVB-S through a satellite dish. DVB-S2 broadcasts HDTV high definition television via satellite. To work with a PC, you need a special DVB-card. USB receivers are available mainly for DVB-T.


A firewall (firewall, firewall) is built into almost all routers. It protects attached computers from hacker attacks from the Internet. You can install a firewall on your computer and control the transmission of data to and from the Internet. This can prevent password theft, for example.

Pixels, megapixels

Monitor images and digital photographs are made up of dots (pixels). The number of pixels (resolution) is specified as a pair of numbers - for example, 1366x768 (horizontal and vertical). The higher the resolution, the more detail the screen or photo will display.


The Global Positioning System is a satellite based navigation system. GPS receivers determine their location with an accuracy of meters. This technology is used in navigators as well as smartphones and tablets.

Video card, GPU

The video card is responsible for displaying the image on the monitor. The graphics card contains graphics memory and a processor. The more powerful the processor and the more memory, the more complex sequences of images can be displayed smoothly (for example, in modern computer games).


High Definition Television is a television broadcasting standard with a resolution of 1280x720 or 1920x1080 (Full HD) pixels. It provides a significant improvement in picture quality compared to the old PAL television standard (720x546 pixels). A High Definition Multimedia Interface cable losslessly transfers digital video and audio signals from, for example, an HD receiver to a TV.

Hertz and its derivatives

Hertz (Hz) is a unit of measure for frequency, that is, how often events repeat. 1 hertz means 1 oscillation per second. 1 kilohertz (kHz) equals 1000 oscillations, 1 megahertz (MHz) equals 1 million and 1 gigahertz (GHz) -1 billion oscillations. In megahertz and gigahertz, the clock frequency (and hence the operating speed) of the processor, as well as the frequency of the radio signal, are expressed.

Disk, partition

There are three types of storage devices. The first is hard drives (internal and external), CD / DVD drives, and USB drives. Windows assigns each of them a letter designation under which they are available. Disk space can be divided into several parts, the so-called partitions, which are also designated by a letter. This is the second type of storage. And the third type is virtual disk drives. They use a portion of the hard drive and simulate a CD / DVD drive.


Plugins are extensions that add functionality to programs. The most widely used plugins are for Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, as well as for image processing software. Many plugins can be found online for free.


The processor processes commands from the operating system and applications. The higher the processor performance, the faster the PC runs. An important (but far from the only) performance indicator is the clock frequency, measured in gigahertz (the standard today is about 2.6 GHz). Modern types of Intel and AMD processors have up to six processor cores.


The Quick Response code is a square matrix with black and white dots and dashes. It hides data, such as digital codes and web addresses. Computers and smartphones with a code scanner can read information in a few seconds.


A router allows multiple computers and devices to be networked together, usually to share the Internet. The Wi-Fi network also allows you to use, for example, wireless printers. The data transfer rate of 802.11n WLAN routers reaches 100 Mbps.

SSD - Solid State Drive

The acronym stands for Solid State Drive. Unlike classic hard drives, SSDs dispense with mechanical components. The data is stored on flash memory elements. Modern SSDs reach a volume of 960 GB. Quiet and energy efficient drives are unfortunately expensive.


Special control programs are usually supplied with the device and are designed to interact with the operating system. Windows has preinstalled drivers for many devices. The latest driver versions can be found on the manufacturers' websites.

Touchscreen, Multitouch

Touchscreen is a touchscreen for PCs, smartphones and other devices. The display detects where your fingers touch and tells the program about your taps. With Multitouch technology, you can simultaneously execute commands with several fingers - for example, to resize a picture.


These malicious programs that penetrate a computer from the Internet disguise themselves as useful software. They can download other malware from the network, bypass antiviruses and transfer data from a computer to an attacker, such as passwords and bank card numbers.


The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System is a fast data transmission technology. High Speed ​​Downlink Packet Access accelerates UMTS to 21.6 Mbps, DC-HSPA speeds up sending data to 5.76 Mbps. In Russia, it is often referred to as 3G.

LongTerm Evolution (long term development) is a new mobile communication standard. In 800 MHz mode, LTE offers up to 50 Mbps, in 1800 and 2600 MHz modes - up to 100 Mbps. Cellular operators are referred to as 4G.

USB, USB stick

Universal Serial Bus - A standard connector for keyboards, hard drives, printers, and other external devices. The USB 3.0 standard provides speeds up to 5Gbps. The previous version 2.0 allowed data transfer at speeds up to 60 MB / s.


These malicious programs most often enter a computer from the Internet and infect files or programs, using the PC to spread further. Their purpose may be, for example, to delete valuable data.


It stands for Wireless Local Area Network. Radio waves are used to communicate between computers (including the Internet).

Electronic book

An e-book is a digital version of a regular book that can be read on readers (special devices) or using special programs on a computer, tablet or smartphone. When purchasing an e-book, only one use right is granted - it cannot be resold. The share of e-books on the market is currently relatively small, however, according to experts, by 2017 it will already account for 16% of all books sold.


This is what Amazon readers are called. Amazon's current flagship device is the Kindle Voyage with a six-inch touchscreen display developed using E-Ink (electronic ink) technology, which supports a resolution of 1440x1080 pixels.


One of the most popular platforms for selling e-books. Unlike other services, the user does not need to pay for each individual book. All the reader needs is to pay for a monthly subscription (149 rubles). After that, he will have access to the entire library.


FBReader is arguably the best e-book reader. Its popularity is such that there are versions of FBReader for many reader models. In addition, this "reader" is used by default in many alternative firmware.


GPS exchange Format is a format for storing information about landmarks (Waypoints), routes (Routes) and tracks (Tracklogs). The open format makes it possible to store geodata and exchange with other devices.


Anyone who wants to read messages of certain TWITTER users without constantly searching their profile should become their “follower” (subscriber). To do this, in the profile of the corresponding user, click on the "Read" button. American pop star Katy Perry has the largest number of followers today - 76 million.


A hashtag is specifically a keyword within a short message, denoted by a hash (#) symbol. For example, a search for the hashtag #apple leads to tweets from the iPhone manufacturer.


Anyone who follows the posts of a particular "TWITTER" user can share his tweets with their own followers. The most successful retweet to date is the selfie of American presenter Ellen DeGeneres at the 2014 Oscars, which has been shared as many as 2.3 million times.

Glare-Type Displays

Glare-Type displays are flat screens that are made primarily of glass and do not have anti-reflective coatings such as the Apple iMac. They display rich and vibrant colors, but their surface is highly shiny. Therefore, they are only conditionally suitable for office 8. You can get rid of glare with a special film.

LCD technology

In monitors that are made using LCD technology, the light from the backlight strikes the display through a layer of liquid crystals. Depending on the applied voltage, the individual crystals are oriented differently, which determines the color and brightness of the pixels.

Vesa standard

VESA is the globally recognized standard for mounting flat panel displays. There are special VESA mounts for wall mounting or using a _ swivel arm. For this, many monitors are equipped with special holes.
on the back wall.


TouchWiz is mistaken for an operating system. In fact, this is just a user interface developed by Samsung for smartphones and tablets with advanced features, such as voice control using natural speech recognition system S Voice, as on the Samsung Galaxy S III.


This is the name of the LED lamps from the Dutch manufacturer Philips, which are connected to WLAN. For control, you need a Hue Bridge device that connects to the router with a network cable. In addition, the user needs to download a free application on his iPhone or iPad in order to control the lamps for a lady in the event that he is out of the house. According to the manufacturer, the Hue Bridge device allows you to control fifty lamps that can change the color of the glow.

Nest labs

The startup of Apple manager and iPod maker Tony Fadella develops the concept of Smart thermostats and smoke alarms. Internet giant Google bought the young company for 2.3 billion euros. Security experts warn of Google's interest in private data contained in smart home appliances.

Automation- procedure for checking the length of the combination of the logical identification name and password (or only the password) entered by the user in the Internet.
Admin- the administrator, managing the position in the computer world. Network administrator, databases, website ...
Aka, aka, aka- (from the English Also Known As) combination of two nicknames (or names). For example "Batman aka Vasya" where "Batman" is a nickname, "Vasya" is a name.
Accaynt- account - login (username) (login) and password (password).
Anti-virus- a program that provides and removes viruses.
Antileech(from English antileech) - a system for protecting files from direct download. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first go to that site. See also Lich.
Apach- one of the implementations of http-servers, intended for use in managing the UNIX operating system. The program is a virtual server that you can install on your computer. With the help of it, it is possible to imitate the existing Internet server (from the English Apache).
Upgrade- modernization of the computer hardware, expansion of capabilities, improvement of its functional characteristics, as well as improvement of the software
Upgrade- update something.
Aplet- an independent application written in the Java language and intended to be included in the html-document as an element of the web-page.
Aplod- the process of downloading files to the remote computer. (from English Upload).
Apxivator- a program that will allow you to compress information by eliminating excess (spaces, repeats, etc.). Compression happens with loss and without. You can squeeze anything you want: text, music, video, photos, etc. Moreover, the more uniform information, the better it is compressed.
ICQ (ICQ)- a comunicational program for the Internet, allowing you to exchange short messages (pager analog), as well as send files, photos, etc. One of the means of communication in the Internet.
Attach- attached file.

Bug- error, error in the program. From (from the English bug) beetle, insect. Electric lamps of large and ancient computers often burned because of bugs and motes flying in the light and heat, and the machine went out of the window. So they began to blame all the flaws on the beetles ...
Byte- 8 bit, information unit. The same as the "bit", only 8 times larger. There are also the following units of measurement: kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, exabyte.
Ban, send to the bath- to deny access rights to something, for example, to a forum.
Banner- a promotional image of a fixed size, as a rule, containing an animation that performs the role of a hyperlink to that or another period of the Internet.
Bathhouse attendant- the person dealing with banners.
Browser (Browser) is a special client program designed for viewing the content of web sites and displaying HTML documents.
Baton- any key on the keyboard (example: trample loaves) (from the English Button).
Back up- make a backup.
Bebeska, bBizba, bibisA, bibisina, bibiesina, bordA, biba- BBS (bulleten board system), a bulletin board of the Fido era, a prototype of modern websites.
Bit- the minimum unit of information measurement (0 or 1).
Blank- CD.
Adventurer- browser or computer game. V
Varese- free, "pirate" software (from the English Ware - products).
Windows, vindovoz- the same as "Mazdai".
Screw, broom- hard drive, hard drive.
Rope- wire, cable, channel of connections to the Network. G
Gamer- a person who cannot imagine himself without toys. Gamble - play.
Guestbook- guestbook (from English Guestbook). Home book - a section of the web site, with a special and interactive format, with the help of one of the visitors of the given cycle, you can use it to rewrite the
Glitch- an incomprehensible failure in the program (if it is repeated, then this is already a Bug). Glitches - works with errors.
Gig- the same as "meg", only 1024 times more.
GIFs- familiar from GIF.
Bang- delete something, erase from the disk.
Guru- a respected person, an experienced craftsman. D

Danload(download) - the process of copying files from a remote network computer (server) to the calling computer (client). Ha common technical fire, this procedure is sometimes called "download".
Wood- directory structure.
Defaults- values ​​set by default.
Directory- a folder (and not a colony, as one might think).
Domain- This is commonly referred to as an articulate Internet address. (Take Here “.ru” is the first-level domain, “.design” is the second, “www” is the third).
Firewood- drivers.
Driver- a program that controls any external or internal computer device (scanner, mouse, keyboard, disk drive ...). The driver is an intermediate link between the iron (device) and the operating system. Having changed or added a device, you need to change or install its driver and the operating system and programs will be able to work with this device. The program or the operating system must not be changed. F, Z
Iron (hardware)- filling the computer (processor, hard disk, memory).
Redneck packed- an archive compressed first with tar, and then with gzip.
Fill- upload the file to the server.
Release- to officially release the finished software product.
Save- save (from the English. Save).
Add- to install the program or set the system configuration. (from English setup)
Zip- use zip archiver.
Shl- post scriptum (afterword). It's just that on the keyboard, the letters Z and Y are in the same place as P and S. Too lazy to change the layout ... (from the English P.S. abbreviation for Post Scriptum) AND
UPS (UPS)- a source of uninterruptible power supply (prevents the computer from failures in the electrical network and unexpected power outages). Has a rechargeable battery, calculated for operation from several minutes to several hours when the mains voltage 220 V is turned off.
Ignop- abbreviation from the word "ignore", a special programmatic order of relation to individual chats or members of the forum, when applying which messages do not pass to the addressee. Ignop is private and general (total).
IE, IE- Internet Explorer, bpayzer from Microsoft.
IMHO- "in my humble opinion" - (from the English In My Humble Opinion). Expressing this phrase, a person expresses his opinion, trying not to offend anyone, as well as True Opinion.
Installation- installation of the program on the computer. The programs are distributed in the distributive - its own kind of package. Before starting work, most programs require installation. At this they copy the necessary files to the hard disk of the computer and are registered in the operating system.
Seeker- search engine (eg Yandex). TO
A rock- processor.
Quoting- quotation (from the English quote).
Kilo, Kb, Kb- kilobyte. KilO "- the same as" byte ", only 1024 times more.
Klava- keyboard. Trample claudia (loaves, i.e. keys) - work with the keyboard.
Client- a computer (or program) that is serviced by the server.
Standard line- the interface, in which the interaction with the system is operated by the input of commands and parameters to them, in response to some ineffectiveness. It has less visibility for playing in contrast to the program icons that are displayed on Windows. In the case with the command line on the monitor on the background of the black screen, there is a line that is not understood by the usual user.
Comp(wheelbarrow, apparatus, number gnaw) - computer, PC.
Root- the first directory in the tree (root directory).
Cracker- a person who breaks into the system with a critical purpose: the rooting of information, computation, redemption. Not to be confused with a hacker.
Crack, crack- (from the English crack), which means to break. Usually it is a Key-generator or a small program that allows you to use a licensed program without a paid registration.
Crack, crack, hack, pluck- open any software and change the data in it at your own discretion.
Connect- connection to the Internet or connection to the server.
Kyki- from the English "cookies" - the cookie. THIS IS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR IP, YOUR SETTINGS ON THIS OR ANOTHER SITE. On the one hand - this is very convenient, because, for example, you do not have to constantly enter the password on the site of your provider. However, these cookies can be used for other purposes.
Kyler- from the word "cooler" - fan. There are some coolers that cool the processor, power supply unit and other device: a graphical accelerator, etc. So there can be several coolers in the computer (usually at least two).
Caching web pages- the process of saving html-docs and graphical files downloaded from the Internet to a special folder on a hard disk using a video clip When re-accessing the site, the browsers open this web page from the hard drive, which will allow you to significantly reduce the time of its reading. L
Lol- (from the English Laughing Out Loud) what does it mean to laugh loudly, to laugh, etc. There is a corresponding emoticon.
Lamer- a complete idiot, fool, kettle, dumbass. Not to be confused with the novice user. Lamer is dangerous to himself and to those around him.
Sheet- mailing list, used to notify the broad masses in one simple letter (from the English. Mailing List).
Lich (lich, leecher)- indicate a direct link to an object on someone else's server (from the English leech - leech). Personalization is considered bad form on the Internet. For example, someone posted a downloadable file on their website. Licher does not upload it to his server, does not indicate the address of the site on which this file can be found, but gives the specific address of the file, thereby using other people's traffic and labor. The same applies to pictures. In the case of warez, this creates additional problems, since the authors of the programs, in the case of the lack of screenshots from the offsite, can track where and on what resources they were used and at the same time find unlicensed copies of their programs.
Holders of serious resources are fighting against lechery, checking the referrer, installing antileech - a system for protecting files from direct download. To download files from a leecher-protected website, the user must first go to that site.
Login- the identifier used to log in to the system (for example, to a website or forum).
Lokalka- a local network, not necessarily connected to the Internet.

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