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Types of software faults. Hardware failures and malfunctions Causes of computer failures and malfunctions

Primary diagnostics can be done by signals that are reproduced when the computer starts up. To do this, you need to know the breakdown coding tables. Each BIOS developer (AMI, AWARD, PHOENICS) uses its own coding for the type of fault. One short signal means for everyone that the primary test (POST) passed, no errors were found. Further, it is different for everyone. The absence of any signals means that the system does not start when the power is applied and the switch-on signal is applied.
Determining a computer malfunction by BIOS signals

Sometimes you can distinguish a hardware problem from a software problem by changing the behavior of the computer after a power outage (as opposed to a software reset).
Many computer malfunctions can be established (or at least know in which direction to look) by fatal BSOD errors in Windows, but for this you need to make Windows itself work.

Processor malfunction

The computer reboots cyclically, does not start, there is no boot from the hard disk; does not install, does not boot Windows, the processor or processor power parts on the motherboard are very hot. Sometimes programs do not work properly. New processors have a built-in memory controller, sometimes memory malfunction occurs due to a faulty processor. Intel processor failure is extremely rare, with burned AMD processors much more common. The processor can burn out due to improper assembly if you bend the pins of the socket of the board or processor, causing a short circuit. In this case, the processor is replaced with a new one. A burned-out processor is capable of “burning” the motherboard; it is dangerous to move it to a new computer. It is difficult and risky to diagnose a processor malfunction at home.

Breakdown elimination: replacement only.

Memory failures

The computer does not boot, intermittent crashes occur, accompanied by a blue "screen of death" in Windows and its applications. Memory problems are reliably diagnosed with special reliable tests. Low-validity programs run fast, but often fail to detect a problem. Tests should be carried out on a motherboard with a working memory controller (the controller may be in the processor, then you need to be sure that the processor is working properly). A memory test with a program of low reliability (validity) can only confuse you and take away additional time. Defective memory should be replaced, it is pointless to repair. Since the memory controller is usually located in the processor in modern systems, the processor is the first suspect in the event of memory errors.

Faulty motherboard

If the motherboard is out of order, the symptoms of this event are as follows: the computer does not turn on at all, or it turns on, but does not boot; USB, sound card, mouse, keyboard do not work; the processor is cold; Windows does not load or installs, processor overheats. An example of a computer motherboard malfunctioning when Windows did not load due to memory errors.

If the BIOS of the motherboard is damaged (a burned out microcircuit or a damaged program), the computer will turn on, but there will be no boot and no image. We can restore a faulty BIOS either by a new flashing on the programmer, or by replacing the flashed microcircuit.

Motherboards are rarely repaired, usually when capacitor re-soldering is required. It is expensive to change the chip on the motherboard, about 6,000 rubles.

For more information about diagnosing a malfunction of the motherboard, see here.

Breakdown elimination: replacement, repair.

Hard drive problems

The disk does not spin up, is not detected in the BIOS of the motherboard; Windows does not load, the computer restarts cyclically, freezes, slows down; errors and abnormal terminations of programs. It is advisable to repair hard drives if the damage is minor or if they contain valuable information. Broken SATA cable and poor connection can also be the cause of poor or unstable hard drive performance. Poor cable quality can be diagnosed using the UltraDMA CRC Errors parameter in.
Read more about hard disk crashes here.
Breakdown elimination: replacement, repair.

Another frequently asked question related to the fact that Windows does not see an external hard drive that is connected via USB. First you need to check if the disc itself is spinning up. If there is complete silence or you can hear the disc's attempts to spin up (does not pick up speed), then the disc will not start. Therefore, Windows does not see the HDD. The reasons may be the following: the disk does not have enough power to work (insert the other end of the splitter into USB), bad cable (the performance of external hard drives depends greatly on the quality of the cable); disk controller in a low quality box; incorrectly connect (for example, through the front USB connectors of the computer, but you need to connect to the motherboard at the back). Here are the main reasons why an external drive is not working.

Malfunction of the video card

Symptoms of a video card malfunction: garbage or artifacts on the monitor screen, often even before Windows boots; the computer does not boot (there is no characteristic boot sound); 3D games crash; the video card driver crashes and is not installed, games do not work, the 3DMARK test crashes. Overheating is a typical cause of a video adapter failure. The critical temperature for the crystal of a video card is about 105º C. To avoid overheating, do not bring the card to such a temperature, do the cleaning in a timely manner. The malfunction is checked on another computer.

See the maximum temperatures of video cards here.

Power supply failure

The computer does not turn on with the button (power is not supplied to the board and fans), there is no boot from the hard disk, it reboots cyclically, the boot stops. Power supplies have practically ceased to be repaired. A standard PSU costs the same as repairs.

Read more about power supply malfunctions.
Elimination of breakdown: replacement of the power supply.

Network problem

With a faulty network card, the computer may freeze when loading Windows, not boot. The problem may appear at night, when you are not there, the card may burn out and when the computer is off, the standby voltage is supplied to the card. For diagnostics, you can disable the network card in the BIOS, or remove the additional one.

Read about the repair of the motherboard, power supply, computer video card here.

It is obvious that some signs of a malfunction are found in several computer components at once, and a lot of uncertainty arises during the diagnosis. Therefore, when diagnosing it is more correct to talk about the likelihood of this breakdown. A correct diagnosis requires experience, equipment and replacement parts. It is problematic to diagnose and repair a computer at home without being able to supply serviceable parts, and in the conditions of professional centers it is easy and inexpensive. See prices for computer repair.

Overheating of the computer.

Often, computer breakdowns occur due to overheating associated with excessive dustiness of the system unit inside. Dust is a good heat insulator and inhibits. Here is an example of what happens if the computer is not cleaned from dust. For this reason, the video card fell into disrepair.


Component incompatibility is a common cause of inoperability of known-good devices. Most often, incompatibility occurs in a combination of Intel-AMD devices. For example, we replaced the video card with a new card from AMD, and the computer stopped starting.

Software malfunctions

Half of the computer malfunctions are due to software problems. These include errors in the file system (which often occur during power failures while writing to disk), OS (operating system) and its applications, drivers, as well as the consequences of exposure to malware (viruses, Trojans, spyware, etc.). Reasons for infection: the consequences of visiting phishing sites, opening infected emails, downloading infected programs, poor antivirus protection.
Errors after replacing the motherboard due to changing the hard drive controller should also be attributed to software malfunctions.

The printer does not print from the computer

If the printer intermittently stops printing from the computer, then the following reasons are likely:

  • most often a problem with the print manager (you can check this by restarting the print manager or restarting the computer);
  • malfunction of the motherboard chipset, in particular the South Bridge;
  • bad USB cable, wrong or corrupted driver, printer problems (paper jam, cartridge out, cover open, etc.)

If you need professional diagnostics or want to fix your computer with us, if you have a question about prices, terms, expediency, please contact us via the contact form. In the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to establish the cause of the breakdown without diagnostics.

Frequently asked Questions:

Question. A blue screen with the words IRQ_NOT_ and something else constantly pops up.
Answer. Most likely a problem with your RAM or driver.

Question. What if the blue screen of death appears?
Answer. On the screen of death, a message is always written, which can be used to determine the type of malfunction.

Question. The computer does not turn on when the power button is pressed, the fan jerks and stops.
Answer. Probably faulty: motherboard; power supply unit (replace); short circuit protection is triggered (disconnect everything from the motherboard, even external USB, connect in turn).

Question. Periodically, the video card disappears from the system.
Answer. Probably bad contact in the card slot - you need to clean it, or the card itself is malfunctioning.

Question. Can the video card get warm due to the power supply?
Answer. Never met.

Question. My mouse slows down on my computer. With a smooth movement of the hand, she twitches, jumps. I changed the mouse - it doesn't help, everything is the same.
Answer. The mouse never slows down, and cannot slow down. Only the computer itself slows down, you need to understand why: hard drive, programs, weak video card, processor ...

Question. The fan on the processor began to work very noisily, it hums almost continuously. I hardly heard before.
Answer. It's time to clean your computer from dust. Open the system unit and remove dust from all coolers. Read about cleaning your laptop.

Question. The computer does not see the TV via HDMI, but has seen and shown films before. I checked the contacts.
Answer. A burnt out HDMI port on either the TV or computer. You cannot connect the HDMI cable while the devices are turned on.

Question. Small horizontal stripes are visible on the monitor. Is it a matrix?
Answer. Most likely this is a tip. Select a different frame rate, such as 75 Hz. Sometimes horizontal flickering of lines, slight jitter is observed. Eliminated in the same way.

Question. The computer reports that the USB device is not recognized, but before it worked.
Answer. The electronics are probably out of order, usually in the USB interface.

Question. The desired resolution is not set on the monitor.
Answer. Turn on your monitor first, then restart Windows. A working system will automatically determine the required monitor parameters.

Question. The processor is constantly loaded at 100%.
Answer. Possibly: weak processor, viruses, 2 antiviruses, extra resident programs, overheating. Launch the task manager and see which process is loading the processor. If it's svhost and there are no viruses, then it's easier to reinstall Windows.

Question. The hard drive disappears from time to time.
Answer. The problem is either with the controller on the motherboard, the hard drive, or the cable (often bad contact).

Question. The new computer began to slow down strongly.
Answer. You need to watch what processes are causing the processor load. And check the hard drive for damage. And sometimes the computer slows down a lot when - if the cable is faulty, a large number of errors occur during data transfer, and until the disk transfers the necessary portion of data to the computer without errors, the transfer process is repeated. The cable needs to be replaced.

When Windows freezes, we get very annoyed. Especially if you did not have time to save an important document or edited photo.

And if the computer freezes occur with the regularity of the day, that is, every day, then I can even imagine how your eye twitches from tension. If in such situations, when windows 7, 8 or 10 hangs, you do not know what to do, then this small guide is designed to eliminate these gaps and guide you on the right path to eliminate the causes of the computer freezing once and for all.

With this simple guide, you will be able to diagnose any case of computer failure within a couple of minutes.

1. What is a computer crash?

This article will focus on unexpected crashes of a Windows-based computer and how to identify the freeze issue.

Computer crashes happen for a variety of reasons. The average PC user may more than once encounter computer freezes during work or entertainment. PC crashes often happen due to the fact that the computer is broken or the operating system is damaged.

Just want to warn inexperienced users. Any freezes or sudden reboots of the computer are not yet a diagnosis that the computer is broken and that at best it should be sent for an expensive repair, and at worst - go to the store for a new computer.

As long as no one deliberately harms your PC in the form of physical damage, power surges, you can diagnose the problem of freezes and crashes on your own or by reading this article.

Computer crash

1.1. PC crash it

The easiest way to explain what a PC crash is is to understand how the computer boots from start to finish. From the moment you press the ON button to the moment the work word is loaded, the computer performs several steps, which in brief look as follows:

  1. Enabling the ON button on the system unit;
  2. The BIOS chip checks which hardware components are connected to the system board and the computer's power supply. If all tests are successful, the BIOS accesses the boot sector of the disk that is listed first;
  3. The boot sector usually contains the Master Boot Record (MBR), which contains the disk partition table, one of which is active;
  4. The MBR identifies the active partition and transfers control to the boot record, which is usually found in the first sector of the active partition.

From this step, all hardware errors that may arise due to hardware malfunctions end and software failures of the operating system begin. In this case, if the BIOS diagnoses an error in the operation of a faulty component, then you will see the corresponding error message on the screen.

  1. Next, using the boot record, the operating system loader is launched;
  2. The boot manager reads the system configuration data and prompts you to select a system to boot, if there are more than one;
  3. Next, the operating system boot modules, kernel components and the kernel itself, system services and other components are launched;
  4. Then the process is loaded that manages the user logon. Moreover, if there is one user on the computer, the desktop will be loaded automatically. Otherwise, the system will prompt you to select the user for which you want to load the desktop;
  5. In the process of user login to the desktop from startup, all the elements registered there are loaded.

If you imagine all these steps of loading the operating system as a logical chain, then any PC failure is caused by a break in this chain.

Thus, if a PC crashes at one of the steps in the computer boot process, then you can already determine what type of failure: hardware or software.

Of course, a PC crash can also happen if the computer is already running. We will talk about this further.

1.2. PC hardware failure

Unlike a software failure, it is much easier to diagnose hardware failures. The likelihood that a hardware component fails and you don't know which one is pretty low. As mentioned above, when the computer boots, the BIOS immediately diagnoses a non-working computer component and tells you about it. But we can assume that, for example, the failure of a hardware component does not occur immediately, but during the operation of the computer, for example, when it heats up or under serious load during games or video conversion.

What PC components can malfunction and go unnoticed?

motherboards- Provides interoperability between virtually all hardware components. All of your flash drives, hard drives or solid state drives are connected to your mother's mother. A damaged (faulty capacitor, faulty port, short circuit of the microcircuit) motherboard will cause frequent reboots of the PC or even the impossibility of turning it on. Power surges can burn the motherboard beyond repair. Defective slots such as PCI or RAM slots can also lead to similar problems. But as a rule, motherboards are rarely the cause of frequent PC crashes.

Cpu(CPU) / GPU(Video card) - On most PCs, frequent shutdowns can be caused by the CPU or video card. The central processing unit processes most of the computer's tasks increasingly in multitasking mode. The GPU handles the events required to display graphics on the monitor screen. Overheating of these two important components is the main problem with their failure. The CPU or graphics card is automatically shut down when it reaches a certain temperature threshold. This mechanism protects them from destruction. But I do not advise you not to pay attention to frequent computer stops due to CPU and GPU overheating. Sometimes the cost of these two components is two-thirds of the cost of the entire PC. And if you are not a computer enthusiast and an experienced overclocker, then I advise you to periodically clean your PC from dust and check the operation of the coolers on the central processor and video card.

Power Supply- the power supply provides the electrical power required to start up and operate all other PC components. A poor-quality power supply can ruin your computer, especially if your apartment's electrical network suffers from frequent power surges. Incorrect voltages, power surges, power surges and the like can cause serious damage to all components of your PC. In addition, poor performance of the built-in fan in the power supply can cause it to overheat and fail.

1.3. PC software crash

The three main reasons for software crashes are OS corruption, program crashes, and driver failure. Of the three, driver failure is the most common. Different drivers connect to, and control, different hardware components.

OS crash- an operating system error occurs as a result of a defect in the operating system. This type of error indicates that the system files are damaged or missing. OS files can be damaged for two main reasons:

  • Defective disk sectors;
  • The required system files are missing.

Sector defects on a disk occur when a physical hard disk is damaged or worn out. Files cannot be read on a damaged hard disk, which is why errors and OS crashes occur.

On the other hand, the problem may stem from the lack of necessary system files, which are simply not enough. This sometimes happens due to the presence of viruses, whose task is to damage or delete the system files of the operating system. Therefore, if, with a certain task arising for the user or the operating system, a shortage of any important files is found, then the OS will crash and the computer will be sent, at best, to reboot.

Software glitch- if the program cannot perform the operation that the user asked it, then it will crash, but the operating system, as a rule, continues to work properly. And if the program causes the operating system to freeze, then the problem is not in the program at all. In this case, the malfunction should be looked for in a more hidden problem. For example, if your computer crashes every time you use the Google Chrome web browser, it could be the result of a RAM failure. If your computer crashes every time you start playing a computer game, then the video card may be under serious stress due to the failure of its cooler. Therefore, do not rush to sin on a program that you do not want to work correctly for you. Maybe it's not her at all. Next, let's figure out where to look for the source of the error.

Driver failure- one of the special cases of software failure is driver failure. Drivers act as a layer between the operating system and all the components of the computer, from the mouse to the printer. A driver crash, as a rule, forces the operating system to reboot. Respected manufacturers of computer equipment and components often release updates and new versions of drivers themselves if many users experience driver failures. Therefore, if you have problems with one or another driver that comes with the device, I advise you to look at the manufacturer's official website and make sure that the version of the driver you have is up to date.

2. Symptoms of PC crashes

The so-called computer malfunction symptoms, which can be noticed by the attentive user, are of vital importance. The operating system will not write these symptoms for you in the form of error messages. These are typically metrics of your computer's performance, serving as information that you can use to troubleshoot PC problems and crashes. The crash symptoms do not indicate specific problems, they simply suggest that there are some problems that are causing these crash symptoms. For example:

Sound stutters- this is a sure sign that your computer is about to start to seriously malfunction or stop responding and freeze. A stuttering sound or buzzing sound can be either a sound problem or part of another more serious problem with your PC.

BSOD(blue screen of death) is a noticeable sign of a PC crash. Simply put, the blue screen error is the most popular response by the operating system when the computer crashes. Moreover, the blue screen of death shows an error on the site, the meaning of which can be found on the Internet, for example,.

BSOD Windows 10 with error code

Screen off... Sometimes the computer continues to work and does not go to reboot during a crash. Turning off the screen is often associated with errors in the operation of the video card. This does not mean that the GPU is defective, perhaps the video card is not fully inserted into the PCI-Express slot, or the drivers are not installed correctly, are damaged, or require reinstallation. At the same time, the connecting cables that connect the monitor to the system unit can also give a percentage of the probability of the screen turning off, although it is 0.5% of all cases of problems with the video card.

Lack of PC response... PC freezes are often the first signs of a PC crash. Lack of PC response is a complete absence of mouse movement, reaction of pressing keys on the keyboard, stopping audio playback and freezing the picture on the screen. There is nothing you can do here, except forcibly turn off the computer and then turn it on again.

3. Practice of eliminating PC errors

Troubleshooting is best done according to some scheme. It is better not to postpone simple malfunctions and errors in the work of a PC, if possible, but to eliminate them immediately. Complex problems can be postponed and replaced with other more important tasks, especially since the elimination of such problems sometimes takes up to several hours. In addition, some of the PC problems may occur on a monthly basis, while others appear on a daily basis.

Next, I advise you to go through the steps of each section from the first to the last, to ensure that you are acting in accordance with the severity of the problem. This is a general procedure for finding any problem. If the step did not work, then proceed to the next step.

3.1 First failure

Just restart your computer. If during a crash the computer hangs and you cannot send it to reboot, then press and hold the power button of your computer for a few seconds until it turns off. Then turn on your computer again. Further, the computer will either work without the previously detected error, or the failure will repeat itself. If the problem occurs during computer boot up to the 4th step from point , then, with 99% accuracy, it can be argued that this is a hardware failure. You will have to open the system unit and:

Check power connection- If the PC component is not receiving power, or is not receiving sufficient power, it will not work. Make sure the components are properly connected to the power supply. Even if you are not an electrician by profession, it is very easy to deal with the power supply of the system unit components. The main rule is that from the power supply, there should be cables to the hard drive, DVD or Blue-raw drive, video card, processor socket and the thickest common cable to the motherboard.

Check input cables- Make sure that the input cables from external devices to the system unit are in working order. The variety of peripheral devices for each computer is individual, but almost every computer has a mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers. And they all have a wire that is connected to the system unit. The connection of such a wire must be checked, perhaps one of them is moving away or not plugged in at all.

3.2 The problem repeats itself

SpeedFan- download . The utility allows immediately after starting to diagnose which component of the system unit is the source of overheating for the computer. Download and install the utility, on the tab Readings displays the speed indicators of the connected fans of the system unit and the temperature indicators of all PC components. Deviations from the norm will glow red, which indicates problems with the PC of a specific device: video card, hard drive.

SpeedFan - temperature

Also, in the tab Charts you can see graphs of temperatures, fan speeds and voltages of important PC components.

SpeedFan - charts

HWMonitor- download . The utility is even simpler than SpeedFan, It allows you to monitor the voltage and temperature readings of all computer components. If any of the components in your PC exceeds 80-90 degrees without intensive load, then this is the first sign that you need to take measures to cool it.


The main reason for overheating, as a rule, is the neglected state of the system unit and the mountains of accumulated dust. Clean your PC and take measurements again.

4.1.2. Component stress testing

GPU stress test is the best way to see obvious graphics card problems. Stress testing will put 100% stress on the graphics cards, making them work to their maximum. Therefore, if your computer shuts down while playing a game, it is a good idea to check the stability of the video card.

Furmark or Unigine: Valley good stress tests for the video card. Make sure your computer is not overheating during the test. If the computer shuts down during the test, and the video card is not overclocked, then the problem with the video card is obvious. To start fixing the problem, try inserting the video card into the slot again and update or reinstall the video card drivers.

Processor (CPU) stress test conducts multitasking testing (among other things), not graphics ability. You should run such a test if there are any brakes and delays when you run several heavy programs at the same time, for example, for editing images and converting videos, rendering a 3D model, and so on.

Prime95 or stress tests that contain a sufficient number of special tests that can load the processor with a variety of tasks. CPU stress testing, as opposed to a video card stress test, often takes longer. Therefore, be prepared to spend up to several hours stressing the CPU.

Random access memory (RAM) stress test- identification of errors in RAM during stress tests. RAM errors can lead to frequent stops if you do not replace the memory strip with a new one. Windows has a built-in Windows Memory Checker. To use it, in the menu START, type "memory diagnostics" and run Windows Memory Checker.

Windows Memory Checker

The first option will immediately send the computer to reboot. Get ready for this. This is necessary so that there are no extraneous data in the RAM during the test, which can occupy problem areas of memory. If you want to postpone testing your RAM, choose the second option.

MemTest - the best RAM test, but you need an external USB drive or CD drive to run it. In addition, you need to change the boot order in the BIOS, putting the MemTest media first.

Hard disk check... It's no secret that hard drives wear out over time. But even in the process of operation, the file system of the disk may be faulty. Disk drive errors not only lead to frequent PC crashes, but also pose great risks of losing important data stored on them.

To scan the drive for errors, find your drive in Explorer (for example, drive C :). Next, right-click on it, select Properties, go to the tab Service and press the button Check.

Run disk check

I warn you that your computer might restart. If errors are found during the scan, the disk check utility will fix them immediately. If fixing errors on the hard disk is not possible, then get ready to replace the disk soon.

It is better to entrust the storage of important data to services and services on the Internet, and not hope that your hard drive will not let you down. The problem of losing important data always comes up unexpectedly, and along with the disk you can lose the most expensive files.

4.2. Analysis of PC software crashes

4.2.1. Troubleshooting the operating system... If your computer stops starting or does not boot correctly, then the matter is clearly in violation of the integrity of the files of the Windows operating system. In order to restore damaged files of the Windows operating system, turn to the built-in utility for checking system files. The System File Checker command will check Windows, repair and replace damaged system files. Open the menu START and enter cmd... Right click on the program Command line and in the context menu select Run as administrator... In an elevated command prompt window, type sfc / scannow and press Enter... The command will scan the system partition and repair any damaged Windows system files.

sfc / scannow

4.2.2. Troubleshoot operating system boot problems... If your computer does not boot at all, then there may be two options why this happened.

  • The driver of the hard disk, motherboard (less often of other devices) was not updated correctly by you, and after rebooting the system could not boot normally;
  • The Windows operating system has encountered a software failure related to the installed updates.

So, in order to troubleshoot Windows 10 boot problems, you must have a DVD or USB installation disk with the Windows 10 operating system. After booting into system recovery mode, you have three recovery options. Choose the most preferable one for yourself.

Windows 10 System Restore

If an incorrectly updated driver is to blame, then I advise you to boot the computer in safe mode and from there in the device manager do the following:

Right-click on the device for which the driver has been updated. In the context menu, select Properties and then go to the tab Driver... Click the button Roll back driver to revert to a previous version of the driver for the device, or Delete to try again to install the driver yourself.

I advise you to use the Snail Driver utility to install or update drivers in automatic mode, which will allow you to install or update all drivers for all devices in the system in just two clicks.

5. Windows event log

Sometimes, only Windows log events can help pinpoint the source of PC errors and crashes. Windows Event Viewer will tell you in detail what is happening with your applications, operating system and computer as a whole. This is the only source where you can find out errors of application failures, operating system warnings about malfunctions of various services and components.

Windows event log

I advise you to periodically look into the Event Viewer snap-in to be sure that your computer and operating system are working properly. You should not try to eliminate all the warnings marked with a yellow triangle. But you need to know about their existence in order to understand what this or that warning can turn out to be for the computer. So do not ignore such warnings and try to analyze the source of the error. Perhaps this is just advice from the operating system or software.

Operating system and application errors are marked with a red icon. If the event table in the Windows log is replete with such entries, then you need to pay attention to the errors as soon as possible and start fixing them immediately. Inaction can be very costly for you.

Summing up ...

The system unit of a computer, like a laptop, consists of many components that work together and make up the concept of a "computer". Therefore, if one component fails, then the computer simply will not work normally. Each hardware failure is, as a rule, a failure of one of the components of the PC. The system unit is more advantageous in this regard than a laptop, because it allows even an inexperienced user to find out which of the devices failed.

A software failure can be diagnosed and eliminated with the same tools for both the laptop and the system unit.

If even after reading this manual you still have a question "Why does Windows hang?", Write about it in the comments. I will try to help you.

When working with a computer, sometimes problems arise that can slow down the production process. The machine starts to overload, give out incomprehensible errors, etc. This may be the result of careless handling of equipment. However, you shouldn't always panic and call a technical support worker. Some situations can be resolved by the users themselves. Let's consider here the most common difficulties and solutions that PC users face.

Reasons for failures

The main causes of computer failures are:

  • Inaccurate removal and installation of software;
  • Some important files are missing due to unintentional deletion or failure of hard drives;
  • Modifying the Windows registry;
  • Incompatibility of some freshly installed programs;
  • Problems with power surges.

Due to such reasons, the operating system starts to work incorrectly, it may even lead to a complete freeze of the computer. Let's start with the most common cause of crashes - viruses.


Viruses are codes that disrupt the stability of the operating system. Viruses overwrite, destroy and destroy files. Antivirus programs are the main weapon in the fight against these malicious codes. There are a great many of them, you should pay attention to widely used, with a gigantic anti-virus database. They make it possible to timely detect and neutralize most of the currently existing viruses. In this case, the database must be regularly updated so that your antivirus is always up to date.

If you or your colleagues do find malware on a machine running in local network, you should definitely check all computers included in this network. If the virus has infected any programs, then you can destroy it by removing them. After the infected program is destroyed, it must be restored using a backup copy. After destroying viruses and restoring programs and data files, you must re-scan for viruses using antivirus.

Removing and installing programs

Installing and removing programs is not difficult. But in order not to have unforeseen problems with new or removed programs, you must use the item "Add / Remove Programs" located on the control panel. In this case, the computer itself will prompt you with options for action, thereby minimizing the likelihood of making a mistake.

Hardware mismatch

If you recently installed a new device, you should check that the installed drivers match your hardware configuration. You can determine whether new hardware is the cause of the failures as follows: if, after physically removing it, the failures cease, then the failure was caused by a new device. To troubleshoot possible hardware problems, you need to check which software driver matches your computer.

Windows Registry

A registry change can cause the computer to malfunction. Frequent installation and removal of programs, corrupted drivers lead to changes in the Windows registry. The registry records the connections or links between hardware, memory space, and addressing. If these links are broken, the machine malfunctions, freezes, and the operating system may even crash. To automatically repair these links, you need to use a registry cleaner.

Failure Prevention Prevention

In order to prevent workstation crashes, use the following tips:

    • install new software with the latest drivers;
    • keep your spyware and anti-virus databases up to date;
    • update the security system to prevent attacks on OS vulnerabilities;
    • run the registry cleaner application periodically;
    • regularly check your computer for viruses;
    • check the compatibility of new hardware devices with existing ones;
    • uninstall programs using the Add / Remove Programs section of the control panel;
    • to protect the computer from power surges, use voltage stabilizers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS / UPS);
    • turn off your computer after shutting down all applications;
    • constantly back up your most important data;
    • beware of diagnostic utilities - they can make data recovery difficult;
    • If your computer slows down noticeably, try fragmenting the disk. The utility used will arrange the fragments of programs in the correct order, which will significantly reduce the loading time of programs and files;
    • do not carry out the operations of installing or restoring hard drives in the absence of appropriate experience, in this case it is better to contact the specialists.

By following these simple tips, you will save your computer from potential accidents and yourself from unnecessary problems.

Types of computer malfunctions

Sadly, but not so long ago, a fast-working new computer or laptop begins, as they say, to malfunction, slow down, or even simply ceases to show signs of life after pressing the power button. The reason for such phenomena can be two large groups of faults, which are divided into:

  • Hardware associated with defects or breakdown of computer components, which may occur due to aging, factory defects, poor-quality assembly, unstable supply voltage.
  • Software caused by errors in the operating system and installed software. They are usually associated with incorrect user actions, emergency power outages or actions of malicious software.

It is worth noting that very often these two groups of malfunctions can be closely related to each other, for example, an unstable operation of the equipment can lead to software errors, and software failures can cause the computer hardware to malfunction.

Types of software faults

Software malfunctions of modern computers can be divided into several types:

  • BIOS firmware errors. As a rule, they occur quite rarely and can be associated with both the failure of the memory microcircuit itself and its incorrect user settings. They can manifest themselves in different ways, ranging from the inability to boot the computer and ending with malfunctions of its individual components, for example, non-working USB ports or the inability to connect peripheral equipment.
  • Operating system and driver errors. They are usually associated either with their incorrect installation or with the actions of malicious software (viruses).
  • Errors of application software, for example, office suites or games, which are caused by incorrect installation, lack of necessary drivers and all the same computer viruses.

When your computer starts up slowly, freezes frequently, overloads or stops working, the most likely cause is the software. To find and eliminate the causes of software failures, you should contact only qualified specialists, otherwise you may simply lose your data.

However, software errors of the operating system itself are often the result of improper operation of computer components, therefore, in the presence of such problems, it is better to immediately carry out a full diagnosis, since operating in this mode can cause the PC to fail, for example, due to overheating of its components.

If you often encounter problems with the client software, most likely the reason lies in incorrectly installed programs, the lack of fresh drivers, or the incompatibility of this software version with the operating system installed on your computer. In most cases, it is enough to simply update the drivers or reinstall the programs, carefully monitoring the installation progress and the messages that are displayed during the installation.

Hardware malfunctions

A personal computer is a complex electronic system, consisting of many elements, the failure of which can manifest itself in different ways, for example:

  • Lack of reaction when pressing the power button;
  • The computer turns on, does not boot, and characteristic sound signals of hardware errors are heard from the system speaker;
  • The computer starts to boot but immediately displays a blue screen.

There can be a lot of manifestations of hardware errors, and there are also many reasons for their occurrence. For example, it can be a strong dustiness of the system unit, dried thermal paste, a cooler clogged with dust. Water or high humidity, static electricity, factory defects, poor-quality or inaccurate assembly and an attempt to "overclock" the computer can also lead to breakdowns, which should be eliminated by qualified specialists.

If any signs of hardware failures appear, we recommend that you immediately contact the Serty Service computer service center, since operating a computer in this mode can lead to failure of serviceable components, as a result, its repair in this case will cost much more.

Date of publication: 20.10.2015 12:39

Common software problems include:

"blue screen of death";
failure to load the operating system (Windows);
errors in BIOS setup;
freezes or slow operation;
program failure.

The appearance of a blue screen with the dreaded Blue Screen of Death may be the result of a hardware or software problem. Incorrect operation of drivers prevails among the latter. They may not match the device, conflict with other drivers, or be compatible with Windows. Therefore, it is very important to download drivers only from the official websites of hardware manufacturers.
The first appearance of a blue screen may be due to an accidental crash. But if after rebooting the blue screen does not disappear, then, first of all, you should make sure:

  • in sufficient free space on the system disk;
  • in the absence of viruses;
  • in automatic system updates.

If the appearance of a blue screen was preceded by the installation of a new device, then you need to make sure that its drivers are correct, and, if necessary, reinstall them. A recently installed program may also be incompatible with the system. A blue screen can be caused by a problem with the RAM or hard drive. If the reason is still not found, then you should try to restore the BIOS settings to default. If there is no effect, the operating system must be reinstalled.
If Windows does not start, then, first of all, you should turn to the built-in automatic recovery tools. To do this, after booting from the installation or from the previously created Windows recovery disc, you need to select the Repair your computer option. In the next window, you need to sequentially try the recovery options:

  • Startup Repair - automatic fixing of boot problems;
  • System Restore - roll back the system to its previous working state;
  • Command Prompt - manual recovery of the logical structure of the hard disk boot sector in the command line mode;
  • System Image Recovery - recovery from a previously created system image.

Failure of the BIOS chip, accompanied by a series of alarming short and long beeps instead of the usual short one, is more likely related to hardware defects. But after a superficial replacement of the BIOS chip with a serviceable new one, the settings of the latter may conflict with the computer software. For example, virtualization may be disabled in the settings of a new BIOS chip. Comprehensive (software and hardware) computer assistance in Elektrostal, carried out by the FixPC service center, excludes such an undesirable situation.
Freezes or slow system performance are most often associated with viruses and other malware. Other reasons are processor overheating, memory or hard disk problems, many uncontrolled processes associated with outdated programs. Failure of any program to work is resolved by fixing or reinstalling it.

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