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Timkill. Mass ban for using cheats in World of Tanks How to find out why I was banned

In World of Tanks, the creators took care of fair play and created a notification system for player violations. During a battle, a player can report another person if he breaks the rules, insults players or uses prohibited programs. If you are nervous about communication in such a dynamic game as WoT, then you can play calmer ones.

How the system works

To prevent people from abusing notifications, the developers have made restrictions: maximum - no more than 5 complaints per day. If a player uses this system, he is automatically awarded a "helper rating". The rating increases when a player complains about an offender for valid reasons. And, accordingly, it decreases if the complaints are unreliable. Such “helpers” with a negative rating may themselves get banned. The number of complaints increases and decreases depending on the rating. Highly rated assistants receive a number of privileges.

Banning a player in World of Tanks voice chat

The player can also use the blocking of a player who uses voice communication unnecessarily: “spams”, shouts or insults other people. To ban such a “violator”, open the command window, find the nickname of this player and right-click on it. In the context menu, select “disable voice messages.” That's it, now the voice of the intruder will not be heard by you.

The violation notification system is available both in the Hangar and directly during the battle. The system works in such a way that you can choose a ready-made complaint option. In a duel, this interface can be called up by holding down the Ctrl key (the button is the default, in the game options you can set a different key) and calling the menu on the user icon. The player cannot enter his comments.

Players are given seven complaint options:

  1. Damage to allied players. Deliberately shooting at own players. Random shots are not taken into account by the system.
  2. Insults and incitement of ethnic hatred. Bypassing censorship, insults and threats.
  3. Spam (messages that do not carry any semantic meaning). The player repeats the same phrase in the chat, which has no meaning, meaningless messages, advertising.
  4. Revealing the positions of allied players. Deliberate trolling and description of positions of allied players.
  5. Inaction, bot breeding. Avoiding the game for a long time, using prohibited programs (a bot is a code that itself controls the tank).
  6. Pushing an ally out. Pushing players out of cover, throwing them into cliffs, etc.
  7. Unsportsmanlike behavior of allies or opponents. A series of actions that interfere with the normal process of combat.

Petitions in World of Tanks

There are also petitions in the game that are sent personally to the World of Tanks administration. In them, the player can report a major violation. In addition to messages, you can attach a screenshot or video to the petition, which will show the violation or the use of third-party software. This method is the most effective. And if the administration discovers violations in such videos or screenshots, it immediately bans the player.

World of Tanks is, first and foremost, a team game, and coordinated team actions are the key to victory. But in practice there are players who violate the Rules of the Game. That is why World of Tanks has an automatic punishment system for causing damage to allies, as well as for destroying allied equipment.

First, let's define the exact wording of the terms that we will use further.

Basic Concepts

"Teamdamage"— removal of strength units from a player of his team when interacting with allied equipment (stunning, turning over with subsequent destruction, flooding, pushing from a height). Causing damage to yourself is not considered a case of team damage.

"Teamkill" Any player action that led to the destruction of an ally’s equipment is considered.

A player whose behavior with a certain frequency leads to “team damage” and “team kills” is considered a “team killer”.


Coup followed by destruction


Pushing from height

What the game rules say

According to the Game Rules (clause 2.1.1), it is prohibited to damage allied vehicles, or damage modules, or stun allies (“team damage”) or destroy allied vehicles (“teamkill”), if this is technically possible.

How “teamkill” harms the team

Damage and destruction of allied equipment (both intentional and accidental) not only causes negative emotions among the team, but also has unpleasant consequences:

  • If the “teamkiller” destroys or damages allied equipment, the enemy will gain a numerical advantage.
  • If the system bans the “teamkiller”, there will be one less car in the team.
  • If a “teamkiller” appears on the team, other players will have to think about how not only to come under fire from the enemy, but also under fire from an ally.

All this greatly reduces the team's chances of winning.

How we fight teamkill

In order for players to be more attentive to their allies and concentrate as much as possible on the main goal of the battle, the game has an automatic system for combating “teamkill”.

The main purpose of the system is to promptly detect and punish “teamkillers”, as well as to minimize the consequences of “teamkill”. The system was launched in update 0.6.4 and is constantly being improved to take into account an increasing number of possible situations.

The basic operating principles of the system are described below.

How the system determines a “teamkiller”

The system stores the following information about each account:

Status (global and local). This is a qualitative characteristic of a player based on changes in current ratings. The account can have one of the following statuses:

  • “clean” (“not a teamkiller”);
  • “under suspicion” (the nickname is colored blue);
  • "teamkiller".

What is not considered “team damage”

The following are not considered “team damage”:

  • Damage inflicted on an ally with the local status “under suspicion”, whose nickname is colored blue.
  • Self-inflicted damage.

In addition, the system can be disabled in modes dedicated to game events, if the situation requires it.

How does “team damage” affect the violator’s rating?

Each new “team damage” action within one battle has an increasing impact on the offender’s rating. The base value is multiplied by the corresponding indicator of the next team damage action performed. Each subsequent “team damage” action confirms that the situation is not accidental and sanctions should be applied to the player.

In special cases, decreasing or increasing coefficients may be applied. For example, a multiplying factor is applied if an ally is in the enemy base.

A player who has received the local “under suspicion” status in battle is visually indicated for both allies and opponents: the nickname in battle and in the battle results table, as well as the standard marker above the tank in battle will be highlighted in blue.

How is the penalty for “teamkill” calculated?

Any violation is punished by the system. Regardless of status (global and local), after the end of the battle, the player who damaged or destroyed allied equipment in this battle receives a penalty in credits and experience. The fine is calculated as follows:

  1. The player's experience and credits for the battle are calculated without taking into account damage to an ally. For the injured player, the cost of repairing the damage caused is calculated.
  2. From the received amount of credits of the violator, a number of credits equal to the cost of repairing damaged allied equipment is subtracted, and a fine for damage to allied equipment is 10% of the amount of repair of damaged allied equipment.
  3. The player receives the rest as a bonus for the battle. If the credits earned for the battle are not enough to pay the fine, then compensation is debited from the culprit’s account in the Hangar. That is, compensation will be accrued in any case, even if there is a lack of funds in the violator’s account.

Moreover, if the culprit has the auto repair box checked, then compensation and a fine are first paid, and only then repairs are made from the remainder.

Thus, the injured player always receives compensation equal to the cost of repairing the damage that was caused by an ally, and the offender loses this amount of credits + a 10% fine from this amount.

When is a ban issued for teamkill?

In addition to fines, the violator may be subject to restrictions on access to the game: from one hour to permanent blocking of access to the game server in case of systematic violations. To track inveterate “teamkillers,” the concept of threshold values ​​has been introduced.

Threshold values ​​are used when updating statuses. The status changes as soon as the corresponding rating exceeds the specified thresholds. The restriction is applied to the player simultaneously with the change in status from “under suspicion” to “teamkiller”.

The punishment period increases with repeated violations, i.e. the more often a player breaks the rules, the longer the ban period. The account status is updated as soon as the ban expires.

Is it possible to appeal the punishment?

The punishment cannot be appealed. The administration does not interfere with the operation of the automatic system, does not impose additional restrictions and does not reduce the duration of existing ones. The Customer Support Center does not appeal, reverse, or impose such penalties.

How to stop being a team killer

If a player spends many battles in a row without damaging allied vehicles, he reduces his teamkiller rating.

To avoid risking your reputation, try to avoid situations where there is a high probability of damaging or stunning an ally.


What are penalty points awarded for?

Penalty points are awarded for damaging or stunning allied vehicles. Critical damage to modules (chassis, engine, etc.) is also taken into account. Even when pushed off a mountain or flooded, the automatic punishment system assigns penalty points, which are added up from battle to battle, bringing the account closer to being banned.

How are penalty points written off?

Penalty points are deducted when enemy equipment is destroyed if the battle ends in victory for your team.

Why did they ban me? After all, he was the first to shoot at me, and I defended myself.

It doesn't matter who started first. The player whose number of penalty points has reached the limit will be blocked. Do not damage or stun allies under any circumstances.

They stopped me from playing, they pushed me out of my hiding place. Why am I banned?

In such situations, emotions, of course, overwhelm, but do not give in to provocations. Submit a complaint about unsportsmanlike behavior using the "Complain" function and continue the fight.

Why wasn't I compensated for damage if another player started first?

You have reached the status of “under suspicion” (blue nickname) faster. Damage to an ally whose nickname is colored blue is not taken into account by the automatic punishment system.

I accidentally damaged/stunned allies once and got blocked. Why?

You have earned penalty points in previous battles, and after another accidental hit or stunning of your allies, their total has reached the amount required for blocking.

Why was I banned for three months?

For those who repeatedly damage allies, the ban period increases with each subsequent violation.

Another player insulted me, I destroyed his equipment, and I was blocked. Where's the justice?

Lynching is bad. By damaging allied equipment, you yourself become a violator. Use a legal method to punish a player - file a complaint about inappropriate behavior using the “Complain” function.

An ally destroyed my equipment, but he was not blocked. Why?

This means that this player did not accumulate enough penalty points to be blocked. However, he will still suffer a penalty in the form of a penalty to experience and credits.

Belarusian development team from Wargaming For a long time and persistently she proved that there are no and cannot be cheats in their game - there are only bots. In this case, a reasonable question arises - what are the mass bans for then?


Cheating(from English to cheat- cheat, cheat, cheat) - the use of specially created or modified programs or equipment in online games to gain an undeniable advantage over other players.

And so, the story is in the spirit of the best spy action films. For a better understanding, it is better to start by listing what is currently known:

  • there is such a creator of prohibited mods (cheats) as uragan1987;
  • not so long ago, he created an excellent modpack, which had a paid version (it cost 300 rubles), which, in addition to other prohibited mods, contained a unique cheat;
  • this mod showed all opponents in real time, even those that were not lit;
  • the other day, many users of the build received a permanent ban, which is surprising, because Wargaming’s fight against cheats was only a myth until recently;
  • In the end, users agreed on two options - either Wargaming, after the micropatch on the 25th, was able to track the users of the modpack itself, or uragan1987 received enough money from potatoes and leaked all the users of his build to the developers.

Let's find out!

The new cheat is probably familiar to players who follow the news (they wrote about it). In short, popular mods include a function for tracking the position of allied tanks. This information is transmitted to the modmaker’s servers and if there is such a player on the opposite team, then you will see where all the enemy equipment is located. The coolest cheat that completely breaks the balance, just imagine!

It looks like this

As you can see, absolutely all tanks of the enemy team are shown on the minimap.

Some time after using the modpack, mass bans began from the developers. In the modpack support thread, swearing begins and uragan1987 writes the following response (click on the picture, a window with the full version will open)

Wargaming acted with unusual grace - the IP address in the modpack files was simply replaced and all the data was not merged to the modmaker’s servers, but was sent directly to the developers!

But this is only one way of development of events; some users suggest that uragan1987 received a sufficient amount of money and drained all the buyers of his assembly. This, of course, is a blow to the reputation, but this option should not be discounted.

By the way, it turned out that other creators of cheats for popular games are also involved in calculating the location of the enemy team. I am publishing screenshots of a mod that is under development, which shows the position of the equipment regardless of the light. But so far it is not freely available.

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