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Windows 10 performance testing. Adjusting visual effects in Windows

In order to measure the performance of a computer using tests, it is not necessary to download any third-party applications and utilities.

It is enough to use the resources already built into the operating system.

Although for more detailed information the user will have to find a suitable program.

Based on the test results, one can draw conclusions which of the parts of a PC or laptop need to be replaced before the rest - and sometimes just understand the need to buy a new computer.

The need for verification

Performing a computer speed test is available to any user. The verification does not require any specialized knowledge or experience with certain versions Windows OS. And the process itself is unlikely to take more than an hour.

Reasons why you should use the built-in utility or third-party application include:

  • unreasonable slowdown of the computer. Moreover, not necessarily the old one - a check is needed to identify problems with new PCs. So, for example, the minimum results and indicators of a good video card indicate incorrect installed drivers;
  • checking the device when choosing several similar configurations in a computer store. Usually they do this before buying laptops - running a test on 2-3 devices that are almost identical in parameters helps to find out which one suits the buyer best;
  • the need to compare the capabilities of the various components of a progressively upgraded computer. So, if the HDD has the lowest performance value, then it should be replaced first (for example, with an SSD).

According to the results of testing, which revealed the speed of the computer performing various tasks, you can detect driver problems and incompatibility of installed devices. And sometimes even poorly functioning and failed parts - for this, however, it will take more functional utilities than those built into Windows by default. Standard Tests show minimal information.

Checking by means of the system

You can check the performance of individual computer components using the built-in capabilities of the operating system. Windows systems. Their principle of operation and information content are approximately the same for all versions of the platform from Microsoft. And the differences are only in the way of launching and reading information.

Windows Vista, 7 and 8

In the 7th and 8th versions of the platform, as well as Windows Vista, the performance counter of computer elements can be found in the list of basic information about the operating system. To display them on the screen, just right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select properties.

If testing has already been conducted, information about its results will be available immediately. If the test is running for the first time, it will have to be launched by going to the performance test menu.

The maximum score that Windows 7 and 8 allow you to get is 7.9. It’s worth thinking about the need to replace parts if at least one of the indicators is below 4. For a gamer, values ​​​​above 6 are more suitable. Vista is the best the indicator is 5.9, and the “critical” one is about 3.

Important: To speed up performance calculations, you should turn off almost all programs during the test. When testing a laptop, it is advisable to turn it on to the network - the process noticeably consumes battery power.

Windows 8.1 and 10

For more modern operating systems, finding information about computer performance and starting its calculation is no longer so easy. To run a utility that evaluates system parameters, should take these steps:

1Go to command line operating system (cmd via menu "Run", called by simultaneously pressing keys Win + R);

2Enable evaluation process, leading the team winsat formal –restart clean;

3Wait for completion of work;

4Go to folder Performance\WinSAT\DataStore located in the system Windows directory on the system drive computer;

5Find and open a file in a text editor "Formal.Assessment(Recent).WinSAT.xml".

Among a lot of text, the user must find WinSPR block, where approximately the same data is located that is displayed on the screen and Windows 7 and 8 systems - only in a different form.

Yes, under the name SystemScore the general index calculated by the minimum value is hidden, and MemoryScore, CPUScore And GraphicsScore stand for memory, processor, and graphic card, respectively. GamingScore And DiskScore- performance for the game and for reading / writing the hard disk.

The maximum value for Windows 10 and version 8.1 is 9.9. This means that the owner office computer you can still afford to have a system with numbers less than 6, but for full-fledged work PC and laptop, it must reach at least 7. And for gaming device- at least 8.

Universal way

There is a way that is the same for any operating system. It consists in launching the task manager after clicking Ctrl keys+ Alt + Delete. A similar effect can be achieved by right-clicking on the taskbar - there you can find an item that launches the same utility.

You can see several graphs on the screen - for the processor (for each thread separately) and RAM. For more details, go to the "Resource Monitor" menu.

From this information, you can determine how heavily loaded individual components PC. First of all, this can be done by the percentage of loading, secondly - by the color of the line ( green means normal work component, yellow- moderate Red- the need to replace the component).

Third Party Programs

Via third party applications It's even easier to test your computer's performance.

Some of them are paid or shareware (that is, requiring payment after completion trial period or to improve functionality).

However, these applications also conduct testing in more detail - and often give out a lot of other useful information for the user.


As part of AIDA64, you can find tests for memory, cache, HDD drives, SSD and flash drives. And when testing the processor, 32 threads can be checked at once. Among all these pluses, there is a small drawback - you can use the program for free only during the "trial period" of 30 days. And then you have to either switch to another application, or pay 2265 rubles. for a license.

2. SiSoftware Sandra Lite


4. PC Mark 10

The application allows not only to test the operation of computer elements, but also to save the results of tests for further use. The only downside to the app is that it's relatively high price. You will have to pay $30 for it.


The test images consist of 300,000 polygonal images that add up to more than 2,000 objects. And the results are given in the form PTS indicator - the higher it is, the more powerful computer . The program is distributed free of charge, which makes it easy to find and download it on the network.


Information is displayed on the screen in points. Maximum amount– 9.9, as for the latter Windows versions. It is for them that the work of ExperienceIndexOK is intended. It is much easier to use such a program than to enter commands and search the system directory for files with results.

7. Crystal DiskMark

To test a disk, select a disk and set the test parameters. That is, the number of runs and the size of the file that will be used for diagnostics. After a few minutes, the average read and write speed for the HDD will appear on the screen.

8 PC Benchmark

After receiving the test results, the program offers to optimize the system. And after improving the work in the browser, a page opens where you can compare the performance of your PC with other systems. On the same page, you can check if the computer can run some modern games.

9.Metro Experience Index

10. Pass Mark Performance Test


Using various ways to check the performance of your computer allows you to check how your system is performing. And, if necessary, compare the speed of work individual elements with those of other models. For preliminary evaluation You can also conduct such a test using the built-in utilities. Although it is much more convenient to download for this special applications- especially since among them you can find several quite functional and free.


In Windows 7, all users could evaluate the performance of their computer on various parameters, find out the assessment of the main components, and display the final value. With the advent of Windows 8, this feature was removed from the familiar system information section, and it was not returned to Windows 10 either. Despite this, there are several ways to find out the assessment of your PC configuration at once.

Performance evaluation allows you to quickly assess the effectiveness of your working machine and find out how well the software and hardware components interact with each other. When checking, the speed of each evaluated element is measured, and points are assigned taking into account the fact that 9.9 is the highest possible score.

In this case, the final score is not an average - it corresponds to the score of the slowest component. For example, if your HDD performs the worst and gets a score of 4.2, so the overall index will also be 4.2, despite the fact that all other components can get a significantly higher score.

It's a good idea to close any resource-intensive programs before you start evaluating your system. This will ensure correct results are obtained.

Method 1: Special utility

Insofar as old interface performance evaluation is not available, the user who wants to get a visual result will have to resort to third-party software solutions. We will use a proven and safe Winaero WEI Tool from a domestic author. The utility does not additional features and does not need to be installed. After launching, you will get a window with an interface similar to the built-in performance index tool in Windows 7.

  1. Download the archive and unzip it.
  2. From the folder with the unzipped files, run WEI.exe.
  3. After a short wait, you will see a window with an estimate. If on Windows 10 this tool was run before, then instead of waiting, the last result will be instantly displayed without waiting.
  4. As can be seen from the description, the minimum possible score is 1.0, the maximum is 9.9. The utility, unfortunately, is not Russified, but the description does not require special knowledge from the user. Just in case, we will provide a translation of each component:
    • Processor- Processor. The score is based on the number of possible calculations per second.
    • "Memory (RAM)"RAM. The estimate is similar to the previous one - for the number of memory access operations per second.
    • desktop graphics- Graphics. Desktop performance is evaluated (as a component of "Graphics" as a whole, and not a narrow concept of "Desktop" with labels and wallpapers, as we used to understand).
    • Graphics- Graphics for games. The performance of the video card and its parameters for games and work with 3D objects in particular are calculated.
    • Primary hard drive» - Primary hard drive. Determines the speed of data exchange with the system hard drive. Additional connected HDDs are not taken into account.
  5. Just below you can see the launch date last check on performance if you have ever done so before through this app or any other method. In the screenshot below, this date is a check launched after command line, and about which we will talk in next way articles.
  6. There is a button on the right side restart verification that requires account administrator authority. You can also run this program as an administrator by right-clicking on the EXE file and selecting from context menu relevant item. Usually this only makes sense after replacing one of the components, otherwise you will get the same result as the last time.

Method 2: PowerShell

In the top ten, there was still the opportunity to measure the performance of your PC, and even with more details, but this feature is only available via "PowerShell". There are two commands for it, allowing you to find out only necessary information(results) and get a full log of all procedures performed when measuring the index and digital values the speed of each component. If you do not have a goal to understand the details of the check, limit yourself to using the first method of the article or getting quick results in PowerShell.

Only results

Fast and easy method obtaining the same information as in Method 1, but in the form of a text summary.

Detailed test log

This option is the longest, but it allows you to get the most detailed log file about the testing performed, which will be useful to a narrow circle of people. For ordinary users here it will be useful unless the block itself with estimates. By the way, you can run the same procedure in "Command line".

  1. Open the tool as an administrator with the convenient option mentioned just above.
  2. Enter the following command: winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter.
  3. Wait for work to finish "Windows System Assessment Tools". This takes a couple of minutes.
  4. Now you can close the window and go to get the verification logs. To do this, copy the following path, paste it into address bar Windows Explorer and navigate to it: C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore
  5. We sort the files by date of modification and find in the list an XML document with the name "Formal.Assessment(Recent).WinSAT". This name must be preceded by today's date. Open it - given format all support popular browsers and regular text editor "Notebook".
  6. Open the search field with the keys ctrl+f and write there without quotes "WinSPR". In this section, you will see all the estimates, which, as you can see, are more than in Method 1, but in essence they are simply not grouped by components.
  7. The translation of these values ​​is similar to what was discussed in detail in Method 1, in the same place you can read about the principle of evaluating each component. For now, we will only group the indicators:
    • "SystemScore"Overall rating performance. It is also calculated according to the smallest value.
    • "MemoryScore"- Random access memory (RAM).
    • "CpuScore"- Processor.
      "CPUSubAggScore"Additional parameter, which evaluates the speed of the processor.
    • VideoEncodeScore- Estimation of video encoding speed.
      "GraphicsScore"- Index of the graphic component of the PC.
      "Dx9SubScore"- Separate DirectX 9 performance index.
      "Dx10SubScore"- Separate DirectX 10 performance index.
      "GamingScore"- Graphics for games and 3D.
    • DiskScore- Basic working hard drive where Windows is installed.

We've covered everything available ways viewing the PC Experience Index in Windows 10. They have different information content and complexity of use, but in any case they provide you same results checks. Thanks to them, you can quickly identify the weak link in the PC configuration and try to improve its functioning in the available ways.

Greetings, dear readers.

Many users latest version OS from Microsoft are interested in where you can find out the quality of the device. Later in the article I will tell you how to check the performance Windows laptop 10 different ways. This is especially interesting for users who have upgraded from the seventh version of the operating system. Indeed, in this modification, the numbers we needed were shown directly in the properties of the "System". Now this information absent from the usual place.

Though the right tool it didn’t turn out where it was before, it is still present in the tenth version. Each user has the opportunity to view the data. There is an option to use third party programs or even built-in tools.

And one of the most simple ways considered to be clarification through the command line. This method implies forced start evaluation and further review of the special report. It is performed in a few simple movements:

After that, you need to view the received information:

As you can see, it is easy to find out the information of interest. You don't even need to install third party software. This will be especially useful when it is forbidden to place new applications on the device.

Winaero WEI tool( )

As mentioned above, there are special programs allowing you to know necessary information. Winaero WEI Tool works great on Windows 10. It doesn't need to be hosted on the device, and it doesn't offer to install a lot of additional solutions.

You can find the app on the official developer site. The main thing is to choose the bit depth - 32 bit or 64 bit.

After downloading the solution, you just need to run it. A window design familiar to many users will appear, in which the information of interest to us is indicated.

In general, if we consider the principle of operation, the application takes data from the same file to which we sent in the last paragraph. Selecting the button " Re-run the assessment”, re-evaluation starts. At the end of the process, the data will be updated.

One of the top questions for users who have upgraded from before Windows 10 with another OS, and especially with Windows 7, they are interested - where can I see the system performance index? (this is the number that in numbers shows the score up to 9.9 for different subsystems of the computer). Unfortunately, this information is missing from the system properties.

But be that as it may, the calculation of the system performance index has not disappeared, and therefore the opportunity to view this information in Windows 10 remains. In addition, it is possible, both manually and with the use of several free utilities. Read on to learn how to do it manually.

And so - let's go!

Launching the command line on behalf of the administrator. The easiest way to do this is by clicking right button hovering the mouse over the menu Start».

A command prompt will open.

In it we enter winsat formal –restart clean and press Enter.

This command will launch the System Performance Tool. The check can last from a few seconds to several minutes. After the end of the check - close the command line.

The next thing to do is to look at the test results. They are in the folder C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore and in it you need to find and open the file Formal.Assessment(Recent).WinSAT.xml. The file is opened by default through the browser. If not, it will open through an ordinary notepad.

When you open the file, find the section WinSPR. Use the search by pressing the key combination ctrl+f. All the information contained in this section is the information about the Windows Experience Index.

  • SystemScore- Windows 10 performance index calculated from the minimum value.
  • MemoryScore- RAM.
  • CPUScore- processor.
  • GraphicsScore- graphics performance (meaning the operation of the interface, video playback).
  • GamingScore- performance in games.
  • DiskScore- performance hard drive or SSD.
As you can see, it is very easy to check the System Experience Index. Take note of this lesson, as it may be useful to you when nothing can be installed on a computer or laptop, for example, when buying them.

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