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Trends in the development of information systems. Abstract: Modern trends in the development of economic information systems

Trends in the development of information systems

Parameter name Meaning
Article subject: Trends in the development of information systems
Rubric (thematic category) Technology

Organizational components of IS

The separation of organizational components into an independent direction is determined by the special significance of the human factor (staff) in the successful functioning of IS. Before implementing an expensive data processing system, a huge amount of work needs to be done to streamline and improve the organizational structure of the facility; otherwise, the efficiency of the IS will be low. The main problem in this case is to identify the degree of compliance of the existing management functions and the organizational structure that implements these functions with the company's development strategy.

The introduction of information systems contributes to the improvement of organizational structures, as it involves the definition of the calculated, ᴛ.ᴇ. scientifically substantiated number of the administrative apparatus by structural divisions.

The logic of IP development in the last 30 years clearly demonstrates the pendulum effect: the centralized data processing model based on mainframes, which dominated until the mid-80s, in just a few years gave way to a distributed architecture of peer-to-peer local area networks (LANs) of personal computers, but then a return movement began towards the centralization of the resources of the system. Today, the focus is on client-server technology, which effectively combines the advantages of its predecessors.

There are several generations of IS.

First generation IC(1960-1970 gᴦ.) was built on the basis of central computers according to the principle “one enterprise - one processing center”.

Second generation IC(1970-1980): the first steps towards the decentralization of IP, in the process of which users began to promote information technology in offices and departments of companies using mini-computers of the DEC-VAX type. In parallel, active implementation of commercial application packages began. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, the cardinal innovation of the IS of this generation was a two- and three-level model for organizing a data processing system (central computer - mini-computers of departments and offices) with an information foundation based on a decentralized database and application packages.

Third generation IC(1980 - early 1990s): boom in distributed network processing, the main driving force of which was the massive transition to personal computers (PCs). The logic of corporate business required the unification of disparate jobs into a single IS - computer networks and distributed processing appeared. With the development of the third generation IS, the idea of ​​pure (peer-to-peer) distributed processing noticeably faded and began to give up its positions to the hierarchical client-server model.

Fourth generation IC is in its infancy, but it is already clear that the distinctive features of modern IS and, above all, the hierarchical organization in which centralized processing and unified management of IS resources at the top level is combined with distributed processing at the bottom, are determined by the synthesis of solutions that have been tested in previous generation systems. Information systems of the fourth generation accumulate the following main features:

full use of the potential of desktop computers and distributed processing environment;

modular construction of the system, which implies the existence of many different types of architectural solutions within a single complex;

saving system resources (in the broadest sense of the term) due to the centralization of data storage and processing at the upper levels of the IS hierarchy.

Trends in the development of information systems - the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Trends in the development of information systems" 2017, 2018.

Organization management systems over a fairly long period of their development have gone from the simplest manual methods of accounting for inventories and production resources to the most complex computer systems that claim to have a comprehensive coverage of the organization's activities.

One of the most important management tasks was the task inventory management. One of the most famous inventory management systems - order point control. The speed of response of such a system to changes and the reliability of signals is low, but in conditions of stable demand, the system worked quite well and made it possible to manage material resources with minimal labor costs. This approach is still used to account for low-cost materials. For management same reserves within the whole organization , especially producing complex products, which is in conditions of fierce competition and a rapidly changing environment, including demand, it is unacceptable due to:

ü the risk of non-delivery;

ü high level of safety stock;

ü not balancing future needs for materials with their stocks.

Interest in research in inventory management was "provided" by the active growth of large-scale and mass production of consumer goods and trade after the Second World War. Looking for ways improving the efficiency of organizations practitioners and theorists of production management had to digress from the study of operations in production itself and pay attention to the fact that the use of mathematical methods of demand planning and inventory management leads to significant cost savings , frozen in the form of work in progress and at the same time prevents production disruptions due to lack of materials and components.

It is impossible to develop "absolutely optimal methods of inventory planning", algorithms should be selected and adapted to the specifics of specific warehouse tasks, depending on the production cycle or supply of the stored item, cost, product size, packaging, applicability and demand, warehouse volumes, etc. The choice of the optimal volume of the order lot is one of the most important conditions for increasing the efficiency of the organization , since their insufficient volume leads to an increase in administrative costs for repeated orders, and their excess leads to a freezing of funds.

In the USSR, automation of various managerial tasks and functions was developed within the framework of automated control systems (ACS). ACS is a human-machine system based on the integrated use of economic and mathematical methods and technical means of information processing to solve control problems. Such systems served one or more management functions within the functional areas of the organization and could cover several levels of management. Modern automated control systems have significantly expanded their capabilities due to the powerful analytical apparatus and the flexibility of functioning within the framework of an existing organization.

Currently, corporate information systems (CIS) are used to automate management functions.

Difference of CIS from conventional IS and from ACS.

The composition of the tasks performed by CIS is the same. The fundamental difference between EIS is their replicability, which is ensured by the use of standard solutions for complexes of management tasks. CIS is written for a typical organization, while automated control systems are most often unique for each organization. The tasks solved by CIS, due to their universality, cannot solve all the tasks of a particular organization, even if they are incorporated into the system. This leads to the problem of adapting the CIS itself or the organization to its implementation (forced reengineering ), development of individual methods for the implementation of these systems. Partially, these problems are solved by creating industry-specific CIS.

Changing the approach to the use of IP is the basis for the periodization of IP development.

IP development:

Ø centralized data processing model based on mainframes (supercomputers);

Ø distributed architecture of peer-to-peer local area networks (LAN) PCs;

Ø centralization of system resources.

Today focus on client-server technology which combines the advantages of its predecessors.

Distinctive features of modern IS - a hierarchical organization in which centralized processing and unified resource management at the top level is combined with distributed processing at the bottom.

The development of IP will follow the path of one of three models: large, medium or small.

Rice. 5.2. Models of organization of modern IS

In the IS structure, there must be one or more "concentration information nodes" (IUK), each of which combines hardware and software designed to support the work of users. The system's nodal centers concentrate specialized personnel who perform the functions of system administration, network resource management and technical support. Users work in a local area network (LAN) environment. The use of resources of the concentration node occurs in rare cases, for example, when backing up files.

The distributed processing model with a concentration node is called centralized network. Advantages of the IS model with a centralized network organization:

Possibility of effective implementation of client-server technology;

· adaptability to user requirements due to the combination of hardware and software, concentrated in the concentration node.

Concentrating around a single server is not the best solution:

· There are limits on the number of clients connected to the server. An increase in the number of clients results in a slower system response.

· IS is required to perform many diverse functions, from traditional accounting programs to management tasks. Mixing the whole range of similar tasks in one PC is inefficient.

rational decision a hierarchical IS model is presented: the central server of the system (central office) - local servers (subdivisions) client stations (company personnel).

Feature of the big model is the presence of networks of two levels: the core network and many local networks that provide users with mutual data exchange and access to corporate resources.

Difference of the mid-level model consists in the absence of the main node of the system concentration - its responsibilities are distributed among local servers.

The positions of IP with a complex organization will be strengthened, which is confirmed by:

1. An increase in the number of IP clients.

2. Preservation of user orientation to UNIX servers.

4. Increasing the intelligence of software tools.

Information is the most important resource

The concept and meaning of information

Information processes in the economy

Information Systems

Organizations exist in the information field.

Properties of the information society:

  • openness

  • Democracy

  • culture

  • Availability
Information Systems

Information system is a communication system for collecting, transferring, processing information about an object, supplying employees of various ranks with information to implement the management function.

An information system is created for a specific object. An effective information system takes into account the differences between levels of management, areas of operation, as well as external circumstances, and provides each level of management with only the information that it needs to effectively implement the management function.

The introduction of information systems is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of the production and economic activities of the company through not only processing and storing routine information, automating office work, but also through fundamentally new management methods based on modeling the actions of the company's specialists when making decisions (methods of artificial intelligence, expert systems, etc.), the use of modern means of telecommunications (e-mail, teleconferences), global and local computer networks, etc.

^ Depending on the degree (level) of automation, there are manual, automated And automatic Information Systems.

Hand ICs are characterized by the fact that all information processing operations are performed by a person.

Automated ICs - part of the function (subsystems) of control or data processing is carried out automatically, and part - by a person.

Automatic ICs - all control and data processing functions are carried out by technical means without human intervention (for example, automatic control of technological processes).

By scope The following classes of information systems can be distinguished:

  • Scientific research;

  • automated design;

  • organizational management;

  • process control.
The tasks of the information system are to ensure the decision-making process.

Information system from the point of view of a managed information system (information system as a control object)


Functions of information systems

In finance and accounting:

  • Formation of the company's budget (1C)

  • Financial plan

  • Financial projections

  • Analysis and control
In marketing:

  • Sales management

  • Logistics (Shipping)

  • Analysis, control

  • Market research
In manufacturing information system:(ERM)

  • Quality control

  • Production planning

  • Production technology

  • External control

  • Strategic management

The evolution of information systems



Types of information systems



Formation of paperless workflow

Document processing information systems for accounting machines, electromechanical accounting machines

Increasing the speed of workflow


Settlement functions, machines began to support the goals of companies (economic planning). Calculation of cash flow discounts.

Control systems

Acceleration of reporting systems (economic)


Management control

Decision support systems (a prototype of an expert system), since there were no networks yet. Users are focused on the goals of top management.

Development of rational solutions


The era of computer technology (Intranet, ExtraNet). Formation of information fields

Strategic Information Systems

Ensuring competitiveness

^ Trends in the development of information systems

The evolution of information technology is so closely related to the development of new corporate business models that these processes are often perceived as a whole. The desire of companies to improve the efficiency of IS stimulates the emergence of more advanced hardware and software, which, in turn, pushes users to further upgrade IS. Of course, this "ring race" is not an end in itself: thanks to it, entrepreneurs can more adequately respond to changing market conditions and extract maximum profit with minimal risk.

There are several generations of IS:

First generation IC (1960-1970) was built on the basis of central computers according to the principle "one enterprise - one processing center", and the IBM operating system - MVS served as a standard application execution environment (functional tasks).

Second generation IC (1970-1980): The first steps towards decentralization of IP, during which users began to promote information technology in offices and departments of companies using minicomputers such as DEC VAX. In parallel, the active introduction of high-performance DBMS such as DB2 and commercial application packages began. Thus, the cardinal innovation of the IS of this generation was a two- and three-level model for organizing a data processing system (central computer - mini-computers of departments and offices) with an information foundation based on a decentralized database and application packages.

Third generation IC (1980s-early 1990s): boom in distributed network processing, the main driver of which was the massive transition to personal computers (PCs). The logic of corporate business required the unification of disparate jobs into a single IS - computer networks and distributed processing appeared. However, very soon, the first signs of hierarchy began to appear in peer-to-peer networks - first in the form of dedicated file servers, print servers and telecommunications servers, and then application servers. Therefore, the server market has become one of the most dynamic sectors of the computer industry.

With the development of the third generation IS, the idea of ​​pure (peer-to-peer) distributed processing noticeably faded and gave way to a hierarchical client-server model.

Fourth generation IC is in its infancy, but it is already clear that the distinctive features of modern IS, primarily a hierarchical organization in which centralized processing and unified management of IS resources at the top level are combined with distributed processing at the bottom, are determined by the synthesis of solutions tested in systems of previous generations. Information systems of the fourth generation accumulate the following main features:

  • full use of the potential of desktop computers and distributed processing environment;

  • modular construction of the system, which implies the existence of many different types of architectural solutions within a single complex;

  • saving system resources (in the broadest sense of the term) by centralizing the storage and processing of data at the upper levels of the IS hierarchy;

  • availability of effective centralized means of network and system administration;

  • a sharp decrease in the so-called "hidden costs" - operating costs for the maintenance of IP, including costs that are difficult to distinguish explicitly, which are not easy to foresee in the organization's budget (maintaining the functioning of the network, backing up user files on remote servers, configuring workstations and connecting them to the network, ensuring data protection, updating software versions, etc.).
Summarizing what has been said, it can be noted characteristic features and dangerous tendencies of the information society.

^ Character traits :

  • the problem of the information crisis has been solved, i.е. resolved the contradiction between the information avalanche and information hunger;

  • the priority of information in comparison with other resources is provided;

  • the main form of development is the information economy;

  • society is based on automated generation, storage, processing and use of knowledge with the help of the latest information technology and technology;

  • information technologies have acquired a global character, covering all spheres of human social activity;

  • the unity of all human civilization has been formed;

  • implemented humanistic principles of social management and impact on the environment.
Dangerous tendencies of the information society:

  • the growing influence of the media on society;

  • the increasing violation (or even destruction) through information technology of the private life of people or organizations;

  • the increasingly difficult problem of selecting high-quality and reliable information;

  • an increase in the gap between developers and consumers of information technology to a strategically dangerous size;

  • strengthening the problem of adaptation of some people to the environment of the information society.

The current state of information systems and technologies can be characterized by the following trends:

1. The presence of a large number of industrially functioning databases of a large volume containing information on almost all types of activities of the company.

2. Creation of technologies providing interactive access of the mass user to these information resources. The technical basis of this trend was public and private communication and data transmission systems of general purpose and specialized, united in national, regional and global information and computer networks.

3. Expanding the functionality of information systems that provide parallel simultaneous processing of databases with a diverse data structure, multi-object documents, hyperenvironments, including implementing technologies for creating and maintaining hypertext databases. Creation of local, multifunctional problem-oriented information systems for various purposes based on powerful personal computers and local area networks.

4. Inclusion in information systems of elements of intellectualization of the user interface, expert systems, machine translation systems, auto-indexing and other technological means.

As a result, there are five main trends in the development of information systems and technologies:

Complications of information products (services). The information product in the form of software tools, databases and expert support services is of strategic importance.

Ability to interact. With the growing importance of an information product, the possibility of an ideal exchange of this product between a computer and a person or between information systems becomes a leading technological problem. This problem also concerns the compatibility of hardware and software. All the problems of processing and transferring the information product were in full compliance with compatibility and speed.

Elimination of intermediate links. The development of the ability to interact leads to an improvement in the process of exchanging an information product, which means that intermediate links are eliminated in the relationship between suppliers and consumers in this area.

Intermediaries are not needed if it is possible to place orders directly with the help of information technology.

Globalization. Firms can conduct business anywhere with the help of information technology, receiving comprehensive information. The globalization of the information product market aims to take advantage of the distribution of fixed and semi-fixed costs over a wider geographical area.

Convergence. There are no distinctions between products and services, information product and media, home and business use, information and entertainment, and among different modes of operation such as audio, digital and video transmission.

In relation to business, these trends lead to:

1) the implementation of distributed personal computing, when each workplace has enough resources to process information in the places of its occurrence;

2) the creation of advanced communication systems, when workplaces are connected to send messages;

3) flexible global communications, when an enterprise is included in the global information flow;

4) creation and development of electronic commerce systems;

5) elimination of intermediate links in the system of integration organization - external environment.

Modern trends in the development of economic information systems

2. Modern information economic systems. Development trends

The emerging transition to a market economy in Russia requires new approaches to management: economic, market criteria for efficiency come to the fore, and requirements for flexibility increase. Scientific and technological progress and the dynamics of the external environment are forcing modern enterprises to turn into more and more complex systems that require new methods of ensuring manageability.

A new direction in management was the emergence of controlling as a functionally separate area of ​​economic work at the enterprise, associated with the implementation of the financial and economic function in management for making operational and strategic management decisions. Controlling - (English to control - to control, manage) is the management of management. Controlling functions:

Coordination of management activities to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

Information and consulting support for making managerial decisions;

Creation of conditions for the functioning of the general information system of enterprise management;

Ensuring the rationality of the management process.

Controlling is a kind of self-regulation mechanism of the organization and provides feedback in the control loop. Occupying a special place in the management system, controlling contributes to information support for decision-making in order to optimally use existing opportunities, objectively assess the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, and also to avoid bankruptcy and crisis situations.

The effective operation of a modern enterprise is possible only if there is a single integrated uniting: financial management, personnel management, supply management, sales management, controlling and production management. Complex systems (corporate information systems, CIS) are becoming a means of achieving the main business goals: improving the quality of products, increasing production volume, taking a stable position in the market and winning the competition.

In order to support most of the needs of the company, CIS should be created taking into account the latest information technologies, including the methodology for creating distributed systems - from simple "client-server" applications to complex geographically distributed systems. The complex system created should be flexible and easily modified, allowing you to track continuous changes in the business.

The practice of creating information systems according to the “as is” company model has shown that automation without reengineering business processes and modernizing the existing management system does not bring the desired results and is inefficient, since the use of software applications is already a transition to new forms of document management, accounting and reporting . The business reengineering project includes the following four stages.

1. Development of the image of the future company - specification of the main goals of the company based on its strategy, customer needs, the general level of business in the industry (determined based on the analysis of the related industry of another leading company) and the current state of the company.

2. Creation of a model of an existing company - development of a detailed description of an existing company, identification and documentation of the main business processes, evaluation of their effectiveness.

3. New business development (direct engineering):

Redesigning business processes, creating more efficient work procedures (elementary tasks from which business processes are built), determining ways to use information technology, identifying necessary changes in the work of personnel;

Development of the company's business processes at the level of human resources: designing a list of work to be performed, preparing a motivation system, organizing a work performance team and a quality support group, creating a training program for specialists, etc.;

Development of supporting information systems: identification of available resources (hardware, software) and creation of a specialized information system with the active participation of future users of the system.

4. Implementation of redesigned processes - integration and testing of the developed processes and the supporting information system, employee training, installation of the information system.

When reengineering business processes, first of all, the main problems and needs of the business are formulated and business process models are built that include all the events and sequences of operations that the information system must support. In parallel, a technical audit of the existing information system and the development of a technical architecture are carried out: the basic principles of the technical construction of the system are determined, a strategy for data security and access control, user interfaces, data copying and recovery is determined.

Then recommendations are formed on changes in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the structure of business processes. During the implementation of the project, employees of departments, together with developers, must work with information and models, participate in the selection of technological solutions. Only with the introduction of CIS from top to bottom and the active assistance of the management, it is possible to initially correctly assess and carry out the entire range of work without unplanned costs. For the implementation of the CIS implementation project, which includes the reorganization of the enterprise management system and reengineering of business processes, it is necessary to attract qualified specialists, therefore consulting companies are usually involved.

At the beginning of the 21st century, standards and models for organizing the management of a continuously developing enterprise appeared - quality management standards. Most modern management information systems fully implement the principles reflected in these standards (ISO9000:2000 series), which, in fact, are standards for the effective organization of activities.

Currently, along with systems that implement the resource management models MRPI, MRPII, ERP, CRM, and SCM, the following systems are widely used:

Project Management System (Project Management System) - the system supports the creation, modification, launch and execution of company projects with the ability to automatically calculate and optimize the timing and financial costs of the project;

Process Management (Business Process Management) - the system supports the launch and execution of business processes;

Management of Personal Tasks (Personal Information System) - a system that supports the execution of incoming tasks by personnel, the creation of their own tasks for managers, the creation of tasks for subordinates.

Currently, information systems based on data processing algorithms are most widely used. The algorithms are fixed in the program code of the systems. To change the properties of the system, it is required to change the composition or parameters of the algorithms and to test the modules independently or as part of a new version of the system. Algorithms differ in the number and structure of functional modules. There are three types of algorithmic systems.

1. Monolithic systems. Created by years of programming. To maintain the current state, it is required to maintain a group of specialists, otherwise the systems can be used as storage devices and data providers to application systems that can dynamically and inexpensively change properties locally.

2. Modular systems. Systems built on a complex of specialized data-integrated software modules. The creation of systems was the beginning of the evolution of resource management systems and led to a significant reduction in time and cost.

3.Component systems. The systems are based on open standards for information exchange of independent developers' components and advanced ability to integrate components. The properties of the components are developed by its author. Modernization of the system is reduced to the replacement of individual components or their versions and their new integration. Building systems from components significantly reduced the time, cost and risks and created favorable conditions for combining the services of independent integrators and consultants.

The development of an algorithmic system is limited by the composition of the system modules. The functionality of the system develops largely autonomously from the development of the enterprise and business goals. During the period of system version change, there is a risk of loss of control stability. The development of the system can be carried out by the developer and integrator. The limits of changing the properties of systems are predetermined by the developer. It is assumed that with a further increase in the requirements for flexibility and adaptability, algorithmic systems will either die out or occupy the niche of local systems.

The main trend in the development of information systems is the transition from algorithmic systems to intelligent systems capable of receiving and combining knowledge. Intelligent systems are distinguished by the presence of a business component editor and a business rules interpreter. Such systems do not have algorithms built into the program code, they are controlled on the basis of data processing rules accumulated in the system, and therefore they are able to receive and process knowledge.

The limits of changing the properties of intelligent systems are not set in advance, since their properties are completely determined by the model of the organization. Replacing the model leads to a change in the properties of the system. Due to the fact that a change in the description of a business resource or a rule of operations leads to a change in the model, the properties of intelligent systems change with each input of new information or data. Putting the system into operation is the training of the system. The functionality of the system develops along with the development of the enterprise and business goals. It is possible to simultaneously manage the enterprise and change the model of the organization.

In the near future, standards will be adopted for the presentation of data, information and knowledge, which will significantly reduce transaction costs and create conditions for the accelerated creation of new knowledge and its exchange. The level of knowledge integration already exceeds the scale of one country. Information systems, like enterprises themselves, are becoming virtual globally distributed organizational and technical systems, the components of which are integrated on the basis of standards into the infrastructure of the information society that supports the activities, management of activities and development of the activities of the organization.

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