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Topics for a blog about what to write in articles. The goal is to make money on your blog and high traffic

Good afternoon friends.

Today there will be a rather simple interesting article in which I generated a list of the 20 most successful ideas for new content on your blog.

This post will be useful primarily to those who have difficulty finding interesting topics for your blog. First of all, of course, you should write thematic articles so that the content matches its topic. But only on such content you will not go far, and from time to time it is necessary to write different types posts that attract attention much more than simple thematic content on .

Kernel with List key phrases for future articles, you should certainly have, but there will be article topics that have already been rewritten a thousand times on the net and you won’t win much with such content. But by using the types of content that I will now recommend to you, you will attract additional good traffic to the site from search engines, as well as look more expert and closer to your audience. Your blog will be a blog, not a simple information site. Your content will primarily interact with the audience of the site, and not be created for search engines.

You should not use these types of content often, because over time the audience will get used to them and you will find yourself in a similar situation when there is nothing to write about. posts like this should come out regularly. Let's say one unique article in one week And every week alternate different types of articles. The audience should wait for them and constantly visit the site to see if anything new and interesting has appeared, and not just articles on the topic. Let's start.

1. Post comparison

I have already used twice given type articles, and I can say with confidence that such materials are a success. At first it was an article about comparing and analyzing plugins SEO optimization for a WordPress site, and then a similar post about linking plugins.

This type of article should not just do a comparison of something, but something that misleads the audience of your niche and makes it difficult for them to settle on one thing. This article should be based on your experience. Otherwise, in principle, you won’t get a quality article of this type, since you won’t be able to make a full-fledged comparison by pointing out all the disadvantages and advantages, then making the final decision in the direction of choosing one or another plugin.

For example, in my niche for a site on WordPress engine There are many SEO optimization plugins available. When a beginner comes to create his site, he is truly Difficult choice between the provided solutions. IN best case will be written on the blog good guides according to these plugins, the user will have to figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each.

For some reason, no one makes the final verdict, which is better to use in one or another version. The visitor has to ask questions to the author of the blog in the comments to ask what is better. But in response he receives something like this: "I use this and that. I'm not familiar with these. Put what I have and everything will be in order". But maybe it won't.

Having written detailed analysis flights through all the plugins, you will help the visitor not just with the words "put it and everything will be ok", but really show your competence in the matter. As a result, the visitor will be satisfied and once and for all this question will leave his head. He will be satisfied and move on, and you will also benefit, because. this person will become your regular reader and will turn to you for help. This is what Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People describes under the Win/Win principle.

But one more time. In most topics, writing this type of post requires real experience use of all solutions that are involved in the comparison. Naturally, you should have a detailed article about the "winner" in the comparison on your blog, as well as about all the participants in the comparison.

2. Post-study

This is another type of content that will not only give you ideas for new articles, but will also become a tangible boost in the development of your blog and improve relations with the audience. But, as in the first case with the post-comparison, it requires some competence in the niche. In some topics, it even requires the availability of certain tools for conducting research.

Many may think that the market needs to be examined for reversible declines and increases in supply depending on the climate in the supplier's city. No, everything is much simpler. Of course, you can do research on such topics if you have the means and time.

In most cases, the study should mean ordinary observation. As an example of my blog, I once created one such post. It's called "Secrets" internal linking from personal observations. "In it I described from personal experience which worked best for me. And it was not just based on some visual or mental sensations. I saw all this clearly in the numbers from the statistics tracking system of my site.

You can do the same. If you have culinary blog, then as an option, you can do a post-study about the most common desserts on New Year's table. Lots of ideas. It just takes a little imagination. Few people do this.

If you look at fairly well-known blogs, they are far from known for their good topical content. They work well with their personal approach to diverse content. They write both about themselves and thematic content. But, as a rule, this is the development of something of their own (research, reasoning, creating courses, etc.). They have something that the regular info site doesn't have. And one of these "that" can be a post-study.

3. Post list

A very interesting, easily perceived, and most importantly, easy-to-create type of content. One has only to sit down and analyze what topic you can create such content on.

As an example, again, I will give a case with my subject. What could I write in this type of article? And here are the options:

  1. list of used plugins on my blog;
  2. list best books on the topic of site promotion;
  3. a list of trainings that I took on the topic of making money on sites;
  4. a list of ideas for website content;
  5. list of my tools for working with statistics

As you can see, I could even make this article into a video list.

Let's take the same culinary theme as an example. what could it be:

  1. a list of dishes that should be on every New Year's table;
  2. a list of foods to improve liver function;
  3. list of the best dishes of 2015 according to...

The benefits of lists are obvious. They are easy to create and easy to read. Each list contains a key idea. You can read and immediately apply (take into service). In addition, lists are very fond of search engines. If there is a list, then this is a sign that the content is well-structured. That is why I use different lists in absolutely every article I write, although sometimes they are quite small.

The only drawback, in my opinion, I can point out is the fact that the lists are usually quite small in size and do not describe the problem in great detail. I think it's always better to chew on the question. A chewed question will be more voluminous, cover a larger range of sub-questions and, as a result, take better positions in search engines.

Of course, each item of the article-list can be quite voluminous for several lines, and then it will only be a plus, but if the lists are short, give clear understanding question and the topic of the article itself will be interesting, then you can not bother about chewing. That's why they are lists. This is a short summary of something. If we write a detailed post, then it will no longer be a post-list.

Be sure to adopt this idea for your content and apply it. When there is no desire to write complex materials, remember about the post-list and your blog will be replenished with another interesting article.

4. A series of posts

It is not necessary that every article has a complete thought. You can make a series of articles, consisting of several parts, and each of which will complement the previous one. This is a kind of course in text format.

Such materials are highly valued. But they should not be created with the aim of making more articles on the site. The goal is to consistently address some broad topic throughout the niche.

You can set aside a whole week for one episode, or you can publish one of the parts every Monday. You can even make a kind of magazine and make regular issues every month. Moreover, all this can be combined into an exclusive format, when not just articles on the topic are published, but some kind of research.

A vivid example can be given in the subject of travel:

  1. Report on a trip around the world - part 1. America;
  2. World Tour Report - Part 2. Israel;
  3. Round trip report - part 3. Sweden;
  4. World Tour Report - Part 4. Indonesia.

One could write great article with the results of the entire journey, but it will be more competent and interesting for readers to make a step-by-step series of materials. It will also make writing easier. And the regularity of updating the site is maintained and the information hunger of the reader is suppressed periodically, and not once a month.

5. Post stats

People really love it when you expose not your soul, but your results in business and other projects. It is easier for them to look after everything and observe than to do something themselves. Therefore, with this type of post, you need to be careful and not do it too often.

As an option, you can expose the statistics of your site traffic, earnings. The type of posts is not suitable for every topic, but in most it can be applied.

You need to share your successes, at least sometimes, in order to be closer to the audience. If you are completely new, then you can create a separate section where you share monthly reports on the achievement of some results. This will only play into your hands. If you are already a hardened expert and the results are very huge, then show the statistics only in exceptional and rare cases. IN frequent cases this may seem like a boast.

6. Post "behind the scenes"

How often do you show the process of your activity in a niche in real time. Even in the recording, but without any edits and hiding anything.

For example, take and record on video the process of preparing your dish without any professional voice acting and processing. Show how you cut all the products, in what order, etc. Believe it or not, the audience will watch.

It is bad, of course, that in most cases this type of post will not have text format, but the content should be varied and you won't get far without multimedia.

7. Post interview

Even the most "experienced dudes" will give you interviews, even if you are not a famous person. But of course, if they have time to interview.

Interviews are best taken in audio format. Text will take a long time to type. For video you need equipment and in most cases a personal meeting. But audio is a fairly flexible format that can allow you to take an interview even when talking on the phone, while turning on the recording.

8. Post review

Here are some ideas for this type of content:

  • review of blog sites on your topic;
  • an overview of service representatives on your topic;
  • tool overview;
  • survey of courses, trainings, goods.

So much more. There are hundreds of them in each topic.

Do not review products, etc., that you do not personally own or have not used. Reviewing an item you don't have can be seen as a pre-paid ad or a post written just to make money (if an affiliate link is provided).

It would be better if in the review you show how this is applied in your practice and what results can be achieved.

9. Post showcase

Create new project and show the whole process with fully exposed statistics, actions throughout the life of the project. By at least before reaching its significant results. It's also very interesting. As I said above, people always love to watch the actions of others and the achievement of their results. moreover, it will motivate them to act.

You can even create a project development race between you and your readers. It will be something like a reality show.

Taking the topics discussed earlier as an example:

  • Travel - you can show the entire process of preparing documents until the moment of departure from the country;
  • Cooking is a complete process of preparing for the holiday, from going to the shops to covering us with fat.

10. Post about the best posts

At the end of the year, it is advisable to make a post-list of the most popular posts of the past year. Posts should not be rated the best by you, but based on statistical data (likes, comments, ratings, views).

This post should not just be a list, because then there will be a lot of links and no text. You have to beat him in style detailed list. Where you describe the main points of each article and provide a link to it.

You choose the number of posts based on the total number of articles written and on the basis of a minimum rating. Let's say 365 articles are written in a year. You can take 25 articles with the maximum rating (comments, views) and include them in the post.

This type of content is done not only to replenish the blog with another piece of content, but to actually point new readers to worthwhile materials.

11. Post reaction

If you know a lot of people in your niche who say or do things that don't fit with your point of view, then this is your chance to gain experience in posting a new type of reaction post.

When some content comes out from a niche neighbor, post your opinion on this matter. Moreover, you must definitely mention the person who says one thing. You must say something else. But it has to be true. In no case do we use this type of content in order to replenish our site with another page. We need to be realistic and thoughtful when it comes to creating such content.

These posts are quite dangerous, as they can make a tough rivalry and play against you and the person under discussion. But, in any case, a certain vocation is provided for you, because. not the entire audience of another personality agree with him. In the end, you will also be on a horse. But still you need to be careful.

In the blogosphere now this situation very actively gaining momentum in Youtube blogging. Particularly bright in this regard is the niche of test drives of cars. Everyone is fighting for subscribers, views, likes. Someone sells advertising and his channel purely for making money, while someone runs a video channel as a hobby and is amazed at those who advertise anything on their channels just for the sake of making money. And this is expressed openly in their videos. Cross-talk takes place popular channels.

12. Post-history

One of the most popular and simple posts that show you to the audience from the side common man just like them. We write a simple article on the topic of some incident and your life.

  • How I lost $500 in cards...
  • How did I go to...
  • How I almost...
  • How I started..

Articles like this need to be written regularly. Take as a rule 1 time in 1-2 months. It all depends on the regularity of the release of thematic content. If there are too many articles on the topic, then the stories should come out more often, but better not more than 1 time in 2 weeks. They should be expected and wanted, and not read like regular articles on a blog topic.

13. News post

Almost every blogger at the end of his feature articles tries to mention some small news from life in order to make the visitor wait for his new posts, as well as to warm relations.

But there will always be life stages when there will be too much such news at one particular moment, both with regards to the blog itself and your activities regarding it, and news from real life.

During such a period, it is advisable to make a whole post with the news. Such materials are read very willingly, as they often indicate significant changes, improvements. In most cases, these changes relate to the activities of the blog owner, and the audience perceives such changes with a bang, because. this applies to them too.

Besides, if there is no news, then you simply do nothing. Change must be constant.

14. Post answers to questions

A very relevant topic for commented blogs. You will be asked questions in the comments and some of them will not be fully answered in one comment. We collect such questions and then in a separate post we answer them in great detail, calling such a post "Answers to questions - part (1...)".

That being said, you should not ignore replies to comments. The answer must be mandatory and solve the problem posed in the visitor's question. Perhaps the topic of the question will not be disclosed from all sides, but the answer should be nowhere without it.

Often it will not be possible to publish such posts, since it is first necessary to collect topical issues from comments.

If you are having difficulty finding relevant questions, then simply create new post with the title "Answers to Questions", indicate in it all the subtleties of this post and the time frame for receiving answers. The principle of action is very simple - visitors ask questions in the comments and you answer them in the comments up to a certain point. When the time expires (usually 10 days), no more replies will come from you. A month later, create another one of the same post. And so constantly.

15. Post-survey

The answer to the question "What to blog about" you can find through the post-questionnaire. Create regular article and honestly admit with readers that you cannot decide on the topic of future posts or simply do not know them.

The audience will respond with a bang, because in most cases you write not about what they like, but about what they want and what you think is necessary.

The audience will be happy to offer you their options and such materials will be very expected. You can create polls with any service or plugin convenient for you. The main condition is that in order to complete the survey, you do not need to leave the site page and go through any registrations and authorizations.

A post-survey can be used not only to find ideas, but also to collect statistical data for the subsequent creation of a post-statistic. For example, conduct a survey to find out what is the most common problem in website promotion. Then watch the poll result and publish it in a new article. And then you create a detailed step by step instructions on the issue that is leading according to the results of the survey.

Thus, some types of post contribute to finding ideas for new posts. We kill several rabbits at once.

16. Post-competition

Brings the audience to life. A contest does not have to mean some grandiose event with large prizes and a long duration.

It is enough to create a small post, asking a question in it. Whoever answers it correctly first will receive 300 or more rubles. Completely doable. Revitalizes the audience and does not require large investments.

17. Selection of demotivators, jokes, memes

In the social networks, demotivators and memes are used very actively and collect the largest number likes, reposts and comments. So why not do interesting selection on your topic and publish in a new post?

You can even make your own memes and demotivators if your imagination is at its best.

18. Reader Story

Surely there are people who once came to your site without knowing anything. But over time, they began to actively listen to you, adopt your paradigms and apply it all in life. As a result, the results went up, both in your niche and in his personal life.

Why not find such a person and ask him to write a post-story of how it all happened. What helped. How did others react to his changes?

This type of post is very similar to an interview, only here the participants are not an arbitrary person in your niche, but the reader.

19. Article-translation

With this type of content recent years 2 I met only 2 times. Video translation was performed in both materials. The same can be done with the translation of articles by foreign bloggers. They have a completely different approach to doing their business and the style of writing these posts, so your audience will be very interested in reading such posts.

Especially since you make sure to include "translation" in the title or at the beginning of the post, and such content will be appreciated by readers more because you have put effort or money into creating it. It will not remain unread.

20. Post-total

You should make this type of post at least once a year. At a minimum, this is a post about the results of blog development over the past year. This post should be in your plans for every year. As a blogger, it is your responsibility to publish it.

You can also do this type of article at the end of some courses, trainings, school year or the end of the next experiment.

If you look at any blogger, at the end of each year (or at the beginning of a new one) a detailed post is written with the results that have been achieved and those that have not.

Also in this post you can set goals for the next year, but for this case I would do new article, because the year should be eventful in terms of its development and the development of its activities. Therefore, there will be many plans and a whole article can be singled out.

That's it guys. The list is certainly not complete. Searching the Internet, you can also find lists of 50-90 ideas for new content, but most of the items on those lists are intertwined and do not make sense. Most are also ordinary topics articles.

In this list, I have listed the types of posts that you can regularly use without any problems. And most importantly, they work.

I am finishing this post. After a while I will write another similar post on the same topic. Let's call it "...part 2". In it I will add this list narrower ideas. Perhaps they will be useful to you.

This is where I'm wrapping up for now. In the comments on this post, I would like to ask you to leave your ideas for new content.

Where do you get ideas from?

If the ideas are really interesting, then I will definitely include them in the next post. That's all. Until communication.

Sincerely, Konstantin Khmelev!

It's no secret that in the blogosphere a huge role is occupied by exactly what we write and post on own pages, and therefore there is an unspoken rule that both search engines and your readers recognize. And this rule sounds quite simple - content is king.

But there are situations when there is simply not enough time, desire or opportunity to write, and there are obstacles on our way that do not allow us to realize our potential. But you really need to write, because it is interesting articles, helpful tips and new experiments bring users to us, gaining trust in the eyes of readers and search engines.

Every blogger eventually has a problem that can be solved in a simple way.

This situation is probably familiar to every author, when the first euphoria of the author's reader applause passes, when the knowledge base that you shared with great pleasure ends, when your competitors begin to step on your heels and do better than you, and most importantly for you. It is at this moment that you should not deviate from your goals and continue to write! This will help you overcome the author's crisis and open up a "second" wind in you.

What to write about in a blog if it seems that everything has already been written about

1. Overview of a particular tool or service

Tell us about what you use yourself. I am sure that most of my readers use plugins, both official and made by “folk” craftsmen, to implement this or that functionality. Settings, functionality and features - this is a topic new article for your blog.

2. Updates

Already talked about all the plugins and additional services? It doesn't matter, pay attention to the fact that each of them is updated periodically, and each update can carry useful additions that will be of interest to your readers.

3. Comparisons

Any practical experience comprehended in comparison. Compare one tool to another. I am sure you will find many differences and highlight both the positive qualities and the shortcomings of a particular service.

4. Guest Post

Lazy to write on your own? Offer to do it to your colleagues in the workshop for you. Take on the blog guest posts, this will not only give your content some variety, but also refresh your knowledge in a particular area.

5. Look at competitors.

Lost in topics for a new article? No one can forbid you to use someone else's imagination and professional skills. Look at your competitors for what's new and interesting in your subject and use this knowledge for your materials.

6. Video review.

Lazy to write? Create your video review on YouTube - and this is not only the implementation of new functionality, but also new users from one of the largest video hosting sites.

7. Analyze and predict.

Do you consider yourself an expert in some field, do you have your own opinion? Write an analytical article or a review of someone else's content. After all, your opinion may be very different from your colleagues in the shop.

8. Forgotten article.

Walk along own blog, maybe you forgot or missed something in your articles. Maybe you have already promised someone to write an article on a particular topic?

9. Article reflections.

Write an article in the style: "What if ..." Many users and readers love everyday philosophy, you will be supported in the comments.

10. An article with humor.

A good fake will always attract the attention of users to you and your blog, and, among other things, it will cheer you up.

11. Your achievements.

An article about what was planned, what you achieved and what prevented you from realizing your own goals.

12. Article-competition

Offer users a reward for writing comments on a particular post, and perhaps new ideas will come to you from readers.

13. Content of two levels.

Among your readers can be both specialists and non-professionals. Write two posts with the same topic, but for different levels perception.

14. Non-standard formats.

You can safely try to write your own epic, fairy tale, poem or story (perhaps?), the main thing is not to go far from the subject of your blog.

15. Media content.

Perhaps your skills include more than just writing. Draw a comic or infographic instead of an article. This content is very popular in in social networks you will definitely get an answer.

16. News.

There are changes in every subject. information field. Rewrite the news with your own additions or comments.

Take a look at the groups of competitors, answer services, see what topical questions users of your subject ask.

18. Video content to text content.

Watch other people's training videos or webinars, maybe you should use this information and write your own article on the topic?

19. Participation in competitions.

No ideas at all? Take part in an article competition, they will definitely offer you a topic there, and with great luck, you can get a prize.

20. Content exchanges.

Other people's articles for sale can always suggest good idea. Although you don’t need the article itself, the title may come in handy!

And as you search, write down each interesting idea, and then the question “what to write about in the blog” will disappear from you yourself, because you will have the opportunity to collect a large database of content ideas.

Blog. Not topics in general, but specific permanent content.

Where to get ideas for new publications? What to blog about? How to understand that the topic that concerns us will be of interest to the majority of readers? Questions are not idle. I will try to answer them.

In one of Okudzhava's songs, the "torments of creativity" were figuratively described: "Everyone writes what he hears ..." The problem is that sometimes we do not hear not only those around us, but also ourselves. We vigorously discuss something with relatives, neighbors, colleagues. But for some reason, we believe that such topics are completely unsuitable for discussion on the blog. Is not a fact!

After all, most often, it is this topical issue for you that can interest your readers as well. small topics, by and large, No. Everything that is essential for a person in this moment, useful to him, can and should become a topic for conversation.

Not only beginners doubt the choice of topics for regular articles. Often even bloggers with experience fall into a stupor: “there is nothing to write about!” Let's assume that this is a temporary crisis that happens to all creative people.

Literary critics say that Pushkin, when the Muse left him, tore his hair out of irritation. No, this is not a metaphor, not a figure of speech. It was he who tore his curls, and the wisps flew around the nooks and crannies of the rooms. But when insight came, and often it happened at night, he grabbed a pencil tied on a string by the window and fixed brilliant lines right on the wallpaper.

This is not about the level of talent, and we are not required to pour aphorisms. And the fact that the topics are literally in the air, they are all around us, you just need to see them, hear them.

Of course, ideally, you should write about what you yourself are interested in and what you are well versed in. Although you can take on an unfamiliar topic, study it together with readers "in the course of the play."

But even here there is a risk of “burning out” or choosing a topic that is too narrow or too broad. In both cases, it is difficult to keep the conversation on a high "degree" of interest for long enough.

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Get to the bottom, that is, to the semantic core

In order not to scatter, to work purposefully, it is necessary to draw up semantic core your blog, that is, find out which target queries on your main topic users most often enter into search strings Google, Yandex and analogues of these resources.

Let's say you run a blog on the topic "Indoor Plants". Yandex, analyzing the interests of users, believes that, in addition to articles on this general topic, readers often look for information about plants such as aloe, ficus, begonia, dieffenbachia and a number of others. So maybe they should start with them? Since our dear subscribers love them so much?

Who or what can help make a list of such requests? There is special resources, including free ones, such as Yandex.Wordstat or similar services. They make it easy to make a list. popular queries and try to cover, first of all, this information.

Based on the data obtained, make a kind of “rating” of important issues, and hence the topics of articles for a week, a month. The same list of requests will become your main tool in promoting the blog, in recognizing it by search engines.

Such a list of topics for future posts is called a content plan. I wrote about it in detail in the article. I strongly recommend not to be lazy, but follow the link and read this interesting and useful post. I am sure after reading it you will not have a question about what to write on the blog when there is nothing to write about 🙂

Explore forums and sites, blogs on similar topics

Learning is never too late, not harmful and not superfluous! Surely the main idea of ​​your resource is interesting to other authors of sites, blogs, and there are forums on similar topics.

There is no need to introduce insiders into competing territories, it is enough to carefully study for yourself what friends-rivals write about, what chips they use, what can be borrowed. Naturally, not a carbon copy, but creatively reworking the sound ideas of competing creatives.

At the very least, you will see what really worries readers of the same forum, site, what questions visitors ask. So try to give answers to the most pressing of these questions, preferably, more fully and more accurately than others do.

Reader surveys and comment analysis

Many doubts can be dispelled by talking frankly with visitors. Blog guests, especially potential regular readers, will definitely tell you what they want to see on your pages.

Even critical remarks in the comments are useful. On mistakes really learn, however, only those who are ready to learn.

All the more useful are targeted surveys, questionnaires, maybe even competitions for best deal blog improvement. Consider some small but nice bonuses, prizes for best regards. After all, it will pay off very quickly with an increase in traffic, the popularity of your resource.

And it's just interesting to do what people really need, what will be useful to them.

Ideas - from the air, from others, from everywhere

The great Russian thinker Vladimir Vernadsky came to the idea of ​​the existence of the noosphere - a special repository valuable information the entire planet. Poets draw inspiration from there, and signals about new discoveries are sent to scientists. AND ordinary people sometimes they discover strange abilities in themselves, they begin to receive the required information “on the fly”.

If you have never been able to "get on the wave" and get the long-awaited answers from somewhere above, you should not be complex about this. Cribs, in fact, can be found much closer. What you certainly noticed about yourself was the ideas that suddenly dawned on you. Suddenly, something fresh, original comes in the shower, on a bus ride, in line at the checkout of a store, etc.

And, oh horror, there is not a pen or a piece of paper at hand. And you should have! Since we are engaged in intellectual work, then the appropriate tools should always be with you.

Make it a rule: let pieces of paper or small notebooks lie in different rooms, accompany you on the way, hide in pockets, in a purse, purse. And next - small pens or at least pencils. Then not a single worthwhile thought will slip away, as is often the case when we are "unarmed."

Yes, you have to be on the lookout. Sometimes on useful idea a conversation accidentally overheard in the transport, an episode of a film or program seen on TV, a replica of a child, a page of a textbook (while we are doing homework together), a question from a neighbor, etc., etc. will prompt.

There are more modern ways, for example, Evernote software. But the essence is the same - ideas must be "caught", fixed, not allowed to go into the noosphere. And then your creative thoughts will quickly be used by competitors who are simply better able to listen to the world around them.

Memory, alas, is imperfect. By the way, the habit of writing down is very useful from this point of view, as we turn on motor skills, and it helps to fix the data we need in memory. It organizes and disciplines.

As a result, you will learn to tenaciously grasp the valuable thoughts that have come to you or those around you and “reforge” them into new exciting topics, posts, articles, and you will always know what to write about on the blog to make it interesting to read.

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Dear readers of Blog-Bridge!

It would be very interesting to know your opinion: how to find hot topics for web pages? What are you doing to always remain in demand and useful to readers?

And if you yourself only use the information, share your thoughts so that you would like to find out in more detail what issues concern you?

I look forward to your feedback and am always ready for an open dialogue.

You will learn what to blog about and how to choose a topic for your blog. In the last lesson you, but this is definitely not enough. The blog still needs to be set up, installed useful plugins and choose interesting topic to make it interesting for you to write articles on this topic, and for people to read them.

For a long time I could not choose a topic for a blog that would be interesting to me. Various ideas came, but it was not the same. I thought I knew this and that, but if you think about it, knowledge is not enough. This was very slow and prevented me from starting work on the blog.

The most interesting thing is that I already knew a lot technical subtleties to create and WordPress setup, but it was difficult to decide on the topic. Over time, I had an idea and even a few.

If you create a blog just as a hobby, then you can write on any topic, as long as it is interesting to you. Then you will write blog articles from the heart, that is, with pleasure, and not as if doing some kind of work.

Choosing a Blog Topic

Choosing a topic for a blog - important point and this issue should be taken seriously. You don't have to be an expert in any area. If you are going to write articles on a topic in which you are not very well versed, but this topic is interesting to you, then write and do not hesitate. The missing knowledge will come in the course of blogging.

But if you can not decide on the topic, then think about what you can do and what you are good at. If you can not decide what you are better at, ask people close to you about it. People who know you well will definitely tell you. Self-assessment of their abilities is not so easy. Think about what you like to do in your free time.

Some tips for choosing a theme

Can you draw? And knitting a cross :)? Embroider? Are you good at copywriting? Can you make horoscopes? Are you familiar with any program or programs that require training?... Write about it if you are interested.

If you have been using the Internet for a long time, then you probably know a lot of things that will be interesting and useful for novice users.

If you understand psychology, is this a very popular topic? As a specialist, people will definitely contact you.

If you know how to lose weight quickly and know diets for weight loss, this will be a good topic for a blog.

Do you know how to get rid of different kind complexes, phobias? There are people who, because of the complexes, feel inferior, but do not know how to get rid of it.

Perhaps you easily meet new people and start a casual conversation, as if you had known them for a long time? Many people have complexes and are afraid to approach a girl / guy to get to know each other. This topic will be of interest to many. They even sell courses on this topic on the Internet.

Perhaps you have been doing long time some sport, and know how to build muscle mass, or how to quickly pump up the press? Such a blog will quickly gain popularity if you really understand this area.

If you play well on any musical instrument why not teach it to others?

Write about fishing if you are a fisherman.. I know that there are a lot of fishing enthusiasts, so your blog will be of interest to many.

Perhaps you are good at backgammon, checkers, chess?

Well, if for garlic, then there are an infinite number of topics for the blog. The list goes on and on... Think, take your time. A blog is not done in a couple of days. It is very important to decide on the topic of the blog, so as not to abandon it later, as many do. It has happened more than once that people pay for hosting for six months - a year in advance, and then they leave it.

If you have decided on a topic, but doubt that it will be of interest to someone, check it on the service, or similar.

For example, you like to play the guitar and you can teach it to other people, but you doubt that it will be interesting for someone. You can check it like this:

Type in Yandex, in address bar "playing guitar". See the result in the picture - 26 million!!! I highlighted it in yellow.

See how much they write about it! So why don't you write? Of course, you might think that there is a lot of competition, and everything has been written for a long time without me. Well, go to the word selection service using the link Dial "playing the guitar" as shown in the picture and see how many people want to learn how to play the guitar.

This is just a small part of the screenshot, but the list is much longer. Do not think, since a lot of people write, it means that you can’t fit into this niche anymore. Many write on the same topic, but everyone has their own, individual style and view, and everyone has different levels of knowledge.

Article writing

Articles should be without any abstruse words so that people understand what they are reading about. People want to know what is interesting to me, and not to get acquainted with smart words or expressions.

It is advisable to publish new articles on your blog every day, but if it doesn’t work out, then at least 1-2 articles per week, and the same days ..

To make your material more interesting - write your opinion directly and openly (this does not mean that you can write in a rude form or make fun of someone). The blog will be more interesting if you express your opinion.

There shouldn't be too much in the text. extra words, or otherwise called "water". Must be as much as possible useful information. Many, before writing on the case, write a lot of superfluous, uninteresting and unnecessary.

Sometimes you go to some site, or blog for the right information, you start to read, but nothing to the point. And only somewhere in the middle of the article you get what you came for.

Of course, it all depends on what topic you are writing about. If you explain in an article how to build a house, and before that you explain for a long time what a brick consists of, then few people will be interested. People want action, not the properties of a brick.

Headlines for the article also play important role. If the headline attracts attention, then more people will read the article.

Use short sentences and paragraphs when writing. Such articles are easy and quick to read.

Add to text keywords(words people use to search for information online), but don't add too many of them. Do not overdo it. There will be more tutorials on this topic.

It is better not to publish the article that you wrote right away. Save it as a draft, and then read it again after a while. You will definitely find something to correct.

Now you know how to choose a blog topic and what to blog about. Good luck to you!

Lesson 6 wordpress template and topic selection

What to blog about: topics

In his blog, Mikhail Shakin, a well-known Russian blogger, expressed one very curious thought. Its meaning is something like this:

Any topic that you are going to dedicate a blog to will have its readers. There will be people who will not like your work at all, there will be people who will envy you, but there will also be people who will love you for what you do and will be grateful to you. The main thing is that you yourself like what you write about and you read yourself with pleasure.

In fact, when a person loves what he does, all his undertakings are much easier for him, and it is much easier for him to achieve success. That's why selection criterion topics number 1 - write about what interests you personally.

This approach has two positive aspects at once:

  1. First, your enthusiasm will constantly feed on what interests you.
  2. Secondly, it is impossible to please everyone, otherwise you will find like-minded people with similar interests, expand your circle of contacts and make new friends.

Now readers especially appreciate the thematic resources devoted to a specific topic. Blogs "about everything" were very popular in the early days of blogging, but today they exist great amount, and the overall popularity is gradually fading away.

What to blog about: the audience

Even if it seems to you that you cannot say anything worthwhile to your readers, this is not entirely true. In life, all people are engaged in one or another field of activity. And in each of these areas there are both beginners and professionals.

Determine who you are going to write for. Will they be novice programmers to whom you will tell PHP basics with examples or it will be professional designers for which you will describe the most complex techniques in Photoshop? The choice is yours.

What to blog about: content

So, you have decided what you like. Next, it's time to decide how you will write on your blog, and to be more precise, where you will take unique content(texts for the blog).

Translation of other people's texts

If you don’t know what to write about in a blog, but have decided on a topic and know a foreign language well, then one of best solutions in your situation will be the translation of texts by other popular foreign authors. Not all Russian-speaking audience speaks, for example, English. At the same time, there are many interesting materials who are separated from your audience by an impregnable the language barrier. Erase it and your readers will thank you.

In addition, when translating other people's texts, you immediately see them popularity from foreign readers. This is certainly an indicator, although it is still worth betting on the Slavic mentality. The webmascon project became very popular in this direction, the owners of which translated Jakob Nielsen's articles on usability into Russian.


If you don't know foreign languages, but like to conduct experiments and research, then this option will suit you. Conduct experiments, describe them on your blog, share the results, and you will find like-minded people.

The advantage of experiments is that no one else will have such information as you have, and users who are hungry for something new will become regulars on your blog.


Rewriting is ideal for those people who do not know foreign languages, do not like to experiment, and at the same time do not know what to blog about. The essence of rewriting is that you rewrite someone else's Russian-language text in your own words.

This option has big disadvantage: you do not offer anything new to your readers. But, on the other hand, nothing prevents you from making your text better than the original: expand it, consider some issues from a different angle, add examples, combine several thoughts from different texts into one more voluminous one, etc.

The only one nuance: try not to copy other people's texts word for word. Search engines they don't like that kind of resemblance.

Personal knowledge, experience, thoughts

Another thing is if you are going to tell everyone about the scandalous adventures of your neighbor or the financial fraud of your partner. This, no doubt, will be of interest to the public, but the question arises of morality, ethics and morality. However, publishing someone else's scandalous information, the magazine Wikileaks became super popular.

hybrid variant

Finally, the "golden mean". You use all of the above content generation methods and combine them with each other. As a result, you fill your blog with a wide variety of information from various sources.

You can, for example, write reviews and analytics using information from Russian and foreign sources, supplementing other people's articles with your own conclusions and comments.

Summary: there are a lot of interesting topics that can be covered in a blog. Content sources can be very diverse, but the main thing is that what you write about is interesting to you personally. Then it will be interesting for people with similar interests, and you will never have a question: “ What to blog about

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