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The telegram refers to information and communication technologies. What is information and communication technology

ICT (information and communication technologies) are processes and methods of interaction with information that are carried out using computer technology devices, as well as telecommunications.

The role of ICT in modern society

Currently, one can observe a constant increase in the influence of media technologies on a person. They have a particularly strong impact on children: even twenty years ago, a child would rather watch a movie than read a book. However, today, under the powerful pressure of information, advertising, computer technology, electronic toys, game consoles, etc., it is increasingly detached from reality. Now, if a student cannot avoid reading a book, he no longer goes to the library, but downloads it to his tablet. Very often one can observe the following picture: a group of young people are sitting in a park, square or shopping and entertainment complex, they do not communicate with each other, all their attention is riveted to smartphones, tablets, laptops. If this phenomenon continues to be observed, then soon the children will completely forget how to communicate. And so the ministries of education in many countries on our planet, instead of developing an interest in students in live communication and learning in general, decided to take the path of least resistance and give children what they want. According to some experts, the child's brain perceives new information better if it is presented in an entertaining form, which is why they easily perceive the data offered in the lesson using media (in this regard, the use of information and communication technologies in education is constantly growing today). It’s hard to argue with this, but the other side of the medal of such an educational process is that children stop communicating with the teacher, which means that the ability to think is reduced. It is much better to restructure the educational process so that it is not boring and always keeps the child thirsty for new knowledge. But this issue will have to be left to the conscience of officials.

The concept of communication and information technology

The processes of informatization in modern society, as well as the reform of educational activities closely related to them, are characterized by the improvement and mass dissemination of modern ICT. They are actively used to transfer data and ensure interaction between the teacher and the student in the modern system of distance and open education. Today, a teacher must have skills not only in the field of ICT, but also be responsible for the professional use of information and communication technologies in their direct activities.

The term "technology" came to us from the Greek language, and in translation it means "science". The modern understanding of this word includes the application of engineering and scientific knowledge to solve specific practical problems. Then information and communication technology is a technology that is aimed at transforming and processing information. But that's not all. In fact, information and communication technology is a general concept that describes various mechanisms, devices, algorithms, methods of data processing. The most important modern ICT device is a computer equipped with the necessary software. The second in a row, but no less important equipment, are the means of communication with the information placed on them.

ICT tools used in the modern education system

The main means of ICT technology for the information environment of the education system is a personal computer equipped with the necessary software (of a systemic and applied nature, as well as tools). Operating software is primarily referred to as system software. It provides interaction of all PC programs with equipment and PC user. This category also includes service and service software. Application programs include software, which is an information technology toolkit - working with texts, graphics, tables, etc. The modern education system widely uses universal application office software and ICT tools, such as word processors, presentations, spreadsheets, graphic packages, organizers, databases, etc.

Development of information and communication technologies

With the organization of computer networks and similar means, the process of education has moved to a new quality. First of all, this is due to the possibility of promptly obtaining information from anywhere in the world. Thanks to the global computer network Internet, instant access to the planet (electronic libraries, file storages, databases, etc.) is now possible. More than two billion different multimedia documents have been published in this popular resource. The network opens up access and allows the use of other common ICT technologies, such as e-mail, chat, lists, mailing lists. In addition, special software has been developed for online communication (in real time), which allows, after establishing a session, to transmit text (entered from the keyboard), as well as sound, image and various files. Such software makes it possible to organize a joint connection of remote users with software running on a local personal computer.

The emergence of new information compression algorithms available for transmission over the Internet has significantly improved the sound quality. Now it has begun to approach the quality of a conventional telephone network. As a result, there was a leap in the development of a relatively new ICT tool - Internet telephony. With the help of special software and peripheral devices, audio and video conferences can be organized over the network.

Information and communication technology and its possibilities

To organize an effective search in telecommunication networks, automated search programs are used, the purpose of which is to collect data on various resources of the World Wide Web and provide the user with a quick access service to them. Thanks to search engines, you can find documents, multimedia files, address information about people and organizations, software. The use of ICT makes it possible to open wide access to educational, methodological and scientific information, in addition, it becomes possible to quickly organize consulting assistance, as well as modeling scientific and research activities. And, of course, conducting virtual classes (lectures, seminars) in real time.

Video training

Today, information and communication technologies of education provide for several classes of presentation of material that are significant from the point of view of distance and open education. One of them is television and video recordings. Video files and related ICT tools allow a large number of students to get acquainted with the content of the lectures of the best teachers. Video recordings can be used both in specially equipped classrooms and at home. An interesting fact is that in European and American training courses the main material is presented on video cassettes and in printed publications.

Television ICT

Television is the most common ICT in the classroom, it plays a huge role not only in the modern educational process, but also in people's lives, because almost every home has a TV. For a long time, educational television programs have been used all over the world and are a very striking example of distance learning. Thanks to this ICT tool, it became possible to broadcast lectures to a wide audience in order to increase its overall development without subsequent control over the assimilation of knowledge.

Electronic educational publications

A very powerful technology that allows you to transfer and store the entire amount of information being studied is electronic educational publications. They are distributed both in computer networks and recorded on optical media. Individual work with such material gives a deep understanding and assimilation of data. This technology allows (with appropriate refinement) to use existing courses in self-testing of acquired knowledge. Electronic educational publications, unlike traditional printed material, allow information to be presented in a dynamic graphic form.

Classification of ICT tools by areas of methodological purpose

ICT tools are:

1. Educational. They convey knowledge, form practical skills or provide the required level of mastering the material.

2. Trainers. Designed for practicing various skills, consolidating or repeating the lesson.

3. Reference and information retrieval. Provide information on the systematization of information.

4. Demo. Visualize the studied phenomena, processes, objects for the purpose of their study and research.

5. Imitation. They represent a certain aspect of reality, allowing to study its functional and structural characteristics.

6. Laboratory. Allows you to conduct experiments on existing equipment.

7. Modeling. They make it possible to create a model of an object, a phenomenon for the purpose of its study and research.

8. Settlement. Automate calculations and various routine operations.

9. Educational games. Designed to create a learning situation in which the activities of students are implemented in a playful way.

Didactic tasks that are solved with the help of ICT

1. Improving the organization and increasing the individualization of training.

2. Increasing the productivity of self-training of students.

3. Individualization of the teacher's work.

4. Acceleration of replication, as well as access to the achievements of pedagogical practice.

5. Increasing motivation for learning.

6. Activation of the educational process, the possibility of involving the student in

7. Providing training flexibility.

Negative impact of ICT tools on the learner

Information and communication technology introduced into everything leads to a number of negative consequences, among which a number of negative psychological and pedagogical factors influencing the health and physiological state of the student should be noted. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, ITC leads to the individualization of the educational process. However, this has a serious drawback associated with total individualization. Such a program entails the curtailment of the already deficient in the educational process of live dialogic communication of participants: students and teachers, students among themselves. She offers them, in fact, a surrogate for communication - a dialogue with a computer. And in fact, even a student who is active in terms of speech falls silent for a long time when working with ICT tools. This is especially true for students of distance and open forms of education.

Why is it so dangerous?

As a result of this form of learning, during the entire lesson, the student is busy consuming the material silently. This leads to the fact that the part of the brain responsible for the objectification of human thinking turns out to be turned off, in fact, immobilized for many years of study. It must be understood that the trainee does not already have the necessary practice of forming, formulating thoughts, as well as dialogic communication in a professional language. As psychological studies have shown, without developed communication, the student's monologue communication with himself will not be formed at the proper level, exactly what is commonly called independent thinking. Agree that asking yourself a question is the most accurate indicator of the presence of independent thinking. As a result, if we follow the path of individualization of education, we can miss the very possibility of forming a creative process in a person, the origin of which is built on dialogue.


Summing up, we can note another significant drawback of information and communication technologies, which follows from the main advantage - the general availability of information resources published on the network. Often this leads to the fact that the student follows the path of least resistance and borrows ready-made essays, problem solutions, projects, reports, etc. on the Internet. Today, this already familiar fact confirms the low effectiveness of this form of education. Of course, the prospects for the development of information and communication technologies are high, but they must be implemented deliberately, without maniacal totalization.

The modern guiding idea of ​​the educational process is a closer combination and interaction of technical and natural constituent elements. Informatization and computerization of the educational process in the subjects of the natural cycle acts as an interacting integrating phenomenon. Such a connection, i.e. The use of computer technology, in comparison with traditional teaching, has a number of advantages:

1. A computer is a link that establishes a natural interaction of all forms of educational and cognitive activity of students.

2. Computer technology contributes to the activation of the cognitive and mental activity of students.

3. The introduction of computers in natural disciplines contributes to the deepening of the democratization of teaching methods, since computer technologies are based on the weakening of the subjective factor in the control of knowledge and allows you to remove socio-psychological restrictions.

4. Computer technologies contain huge motivational possibilities. An important motivational factor is the gaming nature of computer technology. Game elements of computer testing are competition, extreme situations that require the user to make extraordinary decisions.

The introduction of a computer into the structure of natural knowledge expands the possibilities for independent learning of students. The use of computer programs significantly increases the proportion of independent work as a basic component of the entire cognitive process. As you know, in the course of independent progress from ignorance to knowledge, students are involved in systematic and purposeful activities for the assimilation and creative application of the acquired knowledge.

What is information and communication technology?

Information and communication technologies are technologies that use computer technology (information processes) and means of communication (communication means - the Internet).

Computer technologies include software and hardware and devices operating on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern information exchange tools and systems that provide operations for collecting, accumulating, storing, processing, and transmitting information.

The means of information computer technologies include: computers, personal computers; sets of terminal equipment for computers of all classes, local area networks, information input-output devices, means of input and manipulation of textual and graphic information, means of archival storage of large amounts of information and other peripheral equipment of modern computers; devices for converting data from graphic or sound forms of data representation to digital and vice versa; means and devices for manipulating audiovisual information; modern means of communication; artificial intelligence systems; computer graphics systems, software systems (programming languages, translators, compilers, operating systems, application software packages, etc.).

With the help of ICT, the basic principles of teaching are effectively implemented:

the principle of science;

the principle of systematic and consistent;

the principle of activity;

the principle of accessibility;

connection of theory with practice;

taking into account the individual characteristics of students;


The use of ICT allows you to optimize the work of the teacher, to somewhat facilitate his functions:

1. Control. The teacher is released from the routine work of questioning students. In addition, the position of the teacher becomes more attractive as control functions are transferred to the machine, and this contributes to conflict-free communication.

2. Feedback. The use of a computer allows you to evaluate each stage of the student's work: the computer corrects errors, comments, if necessary, providing the necessary information. Thus, the student gets the opportunity to correct his mistakes in time.

The use of information computer technologies in geography lessons not only facilitates the assimilation of new educational material, but also provides opportunities for the development of students' creative abilities:

Increases students' motivation to learn;

Activates cognitive activity;

Develops the thinking and creativity of the child;

Forms an active life position in modern society.

ICT can be used at all stages of the educational process.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the lesson, information technologies can be used in the lesson to study new material, to generalize and systematize knowledge, to perform practical work, creative tasks, to control knowledge and skills.

When studying new material, a demonstrative program is most often used - an electronic textbook or an electronic presentation, which present theoretical material to students in an accessible, vivid, visual form.

Educational programs, i.e. electronic textbooks have video fragments in their composition, which allow you to demonstrate a video in the lesson, representing the phenomenon under study with the speaker's commentary.

At the lesson of consolidating educational material, you can use the tester program or Activote testing devices, which allow you to control the assimilation of the studied material.

There are various types of computer programs that a teacher can use in their activities:

1. training programs focused primarily on the assimilation of new knowledge. Many of them work in a mode close to programmed learning with a branched program. In the same group, you can include programs for problem-based learning that indirectly control the activities of students.

2. simulator programs designed to form and consolidate skills and abilities, as well as for self-training of students. The use of these programs assumes that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the trainees.

3. control programs designed to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of program is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in test form.

4. demonstration programs designed for visual demonstration of educational material of a descriptive nature, various visual aids (pictures, photographs, video clips). Geographical interactive atlases can be considered as their variety, the maps of which can be used not only as a visual aid, but also “superimposed” on each other, compose, apply interactive and interactive graphics. This type also includes presentation programs that have graphic editing capabilities and are used for students' creative work.

5. simulation and modeling programs designed to "simulate" objects and phenomena. These programs are especially important for geography, when the material being studied is difficult to show or is abstract.

6. information and reference programs designed to display the necessary information with a connection to the educational resources of the Internet.

7. multimedia textbooks - complex programs that combine most of the elements of the listed types of programs.

Multimedia textbooks, or, as they are also called, electronic textbooks, are executed in a format that allows hyperlinks, graphics, animation, speaker's speech, registration forms, interactive tasks, multimedia effects.

Electronic textbooks have significant advantages over their paper predecessors. A teacher who has educational information in his subject can quickly enough structure it in a new way or simply place the material on a website for simultaneous access to it by all: his students.

Electronic textbooks are practically eternal, they are not afraid of wear and tear, take up little space and are very mobile. The electronic textbook is variable in execution: it can be given any form convenient for reading (change the background color, text, font size); if necessary, using the printer, you can print out part of the textbook, arranging it at your discretion.

The inclusion of animation elements and computer games in the textbook enhances its interactivity and attractiveness. The hypertext structure of the textbook allows for an individual learning path. However, the hypertext navigation system should be built in such a way that logic and systematicity in the development of content are preserved, and gaps in the assimilation of educational standards are not allowed.

The electronic textbook provides great opportunities for creative work. The teacher and students can participate in compiling their own electronic textbook, add materials or tasks to it without significant costs for reprinting. "Paper" textbooks do not provide such an opportunity, and when they are used, the construction of the personal content of education by schoolchildren is difficult. The most that a student can do is to make notes on the margins of a "paper" textbook.

Interactive and audiovisual teaching aids in geography lessons can be used in lessons for studying new and consolidating the material covered, requiring illustrations of the patterns of development of nature and society on specific regional content, and as independent work with a computer as part of integrated informatics and geography lessons. In such lessons, students perform software practical work directly on the computer. Let us consider in more detail the various aspects of using a computer in geography lessons.

A computer lecture developed by means of MS Power Point is a thematically and logically connected sequence of information objects shown on a screen or monitor. The main task of a computer lecture is to explain new material. But unlike a traditional lecture, a computer lecture has great potential in attracting illustrative materials. Therefore, a computer lecture should be considered as a new tool in the work of a teacher, allowing you to create visual and information-rich lessons.

Information objects demonstrated during a computer lecture are images (slides), sound and video fragments. Images (slides) are photographs, drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams. Video clips are films included in the lecture in whole or in part, or animations that clearly show processes and phenomena that are often inaccessible to observation. Sound fragments - narration, musical or other recordings (voices of birds, animals, etc.) accompanying the demonstration of images and video fragments.

Many of the geographic features being studied, such as plains and mountains, seas and oceans, gigantic industrial plants and vast agricultural lands, cannot be shown to students directly. Therefore, the use of demonstration tools in the lesson (slides, pictures, animations, videos) contributes to the formation of children's figurative representations, and on their basis - concepts. Moreover, the efficiency of working with slides, pictures and other demonstration materials will be much higher if they are supplemented by showing diagrams, tables, etc.

The Power Point presentation development program allows you to prepare materials for the lesson by combining the difference in visual aids, making the most of the advantages of each and leveling the shortcomings.

Excel spreadsheets will help the teacher to use cartograms and cartograms in the lesson, built according to the latest statistical data, when explaining new material, to organize practical work in the classroom on the analysis of statistical data with the construction of graphs, cartograms. In this case, graphs, cartograms and cartograms serve not only as a visual aid, but also as a source of geographical knowledge.

The Microsoft Word text editor is designed to prepare educational and methodological documentation (thematic and lesson plans) and handouts (task cards, control tests, crossword puzzles, etc.) quickly and efficiently, create high-quality documents that meet high aesthetic requirements.

Slides with diagrams, diagrams, tables are especially important when studying economic geography, when considering the essence of geographical phenomena and processes, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Videos depicting geographic processes or phenomena and animations are considered as a form of modeling real events, facts, scientific data. The individual frames collected in the video make up a figurative model that gives a certain idea of ​​the original. Like any model, videos and animations do not reveal all the elements of the phenomenon or process being studied, but only the main, most significant, revealing the essence of the object to be studied. Such simplification facilitates the search for essential features, highlighting its features, originality and originality of the object.

It is necessary to pay attention to a special category of media objects contained in the library - interactive maps and maps. Interactive maps are a new type of interactive learning tool for geography. Interactive maps have the properties of a geographic map, i.e. are a scaled-down image of the earth's surface using a special language - conventional signs, at the same time, they have a new property that brings them closer to geographic information systems - the ability to change the content of the map.

In addition to all of the above, the specificity of geography as an academic subject is such that it contains a large amount of material. In order to prepare the most complete, interesting and modern geography lesson, the teacher needs to process a large number of different sources, from encyclopedia to newspapers and magazines.

The use of a computer and the Internet makes it possible to reduce the amount of literature used for preparation and reduce the time it takes to search for the necessary information. The more often you use a computer in the educational process, the more you realize the almost limitless range of its application.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom makes it possible to make each lesson non-traditional and productive. And working with a computer arouses increased interest among students and increases motivation for learning. The use of computer technology and the Internet creates opportunities for access to large masses of modern and fresh information. And the relationship of animation, music, sound and interactive models expands the possibilities of presenting educational information.

Information and Communication Technologies

in the education system

Dyatlova V.S.

The modern period of development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies that penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the dissemination of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of education.

The widespread use of computer technology in the field of education in the last decade has attracted increased interest in pedagogical science. A great contribution to solving the problem of computer technology of education was made by Russian and foreign scientists: G.R. Gromov, V.I. Gritsenko, V.F. Sholokhovich, O.I. Agapova, O.A. Krivosheev, S. Papert, G. Kleiman, B. Sendov, B. Hunter and others.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) - a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.[I,II]

With the appearance in the process of education of such a component as informatization, it became expedient to reconsider its tasks. The main ones are:

    improving the quality of training of specialists based on the use of modern information technologies in the educational process;

    the use of active teaching methods and, as a result, an increase in the creative and intellectual components of educational activities;

    integration of various types of educational activities (educational, research, etc.);

    adaptation of information technologies of training to the individual characteristics of the student;

    ensuring continuity and continuity in education and upbringing;

    development of information technologies for distance learning;

    improvement of the software and methodological support of the educational process[ 3 ]

Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

1. According to the pedagogical tasks to be solved:

    means providing basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    practical training tools (problem books, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    aids (encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, developing computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    complex means (remote).

2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    information and training (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    search engines (catalogues, search engines).

3. By type of information:

    electronic and information resources with textual information (textbooks, teaching aids, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, program and educational materials);

    electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video tours; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of animate and inanimate nature, subject excursions);



In the concept of modernization of modern domestic education, special attention is focused on the use of ICT. Information competence is singled out as one of the main components of the quality of the educational process.


It consists in the formation of skills in the field of communication and information technologies. The possibility of its formation is connected with the systematic activity of schoolchildren in the information computer space.

The use of ICT in educational activities is considered an urgent problem of professional domestic education. Such technologies allow the teacher to find new opportunities for teaching their academic discipline.

The Importance of Technology

The development of ICT opens up great horizons for schoolchildren. They can reflect, be included in the educational process, have a positive impact on the formation of cognitive interest in the subject. The inclusion of such technologies in education makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the training session, to free the teacher from routine activities.

Informatics and ICT increase the attractiveness of presenting complex material. The teacher differentiates tasks, uses various forms of feedback.


At present, ICT is the requirement of the time. It is difficult to imagine a high-quality modern lesson without computer presentations. The teacher gets a chance to make positive changes to the planned lesson scheme.

ICT is a way to increase the motivation of the educational process, the possibility of developing a creative personality of both schoolchildren and a teacher. This pedagogical technology contributes to the realization of the main human needs: education, communication, self-realization. Nowadays, ICT is a necessity that is dictated by the modern level of development of society.


Thanks to information technology in the classroom, you can:

  • to increase the content of educational activities of schoolchildren;
  • increase the attractiveness of the educational process for modern students;
  • use visual images to make lessons as effective as possible;
  • stimulate the desire to learn;
  • bring dynamism to the lesson, visibility

ICT is a great option for effective teaching. It is a visual demonstration and a synchronous explanation of the educational material under consideration.

If you use multimedia presentations and software educational products as an accompaniment to integrated and classical lessons, you can significantly deepen and generalize the knowledge and skills of the children.

The use of animation in slides helps the teacher to give a detailed idea of ​​the material heard in the lesson. The guys are immersed with great desire in the subject. A variety of forms contributes to an increase in the cognitive activity of motivation, interest and curiosity increase. Working with ICT helps teachers, together with their wards, enjoy the fascinating process of learning, "go beyond" the classroom, immerse themselves in the colorful world of wildlife.

Advantages of the technique

Even guys with weak motivation work with a computer with great desire. Of course, it is not able to replace live communication with teachers and peers, but it will certainly increase interest in studying a particular academic discipline.

ICT classes are equipped with modern technology, which greatly facilitates the process of memorizing and understanding information. Among the numerous advantages of this method, one can single out an increase in the quality of ZUN due to the novelty of the activity, interest in the computer.

The teacher gets the opportunity to provide visibility, to involve a significant amount of didactic material, to increase the amount of work that is performed twice in a training session.

The Polish educator Jan Kamensky called visualization as the "golden rule of didactics". With the help of multimedia systems, the material is presented by the teacher in a clear and understandable form, due to which cognitive interest in the learning process is stimulated, gaps in knowledge are eliminated.

GDZ on ICT contain solutions to various tasks, they are used in preparation for the lesson not only by children, but also by teachers.

Directions of computer technologies

Currently, there are several areas of ICT use in the classroom:

  • in the form of visual illustrative material (visual information);
  • to control the ZUN of students;
  • as a trainer.

Teachers, preparing for a lesson using information technology, do not forget to plan a lesson, indicate goals and objectives. When selecting educational material, teachers use the main didactic principles: consistency, systematicity, scientific character, differentiated approach, accessibility.

Teachers use electronic educational resources: presentations, logic games, test materials.

Stage distribution

ICT can be used at all stages of a modern lesson:

  • in the process of explaining new material;
  • when fixing received ZUN;
  • for physical minutes;
  • during control and repetition.

The use of information resources gives teachers the opportunity to demonstrate unique materials to schoolchildren when organizing lessons about the world around them, geography, and biology. Together with their pupils, teachers get a chance to conduct exciting trips to museums and art galleries. Without leaving their classroom, students get acquainted with the work and biography of domestic and foreign writers.


The combination of a classic chemistry lesson with a computer allows the teacher to transfer part of his work to the PC, adding variety to the learning process. The process of writing down the main points of the lesson becomes faster and more efficient. The teacher displays them on the computer screen, which greatly simplifies the process of perception of the material by students.

The use of innovative technical teaching aids opens up great opportunities for creating new methods and forms of educating the younger generation.

In addition to training sessions, it is necessary to highlight the relevance of the use of information and computer technologies in extracurricular educational activities. After the modernization of Russian education, special attention at all levels of education began to be given to project and research activities. It is difficult to imagine a quality project without the use of a computer.

The children, receiving a specific task from the teacher, use ICT to search for scientific and methodological literature on the issue under consideration. When making observations and experiments, they also need computer equipment.

At present, there is an introduction of innovations and ICT in all spheres of production, and the sphere of education is no exception. In order for graduates of schools, lyceums, and colleges to adapt to the modern world, they must master several special competencies. One of them is computer literacy, which allows children to search and process information.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are technologies whose main task is to ensure the recording of information, its processing, transmission, distribution and disclosure. ICT implies methods and software and technological tools that can significantly reduce the complexity of the process of using information.

ICTs include computers, software and electronic communications. Sometimes, this range is extended by management consulting technologies, and business design, administrative processes. They are divided into three groups:
1. Saving - technologies that are designed to store data.
2. Rationalizing - automatic systems of search and orders.
3. Creative - technologies with the help of which a person is involved in active work with information.

ICTs are designed to save a lot of time, labor and material resources.

The modern and developed information society today widely uses information and communication technologies in various areas of its life: in education, manufacturing, industry and other areas of life. The need to use information and communication technologies is due to several main factors:

1. The introduction of ICT in the spheres of human life accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated social experience, which has been passed down for centuries from one person to another.

2. ICT significantly improves the quality of education and contributes to the rapid development of the necessary skills in a particular area of ​​life.

3. ICT allows a person to adapt faster and more successfully to the ongoing social change.

4. ICT is an effective way to upgrade existing systems to meet the demands of today's society.

ICT provides a person with additional opportunities for the formation and development of his information competence.

Their introduction into the vital spheres of a person will lead to the systematization and integration of information flows in a certain social space, the formation of a person's subjective position based on the development of ICT knowledge, successful design and verification of human achievements in the process of mastering general and professional competencies.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) include all types of technologies used to process information. From the end of the 70s, they began to be identified, first of all, with computer technology for processing information. ICT makes it possible to represent any kind of information - numbers, texts, sound, images - in a digital format suitable for storage and processing on a computer. The ability to transfer information from computer to computer using Internet technologies provides access for any user to the global information space. Information technology has provided the creation of the World Information Highway. Information technologies are used for large data processing systems, personal computer computing, science and education, management, computer-aided design and creation of artificial intelligence systems. Information technologies are modern technological systems of great strategic importance (political, defense, economic, social and cultural). Information technologies have led to the formation of a new concept of the world order "Who owns the information, owns the world." As a result of the introduction of ICT, a fourth factor was added to the main factors of social production - labor, land (natural resources) and capital - knowledge.

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