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Phones of fire protection of mobile operators. How to call firefighters and rescuers with mts

Cellular communications are developing rapidly, more and more people are abandoning landline wired phones, switching to mobile communication devices. The mobile phone is the most common means of communication. In an emergency, it can save a life. But, if you need to call an ambulance from a mobile phone, do not count on the two-digit number 03 memorized from childhood. Currently, mobile communication with emergency services is carried out using three-digit numbers.

This publication will tell you how to call an ambulance from a cell phone, how to correctly dial a number from various mobile operators: MTS, Megafon, Tele2, U-tel, Beeline, Motive and Skylink.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone through a single rescue service: number "112"

Now calling an ambulance from a mobile phone on 03 is not possible, because GSM standards do not support double digits. In Russia there is a unified rescue service, which you can call by dialing the number "112". It is supported by both cellular operators and landlines. The combination of numbers 112 makes it possible to quickly reach the operator, who, in turn, will redirect the call to the territory of the rescuers nearby to the victim.

And if the phone does not have a SIM card or does it have a SIM card lock? What to do then? You don't know how to dial an ambulance? Everything is very simple, dial 112- they will answer you! This is a very big plus of the unified rescue service. This number is valid not only on the territory of the Russian Federation: regardless of the place of registration and residence of the subscriber, it is also valid in all countries that are members of the European Union.

Emergency calls from mobile operators

Here are the full emergency dialing numbers of the leading mobile operators, taken from official sources.

Ambulance phone number: how to call an ambulance from a cell / mobile phone

Calling emergency services from the mobile operator MTS

  • 101 - Emergency and rescue service.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas service.

Beeline emergency phone numbers

  • 101 - Fire brigade.
  • 102 - Police.
  • 103 - Ambulance.
  • 104 - Gas emergency service.

Telephones for calling emergency services of the mobile operator Megafon

  • 010 - Call of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire protection.
  • 020 - Call the police.
  • 030 - Call an ambulance.
  • 040 - Call the emergency gas service.

Rules for dialing emergency phones from the Tele2 operator

Tele 2 numbers may be different depending on the region of service.

  • 01* or 010 or 101 - Rescue Service, Fire Service.
  • 02* or 020 or 102 - Police Service, Antiterror Service.
  • 03* or 030 or 103 - Ambulance service.
  • 04* or 040 or 104 - Gas network emergency service.

Remember that calls to these numbers are free.

In a shock situation when you need an emergency call to the scene of an ambulance, if you forgot how to correctly dial a number from your mobile operator, memorize one single number 112 - phone number of the Unified Rescue Service. When you call the answering machine, you will be given voice instructions on how to proceed.

You will need to dial an extension number:

  • 1 - fire,
  • 2 - police,
  • 3 - ambulance,
  • 4 - gas.

Then you will be redirected to the appropriate service.

Phone numbers for calling an ambulance from a mobile: call directly

A quick way to call an ambulance from a mobile phone is to call directly, using numbers that are different for each operator. In order not to get confused, have these numbers always at hand, save them in your phone.

You can call an ambulance by numbers, depending on the mobile operator, as follows:

  1. Megafon, MTS, U-tel and Tele2 - dial 030;
  2. Beeline - call 003;
  3. Motive and Skylink - dial 903.

Is it possible to call an ambulance from a cell phone with a zero balance

It is unrealistic to constantly monitor the mobile phone account, and the funds end unexpectedly. How to call the rescue service with a zero or negative balance? Often, a person's life depends on how quickly the doctor arrives. If you find yourself in a tragic situation or next to a person who feels bad, feel free to dial the numbers 1-1-2 and follow the prompts of the dispatcher or the system. The call for all operators registered in Russia is free. Failure to comply with the law is punishable by harsh administrative measures.

You can also call the emergency service 112 if there are no funds on the account, the SIM card is lost or blocked. At the minimum network level, dial the combination 911, and then select item 3 in the answering machine system, after which you will be connected to the operator. A single emergency telephone number operates throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Having phoned the doctors, explain the current situation clearly, indicate your exact location so that the ambulance team quickly gets to the heart of the problem.

After the conversation, the doctor must report that the call has been accepted and indicate the time of the call. If a medical worker refuses to accept an application, for example, because of the person’s age or for another reason, then feel free to call the police, since the paramedic falls under Art. 124. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to provide assistance to the patient entails the appropriate punishment of the medical worker.

Video: how to dial an ambulance from a cell phone

Before dialing an ambulance in Moscow, make sure you can give the address and exact location of the patient.

The capital has implemented a multi-channel communication system, and if the other end did not immediately pick up the phone, this means that all dispatchers are busy, and your call is queued. Remain calm, the first employee to be released will definitely answer you. No need to hang up and call back - your call will be put at the end of the queue again.

During a conversation with the dispatcher, you must:

  • indicate the phone number from which the call is made or to which it will be possible to call back later
  • indicate the number of patients
  • describe what happened - what made you call an ambulance
  • name the address: street, house, building, apartment, entrance, floor, intercom
  • inform who and where will meet the team of doctors
  • say who is calling - a relative, an outsider or themselves
  • state the age and sex of the patient, his last name

Helpful Hints

Calling emergency services from a mobile phone

Dial the emergency number from your mobile phone 112 .

This call is free, moreover, it can be made even if:

Lack of money in the account

SIM card blocked

No SIM card.

This number can be used to call the following emergency services:

fire protection

Emergency Response Service


Disaster Medicine Services


Gas network emergency service

Service "Antiterror"

Heating network services

Power grid services


Public utilities service.

If necessary, this list can be expanded depending on the specific region by decision of the executive authorities.

Why "112"?

1. Since its launch, this system reduces response time by approximately 15 minutes operational services, which is a big plus, because an earlier response can save more lives and help more people.

2. In addition, this number is called from mobile phones, which allows the operator track caller location which is extremely important, especially in the event of an accident.

3. It is also worth noting that the dispatcher is capable of real-time monitor how quickly a particular service arrived at the right place and what kind of help was provided.

4. It will be interesting to note that this system Other services may be added, depending on the region. For example, a person may call the veterinary service if they are in an agricultural region.

Where does the number "112" function?

At the moment this number works in some regions of the Russian Federation. According to plans, the transition to emergency number 112 will be gradual. The full 112 will replace service call numbers 01, 02, 03 and 04 by 2017.

After calling, you will be answered by an operator or an answering machine and then you can select the service you need, after which the call will be transferred to the selected service.

Where else is the single number "112" used?

This emergency call service is available in some EU countries, including Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Emergency phone numbers

From a landline phone within the city, you can call the following emergency services:

101 (01) - Fire brigade and rescuers

102 (02) - Police

103 (03) - Ambulance

104 (04) - Gas network emergency service

The following emergency services can be called from a mobile phone:

* In case your mobile phone does not support 2-digit dialing, simply dial the service number and add a sign *

01* - Calling the fire brigade and rescuers

02* - Call the Police

03* - Call an ambulance

04* - Gas emergency call

Calling emergency services from certain mobile operators

Emergency services can be called from a specific mobile operator (MTS, MEGAFON, BEELINE, etc.). These numbers are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

010 - fire department and rescuers

020 - police

030 - Ambulance

040 - emergency gas service


010 - fire department and rescuers

020 - police

030 - Ambulance

040 - emergency gas service


001 - fire department and rescuers
002 - police
003 - Ambulance
004 - emergency gas service

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Life is full of situations when an emergency ambulance is needed, and there is not a minute to lose. Modern mobile communications and the presence of a mobile phone in almost every person allow us to solve this problem in the shortest possible time. It is important to learn how to navigate the emergency services in order to quickly dial the desired number. You will learn how to call an ambulance from a cell phone from our article.

Single emergency call number

There is a single number that operates on the territory of the CIS countries and the European Union - 112 . This is a universal number that includes all existing first responders, including emergency medical services. It can be dialed from a cell phone and call an ambulance, regardless of which carrier the mobile phone is connected to, as well as in its absence.

A call to a single number 112 is free, it works in any case, even if the SIM card is blocked, or it is not in the phone at all.

In modern mobile devices, there is an emergency call in the menu or a special button that works on this universal number. After the dispatcher's response, you need to briefly and quickly state the problem, and you will immediately be switched to the right one - ambulance, police, fire, gas, anti-terrorist.

It is convenient to use this single number when a person does not remember the numbers of the necessary services, especially since before each telecom operator they had their own characteristics.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

The ambulance number is publicly known - 03 , it is dialed from a landline home phone. But when it becomes necessary to call an ambulance from a cell phone, not every user knows that dialing 01, 02, 03, 04 will not work in the device.

The fact is that most mobile phones operate on a single digital standard GSM (Global System for Movile), which belongs to the unified European standardization of communications. The call works only when at least 3 digits are dialed.

Until recently, each provider had its own rules for calling an ambulance from a mobile. This created confusion and created problems in their recruitment in emergency situations. Since 2017, a single number has been adopted for all Russian operators, allowing you to call an ambulance from a cell phone.

Remember, to call an ambulance from a mobile phone belonging to any Russian operator (MTS, Tele2, Beeline, Iota, Megafon, Motiv, Skylink and others), you need to dial 103 .

For the deaf and dumb in Moscow and the region, a special video communication service has been created by mobile phone. Need to dial 1111 , 1112 , 1113 if the call is from the capital, or 1115 , if from the area, turn on the video call. The dispatcher will answer, with whom you can communicate with gestures.

Numbers of other emergency services from mobile operators

For calls to other emergency services in Russia, single numbers are also accepted, regardless of the mobile operator:

  • Fire Service - 101 ;
  • Police - 102 ;
  • Gas service - 104 ;
  • Emergency Rescue Service - 112 ;
  • Suspicion of a terrorist attack 911 .

Due to the fact that unified numbers for emergency calls have been introduced relatively recently, it is likely that there are still regions where operators have not switched to the new conditions, and until this process is completed, the old numbers remain valid. Therefore, if a call to an ambulance or other service fails, you should try calling the old numbers presented in the table:

Name of services Beeline MTS Tele 2 Megaphone
fire fighting 001 010 010 010
Police 002 020 020 020
ambulance 003 030 030 030
Gas 004 040 040 040

Note: for the Iota mobile company, there is an alternative way to call emergency services using the following dialing scheme: 8 100 99 XX 000, where XX is a two-digit service number (01, 02, 03, 04), and instead of the last 3 zeros, you can dial any numbers, or leave it like that - 000.

Ambulance types

There are 2 options for the departure of brigades on call, "ambulance" and ambulance. An emergency or linear team leaves for cases when there are problems with the deterioration of health, but the general condition of the patient does not cause concern. For example, high body temperature, increased pressure, minor injury, indigestion. A doctor or paramedic comes to the call if the patient is in the countryside.

An ambulance leaves for cases when there is a threat to the life of a sick or injured person.

It is specialized, always consisting of 2 doctors and nurses. Depending on the situation, such a special team can be called: traumatological, obstetric, cardiological, resuscitation, psychiatric, children's, and so on. When talking with the dispatcher, you need to state the essence of what happened, if necessary, invite a doctor from the appropriate specialized team and issue a call. it

When is emergency medical attention needed?

There are many cases when it is necessary to call an ambulance. They can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • Diseases;
  • Injuries;
  • poisoning;
  • Started contractions or bleeding in women.

Of course, not all cases of illness require emergency medical care. For example, with a common rhinovirus infection, flu, pain in the joints or spine, changes in blood pressure, indigestion, or a hangover, you can get by with a doctor's house call if the patient's condition is satisfactory and does not cause concern.

If the body temperature is more than 39 °, the pressure has risen or dropped sharply, repeated vomiting and diarrhea have appeared, a strong “backache” in the spine that does not allow the patient to move, it is necessary to call an ambulance from a mobile or landline phone and call a medical team.

The following cases require priority attention:

  • Severe chest pain;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Vomiting blood or brown coffee grounds
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Sudden impairment of speech, ability to move;
  • Convulsions, epileptic seizure;
  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • Lack of stool with bloating, vomiting;
  • Black tarry stool;
  • A rapidly developing allergic reaction with an increase in edema.

For injuries

Any open or closed damage with a violation of the general condition, with loss of consciousness, the ability to move, sharp pain, swelling, deformity, bleeding needs emergency medical care.

Abdominal injuries should not be ignored, even if the patient has no complaints, the surgeon should urgently examine him. An ambulance is called by mobile phone in cases of accidents in transport, production, at home, in case of accidents on the water, explosions, fires, terrorist attacks and other incidents.

In case of poisoning

This concept includes acute, toxic household chemicals and production, as well as severe and drug intoxication. It is difficult for the people around the injured to determine the degree of danger of poisoning and the condition, as well as its further development, so it is better to immediately contact the ambulance service. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the patient can drink 400-500 ml of water at room temperature, take activated charcoal or Enterosgel paste.

Necessary information for the dispatcher

In order to avoid the loss of precious time, when the operator answers, you must strictly observe the following information algorithm:

  • Inform the mobile number from which you are calling;
  • Briefly state the essence of the problem (what happened, at what time, complaints, condition);
  • Give your last name, first name;
  • Name the address where the patient is currently located;
  • Report what kind of assistance was provided, what drugs were given;
  • Name the patient's data - age, gender, last name, date of birth.

If necessary, you need to provide landmarks, how to get to the address faster, as well as the intercom code of the front door of the entrance.

How to behave when an ambulance arrives at home

In anticipation of the arrival of the brigade, it is necessary to remove unnecessary things from the premises that could interfere, remove animals and children. The patient should have free access, next to a chair and a free table or bedside table, which may be needed to put equipment, medicines. If there is no outlet nearby, you need to prepare an extension cord in case you connect equipment.

It is necessary to prepare the patient's documents - a passport or birth certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy, if any. It is also necessary to be prepared - dressed and with documents in case the patient is hospitalized and you need to be accompanied by loved ones.

Upon arrival of the brigade, you need to tell in detail about what happened, prepare everything related to this case for display (for example, collect vomit, blood clots, a sample of the product, medicine or other substance that the patient used in a container).

Fulfillment of all these simple requirements will help the doctor quickly navigate the diagnosis and take adequate measures.

How to call firefighters from an MTS mobile phone? We hope you never need this information. But, you need to be prepared for emergencies so as not to get confused when they occur.

Previously, short numbers were created for landlines - 01, 02, 03, 04. The main idea is to make it easier to remember and speed up further typing. This solution turned out to be very effective, and short numbers remained relevant for many years.

With the advent of cell phones, the situation has changed. They require at least three digits to dial a number. I had to create dedicated numbers for mobile networks, which quickly became relevant due to the spread of this method of communication.

Now you can call the fire brigade by dialing 101. That is, a unit is added at the beginning so that the mobile network can receive the call and transfer the call to the desired subscriber.

Fire MTS - mobile phone

How to call the fire department from a mobile MTS? Number 101 is available only when the mobile network is on. But if there is no SIM card, is it blocked, or are there other problems?

For such cases, an emergency service 112 was created. This is a single center that processes all incoming calls from subscribers. The operator can send emergency assistance to the specified address - firefighters, police or doctors.

You can make a call to 112 even without a network and a SIM card. When dialing this number, the phone connects to any available network, and the call is completely free for the subscriber.

Calling the fire department from an MTS phone is easy. You can dial 101 if you are connected to the operator's network. 112 is also available in emergency situations. This short number works on all phones, regardless of the state of the account, the presence of a SIM card and other factors.

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