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  • Phones on Aliexpress in Russian: review and purchase of the best phones. How to choose and order a phone on Aliexpress? How to place an order for Aliexpress from a smartphone? In the event of a conflict

Phones on Aliexpress in Russian: review and purchase of the best phones. How to choose and order a phone on Aliexpress? How to place an order for Aliexpress from a smartphone? In the event of a conflict

Today, Aliexpress is one of the largest trading platforms on the Internet, which allows users from most countries of the world to purchase goods from China. This resource is in the top 50 most visited sites in the world. It is worth noting that AliExpress was launched back in 2010. Russians make up a fifth of all site traffic. In addition, the web resource has found wide distribution among residents of Spain, Brazil, the United States of America, and Poland. Thus, the popularity of the Internet resource is only increasing. One of the advantages of using the trading platform is that you can find the product of interest and place an order for its purchase not only through a browser on a computer, but also using a mobile application for a phone or tablet. Choosing the second option for using the site, most people have a natural question - how to pay for an order for Aliexpress via phone? Note that this is not difficult to do. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is presented in this material.

Having figured out how to pay for Aliexpress via phone, in most cases a person begins to actively use the site. The popularity of the site is due to the fact that each of the Chinese stores can provide its potential customers with a large selection of goods for various purposes, the cost of which will be very small. At the same time, buyers do not have to worry about their money, since the system of protection against fraudulent activities on the resource is very well thought out.

The quality of the trading platform is actively monitored. The development team is doing everything possible to ensure that the quality of the functioning of the resource is at a high level, as well as creating convenient conditions for users. How to pay for Aliexpress from your phone is also one of the conveniences of stores launched for potential customers that conduct trading activities through the resource. Having once decided to pay for Aliexpress from a mobile phone, you can be sure that a person will constantly use this method. The thing is that how to pay in Aliexpress via phone has many advantages. These include:

  1. Transaction speed.
  2. Simplicity of the control interface when making a payment.
  3. The possibility of a refund if the product for some reason did not fit.

Features of how to pay via phone Aliexpress

First of all, you need to decide on the product that you will purchase through this trading platform. Once it has been selected, you need to start paying on Aliexpress via phone. Action algorithm In this case, it is quite simple and consists in doing the following:

  1. Making an order by pressing a certain button.
  2. Enter the receiving address in English. It is important enough that the address is indicated correctly and clearly, both for foreign postal services and for domestic ones. Even if a minor error occurs, the likelihood that the package will not reach the addressee is very high.
  3. In order to be able to pay via phone in Aliexpress, you need to go to other payment methods and select the item of other methods.
  4. From the menu that was selected, you need to open a tab called mobile payment and after you click it, you should select your mobile operator (you need to select the operator from whose number the payment will be made).
  5. Next, the customer enters their phone number.
  6. Within a few minutes, an SMS notification will be sent to the number in which the payment confirmation algorithm will be presented.
  7. After payment, you will receive another message confirming a successful transaction. Now you just have to wait for the parcel to arrive at the address that was entered when placing the purchase order.

Telecom operators

When wondering how to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress via phone, you need to know that the payment service is not available today for all mobile operators providing telecommunications services in our country. Among the mobile operators from whose numbers you can make a mobile payment, Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 are distinguished.

It should be taken into account the fact that each telecommunications company providing cellular services, when making a payment, takes a certain commission, the amount of which is from 1 to 4% of the purchase amount. It is most profitable to pay from MTS numbers, since in this case the commission is 0.9%. Speaking about the largest percentage, it is with the Beeline operator, since the commission is 3.9%.

When studying the question of how to pay for an order on Aliexpress from a phone, a person should know that the trading platform is actively working to ensure that all the services provided to it are as perfect as possible. In this case, compared to competitors, we can say that the site is the only one of the similar ones where you can pay for a purchase directly from your gadget. Speaking about the commission, it acts as an additional comfort for people and, accordingly, its presence is fully justified.

An alternative way to pay for goods on Aliexpress via phone

A fairly convenient way to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress from your phone is to use a QIWI wallet. The fact is that the wallet is issued in the shortest possible time. Topping up your QIWI account can be done in a matter of minutes, also using your gadget. To use this method of payment by phone, you need to install the mobile application of the payment system on the device and register. Having replenished your wallet, you will have another option on how to pay for Aliexpress via phone.

When paying for goods ordered on the trading platform, a person needs to choose the appropriate method for using QIWI. Next, the application will automatically launch and you will be able to confirm the payment made.

Is it possible to pay on Aliexpress via phone and ensure the protection of the payment

When making a purchase for the first time, and indeed on a regular basis, willy-nilly, a person thinks about the fact that a situation may arise when he pays for the purchase and, accordingly, the money will be withdrawn from the phone, but the goods will never arrive. The question in this case is quite simple - how to pay Ali from the phone and at the same time, in case of non-receipt of the parcel, return the money. Let's try to understand all the nuances of this type.

First of all, it is worth saying that all buyers are well aware of the fact that online shopping cannot be completely safe. It is for this reason that most of the people refrain from doing them at all. Agree, because there are few people who want to throw money away. Speaking about the AliExpress trading platform, one of its advantages is that it is endowed with security.

Ensuring the protection of users of this resource is that the money that was deposited by the buyer is “blocked” and is not credited to the seller until the parcel reaches the addressee. The funds will be credited to his account only after he receives confirmation that the order has been received. If the parcel is missing after a certain period of time, the buyer will receive the paid funds back. This payment method is very convenient and secure. Thus, if you are studying the question of how to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress via phone, then you do not need to worry about your money.

When problems occur

In the event that there are any problems with the parcel ordered by the person, for example, it did not reach the addressee or the goods sent do not correspond to the ordered one, then you can start to publicly challenge the transaction made with the seller.

If it was not possible to agree, then the person who made the order can send a request to the technical support service. Most often, the process of consideration of such applications is carried out within one month, and then a response will be sent to the email address of the user who filed the complaint. The issue will be resolved with one of the following outcomes:

  1. Return of the buyer's goods and payment of the money spent. Sometimes, the amount of payment can be doubled from the original order value.
  2. The person who placed the purchase order will receive only a portion of the funds paid.
  3. The seller must be able to resend the package that meets the requirements of the client.

Thus, studying the issue of paying from a phone on Aliexpress, a person can be sure that:

  1. The perfect payment will take place in any case, and at the same time, the seller will receive the money only after the delivery of the order.
  2. Payment information will not be available to third parties. The marketplace ensures the privacy of purchases.
  3. In the event of a conflict situation, it is possible to achieve payment of compensation in the double amount.

How to pay on Aliexpress via phone, having previously replenished it

Talking about this method of payment when making a purchase on the largest trading platform on the Internet, it is also necessary to talk about the fact that, relatively recently, AliExpress launched the ability to top up the numbers of mobile operators. This method of replenishment of the account is distinguished by its convenience and simplicity. It should be noted that replenishment of the mobile number for the required amount is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Installing a mobile application on your gadget.
  2. Selecting a section with the possibility of paying for the services of mobile operators.
  3. Entering your phone number, as well as the amount you want to deposit into the account.
  4. Making an order.

This payment option is the most convenient for both sellers and buyers. The fact is that each of them has the opportunity to deposit any amount into their AliExpress account using a bank card. If you topped up your Alipay account, but at the same time, after making a purchase, you have a certain amount of money left, then you can return them by topping up your phone number.

At the same time, when choosing a similar option for payment, you need to know that there are certain restrictions for people in this case. So, the amount of the monthly payment should not be more than 1500 rubles. In order for the order to be completed successfully, the application created to replenish the phone number must be paid for within an hour after the actions to complete it were completed. There are no other restrictions and difficulties in this case.

In the event of a conflict

In general, the process of paying for purchases on the AliExpress marketplace was implemented quite interestingly for both buyers and sellers. The system allows us to say that both parties to the transaction are interested in its implementation and, accordingly, will do everything possible to make the opponent satisfied with the cooperation.

In the event that a conflict situation has occurred, then in 95% of all emerging situations it is resolved through a direct dialogue between the seller and the buyer. The fact is that active users of the AliExpress trading platform do not want to lose their reputation and do everything possible to ensure that the seller or client is satisfied with the transaction. If, nevertheless, a situation has arisen that is part of 5%, then it can be solved by contacting the technical support of users. Qualified specialists have extensive experience in solving a variety of situations and, accordingly, will be able to provide you with the most effective and competent assistance.

You need to be aware that the service of making a payment for a purchase on Aliexpress via phone is not available today for all mobile operators.

Since 2015, the Chinese online store Aliexpress has been allowing its customers to make payments for goods via mobile communications. This innovation is designed to expand the possibilities for visitors to place orders on the site. A clear scheme is applied, how to pay for "Aliexpress" from the phone.

general information

By phone it is available to any citizen of Russia. However, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • have an active SIM card;
  • be a client of one of the 4 largest telecom operators (Beeline, MTS, Tele2, Megafon);
  • have the required amount on the account to pay for the goods and the commission for making the payment.

Aliexpress is very popular among shopping lovers.

This feature is available only to holders of SIM cards of operators of the so-called "Big Four". For the owners of SIM cards of other operators, the option to pay for goods on Aliexpress is not yet available.

The system of payment by phone has a number of advantages, including:

  • no need to use a bank card;
  • no need to visit the bank to pay for products;
  • security of the operation without entering data from a bank card during the ordering process;
  • Efficiency of making a payment in a matter of seconds.

The system allows you to both pay for a phone or any other product through Aliexpress, and speed up the process of processing and sending an order by a Chinese seller.

The disadvantage of paying by this method is the high commission fees for the operation. Also, the buyer needs a sufficient amount on the balance of the phone to spend. Not all subscribers keep large sums of money on mobile accounts.

The amount of commission payments varies among mobile operators. The lowest fees apply to MTS. Their size is 0.95%. "Megafon" when making a payment for goods on "Aliexpress" charges 1.95% as part of the commission. For Tele2, its value is 2.35%. The highest commissions are set by Beeline. If the holder of a SIM card of this operator intends to pay for goods in a Chinese online store with a phone, then an additional commission fee of 3.9% will be debited from his account.

The procedure for paying for an order on the site by phone

Before you start making a purchase, it is recommended to check the balance status on your phone. This is done by the standard command. Each operator has its own. So, for MTS and Megafon, the balance is checked by dialing *100#, for Beeline - *102#, for Tele2 - *105#. When depositing money into an account, it is important to take into account that in addition to the cost of the goods, a commission will be debited from the balance. It is necessary to deposit an amount with a certain margin on the phone. Otherwise, the payment will not go through.

The site offers several payment methods.

There is a clear and simple scheme for how to pay for a purchase on Aliexpress via phone:

  1. In the "Basket" on the site, you must click on the "Order from this seller" button, located opposite the desired product. The system automatically enters the checkout mode.
  2. First, the user specifies the delivery address, and then checks the details of his order.
  3. In the "Payment methods" section, the buyer puts a dot in front of "Other payment methods" and clicks the "Confirm and pay" button.
  4. In the window that appears, he selects the arrow "Other payment methods", after which a new sub-window "Select a payment method" opens. In it, at the bottom, click on the "Mobile Payment" section.
  5. The appropriate telecom operator is selected and the phone number is entered in a separate line. At the bottom, click the "Send SMS" button.
  6. The system sends a message to the buyer with instructions on how to pay for the order for Aliexpress on the phone.
  7. The message contains the transaction number and the payment amount. The buyer is invited to confirm his order by sending a response SMS to the same number. In this case, the text of the message can be any.
  8. The user can refuse the transaction by sending a message with the entry "0" to the number.

If there is a sufficient amount of money on the account, the payment is automatically made, about which a corresponding message is sent to the phone. If the transaction is canceled by the buyer, then the incoming SMS indicates that the payment has not been completed due to the cancellation of the transaction by the user.

Mobile payments on Aliexpress take a little longer to process than payments made by other methods. Processing time can reach a whole day.

Payment does not require a lot of effort and time

Possible errors in such operations

If an SMS confirming the payment is not received from the MTS, Beeline or other operator for a long time, then the most likely reason is the incorrect entry of the phone number into the line when making the purchase. If it was entered correctly, then the telecom operator itself may fail. You need to contact him directly on the "hot line".

The response SMS may contain an indication of the impossibility of making a payment due to a lack of funds on the balance. Is it possible to pay for the goods again in such a case? This is allowed. The procedure is repeated anew, but first you need to deposit the amount that is not enough to complete the purchase to your phone account.

Some users may receive an SMS stating that they have been denied debiting money from their balance. The reason may lie in the features of tariff plans or the SIM cards themselves. Some of them do not allow mobile payments. Operations may also be prohibited for new subscribers. A number of corporate tariffs have prohibitions on mobile payments. You can solve the problem of how to pay for goods on the Internet via phone only by contacting the telecom operator directly.

A simple scheme of payment through the phone for goods on Aliexpress has been developed. Reviews about her are mostly positive. The system expands the list of possible ways to place orders on the site. Mobile payments will be useful for Russian citizens living in remote regions.

Aliexpress is the main portal of Chinese industry. Thanks to this online store, goods from the Celestial Empire are scattered around the world at the speed of light. The quality of Chinese goods is no longer disgusting, and electronics are produced by 90% in this country. And even the famous Apple does not shy away from producing its iPhones in China. Therefore, if you decide to purchase a new smartphone, you should pay attention to this online store. Perhaps with its help it will be possible to purchase the device you like more profitably.

How to do it? Can you trust Chinese sellers on Aliexpress? What smartphones are profitable to buy on Ali? Let's find out in this article.

Can I buy a phone on Aliexpress?

In them you can safely order new smartphones.

How to find and order Xiaomi phones on Aliexpress?

Using the Aliexpress online store is as easy as shelling pears. After you enter it, you will see a form for searching for goods. In it you need to type the name of the product and click on the red button with the image of a magnifying glass. It is located on the right, next to the product search bar.

If you need to find Xiaomi smartphones, then we type the word Xiaomi and click search. Since this company produces not only smartphones, but also many other electronic products, after the Aliexpress algorithms select products for us that contain the search word, we need to sort them.

IMPORTANT: You should not immediately write “Xiaomi smartphones” in the search. For some reason, the search algorithm does not find all products. Therefore, it is better to sort the found products "manually". Moreover, it is very easy to do so.

How to find and order the cheapest phone on Aliexpress?

In order to find the cheapest smartphone on Aliexpress, you need to use the search. To get started, go to the main page of the site and in the left menu select "Phones and Accessories" -> "Mobile phones". Now, in the field "Sort by" choose "Price: ascending".

Quad Band Low Radiation AEKU C6

Also, using the filter described above, you can choose the cheapest phone according to the characteristics you need.

For example, when setting in the filter such characteristics as:

  • New
  • Operating system Android
  • Capacitive touch screen

The algorithm found the cheapest smartphone from an unknown manufacturer in our country: Flash.

View catalog with cheap cell phones on Aliexpress.

What does a refurbished phone on Aliexpress mean, how to find and order?

As the name of this category of smartphones implies, they have already been used before and were returned to the manufacturer due to a malfunction. The manufacturer himself or with the help of the service fixed the breakdown and put the phone up for sale again.

It is impossible to say what exactly was replaced in the restored smartphones. It could be a crack on the case or a burnt board. After a complete restoration, smartphones sometimes go on sale in terms of quality better than those that are assembled from scratch. All refurbished phones have a perfect body, a scratch-free screen, and outwardly, you can hardly determine that you have a used phone in front of you, which is also being sold after repair.

The main advantage of such devices is their price. It is several times less than the price of new devices. If you do not disdain the fact that you will use such a phone, then in order to save money you can purchase such a device.

Also, before buying such a phone, you can contact the seller and ask what exactly was broken in the phone model you liked. Read the reviews, and if everything suits you, you can safely purchase such a smartphone.

View catalog with refurbished cell phones on Aliexpress

How to find top best phones from Aliexpress?

In order to find the best phones on the Aliexpress website, you need to set the characteristics you need in the filter (see above). And then, in the sorting of goods, we expose: "The best choice". By default, this mode is already set on the site.

How to find and order a phone on Aliexpress with a good battery?

A couple of years ago, Chinese smartphone manufacturers, and the world as a whole, were chasing the amount of RAM, cleanliness, and the number of processor cores. But, today a new "arms race" among manufacturers of such equipment has been outlined for a capacious battery.

Unfortunately, this important characteristic is not marked in the Aliexpress site filter. Therefore, you will have to choose smartphones according to this characteristic manually. The battery capacity of your chosen models must be at least 3000mAh.

For example, the Chinese smartphone Elephone P8000, popular in our country, has a battery with a capacity of 4165mAh. Which is a very good feature. You can buy it from the link

View the catalog of phones with a good battery on Aliexpress.

Elephone P8000

How to find and order push-button phones on Aliexpress?

Push-button phones are suitable for those who do not like touch phones. It is unlikely that those who are employed in difficult working conditions, work at sub-zero temperatures, etc. need touchscreen phones. In addition, push-button phones are easier to learn. So, suitable for the older generation.

You can find push-button phones on Aliexpress using the same filter. In it we select the characteristic "Not a touch screen". And in the selected products we are looking for that smartphone, the characteristics and design of which you will like.

SERVO Quad Band

How to find and order shockproof phones on Aliexpress?

Phones are quite expensive and fragile devices. Few of us have not dropped or sat on them. Usually, the screen with such inaccurate actions is covered with a grid of cracks or completely fails. If you are afraid that your smartphone may fall and break, then get yourself a protective case. Or immediately choose a device that is not afraid of a fall or other inaccurate action.

Shockproof smartphones are chosen by people who, on duty, need to periodically be away from civilization and in harsh environmental conditions. If you consider yourself one of these people, then buy a shockproof smartphone on Aliexpress.

View catalog with shockproof phones on Aliexpress


How to find copies of phones on Aliexpress?

As we already told at the beginning of the article, most of the well-known and popular brands do not directly sell their smartphones on Aliexpress. And even if you search for this online store, iPhone or Samsung, you will not get anything. Even previously popular copies are hard to find on this site today. Aliexpress went beyond the Celestial Empire and "paid" for it by expelling replicas from their virtual shelves. But, you can still find them.

We have already done it for you. Here is a cool "iPhone" from the company Kinglong.

Replica iPhone from Kinglong

Lenovo P70

How to find and order a phone Meizu on Aliexpress?

Similarly, we are looking for Meizu smartphones. There is nothing difficult in this. As an example, let's again compare the price on "Aliexpress" and in our Svyaznoy. Smartphone Meizu M3S mini 16Gb in this Chinese online store you can buy 5 thousand cheaper.

View catalog with Meizu phones on Aliexpress.

Meizu M3S mini 16Gb

How to find and order Samsung phones on Aliexpress?

Cubot Note S

You can also find the best-selling models of each specific brand or smartphones from the specified price category. AIEK E1. Dimensions: 88mm x 6.5mm x 55mm. Thickness: 9mm

It is also worth paying attention to the phone GTstar A618. It has a capacious battery for its configuration and protection against moisture.

View catalog of mini phones on Aliexpress.

Discounts on Aliexpress phones

In order to buy a phone at a discount, you need to go to the Hot Products section, and then to the Electronics section. The phones presented in this section will have a fairly large discount. Giving links to products does not make sense. Because they change. And what was possible to buy at a discount today, tomorrow will be sold at a regular price.

View the catalog of phones in "Hot Goods" on Aliexpress.

Also, for a better purchase on this site, you can use the Aliexpress mobile application. Through this application for smartphones and tablets, you can purchase discounted products that are sold on the site at their regular price. There are also telephones among them.

You can also find out about discounts from the product card itself. If it is sold at a discount, this will be signaled by the old crossed out price above the real price of the product.

Is there a warranty for phones from Aliexpress?

All transactions on the described site are protected by various guarantees. You need to understand that you are not paying the seller, but the Aliexpress system. And she releases your money (minus her interest) to the seller only after you confirm the delivery and quality. If you do not do this, then after a certain time the system will assume that you are satisfied with the purchase and transfer your money to the seller without confirming the purchase.

  • Timely delivery. The seller guarantees to deliver the goods within the specified time. It varies from 15 to 60 days. Each seller exposes it independently, but no less and no more than this period. If after 2 months the goods have not been delivered to you, then you have the right to get your money back.
  • Refund if the buyer received the goods, does not match the description on the site. If you received a phone with a visible defect or not matching the specifications on the site, you can open a dispute and get your money back.
  • Authenticity Guaranteed. When buying a product of a certain brand and receiving its replica or fake under this guarantee, you have the right to demand a refund of your funds.
  • Additional product warranty(if the buyer paid for it on the site). If the smartphone fails before the warranty period (usually one year) expires, you have the right to open a dispute and demand a refund of your money.

Also, Aliexpress has a warranty called "Unconditional return". With it, you can return the goods back to the seller no later than 15 days from the date of delivery. In this case, the goods must:

  • Not to be opened
  • The packaging must not be damaged
  • The screen of the smartphone should not have scratches, and the case of cracks and chips

Phones on Aliexpress: reviews

Kseniya. My husband bought a refurbished Lenovo smartphone on Aliexpress for half the price of a new one from Euroset. Works so far and is completely satisfied. It's been 2 years already.

Olga. Many different trinkets were bought on Ali. But, it’s somehow scary to buy smartphones. Once they ordered a flash drive, so it worked for 1 month. I will not buy an expensive phone. I'm afraid.

Video. Review of smartphones, cell phones from AliExpress. New in 2016

In this article, we will discuss how you can pay for a purchase on Aliexpress using a mobile phone account.

Marketplace Aliexpress has a leading position among all online stores. Why did he gain such popularity? Here is the largest range of goods with low prices. No buyer risks their funds, as they are protected by the system.

In addition to all the charms, on Aliexpress provided Lots of payment options. If earlier it was possible to pay only from a bank card and electronic wallets, today the possibility of making purchases in cash and from a mobile phone account has also been added. We have already talked about cash payments in more detail, but we will talk about payment from a mobile phone later.

Is it possible to pay on Aliexpress from the phone?

At the moment, payments from a mobile phone are not so popular due to the fact that not everyone has the required amount on their balance. Yet , leading companies provide such an opportunity .

Pay for purchases Aliexpress You can use your phone from any region and it is not necessary to live in a large city. The service is available to subscribers of Beeline, MegaFon, MTS and Tele2.

How to pay for Aliexpress goods from the phone?

  • First of all, you need to choose the right product
  • Press the key next to it "Buy now "

  • Then check the specified data and select "Checkout "

  • Then you will be redirected to the payment page.
  • Go to category here "Other Payment Methods"

  • Click "Mobile payment"

  • Click on your operator and write the phone number
  • You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code and further instructions.
  • Complete them and the payment will be made

How to pay for Aliexpress via Tele2 phone?

For Tele2 subscribers, a commission of 2.45% is set. One-time payment should not be one thousand rubles.

Payment from Tele 2 account to Aliexpress

How to pay for Aliexpress via MegaFon phone?

MegaFon has set a commission of 1.95% of the total amount. In addition, there is a certain limitation. Monthly you can make purchases no more than 40 thousand rubles.

Payment from Megafon account to Aliexpress

How to pay for Aliexpress via MTS phone?

Lowest Commission installed for MTS clients - only 1.95%. There are also restrictions on the amount of payments. In one day, you can buy goods for 30 thousand rubles, but not more than 40 thousand per month.

Payment from MTS account to Aliexpress

How to pay on Aliexpress via Beeline phone?

Beeline is distinguished by high - 3.9%. You can pay in the amount of no more than 15 thousand rubles per day and no more than 40 thousand per month. Besides , it is possible to carry out no more than 50 operations .

Payment from Beeline account to Aliexpress

Is there a commission when paying for an order on Aliexpress through a mobile phone?

As we said above , a commission is charged . The amount varies, it all depends on the operator. Also , do not forget about restrictions and limits for the day and month .

Why can't I pay for Aliexpress from my phone?

Why does Aliexpress not accept payment from the phone?

Sometimes it also happens that Aliexpress failures occur or the user does something wrong. In such cases, payments do not go through. There are usually several reasons:

  • Not enough funds on the balance of the phone

Sometimes, after making payments, there really isn’t much money left, since there must be a positive balance on the account. For MTS, Megafon and Tele2 users, the minimum balance should be 10 rubles, and for Beeline - 50 rubles.

  • No SMS message to confirm payment

In this case, you need to check if the phone number on the site is correct. If everything is correct, then call the customer assistance center of your operator.

  • Service is unavailable

This situation happens in several cases:

  • Do you have a corporate connection?
  • You received a "Promised payment" and not paid
  • There are not enough funds in the account to complete the payment
  • Amount limit or number of transactions exceeded

Video: How to buy on Aliexpress through a mobile phone account?

Aliexpress is a Chinese site for goods from all over the world. Payment for products is often made through a bank card or an electronic wallet, but we will tell you how to pay for an order for Aliexpress via phone. You can buy almost any product on the site - clothes, bags, cosmetics, jewelry, stationery, appliances, toys and much more, and the prices are usually wholesale, that is, lower than those for which the goods are sold in retail. So, how to pay on Aliexpress using a mobile phone?

After you have studied the product catalog and decided on a purchase, you will have a question - how to buy on Aliexpress from your phone and is it possible? The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Specify the country and currency, after that Aliexpress will automatically convert prices to the specified currency. Choose language.
  3. Under each product, its full characteristics are indicated, including the manufacturer and reviews of those who have already bought it.
  4. Choose a shipping method, the cheapest is China Post.
  5. Choose how to pay for the goods - it can be a bank card, an electronic money system, and more recently, an account on your phone.
  6. You can track the paid order through the account, it will indicate at what geographical stage your product is located. Delivery usually takes several weeks.

Paying for a purchase on Aliexpress through a mobile phone account is quite simple. Two years ago, the site did not even provide for such a payment. Now this opportunity has appeared, which has facilitated purchases for people who do not have bank cards, but have mobile phones. You can buy goods on Ali using a mobile phone, provided that you have a package of services from one of the following companies: MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2. Unfortunately, Aliexpress does not plan to expand cooperation with other mobile communication companies in the near future. The reason for this, as well as the significant difference in fees charged by mobile operators, is not explained.

Attention! How to fill in the address on Aliexpress? All data is filled in Russian, but in transliteration. In order to correctly translate Russian words into transliteration, and your goods and money did not go in an unknown direction, use online services.

Benefits of paying with a mobile phone bill:
1. security - no one sees or uses your bank card;
2. no need for a bank account and an electronic wallet;
3. Efficiency and the ability to pay anywhere in the country, including not only large cities and metropolitan areas, but also small towns.

Disadvantages of paying with a mobile account:
1. commission, depends on the operator and can be quite upsetting (MTS - 0.95%; Beeline - 3.9%; Megafon - 1.95%; Tele2 - 2.45%);
2. the need to have an active substantial amount of money in the account;
3. dependence on the quality of communication and the status of your SIM card.

Step-by-step instruction

Before paying for purchases on the Aliexpress website from a mobile phone, make sure that you have enough money in your account, for which enter the combination:

  • if you are a Beeline user, dial *102#;
  • lover of Megaphone - *100#;
  • true to MTSU - *100#;
  • Tele2 user - *105#.

If you have enough money, you have chosen a product and are ready to place an order, then follow these steps:

  1. We find the product that you need or just like in the catalog on the site and indicate “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now” if you are purchasing one thing.
  2. On the "Checkout" page, all the details of the order and the correctness of the address are checked. Select "Place an order".
  3. Next, click on the “Pay by card or other methods” tab, because payment via a mobile phone is implied in “other methods”.
  4. We indicate "Mobile payment", in the window that appears, click on the logo of your mobile communication company, enter your phone number exactly and with the code, then click "Send SMS". The mobile payment procedure will be detailed in the incoming SMS.
  5. You will perform the following steps on your phone. The sequence of actions depends on your mobile operator, there are slight differences. For example, for the Tele2 operator, you need to send an SMS with a number to "3116".
  6. In response, you will need to send an SMS in which you agree with the offer, that is, with the proposal to conclude an agreement. You can see the offer on the official website of your mobile communications. You will also see the link in the incoming SMS.
  7. A new incoming SMS will inform you that the mobile payment to Ali was successful. The letter sent to you by Aliexpress by email will inform you of the same. The status of the selected and paid product will become “Payment is being verified”. The verification process is carried out within 12 hours - days.

What are the errors and problems when paying via mobile

The most common failures in the payment procedure are as follows:

  1. SMS does not come after clicking "Send SMS". You could in a hurry enter the wrong phone number, make a mistake in the number, operator code. If the number was entered correctly by you, then the source of the problem is in communication. You need to contact a polite operator of your cellular communication or simply pay for the goods from another mobile phone.
  2. Having already paid, the following message comes to the phone: “Payment was successful. Wait for order to be delivered", but your purchase status is "pending payment" and not delivery. Money is not always credited instantly, especially in bad weather and in areas where there are problems with mobile communications. If after twenty-four hours of your patient waiting, the order status remains the same, contact aliexpress support and the problem should be resolved.
  3. After sending SMS, a response comes about the lack of money in the account. You haven't checked your phone balance first, and you really don't have enough money. Or maybe you did not take into account the operator's commission or the money on the balance sheet was received thanks to a promotion, and they are not suitable for paying for goods.
  4. After sending the SMS, a response arrives that the payment has not gone through and you are denied debiting funds from your mobile account. It is possible that your SIM card may be banned from mobile payments for various reasons. The way out is to call the same operator and find out what the status of your SIM card is.

It happens that none of the proposed solutions to problems does not eliminate the cause, and you cannot pay for your purchase on the Ali website from your mobile account. Then it is better for you to switch to other, older and more proven methods of remote payment - a bank card or electronic wallets, which, by the way, are conveniently managed using a mobile phone.

One of Ali’s regular clients advises: “Don’t want to pay a commission and you often have communication problems? Choose a qiwi wallet by replenishing it through your mobile phone. She personally does this - I transfer money from Beeline to the Qiwi account, there is no commission! You just need to send a confirmation SMS, which is also free by the way. Then payment for goods on Ali is carried out directly from the Qiwi wallet.

Using the popular Chinese shopping platform and paying for purchases from your mobile is simple and convenient! You can order the necessary things at wholesale prices. Most importantly, do not forget to take into account the time for delivery of goods and order ahead of time. When buying clothes and shoes, be careful with the choice of size, see reviews and recommendations. The main thing is that you have a SIM card of one of the mobile operators with which Ali has signed a cooperation agreement, enough money in your account and no problems with communication and the service package.

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