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The phone is not recognized by the computer via usb. Computer won't connect Android phone via USB connection: causes and solutions

Recently, with a huge stream of phones with the Android operating system, a problem has arisen - your personal computer or laptop does not detect a gadget with a popular OS connected to it. In this article, we will tell you about all the known causes and help you find solutions to the problem.

The steps below, solve the problem exclusively on android smartphones and tablets. However, some methods can be adapted for other operating systems.

Why can't my computer see my phone?

It is worth starting proceedings on this topic after answering the question: "The phone was not initially connected to the computer or the problem arose as a result of some actions?" After answering this question, it will be easier to determine the vector of actions and choose the most effective method for solving the problem.

Very important! If the problem arose immediately after buying a smartphone and when connected to a PC with Windows XP the phone was not found (old gadgets are easily connected), then you should install a more modern operating system on your computer or download and install Media Transfer Protocol - a special protocol for the XP version (you can download it on the official Microsoft website). After a successful installation, you should restart your computer and the gadget should become "visible".

It is worth noting that before connecting, you need to unlock the smartphone (if it is protected by a password or pattern) in order to have access to the gadget interface and see all displayed processes.

It is imperative to make sure that the phone is actually synchronized with the PC, and not only for recharging, but also for data exchange. It is very easy to find out - either with the help of notifications or in the "Connected devices" parameters. There are three possible ways to connect your phone: storage device, USB tethering, or PTP camera. If the second option is specified in the parameters, then you just need to disable the use of a USB modem in the settings - the issue has been resolved.

The developers of older versions of Android made more connection modes available. Without a doubt, the most suitable connection option is USB MS or, as it is also called, Data Warehouse. It is not difficult to switch to this mode - in the notification area, simply select the required item by ticking the "tick" on it.

After connecting, the phone only charges

If, when you connect your smartphone to a computer, it only charges, and the connection notification does not appear, you need to take the following steps:

  • Repeat the connection, only this time in a different USB input. It is desirable that this be a port of version 2.0, otherwise additional delays and slowdowns may occur;
  • If there are other similar USB cables at home (cords even from completely different devices are considered acceptable), repeat the connection with their help, because the reason may be in the very, very delicate USB cable;
  • The problem may be caused by the login itself on the smartphone. Perhaps water, debris got into it, it was damaged as a result of mechanical intervention or, during repair, it was replaced with another one of lower quality (we will talk about this in more detail at the end of the article);
  • In my opinion, the most productive option is to do the connection trick on another computer. In case of failure, it will immediately become clear to us that the problem is in our smartphone and USB cable. If the connection succeeds, your PC is the cause of the problem. Perhaps the essence of the problem lies not in the malfunction, but in the computer settings. Therefore, you should first try to fix configuration errors automatically. And if it does not help, manually disable power saving for Generic USB Hub in Device Manager.

Important: most of the latest models of gadgets on the Android system, when connected, by default determine the "Charging" mode. To change the mode, you need to click on the corresponding notification and select the appropriate one from the list of available ones.

Additional Information

In the event that the cause of the malfunction in the telephone socket and repair is necessary, the transfer of information can be carried out in alternative ways.

Just a few years ago, connecting a mobile phone to a computer presented a whole problem: it required choosing the right cable, installing a support program from the manufacturer of the mobile phone, and understanding the complex menu hierarchy. Now all this is remembered as a bad dream, and even the "greenest" beginner can connect two devices. This became possible thanks to the development of this area in line with the requirements of the USB computer standard. Theoretically, for the system to "see" the internal storage media in the smartphone, it is enough just to connect the plug to the corresponding connector. However, even this approach did not completely solve the problem when the computer does not see the Android phone, which users continue to encounter from time to time. Fortunately, such difficulties are often easily overcome, in just a couple of minutes. Today we will consider the reasons why the computer does not see the phone via USB, as well as give recommendations on how to eliminate them.

Communication options

The owner of a smartphone has two ways to organize communication between a mobile device and a computer: via wireless Bluetooth and Wi-Fi networks, or using a regular USB cable. The first is more modern, technologically advanced and flexible in setting, but in terms of reliability it is inferior to the classic wired one. It is advisable to use a connection via radio waves only if it is impossible to connect with a cord.

Quality of conductors

Externally, the aforementioned wire is a cable with a thickness of about 3 mm, on one side of which there is a standard computer universal serial bus plug, and on the other side there is a corresponding micro-USB plug that is inserted into the connector of a smartphone. One of the reasons why the computer does not see the phone memory is the use of a poor quality cable. Now the market is flooded with cheap products from little-known Chinese manufacturers, including USB cables. It is not known whether such a product will function properly. The fact is that inside the cable there are several thin wires through which data is exchanged between connected devices. Copper conductors must be of a certain section (thickness) and comply with the requirements of the standard. Otherwise, it is quite possible to encounter problems such as internal kinks of conductive conductors or overestimated resistance. And, what is important, it is impossible to determine the quality by a simple external examination.

Thus, using cheap cords, one should not ask the question of why the computer cannot see the phone. Our advice is simple: whenever possible, you need to connect the devices with the cable that comes with your mobile phone. The exception is smartphones of initially poor quality, in which the USB cable is extremely poor and requires replacement.

Wrong cable

A standard USB cable contains four wires for power and signal transmission. However, some devices get by with only two. The common PowerBank is a prime example. The USB cable that comes with them uses only the wires for power, and the signal wires are simply absent. Outwardly, it is impossible to determine the difference. If, when the phone is connected to the port, charging is in progress, but the internal storage cannot be turned on, then the reason is the “wrong” cable.

Ohm's laws have not been canceled

It is known from the physics course that with an increase in the length of the conductor (with the constancy of other characteristics), the resistance of the circuit increases proportionally. This leads to the fact that the voltage values ​​at the source (USB port of the system unit) and the consumer (smartphone) are different. As long as the line length is short, this fact has no effect on the transmission of electrical signals. However, with its increase, significant losses begin to arise. And since the power of the universal bus controller is small (500 mA for the 2.0 standard, and 900 mA for the third version), the resistance can have a huge impact on the data transfer process. Hence, trying to use longer patch cords results in the computer not seeing the phone via USB. Therefore, if the above problem occurs, we recommend replacing the cable with a shorter one.

Transient resistance

If the computer does not see the YUSB phone, and the quality of the cable meets the requirements, then the problem may lie in the wear of the contacts of the plugs and / or connectors. Taking a close look at the inside of the USB plug (from both the micro and the standard side), you can see a comb of copper sliding contacts. They are bent in such a way as to provide a secure hold to the strip of contact pads inside the computer and phone connectors. But since no springs are used, over time, the bending arc decreases, and the contact is broken, provoking an increase in resistance at the point of contact (transition). If the computer does not see the USB phone, but when one of the plugs on the cord is touched, the operating system starts installing drivers, then the problem is in contact. You can try to restore the bends with a needle, but it will be more reliable to simply replace the cable.

Choosing a port

Almost always, the owner of the smartphone connects his device to the computer through the connector on the front panel of the system unit. This is much more convenient than looking for a free universal bus port on the back of the case, but in some cases it can lead to the fact that the computer does not see the phone via USB. This failure is due to the fact that all front panel communication connectors are connected to the motherboard by means of a loop of conductors, which, like the cable, have their own resistance. We recommend that if such problems arise, try using the connectors on the back of the system unit for connection, and not on the front panel. Up to the point that during the test, remove the cord of some other device, freeing up the port (if there are no free ones). When using a laptop, this problem is irrelevant.

Internal program of the device

All modern telephones support the ability to replace a set of control and application programs - firmware. In many cases, such an operation can ultimately not only improve the performance of the smartphone, but also add new or improved standard functions. There are two types of firmware: from the manufacturer and custom, created by craftsmen. The latter, as a rule, enable the device to reveal its true potential, limited by the developers for one reason or another. At the same time, a small mistake made during the assembly of the software kit - and the computer does not see the phone via USB. Moreover, even within the framework of one model branch of smartphones, custom firmware may work normally for one user, while for another it may malfunction. The conclusion is simple: if the problems started after flashing, then everything must be returned to a stable state.

We activate access

Although the developers of the popular Android system have done everything to make it as easy as possible for the user to interact with it, some still have a question about why the computer does not see the phone. A common problem is the banal ignorance of newcomers of the necessary order of further actions that follow the connection of the smartphone cable and the port of the system unit. So, having connected the cord, you need to slide your finger from top to bottom on the luminous touch screen of the mobile phone, which will lead to the appearance of a control window - the so-called curtain. If the connection is correct and there are no hardware problems, then the screen should display the words "Connected in charging mode". When you click on this line, options for actions that the phone can perform are opened. To provide access to the flash drive and internal memory, you must check the box "Enable storage device".

If your computer can't see your Samsung phone

Samsung smartphones use the storage device a little differently. In these models, after connecting the ports with a cable, you must pull down the shutter and select "USB Connection" or disk mode. In some cases, you may need to download and install Samsung Kies on your computer first. This application is completely free and is hosted on the company's website. The result of the installation is the prescription in the operating system of the drivers required to support communication with a mobile phone. Newer models work without this program, although it adds new features.

If a problem arises in which the computer does not see the Android phone, you should figure out what caused it.

We have collected all the ways to solve this problem.

Computer cannot see via USB

If at one point you find , that the computer does not see the android phone via usb, you should remember what manipulations were carried out before the malfunction.

Maybe it’s not all that difficult and you don’t have to take any drastic steps.

If you don't remember anything unusual, you should deal with the problem.

First you need to check:

  • is everything in order in the operation of the telephone itself;
  • whether the computer is functioning normally;
  • whether the usb cable is damaged.

If no malfunctions are found, there is a problem with the operation of the program.

Consider the damage to the cable.

Is there any mechanical damage on it, do the disconnections look good? Maybe the reason was a clogged socket and, having cleaned it, the work will be resumed.

If such manipulations did not help, you should find a similar cord and use it to make sure that the problem is found.

Restart your PC

If a computer does not restart for a long time, everyone knows that the quality of its work decreases.

This means that the first thing to do if any problems are found is to reboot the device.

It happens that Usb on it does not work correctly over time.

Restart your mobile in parallel. If you have a question why the computer does not see the android phone, pay attention to the mobile device as well.

Maybe it’s out of order. For literally ten minutes, disconnect the battery from the smartphone itself and turn it on again. This can help.

Broken connector on mobile

If this did not solve the problem, you need to look further. Check the connector in the mobile device itself. Remove dirt and dust from there.

Wipe gently with alcohol or cologne. Check with another cord or a flash drive or modem, a device that is definitely working.


Maybe the PC simply lacks the necessary drivers to connect it to the phone.

This often occurs when a new mobile device is connected. In this case, the computer will not see the smartphone at all, or it will display a system error message.

To check, you need to go to "Device Manager" which is in the menu "Start"... Also, it has an icon on the toolbar.

If the icon is missing or there is a yellow exclamation mark on it, the driver has a problem.

So you need to download the file from the Internet, install and, after rebooting, try to connect the devices to each other again.

There is an option that the drivers are present, but they are of the old version. Then you should do the following:

1 You need to go to "Device Manager" and find the tab in it "Usb Controllers".

All existing controllers are located here.

Among other things, you need to find the name of your mobile. It is often signed in the same way as the modification of the device itself or the name of the operating system.

2 Now you need to understand if the device is active. Right-click on the icon and, in the window that opens, find the item "Properties".

4 Now you can update drivers automatically or manually.

5 If the update will be carried out independently, it is necessary that the file with the program was recorded on the same computer.

6 With auto-renewal, an Internet connection is sufficient. It happens through "Task Manager"... You need to right-click on the name of the smartphone and refer to the item "Updates", in the window that opens.

7 After specifying the method by which the actions will be performed, the task will be resolved.

It is advisable to select the automatic change of parameters, then you will not need any more action. There is less risk of doing something wrong.


Another possible reason that the computer does not see the files on the android phone may be the presence of viruses on the PC.

It doesn't hurt to install an antivirus program and run a scan. Clean the device from unnecessary debris and reboot.

Then try to pair with your mobile.

If all the manipulations carried out did not work, contact the service center with your smartphone. Probably need professional help.

Device compatibility

There are also times when everything seems to be installed and everything works correctly, but the PC cannot detect the phone.

Such a malfunction occurs due to the fact that there are interruptions in the computer processor.

The solution to this problem is very simple. Both devices need to be rebooted. Close unnecessary processes, as well as delete the cache on the phone.


  • Viruses that are not on your desktop computer, but on your phone... It's a common thing, but if they are present, the computer will not see the smartphone. You should be aware that there are several types of virus programs that can be caught on the phone. To determine the one that you have started up, install a special program and run a scan. Upon its outcome, delete the malicious file. Restart the machine and check the connection again.

If the connection is made, it is worth running the virus scan again, but using the antivirus that is installed on the computer.

It will scan much more thoroughly and, accordingly, help to calculate more garbage.

  • Phone memory is full... With this option, there will certainly be difficulties when connecting to a PC. Clean your phone and restart it. You can also change the memory card or format the existing one.

Be sure to disconnect it from the PC, perform the necessary actions and then reconnect it. If this was the problem, it will be solved.

  • You need to turn off the modem mode... Not all, but some of the modifications of smartphones require deactivating the modem mode before working with a PC.

It is possible to perform such actions using configurations that are responsible for the conversion of a computer and a phone.

  • Drive mode deactivated... When connected to a computer via Usb, in the window that opens on Android, you should enable the configuration that is responsible for the phone's operation in removable disk mode. With this option, the PC detects your phone, but does not display information on the screen. To solve the problem, you need to go to the dashboard on your mobile. Open the tab responsible for pairing with third-party devices, then the item "Using USB" and activate the section responsible for file transfer. After a short time, a window will pop up on the PC with the folders that are on the smartphone.

If you are faced with the fact that the phone does not connect via USB, that is, the computer does not see it, in this guide you will find all the variants of the causes of what is known to the author, as well as ways to fix the problem.

The steps below refer to Android phones as the most common with us. However, to the same extent they can be used for tablets for android, and some points can help to understand and with devices on other OS.

Why Android phone is not visible via USB

I think it's worth starting with answering the question: has the computer always not seen your phone, or has everything worked normally before? The phone stopped connecting after actions with itself, with a computer, or without any action at all - the answers to these questions will help you quickly find out what exactly is the matter.

First of all, I note that if you recently purchased a new Android device and the computer on Windows XP does not see it (at the same time, an old Android phone can easily connect as a USB flash drive), then you should either update the operating system to one of the currently supported ones, or install the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) for Windows XP. You can download MTP for XP from the official Microsoft website here: After installing and restarting your computer, your phone or tablet should be determined.

Now let's move on to the situation when the phone is not visible via USB in Windows 7, 8.1 and Windows 10. I will describe the steps in relation to Android 5, but for Android 4.4 they are the same.

Note: for devices that are locked with a pattern or password, you need to unlock the phone or tablet connected to the computer in order to see the files and folders on it.

Make sure that the phone itself, when connected via USB, reports that it is connected, and not only for charging. You can see this by the USB icon in the notification area, or by opening the notification area in Android, where it should be written which device the phone is connected to.

This is usually a storage device, but can be a Camera (PTP) or USB modem. In the latter case, you will not see your phone in the explorer and you should, by clicking on the notification about using the USB modem, disconnect it (you can also do this in Settings - Wireless networks - More).

If the phone is connected as a camera, then by clicking on the corresponding notification, you can enable MTP mode for file transfer.

On older versions of Android, there are more USB connection modes and will be optimal for most use cases. USB Mass Storage... You can also switch to this mode by clicking on the USB connection message in the notification area.

The phone does not connect via USB to the computer, but only charges

If no notifications about a USB connection to a computer appear, then here is a step-by-step description of possible actions:

  1. Try connecting to a different USB port. Better if it is USB 2.0 (the ones that are not blue) on the back. On a laptop, respectively, just USB 2.0, if available.
  2. If you have compatible USB cables from other devices in your home, try connecting with them. A cable problem can also be the cause of this situation.
  3. Are there any problems with the jack on the phone itself? Did it change and did it fall into the water. This can also be the reason and the solution here is a replacement (I will outline the alternatives at the end of the article).
  4. Check if the phone is connected via USB to another computer. If not, then the problem is in the phone or cable (or the Android settings were badly checked). If so, the problem is on your computer. Do flash drives even connect to it? If not, we first try to go to Control Panel - Troubleshooting - Setting up the device(to try to fix the problem automatically). At the same time, it is worth trying to disable power saving in the device manager for the Generic USB Hub.

If nothing from the list helps to solve the problem, then describe the situation, what was done and how your Android device behaves when connected via USB in the comments, I will try to help.

Attention: the latest versions of Android connect by default via USB to the computer in charge-only mode. Check the notifications for the availability of selecting the USB operating mode, if you are faced with this (click on the Charge via USB item, select another option).

Even now, when wireless interfaces and clouds are in vogue, the easiest way to exchange data between a phone and a PC is through a wire. But for all its simplicity, the wired connection also fails. Let's analyze the reasons why the phone does not see the computer via USB, and suggest ways to fix them.

Software problems

It is possible that both devices are working correctly by themselves. However, the problem occurs because one of them is incorrectly configured.

Since the last decade, phones (not even smartphones) have been able to connect to a computer in several modes:

  • Charger;
  • Data transfer;
  • Transfer of photos and videos (access only to individual folders);
  • Modem mode;
  • Webcam mode;
  • Exotic modes (MIDI and other special).
If the charge indicator on the phone is active, but the computer does not detect the device, then, apparently, the “Charging” mode is selected on the mobile phone.

Switch the mode to "Data transmission" when connected.

You can change the default offline mode by selecting the default connection mode in the settings.

Incorrectly configured computer to work with ports

There are several reasons why the computer might not see your smartphone:

Hardware problems

If the computer stopped seeing the phone via USB, and you did not change anything in the settings of both devices, then the problem may be hardware. There are three elements involved in the connection: a USB port on a computer, a cable or connector on a smartphone. It is enough for one of them to fail.

Defective cable

Unfortunately, cables sometimes break. They suffer from kinking near the plugs, from pressure or bursting, from chafing. If, because of this, the integrity of at least one of the cable cores is violated, then it will be impossible to transfer data through it.

You may have borrowed the cable from an inexpensive charger. Their creators sometimes save money and generally do without wires for data transmission, installing only power wires. With this wire, the phone can be charged, but the computer will not see the connected device.

How to check:

  1. Connect another device with the same cable (player, tablet, camera - it doesn't matter, as long as the input connector is the same);
  2. Connect your phone using a different cable.
If in the first case the connected device is not visible, and in the second the phone is recognized, then the matter is in the cable.

What to do:

  • Use a different cable;
  • If the cable is frayed, but there is no other, today try to bend it in such a position so that the connection is. And get a new one tomorrow;
  • Try to use the wires as carefully as possible.

Broken port on PC

Sometimes on computers, desktops or laptops, USB ports fail. If you have any suspicions that the matter is in the connector, check it like this:
  1. Connect the same phone with the same cable to another port;
  2. Connect anything with any cable to the questionable port.
If in the first case the phone is recognized, but in the second the device has not been found, then the port is most likely the problematic place.

What to do:

  • If you connected via a hub, replace it. A defect in one port can safely spread to the rest;
  • If you connected directly to the computer, use a different port for now. But send your PC to a service center for inspection and repair as soon as possible.

Broken connector on the phone

If you suspect that the port on your smartphone is spreading from frequent connections and may turn out to be a "weak link", check your phone.
  1. Make sure the phone is connecting in data mode.
  2. Connect your phone to the same PC with the same cable and then with a different cable.
  3. Connect it to another PC with the same cable and then with a different cable.
If in all cases the connection was not detected, then the matter is in the phone.

What to do:

  • Send your smartphone for repair. If it is equipped with wireless charging, then for a while you can work with it without using the port. But such use will be defective, so it is better to fix the defect immediately;
  • For the future, use a wired connection as little as possible, and as often as possible - wireless charging and file transfer via Wi-Fi or clouds.
Unlike the first two cases, nuances with a "drowned port" are possible here. Sometimes in smartphones (especially in "off-road" models) the MicroUSB or Type C port is slightly "recessed" into the case to increase security. To connect through such a port, you need a special cable with a slightly elongated plug.

Therefore, if you have a rugged phone, use it only together with the supplied cable or buy the appropriate spare right away. A standard-length plug will most likely not work in this case.

As you can see, in most cases the problem is solved without the involvement of specialists; if the defect is serious, then it is necessary to hurry with the repair. And then your smartphone will easily connect to the computer again.

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