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Text information definition. Graphic information and text information

Before considering any of the basics of digital graphics, it is worth initially understanding what graphic information is. Nowadays, this concept is actively used in various fields of human activity, but many do not even understand what this term is and what it means.

What it is?

Graphic information is used today in most areas of visual communication, ranging from various works of fine art that should evoke emotions in a person and cause a feeling of admiration for beauty, and ending with all kinds of symbols designed solely to convey certain information to a person. In particular, such symbols include road signs, which, for experienced drivers, sometimes do not even reach the area of ​​conscious perception.

To date, graphic information and images are the basis of the thinking of most specialists, and a separate place is allocated here for people who have a visual-figurative warehouse. Knowledge of computer technology when visualizing any ideas is very useful, but it requires thorough preparation, as well as an understanding of the original graphic information in terms of translating it into a computer format.


Graphic information is a complete set of data printed on a wide variety of media, including tracing paper, paper, canvas, glass, walls and more. To a certain extent, we can say that even ours with you, which is directed by the lens of a camera or a camera, also represents graphic information.

The widest variety of graphic media, as well as the types of images available to modern man, in principle, is difficult to account for, and it happens so far not because they are presented in an infinite number, but because there are a lot of different intermediate options. After all, we cannot simply add them together and construct a kind of alphabet, and this is what distinguishes such concepts as graphic information and textual information. However, there are certain exceptions here too.

Considering what constitutes graphic information and text information, it is worth noting that the totality of text characters has long been brought into a certain system called the alphabet. At the same time, in European countries, the alphabet is phonetic, while among the Far Eastern peoples, the alphabet does not fix phonemes or sounds, but is a whole concept and consists of hieroglyphs, which translates it into the category of not textual, but graphic information.

Useful examples

Not everyone understands that modern European languages ​​also use a peculiar principle of hieroglyphs, which are represented by numbers in our country. Despite the fact that numbers can be written in exactly the same way in different languages, in reality they are called and pronounced completely differently in each individual language, which is the typical principle of the hieroglyph.

In this regard, all the elements that are required for the implementation of the coding procedure have long been isolated over a long historical period. Elements that are separate and independent of each other can be represented as a specific list that has a finite and well-defined number of rows.

The time when a person studies graphic information in the most detail is grade 9, but many may not even remember this. At the same time, even then we were taught that if we refer to graphic data, including paintings, photographs, drawings, or any other pictorial objects, then in this case it will no longer be possible to find such natural and universal elements in them that could operate in exactly the same way as with letters.


It is worth noting that there have been attempts to form a unified system of images. In particular, William Hogarth, an English painter and art theorist, tried to do this. In this case, his example is interesting not because he is a master of the satirical everyday genre, whose main goal was to expose the vices of the aristocracy, but because it was he who tried to invent a universal graphic alphabet, which he failed. However, the curve, which the artist was able to identify as a reference back in the 18th century, in its appearance somewhat resembles a Bezier curve.

Why can't I create an alphabet?

In fact, it is simply impossible to invent a graphic alphabet, and this is precisely the difference that separates standard writing and modern pictorial activity. This is also mentioned by the subject that studies graphic information - computer science. These areas are quite close in essence, but the alphabet is a universal tool that, having a limited number of elements, allows you to form an unlimited number of texts, while in the field of visual activity such a strict list of elements simply cannot exist.

It is for this reason that the ability to encode is based on a different approach compared to standard elements like numbers and letters, and is primarily learned in the process of how various tasks are performed. Graphical information is a more complex concept than textual information, therefore, its development should be approached more thoroughly.

What needs to be understood?

Since there can be no strict list of elements in the field of visual activity, compiling their list is impossible, and here a serious task appears - to determine how all kinds of digital codes or images can be transformed if only computer devices can work with them. In particular, this task is specified by the need to invent a method that would allow modern computer technologies to operate not only with text.

What is the difference between computer and human perception?

Obviously, there are a lot of differences between how a computer and a person perceive graphic and sound information. For a person, each image, which may be far from realistic photography, is a meaningful structure, because each person can distinguish, for example, a landscape from a portrait.

This is possible because visual perception is not the result of the work of the organs of vision alone, but is also the result of a powerful intellect, which has amazing powers of recognition. For example, thanks to this, a person can easily recognize another person, even if he has not seen him for several decades, but the latter has already grown old a little and his appearance has become different.

Technical systems, in the process of which even the most modern computing power is used, cannot yet realize such tasks.

Test on graphical information in computer science

The final stage, by which schools complete the study of what constitutes graphic information, is a test that varies depending on the educational institution and its focus. However, in most cases, all questions are standard and fairly simple. Among the most common are the following:

  • What happens to the file size during the process of increasing the size
  • What are the Paint tools for?
  • What is the smallest image element on a graphics screen?
  • What
  • What is a graphic editor for?

And many others.

In other words, in the process of compiling this test, the main goal is to determine how much the student has mastered the basic concepts of the course of graphic information and how much he has mastered the work with traditional graphic editors.

Text Information

World practice has long shown that a favorable image of the company contributes to a better demand for its products and services. In the middle of the last century, the concept of "institutional" advertising appeared, i.e. advertising the very institutions of capitalist society. It was then that “public relations” arose as a way for business to communicate with the masses. Institutional advertising has logically grown into a modern "corporate", i.e. advertising of corporations, firms and other large and small business organizations.

Business began to closely monitor what kind of idea, what image of entrepreneurship is formed by potential consumers. And, taking care of its image, corporate advertising began to inform the population about what social benefits come from business. Entrepreneurs began to publicize their programs that are oriented towards the social needs of people or are not directly related to the production of goods or the provision of services.

There are several means of informing the public about the social benefits that come from the company - these are television and radio, printing products and the Internet, mobile network advertising and direct mail, etc.

1) informative;

2) persuasive, or stimulating;

N.G. Inshakov, candidate of philological sciences, offers such terms as "advertising in printed media", "advertising in the press" and "printed advertising", in recent years the concept of "advertising on the Internet" has appeared. In this paper, only two types of advertising are considered: "print advertising" and "advertising on the Internet".

A variety of information genres can be called a relatively new and not yet very clear phenomenon for an advertiser and advertiser - classifieds.

A promotional note is a 40-60 line promotional piece that is becoming more and more popular. The note belongs to informational genres, however, it is more informative, expressive, and is distinguished by emphasized expressiveness. “Saturation with argumentative and evaluative meanings is a meaningful increment, typical for advertising notes,” experts say. The use of expressive means implies a careful attitude to the location and interaction of emotional and semantic stresses, to repetitions in the text, its rhythms, rhetorical questions, etc.

Among the analytical genres, advertising reviews have gained particular popularity - synthesized texts, which provide a summary description of a group of goods (for example, an overview of the market for laptops, household appliances, sunscreens) or services (cosmetics, construction, medical, etc.) . This characteristic is based on a comparison of primary information with generalizations and recommendations.

An advertising review differs from the traditional one by being less analytical in the main part - it is built according to the descriptive method of presentation "plus - plus - plus" - and in that generalization and recommendations may not complete, but precede the material.

An advertising article is a genre that has retained its traditional features, but still a few comments. Advertising articles usually tell about the company, its history, development trends, and successes. In some cases, the article is more selective, devoted to a particular area of ​​work or a specific product. If the purpose of the article is image-building, firms try to explain their policies and report on the main directions of their activities. But it is appropriate to use this genre for advertising purposes only if the creators of the advertising text have sufficient factual material for analysis and generalizations.

The basis of most electronic, as well as printed publications, which are discussed in this work, is the text material of an advertising nature. It is on the text that the main semantic load falls. The text material of publications can be prepared in text editors or layout software packages and formatted in accordance with the requirements.

In web publications, the perception of textual information is carried out on the basis of the presentation of the publication on the monitor screen. In some web documents, text material is used as a commentary on graphic or animated elements of electronic publications. These include hypergraphic and multimedia publications.

The original text material of both printed and Internet publications can be prepared in traditional ways: using a keyboard set; scanning text blocks of the original document with subsequent character recognition in the environment of the corresponding text recognition programs; be transferred to a computer using magnetic media; transmitted over the network, etc.

The need for an editor for electronic publications is as obvious as for a printed publication. A.E. Milchin publishes notes with a critical publishing and bibliological analysis of books published in these years by Russian publishing houses. The culture of the publication, first of all, is that the publisher or author takes into account the individual characteristics of the products produced and the forms of work with it of potential readers and users, so that the latter are not doomed to waste their time in vain. The point in this question is when it is not necessary to follow ready-made samples, but with the help of a functional analysis of various elements, to seek and find techniques that would make it possible to adapt various elements to the characteristics of the product and the reader.

The role of the editor in the creation of an advertising publication is enormous. Advertising does not tolerate a pattern and is effective only in new, unusual forms and solutions, so the scenario stage in the editor's work is truly creative. In the scheme of the creative process, the following main stages are usually distinguished:

Problem formulation is the most important of all stages of the process. A clear goal is half the solution. At this stage, it is necessary to clearly imagine the final result, which is supposed to be achieved during the advertising campaign.

Collection of information. There are two types of information that an ad creator must collect. First, it is special information for this case. Its content includes information about the product, the market and the buyer, but their quantity and quality, and ultimately the effect of the future impact, depend on the diligence and diligence of the one who collects and processes it. It is difficult to assume that a product superficially described in advertising will find demand from the buyer, no matter how exquisite epithets it is awarded. Gathering specific information is not just getting product information in the form of a description and technical data. The main thing is to acquire as many materials as possible, to highlight the main semantic features in them, which will make it possible to individualize the product among many similar ones. This applies equally to customer and market data. Secondly, in order to develop the most fruitful idea, it is necessary to have information of a general nature. A creative worker must be inquisitive, inquisitive and be able to accumulate materials on a variety of issues that will sooner or later be useful to him in his work.

Information processing is the stage at which the information received about the product, the buyer and the market is systematized, summarized and comprehended. Separate facts are considered from all sides, there is a search for a combination, the development of individual parts of the idea, and it is important that this information be worked out as carefully as possible.

The stage of idea maturation (incubation) is outwardly characterized by a departure from the topic, switching the creator's attention to other areas, and sometimes a complete cessation of active work. True, this passivity is apparent. In fact, one of the most fruitful moments of the creative process comes: the maturation of an idea, albeit unconscious.

The stage of enlightenment (it is also called insight, “aha” - experience) is psychologically the most exciting. The idea is born quite unexpectedly, as a result of the fact that the psychological instrument of consciousness inherent in man comes into action - intuition. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that a ready-made result enters the consciousness, which outwardly looks like a logical break, a leap in thinking.

Checking and fine-tuning the idea is a working stage of the creative process. The results obtained require serious verification and collective discussion. The idea can be accepted or rejected, used partially, taken as the basis for further work.

Members of the creative team - the author of the text, artist, art and technical editor, being experts in their fields of activity, make proposals for the preparation of text, illustrations, elements of decoration and other parts of the structure of the publication.

A clear organization of work on the script determines the functions of the editor in the process of editorial analysis, the content of which, obviously, comes down to assessing how the author of the text, the artist and other members of the creative team coped with the tasks defined by the jointly developed advertising idea.

Working with text - author's or editorial - will be successful if a person understands the basic rules for creating a work, the requirements for the text, knows how to see its merits and correct shortcomings, knows how to improve their own and other people's texts.

And basic typography

The main component of most documents is text. A text document is a source of information in a language (sign) form. In this regard, one of the most important elements of document reproduction is the processes of forming their text part - typing processes.

Today it is impossible to imagine the process of typing, editing, proofreading and layout of text without the use of computer technology and technology. Therefore, the term “processing of text information” is most often used to refer to typesetting processes, indicating that the preparation of the text part of documents belongs to the field of information technology.

The basics of text graphics, the patterns of its composition on the page of a document, in particular, a printed publication, are the result of five hundred years of history and practice of printing. The traditional design, which has become familiar, was developed and improved at the stage of manual, then automated metal typing, phototypesetting.

The subject and end product of text information processing is a text document, which can be considered from two points of view. On the one hand, a text document is a source of information, on the other hand, a sign-graphic composition placed on a paper (or other) medium.

The concept of information is most clearly reflected in the definition of information data. Information data- these are all kinds of information, messages, knowledge that can be stored, processed, transmitted, but acquire the character of information only when they receive content and form suitable for management and are used in management.

Information has the property of structure, which is clearly manifested in the text written in natural language. The text is a chain of characters arranged in a certain order, and the element of the chain - the sign - takes one of the possible values ​​of some known set - the alphabet. The sign form, which is any natural language, constitutes the formal structure of information that conveys its content. Since information is of a semantic (semantic) nature, its content consists of concepts expressed in a sign (linguistic) form. Another important property of information follows from this: most of its types are of a linguistic nature.

Text information is one of the types of information. Any text spoken, written or printed in any natural language is a message. A message is a specific form that contains information, in other words, information is transmitted through a specific message.

The message is presented in some language. Language messages can be transmitted in various ways: oral speech, writing, printed text, etc. Language messages are discrete (discontinuous) and are built by sequential recording of signs (and spaces between them), i.e. are character sequences.

Sign is an element of some finite set of distinct elements. Such a set of elements is called character set. The character set in which the linear order is defined is called alphabetically(for example, the alphabet of Latin letters, the alphabet of Greek letters, the alphabet of decimal digits).

Thus, any text is a discrete message in the form of a sequence of characters of one or more alphabets, separated from each other by gaps and additional auxiliary characters, and containing certain information.

The text (except oral) is fixed in one way or another in a sign form on some material carrier and is in this form a source of information.

Documentary source(document) - a means of fixing on a material carrier information about facts, events, phenomena of the real world and human mental activity.

Documents whose signs are alphabets of natural languages ​​are called text documents. These are works of writing, printing, books, magazines, etc.

Among the technologies for reproducing text documents, the most common today are:

Publishing and printing (the final product is the result of printing (printing) in general and printing in particular);

Multimedia (combined use of video, audio information, text, graphics and animation within the framework of computer technology);

Web publishing.

From a technical point of view, in the process of reproducing a text document, information is reproduced in the form of optical signals recorded (including in coded form) and stored on a material carrier, perceived by the organs of vision. Considering this process as part of the informational, i.e. as a process of transferring information from a source to a consumer through signs and sign systems, we can consider the reproduction of a text document as a whole as an information processing channel (information channel), and equipment and processes as an information service that functions in accordance with the algorithms and methods of information processing.

The source object for the reproduction of a text document is information in the form of manuscripts and figurative originals (text documents in a significant number of cases contain images that clarify, supplement, and illustrate the content of the transmitted information).

The end product of reproduction is information in the form of printed products (information media - books, brochures, newspapers, magazines, booklets, etc., organization tools - calendars, diaries, reference books, etc., packaging tools), multimedia products, in including electronic editions, Web-publications. In this case, material objects at different stages of information processing in the reproduction technology play the role of only material information carriers.

Textual information has a sign (symbolic) form, and its meaningful, i.e. the semantic (semantic) part does not depend on the specific graphic form (drawing, style, size) of the font.

In the production of a text (text part) document, the input signal is a text author's original for typing.
It contains only the semantic content of information. External
the same form (i.e. the actual drawing of the font and the text as a whole, its com
positional arrangement on the page) has yet to be created, but, as already noted, it will not affect the semantic content of the information.

Thus, under text processing in the process of reproducing a text document, they mean the semantic compositional and graphic organization of the text in the document as a whole, in its separate part (section), on a separate page and within its structural and compositional elements.

The semantic organization of a text document is achieved through the layout of subsections of the main text, additional and auxiliary texts of the document (editorial and publishing, including design, preparation of the publication), corresponding to the content. Compositional organization is realized through the proper mutual arrangement of text and non-text elements on individual pages and in the document as a whole (layout), graphic organization - through the use of appropriate fonts and graphic design elements (typesetting and layout).

Under set understand the process of obtaining (forming) lines of a text document. This term is also used to refer to text typed in one way or another (i.e., the result of a typesetting process).

Layout is the process of obtaining (forming) a strip (page) of a text document.

A document page, which is one of its structural and compositional units, can be represented as some kind of graphic composition. Such a graphic composition contains signs and images located (organized) in a certain way in accordance with the established rules. At the same time, a page is some part of the content of a document (edition). In other words, the graphic composition of signs and images is a carrier of information transmitted to the consumer (reader) through concepts (language means - text and symbols - ideograms) and visual images that arise during perception.

The process of processing textual and illustrative information, despite the wide variety of ways, reproduction is reduced to three main technological operations:

1) to typing and layout of text,

2) reproduction (reproduction) of illustrations,

3) layout of strips (pages).

All of the above operations represent the preparation of a text document for publication - PreMedia. In the case of preparing a printed publication, the option of making a printed form is added to the listed operations (if such is provided by the printing technology). Prepress is also called PrePress.

In the future, the text document file is placed on the Web-publishing server), recorded on a CD or DVD-ROM (electronic edition, multimedia product), replicated (printed publication).

There are various types of text files (flat, markup, ASCII, etc.). To enter, process, present information in such files, various software capabilities are required. To work with texts on a computer, software tools called text editors or word processors.

There are a wide variety of text editors on the market, varying in their capabilities - from very simple educational ones to powerful multifunctional software tools called publishing systems that are used to prepare books, magazines and newspapers for printing. These programs allow you to work with various types and formats of text files, converting them into each other if necessary. For example, in text format (flat file - . TXT) work editor Notepad, built-in shell editors Norton Commander and Far Manager. MS Word(as well as word pad) allow you to work with marked up text files in a communicative (file type. RTFrich text format, or "rich text format"), internal (. DOC), and text (. TXT) formats. Document editor is also common Adobe Acrobat, using the communicative format. PDF (portable document format).

The most advanced editors allow you to process not just texts, a the documents(texts containing embedded or embedded objects or files of other types - tabular, graphic, multimedia, etc.).

End of work -

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