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Technical support. List of applications for the development of new technical means

A complex of enterprises aimed at providing troops with weapons and military equipment, missiles, ammunition and military-technical property, maintaining them in good condition and readiness for combat use, restoring weapons and military equipment (AME) in case of damage and returning them to service; type of support for military (combat) actions.

That. tasks are being solved: planning, preparation and implementation of measures to create a scientific and technical reserve; development (modernization) of weapons, other military equipment and military-technical property; testing, serial production, acceptance, distribution and delivery of weapons and military equipment; accumulation, separation, maintenance of reserves and their provision of troops (forces); operation and repair, storage, and disposal (liquidation) of weapons and military equipment; mobilization training of technical support bodies; professional training of engineering and technical staff and junior specialists.

That. subdivided into: rocket-technical support, engineering-aviation support, engineering-rocket support, artillery-technical support, tank-technical support, auto-technical support, radiation, chemical and biological protection, etc. communications and ACS, T.o. for rear services, metrological support.

The technical support for the combat operations of the Strategic Missile Forces is a set of measures to provide troops with missile weapons (RVO) and other equipment, to maintain them in good condition and to the specified degree of technical (combat) readiness for combat use (intended use).

The purpose of the T. - Achievement and maintenance at the required level of the values ​​of indicators of technical (combat) readiness and reliability of RWM and other equipment, guaranteeing the combat use of missile weapons (RO) throughout the entire period of combat duty at any time or at a specified time with a given efficiency. It is achieved by organizing a unified control over the process of functioning of all constituent parts of a communication system.

The main tasks of the T. in the Strategic Missile Forces: the organization and implementation of effective management of all types of communication; ordering, control of the development and manufacture of air defense systems and other military equipment; staffing of formations (parts) with missile weapons and military equipment and property; operation of missile weapons and military equipment; technical support for the use of missile weapons and military equipment and their intended use with a given efficiency; ensuring the survivability of weapons and other equipment during the conduct of hostilities; ensuring safe and accident-free conditions for the functioning of missile weapons and military equipment and meeting environmental safety requirements; training of personnel for solving technical support tasks at the stages of advance and direct preparation and during the conduct of hostilities; ensuring the safety of weapons and military equipment; ensuring the life of personnel at all stages life cycle missile systems.

That. in the Strategic Missile Forces, it is organized by the deputy commander of the Strategic Missile Forces and the commander (commander) of the formation (formation, unit) for armaments and is carried out in all types of activities of the Missile Forces. Instructions of the deputy commander of the formation (unit) for armaments on matters of T.O. are mandatory for commanders of units (subunits) and chiefs of services (squads) of a compound (unit).

Types of T.O. are subdivided into basic and types of general-purpose technical support. The main type is missile-technical support (RTO). The types of general-purpose technical support include artillery and technical support, tank technical support, auto-technical support, aviation engineering support, engineering support, electronic warfare technical support, NBC protection technical support, communications and ACS technical support, logistics support services, metrological support. Their goal is to create conditions for the effective functioning of missile-technical, as well as combat and logistic support by maintaining equipment and other technical material resources of the corresponding services of large formations (formations, units) in readiness for their intended use.

GOST 24.206-80 Requirements for the content of documents for technical support

UDC 65.011.56: 681.3: 002: 006.354

Group T52


System of technical documentation for ACS

GOST 24.206-80


System of technical documentation for computer control systems. Requirements for contents of documents on technical support

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated May 14, 1980 No. 2101, the introduction period was established

from 01.01.81

This standard applies to technical documentation for automated control systems (ACS) of all types, developed for all levels of management (except for the national one), and establishes requirements for the content of documents included, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80, in the documentation for technical support of ACS.


1.1. The documentation on the technical support of the ACS is intended to describe the design solutions for the technical support in the documents:

  • description of the complex of technical means;
  • structural diagram of a complex of technical means;
  • location plan;
  • a list of applications for the development of new technical means;
  • a list of tasks for the customer of the ACS (General Designer) for design in the adjacent parts of the project of the facility, associated with the creation of the ACS;
  • list of equipment and materials;
  • technical requirements for the technological control object;
  • design assignment in the adjacent part of the facility project associated with the creation of an automated control system;
  • design assessment of the reliability of a complex of technical means;
  • schematic diagram;
  • automation scheme;
  • table of connections and connections;
  • external wiring connection diagram;
  • general arrangement drawing;
  • external wiring connection diagram;
  • Hardware Specification;
  • technical equipment installation drawing;
  • bill of material requirements.

1.2. When developing documents for a subsystem, the content of the sections of each document is limited to the framework of this subsystem.

1.3. Depending on the purpose and specific features of the automated control systems being created, it is allowed to include in the documents additional sections and information, the requirements for the content of which are not established by this standard.

1.4. The absence of design solutions for a section of the document is recorded in the corresponding section with the necessary explanations.


2.1. Description of the set of technical means

2.1.1. The document "Description of the complex of technical means" must contain sections:

  • general provisions;
  • the structure of the complex of technical means;
  • computing complex;
  • subscriber points;
  • data transmission equipment.

2.1.2. Requirements for the content of sections The section "General Provisions" should contain the initial data used in the design of the technical support of the ACS. The section "The structure of the complex of technical means" should contain:

  • substantiation of the choice of a set of technical means (CTS), including technical solutions for the exchange of data with the object of control and technical means of other automated control systems (in the case of the presence of these connections), the use of technical means of limited use (in accordance with the lists approved in established order) and links to documents confirming the approval of their delivery;
  • description of the functioning of the CTS, including in start-up and emergency modes;
  • description of the placement of the CTS at management facilities and at production facilities, taking into account the fulfillment of safety requirements and compliance technical conditions operation of technical means;
  • justification for the use and technical requirements for equipment provided for in approved projects and estimates for the construction or reconstruction of enterprises and manufactured on an individual basis industrial enterprises or construction and installation organizations according to custom specifications and drawings design organizations as non-repetitive, not having a manufacturing industry and applied due to special technical solutions in the project;
  • substantiation of methods for protecting technical means from mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and other influences, protecting data, including from unauthorized access to them, and ensuring the specified reliability of data during the operation of the CTS (if necessary);
  • the results of the design assessment of the CTS reliability (if necessary). The section "Computing complex" should contain:

  • justification and description of the main decisions on the choice of the type of computer;
  • description of the structural diagram of the technical means located in the computing center (CC);
  • description of the main solutions for the choice of types of peripheral technical means (PTS computers), including means of receiving, monitoring, preparing, collecting, registering, storing and displaying information;
  • results of calculation or calculation of the number of technical means of the computer center and the need for machine data carriers;
  • substantiation of the number of personnel ensuring the operation of the CC in start-up, normal and emergency modes;
  • calculation of areas and technical solutions for equipping workplaces;
  • a description of the features of the operation of the technical means of the computer center in the start-up, normal and emergency modes;
  • the adopted technology for the preparation of machine data carriers, solutions for the control of data when entering into a computer and in the process of storing them. The section "Subscriber points" should contain:

  • justification and description of decisions on the choice of technical means of subscriber points (AP);
  • substantiation and description of decisions on the choice of peripheral technical means of AP, including means of receiving, monitoring, preparing, collecting, registering, transmitting, displaying information and influencing the control object;
  • the results of the calculation (or calculation) of the number of carriers of technical means of each AP and the need for machine data carriers;
  • substantiation of the number of personnel ensuring the operation of each AP;
  • technical solutions for equipping the workplaces of the operational personnel of the AP, including a description of the workplaces;
  • description of the features of the functioning of the AP in the starting, normal and emergency modes. The section "Data transmission equipment" should contain:

  • substantiation and description of decisions on the choice of teleprocessing and data transmission means, including decisions on the choice of communication channels and the results of calculations (if necessary, calculation) of their number;
  • decisions on the choice of technical means that provide interface with communication channels, including the results of the calculation (or calculation) of their needs;
  • requirements for leased communication channels;
  • information about the location of subscribers and the volume-time characteristics of the transmitted data;
  • main indicators of reliability, reliability and other technical characteristics of teleprocessing and data transmission facilities.

2.2. Structural diagram of a complex of technical means

2.2.1. The document should show the composition of the complex of technical means and the connections between individual technical means or groups of technical means, united by any logical signs (for example, the joint performance of individual or several functions, the same purpose, etc.). It is allowed to indicate the main characteristics of technical means on the diagram.

2.2.2. The structure of the CTS of the ACS (if necessary) can be represented by several schemes, the first of which is the enlarged scheme of the CTS of the ACS as a whole.

2.2.3. The document is allowed to be included as an independent section in the document "Description of the set of technical means".

2.3. Layout plan

2.3.1. Plan for the location of technical support, carried out during development technical project... must determine the location of control points and technical support equipment requiring special premises or separate areas for placement.

The document is allowed to be included as an independent section in the document "Description of the set of technical means".

2.3.2. The layout plan of technical support, carried out in the development of working and technical projects, should show plans and sections of the premises, on which the placement of technical support equipment should be indicated; sensors with selective devices, actuators, telemechanics and communication devices, computer equipment, cable and pipe wiring, etc. The plan indicates the installation dimensions required for the installation of technical equipment.

2.4. List of applications for the development of new technical means

The document for each application must contain the name and purpose of the development, the name of the development organization (estimated), the estimated cost and scope of development, the time frame for the work.

The list should cover all cards drawn up in accordance with GOST 20913-75 at the technical design stage and transferred to the customer of the system (General Designer) for further processing, approval and placement in the prescribed manner.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1)

2.5. The list of tasks for the customer of the ACS (General Designer) for the design in the adjacent parts of the project of the facility, related to the creation of the ACS

The document must contain the name of all tasks, their purpose, date of issue and deadline for the completion of work.

2.6. List of equipment and materials

The statement must contain the information necessary for the preparation of estimates for the purchase and installation of technical support for the system, and comply with the duly approved requirements for the preparation of custom specifications and statements for ACS projects.

2.7. Technical requirements for the technological control object

The document must contain requirements for technological equipment (unit, installation, etc.) for changes, modifications and modernization associated with the installation of regulatory bodies, selective devices, sensors, etc., at the control facility, as well as the necessary information for carrying out these works.

2.8. Design assignment in an adjacent part of the project of an object associated with the creation of an automated control system

2.8.1. General requirements Documents of this type are compiled, if necessary, to carry out design work related to the creation of an automated control system in adjacent parts of the project of an object. The need for development, the names of the corresponding tasks and their content depend on the control object, the type of ACS and the technical solutions adopted in its design. The document "Assignment for the design in the adjacent part of the project of the facility, associated with the creation of an automated control system" should consist of the following sections:

  • general information;
  • requirements and input data. In chapter " General information»Give the name and details of the customer and the developer of the adjacent part of the project of the object and information about the organization of work to complete the assignment. In the section "Requirements and Initial Data", assignments are given and, depending on its type, information necessary for the development of an adjacent part of the project of the object.

2.8.2. The following types of tasks are established:

  • for the design of premises, cable structures, openings and embedded structures;
  • for the placement of automation elements on technological equipment and pipelines;
  • to provide ACS with energy carriers;
  • for the design of communication and signaling facilities for ACS;
  • for the data transmission system for the automated control system.

2.8.3. Requirements for certain types of tasks The document "Assignment for the design of premises, cable structures, openings and embedded structures" must contain:

  • a list of premises with an indication of their parameters (area, floor load, permissible sound pressure level, etc.);
  • plans of premises with an indication of the purpose of each room, the location of the main technical means, the application and placement of channels, openings and, if necessary, embedded structures for the installation of shields and consoles;
  • sketches of cable ducts and mounting openings, drawings of embedded structures for the installation of panels and consoles (if necessary);
  • initial data and requirements for premises for construction and sanitary-technical parts of the project, lighting and fire protection, the implementation of which ensures the normal functioning of technical equipment and the effective operation of the automated control system personnel, including the creation of a hermetic zone, the requirement for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, requirements for heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning systems (temperature, humidity, air velocity and frequency of its exchange);
  • information on the power consumption of the installed ACS technical means, the number of permanent workplaces, the operating mode of personnel, the mains voltage for connecting technical equipment and power tools, requirements for the laying of cables and wires, etc.

In the absence of construction drawings, it is allowed to provide a general layout of the premises with an indication of the location of equipment, the required areas and passages for servicing technical facilities. The document "Assignment for the placement of automation elements on technological equipment and pipelines" must contain:

  • requirements for the installation and placement of embedded devices, primary devices, regulating and shut-off bodies, etc. on technological equipment and pipelines;
  • layout of automation elements on technological equipment and pipelines. The document "Assignment for the provision of ACS with energy carriers" must contain:

  • the requirement for the provision of the CTS with energy carriers (electricity, compressed air, hydraulic energy, heat carrier, refrigerant, etc.) of the required quality (energy carrier parameters, requirements for the supply network circuit, etc.) and special requirements, depending on the type of technical funds;
  • a list of energy consumers and initial data for the design of energy supply;
  • construction drawings indicating the location of energy consumers.

Note. In the absence of construction drawings, it is allowed to draw up a description of energy consumers with information about their location. The document "Assignment for the design of communication and signaling facilities for ACS" should contain:

  • general requirements for the placement of communication and signaling facilities, technical means of data transmission over the communication line;
  • requirements for communication lines (parameters of cable lines, requirements for laying cables, the number of communication channels separately for each point of information collection, etc.);
  • a list of premises (information collection points) with an indication of the installed means of communication, data transmission, signaling, radio communication, etc. The document "Assignment for a data transmission system for ACS" must contain information about the location of subscribers and the volume-time characteristics of the transmitted information, requirements for communication channels and interfaces with them, the technical means used, reliability and other characteristics of data transmission, operational requirements, etc. ...

When drawing up the document, one should be guided by the technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. Depending on the purpose and specific features of the automated control systems being created, it is allowed to develop other tasks, the requirements for the content of which are defined in clause 2.8.1.

2.9. Design assessment of the reliability of a complex of technical means

2.9.1. The document "Design assessment of the reliability of a complex of technical means" should consist of sections:

  • initial data;
  • calculation results;

2.9.2. The "Initial data" section should contain all the information necessary to assess the reliability of the CTS in accordance with the applied methodology, including the passport data of technical equipment in terms of the rate of failures and restorations, time schedules for loading technical equipment, etc.

2.9.3. The section "Calculation results" should contain estimates of reliability indicators (mean time between failures, mean time to recovery, availability factor) for groups of technical means involved in the performance of a certain function (several functions) for data conversion, and the CTS of the ACS as a whole.

It is allowed to use estimates of other reliability indicators established by GOST 27.002-83.

2.10. Schematic diagram

The circuit (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic) should reflect: principle of operation, composition, basic specifications and the interaction of the technical support of the ACS intended for the implementation of the functions of control, regulation, protection, measurement, signaling, power supply, etc., and also contain

2.11. Automation scheme

The schema should contain:

  • a simplified image of a control object or its part, for which a diagram has been drawn up;
  • means of technical support involved in the process illustrated by the diagram (symbols according to current standards), with the exception of assistive devices and equipment (power supplies, relays, magnetic starters);
  • functional links between the means of technical support depicted in the diagram;
  • external functional connections of technical support, shown in the diagram, with other technical means;
  • a table of symbols used in the scheme that are not provided for by the current standards.

It is allowed to give the necessary textual explanations on the diagram.

2.12. Connection and connection table

The document must reflect the electrical and pipe connections between devices and devices (assembly products) installed in boards, consoles, installations of aggregate complexes, etc., as well as the connection of wiring to the specified technical means.

2.13. External wiring connection diagram

The diagram should indicate:

  • electrical wires and cables, impulse, command, supply, purge and drainage pipelines, protective pipes, ducts and metal hoses (indicating their number, type, length and, if necessary, connection points), laid outside the switchboards and cross cabinets;
  • selected devices, sensitive elements, regulating bodies, etc., built into technological equipment and pipelines with an indication of their position numbers according to the custom specification and drawing numbers of their installation;
  • devices, regulators, actuators, etc., installed outside the boards, indicating their position numbers according to the custom specification and the drawing numbers of their installation;
  • boards and consoles with an indication of their names and designation of tables for connecting boards and consoles;
  • protective grounding devices for boards, devices and other electrical receivers, made in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation;
  • technical characteristics of cables, wires, junction and branch boxes, pipes, fittings, etc., provided for by this diagram, and their required number;
  • a table of symbols used in the scheme that are not provided for by the current standards.

It is allowed to give the necessary textual explanations on the diagram.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1)

2.14. External wiring diagram

The diagram should show the input devices (assemblies of switching clamps, plug connectors, etc.) of shields, consoles, junction boxes and cables and wires connected to them.

The connection diagram may not be performed if these connections are shown in the external wiring connection diagram.

2.15. General arrangement drawing

The drawing of the general view of the shield (console) must contain:

  • the layout and location of instruments, equipment, elements of mimic diagrams and installation products installed on the frontal plane of the shield or the working plane of the console and on the inner planes of the shield or console;
  • a view on a plane (or their sections) of a shield or console at the points of entry of electrical and pipe wiring with the location of a simplified image of the input devices;
  • the layout of cabinets or panels in the plan (in the case of a multi-cabinet or multi-panel switchboard or control panel);
  • a list of panels (consoles) of devices, equipment, installation products and materials placed on the drawing.

It is allowed to give the necessary textual explanations on the drawing.

2.16. Hardware Specification

2.16.1. The document "Equipment Specification" must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.110-82.

The procedure for recording equipment and materials supplied by the customer in the specification is established in the sectoral regulatory documents of the ministries (departments), agreed with the USSR State Committee for Supply.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1)

2.16.2. When using technical means in the project, for the order of which it is required to fill in the questionnaires, the attachment of the latter to the project is mandatory.

2.16.3. When using in the project technical means that have limited use in accordance with the lists approved in accordance with the established procedure, it is necessary to attach copies of documents to the project on the approval of the supply of these means.

2.17. Technical equipment installation drawing

The document must reflect decisions on the installation of technical support in an amount that meets the requirements of GOST 2.109-73 for installation drawings.

2.18. Bill of material requirements

The document is executed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.109-80.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1)

Reprinted (May 1986) with Amendments No. 1, approved in August 1985 (IUS 11-85).

The section is mandatory when developing design solutions to improve the complex of technical means of IS.

Design solutions for technical support include: a description of the complex of technical means (CTS) of the problem being solved (the purpose of the CTS, the structure of the complex of technical means, the tasks to be solved), the functional diagram of the CTS (description of the functioning of the CTS in accordance with functional diagram), computer equipment (type, purpose, functional and technical characteristics, interaction protocols, connection procedure, requirements for the operation of the CTS).

4. The structure of the CCC

... The complex of technical means of IS LLC "LLC" is represented by the following components:

Server hardware: database servers, virtualization server, proxy server, terminal server, backup server, application server, administration server;

· Hardware and software systems for information protection;

· Automated workstations equipped with personal computers and / or laptops - according to the number of employees;

· Network switching equipment - switches;

· Network telecommunication equipment - routers, modems;

· Equipment of a structured cabling system;

· Uninterruptible power supply equipment.

At the automation facility, sets of equipment are installed in accordance with table 7

Table 7 - Composition of KTS LLC "LLC"

Name structural element object automation Composition of the KTS set Place of installation
LLC "LLC" Database server - 2 pcs. 460001 Orenburg per. Basseyny, building 1
Virtualization server - 1 pc.
Proxy server - 1 pc.
Administration Server - 1 pc.
Backup server - 1 pc.
Terminal Server - 1 pc.
Application Server - 1 pc.
Information security hardware and software complex - 1.
Intrusion detection system hardware and software complex - 1 pc.
AWP of users - 93 pcs.
Router - 1 pc.
Switches - 11 pcs.
Branch No. 1 LLC "LLC" AWP of users - 15 pcs. Orenburg, Gazpromovskaya str., 70
Router - 1 pc.
Switches - 3 pcs.
Branch No. 2 LLC "LLC" AWP of users - 5 pcs. Orenburg, Chkalov street 1
Router - no
Switches - 1 pc.

User access to the resources of the IS LLC "LLC" is carried out through a data transmission system that integrates servers, personal computers, switching and telecommunication equipment into a computer network.

The infrastructure that ensures the functioning of the functional, software and information support represents common system, which includes server components, personal computers of users, network and communication devices.

Structural scheme equipment KTS IS LLC "LLC" is shown in Figure 32 (a, b, c).

a) the main building of LLC "LLC", Orenburg per. Pool house 1

b) LLC "LLC" branch No. 1, Orenburg, st. Gazpromovskaya, house 70

c) LLC "LLC" branch No. 2 (typical)

Figure 32 - The structure of the complex of technical means of IS LLC "LLC"

The components of the IS LLC "LLC" are built on the basis of a switched local area network (LAN) with segmentation and centralized control.

Layer 2/3 switches are used in the main LAN segment. Traffic is transmitted over the network at a speed that matches the speed of the data transmission medium. The data transfer rate in the LAN is 100Mbps – 1Gbps. Layer 3 switches have in their functionality the ability to configure routing at the software level. Switching is based on a buffering scheme, which allows you to save and process traffic frames in a minimum time.

The switches of the main segment of the LAN are interconnected according to the topology "hierarchical star" (Fig. 33).

Figure 33 - Scheme of the connection topology of the main switches LAN segment

Network segments are formed by routers simultaneously acting as gateways when accessing Internet networks.

Outgoing / incoming traffic with the "confidential information" sign is encrypted / decrypted by a crypto gateway, which is also a firewall.

The switches of the branch # 1 segment are connected according to the “star” scheme (Fig. 34).

Figure 34 - Scheme of the topology of the connection of the switches of the segment of the branch of LLC "LLC"

To organize access in the main network segment, a two-level model is used: the access level and the central level (Fig. 35). At the access level, the tasks of connecting users are solved. The central layer combines traffic forwarding functions from one local network to another and provides a high-speed backbone for dispersed end networks. User traffic is generated at the access layer and then passed to the central layer. The network architecture includes a building infrastructure with servers, network controls, and facility boundary elements, consisting of Internet connectivity devices and VPNs.

Figure 35 - Design solution for physical and link layers

main segment

To access the network in the segments branch # 1 and branch # 2, a level-free model is used (Fig. 36).

Figure 36 - Physical topology of the main LAN segment

Branch number 1 (a), branch number 2 (b)

2. Description of the logical topology of KTS LLC "LLC"

The diagram of the logical topology of the LLC "LLC" technical means complex is shown in Figure 37. The diagram shows the logical addressing scheme of the nodes of the institution's computer network, made in accordance with the requirements of RFC 990 and RFC 997. It is based on the separation of network addressing from device addressing in these networks. In this case, the addresses are assigned sequentially in order to make the routing of network traffic more efficient. The main protocol for addressing network nodes is the Internet Protocol (IP). An IP address has two parts: a network number and a host number. Since the networks of the remote departments of the Clinic are isolated networks, the IP address was selected from the addresses of category "B" for the main segment of the enterprise LAN: and from category "C" for the segments of the children's clinic and health centers: To simplify the configuration and subsequent maintenance of network segments in subnets, class addressing with standard masks is used, and, respectively.

Figure 37 - Scheme of the logical topology of the KTS

The addressing of LAN nodes is recorded in the addressing table (Table 8).

Algorithms for routing network traffic are implemented by device software at the network level.

A route diagram is drawn up for each device and recorded in the routing table.

The Clinic network uses static routing.

A standard gateway is used for all network nodes, which is a proxy server.

Table 8 - Network addressing of the nodes of the computer network of LLC "LLC"

3. Quality of service (QoS) assurance

The challenge of managing network load is to avoid overloading the network infrastructure due to a large number packets transmitted simultaneously by subnets or their parts. Load management in the network is carried out by access level switches.

QoS technologies are determined by the types of traffic circulating in the LLC "LLC" network. Typical traffic of LLC "LLC" is:

· File transfer;

· Web-access;

· remote access to the server;

· Processing transactions;

· Email;

· Traffic of medical equipment;

· Broadcast video (videoconference);

· Transmission (processing) of images;

· Telephony.

There are no special requirements for a computer network to ensure QoS.

4. Decisions on protocols of transport, session, presentation and application levels

The transport layer uses two main protocols: TCP and UDP. Through these protocols, the transport layer provides a data transfer service from the application layer of the OSI model to lower layers.

The main transport layer protocol is TCP. It provides reliable data transmission and is tasked with managing data and congestion, which implies matching the data transfer rate with the technical capabilities of the receiving workstation and intermediate devices. TCP is a connection pre-installation protocol.

A set of services using TCP and port numbers for data transfer:

· 20/21 - FTP;

· 23 - Telnet;

110 - POP3;

194 - IRC (Internet Relay Chat);

443 - HTTPS (Secure HTTP);

1863 - MSN Messenger;

2000 - Cisco SCCP (VoIP);

3389 - RDP;

8080 - alternate port HTTP.

Full list TCP ports can be found at the link: Using other ports TCP protocols and UDP is set by the LLC LLC network administrator.

5. Computer facilities

The complex of technical means is designed on the basis of industrially produced computer equipment. Server equipment implemented on a highly reliable scalable platform with redundancy of the most critical components. The data storage system provides backup and archiving of data both on disk arrays and on external storage devices. The infrastructure of the LLC "LLC" IS allows for a further increase in productivity, data storage volume and other technological capabilities as needed without interrupting the functioning of the system.

When creating KTS IS LLC "LLC", equipment is used that is protected from unauthorized access both in hardware and in software and information support.

Technical means of communication and information processing (servers, switches, personal computers of users, etc.) are placed in compliance with the requirements of San Pin and GOST R 51318.02, and also ensure ease of maintenance.

The schematic diagram of the complex of technical means of IS LLC "LLC" is shown in Figure 38.

Server equipment KTS LLC "LLC" is represented by database servers, file server, proxy servers, virtualization server, server backups, administration server, terminal server.

The BSQL server serves the accounting SQL database and is responsible for the integrity and safety of accounting and financial data, and also provides input-output operations when users access information. The ASZI Clinic uses the HP ProLiant DL380 G5 BSQL server, which has a 2U rack-mount design, high availability and enterprise-class manageability. The model offers users high level productivity and density due to the use of modern Intel processors® Xeon®.

Figure 38 - KTS. Schematic diagram

Main characteristics of SerDB database server:

CPU (2) Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processors E5500 (2.8 GHz, 80 Watts, 1333 FSB)
processor cache 12MB (2 x 6MB) Level 2 cache
memory 12GB (6 x 2GB) PC2-5300 DDR2 fully buffered DIMMs (667MHz) with Advanced ECC
network adapter Embedded NC373i Multifunction Gigabit Server Adapters
RAID controller HP Smart Array P400 / 512MB BBWC Controller (RAID 0/1/1 + 0/5/6)
disk subsystem 2 x 600 Gb Hot Plug SFF SATA HDD
optical drive IDE DVD-ROM / CDRW combo
power unit (2) 800Watt, CE Mark Compliant
cooling Fully redundant hot plug fans ship standard (N + 1)
form factor Rack (2U), Height 3.38-inch / 8.59cm; Depth: 26 inches (66 cm)

SerDB server settings correspond to the default settings for devices with similar functions

6. Virtual private network LLC "LLC"

The purpose of the virtual private network (VPN) LLC "LLC" is to create a single secure information space, the ability to transfer files, instant messaging, creation of internal IP-telephony.

The use of VPN technology in LLC "LLC" allows you to organize the interaction of the administrative and managerial and medical personnel of the main segment of the IS LLC "LLC" with the personnel of remote branches when transferring medical information, reporting, financial documents, etc.

A virtual private network is built using both ViPNet software components, by installing ViPNet Client software on computers - on the side remote users, hardware and software systems ViPNet series HW1000 / 100 - on the side of the main segment of the IS LLC "LLC".

The coordinator provides network protection for the tunneled network resources, inclusion of protected computers in the VPN regardless of their location and notifying Clients about methods of accessing other network nodes associated with them. The coordinator is installed at the edge of the network and performs following functions:

Server of IP addresses;

VPN packet router

VPN gateway;

· Transport Server;

· Firewall.

ViPNet network nodes are connected to the LLC "LLC" network using the transport of the Internet. When any traffic appears on the network to other nodes, it is immediately, without any protocols of preliminary establishment of connections with the receiving node, encapsulated in ViPNet packets and transmitted through the VPN network to the receiving node.

For encapsulation in ViPNet packets of any other IP-protocols, two types of IP-protocols are used:

· IP / UDP with port 55777 by default or any other port that automatically registers on other hosts;

In the local network of OOO LLC, when nodes are available at the broadcast address, the system automatically uses the more economical IP / 241 protocol (which does not have additional UDP headers) (Fig. 39).

Figure 39 - VPN over IP / 241

Based on the existing points of connection of nodes to the VipNet network, the system uses the "Firewall - Coordinator" mode (Fig. 40).

Figure 40 - Enabling VipNet nodes in firewall mode


To be included in virtual network ViPNet devices or nodes of the local network of LLC LLC, whose traffic does not need to be protected in the local network, the coordinator performs the function of a tunneling server (or Crypto gateway).

The coordinator provides the tunneled devices with information about the IP addresses of the ViPNet network nodes, acts as a gateway for transmitting traffic to the ViPNet network, encapsulates in the UDP protocol and encrypts traffic from open devices, receives and transmits tunneled traffic in the ViPNet network on its own behalf ...

When solving particular design problems, individual design decisions may not be accepted. In this case, the subsections containing these descriptions are excluded from the WRC.

SQR of the 2nd type

For FQPs providing for the introduction of IS at the enterprise, the second section of the FQP involves the development of a model for the introduction of new IT / IS into the activities of the enterprise. Systems of the ERP class, MRP / MRP-II, CRM, EDMS, ACS, etc. can be considered as the IS implemented at the enterprise.

This section contains three subsections:

1. Description of IS - detailed description capabilities of the implemented IS (IT): system structure, automated functions, types of module assignment, content and procedure for maintaining information bases, etc.

1. General description of the DIRECTUM EDMS

DIRECTUM is an electronic document management and interaction management system aimed at increasing the efficiency of all employees of an organization in various areas of joint activity.

DIRECTUM is a full-fledged ECM-system (Enterprise Content Management) and supports the full lifecycle of document management, while the traditional "paper" office work seamlessly fits into the electronic document flow. DIRECTUM provides effective organization and control of business processes based on workflow: document approval, processing of complex orders, preparation and holding of meetings, support of the sales cycle and other interaction processes.

DIRECTUM allows you to create scalable, reliable and secure corporate solutions for managing documents, business processes, meetings, contracts and customer relations.

Working with DIRECTUM via the Internet and Intranet is implemented in DIRECTUM in several directions. A web access server enables users to work with DIRECTUM documents and tasks through a browser interface, while DIRECTUM Extensions for SharePoint offer a specialized interface for accessing DIRECTUM system data through a corporate portal.

DIRECTUM administration tools allow you to manage all administrative tasks - from user registration to creating policies for migrating documents between file storages.

2. The structure of the EDMS DIRECTUM

The DIRECTUM system, built with the IS-Builder domain-specific tool, has a multi-tier architecture (Fig. 41). The architecture acts as a guarantor of the availability, reliability and security of the system, which allows the DIRECTUM system to cover all computerized employees and increase the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

Figure 41 - General construction model of DIRECTUM

The main functional elements of the architecture are:

· DBMS - storage of data and metadata of the system.

· DIRECTUM management services are services that provide system management. For example, the workflow service manages the work of DIRECTUM tasks, while DIRECTUM Storage Services is responsible for document file stores. All management services can be installed either on one computer or on different ones - in order to distribute the load.

· IS-Builder Runtime Environment is a code execution environment that implements the interface of services and custom applications(including third-party development) to access the system. In particular, the DIRECTUM web access server, implemented on the ASP.NET platform, uses the IS-Builder Runtime Environment to implement all system functions that are available to users through a web browser.

· Clients of the DIRECTUM system - applications for end users, development tools, system administration utilities. The client can be either a Windows application using the IS-Builder Runtime Environment to access the system, or a web browser.

· File storages - archives of large or rarely used documents, which are more efficient to keep outside the DBMS; managed by their own services.

The DIRECTUM system is based on the IS-Builder development tool. The openness of IS-Builder allows you to adapt the DIRECTUM system to the specific needs of the organization, to develop the functionality of the system and to integrate it with other systems, including the efforts of the customer's programmers.

Key features of the IS-Builder development tool:

· setting the composition of the types of cards of electronic documents;

· development of the composition and data structure of reference books;

· built-in programming language ISBL with a developed object model and a rich set of functions; the ability to create your own functions;

· visual customization forms of cards of reference books and electronic documents; setting the business logic for the behavior of cards based on the event mechanism;

· convenient development of blocks of typical routes with the possibility of their reuse and transfer between systems;

· customization of various reports using Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and web browser; possibility of holding multivariate analysis data, etc.

The use of an open domain-specific development tool IS-Builder allows you to quickly develop scalable solutions for automating business processes of organizations in any field of activity.

The DIRECTUM system can be integrated with various corporate systems, web and desktop applications.

DIRECTUM's wide integration possibilities are provided by various means, each of which is accompanied by detailed documentation upon delivery of the system. Among them - an open object model with a full-fledged COM interface, an open database structure, internal language with the possibility of COM calls and calls to arbitrary data sources, workflow mechanisms, functions for working with XML documents, as well as a set of integration tools DIRECTUM Integration Toolset (Fig. 42).

Figure 42 - structure of DIRECTUM integration modules

DIRECTUM Integration Toolset is built with modular technology and includes:

· connectors to various systems (1C, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics AX, etc.);

· connector support infrastructure.

There are several tools for solving distributed work problems in DIRECTUM.

The web access server allows you to work with DIRECTUM over the Internet using a browser. This mode is useful for individual employees working outside the office - on a business trip, at home, on the road.

An alternative to Web access is Terminal Access mode, where users connect to a terminal server by remotely interacting with the Windows desktop and the DIRECTUM system.

The work with the system through the web access server is carried out in real time, as if they were working with it while in the office. The differentiation of access rights to objects completely coincides with the access rights, certain powers and the official position of the employee.

The DIRECTUM system ensures the efficiency of geographically distributed work of organizational units using a replication server. The data replication server allows you to organize automatic exchange data between remote servers.

There are two categories of servers involved in the replication mechanism - primary and secondary. The server structure can be hierarchical: each secondary server can have one primary server and many of its secondary servers (Figure 43).

Figure 43 - DIRECTUM replication mechanism

3. Automated functions

The main functions of the DIRECTUM electronic document management system for managing documents and business processes:

Electronic document management.

business process management;


meeting management;

customer relationship management;

contract management;

appeals of citizens and organizations;

performance metrics management.

Electronic document management. Creation and storage of various unstructured documents (Microsoft Word texts, Microsoft tables Excel, Microsoft schemas Visio, CorelDraw drawings, videos, etc.); support of document versions and EDS; structuring documents by folders; assignment of access rights to documents; history of working with documents; full-text and attributive document search.

Business process management. Support of the processes of approval and processing of documents at all stages of the life cycle (docflow); issuance of electronic tasks and control of their execution; interaction between employees in the course of business processes; support for free and hard routes; rich extensible libraries of blocks for the formation of routes (workflow).

Office. registration paper documents in accordance with the requirements of the State system documentation support management (GSDOU); maintaining a nomenclature of cases with flexible numbering rules; distribution and control of the location of paper documents; organization of exchange of electronic documents with EDS with other organizations.

Meeting management. Organization of preparation and holding of meetings (coordination of place and time, composition of participants, agenda); formation and distribution of the protocol; control over the implementation of the decisions of the meeting.

Customer Relationship Management. Maintaining a single base organizations and contact persons; keeping a history of meetings, calls and correspondence with clients; support of the sales process in accordance with the regulated stages; planning marketing activities; analysis of the effectiveness of sales and marketing impacts.

Contract management. Organization of the process of approval and registration of contracts and related documents, as well as operational work with them (search, analysis, editing, etc.).

Appeals from citizens and organizations. Organization of work with citizens' appeals in accordance with Federal Law No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation" government organizations and at large enterprises.

Performance indicator management. Operational control and analysis of business processes of the enterprise according to key performance indicators with support of a balanced scorecard (BSC).

4. Physical and object structure of the Directum EDMS

The DIRECTUM system includes the following management and development components:

IS-Builder domain-specific development tool. Modification and development of new cards of electronic documents, reference books, reports, blocks of standard routes; built-in programming language ISBL; integration with other systems.

Services of interaction of systems DIRECTUM (DIRECTUM Intersystem Cooperation Services). Providing end-to-end processes, transfer of documents with EDS and data exchange between independent systems DIRECTUM.

File storage services (DIRECTUM Storage Services). Managing the storage of large amounts of data in unified system; archival storage of documents; work with media data; Configuring retention policies that automatically move data across storages.

DIRECTUM Capture Services. Mass input of documents into DIRECTUM from various sources (scanners, MFPs, file system, faxes, e-mail, etc.).

DIRECTUM Transformation Services. Converting documents into other formats, extracting useful information from documents.

Web access server. Work with electronic documents, tasks and tasks through a web browser.

Extensions for SharePoint. A set of ready-made web parts and integration mechanisms that provide access to DIRECTUM data from a portal based on Microsoft SharePoint.

Fast identification of the DIRECTUM RapID document. Barcode document marking and quick search electronic document on its paper copy.

Replication server. Creation of geographically distributed systems that exchange data off-line; hierarchical system of secondary servers; customizable composition of replicated data.

DIRECTUM OverDoc. View, edit and sign EDS documents outside the DIRECTUM system for exchange between different organizations; distributed free of charge.

The services include special services for integrating with equipment and capturing images of documents: input service from a stream scanner, input from fax service, input from file system, barcode extraction service, image grouping service.

Further processing of the documents entered into the system can be carried out by the DIRECTUM Transformation Services, which translate documents into other formats (in particular, PDF and HTML) and extract the necessary information from them (Fig. 44).

Figure 44 - Logical structure of Directum services

DIRECTUM Storage Services file storage services allow you to store documents both in a SQL server database, which is characterized by ease of administration and high performance, and in file storages, which practically unlimitedly expands the space available for storing documents and provides streaming access (Figure 45).

Figure 45 - The structure of the DIRECTUM data warehouse

5. Databases EDMS Directum

There are two approaches to storing documents: in a SQL server database and directly in files. DIRECTUM offers a combined option that combines the advantages of both approaches: ease of administration and high productivity SQL Server storages and virtually unlimited data volume at low storage costs with the ability to stream documents in file storages.

Typical schemes for organizing a single electronic archive of documents (Fig. 46).

The advantage of a basic storage layout is simplicity. This scheme assumes storing all documents in the storage of a SQL server and justifies itself until a critical volume of documents is accumulated.

This scheme provides for the presence of two storages in the system: an operational one based on a SQL server and an archive file storage.

This solution allows you to work with standard documents up to 100 MB and provides high speed work with documents that are in operational circulation, with a low cost of storage and an almost unlimited volume of document archives.

The need to work with large documents (video, graphics, maps, drawings, etc.) dictates its own requirements for the storage of documents. In particular, you need the ability to stream data access, i.e. the ability to work with only a part of the document, not reading it in its entirety.

Figure 46 - Document storage models

This scheme includes 4 storages: operational on the SQL server and the corresponding archive file storage for working with documents of small size and not requiring streaming access, and operational and archive file storage for documents with a volume of more than 100 MB.

With a large amount of data and the number of users, the capacity of one server may not be enough. In this case, the load can be redistributed between several file servers and the database server.

Distribution of documents across several storages will allow balancing the load on the servers, the network, increasing the maximum amount of stored data, increasing the fault tolerance of the system as a whole and reducing the cost of storage.

6. Technical support of the Directum EDMS

Server requirements vary depending on the number of concurrent users and the amount of data being processed. These typical requirements for the hardware and software of the server are developed based on the average operating conditions. In each specific case, deviations are possible, both upward and downward (Table 9).


· number of users - the number of concurrent users. The number of registered users of the system is 2-3 times more;

· for configuration # 1 (up to 50 users) it is possible to use IDE or SATA disks. Other configurations require SCSI or FC drives. Rotational speed for older configurations (3, 4) 15000 rpm is recommended;

· for configuration # 3 (100-350 users) service department it is recommended to install it on a dedicated server. For configuration # 4 (350-500 users) - service services must be installed on a dedicated server.

· in the case of a cluster, services can be deployed on the cluster as a cluster group;

· when choosing a volume disk system you should consider the following:

with 100 concurrent users, the expected increase in the database is 10-30Gb per year;

with 500 concurrent users, the expected increase in the database is 60-100 Gb per year

with 1000 concurrent users, the expected increase in the database is 100-150 Gb per year.

Table 9 - Requirements for the database server (table fragment)

Minimum requirements for a client workstation:

processor: Celeron 1600 MHz or higher;

RAM: 256 Mb or more;

at least 150 Mb of free hard disk space;

inkjet or laser printer(possibly network);

system software: Microsoft Windows 20xx, Microsoft Office 20xx, MDAC 2.8 SP1 (or installed client utilities SQL server), applications for working with documents stored in DIRECTUM.

Working with DIRECTUM web access is supported in the following browsers:

Internet Explorer 5.5 and later;

Firefox 2.0 and later;

Opera 9.0 and later.

To describe specific information systems, the structure of the section can be changed.

2. Models of business processes and processes communication"How will it be" - reengineering is in progress information processes, and models of work are developed using the introduced product.

... Reengineering of information processes is a set of methods and actions that serve to redesign processes in accordance with the changed conditions of the external and internal environment and / or business goals.

The result of reengineering the outdoor advertising manufacturing process by introducing an information system for automating the design of advertising products is shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47 - Model of the process of automation of ordering for

In addition to the model of reengineering of information processes, the section provides descriptions of structural, functional and other models of using the information system being implemented.

Examples of the developed workflow automation schemes in the DIRECTUM EDMS environment when performing tasks for the preparation and approval of contracts are given below.

... Automation of work with contract documents is very important. It reduces the risks of delays in the fulfillment of conditions and payments, relieves the burden of key employees, and ensures financial stability. Therefore, LLC "LLC" is moving to the use of a specialized business solution "DIRECTUM: Contract Management", which covers all stages from the preparation and approval of documents to control the return of originals and the fulfillment of all obligations.

The implementation of "Contract Management" is aimed at solving the following tasks:

· acceleration of the creation of contracts based on templates and approval within the framework of standard routes;

· centralized registration, timely sending to counterparties and control of the return of the document;

· storage of all contractual documents in accordance with the access rights for the period of fulfillment of obligations and archival storage in the future;

· control over the fulfillment of all obligations within the allotted time;

· operative search of contracts according to the given details and text;

· formation of sets of documents for each contract and navigation through them;

· preparation of reports in various aspects ...

... The document is created in the system based on a template or by copying existing document(from local file or e-mail, fax or streaming scanner using DIRECTUM Capture Services). The draft contractual document is sent for approval along the configured route (Fig. 48).

During the approval process, an electronic signature is used, which allows you to endorse and approve documents, which guarantees their invariability and authorship of the signature.

The approval process is reflected in a special report "Approval sheet" (Fig. 49), which contains the final signatures and comments of the approvers.

The creation of a contract document in the system automatically leads to its registration, it is also automatically created new entry in the directory "Agreements" (Fig. 50). This will create a registration number in the configured format.

Figure 48 - Development of a typical document route

Figure 49 - Development of the layout of the approval sheet

Figure 50 - Registration of the agreement in the database "DIRECTUM"

The documents related to a specific contract are linked. Employees at any time can quickly access the entire set of contractual and related documents (Fig. 51).

Storing images of documents in the system makes it easier to find them, allows you to get acquainted with the history of working with them, view sets of documents related to a specific agreement.

In the card of the contract, it is possible to define and assign stages, indicating the start and end dates of each stage (Fig. 52). This allows you to track the timing and content of work. The responsible employee of the company receives notifications in order to ensure the timely fulfillment of obligations under each contract and monitor their implementation.

Figure 51 - Managing document-employee relationships

Figure 52 - Development of a document card

A unified register (reference book in the system), linking documents, compulsory correlation of the contract with the counterparty allow you to analyze the data in detail and draw up reports in various aspects (Fig. 53).

Figure 53 - Development of a report on concluded contracts ...

... By introducing the business solution "DIRECTUM: Contract Management" into the activities of LLC "LLC", the risks of failure to meet the deadlines for agreeing contracts are reduced, and timely fulfillment of obligations is guaranteed ...

3. Development of a list of measures for the preparation of the design object for the implementation of IS - measures to ensure the implementation of IS and their content, identification of resources for the implementation of activities

The action plan for the implementation (integration) of IP into the activities of LLC "LLC" is illustrated by a Gantt chart and a network diagram. The development of a Gantt chart and network diagram can be done in MS Project, MS Excel, MS Visio.

An example of a Gantt chart for the implementation of the IS "1C: Trade Management 8, edition 11" is shown in Figure 54

Figure 54 - Gantt chart for the implementation of IS "1C: UT8" ...

An example of a network diagram for the implementation of a medical information system is shown in Figure 55.

Figure 55 - Network schedule implementation of MIS (fragment) ...

Similar information.

Organization and implementation of the technically correct use, maintenance, repair of military equipment in order to maintain it in constant readiness for use; type of support for combat operations of troops (forces).
Technical support is carried out by types of military equipment and is subdivided into engineering-rocket, engineering-aviation, engineering-radio-electrical, tank-technical, artillery-technical, naval, technical support of communication systems and means, auto-technical, engineering-technical, chemical-technical, technical support of rear services, metrological, etc. The main measures of technical support are: organization of the correct technical operation of military equipment; timely carrying out of its evacuation and repair; provision of troops (forces) with military equipment and technical equipment; the organization of the development of equipment by personnel (see. Technical training) and the management of forces and means of technical support. Implementation of measures for technical support is carried out by special units and divisions. These include: maintenance units, repair and evacuation and repair and restoration units and units, repair shops, mobile and stationary repair plants, warehouses and bases with stocks of various technical property. Units and subdivisions of technical support can be part of the formations, formations and units or attached to them.
Maintenance of military equipment during its use (storage) in accordance with the established frequency is carried out by the crews (calculations, drivers), as well as the personnel of the involved technical support units. At the same time, first of all, vehicles are refueled with fuel and lubricants, ammunition is replenished and identified malfunctions are eliminated. Repair and evacuation of military equipment is carried out by repair and evacuation units, units and institutions. In accordance with their purpose, they make current, medium or major repairs. Mobile and stationary repair plants carry out major overhauls. Evacuation units evacuate damaged, stuck (sunken) military equipment, concentrate it on evacuation routes or in areas where repair units and units are deployed, at loading stations for dispatch to stationary factories, and also participate in organizing rescue and evacuation services when troops overcome water obstacles and in ensuring their passage through hard-to-reach areas of the terrain. Warehouses and bases of technical property are intended to provide troops (forces), repair units (subdivisions, institutions), repair plants with the necessary spare parts, materials, tools and equipment; in the course of hostilities, mobile warehouses and bases are deployed and moved together with other rear subunits and units in accordance with the prevailing situation.
Technical support is organized on the basis of the decision of the commander (commander) and the instructions of the senior officer in charge. At the same time, measures are determined to ensure the reliability of the operation of military equipment, the places and timing of these events, the composition of the groupings of repair and evacuation means nominated to support the troops (forces), their tasks, the distribution of stocks of technical property, measures for the protection and defense of units and subdivisions of technical provision, activities for technical training personnel. When organizing technical support, first of all, measures are taken to restore the combat effectiveness of troops (forces).
E.V. Dutov

TECHNICAL SUPPORT - a set of technical means, computer equipment, information transmission means used in automated control systems and in information systems.

Economics and Law: Dictionary-Reference. - M .: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

See what "TECHNICAL SUPPORT" is in other dictionaries:

    technical support- A coordinated management process to ensure all materials and resources required to operate the product. Source: GOST R 53480 2009: Reliability in technology. Terms and definitions original document See also related term ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Organization and implementation of the technically correct use, maintenance, repair of military equipment in order to maintain it in constant readiness for use, a type of support for combat operations of the forces of the fleet (troops). Technical support ... ... Marine vocabulary

    - (hardware; English hardware), a set of electrical, electronic and mechanical components of computers (see COMPUTER) and automated systems as opposed to software(see SOFTWARE) (software) ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See Technical support. EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Emergency Dictionary

    technical support- - [A.S. Goldberg. The English Russian Energy Dictionary. 2006] Topics energy in general EN engineering supporthardwarehdw ...

    Technical support- a set of measures carried out in order to provide the troops and bodies of the RF PS with weapons, equipment, ammunition, military technical property; maintaining their high efficiency and reliability; quick restoration (repair) and ... ... Frontier vocabulary

    Technical support- a set of measures carried out in order to provide troops (forces) with military equipment, ammunition, military technical equipment, increase the efficiency and operational reliability of military equipment, its rapid restoration (repair) and ... ... civil protection... Conceptual and terminological dictionary

    Technical support- a set of measures carried out in order to provide troops (forces) with military equipment, ammunition, military technical equipment, to increase the efficiency and operational reliability of military equipment, to quickly restore it in case of damage ... Dictionary of military terms

    TECHNICAL SUPPORT- a set of technical means, computer technology, information transmission means used in automated control systems and in information systems ... Professional education. Dictionary

    technical support of the automated system- NPP technical support A set of all technical means used in the NPP operation. [GOST 34.003 90] Topics automated systems Synonyms AC EN AS hardware ... Technical translator's guide


  • Technical support for the production of crop products. Graduation design. Study guide, Anatoly Novikov, Ivan Shilo, Valery Labodaev, Tatiana Neparko, Vasily Timoshenko, Yu. Tomkunas, L. Sheiko, T. Chumak, A. Goncharko. Are given details on the design, subject matter and content of diploma projects. Included are reference data on the operation of the machine and tractor fleet, technical support of processes ...
  • Technical support for the production of crop products. Textbook , . The basics of the acquisition of machine-tractor units, operating technologies and the organization of mechanized work in the cultivation of agricultural crops, planning and ...

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