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The technical floor plan is quick and easy.

In this article, I will tell you how you can create a technical plan for a building using the program that I now use to prepare technical plans for the ACS.

In the program createtechnical plans to all real estate objects easily and conveniently. To see this, let'screate a technical building plan ... We will act in the "Technical plan" section. Let's start by choosing the "New" - "Building" menu item. A form will open, all sections of which are arranged in almost the same way as in the printed form of the technical plan. (see fig. 1)

Figure 1 - Sections of the form for creating a technical plan. Please note that technically, it is not necessary to complete all sections sequentially, as described in this article. You can enter data in any of the proposed sections, then save and close the technical plan, and, when necessary, return to it and fill in the missing information. Or, alternatively, you can create and save an "empty" object and then gradually add data to it. According torequirements for order No. 403 1 (clause 3) the technical plan consists of three parts:text , graphic andapplications ... So now let's fill in each of these parts one by one. Filling the text part Let's start with the text part.Title page reflects data on the type of cadastral work, the customer and the contractor. For our example, suppose thatstate cadastral registration of the building ... The program has hints that make it easier to enter data. For example, for the title page, the entry of the cadastral number of the building is possible only when taking into account the changes, including in connection with the formation of a part of the object. Let's move on to fillingcustomer data ("Edit") allows you to enter or edit data. It is allowed to add an individual, legal entity or government body as a customer. Each type of customer has its own tab. One moreconvenient function in the program : fields to be filled out are highlighted in red outlines ... This helps to avoid mistakes and navigate what data must be entered. In the form for adding a customer, fill in only the fields required for the technical plan: full name for an individual or name for a legal entity. It is possible to add an address and an identity document (or TIN, PSRN for a legal entity), and then, for example, forprinted form of declaration section “5. Property Rights Holders ". It is gradually possible to createyour customer base . Artist data has already been entered into the program. They are specified by the user during registration. But there is always an opportunity to change or supplement them in ... We will also indicate the date of acceptance and the date of completion of the cadastral works. To save the entered information, clickApply "OK" is needed to save the changes and close the form of the technical building plan. If you press"Exit" , the entered data will not be saved. Vsection "Initial data" add documents on the basis of which a technical plan, a geodetic base, data on measuring devices and cadastral numbers of the original objects have been prepared. When adding a document, it is important to fill in its name, type and number. The rest of the characteristics are optional.Document types are given in accordance with a special reference and have a strict correspondence to the codes that are unloaded in XML ... The question may arise here: if the types of documents do not contain what is needed, then how to enter this document? Indeed, not all types are provided in the normative reference book, and in this case, you should select the type "Other document" of the appropriate section. It is possible to attach the document file itself using the button"Add file" ... Various formats are supported. The method of saving the file is offered at your choice: on your computer (locally), or in the program database, or incloud storage on the Internet if you have a corresponding account. The settings for such an account are set in the "User Profile" section. Let in our example the technical plan is prepared on the basis of the declaration. Let's add the document type"Declaration" ... Note that the name was filled in automatically. If the name does not match the type, it is possible to change the name of the document. Since there is no document number, we will indicate b / n. According to the requirements for order No. 403 1 (clause 12) the declaration must be attached to the technical plan, for this we will set the attribute “Appendix to the technical plan”. For props"Information about the geodetic base" first you need to fill in the data insection "References" ... Everything is simple and convenient: each directory has its own tab, and is responsible for entering a new positionAdd button ... (see fig. 2)
Figure 2 - Section "Reference books". The section contains the following reference books: geodetic base (coordinate system: OMS or GSK - with control points ), calculation formulas for the error in determining the coordinates, methods of determination and the instruments themselves, with the help of which the measurements were carried out. The directories are filled in once, and the data is then used for all technical plans. Let's add the necessary information and return to the "Technical plan" section in the initial data. Let's select the data about the coordinate system and points of the reference-boundary network. It is possible to add such items along the way, without referring to the "References" section each time. In the next props we will choosemeasuring instrument ... Please note that the props"Cadastral numbers of original objects" is filled in only if the building is registered and if there really are original objects from which the building is formed. Until the method of formation is indicated, the cadastral numbers of the original objects cannot be entered.Therefore, the XML file will not overlook the way to form . Measurement Information and Location Description section combined into one, since it includes data on the contours of the object, calculation formulas and methods. For the coordinates of the contours of objects presented in files of popular systemsMapInfo (mif) , GEOCAD-TXT or even simple ones.TXT and .CSV files , it is possible to import into the program. It is enough to select the desired item inImport menu and specify the parameters for import. It is also allowed to enter coordinates manually. Note that when adding each subsequent coordinate, method, formula, prefix and error of the previousmemorized automatically ... Let's add a contour of four coordinates. The result will be visually displayed in the current section (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 - Section "Measurement information and location description". For the technical building plan, it may be necessary to entercontour of the formed part (part allocated as a result of limitation or encumbrance). For this it is providedthe "Outline of the formed part" flag. In the nextsection "Specifications" fill in the appropriate data for the object. For the current building example, addland cadastral number ... If we knew the previously assigned numbers, we would have entered them and indicated the date and name of the organization that assigned these numbers. The address can be entered in two ways: either set in the form of a structure - subject, district, settlement, etc., orif you have an address reference select a subject (region, region) and fill in the rest of the address in the "Unformalized address description" field. Let's bring instructured address on the basis of the declaration: Kirov region, Kirov, Lenin st., 1a. The purpose of the building is chosen in accordance with the requirements of the order. For our example, we will select the assignment "Residential building". The number of floors and the year of construction will be entered on the basis of the building declaration, which we indicated in the "Initial data" section.Exterior wall material is selected from the directory, the codes of which are exported to XML. Let's choose "From the bars" as the material for the walls. Fortotal area a field rounded to 0.1 m is provided. Fill in this characteristic with a value of 60.8 m. Section "Formed parts" to be filled in if there are parts of the building that are subject to restrictions or encumbrances. It is possible to specify a number for each part, select an outline, or enter a description of the location in the form of text and attach a plan. Also available for fillingcontent of encumbrance and the total area. The result of filling in the "Formed parts" section is shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 4 - Section "Formed parts". Latest section - "Conclusion" ... It contains additional information on the technical plan in the form of text. Filling in the graphic part In the graphic part, everything is also presented clearly. You canadd a file and give it an attribute that this is a diagram of geodetic constructions, a diagram of the location on a land plot or a drawing of the contour of an object. (see fig. 5)

Figure 5 - Attributes on the form for adding a layout on a land plot. Followed byattach a schematic or drawing file ... The choice is offeredstore such files on your computer (locally), in the program database or incloud storage on the Internet if you have a corresponding account. The settings for such an account are set insection "User Profile" ... By the specified attribute, the files of the graphic partdumped to XML ... And if you have drawings or diagrams in the form of raster images (jpg, png, tif pictures, etc.), then they will be displayed in printed form. Now program developers are preparing for releaseschematic editor to enable users to create the required sectionsgraphic part for buildings, structures and construction in progress. In the schematic editor, you candraw the contours of an object by coordinates already entered into the program,add underlays for land plots and cadastral quarters. Adding Applications Additional documents are added to the annexes for the preparation of the technical plan. You can already see the declaration here, since you previously supplied it withAttribute "Attachment to the technical plan" ... It is convenient that when entering documents in this section, the attribute "Appendix to the technical plan"is indicated automatically. It is possible to add attachments not only to the technical plan, but also to the declaration, if you specifyattribute "Attachment to the object declaration" ... (see figure 6)
Figure 6 - Attributes on the form for adding applications. Formation of XML and printable technical plan Now we can say that we have entered all the data. Let's get down tothe formation of a printed and electronic version of the technical plan ... Note that a printable version is generated even for an object with no data. In this case, there will be dashes in the blank sections of the print option. If you have entered the data in full, then at the output you will receive printed and electronic (XML) forms of the technical plan, ready for verificationfor delivery to the cadastral registration authority ... It should be noted that the printed forms are also availabledeclaration and survey report . The XML is unloaded immediately with a check for compliance with the XSD schema. It is important that before unloading it is possible to check if all the necessary data is specified. To do this, select the "Unload" - "Check" menu item. For example, be sure to indicatequarter cadastral number ... Since we have not filled out this field, the program will display the correspondinghint warning . ViaUnload menu the upload folder is also configured so that the XML file is uploaded to any convenient place on your computer, the folder for technical applications is also configured, view the history of all uploads (see Fig. 7).
Figure 7 - Upload history. Summary Thus, in a few steps we get a full-fledged technical plan, the data of which can be downloaded to XML or generated as a document for printing. In the course of filling out, we were helped by hints about the required fields,additional checks and reference books. Let's also say that it is a developing product. In the future, it is planned to implementelectronic interaction with the cadastral chamber so that a cadastral engineer can form a full-fledged package of electronic documents, including applications, sign it with an EDS and send it to the cadastral registration authority. As well asschematic editor, with the help of which you can easily create a graphic part for the technical plan of a building, structure and an object of construction in progress. And finally, the program has a section where you can writeto technical support wishes, comments and questions about the program. Note: 1 Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of September 1, 2010 No. 403 "On approval of the form of the technical plan of the building and the requirements for its preparation".

In a house without a cellar, you should especially pay attention and take care to block the access of cold to the house from the ground and the heat leak of the building to the ground, as well as the penetration of moisture from the ground into the house. It is important to secure the premises by making proper foundation and floor insulation.

Water from the ground permeates as a result of what is called capillary attraction - the pores of uninsulated concrete act like tiny pipes that "suck" moisture from the surrounding ground. In buildings without a foundation on the floor and on the walls of the foundation of the above-ground barrier, there is sufficient moisture-proof insulation made of PVC foil or tar with glue. It will also be necessary to insulate the floor on the ground. Experts, however, were divided in their views on the appropriateness of the ground foundations of vertical foundation walls.

In 2018, an extended visiting session of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Property and Land Relations was held. A bill was discussed that proposes to amend the Land Code. The event was held at the State University of Land Management.

The main topic of the meeting was the question of allowing the construction of a residential building on a land plot provided to a peasant (farm) economy. At the same time, in order to prevent abuse of the right and exclude the development of agricultural land, it is proposed to prohibit the formation of a land plot under such a house and its resale.

Free privatization of housing (apartments) before March 1, 2018 is not a rumor, but a reality. A few years ago, the authorities said that they would leave a person only one year to privatize housing, but at the end of it, they again extended the term, and 2018 will most likely not be an exception.

The use of the cadastral value in determining the property tax of individuals and enterprises may be excluded

Thus, it is proposed to amend Chapter 30 “Tax on corporate property” and Chapter 32 “Tax on property of individuals” of the Tax Code to exclude the determination of tax bases for tax on property of organizations and tax on property of individuals based on the cadastral value of immovable property. It is planned to determine the tax bases in relation to the specified property: for organizations - based on the average annual value of the property, for individuals - based on the inventory value.
The accompanying amendments are provided for in the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 237-FZ "On State Cadastral Valuation". They relate to the exclusion of the possibility of determining the cadastral value for tax purposes.

The Ministry of Construction of Russia presented a draft of the corresponding government decree for an independent anti-corruption expertise and public discussion. The document is planned to supplement the Regulation on recognizing the premises as residential premises, residential premises unsuitable for living and an apartment building as emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction (hereinafter - the Regulation) with the norms, respectively, on recognizing a garden house as a residential building and a residential building as a garden house. The Regulation will clarify that a garden house is understood as a building for seasonal use, designed to satisfy citizens' household and other needs associated with their temporary stay in such a building. The concept of a garden house will be introduced into the current legislation, paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 217-FZ "On the conduct of gardening and horticulture by citizens for their own needs and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" from January 1, 2019 - the date of entry into force of this law.

Recognition of premises suitable or unsuitable for habitation is carried out by the District Interdepartmental Commission to consider issues of recognition of residential premises as suitable (unsuitable) for habitation. Then, based on the decision of the Commission, the prefecture of the administrative district adopts a legal act on the recognition of the residential premises as suitable (unsuitable) for living, indicating the further use of the premises. (Decree of the Government of Moscow N 1072-PP "On the procedure for recognizing a residential premises as suitable (unsuitable) for living in the city of Moscow and amending, recognizing as invalid legal acts (certain provisions of legal acts) of the city of Moscow")

The Department of State Registration of Rights and Issuance of Information of Rosreestr, together with FGBU "FKP Rosreestr", analyzed decisions to suspend the implementation of state cadastral registration for the period from January to April 2017.
According to the data revealed, the most common reason that impedes the implementation of state cadastral registration is the poor-quality work of a cadastral engineer in terms of the implementation of legislation and requirements regarding the preparation of documents necessary for state cadastral registration of capital construction projects located on the territory of more than one cadastral district.

In November, Rosreestr's extracts on preschool education will begin to be issued for 1 ruble

The YRZ portal was informed about the planned timing of adjustments to the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of December 23, 2015 No. 968 in the press service of the department. The YRZ portal has repeatedly covered the topic of simplifying electronic interaction between the state and business in accordance with Federal Law No. 218-FZ "On state registration of real estate". Recall that the law provides for the creation of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN), which must include information contained in the Unified State Register of Rights and the State Real Estate Cadastre. With the help of this service, it is currently possible to obtain various types of extracts from the USRN. The list of extracts from the USRN, which are provided using the information resource, is determined by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of December 23, 2015 No. 968. This list does not include an extract on registered contracts for participation in shared construction.

Vladimir Putin proposed to expand the Far Eastern Hectare program
We must not forget about the Far East - this is a state priority, the President reminded at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council on Russky Island in Vladivostok. Vladimir Putin also called for the allocation of "Far Eastern hectares" to compatriots from abroad, and to those who have already mastered their allotments, to give even more land.

Those wishing to take a "Far Eastern hectare" free of charge increased 120 million times more choice.
There are more lands where you can now register a Far Eastern hectare. If earlier more than 75 percent of the plots were closed from the provision of "Far Eastern hectares", now their number for issuance to citizens has increased by more than 120 million hectares. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev spoke about this in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Accounting: the benefits of delegation

Small businesses regularly face challenges along the way. Searching for clients, formalizing transactions, submitting reports to regulatory authorities, searching for investments, working with clients - these processes take a lot of time and effort. Accounting support for legal entities is an absolutely necessary service for those who value their time and are ready to delegate important processes to specialists.

Today, a number of regulatory authorities have established the acceptance of declarations in electronic form. FTS, Pension Fund, Rosstat, FSS - just a small list where information can be submitted. Submitted tax returns in electronic form

Today, for the production of a technical plan, cadastral engineers need to have the skills of both a surveyor and a technical inventory. In this article we will tell you how easy and simple it is to create now the most time-consuming technical floor plan.
Unlike the technical plan of a building, structure and construction in progress, this document includes a graphic section with a floor plan, and the formation of this section takes a lot of time and effort. It is good if the plan has already been created and does not require adjustment, or we are dealing with a simple layout, but often the floor plan has to be recreated practically from scratch. And this is where many cadastral engineers start to experience difficulties, especially when it comes to complex configurations. We will consider a similar situation using the example of an open-plan apartment that requires rather laborious calculations (Fig. 1). Recently, such premises can be found in any "atypical" project: a shopping center, a private house, etc.

Rice. 1. Floor plan with a complex layout

Now, no matter what graphics platform is used by cadastral engineers, the problems will be the same. Although project documentation can be used for this type of document, the object will rarely match it, which means that you will need to measure and create a floor plan based on the outline. Also, the need to create a technical passport as an initial document is not excluded - this case will also require the preparation of formulas.
Option 1. Having a building plan speeds up the drawing process, but at the same time, the dimensions obtained when measuring the building will almost always not coincide with the dimensions from the building plan. As a result, it will not be possible to automatically calculate the areas and, as a result, the formula for calculating the area will have to be drawn up “manually”. It would seem that there are no problems here, but in reality the contour can consist of a large number of different shapes (triangles, trapezoids, arcs, etc.). Correctly composing a formula for a complex shape and calculating it correctly is an extremely time-consuming task. For the sake of experiment, we made an attempt to calculate the area of ​​premises on the plan given in this article on a calculator. Even though we were cheating a little (we were able to measure the required dimensions directly from the plan), calculating the area of ​​only the first room took five attempts and more than an hour. In our practice, there was a case when an inventory technician tried for several days to find an error in calculating the area of ​​a room that consisted of more than 50 figures. When calculating the areas of premises, a huge number of mistakes are made. For example, the area calculated by technicians during the inventory of the terminal of one of the Moscow airports differed from the design data by more than 35% ...
Option 2. In the absence of a building plan, the complexity of the task increases. In addition to calculating the areas, you also need to draw the plan itself, and this requires a lot of additional constructions. The main problem is that if you make a mistake at the very beginning, all subsequent constructions will have to be deleted and painted again. It is especially offensive when the error appeared during field measurements - you cannot do without "fitting" or repeated departure. There is also a less obvious complication: after the plan is drawn and its area is automatically calculated, it is very likely that the automatically calculated value will not coincide with the value calculated by the formula. At the same time, it is impossible to understand which of the values ​​is correct. You have to double-check the whole work.
How to be?
In PlanTracer TechPlan Pro, there is simply no problem of correct calculation of areas. This solution allows you to get rid of drawing errors and significantly speed up the process of calculating areas of complex shapes. Our proposed work option: reproduce the outline on a computer and only then form a final floor plan on its basis. Let's consider the stages of creating a plan in more detail.
We start work by drawing the outlines of the rooms that make up the plan. To do this, use the special toolbar Elementary Shapes (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Toolbar Elementary Shapes

The panel contains all geometric shapes that can be used for measurements (rectangles, triangles, etc.), as well as a set of tools for positioning shapes on the plan (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Breakdown of the contour into elementary figures
Let's consider an example of building the first room. Draw shape # 1. To do this, select the "Rectangular trapezoid" object on the Elementary Shapes panel, and then enter the values ​​of the two bases and the height using the keyboard. For figure # 2, select "Triangle". Click on the side adjacent to the trapezoid. The length of the first side of the triangle is equal to the length of the oblique side of the trapezoid. Enter the two missing sizes from the keyboard (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Building the first room

Similarly, we sequentially select the shapes and enter their sizes to form the contour of the room. Once all the dimensions are entered, we end the command. The contour of the room will be formed automatically (fig. 5).

Rice. 5. The contour of the room and the formula for calculating the area

The presented drawing technology has a number of very important advantages.
A contour of any complexity can be drawn without any additional construction, based only on the dimensions from the outline.
When drawing a room with contours, we get not only its graphic image, but also the automatically calculated area, as well as the formula by which this area is calculated.
All elementary figures are interconnected. If you make a mistake while entering the size of the shape, you can return to edit mode at any time and correct the size. This will instantly redraw the contour of the room, update the formula and recalculate the area.
The program automatically monitors the correctness of entering the dimensions and, in case of entering incorrect values, which cannot be used to construct the contour, informs about it. The error will be detected as quickly as possible.
Using the technology described above, draw all the contours on the plan. Then, using the editing commands (Move, Rotate, etc.), we collect them like a mosaic so that the distance between the parts of the rooms is approximately equal to the required wall thickness. With this method of drawing, you will not be able to maintain the exact thickness of the walls - due to the fact that the contours are drawn exactly in size, the walls will turn out "as in real life" and in most cases will be non-rectangular. After all the rooms are arranged in their places, using the Create walls between parts of rooms command in automatic mode, create the “Wall” objects (Fig. 6).

Plan before creating walls (left) Plan after creating walls (right)
Rice. 6. The contours of the room and the creation of walls between them

Final preparation of the plan
It remains to finish the missing elements, and the plan will be completely ready. We insert windows, doors, plumbing and other objects using the template library, which will take us just a few minutes. The program contains all the necessary tools for the fastest and most accurate insertion of objects, the elements of the template library are parametric and interact with each other. Library elements such as windows and doors can be inserted not only into rectangular walls, but also into walls of any geometric shape (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Various options for inserting objects into non-rectangular walls

More details on working with the library of templates will be presented in the next article, where we will look at the classic drawing of floor plans.
To complete the procedure for drawing up the plan, run the command Measure automatically. PlanTracer TechPlan Pro will analyze the shape of the rooms and put down the required dimensions. Add missing symbols if necessary. The floor plan is ready. Data from it can be downloaded to the database and used to compose an explication. When choosing a work technology, you need to take into account that simple plans, in which most of the rooms have a rectangular shape, are faster to draw using classical technology. It makes sense to use elementary figures only for plans, where most of the rooms are of complex shape. It is in this case that the technology of drawing with the help of elementary figures gives a significant gain in time. And most importantly, when using elementary figures, the risk of errors when calculating areas is minimal.
Formation of output documents
As it was said at the beginning of the article - everything is extremely simple and easy! The final touch remains. We fill in the necessary information about the customer of the work, the conclusion of the cadastral engineer and press the button Generate output documents (Fig. 8).

It is important that the technical plans of capital construction projects, generated in electronic (XML) or printed form, comply with all current requirements, both from a legal and technical point of view, and be drawn up correctly.

To prepare a technical plan, there are various programs that allow you to create such documents in electronic form. To date, programs for technical plans are not very different from each other in terms of functionality. Differences can be found, perhaps, only in the convenience of implementing the standard functionality and cost. And also in the fact that in some programs that allow you to form the technical plans of the OKS, you can additionally make boundary plans, map plans, draw floor plans, which is also functionally implemented with varying degrees of convenience for the user.

In the realities of today, programs for technical plans can be roughly divided into two classes:
1) Online Internet resources.
2) Programs installed locally on the user's PC.

Each software solution has both pros and cons. The advantages of Internet applications are that they:

  • allow you to get started quickly, from anywhere with access to the Internet;
  • maintain a unique database of each registered user;
  • you can use them through the corresponding website or by downloading a special application for work;
  • low cost, moreover, some of these resources use a flexible payment system or are generally free at the moment.

The downside here is the need to provide the user with a permanent connection to the Internet. However, it should be noted that this drawback does not directly apply to the software products themselves and the developers of this software cannot influence it either.

The program for drawing up a technical plan "TechPlan Online" belongs precisely to this class of software products. The program is a cloud service for the development of technical plans for capital construction projects in the form of electronic documents and printed forms.

TechPlan Online is intended for cadastral engineers and technical inventory organizations. To get started, you need to download and install a special application once, with which you can access the service in the future. It is installed simply, literally in one click. Thus, to work, you only need access to the Internet and a computer with an installed operating system of the "Windows" family, regardless of the user's geographic location.

The TechPlan Online program is an Internet application. The user database is located on the server computer of the developer's company. Thus, all the work on the maintenance and configuration of the server, database, maintaining the program in working order is carried out by specialists from the developers. The user, having downloaded the client application, installed it on the desired computer with Internet access, and having passed the simple registration procedure once, can gain access to all the functionality of the program and his personal database, and immediately start working.

Therefore, Online-services greatly simplify the task of a cadastral engineer to create technical plans, inspection reports, declarations.

Also, users of Internet services such as "TechPlan Online" have the opportunity to receive traditional technical support, to undergo training in working with the program.

Programs for drawing up a technical plan, which we attributed to the second group, are programs that are installed on a user's computer locally and do not require constant access to the Internet for operation.

In addition to the obvious advantages, there are certain disadvantages associated with this:

  • Difficulties associated with self-deployment and configuration of the program, installation of updates. This often causes serious difficulties not only for individual users of cadastral engineers, but also for small cadastral organizations.
  • The need to independently monitor the relevance of the current version of the program from a technical point of view and from the point of view of the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • You can work only from the workstation on which the licensed version of the program is installed, or which is covered by a network volume license.

In any case, the cadastral engineer himself chooses what to use and which programs for technical plans are more in line with his needs. At least in this post, we have tried to show you that Online services are no worse than traditional software products for cadastral engineers, and maybe even better.

The document itself is no different, only the cost of its registration differs, since often a garden house is a one-story building with a small area, in contrast to a residential building. The technical plan for a house located on land of the IZhS category requires a building permit, in SNT a declaration is enough (under amnesty)

In accordance with law No. 218-FZ, for cadastral registration and registration of a garden house built on the territory of SNT, the document-basis is the technical plan of the building and the declaration for this object as part of the annex to the technical plan. The design of garden houses is carried out in a simplified manner, without obtaining a building permit, under a dacha amnesty, which was extended until March 1, 2020.

According to the current legislation, a technical plan is required for literally all existing real estate objects: a residential house, a summer house, a garden house and any outbuildings (a bathhouse, a guest house, a garage, a summer kitchen, a barn, a greenhouse, and others). In the absence of a technical plan for a building, it will be considered illegal and will entail corresponding problems.

For cadastral registration of a house: residential, garden, summer cottage, a technical plan is required. The technical plan is drawn up by a cadastral engineer, but its presence does not mean that the house is registered. The technical plan must be entered in the register, receive an extract, and only after that, the house is considered registered. Necessarily, in technical terms, there must be a coordinate reference to the land plot.

Dacha amnesty - a simplified version of the registration of a land plot and buildings was extended until March 1, 2020 back in February 2018. the rules for registering residential buildings (instead of a building permit, after March 1, the following is issued: a notice allowing the start of construction; and after the completion of construction - a notice of the compliance of the building with the norms of the law). Read more for details.

The inability to read the disc, certified by the electronic signature of the cadastral engineer, on the device of the MFC or the Rosreestr registrar is one of the reasons for the suspension of cadastral registration. However, the problem is often not a defect in the disc or reader, but in other nuances, which are reflected in more detail. To solve this problem, you should contact the cadastral engineer who prepared the package of documents again, and he will overwrite the disk for you.

After paperwork (preparation of a technical plan or land survey), the package of documents is sent to Rosreestr through the MFC. The registrar checks the availability of documents, their compliance with the established forms, the correctness of the specified information. If he finds obstacles to registration, he makes a decision on the suspension, and informs the applicant about it. To explain the reason for the suspension, and to decipher the bureaucratic phrases with which the suspension is usually replete, it is worth contacting the cadastral engineer who formed the documents. Changes are usually given three months. You can read more about the suspensions and the reasons for receiving them.

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