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  • The title tag is the title of the page. Why is it important? Title tag for different sections and pages

The title tag is the title of the page. Why is it important? Title tag for different sections and pages

Recently, the Russian language has been significantly enriched by new words, both invented in our country and taken from English. People who often create publications on the web often refer to one of the terms that can be classified as borrowed. It's about the concept of "title". What is it? Is it difficult to compose the title correctly? You can find out about this and not only by reading this article.

What is called by such a word?

A title, title or page title is a text element in which the content of a publication is very succinctly characterized. You can see it by looking at the upper left corner of your browser. This program element will display the page title. The title of the article you are reading right now coincides in an amazing way with this title. But after reading our material, you will not have any questions about why this is happening.

The title is not a prerequisite for every page (although very desirable). It can only be placed once. For visitors to the page, it is hardly noticeable and little used, but from the point of view of promoting a resource in the ranking of search engines, it is an indispensable element. As many users may have noticed, when entering a query, the links that match the search most closely are displayed first. And a complete match has a significant impact on your relevance score. And together with it, it also affects the place of the site in the search results (it is significant, but not decisive).

A few of the most common pitfalls when creating a page title should be noted.

  1. The first is its elementary absence.
  2. The same title on all pages, which makes it ineffective in terms of website promotion. The best option is to set the title of the page to the title of the article, category or task, a value that reflects the entity "Site Navigation" and the like.
  3. Simple indication of pages: "Home", "Second", "Third" ...

What else does the page have besides the title?

Categories are additional pages of a resource. They represent concentrated, narrow-topic content even within the site. So, if the resource is about trees, then there may be such categories: "coniferous", "deciduous", "fruit".

Keywords are a thematic area, information about what exactly is written on it. If we draw an analogy with this article, then these are the words "heading", "title" and "page". The description deserves special attention.

What is description?

This is a short description of the page content, up to 150 characters (rarely up to 300). It is important due to the fact that it is displayed to users when displayed in search engines as a summary of this part of the site. Here a pattern arises. If you write an attractive description, you will see that it brings more conversions to the site than before. And vice versa. Because of this, title and description are the most important in terms of attracting new users from search engines. But the descriptions must be of high quality and display the content of the article, so that the resource does not earn the reputation of a "bad" site.

How to write a quality page title?

The correct title, which will effectively promote the resource, must meet a number of requirements.

  1. It should contain the most important queries, which are also present in the visible part of the page.
  2. Size limit: up to hundreds of characters, including spaces. More could be done, but according to the major search engines, they are wary of sites with such big titles.
  3. The uniqueness of the words used: no more than two. The fact is that not long ago, about ten years ago, the page title played a very important role in determining the position of the site. Therefore, many unscrupulous writers literally satiated the content of the pages with keywords. And they didn’t forget the title. Therefore, filters were introduced that filter out too much repetition of the same words, considering the page not containing useful information. Therefore, deciding to create not the correct title, but a little "twisted", you are likely to make it worse.
  4. Writing literacy is a prerequisite. The title must be composed based on the rules of the Russian language.

How to prepare a correct description?

How do you put together an engaging description?

  1. It must be correct, comply with the rules and norms of the Russian language.
  2. He is obliged to concisely describe the page in such a way that the person who reads the description wants to view all the information.
  3. The description should overlap to a large extent with the content of the site, because if it does not exist, then the visitor will quickly leave, and from the point of view of the search engine, there will be a negative user factor (when readers quickly leave the site, and the PS believes that the information is of poor quality ).

pages in terms of programming?

And what is the "main character" of the article from the point of view of programming? It is created using the HTML markup language and placed at the beginning of the program code after it looks like this:

The title of the page is written here

If you want to see this with your own eyes, open the program code of this page and at the very top you can find the title. It will be displayed in the first ten lines. As you can see, the title is not such a difficult concept as one might think earlier.

Title is the only thing more important in SEO than behavioral factors. That is why you should know this topic thoroughly, which will happen to you after reading this article.

For some queries, you can go to the top, just by registering them in the Title. In ranking for non-competitive and low-frequency queries, search engines still pay special attention to the title.

What is Title?

The Title tag is a meta tag that contains the title of the page. It is part of the html document and is part of the block construct ... Basically, it is an alternate page title that is only visible in an open browser tab. The title is not displayed anywhere else on the page.

Visually, the Title is this:

Often, search engines use it, and not H1, giving out a link to a site in search results. The attendance of the resource also depends on the attractiveness of the title for the user. In combination with the description tag, it will allow search engines to better represent the document in the search results, which has a good effect on the page's ranking.

Tails advance

One of the main SEO mistakes is a title written without taking into account low-frequency requests. That is, some expect to advance on demand by writing “Sony CX405” in the headline. There are enough such clever people, and it is clear that such a page will not bring almost one hundred percent traffic. But if we write in the Title "Buy a Sony CX405 handycam: review, reviews and specifications", then there is a high probability that at least one of the low-frequency units, for example [Sony CX405 specifications], our page will be in the top.

Here the technique is as follows - first, the search engine puts the page in the top for long queries, and if user behavior is good for them, then this page will be put in the top also for higher-frequency keywords.

Primary requirements

Typically, the technical requirements for Title are set as follows:

  • It must start with a key phrase and with a capital letter.
  • Size - up to 120 characters.
  • Valid separator characters are colons and quotation marks. Limit on commas - no more than 2 pieces. We use the question mark only for questions.
  • We try to use highlights, synonyms and intents. This way you can attract more low-frequency traffic.
  • The title should be different from h1, but not too much.

Otherwise, the title should be like this:

  • Primary keys are applied at the beginning;
  • Matches the content of the page;
  • Stop words and adjectives to a minimum;
  • It is better to avoid repeating words;
  • Don't forget about readability, people will see this table of contents in their browsers and when they link on social networks;
  • If your web resource is focused on a region, include its name in the tag;

If your titles are written in the style “title | "- it would be better to get rid of such crap. If you really need uniqueization, then prescribing the name of the site through a dash will be preferable.

In this case, it is best to take the main key phrase in the title in the exact direct entry. Of course, in the correct form from the point of view of the Russian language - that is, not “buy a green elephant from Moscow”, but “buy a green elephant in Moscow”.

Why is title more important than H1?

The H1 table of contents is just the name of the material on the page, while the title reflects the essence and semantic load of the entire html document, it is its name (name page). It can contain more characters than h1, it can contain keywords and phrases. H1 cannot be too bloated so as not to take up a lot of space on the page, and you cannot cram unnecessary low-frequency requests there, that is, for promotion, it is the title that becomes the main one.

  • Title is used by search engines to gather more information about a document.
  • This title is displayed on social networks when linking.
  • It is seen by users in the search results, making queries to a search engine.
  • The title can be “branded”, which will not only increase the company's recognition, but also completely uniqueize the alternative title (for example, the sentence: “Repair of refrigerators in Saratov, quickly, reliably” is probably not unique, but in this form: “Repair of refrigerators in Saratov, quickly, reliably - Masterfrost ", where the latter is the name of the company, is no longer repeated anywhere on the Web).

Do you need uniqueness

First, it is desirable that your Title meta tag is unique across the web. Although today it is difficult to achieve 100% uniqueness in this matter. In this case, branding will help to uniqueize the names of html documents.

Secondly, it is undesirable for it to duplicate H1 and phrases from the description.

Thirdly, each page should be named with a different title. If one text has to be split into several, then it would be reasonable to use the same title, but add prefixes to it in this form: part 1, part 2 or page 1, page 2 and so on.

If you ignore these rules, the promoted page may fall under. From the point of view of the search engine, it will not contain the original information, you mean?

Size Requirements

Yandex and Gul will still "squeeze out" only a certain number of words and symbols, and no more. The snippet display options for these two search engines are different.


The system takes into account no more than 13-14 words and shows about 70-80 characters without spaces in the crescent. The rest will simply remain out of sight and be replaced with ellipsis.


It displays even fewer characters - about 12 words, and a total of 68-70 characters without spaces. However, Google recently increased the width of snippets in SERPs.

There is another funny "trick" in all this. The search engine generates results depending on user requests. It follows from this that title is a “quantity” that is not constant, but dynamic in impressions. Based on one or the other of the requested phrase, the robot can display the same page, but in different positions and with different highlighted keywords. And those characters that he highlights in bold take up even more space, and narrow the number of visible words in the table of contents.

Influence of browsers on the display of snippets

The visibility of snippets depends on browsers and the individual settings of each computer. Screen resolution, fonts - it all matters. Of course, there will be no significant difference in the display of characters when adjusting the zoom, a few characters at most. Other results can be obtained in mobile layout as well. It is difficult to predict and calculate in advance where and how the title will be displayed. If only 60 characters fit its content, then almost one hundred percent of the title will be fully displayed in the search results.

Symbols and stop words

Not every symbol carries a semantic load.

Punctuation marks

The title can contain signs and symbols that will divide the phrase into passages.

The meaning of the word "passage": a passage means a certain sequence of words on a web document, separated by punctuation marks or html tags. If a person may not pay attention to the separating punctuation marks and perceive the whole phrase, then the search engine does not know how to “think” and analyzes the separate groups of words between the symbols of the passage.

What punctuation marks break a sentence into passages: significant components for search engines are a period, a question mark and an exclamation point. The robot reads phrases separately if these characters are followed by a space, and the new word begins with a capital letter.

Example: “It's freezing outside! Is it possible to walk with a baby? " - here the search engine will see two passages. And in the same sentence, but of this kind: "It's frosty outside! Is it possible to walk with a baby?" - one passage. The rest of the punctuation marks do not in any way affect the structure of the heading in the "eyes" of search engines, but it is still not recommended to abuse them, as they hide the place for really significant words. Acceptable commas, colon, dash and quotation marks as a last resort. But the fewer there are in the offer, the better.

Stop words

Let's not go deep into the rules of the Russian language, let's remember the main thing: stop words are particles, prepositions, pronouns that do not carry any semantic load in a sentence, but are used only to link or strengthen expressions.

Search bots do not attach much importance to them. However, the queries: [what to do when the head hurts and how to get rid of] and [what to do when the head hurts, how to get rid of] - will give different results. Therefore, it cannot be said that stop words are not important and are completely ignored by bots. You shouldn't add them to them, but you can use them in accordance with key queries and a readable logical structure.

These are the very basics for pleasing robots. But if you want to become a guru in writing sentences without water, I advise you to watch Ilyakhov.

Double H1 and title - is it permissible?

Quite. There are still quite a few pages where the H1 heading completely repeats the title. How does this affect rankings?

Let's go back to the definition that H1 is for people. The rest is for robots. This means that the title of the article should be absolutely human-understandable, interesting, logical, when, like in tags, "games" with keys are allowed, despite the listed parameters. Basically, there is nothing wrong with two tags duplicating each other. Although some SEOs argue that this is unacceptable, the facts prove that there are many sites in the TOP that do not have titles at all.

They only allow you to expand the SEO parameters, more practical use of keywords and increase the chances of successful promotion. If your H1 is so successful that it will attract the attention of users and at the same time contain key phrases, then there is every chance to break into a leading position without filling in additional tags.

Can the titles be edited if the page is already indexed?

Yes. If the page is indexed and does not achieve the desired results, then it is quite possible to edit it. It is unlikely that anyone would think to change the headlines when the site is in the top and carries great traffic. But you shouldn't give up on unsuccessful attempts.

Change word forms, analyze queries, use more relevant, fresh ones. After all, the indicators are always dynamic here. But do not forget the main thing - so that the title does not mislead users and always matches the content. The results of the edits will not be noticeable immediately, so do not rush to draw conclusions, give time to the page. This can take from 1 to 6 months.

Services to help you edit snippets

There are some great tools out there to help a website owner see their site through the eyes of search engines.

One such program is the Screaming Frog SEO Spider. With its help, you can see how snippets will look in Google search results.

Another good service is, which also has a huge number of settings and will allow you to see the display of meta in search results.


The right titles are the backbone of the basics. The fastest way to get traffic from search engines. No wonder there is a saying "Title is the head of everything."

Having your own website is a good way to generate income. But in this case, you have to befriend the meta tags one way or another. Let's take a look at what function Title and Descriptions perform and how to write them in HTML.

What is a title?

Title is the title of a page that appears in browser tabs and bookmarks. It is an important element of a web page by which a search engine evaluates the relevance of content to a search query.

On the one hand, there must be keywords in the title tag in order to be "liked" by the search engines. On the other hand, sites are created for people, and a clumsy page title will scare away users. Therefore, information content and readability come to the fore. How to create the right title?

Title writing rules

Let's take a look at the basic rules for creating web page titles.

Using keys

You do not need to list all the keywords that are used in the article. The search engine will regard this as spam. Start the title with the master key for which the page was optimized. You can combine multiple queries, but do it wisely. For example, “Buy Samsung Galaxy A5 in Kiev at a low price” instead of “Buy Samsung Galaxy A5, buy Samsung Galaxy A5 in Kiev, buy Samsung Galaxy A5 at a low price”.

Punctuation marks

SEOs advise against using punctuation marks in title. First of all, it concerns stop symbols: () / \ |! _- + =. Period, comma and dash are more acceptable characters in the title. But if possible, do without them.

However, the emphasis should be on the word “advise”. It is not always possible to create a readable page title without punctuation marks. However, place the master key before the stop symbols.

Title in HTML

We've figured out how to compose a title. But how do you write it in HTML so that the browser can display it correctly? The title tag is located inside the container ... It is paired and has no attributes. There can be only one for the whole document .</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h2>Why do you need a description?</h2><p>The search results display snippets - short blocks of information about the page.</p><p>Where does the description come from? There are two options:</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ol><li>The search engine selects a single piece of content that it considers most relevant.</li><li>The optimizer prescribes it in a special tag.</li> </ol><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>The text inside the tag is not included in the ranking. In other words, we only write descriptions for people. Remember that the user will see the snippet before they visit the site. If the title is a kind of visiting card of the project, then a small description will help the user decide whether to enter here or not.</p><p>How to increase the clickability of the description?</p><ol><li><i>Brief.</i> Focus on 150 characters. Too long descriptive machine will cut off. And people usually don't take such descriptions well.</li><li><i>Attractive and intriguing.</i> Forget about the constructions "From this article you will learn ...", "This article will tell you about ...". Write in such a way as to "hook" the person. <i> </i> Leave clericalism and complicated phrases - use only living language.</li><li><i>Informative</i>... Don't overdo it with intriguing wording. Cryptic and vague descriptions will lead to the fact that the user simply does not understand what the article is about. He is looking for a solution to the problem - and wants a direct answer to his question.</li><li><i>Literate</i>... And again the rules of the Russian language: commas, capital letters, spelling. A potential visitor should understand that serious people are working on the site.</li><li><i>Unique.</i> Yes, it is tempting to write the same description for all pages of one site. However, the descriptions must be different. You can write them in a boilerplate, but do not copy them without changes. Uniqueness within the Web is a matter of course.</li><li><i>We describe the page, not the site.</i> In the search results, a person sees individual pages, the content of which answers his request. Only if he liked the content, he will most likely want to familiarize himself with the rest of the site. Therefore, your task is to draw his attention to individual pages. For example, a user wants to buy a teddy bear. You don't need to tell him that you have a great website where he can find all kinds of stuffed animals. Better to indicate that this page contains a catalog of teddy bears in different colors and sizes. We provide specific information, not general information.</li><li><i>Keywords.</i> Use the main keys for which you optimized the article. You can combine them in one sentence or arrange them in different parts of the text. But do so without compromising readability and literacy. If description doesn't rank, what's the purpose of the keywords? If they match the user's request, then they are highlighted in bold, attracting his attention. This, in turn, increases the click-through rate. Use direct occurrence of keys.</li> </ol><h2>Description in HTML</h2><p>Title and description are meta tags that are set internally <head>... They are not part of the main content of the page. Description is a single tag. However, it contains the content attribute, where the page annotation is written. The text is enclosed in quotation marks.</p><p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Pay due attention to meta tags as they are important for improving the page's click-through rate. According to them, the user determines whether the site suits him or not. But keep in mind that the content is the most important thing. Even if a visitor is interested in a well-composed title, they will quickly leave the page when they see low-quality content.</p> <p>I say right away that in this article you will not find a stupid set of stupid tips, such as specifying the Title size or the numerical value of the key density. All this is a rare game that has spread over the network like a virus ... The basis of the correct spelling of the meta Title is the understanding of the basics. But not everyone understands these basics, just read the article and you will see everything for yourself!</p> <p>The article came out big, but it's worth it, believe me.</p> <p><b>What element of SEO page optimization matters the most ?!</b> I think that you can easily answer this question correctly - of course the title of the page!</p> <p><b>Ok, I agree, but how to optimize it correctly?</b></p> <p><i>Well, do you need to write the main keyword for the page at the very beginning of the title? - you will say and you will be completely right.</i></p> <p><b>What else?</b></p> <blockquote class="type-2"><p><i>Well ... You have to write a page title shorter than 70-80-90 characters, right ?!</i></p> <p><i>Need to make this tag readable for people too ?!</i></p> <p><i>It is necessary to observe a certain density and nausea ?!</i></p> <p><i>The title must be unique ?!</i></p> </blockquote> <p>In fact, this is where a serious mess and confusion begins in the minds of site owners and SEOs, starting from the very first point. Yes, Karl, starting from the very first point, <b>after all, you still need to be able to correctly place the master key at the very beginning of the title.</b></p> <p><i>This is a common truth, but I will tell you a secret - most people still cannot correctly place the MAIN key in the CORRECT form at the very beginning of the Title and this is not paranoia, but statistics ...</i></p> <p>So let's try to work out a set of rules for preparing a really effective title, because this element of SEO optimization is indeed the most important, but only if it is properly formed.</p> <p>Let's start from the very beginning, namely using the master key at the very beginning of the title.</p> <h2>Master key</h2> <p>Do you think everything here is unambiguous and simple? - but no ...</p> <p><b>What is the master key?</b></p> <p>Many will say that this is the most frequent cluster key for this page (what is clustering I wrote)! Sometimes yes, but this is only relevant for a newly created landing page, and even then not always.</p> <p><b>What am I talking about here?</b></p> <p>Quite simply, imagine we have an old and reputable website page that already has a lot of search traffic. Let's take a cluster of requests for this page and break through the current positions.</p> <p>Let's say we get the following picture:</p> <p>Is it possible to consider the most frequent request, that is, "request 1", as the main request for this cluster? In principle, it is possible, but it will be much more efficient to make the main query, which does not have the highest frequency, but a much higher position, because it is much easier and more efficient to move a query from 18th place to the TOP 3 than to move a query out of nowhere.</p> <p>Many methods of traffic promotion are based on this understanding, when we work exclusively with the so-called <b>active semantics</b>, that is, it is precisely the semantics that is not just there somewhere in our dreams, but already works and brings transitions.</p> <h2><span>Competitive request</span></h2> <p>So, now we have decided that the main request for a page is not always the most frequent request. Competitive analysis can be another factor here, especially for young sites! It makes no sense to optimize a young site for the most competitive queries and put them first in the title, it just doesn't make sense! After all, nothing sensible will come of this anyway, and the request will not even reach the TOP in a year without the use of gray and black techniques (we will probably talk about these techniques in one of the following articles).</p> <p><b><i>That is, there is no point in wasting the most valuable place in text optimization, namely the first place in the title for a query that will not make it to the TOP anyway.</i> </b></p> <p>It is very important to soberly assess the chances of success of a particular request. I agree that this comes with experience, but you can be sure in advance that if you have a young site, you should not take the fattest queries in the topic as a basis.</p> <blockquote><p><i>If you want a clearer analogy, then imagine that you are going on a hike and you can take only the essentials with you. Space is strictly limited. And so you decide to take something like a set-top box, for example a Playstation. Yes, it would be cool to play toys on a halt with friends, but the chance that a TV will be found during the hike is catastrophically small, and there is no longer enough space in the backpack for such necessary things as a sleeping bag</i></p> </blockquote> <p>The analogy is ideal for young sites that choose the main RF as the main request for the cluster, having spent the most valuable place in the Title on it.</p> <p>Thus, the main request for a page is a request obtained through a weighted analysis of frequency, concurrency and current positions for all requests in the cluster.</p> <p>Ok, we figured out the term main request, but are you sure that you know exactly the correct request form.</p> <h2><span>Correct request form</span></h2> <p>Word order in a query is sometimes critical. But many are used to believing the exact frequency of Wordstat, considering it to be the main frequency, but only they do not take into account that the standard directive of Wordstat (in fact, the key of the collector through which everyone is used to punching frequencies) does not take into account the desired word order. It's all the same for this directive. It pulls the optimal word form from the database by default.</p> <p>I am leading to the fact that the semantics you have collected for the page or even for the entire site is far from the fact that it contains the correct request form, and often you will not even notice this, because even the wrong word order will go to write texts and buy links, <b>but for the title everything is strict</b>! The main key must be exactly in the correct form and at the beginning of the title.</p> <p>Let's look at a couple of interesting examples, you will like:</p> <p>There is a request - " <b>soft bear toy "</b></p> <p>What's the correct shape for it?</p> <p>Let's drive each of the options into Wordstat to get the exact frequency:</p> <p>Well, here's the real frequency of requests, taking into account the word order:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>How do you like such metamorphoses ?!</p> <p>But that's not all</p> <p>Did you know that, depending on the word order, the commercial request and even its intent can change ?!</p> <p>Let's take the same example:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>As you can see, the commerciality of the correct form is the highest.</p> <p>It turns out that by placing a seemingly main request in the wrong word order at the very beginning of the title, we could get much lower traffic than expected (since we would have brought the request to the TOP in the appropriate word order), and also a less commercial request.</p> <p>By the way, in the word order of the query, there are certain and sometimes very interesting rules, the knowledge of which opens up space for interesting manipulations, in particular for online stores. For example, did you know where to put the word "buy", before the request itself or after? So, there is a rule here that a request with "buy" at the beginning is more commercial:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>That is, the conversion from such traffic is always higher, it can be especially interesting for Directologists. Anyway, miracles begin to work on the border between SEO and Direct, but more on that in one of the following articles.</p> <p>Determining the correct form is extremely simple - just enter the query of interest in quotes into the wordstat:</p> <p>Ok, now we figured out how to select the main request for a page and how to determine its correct form and why it is needed.</p> <h2><span>How to compose a Title</span></h2> <ol><li>We repeat commercial words (buy, price, etc.) no more than once</li> <li>We repeat ordinary words no more than two times</li> <li>The main key in the correct form is strictly at the beginning of the title</li> <li>Strictly no characters that hit the passages (period, exclamation and question marks, semicolons)</li> <li>You can use commas, but if you can do without them, then it's better this way</li> <li>The length is not limited by any characters</li> <li>Optional - shorter than 12 words (important only for Google)</li> <li>Do not forget that the more words in a title, the less weight of each of the words, so there is no need to write poems here</li> <li>The uniqueness of the title within the site</li> <li>The uniqueness of the title within the Yandex. It is corny to add the name of the company to the end</li> </ol><h2>Roast the duck</h2> <p>Well, now let's shoot a couple of ducks with which I have been fighting since time immemorial:</p> <ol><li><b>Length limitation</b></li> </ol><p>The length of the title is 60-70-80-90 characters - nonsense, nonsense and again nonsense! There is only one recommendation, and that is no more than a recommendation - the length of the Title is shorter than 12 words. Everything! Do not believe me - see the titles of the leading sites.</p> <ol><li><b>Write titles exclusively for people</b></li> </ol><p>The readability of the title for visitors, what can I say? In principle, yes, the title should at least not be clumsy, but there is always a choice between SEO optimization and readability, where both will ultimately influence the position. Here you should take into account the fact that search, in particular Yandex, can sometimes move the title at its discretion, if it is long enough, and it can also substitute other page elements instead of the title, for example, H1 or even the name of a site from the Yandex catalog. Therefore, it is far from the fact that people will see exactly what you have prepared for them. There is no need to say praises in titles, as a rule it will simply result in unnecessary stop-words. Just make your title readable, but no more.</p> <h2><span>Main principles</span></h2> <p>So, if you still highlight the most important principles that affect the correct preparation of the title, then I would highlight the following:</p> <ul><li><i>Correct choice of the main query.</i></li> <li><i>The indication of the main request at the very beginning of the title is strictly in the correct form.</i></li> <li><i>We try to indicate in the form as close as possible to the correct one or two more important requests for this page.</i></li> <li><i>All other cluster requests are simply split into unique words that have not yet been used in this title and implanted into it (the main thing here is not to beat the passage).</i></li> <li><i>Strictly no symbols hitting the passage</i></li> </ul><p>You can find other interesting articles in my VK public</p> <p>Tag <title>is the most important part of a page on any site, so it pays to pay a lot of attention to how you compose it. Making headlines is like an art and not everyone can get it right the first time, it takes some subtleties to do it. By applying these 12 tips for using and optimizing the title tag for your sites, you will avoid many problems in the future.</p> <h2><b>1. The title should reflect the essence of the page.</b></h2> <p>This item is related to usability. It should be remembered that the title is shown in search results in all search engines and users pay attention to it first of all. From what you put in the tag <title>the click-through rate and, accordingly, the amount of traffic received will depend.</p> <p>Also, the title is used when describing a page (or site) in some directory of sites, a directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive high-quality targeted traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote> <p><i><span><title>home page of the site
</i><i><span>NIGMA</i> </span><i><span>- intelligent search engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you a real blogger?

2. Include your brand in your page title.

Use your site name or brand at the beginning or end of the title tag on every page to help users understand where they will be navigating and increase return rates. Some search engine users look down the search results to find a trust brand.

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization
Option 2: Search Engine Optimization - Wikipedia
Option 3: Search engine optimization and website promotion

3. Use different titles on different pages.

The title tag must be unique on every page, and it must also be unique across the search results. To uniqueize the tag within your site, use the titles of articles, sections, categories, and so on in it. If any article is paginated then add the text at the end of the title Page 2 of 10 or simply P. 2... It is convenient to use the brand name in the title to uniqueize page titles across the entire search index. Identical titles can cause duplicate content to appear and, accordingly, some pages may be included in the “additional search results”.

4. The title must contain keywords.

The keywords should appear in the title in a natural way; search engines will assign the most weight to these words from all that are found in the text. Therefore, when optimizing a page for a certain key phrase, it is worth, first of all, to include it in the title. Internal links to a specific page most often contain its name in the anchor, just like with natural external links, people put the title of the page in the anchor, so if this tag does not contain keywords, then you lose a great opportunity to make the page more relevant at no cost. for a specific key phrase and promote your site for it a little higher in the search results.

5. Don't include too many keywords in your title.

It is necessary to add keywords to this tag, but it is worth knowing when to stop and finding the line between seo optimization and usability. When adding keys to the title, make sure that it remains readable. It is not necessary to drive more than 2-3 key phrases into the title of the page; leave the title, first of all, readable and understandable for users. If you have a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be dedicated to 1-2 keys, this way you will shorten the headings and increase the conversion.

Examples of long and short titles:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download clips of new songs - music portal >> Dance music, electronic club music

6. Do not use stop words in the title.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those that occur so often in the texts that they cannot be meaningful for the search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they appear in the query body.

Among the Russian-language stop words, one can distinguish such as: O, and, or, To, I am, not, before etc. Among the English speakers, it is a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for other.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than two times.

It is better to combine words, insert derivative words, etc., to focus more on users. When a word appears in the title more than twice, the title becomes long, unreadable and spammy from the point of view of search engines. For example, this header:

Nokia 3410 - phone, case for Nokia 3410, case for Nokia 3410 battery for Nokia 3410

not usable at all, its redundancy resembles spam, which strives to remind search engines what the page is about. It is better to use this form in this case:

Nokia 3410 phone - case, housing, battery, accessories

8. Don't use too long page titles.

Limit on the number of characters counted in the title tag for google is an 70 characters so that the name in the sickle fits into one line. V Yandex taken into account in the title no more 15 words, and no more is displayed 80 characters... If your title is greater than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically truncate it (google will add three dots at the end).

9. Make your title no more than 8 words long.

It is quite difficult to fit more than 8 words into 70-80 characters, however, some still make the title too long. For google, the number of words taken into account in the link text is eight, for Yandex - 16. Remember that users referring to your pages do not like to change the title by inserting it into the anchor of the link. Focusing only on Yandex and making a title more than 8 words, you are losing on google.

10. Place the most significant keywords at the beginning of the title.

This way, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keywords will go into the anchor of internal and external links and will affect the link ranking. If you like long titles, then put the brand at the end, not at the beginning of the tag. Pay attention to how different companies and services make headings. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal Constitutional Law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

A pattern is a pattern. If you need to put multiple keywords in the title tag, or use multiple modifiers, then use templates like this:

[mod1 key] + [key mod2] = [mod1 key mod2]

For instance, Find a job at home + Work from home over the Internet = Find a job at home online.

The templates can be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
KW1, KW2 and KW3
KW1 | KW2 | KW3

However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords, you may not fit into the required restrictions on the length of the title.

12. Don't use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can put in the title tag. These are the following characters (not the entire list):

In the search results, special characters look something like this:

Previously, other special characters were also supported, which are simply ignored for now. Among the unsupported characters are ASCII characters and the following HTML entities.

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