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Tariffs for corporate communications beeline. Beeline tariffs: only current offers

On this page you will see an overview of Beeline tariffs for mobile communications, Internet, tablet and modem. We will talk about their cost, connection methods, what options they include. What are you waiting for? Let's get started.

For phone

First, we will list all the current tariff plans from Beeline for phones. Immediately note that for each payment system - prepaid and postpaid - have some suggestions.


Line "All mine"
Most Popular existing tariffs on - this is, of course, . The “All Inclusive” principle works here - the package includes several types of communication services, plus additional options which, for sure, will please the subscriber. These are the most latest packages, the release date of the line is spring 2018. However, many users have already left positive feedback about these tariffs.

All mine 1

Among cellular tariffs Beeline with subscription fee this one is the cheapest. Here are its parameters:

  • 13.33 p. per day
  • 3 GB traffic
  • 300 minutes
  • 300 SMS
  • Activation number 0850 . About that, read the article on this topic.

Additional terms:

  • The traffic package will operate in All-Russian roaming
  • Minutes can be used for calls within the network within the country and to numbers of other mobile operators in home region
  • Even after the package of minutes is exhausted, you can call Beeline within Russia for free
  • Full unlimited calls to subscribers who have connected one of the tariffs of the same line. The offer is also valid in Russia.

All mine 2


  • 20 p. per day
  • 15 GB
  • 500 minutes
  • 300 SMS
  • Activation number 0850 . Find out, .

Additional terms:

  • The Internet also works while traveling around the country
  • Unlimited calls to Beeline subscribers with a tariff from the same line
  • Free communication within the network in Russia even after the package of minutes ends

All mine 3

The parameters of this tariff plan on Beeline are as follows:

  • 30 r. per day
  • 22 GB
  • 1200 minutes
  • 300 SMS
  • Activation number 0674000333 . Find out in another article.

Additional terms:

All mine 4

Another tariff for Beeline for all operators. Here are its parameters:

  • 50 r. per day
  • 30 GB
  • 2000 minutes
  • 300 SMS
  • Activation number 0674000444 . All methods in the next article.

Additional terms:

Absolutely Everything


  • 83.33 rubles per day
  • 30 GB
  • 5000 minutes
  • 300 SMS
  • Activation number 0850 . All details and details on this offer here

Additional terms:

Our exclusive tips in the article "" - read and you will definitely decide what suits you.

Watch the video with descriptions of these tariffs:

1800 + roaming

Listed Beeline tariffs this option is designed for those subscribers who often travel around the world. In this line of tariffs, Beeline roaming services are aimed at people who are in their home region and travel around the country. This variant has significant differences. Let's look at the parameters:

  • 1800 r. per month
  • 15 GB
  • 3000 minutes
  • 3000 SMS
  • Connection number 0674002017

Additional terms:

Well, in conclusion. All prices indicated in this article are relevant for Moscow and the Moscow region. Tariffs and prices for your region of residence can be clarified, as well as from a specialist "".

How to connect

2. Print the certificate from the offer and give it to the employee

3. To connect to the My Company service, an employee needs to come to one of the Beeline offices with a passport and a certificate

Tariffication when traveling in Russia

How to connect

Tariffication when traveling in Russia

Until November 20, all subscribers connected under the My Company program will be connected to a new logic for billing mobile services. The new basic conditions for charging outgoing calls, SMS and the Internet while traveling in Russia will be equated to home ones.

From this date, the region of the subscriber's stay, when moving around Russia, will be considered home. Connections to numbers in the host region will be charged the same as local calls when staying in the home region, and connections to numbers in other regions - as long-distance calls.

All incoming calls and SMS for subscribers are free.

Subscribers of any package tariffs will be able to use the services included in the package at home while on the Beeline network: calls and SMS will be spent from the package at home, no matter which region of Russia the owner of the tariff leaves for. Package Action mobile internet extends to the entire territory of Russia. Minutes of calls to numbers in the host region will be charged from the package as local, minutes of calls to numbers in other regions - as long-distance.

Options that previously provided special tariffing for trips within Russia will be closed for technical reasons and automatically disabled for users from the date of activation of the new tariffication for trips within Russia.

For every business one of essential conditions success, are stable communications, including mobile communications for business. Now you can not find a single company and corporation that would not use corporate mobile communication. It is stability and availability that are the criteria that are inherent in Beeline communications, whose corporate rates we will now discuss.

What can Beeline offer to its corporate clients?

Beeline understands how important it is in business to keep abreast of every minute.

To do this, he developed a product line aimed specifically at such a specific consumer audience as entrepreneurs and corporations.

For them today there are proposals that provide reliable connection at work, not only cell phone but also PCs and tablets.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail, because for each specific type of device, you need to choose your own tariff for the smooth operation of the entire network.

Now with "Colleagues" you are even closer

The tariff plan is very simple and unpretentious - without pitfalls. Calls between subscribers connected by an agreement are charged only 10 kopecks. per minute, even if they are in different corners Russia. Calls to numbers not included in the corporate party (including Beeline) will cost the subscriber 1.9 rubles. in a minute. One SMS message in Russia will cost the same amount, and a message abroad will cost 6.45 rubles.

It will be helpful to look at:

Beeline offers "Everything for business"

A profitable line of products of the corporate tariff "Everything for Business" allows subscribers to freely talk without payment and write SMS to colleagues throughout Russia. Among other things, this plan includes a number of additional services, which can be connected to the number on favorable terms. Below you can see each item in more detail.

In order to connect the tariff plan, you can simply go to the official website in the department for corporate clients, fill out the order form, indicating along with this your personal and corporate information about the company for which the corporate tariff is purchased. After that, a Beeline representative will contact you shortly and help you complete the registration process.

Reasonable savings with the option "My company"

This service allows you to implement the optimization of communication costs for large companies without affecting its quality. What is the essence of the service? The fact that the option allows you to connect to the contract even those SIM cards that are not covered by the service connection. Along with this, the corporation itself will not spend a penny on it - subscribers connected to the corporate tariff pay for their services on their own.

In terms of cost and volume of options, the service is similar to the "Everything for Business" tariffs, but there are a few additions:

  1. Free calls (for local and nonresident Beeline numbers in the amount of 120 minutes) and SMS for subscribers associated with the contract.
  2. On others Russian operators there is a limit of 50 free minutes as many free messages are provided.
  3. This entire set is available for pre-order.

Corporate services from Beeline for mobile phones

A range of offers that are readily used by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

The components of each package are unchanged, customers only select a tariff for themselves based on the quantitative needs for services.

Subscription fee in this case directly depends on how many minutes, sms or megabytes the client wants to buy.

There are 5 options for this tariff plan, the territory of which is Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • For business for 300 - will give the subscriber 2 GB of the Internet, 100 minutes of free communication, 100 sms or mms. And all this for 300 rubles. per month.
  • For business for 600 - for 600 rubles. corporate clients will have 10 GB on their balance, 600 minutes and messages each.
  • For businesses over 1000 - the amount of Internet increases to 15 GB and 1500 minutes for calls and correspondence, as for the subscription fee, it here is 1000 rubles per month.
  • For business for 1500 - the traffic increases by another 5 GB, and SMS and minutes are 3000 here. To do this, you will need to pay 1500 rubles.
  • For a business over 3000 - the amount of Internet is already 30 GB, and twice as many SMS and minutes for calls.

Corporate tariffs from the "Everything for Business" line

Attention! Figures and data for tariff plan are given only for the Moscow region, for non-resident consumers there are their own grids and gradations. So in Kazan, you can choose from similar tariffs with a monthly fee for 250, 450, 900 and 1500 rubles. per month.

There is something for tablets too

The operator's services for tablet users are aimed mainly at offering the Internet exclusively for business purposes, since the traffic in these packages will not be enough to watch the video, download it and download it.

But for business communication this is not necessary, because to perform official duties it is enough to check the mail, use social networks and operation simple services, which do not eat up precious traffic.

Beeline has prepared the following tariffs for tablets:

  • Fast and Furious 4 GB;
  • Fast and Furious 8 GB.

The difference, as you have already noticed, is only in the amount of Internet supplied and the price for the service. For the first option, you will need to pay 350 rubles. per month, and the second - 550 rubles.

For routers and USB modems

For these devices on corporate basis more traffic is offered. This category of tariffs will allow you to watch videos, listen to audio tracks. The offer is limited to two tariffs - Fast and Furious 16 GB and Fast and Furious 32 GB.

Naturally, with an increase in the number of gigabytes, the payment will increase proportionally: for 16 GB, the user will pay 850 rubles per month, and for 32 - 1,150 rubles.

Summing up

Finding the tariff you need will not take much effort and time, since Beeline has developed its offers in such a way that they include balanced options for reasonable prices. It is enough just to decide on their number, which is necessary to support stable connection in your business.

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