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Tariff plan is all for 1590 promo. How to disable the tariff plan on Beeline

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Mobile telephony and the Internet have become an integral part modern life... For many people who use world wide web to improve the efficiency of study, work, as well as a variety of personal communication, entertainment, recreation with friends or family. For those who are not used to limiting themselves in communication, operators mobile communications package offers are being developed, for example, "Everything for 1500", the Beeline tariff, which includes a certain set of services that form the basis of its service.

Package benefits

The package offer from the market leader includes a strictly defined set of services that are most popular with consumers. Packages are provided at a single cost according to the combined account, and in tariff plan included:

  1. Outgoing calls. A feature of the tariff plan is the provision of an unlimited number of outgoing calls to the numbers of the Beeline operator, within Russia and 2200 minutes for the smooth implementation of calls to landlines, mobile phones other domestic operators.
  2. Text messages... SMS can be used within Russia, in package offer includes the ability to send up to 1000 such text messages to numbers of any operators in the Beeline network.
  3. Mobile Internet. High-quality and affordable mobile Internet is useful for work, study, for a great pastime. The plan offers 20 GB per month with excellent traffic.

It is necessary to pay attention: according to the terms of the tariff plan, after using up the services from the package offer, they do not stop being provided to the client, but their use is already separate, paid in nature, and their cost is included in the general invoice.

The convenience of use

At the same time, all the advantages of using package offers are retained, these include:

  • pooled account for the services provided. For using the tariff plan, a one-time fee is charged with a frequency of once a month, it includes financing a package proposal with the withdrawal of the amount due from phone number, without additional visits to financial institutions;
  • distribution of opportunities in personal account... Due to the existing connectivity to tariff proposal several mobile numbers, in your personal account you can independently distribute between them the required number of minutes for calls, SMS messages and gigabytes of the Internet, depending on the definition of personal needs, which reduces the possibility of overspending of services;
  • economical use of the tariff in roaming. In addition to basic services, users of the connected tariff plan are not deprived of the opportunity to use their number for calls in roaming, long distance or to other countries. It is convenient for those planning to travel and not ready to be left without communication.

An additional feature of the package offer is the payment for the proposed batch program... In general, for a month, it is made without advance payment and must be paid after the end of the billing month, no later than the 20th day.

Connection of a tariff plan for mobile users

There are several possibilities and options for connecting a tariff, this is carried out according to standard schemes, which include:

  • visiting Beeline's personal account;
  • call to the support service number;
  • contacting the customer service office.

It is important to remember that this package offer cannot be connected using the USSD command. This opportunity is not provided for the tariff due to the simplicity of the available transition by alternative methods.

Popularity of this tariff

How to disable the bundle offer, at the request of the user

Before you find out the options for how to turn off the tariff plan, you should once again weigh all the advantages of a comprehensive service, but if you wish, you can switch to a more profitable and optimal package using several options. Direct disconnection is made according to the connection diagram. This can be done through your personal account or by calling the number technical support, with the help of a qualified operator select best services at an affordable cost.

Video review

Bottom Line: The Clear Benefits of a Package Offer

Best family fare includes the whole range of necessary servants from mobile operator and a provider for loved ones and relatives. Moreover, in addition to them, you can connect your own to the package. mobile devices such as a tablet or smartphone. Large volumes of minutes for communication, text messages and Internet traffic make it possible not to limit yourself in communication, to stay in touch all the time, using high-quality, inexpensive services from one operator, paying expenses once a month.

V postpaid rates Beeline underwent fundamental changes - disappeared from here unlimited Internet... But there were still large packets of traffic. And the variants with landline numbers remained completely intact. Composing the descriptions of the Beeline tariff "All for 1750", we tried to touch upon all the subtleties of this proposal and outline its advantages. Let's see who this tariff plan is designed for and what it can offer subscribers.

Description of the tariff plan

The Beeline tariff "All for 1750" is postpaid - this is the name of the settlement system, which does not provide for a preliminary advance payment. At regular tariffs, we pay first, and then talk, keeping an eye on the melting balance. Postpaid works in a completely different way - first we talk and consume services, and only then we pay. This is how the electricity consumed is paid for.

Postpaid tariff "All for 1750" beneficial for business people who have no time to take care of their balance sheet... They want to remain confident that they will be in touch at any time. This is exactly what postpay allows to achieve. That is, we talk on the phone all May, and in June we pay the invoice - this is very convenient for busy subscribers... In the absence of timely payment, the number is simply blocked.

In addition to postpay, direct numbers are provided on the "All for 1750" tariff from Beeline. They are full analogs of numbers allocated for landline telephony. Only in in this case they are assigned to mobile phones, and the last seven digits of both numbers are the same - this ensures the convenience of dialing from fixed handsets and guarantees quick memorization.

The cost of the tariff Beeline "All for 1750"

The subscription fee for this tariff plan is 1,750 rubles / month. - this is evident from the name. For this money, subscribers receive 1100 minutes for any calls within Russia. It doesn't matter where to call - to the Moscow region, Vorkuta or Khabarovsk. The intranet unlimited also works, which is activated after the basic package of minutes has been exhausted.

In addition to minutes, the tariff "All for 1750" from Beeline provides an SMS package - every month, subscribers are provided with 500 messages throughout Russia. This is enough for quite active communication in text mode... Also the tariff plan has traffic, its volume is 12 GB... It is designed to be used for any need - this is surfing, working with mailboxes listening to music online and much more.

A notable feature of the "All for 1750" tariff from Beeline is that it works throughout Russia - it is relevant for travelers and business travelers.

After the basic package has been exhausted, the cost of local calls will be 1.6 rubles / min. Intercity will cost a little more - 3 rubles / min. The cost of local SMS over the package will be 2 rubles / pc. Sending a multimedia message will add 7.95 rubles to your monthly bill. Prices for international communication depend on the direction:

  • Abkhazia and Georgia, CIS countries, South Ossetia - tariffication is 24 rubles / min;
  • Calls to numbers in Canada, European countries and the USA are charged at 35 rubles / min;
  • If you need to call Central or North America, you will have to pay 40 rubles / min;
  • Calls to any other phones around the world - 40 rubles / min.

The cheapest are calls to Beeline numbers in Georgia and the CIS countries, as well as to the phones of the Ukrainian Kievstar - only 12 rubles per minute.

The fish seeks where it is deeper, and the person - where it is better. The well-known truth is also applicable to Beeline subscribers who do not stop there and strive to receive services cellular all on more favorable and favorable terms. But sometimes for this you have to abandon the current tariff plan and even buy new SIM card... The natural question is how to disable the tariff on Beeline, which has become unprofitable. In search of an answer, let's try to figure out the reasons and offer several options for disabling.

Technical support request

Most often, subscribers try to get rid of the problems that arise by directly contacting the technical support service at 0611 or 8-800-700-0611. A call center consultant will undoubtedly help, regardless of what needs to be turned off: an unprofitable tariff plan or a service that has become useless. But this method is not very effective, since it is not always possible to wait for the connection with the operator. But if you are lucky, be prepared to give the passport details of the SIM card holder. Otherwise, the operator has the right to refuse further dialogue and will not help to disable current tariff Beeline.

Disabling or changing the tariff through the Personal Account

Instead of once again trying to reach out to Beeline's technical support, it is recommended to register once in your Personal Account (LC) and become a full-fledged manager of your number. This service convenient in that it gives the user complete freedom of action over his number, including:

  • changing the tariff package;
  • control of expenses for any period by ordering detailing;
  • opportunity to refuse unnecessary services and subscriptions in seconds;
  • viewing the history of applications;
  • adding numbers of relatives and friends.

You can disable the current tariff on Beeline and switch to more favorable conditions in the "Tariffs" section of your account.

To register on the website and to use the PC in the future, it is not necessary to have a computer with Internet access. Create account anyone who has a smartphone or tablet can. To do this, you need to install the application "My Beeline" functionality which duplicates the browser version for a personal computer.

Helpful information

Very often, the main reason for canceling your tariff is the high subscription fee which manifests itself in the form of incomprehensible daily charges. But don't make any hasty decisions. All that is required from the subscriber is to get rid of unnecessary paid services and subscriptions that eat up a decent amount from the balance every day. This can be done in several ways:

  • through your Personal Account, disabling all mobile subscriptions provided by third party services in the section "Information and entertainment services";
  • voice autoinformation service 067409;
  • using the USSD command * 110 * 09 #, which will send a notification to the phone with a list active services and commands to disable them.

Perhaps after you give up paid subscriptions, the current tariff package will again become profitable and very practical.

There are also situations in which the only the right decision there will be a trip to the customer service office (with a passport and a contract). For instance:

  • the current tariff plan on Beeline does not completely suit the subscriber and requires the closure of the personal account;
  • the subscriber finds it difficult to independently choose a tariff suitable for the transition or cannot cancel a paid subscription;
  • there are no worthy options in the list of tariff plans available for migration.

Read the same

Not only in Russia, the Beeline operator is one of the most widespread. For example, in Kazakhstan, he also provides his services and tariffs. a huge number subscribers. Today we will talk about those.

Is Beeline Kazakhstan a cool operator?

Yes, super!No I do not like!

First, let's take a little time to the question of how to find out your current package. After all, many subscribers who want to optimize their costs for using cellular communications do not even know the name current tariff connected to their SIM card.

How to check your tariff for Beeline Kazakhstan

Fortunately, the solution to the problem is very simple, because if you do not know your tariff plan, remember that you are not alone. To find out the latest information, you can use several methods to choose from:

  • Call to 067405 ;
  • Using the "Personal Account" service;
  • Usage mobile app;
  • Sending a USSD request *110*05# .

Tariffs and services Beeline in Kazakhstan 2019

On the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the operator offers subscribers the following list of tariff plans:

  • "Easy peasy";
  • "For conversations";
  • The line of tariffs "More": "More for 1490", "More for 1890", "More for 2390", "More for 2990", "More for 3990" and "More for 7490".

Let's consider in more detail the most popular and profitable offer.

Line of tariffs "More" Beeline Kazakhstan (summary table) 2019

"More for 1490" "More in 1890" "More for 2390" "More for 2990" "More for 3990" "More for 7490"
Subscription fee (tenge in 4 weeks) 1 490 1 890 2 390 2 990 3 990 7 490
On-net calls to Beeline (minutes) Unlimited.
Calls to RK numbers and to other countries (min.) * 120 200 300
Calls to other countries (min.) 30
Calls to mobile numbers HR (min.) 40 80
Internet traffic volume 4 GB. 8 GB. 12 GB. 20 GB. 30 GB. Unlimited.
Unlimited traffic Not YouTube, Instagram, VKontakte, Facebook, Whatsapp, Odnoklassniki and Telegram
SMS on-net Not 200
SMS to RK numbers Not 300
VIP service for technical support and at the operator's offices Not Yes
The command to connect the tariff *901*1# *901*2# *901*3# *901*4# *901*5# *901*6#

Tariff table notes

  • * - calls to Beeline numbers in Russia and Kyrgyzstan, Kievstar (Ukraine) and all numbers in China.

Tariff Beeline Kazakhstan "Easier than ever" 2019

This offer is designed not for the most active subscribers, or for users who prefer to pay only for those services that they definitely use. This modification does not include a subscription fee, which means that subscribers need to pay separately for each used service.

The package conditions look like this:

  • Calls to mobile phones: 11 tenge / minute;
  • Calls to landline numbers: 18 tenge / minute;
  • Sending SMS to Beeline / other phones: 9/15 tenge;
  • Web traffic usage: 20 megabytes for 29 tenge. (you can use the package no more than 10 times a day, after which further use of traffic will be charged at 3 tenge for each megabyte).

Connection of the “As simple as possible” tariff in Kazakhstan is done using the command *711*11# , the transfer fee is 200 tenge.

Tariff Beeline Kazakhstan "Conversational" 2019

The next updated offer is calculated for subscribers for whom calls are in priority, and mainly to numbers within the Beeline network. The terms of the tariff package are as follows:

  • Subscription fee: 990 tenge per month;
  • Calls to Beeline: free, unlimited;
  • Package for calls to other mobile numbers in Kazakhstan: 30 minutes per month;
  • Calls to other mobile numbers when the quota is exhausted: 14 tenge;
  • Package of messages on Beeline: 40 pieces;
  • Messages to Beeline when using the package: 9 tenge;
  • Messages to other numbers: 15 tenge;
  • Multimedia messages: 25 tenge;
  • Package mobile internet for 50 megabytes: 29 tg.

You can activate the tariff package by entering a USSD request on the phone keyboard of the form *901*9# ... In addition, the transition can be performed both in your personal account and via SMS with a code, ordered on the tariff page at Switching to a tariff plan is available free of charge.

Useful commands Beeline Kazakhstan

Several useful commands, which may be useful to subscribers who have chosen to use any of the tariffs.

  • * 355 # - allows you to early restore the packages of quotas provided within the offer on a monthly basis. Restoring quotas will cost you the same price as the monthly tariff plan you use;
  • * 106 # - a command aimed at providing up-to-date information on the balance of services in the packages provided at the tariff. It is available for use completely free of charge and has no restrictions on the number of uses.

Line of tariffs "Everything" from Beeline Kazakhstan: summary table [archived, connection closed]

"All for 1390" "All for 1790" "All for 2190" "Everything for 2790" "Everything for 3990"
Subscription fee (tenge per month) 1 390 1 790 2 190 2 790
The number of minutes for calls included in the tariff (see description) 80 120 200
Number of SMS included in the tariff Not 200 300
Internet traffic volume in Kazakhstan 8 GB. 12 GB. 20 GB. 30 GB.
Mobile traffic is not counted Beeline Press and Books, Yandex.Music, BeeTV, ESET "NOD32"
Calls within the "Beeline" RK network Is free
MMS cost 25 tenge / pcs.

Tariff "Everything for 1390" [archived, connection closed]

The next package belongs to the "All" family, which includes as many as 5 different tariffs, and is the youngest in it. Its terms and conditions prescribe the following prices and service packages:

  • Subscription payment: 1390 tenge monthly;
  • Package for calls to other numbers: 40 minutes;
  • Traffic package: 4 gigabytes (and 4 more additional gigabytes by stock);
  • At the end of the packages, calls to other phones are charged at 14 tenge;
  • Sending messages to Beeline and other numbers: 9 and 15 tenge;
  • Sending MMS: 25 tenge.

Mobile Internet traffic is not taken into account when using services such as Beeline Pressa and Books, as well as Yandex.Music, BeeTV and anti-virus software from ESET "NOD32". This condition applies to all tariffs from the "Everything" line.

Tariff "Everything for 1790" [archived, connection closed]

The second tariff from the line, as the name implies, has a higher price tag, but this inevitably entails large service quotas. In general, its conditions look like this:

  • Subscription payment: 1790 tenge per month;
  • Unlimited calls within the network;
  • 80 minutes package for calls to other networks in Kazakhstan, as well as to Beeline networks in Russia and Kyrgyzstan;
  • Traffic package: 8 gigabytes (plus 8 gigabytes for a special offer);
  • Unlimited YouTube traffic (until the end of May 2018).

When using the provided quotas, or if there is no money in the account for debiting subscription payment, tariffication of services is carried out according to this scheme:

  • Calls within the network: 11 tenge;
  • Calls to other numbers in the country: 14 tenge;
  • Sending messages to Beeline numbers and other numbers: 9 and 15 tenge;
  • Calls to landline phones: 18 tg .;
  • Dispatch multimedia messaging: 25 tg.

Tariff "Everything for 2190" [archived, connection closed]

The average offer from the family has an even higher price tag, as well as more "tasty" quotas. Its conditions look like this:

  • Monthly payment: 2190 tenge;
  • On-net calls: free;
  • Quota for calls within the country, to Beeline numbers in Russia and Kyrgyzstan: 120 minutes;
  • Traffic package: 12 gigabytes (plus 12 gigabytes additionally for a special offer);
  • Unlimited YouTube traffic until the end of spring 2018.

If the packages are used up within a month, or on the day of the TP renewal, the account will not have enough funds to pay the monthly fee, further tariffication will be carried out as follows:

  • Calls to Beeline: 11 tenge;
  • Calls to landline phones: 18 tenge;
  • Calls to other numbers in the country: 14 tenge;
  • Sending messages to Beeline / other numbers: 9/15 tenge;
  • Sending MMS: 25 tenge.

Tariff "Everything for 2790" [archived, connection closed]

An even more impressive offer will cost subscribers a very serious price. However, if there is supply, then there is demand. The terms of the tariff look like this:

  • Subscription fee monthly in the amount of 2790 tenge;
  • Package for calls to numbers in Kazakhstan, as well as to Beeline in Russia and Kyrgyzstan: 200 minutes;
  • Calls to Beeline in Kazakhstan: free;
  • Package of messages on Beeline: 200 pieces;
  • Traffic package: 20 gigabytes (plus 20 gigabytes as a bonus);
  • Non-chargeable traffic on YouTube until the end of May 2018.

In the event that the subscription fee is not debited in a timely manner, or within a month the user will use up available packages services, billing will be made in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Calls within the network: 11 tenge;
  • Calls to landline phones: 18 tenge;
  • Sending messages within the network / to other operators: 9/15 tenge;
  • Sending MMS: 25 tg.

Tariff "Everything for 3990" [archived, connection closed]

The most expensive tariff from the "Everything" line is outlined for our last consideration. Obviously, in its conditions there are the most attractive quotas, however, of course, not every subscriber is ready for such a price tag.

The package conditions themselves look like this:

  • Monthly payment: 3990 tenge;
  • On-net calls: free;
  • Minutes package for calls within the country, as well as to Beeline numbers in the Russian Federation and Kyrgyzstan: 300 minutes;
  • Calls to numbers in other countries: 30 minutes;
  • Messages to all numbers in the Republic of Kazakhstan: 300 pieces;
  • Traffic package: 30 gigabytes (plus 30 gigabytes additionally);
  • Unlimited YouTube traffic until May 31, 2018.

As in all others tariff packages of the "Everything" family, the offer for 3990 contains separate tariffication conditions, which are gaining relevance if the subscriber does not make the monthly payment on time, or if the subscriber uses the quotas provided to him for the month. These conditions look like this:

  • Calls within the network: 11 tenge;
  • Calls to other numbers: 14 tenge;
  • Calls to landline phones: 18 tenge;
  • International calls available within additional services%
  • Sending messages to Beeline / other numbers: 9/15 tenge;
  • Sending MMS: 25 tg.

Freestyle tariff from Beeline Kazakhstan [archived, connection closed]

This offer can rightfully be called one of the most popular, since it offers not only impressive service packages, but also a fairly loyal subscription fee.

The following conditions are offered for calls here:

  • Free calls within the network (subject to replenishment of the account once a month for an amount of at least 790 tenge);
  • If the conditions for replenishing the account are not met, calls are charged at 9 tenge for the first minute of the call and 1 tenge for the next;
  • Calls to other numbers are charged at 11 tenge;
  • Calls out of bounds home region to numbers of other operators - 18 tenge.

As for the messages, the conditions for sending them are as follows:

  • Within the Beeline numbers. DOS, Dalacom and Pathword, messages are sent at 7 tenge per message;
  • Text messages on Activ, Tele2 and Kcell will cost you 13.44 tenge;
  • MMS messages, depending on the recipient's operator - 15 or 25 tenge.

Subscribers who cannot imagine their life without Internet access can take advantage of the following offers:

  1. The pre-installed traffic package for 1 gigabyte is free.
  2. 2 GB. for a month of use - 1490 tenge.
  3. 1 gigabyte - 990 tenge.
  4. 150/300/600 megabytes for a week - 150/280/390 tenge.
  5. 6 gigabytes per month - 2290 tenge.
  6. Absolute unlimited - 3490 tenge.

If you do not always need the Internet, but there are days when you simply cannot do without it, you can connect it for a day. The service is available in following modifications:

  1. 25 megabytes for 29 tenge.
  2. 55 megabytes for 39 tenge.
  3. 180 mb. - 69 tg.
  4. 210 mb. - 79 tg.

There is no compulsory monthly fee for this tariff plan.

Considering such lucrative offers, both for conversations and for Internet traffic, we can safely say that this is an excellent youth rate for a completely loyal cost.

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