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Tariff plans from Velcom. Virtual card, "smart home" and smart cash register

To be successful today means to be sociable and active, to be always in touch, to have constant access to the Internet and to react quickly to events in the world. A standard mobile phone is no longer able to meet all the requirements of a modern person and is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The time for smartphones is coming!

According to international experts, the global market for multifunctional phones by 2014 will grow by 24% annually. Some analysts claim that smartphones will supersede pocket personal computers in the very near future. And there is nothing to be surprised at. For example, will you start carrying both a mobile phone and a pocket personal computer with you, if you can buy a smartphone that perfectly combines the functionality of one and the other devices, while easily fits in the palm of your hand, and therefore saves space in your pocket and, what is important, looks stylish? There is no doubt that you will make a choice in favor of such a multifunctional phone, just like our interlocutors - creative people who are always in the spotlight and leading an active lifestyle.

Famous photographer Alexander Konotop recalls that at the dawn of the era of the Belarusian GSM-communication, his first Siemens phone lived only a day: " Normal business for a tube reporter who shoots in hot spots! "

Today Alexander's life is not so extreme, but no less active. There are already other requirements for the telephone set: "The strength of the case is no longer in the first place, but I talk a lot, and I still hardly get out of the Internet - I am a network surfer. Accordingly, the device should be functional. Now I have a smartphoneNokiaand I am looking forward to when my operator starts providingcmeadows 3G" .

Producer and songwriter mobile phone Vladimir Kubyshkin once performed only its main function - voice transmission at a distance: " And today for me it is also a source of information, a computer, a modem, and a camera ... Soon there will be a pocket cinema! Personally, I can’t imagine my work without mobile Internet. Therefore, I need a convenient multifunctional phone.. Recently I had a need for another pipe. I am going to consult with experts about purchasing another smartphone. Well, the choice of the model will be directly related to the emergence of new third generation services.".

Popular model Anna Moliboga refers to a mobile phone as a means of communication, and not as an accessory, and calmly experiences scratches and drops on the phone: " But the technique must work at the same time! I am happy to use all the possibilities that my operator provides, but in addition to voice services andSMS, most often I use the Internet. I can't imagine how you can do without it! In addition to communicating with friends in Odnoklassniki, I keep in touch with the models I invite to auditions. Not all of them will guess to check their mail, but they will visit their personal page of social networks at least once a day :).

It often happens that documents come to the mail just at the moment when I leave the workplace. And then I look through my mail from my phone".

As soon as there are new mobile services that Anna's phone will not be able to handle, she will immediately purchase a new one. " And it will definitely be a smartphone!"- she clarifies.

Alex David, the lead singer of the "Atlantic" group, believes that his certain conservatism is due to the sign of the zodiac: " I am a Virgo, and therefore I take everything new slowly and carefully. It's the same with mobile phones: for a long time I got used to the fact that a telephone receiver is a camera, a dictaphone, and now a whole computer. Nevertheless, I follow the development of the mobile market very closely, largely thanks to my wife - she loves new items very much, and we change her phones quite often. I myself have been using the model for a long timeNokia6300. This phone has everything you need, but I'm almost ripe for buying a multifunctional phone that will make it possible to use all the possibilities of the network. Of course, it will be a very beautiful model - I am very critical of the design of all the things around me. And in terms of a set of functions - a smartphone, of course. How could it be otherwise in our information age!"

Journalist and writer Olga Tarasevich recalls his feelings from the first days of using a mobile phone: " It was so great walking down the street and chatting with a friend! " Little has changed for the author of popular detective stories over the years: a mobile phone is primarily a means of voice communication. "Though, - says Olga, - there was a period when I was interested in the technical capabilities of the apparatus. Into the phoneNokiaN78, I remember that I downloaded a bunch of toys and programs, enthusiastically explored all its functions. I liked sitting in a cafe and chatting on ICQ, walking down the street and sending an email, clarifying the route on the map. "

Lead singer of the Chuk & Gek group and TV presenter Pavel Syroezhkin admits that he is a "hi-tech hostage": “Today from my mobile phone I check my e-mail, answer emails, find out the weather, find convenient routes, read blogs of characters that are interesting to me, I can even watch movies. this will contain all the latest technical developments. And with a powerful battery, of course! I fall into a rage when the battery is discharged at the most inopportune moment ... ".

Singer and TV presenter of the program "Sport Time" on the First National TV Channel, formerly a tennis player Olga Barabanshchikova considers himself a man of habit: " Ever since I connected onvelcom, I am still with him. Now I have two phones: one is work, the other is personal. Both numbers are light - a tribute to the people to whom I give my number. It’s not very decent to dictate a memorable set of numbers! I ship a large amount dailyMMS... With my friend, for example, I often advise through this service what to wear in the evening - I generally trust men's opinion more than women's :)".

To the presenter of the program "Belorusskoe vremechko" of the LAD TV channel Oleg Titkov a mobile phone helps to solve exclusively work tasks: " That is why I need a strict business apparatus, necessarily a smartphone. It should contain all means of communication: ICQ, Skype, the Internet. Moreover, I definitely carry a second, spare battery with me, since I cannot afford to remain without connection even for 10 minutes. I use my organizer, diary, reminders, data archive every day. I have a lot of personal photos on my phone, a video portfolio of my work, a huge library of music and navigation. If only my phone could cook food too! :)"

TV presenter Lucy Lushchik uses the Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte model, which she is happy with, but says that she will definitely change the device if its capabilities are no longer enough to support all the operator's network services.

" My passion -MMS, - Lucy admits. The young man and I exchange them constantly! But I mainly browse the Internet pages on a laptop screen - it is almost always with me, and the phone acts as a modem. I love all sorts of fancy stuff, so I'm really looking forward to new mobile services. "

The high cost of multifunctional phones used to be a barrier to purchase. However, now a new offer of velcom operator has appeared: "Smartphones by installments on special terms". Now all subscribers of the new tariff plans "Smart1" and "Smart2", as well as "BUSINESS.PRO" and "BUSINESS.PRO.WEB" can purchase one of 11 models of new generation phones with 3G support on special terms.

Participating in the action: Nokia(Nokia E63, Nokia 5800, Nokia E66, Nokia 6700c, Nokia E71, Nokia E72, Nokia E75, Nokia 5230, Nokia E52), Htc Hero, Samsung Omnia Lite.

You can start using a new smartphone with an official manufacturer's warranty immediately after making an initial payment - the remaining cost is paid within a year.

New velcom tariff plans "Smart1" and "Smart2" with a large number of included minutes of calls to all networks and the volume of Internet traffic are specially designed to reveal the full potential of the phone. More information about the conditions of the promotion and new tariff plans can be found on the website, at the company's offices, as well as by calling the reference and information services 411 and 410 (around the clock).

Come to the official velcom centers for your smart phone, stylish and charismatic, reliable and practical, which will emphasize your individuality. Master and enjoy new possibilities of mobile communication together with velcom!

FE "VELCOM", UNP 101528843

License for the right to carry out activities in the field of communications for reg. No. 925 issued by the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of a decision dated August 24, 2007, until August 24, 2017.

At the XXV exhibition TIBO-2018 the telecom operatorvelcom presented various solutions for private subscribers and businesses - from a "smart home" to a virtual card andsmart- cash desks. We visited the company's stand and studied the new products that the operator has already launched or is about to offer.

The financial field is mastered

The velcom stand is conventionally divided into two zones - one is dedicated to various services for individuals, the other - for business. In total, at the current TIBO, the telecom operator presented thirteen solutions, five of which are absolute novelties. It is noteworthy that some services lie in a non-traditional plane for a telecommunications company, namely in the field of finance.

So, just the other day, the operator launched a virtual v-banking card. This is a bank card of the international payment system VISA, designed to make payments in ERIP, purchase goods in online stores and pay for online taxis.

The key feature of a virtual card is that you can get it in a matter of minutes through the v-banking mobile application. A virtual payment card from velcom is available to clients of any Belarusian bank. At the same time, you do not need to pay anything for its release, as well as for maintenance.

On the domestic market, this is the first virtual card with a cashback: 2% of the amount of each purchase on the Internet is returned to the owner of the card account. Among other pleasant bonuses - the accrual of 3% per annum on the balance on the card, as well as the ability to replenish accounts for free using a "v-wallet", in ERIP, in cash and from cards of any bank in Belarus. The card is issued in Belarusian rubles and can also be used abroad.

Another new financial service from velcom, which will be available very soon, is a smart cash register. They talk about it at the exhibition in the business zone: this solution is aimed at legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who accept payments from the population from a mobile device.

smart-cash register was developed taking into account the requirements of the legislation, according to which information on cash transactions must be submitted to the tax authorities. Connection to the service works according to the “one window” principle: by contacting velcom, a company or individual entrepreneur receives all the necessary package of documents and equipment.

smart cash register includes modern cash register equipment with a touch screen, fiscal printer, POS-terminal for bank cards, as well as an SKO module for fiscalization of documents. The smart cash register accepts non-cash payments, including contactless payments and with the input of a security PIN-code, prints receipts. Complete transaction security is guaranteed.

Smart home, uninterrupted internet, interactive TV

We again move to the area where the "home" solutions are presented. Another novelty is “Smart Home”, which is getting ready to be released this summer.

This is a comprehensive service consisting of equipment (hub, surveillance cameras, a set of sensors) and a mobile application that allows you to control all devices directly from your smartphone, set up lighting and monitor the situation in the living space.

For communication with the outside world, both Ethernet and 3G networks can be used, which makes it possible to install the system not only in the city, but also in the countryside.

Julia Daineko

“We have high hopes for this service, primarily because we have very scrupulously approached the choice of sensor manufacturers for this solution, thoroughly studied the experience of our colleagues in Austria,- noted the head of the marketing department Julia Daineko. - In general, the "smart home" can be assembled as a constructor. In addition to basic components, other “smart” sensors can be connected to the velcom solution in order to realize your own vision of a “smart home”.

No less interesting is the solution for ensuring the smooth operation of Wi-Fi in large apartments and country houses. Standard routers do not always cope with these areas, and blind spots can form in rooms. To solve the problem, you can use the so-called Wi-Fi disks - the latest generation routers to cover large rooms with ultra-fast (up to 600 Mbps) Internet.

Outwardly, the device resembles a small stylish plate or "pancake". The coverage area of ​​one such disc is 100 square meters. Thus, in order to create a good signal in a house with an area of, for example, 300 squares, three Wi-Fi disks are enough. Together they form a single network.

At the same time, "pancakes" do not require a wired connection to each other and provide a "seamless" coating. That is, moving from the coverage area of ​​one disk to the coverage area of ​​another, the user will not notice that a switch has occurred. The novelty allows you to connect computers, smartphones, tablets, TVs and other devices to the network at maximum speed.

Speaking about the velcom stand, one cannot ignore the voka project, which has long been assigned the epithet “television of the future”. Interactive TV voka has more than 120 channels of various topics.

“This is one of the key areas today. At our stand you can watch 4K video content and make sure that ourvokalooks decent ", - Julia Daineko comments.

Internet of things and calls at the intersection of technologies

Well, we are going back to the business zone to take a close look at another interesting technology - Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IoT). It provides a high degree of signal penetration and its increased noise immunity even in the most inaccessible places - in basements, lowlands, behind thick walls, ceilings.

The NB-IoT network has already been launched in Minsk and all regional cities. In the future, the new infrastructure will cover almost all areas - from urban water and heat supply to “smart home”. In the meantime, the telecom operator has launched pilot projects with some companies.

By the way, both prototypes and working versions of various sensors are presented at the exhibition - for example, individual and group metering of water and heat.

I would also like to draw your attention to such a service as SIP telephony. This is a new type of telephony, a kind of symbiosis of conventional communication and the Internet, allowing you to make ultra-clear calls at special prices without a GSM gateway.

During a call, the voice is converted into compressed data packets, which are transmitted over the network and then converted into speech. Such telephony is intended primarily for companies with a call center, sales service, dispatch or consulting service. It may also be of interest to those who are going to organize office telephony or have their own automatic telephone exchange (automatic telephone exchange).

Among the differences are high quality of communication (better than 2G / 3G for a GSM gateway) and wide scalability. So, you can open an unlimited number of channels and numbers using almost any equipment. You can make calls using SIP telephony to numbers both within the country and abroad.

You can visit the velcom stand and get acquainted with all the new products live at the largest exhibition in the field of telecommunications "TIBO-2018", which takes place at the skating stadium "Minsk-Arena" until May 18.

Mobile operator Velcom Belarus is a reliable company that offers its customers optimal service conditions at a favorable cost. Having studied the existing Velcom tariffs, each subscriber can choose for himself the one that is most consistent with his needs and lifestyle. Tariff plans from Velcom include in their description the most clear and transparent conditions for connection - here you cannot face hidden additional fees or unexpected write-offs of money from the phone's balance.

The “Comfort” tariff offer from Velcom was developed and announced back in 2016. This is due to the constantly growing demand of modern subscribers for unlimited and stable Internet access. The use of social networks, instant messengers and other services installed on the phone is the reason for the rapid disappearance of traffic and the burning of gigabytes.

Velcom's "Comfort" tariffs are a revised line called "Smart" that the provider had earlier. The purpose of creating the offer is to maximize the satisfaction of Velcom's customers in Internet traffic, as well as the opportunity to significantly save on voice communications. Calls made within the 3G network are not charged. The main condition is that the mobile device must support 3G communication.

The line includes several tariffs, which will be discussed below.

Suitable for those who surf the Internet not too little, but also infrequently, for example, they mainly communicate on social networks. One gigabyte of traffic can be used to navigate online maps, play online, and view photos. The "Comfort" tariff from Velcom includes an unlimited amount of communication within the 3G network, 100 minutes for other subscribers and gigabytes of Internet.

A subscriber using "Comfort 2" has access to advanced features, a larger volume of traffic, which means more options for spending time on the Internet. This tariff from Velcom for two gigabytes allows you to watch videos, download photos and listen to music. It includes: unlimited communication on a 3G network, 200 minutes for communication with clients of other companies and two gigabytes of traffic on the Internet.

Suitable for active Internet users, often on social networks and video hosting. Velcom's client receives a large volume of traffic and included minutes in addition to unlimited 3G connection. The tariff includes: unlimited communication in the Velcom space, 300 minutes for communication with subscribers of other operators and four gigabytes of Internet.

Another suggestion that cannot be ignored. It will appeal to Velcom subscribers who regularly use mobile Internet and constantly download applications, music and videos. This includes: unlimited communication in the Velcom 3G space, 400 minutes of communication with other subscribers and eight gigabytes of network traffic.

Lemon Tariff

In 2019, the operator Velcom launched a new youth tariff plan called Lemon. Its main feature is unlimited use of social networks, as well as the ability to transfer included traffic to the next month. For customers over eight and under ten years old, connecting to the Lemon tariff will cost nine rubles and ninety kopecks per month.

Unlimited Internet traffic allows subscribers to be constantly online in such networks as Instagram, Vkontakte, Viber, as well as in the World of Tanks Blitz game. In addition, the tariff includes four gigabytes of traffic for all other online activities (it can be accumulated and carried over to the next month). A pleasant bonus is the provision of 100 minutes for calls to subscribers of other networks and free digital television Voka.

Clients of Velcom, who have connected the Lemon tariff, may not even think about a possible traffic overrun. If it resets to zero, the system will send a corresponding notification, after which the user will be able to receive an additional package (its cost is 2.5 rubles per gigabyte).

A person who has reached the age of majority can independently connect Lemon at any Velcom service point. You can also issue an offer for a younger client; this requires his passport and the presence of one parent (guardian) during the procedure.

Smart and Business Class

Velcom has two more advantageous tariff offers for active and business subscribers, which should be mentioned.

Business Class

This is a premium Velcom tariff, profitable and convenient for those who are used to always having access to stable communication and high-quality service. A user who subscribes to the "Business Class" gets an unlimited amount of minutes for voice communication and fast reliable Internet. The only drawback of the proposal is the rather high cost.

"Business class" will be appreciated by subscribers who have an active lifestyle, as well as the need to always be in touch. The tariff includes unlimited communication on the network and sending messages in any volume, as well as minutes for communication with subscribers of other Belarusian operators and international calls.

Conditions of the "Business Class" fare on Velcom:

No restrictions on the volume of traffic on the Internet at 3G speed;

Unlimited calls within your region;

Unlimited SMS sending via Velcom network;

Messages for 4.36 rubles to the phones of other operators;

MMS for 16.35 rubles;

300 minutes for calls (package for the CIS and European countries);

Benefits for roaming and long distance calls.

The described fare offer is as convenient as business class when flying on international airlines. It is able to satisfy the most demanding needs of subscribers who have the right to call various numbers without thinking about the cost of the service. This becomes most relevant in roaming, when the price of incoming and outgoing calls significantly increases. Mobile Internet is also at its best here - it is unlimited and has excellent speed.

The monthly fee for using the "Business Class" from Velcom is 108.89 rubles. The day the payment is debited is set in accordance with the tariff activation date. During the execution of the contract with Velcom, the client must make an advance payment.

Premium users can take advantage of a bonus: they can choose any phone number they like with a good discount. Numbers can be platinum (five identical digits in a row), diamond (last four digits) and gold (alternating six digits).

The tariff plan called "Smart" is one of the most advantageous offers from Velcom. The monthly fee is fifty-five rubles. By paying this amount, the subscriber can use the following services:

Unlimited Internet traffic;

Free communication in the Velcom network;

Free SMS sending to other Velcom clients;

Free SMS sending via Velcom network;

1000 minutes to communicate with subscribers of other Belarusian operators.

Additional costs for customers who have connected "Smart":

Connection cost - forty rubles (when purchasing a new SIM card or changing the tariff);

Video communication (outgoing calls) - ten kopecks;

Messages to subscribers of other Belarusian operators - five kopecks;

MMS in the country - six kopecks, abroad - twenty-seven kopecks.

The tariff has some features that you should find out about in advance, so that later you do not waste time solving problems and finding out unexpected information:

Forty rubles will have to be paid to the one who buys a SIM card, changes the tariff or restores service by Velcom;

The subscription fee is charged daily - thanks to this, subscribers avoid overpaying for communication if they connected at the end of the current month;

For the first time, the daily fee is debited from the account on the next day after Smart Velcom was connected.

Internet only

Provider Velcom offers its customers two categories of tariff plans designed only for using the Internet: for phones and for tablets.

"Easy" - no prepayment, monthly fee is 1.63 rubles;

"250" for 2.72 rubles;

"350" - one month for 3.16 rubles;

“750” - only the amount of payment changes, it is equal to 5.12 rubles;

“1000” - 6.21 rubles are debited every month;

"1500" for 8.61 rubles;

"3000" - three gigabytes of high-speed Internet for 15.8 rubles.

The last two items from the list are tariffs that can be connected together with Voka TV. Watching your favorite films and TV shows will cost almost fourteen rubles per month.

Offers with mobile internet for tablets:

"WEB Light" - without the included amount of information, monthly fee - 1.85 rubles;

"Start" - five hundred megabytes for 3.16 rubles per month;

"4" - four gigabytes, which allows you to fully work online, will cost 8.17 rubles;

Tankers is a highly advertised rate for those who like to play online games. There are no restrictions and limits here, and two gigabytes are given for the use of additional services. The tariff will cost 10.57 rubles per month;

"8" - a standard offer for twelve rubles a month;

"10 Voka" - television and high-speed Internet for 15.15 rubles;

"No obligations" - included in the tariffs without a subscription fee, you must pay for the provision of the service after the fact.

Tariffs that include paid traffic are connected with a discount of 50% of the total amount.

New customers are eligible for a promo code valid for three months.

Light tariffs

Social and special

Less popular tariff plans among Velcom's clients. They include a sufficient number of minutes, as well as the ability to create "favorite" numbers and Internet traffic. Convenient when used as directed.


Velcom tariff for constant communication with family and friends, suitable for pensioners. It includes outgoing calls to "favorite numbers", as well as the described option itself.

The subscription fee for Pension is 3.60 rubles per month. An additional Internet package is also available, connected through the Personal Account or by the USSD command * 135 * 1 #.

Calls to five dedicated “favorite numbers” will cost 1.54 rubles.


A tariff plan that allows you to always stay in touch with loved ones. Includes "favorite numbers" and outgoing calls to Velcom subscribers.

The subscription fee is 1.54 rubles.

Additional features of "Social":

1.03 rubles for calls to one “favorite number”;

Additional provision of the Internet.

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