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Clock speed in a computer. How the processor works

Various names one parameter

Hello dear readers. In the previous article I talked about where the most basic things are described. In this post I will talk about such a characteristic as the base frequency of the processor, which you should also know about, thereby adding information that may be useful to you when choosing.

Explanation and example of how it works

Technically it sounds like this: The base or nominal frequency (this is the same thing) is the indicator at which a computer microprocessor performs the minimum number of clock cycles.

This means that when a computer performs a certain number of tasks and does not need to use all its power to complete them, it operates at rated clock cycles. Example tasks: maintaining the operating system, viewing photos, listening to music, editing text.

What is it measured in?

This characteristic is measured in megahertz (1200 MHz) or gigahertz (1.2 GHz). This parameter is present in both manufacturer Intel, as well as AMD. It can also be found in the product description or characteristics.

On many other sites in the description you can find the term “working or permanent” - this is the same thing. Here are all the possible name options that are available on the sites:
If everything is clear how it works, then you can check yourself. Imagine that you have a CPU with a base frequency of 2 GHz. In order to watch a video or listen to music, the microprocessor needs to use, for example, 2400 Mhz of its power, and to view photos it will need 1.7 GHz. A question with a riddle, what frequency will the stone use to view photos?

If you want, you can leave your answer in the comments. Let's do this, after 15 comments left, I will write the correct answer, agreed? I think yes". Let's move on.

What does this indicator influence?

  • For energy consumption
  • To the allocated temperature

In modern CPUs, power consumption in small steps becomes less and less, due to new technical processes, threads and much more. Despite this, you need to understand that the higher the performance, the more energy is needed, and where there is high energy consumption there is always a high generated temperature.

In the next article I will tell you what is more important. Interesting information, be sure to read.

  • Pentium G4600- constant 3.6 GHz
  • Core i3 8100- working 3.6 Ghz
  • Pentium Gold G5400- nominal 3700 MHz

And yes, and for those who are interested - in this online store We now have free shipping. Well, that's it, a small digression.

That's all for me. Comment, express your thoughts, write, etc. The choice is yours. Thank you for your attention. Bye bye.

You will need

  • Computer, processor, skills in working with BIOS, knowledge of English sufficient to read the instructions for the motherboard and understand the meaning of BIOS parameters.


Raising the clock frequency above the one set at the manufacturer's factory is called "overclocking" or "overclocking". Overclocking processor increases its heat dissipation and increases the load on processor-related elements, for example. Before overclocking, check that the coolers processor and cases provide sufficient cooling. If the core temperature processor in the “without” state above 50 degrees, increase frequency without cooling it is simply contraindicated.

If cooling is effective, begin the overclocking procedure. Go to the panel BIOS management your motherboard, to do this, immediately after turning on (restarting) the computer, press the F2, DEL or F1 key, depending on the board model. In line BIOS menu find the performance management tab processor. It may be called differently, in the instructions for the motherboard in BIOS section it is indicated exactly how.

Lift up frequency system bus processor. In the BIOS this is usually called "CPU Clock" or "CPU Frequency". To do this, set the required value in the corresponding line.

Core clock speed processor is the result of its system bus frequency per multiplier. As a result, you can overclock the processor by increasing the value of this parameter. But in most cases the multiplier cannot be changed. Only in processor x Black series produced by AMD and processor x with Intel's Extreme index, the multiplier value can be changed. If your processor allows this, raise the multiplier value on the options page processor in BIOS.


Please remember that the risk associated with overclocking rests entirely with you. Damage to the processor as a result of overclocking is not covered under warranty. Try not to increase the processor frequency by more than 20% of that declared by the manufacturer.


  • How to overclock processors

The processor is the most important element computer. The speed of the operating system and other elements of the computer depends on its frequency. If you think your processor is running too slow, there are two ways to speed it up: either replace the processor with a newer, more powerful model, or try to increase the clock speed. frequency processor programmatic method. This process is called Overclocking and is quite widely used by many PC users.


First, carefully study the capabilities of your. It is better to do this by reading the possibilities on the manufacturer’s website. The fact is that not all can be overclocked, and among those with which this operation can be carried out, the larger one is overclocked by 10-15%. This is clearly not enough to notice in the operation of the system.

Download and install the ClockGen program. This utility is specifically designed to change parameters processor in the operating room environment Windows systems. With this program you can increase the clock speed frequency processor without resorting to configuration in the BIOS.

If the frequency increases processor is not enough for you, then you will have to resort to settings in the BIOS. At startup, press Del. Once you have entered the BIOS, press Ctrl+F1. Depending on the motherboard manufacturer, settings processor in the BIOS they can be located in different menu sub-items. Usually these items are: CPU, Advanced or Advanced Chipset Features. General processor is obtained by multiplying the multiplier indicator by the standard frequency indicator. These parameters should be increased gradually, rebooting after each change. Periodically increase the voltage supplied, because working at a higher voltage requires more voltage.

Helpful advice

Make sure the cooler is working and the thermal paste is intact.

To evaluate performance processor you need to know several of its parameters. This is the number of cores, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels, as well as the current clock speed frequency. In Windows 7, these settings can be found in several ways.

You will need

  • - AIDA64 Business Edition program;
  • - CPU-Z program.


Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that opens, hover over the “Computer” button. Click the right mouse button and in the window that opens context menu Click on the “Properties” button. In the “Computer Properties” window that opens, read the information about the current frequency processor in the "System" subsection below, evaluate your computer's performance. This method is simple, does not require the installation of additional programs, but is not very informative.

Download the AIDA64 Business Edition program from the official website and install it on your computer. Run this program. When you first start you will be asked to buy a key and activate or use trial period(30 days). IN trial version The functionality of the program will be limited (some functions will not be available). On the left side of the program window, select the “ Motherboard" In the list that opens, select the “CPU” line. In the window that opens, in the “CPU properties” subsection, read the central frequency parameters processor. Below, in the Multi CPU subsection, read the current clock frequency value processor. If many are installed nuclear processor, in this subsection read the frequency values ​​for each core processor. This method is more informative, but requires installation paid program.

To get more complete information about the processor, download from the developer’s website and install on your computer CPU-Z program. After installing and launching the program, a window will open with 6 tabs. On the first (CPU) tab in the Processor section, read information about the type, manufacturing technology, current supply voltage and socket processor. Below, in the Clocks and Cache section, read the frequency values processor, the current multiplier, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels. This method uses a small and easy to use free program. This method allows you to obtain comprehensive data about the processor installed in a single-core or multi-core processor.

Video on the topic

Changes in CPU operating parameters are very important stage speed up your computer. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to malfunction of some devices, but also to their damage.

You will need

  • - CPU-Z;
  • - Clock Gen.


Before you begin setting up the CPU, install the CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about current state CPU operation. Run this application and make sure that the processor is stable.

Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Press the F1 and Ctrl keys simultaneously to open the Advanced Setup menu. Typically this is where the CPU settings and settings are located. random access memory. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hz. Now be sure to increase the voltage supplied to the CPU. It is recommended to increase it no more than 0.1 Volt at a time.

Press F10. Wait until the operating system finishes loading. Check the stability of the CPU CPU-Z utility. If the program does not detect errors, then repeat the procedure of increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum level, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, increase the voltage at the same time.

If you were unable to change the CPU parameters through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for specific version motherboard. Run installed application.

Now increase the bus voltage and frequency by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected parameters, click the Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Constantly monitor the temperature sensor readings. If the temperature exceeds permissible norm even in passive mode work, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise you risk ruining the CPU.

Video on the topic

When choosing a computer and its components, people usually pay attention to the following characteristics: the power of the video card, the amount of RAM and hard drive, as well as frequency processor. The latter value is one of the main indicators on which the operation of the entire computer depends.

CPU(central processing unit or CPU) is the electronic unit, or a microcircuit that executes machine instructions (program codes) and is the main part hardware computer or programmable logic controller. Sometimes it is also called a processor or microprocessor. One of its main characteristics is clock frequency. The speed of operation, as well as the “Response” time of the device, depends on it. Accordingly, than more value frequencies (from 900 to 3800 MHz), the faster the entire computer will operate. Clock frequency represents the number of clock cycles (operations) a processor can perform per second. It is proportional to the bus frequency value. As a rule, from the clock frequency processor its performance directly depends. But this statement is only relevant for models of the same line, since performance processor other parameters also have an impact, for example, the size of the second level cache, frequency and presence of cache

CPU – central processing unit, or central processing device. It is an integrated circuit that executes machine instructions. Externally, a modern CPU looks like a small block about 4-5 cm in size with pin contacts on the bottom. Although it is customary to call this block integrated circuit is located inside this case and is a silicon crystal onto which electronic components are applied using lithography.

The top of the CPU housing serves to dissipate the heat generated by the billions of transistors. On the bottom there are contacts that are needed to connect the chip to the motherboard using a socket - a specific connector. CPU is the most productive part computer.

Clock frequency as an important parameter of processor operation, and what it affects

The performance of a processor is usually measured by its clock speed. This is the number of operations or clock cycles that the CPU can perform in a second. Essentially, the time it takes the processor to process information. The catch is that different CPU architectures and designs can perform operations in a different number of clock cycles. That is, one CPU for a certain task may need one clock cycle, and another - 4. Thus, the first one may turn out to be more efficient with a value of 200 MHz, versus the second with a value of 600 MHz.

That is clock frequency, in fact, does not give full definition processor performance, which is usually positioned by many as such. But we are used to evaluating it based on more or less established norms. For example, for modern models The current range in numbers is from 2.5 to 3.7 GHz, and often higher. Naturally, the higher the value, the better. However, this does not mean that there is not a processor on the market with a lower frequency, but which works much more efficiently.

Operating principle of a clock generator

All PC components work with at different speeds. For example, the system bus might be 100 MHz, the CPU might be 2.8 GHz, and the RAM might be 800 MHz. The baseline for the system is set by the clock generator.

Most often in modern computers a programmable generation chip is used, which determines the value for each component separately. The principle of operation of the simplest clock pulse generator is to generate electrical pulses at a certain time interval. Most clear example using a generator - Digital Watch. By counting ticks, seconds are formed, from which minutes and then hours are formed. We will talk about what Gigahertz, Megahertz, etc. are a little later.

How the speed of a computer and laptop depends on the clock frequency

The processor frequency is responsible for the number of clock cycles a computer can execute in one second, which in turn reflects performance. However, do not forget that different architectures use different numbers of clock cycles to solve one problem. That is, “measuring by indicators” is relevant within at least one class of processors.

What is affected by the clock speed of a single-core processor in a computer and laptop?

Single-core CPUs are rarely found in nature anymore. But you can use them as an example. One processor core contains at least an arithmetic-logical unit, a set of registers, a couple of cache levels and a coprocessor.

The frequency with which all these components perform their tasks directly affects the overall performance of the CPU. But, again, with a relatively similar architecture and command execution mechanism.

What is affected by the number of cores in a laptop?

The CPU cores do not add up. That is, if 4 cores operate at 2 GHz, this does not mean that their total value is 8 GHz. Because tasks in multi-core architectures are executed in parallel. That is, a certain set of commands is distributed to the cores in parts, and after each execution a common response is generated.

In this way, a certain task can be completed faster. The whole problem is that not everyone software are able to work with several threads simultaneously. That is, until now, most applications, in fact, use only one core. There are, of course, mechanisms at the operating system level that can parallelize tasks across different cores, for example, one application loads one core, another loads a second, etc. But this also requires system resources. But in general, optimized programs and games perform much better on multi-core systems.

How is processor clock speed measured?

The unit of measurement Hertz usually indicates the number of times periodic processes are executed in one second. This is what became ideal solution for the units in which the processor clock speed will be measured. Now the work of all chips began to be measured in Hertz. Well, now it’s GHz. Giga is a prefix indicating that it contains 1000000000 Hertz. Throughout the history of PCs, set-top boxes have changed frequently - KHz, then MHz, and now GHz is the most relevant. In CPU specifications you can also find English abbreviations - MHz or GHz. Such prefixes mean the same as in Cyrillic.

How to find out the processor frequency of your computer

For the Windows operating system there are several simple ways, both regular and with the help third party programs. The simplest and most obvious is to click right click on the “My Computer” icon and go to its properties. Next to the name of the CPU and its characteristics, its frequency will be indicated.

From third party solutions You can use the small but well-known program CPU-Z. You just need to download, install and run it. In the main window it will show the current clock speed. In addition to this data, it displays a lot of other useful information.

CPU-Z program

Ways to increase productivity

In order to, there are two main ways: increase the multiplier and the system bus frequency. A multiplier is a coefficient that shows the ratio base frequency processor to the system bus baseline.

It is factory set and can be either locked or unlocked in the end device. If it is possible to change the multiplier, it means that you can increase the frequency of the processor without making changes to the operation of other components. But in practice, this approach does not provide an effective increase, since the rest simply cannot keep up with the CPU. Changing the system bus indicator will lead to an increase in the values ​​of all components: processor, RAM, north and south bridges. This is the simplest and effective method overclocking your computer.

You can overclock a PC as a whole by increasing the voltage, which will increase the speed of the CPU transistors, and at the same time its frequency. But this method is quite complicated and dangerous for beginners. It is used mainly by people experienced in overclocking and electronics.

Of all technical characteristics The most known processor speed among users is the clock speed. But few non-specialists fully understand what it is. More detailed information this will help you understand the work better computing systems. Especially when using multi-core processors that have certain operating features that are not known to everyone, but which should be taken into account when operating a computer.

For a long time, the main efforts of developers were aimed precisely at increasing the clock frequency. Only in Lately there has been a trend towards development and improvement computer architecture, increasing the amount of cache memory, the number of processor cores. However, the processor clock speed does not go unnoticed.

What is this parameter - processor clock speed?

Let’s try to figure out what “processor clock speed” is. This value characterizes the number of calculations that the processor can perform in one second. Therefore, a processor with a higher clock speed has more high performance, i.e. able to complete within a certain period of time large quantity operations.

Majority modern processors have a clock frequency from 1 to 4 GHz. This value is defined as the product of the base frequency and a certain coefficient. In particular the processor Intel Core i7 920 has its own clock frequency of 2660 Hz, which is obtained due to the base bus frequency of 133 MHz and a factor of 20. Some manufacturers produce processors that can be overclocked to greater performance. For example, AMD's Black Edition and Intel's K-series line. It is worth noting that, despite the importance of this characteristic, it is not decisive when choosing a computer. Clock speed only partially affects processor performance.

Single-core processors have practically sunk into oblivion and are rarely used in modern computing devices. This is caused by the development of the IT industry, the progress of which never ceases to amaze. Even among experts, you can sometimes come across a misconception about how to calculate the clock speed of a processor with two or more cores. A common misconception is that the clock speed must be multiplied by the number of cores. For example, a 4-core processor with a clock frequency of 3 GHz will have an integrated frequency of 12 GHz, i.e. 4x3=12. But this is not true.

Let's explain this at simple example . Let's take a pedestrian walking at a speed of 4 km/h - this is a single-core processor with a frequency of 4 GHz. A 4-core processor with a clock speed of 4 GHz is already 4 pedestrians walking at the same speed of 4 km/h. Indeed, in this case, the speed of pedestrians is not summed up, and we cannot say that they move at a speed of 16 km/h. We are simply talking about four pedestrians walking together at a speed of 4 km/h each. The same analogy can be applied to multi-core processor. Thus, we can say that a 4-core processor with a clock speed of 4 GHz simply has four cores, each of which has the same frequency - 4 GHz. A simple and logical conclusion follows from this: the number of processor cores affects only its performance, and does not increase the total clock frequency of the computing device.

* Always current issues, what you should pay attention to when choosing a processor, so as not to make a mistake.

Our goal in this article is to describe all the factors affecting processor performance and others. performance characteristics.

It's probably no secret that the processor is the main computing unit of a computer. One might even say - the most main part computer.

It is he who processes almost all processes and tasks that occur in the computer.

Be it watching videos, music, Internet surfing, writing and reading in memory, processing 3D and video, games. And much more.

Therefore, to choose C central P processor, you should treat it very carefully. It may turn out that you decide to install a powerful video card and a processor that does not correspond to its level. In this case, the processor will not reveal the potential of the video card, which will slow down its operation. The processor will be fully loaded and literally boiling, and the video card will wait its turn, working at 60-70% of its capabilities.

That is why, when choosing balanced computer, Not costs neglect the processor in favor of a powerful video card. The processor power must be enough to unleash the potential of the video card, otherwise it’s just wasted money.

Intel vs. AMD

*catch up forever

Corporation Intel, has enormous human resources and almost inexhaustible finances. Many innovations in the semiconductor industry and new technologies come from this company. Processors and developments Intel, on average by 1-1,5 years ahead of the engineers' achievements AMD. But as you know, for the opportunity to have the most modern technologies- you have to pay.

Processor pricing policy Intel, is based both on number of cores, amount of cache, but also on "freshness" of architecture, performance per clockwatt,chip process technology. The meaning of cache memory, “subtleties of the technical process” and others important characteristics The processor will be discussed below. For the possession of such technologies as well as a free frequency multiplier, you will also have to pay an additional amount.

Company AMD, unlike the company Intel, strives for the availability of its processors for the end consumer and for a competent pricing policy.

One could even say that AMD– « People's stamp " In its price tags you will find what you need at a very attractive price. Usually a year after the company has a new technology Intel, an analogue of technology appears from AMD. If you are not chasing the highest performance and pay more attention to the price tag than to availability advanced technologies, then the company's products AMD– just for you.

Price policy AMD, is based more on the number of cores and very little on the amount of cache memory and the presence of architectural improvements. In some cases, for the opportunity to have third-level cache memory, you will have to pay a little extra ( Phenom has a 3 level cache memory, Athlon content with only limited, level 2). But sometimes AMD spoils his fans possibility to unlock more cheap processors, to more expensive ones. You can unlock the cores or cache memory. Improve Athlon before Phenom. This is possible thanks to the modular architecture and the lack of some cheaper models, AMD simply disables some blocks on the chip of more expensive ones (software).

Cores– remain practically unchanged, only their number differs (true for processors 2006-2011 years). Due to the modularity of its processors, the company does an excellent job of selling rejected chips, which, when some blocks are turned off, become a processor from a less productive line.

The company has been working for many years on a completely new architecture under the code name Bulldozer, but at the time of release in 2011 year, the new processors showed not the best better performance. AMD I blamed the operating systems for not understanding the architectural features of dual cores and “other multithreading.”

According to company representatives, you should wait for special fixes and patches to experience the full performance of these processors. However, at the beginning 2012 year, company representatives postponed the release of an update to support the architecture Bulldozer for the second half of the year.

Processor frequency, number of cores, multi-threading.

During times Pentium 4 and before him - CPU frequency, was the main processor performance factor when selecting a processor.

This is not surprising, because processor architectures were specially developed to achieve high frequencies, and this was especially reflected in the processor Pentium 4 on architecture NetBurst. High frequency was not effective with the long pipeline that was used in the architecture. Even Athlon XP frequency 2GHz, in terms of productivity was higher than Pentium 4 c 2.4 GHz. So it was pure marketing. After this error, the company Intel realized my mistakes and returned to the side of good I started working not on the frequency component, but on performance per clock. From architecture NetBurst I had to refuse.

What same for us gives multi-core?

Quad-core processor with frequency 2.4 GHz, in multi-threaded applications, would theoretically be roughly equivalent to, single core processor with frequency 9.6 GHz or 2-core processor with frequency 4.8 GHz. But that's only in theory. Practically same, two dual core processor in a two-socket motherboard, will be faster than one 4-core, at the same operating frequency. Bus speed limitations and memory latency take their toll.

* subject to the same architecture and amount of cache memory

Multi-core makes it possible to perform instructions and calculations in parts. For example, you need to perform three arithmetic operations. The first two are executed on each of the processor cores and the results are added to the cache memory, where the next action can be performed with them by any of the free cores. The system is very flexible, but without proper optimization it may not work. Therefore, optimization for multi-cores is very important for processor architecture in an OS environment.

Applications that "love" and use multithreading: archivers, video players and encoders, antiviruses, defragmenter programs, graphic editor , browsers, Flash.

Also, “lovers” of multithreading include such operating systems as Windows 7 And Windows Vista , as well as many OS kernel based Linux, which work noticeably faster with a multi-core processor.

Most games, sometimes a 2-core processor is quite enough for high frequency. Now, however, everything comes out more games“tailored” for multithreading. Take at least these SandBox games like GTA 4 or Prototype, in which on a 2-core processor with a frequency lower 2.6 GHz– you don’t feel comfortable, the frame rate drops below 30 frames per second. Although in in this case, most likely the reason for such incidents is “weak” optimization of games, lack of time or “indirect” hands of those who transferred games from consoles to PC.

When buying a new processor for gaming, you should now pay attention to processors with 4 or more cores. But still, you should not neglect 2-core processors from the “upper category”. In some games, these processors sometimes feel better than some multi-core ones.

Processor cache memory.

is a dedicated area of ​​the processor chip in which intermediate data between processor cores, RAM and other buses is processed and stored.

It operates at a very high clock frequency (usually at the frequency of the processor itself), has a very high throughput And processor cores work with her directly ( L1).

Because of her shortage, the processor can be idle in time-consuming tasks, waiting for new data to arrive in the cache for processing. Also cache memory serves for records of frequently repeated data, which, if necessary, can be quickly restored without unnecessary calculations, without forcing the processor to waste time on them again.

Performance is also enhanced by the fact that the cache memory is unified, and all cores can equally use data from it. This gives additional features for multithreaded optimization.

This technique is now used for Level 3 cache. For processors Intel there were processors with unified level 2 cache memory ( C2D E 7***,E 8***), thanks to which it appeared this method increase multi-threaded performance.

When overclocking the processor, the cache memory may become weak point, preventing the processor from being overclocked beyond its maximum operating frequency without errors. However, the plus is that it will run at the same frequency as the overclocked processor.

In general, the larger the cache memory, the faster CPU. In which applications exactly?

All applications that use a lot of floating point data, instructions, and threads make heavy use of the cache memory. Cache memory is very popular archivers, video encoders, antiviruses And graphic editor etc.

Favorable to a large number cache memories are games. Especially strategies, auto-simulators, RPGs, SandBox and all games where there are a lot of small details, particles, geometry elements, information flows and physical effects.

Cache memory plays a very important role in unlocking the potential of systems with 2 or more video cards. After all, some part of the load falls on the interaction of processor cores, both among themselves and for working with streams of several video chips. It is in this case that the organization of cache memory is important, and a large level 3 cache memory is very useful.

Cache memory is always equipped with protection against possible errors (ECC), if detected, they are corrected. This is very important, because a small error in the memory cache, when processed, can turn into a gigantic, continuous error that will crash the entire system.

Proprietary technologies.

(hyper-threading, HT)–

the technology was first used in processors Pentium 4, but it didn’t always work correctly and often slowed down the processor more than it speeded it up. The reason was that the pipeline was too long and the branch prediction system was not fully developed. Used by the company Intel, there are no analogues of the technology yet, unless you consider it an analogue? what the company’s engineers implemented AMD in architecture Bulldozer.

The principle of the system is that for each physical core, one two computing threads, instead of one. That is, if you have a 4-core processor with HT (Core i 7), then you have virtual threads 8 .

The performance gain is achieved due to the fact that data can enter the pipeline already in the middle of it, and not necessarily at the beginning. If some processor blocks capable of performing this action are idle, they receive the task for execution. The performance gain is not the same as that of real physical cores, but comparable (~50-75%, depending on the type of application). It is quite rare that in some applications, HT negatively affects for performance. This is due to poor optimization applications under this technology, the inability to understand that there are “virtual” threads and the lack of limiters for loading threads evenly.

TurboBoost - Very useful technology, which increases the operating frequency of the most used processor cores, depending on their load level. It is very useful when the application does not know how to use all 4 cores and loads only one or two, while their operating frequency increases, which partially compensates for performance. The company has an analogue of this technology AMD, is technology Turbo Core.

, 3 dnow! instructions. Designed to speed up the processor in multimedia computing (video, music, 2D/3D graphics, etc.), and also speed up the work of programs such as archivers, programs for working with images and video (with the support of instructions from these programs).

3dnow! - enough old technology AMD, which contains additional instructions for processing multimedia content, in addition to SSE first version.

*Specifically, the ability to stream process single-precision real numbers.

The presence of new version– is a big plus, the processor begins to perform more efficiently certain tasks with proper software optimization. Processors AMD have similar names, but slightly different.

* Example - SSE 4.1(Intel) - SSE 4A(AMD).

In addition, these instruction sets are not identical. These are analogues with slight differences.

Cool'n'Quiet, SpeedStep CoolCore Enchanted Half State(C1E) AndT. d.

These technologies, at low loads, reduce the processor frequency by reducing the multiplier and core voltage, disabling part of the cache, etc. This allows the processor to heat up much less, consume less energy, and make less noise. If power is needed, the processor will return to its normal state in a split second. On standard settings Bios They are almost always turned on; if desired, they can be disabled to reduce possible “freezes” when switching in 3D games.

Some of these technologies control the rotation speed of fans in the system. For example, if the processor does not need increased heat dissipation and is not loaded, the processor fan speed is reduced ( AMD Cool'n'Quiet, Intel Speed ​​Step).

Intel Virtualization Technology And AMD Virtualization.

These hardware technologies allow you to use special programs run several operating systems immediately, without any significant loss in performance. Also, it is used for proper operation servers, because often more than one OS is installed on them.

Execute Disable Bit AndNo eXecute Bit technology designed to protect your computer from virus attacks And software errors, which can cause the system to crash through buffer overflow.

Intel 64 , AMD 64 , EM 64 T – this technology allows the processor to work both in an OS with a 32-bit architecture and in an OS with a 64-bit architecture. System 64 bit– from the point of view of benefits, for the average user it differs in that this system can use more than 3.25GB of RAM. At 32 bit systems, use b O A larger amount of RAM is not possible due to the limited amount of addressable memory*.

Most applications with 32-bit architecture can be run on a system with a 64-bit OS.

* What can you do if back in 1985, no one could even think about such gigantic, by the standards of that time, volumes of RAM.


A few words about.

This point is worth paying close attention to. The thinner the technical process, the less energy the processor consumes and, as a result, the less it heats up. And among other things, it has a higher safety margin for overclocking.

The more refined the technical process, the more you can “wrap” in a chip (and not only) and increase the capabilities of the processor. Heat generation and energy consumption are also reduced proportionally, thanks to less losses by current and reduction in core area. You can notice a tendency that with each new generation of the same architecture on a new technological process, energy consumption also increases, but this is not the case. It’s just that manufacturers are moving towards even greater productivity and are stepping beyond the heat dissipation line of the previous generation of processors due to an increase in the number of transistors, which is not proportional to the reduction in the technical process.

Built into the processor.

If you don't need a built-in video core, then you shouldn't buy a processor with it. You will only get worse heat dissipation, extra heating (not always), worse overclocking potential (not always), and overpaid money.

In addition, those cores that are built into the processor are only suitable for loading the OS, surfing the Internet and watching videos (and not of any quality).

Market trends are still changing and the opportunity to buy powerful processor from Intel Without a video core, it drops out less and less. The policy of forced imposition of the built-in video core appeared with processors Intel under the code name Sandy Bridge , the main innovation of which was the built-in core on the same technical process. The video core is located together with processor on one chip, and not as simple as in previous generations of processors Intel. For those who do not use it, there are disadvantages in the form of some overpayment for the processor, the displacement of the heating source relative to the center of the heat distribution cover. However, there are also advantages. Disabled video core, can be used for very fast video encoding technology Quick Sync coupled with special software that supports this technology. In future, Intel promises to expand the horizons of using the built-in video core for parallel computing.

Sockets for processors. Platform lifespan.

Intel has harsh policies for its platforms. The lifespan of each (the start and end dates of processor sales for it) usually does not exceed 1.5 - 2 years. In addition, the company has several parallel developing platforms.

Company AMD, has the opposite policy of compatibility. On her platform on AM 3, all future generation processors that support DDR3. Even when the platform reaches AM 3+ and later, either new processors for AM 3, or new processors will be compatible with old motherboards, and it will be possible to make a painless upgrade for your wallet by changing only the processor (without changing the motherboard, RAM, etc.) and flashing the motherboard. The only nuances of incompatibility may arise when changing the type, since a different memory controller built into the processor will be required. So compatibility is limited and not supported by all motherboards. But in general, for a budget-conscious user or for those who are not used to completely changing the platform every 2 years, the choice of a processor manufacturer is clear - this AMD.

CPU cooling.

Comes standard with processor BOX-a new cooler that will simply cope with its task. It is a piece of aluminum with a not very high dispersion area. Efficient coolers with heat pipes and plates attached to them are designed for highly efficient heat dissipation. If you do not want to hear extra noise from the fan, then you should purchase an alternative, more efficient cooler with heat pipes, or a system liquid cooling closed or not closed type. Such cooling systems will additionally provide the ability to overclock the processor.


All important aspects affecting the performance and performance of the processor have been considered. Let's repeat what you should pay attention to:

  • Select manufacturer
  • Processor architecture
  • Technical process
  • CPU frequency
  • Number of processor cores
  • Processor cache size and type
  • Technology and instruction support
  • High-quality cooling

We hope this material will help you understand and decide on the choice of processor that meets your expectations.

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