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  • Processor clock speed is expressed. Processor frequency and its correct understanding

Processor clock speed is expressed. Processor frequency and its correct understanding

You will need

  • Computer, processor, BIOS skills, knowledge in English in a volume sufficient to read the instructions for the motherboard and understand the meaning of the BIOS parameters.


Raising the clock frequency above the one set at the manufacturer's factory is called "overclocking" or "overclocking". Overclocking processor increases its heat dissipation and increases the load on processor-related elements, for example,. Before overclocking, check that the coolers processor and cases provide sufficient cooling. If the core temperature processor in the “without” state above 50 degrees, increase frequency without cooling is simply contraindicated.

If the cooling is effective, start the overclocking procedure. Go to panel BIOS control your motherboard, to do this, immediately after turning on (restarting) the computer, press the F2, DEL or F1 key, depending on the model of the board. In line BIOS menu find the properties management tab processor. It can be called differently, in the instructions for the motherboard in BIOS section indicated exactly how.

Raise frequency system bus processor. In the BIOS, this is usually called "CPU Clock" or "CPU Frequency". To do this, set the required value in the corresponding line.

Core Clock processor is the result of its system bus frequency multiplied. As a result, you can overclock the processor by increasing the value of this parameter. But in most cases, the multiplier cannot be changed. Only in processor x series Black manufactured by AMD and processor x with an Extreme index from Intel, the value of the multiplier can be changed. If your processor allows this, raise the multiplier value on the options page processor in BIOS.


Keep in mind that overclocking is at your own risk. Damage to the processor as a result of overclocking is not covered by the warranty. Try not to increase the processor frequency by more than 20% of the manufacturer's declared one.


  • How to overclock processors

The processor is the most important element computer. The speed depends on its frequency. operating system and other computer elements. If you think your processor is running too slow, there are two ways to speed things up: either replace your processor with a newer and more powerful model, or try to increase the clock speed. frequency processor program method. This process is called Overclocking and is widely used by many PC users.


To get started, carefully examine the capabilities of your . It is better to do this by reading the possibilities on the manufacturer's website. The fact is that not everyone is amenable to overclocking, but among those with whom it is possible to carry out this operation, a large one accelerates by 10-15%. This is clearly not enough to notice in the operation of the system.

Download and install ClockGen. This utility is specially designed to change the settings processor in the operating room environment Windows systems. With this program you can increase the clock speed frequency processor without resorting to configuration in the BIOS.

If the increase in frequency processor is not enough for you, you will have to resort to setting in the BIOS. Press Del at startup. Once you have entered the BIOS, press Ctrl+F1. Depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard, the settings processor in the BIOS can be located in different menu sub-items. Usually these items are: CPU, Advanced or Advanced Chipset Features. General processor is obtained by multiplying the multiplier exponent by the standard frequency exponent. These parameters should be increased gradually, rebooting after each change. Periodically increase the voltage supplied, because working at a higher voltage requires more voltage.

Useful advice

Make sure the cooler is working and the thermal paste is intact.

To evaluate performance processor you need to know a few of its parameters. These are the number of cores, the size of the cache memory of the first and second levels, as well as the current clock frequency. In Windows 7, these settings can be found in several ways.

You will need

  • - AIDA64 Business Edition software;
  • - CPU-Z program.


Open the Start menu by left-clicking on the Start button on the taskbar. In the menu that opens, hover over the "Computer" button. Click right button mouse and in the opened context menu click on the "Properties" button. In the "Computer Properties" window that opens, read the data on the current frequency processor in the "System" subsection below the computer's performance ratings. This method is simple, does not require installation additional programs but not very informative.

Download from the official website and install AIDA64 Business Edition on your computer. Run this program. When you first start you will be prompted to buy a key and activate or use trial period(30 days). IN trial version the functionality of the program will be limited (some functions will be unavailable). On the left side of the program window, select the " Motherboard". In the list that opens, select the line "CPU". In the window that opens, in the "Properties of the CPU" subsection, read the parameters of the frequency of the central processor. Below, in the Multi CPU subsection, read the current clock speed value processor. If a multi-core processor is installed, read the frequency values ​​for each core in this subsection processor. This method is more informative, but requires installation paid program.

For more complete information about the processor, download from the developer's website and install on your computer CPU-Z program. After installing and running the program, a window will open with 6 tabs. On the first (CPU) tab, in the Processor section, read information about the type, production technology, current supply voltage and socket processor. Below, in the Clocks and Cache section, read the frequency values processor, the current multiplier, the value of the cache memory of the first and second levels. IN this method small and easy to use free program. This method allows you to get comprehensive data about what is installed in a single-core or multi-core processor.

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Changes in the parameters of the central processor - very milestone computer acceleration. It is important to understand that incorrect settings can lead not only to the failure of some devices, but also to their damage.

You will need

  • - CPU-Z;
  • - ClockGen.


Before proceeding with the configuration of the central processor, install the CPU-Z program. Its main function is to provide information about current state CPU work. Run this application and check if the processor is stable.

Now restart your computer and enter the BIOS menu. Simultaneously press the F1 and Ctrl keys, open the Advanced Setup menu. Usually this is where the settings for the central processor and random access memory. Find the item responsible for the CPU bus frequency. Increase this frequency by 10-20 Hertz. Now be sure to raise the voltage applied to CPU. It is recommended to increase no more than 0.1 volts at a time.

Press the F10 key. Wait for the operating system to finish loading. Check the stability of the CPU CPU-Z utility. If the program did not reveal any errors, then repeat the procedure for increasing the CPU bus frequency and voltage. After raising the frequency to the maximum bar, increase the processor multiplier. Naturally, at the same time increase the voltage.

If you were unable to change the settings of the central processor through the BIOS menu, then download the GlockGen utility. Please note that there are several versions of the program, each of which is designed for certain version motherboard. Run installed application.

Now increase the voltage and frequency of the bus by moving the corresponding sliders. Before applying the selected parameters, click the Test button. Make sure the CPU is running smoothly. Monitor the temperature sensor constantly. If the temperature exceeds allowable rate even in passive mode work, it is better to reduce the bus frequency and multiplier. Otherwise, you risk ruining the CPU.

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When choosing a computer and its components, they usually pay attention to such characteristics: the power of the video card, the amount of RAM and hard drive, as well as frequency processor. The latter value is one of the main indicators on which the operation of the entire computer depends.

The central processing unit (central processing unit or CPU) is the electronic unit, or a microcircuit that executes machine instructions (program codes) and is main part hardware computer or programmable logic controller. Sometimes it is also called a processor or microprocessor. One of its main characteristics is clock frequency. It affects the speed of work, as well as the “Response” time of the device. Accordingly, than more value frequencies (from 900 to 3800 MHz), the faster the entire computer will work. clock frequency represents the number of cycles (operations) that the processor can perform per second. It is proportional to the bus frequency value. As a rule, from the value of the clock frequency processor directly related to its performance. But this statement is relevant only for models of the same line, since the performance processor other parameters also affect, for example, the size of the second-level cache, frequency and cache

Processor clock speed ― is the number of oscillations in a given period of time(in this case- per second). If we talk about a personal computer, then for him this is an indicator of the number of operations that a processor can perform in 1 second. Remember: the higher the clock speed, the higher the performance of the computer.

What are the varieties

This is interesting! The unit of frequency is called "hertz", and it is named after the legendary German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who in 1885 conducted a unique experiment to confirm the correctness of the electromagnetic theory. The scientist proved that light is a kind electromagnetic radiation, which propagates in the form of special waves.

Experts distinguish 2 types of clock frequency.

  1. External (affects the exchange of data between the RAM board and the processor).
  2. Internal (affects the correctness and speed of work inside the processor).

It is also interesting that until 1992 these two indicators, as a rule, coincided, and only as a result of the introduction of new technologies by specialists of the well-known by Intel the internal frequency was increased by 2 times compared to the external one. An example of such an achievement was the then-unique 80486DX2 processor. The manufacturer presented to the public 2 types of such a processor: one is less powerful (25/50 MHz), the other is with higher performance (33/66 MHz). This invention gave a serious impetus, including to other manufacturers, and they began to actively develop and produce processors with noticeably more power.

It is worth paying attention to this important point: clock frequency processor is not the only criterion for evaluating the speed and performance of a computer. It is also necessary to take into account the amount of cache memory and . Some processors latest generation used special system, which is responsible for automatically increasing the clock frequency of the processor cores. So, if you are an active gamer and cannot imagine your life without daily immersion in the fascinating world of complex games, both in terms of plot and graphics, then you need. But for the classic office work a modern PC will do.

How is the clock frequency formed?

As you know, clock oscillations are formed as a result of the action of a quartz crystal located in a special container. This device is called the "clock resonator". The crystal begins to work only after the voltage is applied and the electric current fluctuates. Further, these oscillations are fed to the clock generator, as a result of which the electric current oscillations are converted into pulses, and they are already transmitted to the data buses.

Remember that it is the clock generator that is responsible for the desired cycle of functioning of all PC components, including buses, RAM and, of course, the central processor. If the clock generator works correctly, all components will also function as synchronously and smoothly as possible.
There is also such a thing as the period of the clock frequency.

The clock period is the smallest unit by which the operating time of a processor is measured.

Increasing frequency by overclocking

Interacting with the RAM board, the processor usually spends more than one clock cycle. This indicator can be increased artificially, that is, as a result of the so-called "”, but, choosing this path, you need to know about some restrictions:

  • processor starts consume conspicuously large quantity energy, and the installed and operated power supply may not be able to cope with this moment, so it is worth purchasing a more efficient model;
  • as a result of “overclocking”, the amount of energy given off by the crystal increases, that is, both it and other components will heat up faster(to cope with the consequences of overheating will only help efficient system cooling);
  • If the amount of electricity supplied increases, there are bound to be electromagnetic interference , in particular, in the operation of data buses (this can lead to a decrease in the amount of data transmitted).

How to find out the frequency of the processor of your computer?

There are four main ways to find out the clock speed and thus determine the performance of a PC:

  1. See the documentation provided by the manufacturer with your computer or laptop. IN technical passport the type of processor and its clock frequency must be indicated. If next to the specified processor model there is no inscription regarding the clock frequency, you can find it by entering any search engine processor name, laptop model, etc.
  2. You can find out the clock speed by looking at the properties of the PC system. What do I need to do? First, go to the "Control Panel"; secondly, go to the "System Properties" section. IN this section Displays computer performance metrics, including clock speed.
  3. Take advantage of the opportunities, which you can enter by following some simple rules (they are one for personal computers, others for laptops). The main thing is to press one “magic” button (for example, Del, Esc or F12) before the system boots.
  4. Install on your computer CPU-Z utility, which is absolutely free, and its main purpose is to help the user learn all the necessary view information about the processor, including its performance and clock speed.

So, you already know what the clock frequency of a personal computer or laptop is, what significance these indicators have for the speed of equipment, you know how to determine the frequency, and we hope that this information will help you become an even more professional and successful PC user.

Of all specifications processor most famous among users is the clock speed. But, few non-specialists fully understand what it is. More detailed information this will help you better understand the work computing systems. Especially when using multi-core processors that have certain features of work that are far from known to everyone, but which should be taken into account when using a computer.

For a long time, the main efforts of developers were directed precisely at increasing the clock frequency. Only in Lately there has been a trend of development and improvement computer architecture, increasing the amount of cache memory, the number of processor cores. However, the clock frequency of the processor is not left without attention.

What is this parameter - the clock frequency of the processor?

Let's try to figure out what "processor clock speed" is. This value characterizes the number of calculations that the processor can perform in one second. Therefore, a processor with a higher clock speed has more high performance, i.e. capable of performing a greater number of operations in a given period of time.

Majority modern processors have a clock frequency of 1 to 4 GHz. This value is defined as the product base frequency and some coefficient. Particularly the processor Intel Core i7 920 has a native clock frequency of 2660 Hz, which is obtained due to the base frequency of the bus 133 MHz and a factor of 20. Some manufacturers produce processors that can be overclocked to higher performance. For example, AMD's Black Edition and Intel's K-series line. It is worth noting that, despite the importance of this characteristic, it is not decisive when choosing a computer. The clock speed only partially affects the performance of the processor.

Single-core processors have practically sunk into oblivion, and are rarely used in modern computing devices. This is due to the development of the IT industry, the progress of which never ceases to amaze. Even among specialists, one can sometimes find an erroneous opinion on how to calculate the clock speed of a processor with two or more cores. A common misconception is that the clock speed should be multiplied by the number of cores. For example, a 4-core processor at 3 GHz will have an integrated frequency of 12 GHz, i.e. 4x3=12. But this is not true.

Let's explain it in simple example . Let's take a pedestrian walking at a speed of 4 km / h - this is single core processor with a frequency of 4 GHz. And a 4-core processor with a clock speed of 4 GHz is already 4 pedestrians walking at the same speed of 4 km / h. Indeed, in this case, the speed of pedestrians is not summed up, and we cannot say that they move at a speed of 16 km / h. We are simply talking about four pedestrians walking together at a speed of 4 km/h each. The same analogy can be applied to multi-core processor. Thus, we can say that a 4-core processor with a clock speed of 4 GHz simply has four cores, each of which has the same frequency - 4 GHz. From this follows a simple and logical conclusion, the number of processor cores only affects its performance, and does not increase the total clock frequency of the computing device.

What is the clock speed of a processor? What does this characteristic affect and in what ways can it be increased? What is the maximum clock speed of a processor? We will explore these questions in this article.

The concept of clock frequency

Processor clock speed is one of the most important parameters characterizing the personal computer, as well as all other devices built on its principle. That is, not only personal computers, but also laptops, netbooks, ultrabooks, tablet computers and smartphones.

Processor clock speed is a parameter applied to individual devices, which make up computer system. More specifically, we are talking about the processor. In fact, a lot depends on the processor clock speed, but this is not the only detail that affects the operation of the system.

So, to deal with the issue of clock frequency, we first delve a little into word formation. What is "tact" and what does this word have to do with our case? A tact is nothing but the interval of time that takes place between the repetition of two impulses. These pulses, in turn, are generated by a device called a “clock generator”. In fact, this is a microcircuit that is responsible for generating the clock frequency used by motherboard and the processor itself. That is, the clock frequency of the processor is the frequency at which the device operates.

The principle of operation of the GTS

The clock generator generates pulses that are subsequently sent around the device. They force the architecture of the computer, simultaneously creating synchronization between individual elements. That is, the GTS is a kind of “commander”, which combines working computer links into one sequence. So, the more often the clock generator will create pulses, the best performance will have a computer / laptop / smartphone and so on.

It is logical to assume that if the clock frequency generator is absent, then there will be no synchronization between the elements. Therefore, the device will not be able to work. Let's assume that somehow we managed to bring such a device to life. So what's next? All parts of the computer will operate at their own frequency in different time. And what is the result? And as a result, the speed of the computer is reduced by tens, hundreds, and even thousands of times. Does anyone need such a device? This is the role of the clock generator.

How is clock frequency measured?

Clock frequency according to international standards, it is customary to measure both in megahertz and gigahertz. Both kinds of measurements are correct, rather, it's just a matter of appearance prefixes and number of characters. The designations for the two measurements are, respectively, “MHz” and “GHz”. Let us remind those who have forgotten, and tell those who did not know, that 1 MHz is numerically equal to one million cycles performed within one second. A gigahertz - 3 degrees more. That is, it is a thousand megahertz. Computer techologies do not stand still, like everyone else. It can be said that they are developing dynamically, so we can voice the assumption that in the near future a processor may appear, the clock frequency of which will be measured not in megahertz or gigahertz, but in terahertz. That's 3 more degrees.

What affects the clock speed of the processor?

As you know, a computer, ranging from simple accounts to latest games, performs a set of operations. Which, by the way, can be quite impressive. So, these operations are performed for a certain number of cycles. Therefore, the higher the clock frequency of the processor, the faster it will be able to cope with tasks. And at the same time, productivity increases, calculations and data loading in various applications are accelerated.

About the maximum clock frequency

It's no secret that before the release of a processor model for mass production, its prototype is tested. Moreover, they test with a sufficient load to identify weak spots and improve them a bit.

Processor testing is carried out at different clock speeds. At the same time, other conditions, such as pressure and temperature, also change. What are the tests for? They are organized not only to identify and eliminate faults and problems, but also in order to obtain a value called the maximum clock frequency. It is usually indicated in the documentation of the device, as well as in its labeling. The maximum clock speed is nothing more than the normal clock speed that the processor will have under standard conditions.

About the possibility of adjustment

In general, modern computer motherboards allow the user to change the clock speed. Of course, this is done in one way or another. Technology now allows processors to run on different frequencies depending on the choice. And this, I must say, is important, since such a processor can synchronize its frequency with the frequency that motherboard, because the processor itself is installed on it.

About increasing the clock frequency

Of course, the maximum result can be achieved simply by acquiring new processor, which has an increased clock frequency. However, this is not always possible financially, which means that the question of how to increase the processor clock speed without investing additional funds in this case remains open.

In a nutshell, processor overclocking is not done at the expense of third party programs. This, as in the case of overclocking a video card, is outright nonsense. In fact, you can improve the performance of the processor by setting the appropriate settings in the BIOS.


So what have we learned in this article? First, the clock speed of the processor is the frequency at which the device operates. Secondly, computers use a clock generator, which creates a certain frequency that synchronizes the work individual elements. Thirdly, maximum frequency processor is the frequency at which the processor operates in normal conditions. Fourthly, overclocking the processor, that is, increasing its clock frequency, is possible by changing the settings in the BIOS.

Clock frequency Intel processors, as well as processors of other brands, depends on the model.

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