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  • Title is what? Correct Title title, SEO optimization, maximum title length and other nuances for Yandex and Google.

Title is what? Correct Title title, SEO optimization, maximum title length and other nuances for Yandex and Google.

HTML TITLE tagsite page title if composed correctly, duplicates the title (title) of the article, decorated with a tag H1... The more accurate the content, the more likely a page is to get into the top rankings. title tag TITLE matches the search term.

When analyzing title tag TITLE a number of factors are taken into account: the presence of keywords in it, the distance between the keywords (when using a keyword), as well as the remoteness of the keywords corresponding to the request from the beginning of the heading.

Remember that the headline has higher priority, where the keywords are closer to the beginning. In other words, TITLE tag title should be composed in such a way that the main keywords are located closer to the beginning of the sentence (in the first 65 characters).

The task is difficult, but feasible (provided that the page is optimized for some one search query, not all keywords at once). Heading TITLE tag should not include the name of the site, be too short and the same for all pages of the site.

It should be understood that the content (i.e. the text enclosed within the tag) of the meta TITLE tag is very important, both for search engines and for visitors to your web resource. Search engines, when displaying search results, attach great importance to the presence and location of keywords contained in the TITLE tag, and visitors see its content as a link to the site in the same search results. In addition, the content of this meta tag is displayed in the header of the browser window (at the very top of the window).

The screenshot above shows what the content of the TITLE tag looks like in Google search results as an example. Showing the first five results for "TITLE tag" (blue arrow). As you can see, the page you are currently on is in second place in the search results for this request (red arrow).

Using HTML code, the TITLE meta tag is placed on the page between the tags < /head>as below:

TITLE Meta Tag Content< /title> </b><br> < /head><br> <body>Page context< /body><br> < /html> </i></p> <p>You must always start <b>TITLE tag</b> from the keyword you are targeting. Also remember that search engines will display <b>TITLE tag</b> while they show search results. Hence, you need to make it attractive to people as well.</p> <p>For example, if my site was about tours to Odessa and I would like to rank high on the keyword "Tours to Odessa", then <b>Html code</b> for <b>title tag TITLE</b> could be structured like this:</p> <p><i><title><span>Tours to Odessa: <b>great vacation on the Black Sea coast</b> </span></ title> </i></p> <p>Please note that in <b>title tag TITLE</b> the keyword is used at the very beginning, and it also tells people how good the vacation is.</p> <p>Of course everyone <b>TITLE tags</b> should not be like the one I gave as an example. The Title that is used depends on the theme of your site. However, you must follow all the general rules that are set out in this article to get the desired effect.</p> <p>Many site owners place titles like "Welcome to" in their text on their home page <b>title tag TITLE</b>... This is not a good practice, especially if the title is irrelevant to your site's theme. Many search engines consider wording in <b>title tag TITLE</b>, as an important part of the relevance (i.e. correspondence) to the context of the site page, respectively, the rating of the site in question depends on their conclusions.</p> <p>Must be 60 - 90 characters long. On the Internet, you will find many conflicting articles about <b>the length of the TITLE tag</b> but, as a guide, it is best to refer to the google search engine. Visible Google search results currently display approximately 65 characters (some search engines display more).</p> <p>With this in mind, include your most important keywords at the top <b>title tag TITLE</b>... The example below shows the search results for the query: "Tours to Odessa". Underlined words in blue show content <b>title tag TITLE</b>.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>When doing a search on any of the major search engines, you will often see a lot of garbled titles in the search results, and sometimes just the URL. This happens because the owners of such sites fill out incorrectly <b>title tag TITLE</b>, and in some cases, leave it blank at all.</p> <p>One can only guess why such sites are ranked so high that they are displayed by search engines. Perhaps it depends on the quality of the sites competing for this request, or, for example, this site has a large number of incoming links, the presence of which attracts the attention of search engine robots. Other options are also possible.</p><p>Do not forget to use different, but appropriate content (content), <b>TITLE title tags</b> on every page of your site - this is very important. Use keywords that appear on the page, but don't repeat the same word more than two times. If you need to repeat a keyword, try to place it at the very beginning, a second time - at the end. <b>TITLE tag header</b>.</p> <p>You should not try to trick search engines by deliberately including unrelated headlines or repeating words more than two times. In most cases, the deception will soon be discovered and your page rank will drop, or worse, the page, or even the entire site, may be removed from the index.</p> <h2>Google guidelines for using the TITLE title tag</h2> <table width="500" border="0" cellpadding="1"><tr><td><p><i><b>PAGE HEADINGS</b> </i></p> </td> </tr><tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>Indicate the title of the page using the tag <title>. </b><b>Tag <title>communicates the title of the page to both users and search engines.</b> Tag <title>placed inside the tag <head>html document. Ideally, the titles of all pages on your site should be unique.</p> <p><b>Tag content <title>displayed in search results.</b> If your document appears in search results, the content of the tag <title>usually displayed on the first line of results. The words contained in the user's search query will be highlighted in bold in the headings of the search results. This helps the user to find the pages that best match his request. The title of the main page of the site may contain the name of your site or organization, as well as other useful information, for example, the address and a short description of the topic or service.</p> </td> </tr><td><p><i><b>PRACTICAL ADVICE</b> </i></p> </td> <tr><td bgcolor="#DAF8FE"> <p><b>The title must match the content of the page exactly.</b> Choose the title that best matches its content. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>choose a title that has nothing to do with the content of the page;</li> <li>use default names such as “new page”, “Untitled” or “Page 1”.</li> </ul><p><b>The title of each page must be unique.</b> It is desirable that each page has its own unique name, which tells the search engine how this page differs from other pages on your site. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>use the same title for all or nearly all of the pages on your site.</li> </ul><p><b>The title should be short but precise.</b> Titles should be short but descriptive. If the name is too long, then Google will show only part of it in the search results. <b>We do not recommend:</b></p> <ul><li>use names that are too long;</li> <li>fill the title with a rambling set of keywords.</li> </ul><p><b>Page titles are an important part of search engine optimization</b></p> </td> </tr></table> <p>Tag <title>is the most important part of a page on any site, so it pays to pay a lot of attention to how you compose it. Making headlines is like an art and not everyone can get it right the first time, it takes some subtleties to do it. By applying these 12 tips for using and optimizing the title tag for your sites, you will avoid many problems in the future.</p> <h2><b>1. The title should reflect the essence of the page.</b></h2> <p>This item is related to usability. It should be remembered that the title is shown in search results in all search engines and users pay attention to it first of all. From what you put in the tag <title>the click-through rate and, accordingly, the amount of traffic received will depend.</p> <p>Also, the title is used when describing a page (or site) in some directory of sites, a directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive high-quality targeted traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote> <p><i><span><title>home page of the site

</i><i><span>NIGMA</i> </span><i><span>- intelligent search engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you a real blogger?

2. Include your brand in your page title.

Use your site name or brand at the beginning or end of the title tag on every page to help users understand where they will be navigating and increase return rates. Some search engine users look down the search results to find a trust brand.

Option 1: Search Engine Optimization
Option 2: Search Engine Optimization - Wikipedia
Option 3: Search engine optimization and website promotion

3. Use different titles on different pages.

The title tag must be unique on every page, and it must also be unique across the search results. To uniqueize the tag within your site, use the titles of articles, sections, categories, and so on in it. If any article is paginated then add the text at the end of the title Page 2 of 10 or simply P. 2... It is convenient to use the brand name in the title to uniqueize page titles across the entire search index. Identical titles can cause duplicate content to appear and, accordingly, some pages may be included in the “additional search results”.

4. The title must contain keywords.

The keywords should appear in the title in a natural way; search engines will assign the most weight to these words from all that are found in the text. Therefore, when optimizing a page for a certain key phrase, it is worth, first of all, to include it in the title. Internal links to a specific page most often contain its name in the anchor, just like with natural external links, people put the title of the page in the anchor, so if this tag does not contain keywords, then you lose a great opportunity to make the page more relevant at no cost. for a specific key phrase and promote your site for it a little higher in the search results.

5. Don't include too many keywords in your title.

It is necessary to add keywords to this tag, but it is worth knowing when to stop and finding the line between seo optimization and usability. When adding keys to the title, make sure that it remains readable. It is not necessary to drive more than 2-3 key phrases into the title of the page; leave the title, first of all, readable and understandable for users. If you have a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be dedicated to 1-2 keys, this way you will shorten the headings and increase the conversion.

Examples of long and short titles:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download clips of new songs - music portal >> Dance music, electronic club music

6. Do not use stop words in the title.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those that occur so often in the texts that they cannot be meaningful for the search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even if they appear in the query body.

Among the Russian-language stop words, one can distinguish such as: O, and, or, To, I am, not, before etc. Among the English speakers, it is a, about, an, as, are, but, be, or, and, for other.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than two times.

It is better to combine words, insert derivative words, etc., to focus more on users. When a word appears in the title more than twice, the title becomes long, unreadable and spammy from the point of view of search engines. For example, this header:

Nokia 3410 - phone, case for Nokia 3410, case for Nokia 3410 battery for Nokia 3410

not usable at all, its redundancy resembles spam, which strives to remind search engines what the page is about. It is better to use this form in this case:

Nokia 3410 phone - case, housing, battery, accessories

8. Don't use too long page titles.

Limit on the number of characters counted in the title tag for google is an 70 characters so that the name in the sickle fits into one line. V Yandex taken into account in the title no more 15 words, and no more is displayed 80 characters... If your title is greater than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically truncate it (google will add three dots at the end).

9. Make your title no more than 8 words long.

It is quite difficult to fit more than 8 words into 70-80 characters, however, some still make the title too long. For google, the number of words taken into account in the link text is eight, for Yandex - 16. Remember that users referring to your pages do not like to change the title by inserting it into the anchor of the link. Focusing only on Yandex and making a title more than 8 words, you are losing on google.

10. Place the most significant keywords at the beginning of the title.

This way, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keywords will go into the anchor of internal and external links and will affect the link ranking. If you like long titles, then put the brand at the end, not at the beginning of the tag. Pay attention to how different companies and services make headings. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal Constitutional Law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

A pattern is a pattern. If you need to put multiple keywords in the title tag, or use multiple modifiers, then use templates like this:

[mod1 key] + [key mod2] = [mod1 key mod2]

For instance, Find a job at home + Work from home over the Internet = Find a job at home online.

The templates can be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
KW1, KW2 and KW3
KW1 | KW2 | KW3

However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords, you may not fit into the required restrictions on the length of the title.

12. Don't use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can put in the title tag. These are the following characters (not the entire list):

In the search results, special characters look like this:

Previously, other special characters were also supported, which are simply ignored for now. Among the unsupported characters are ASCII characters and the following HTML entities.

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The title tag is a title tag, its content is displayed in the title of the browser.

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To understand what a title is for, you need to determine what functions it performs. Its main task is to inform search engines about the content of the page.

Where is the title

You need to search for the title tag in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag .

Requirements for filling the title tag

The position of your site in the SERP largely depends on whether the search engines "understand" what it is about and for whom it is intended. This is what the title tells them about and why it is so important. When deciding what to write in the title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the wording of this tag, without which you will never "make friends" with search engines.

  • The most common question is how long the title should be. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters with spaces. The rest will not be visible in the SERP, but the search engine will take it into account. Yandex usually displays 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words of the tag. Google shows 55-70 characters and counts 12 words.
  • The meaning of the title should be clear at a glance. Having seen it, a user or a search engine should instantly understand what the text is about. It is better if the wording of the tag is "catchy" in nature.
  • Several keywords can be included in the title. At the beginning, it is recommended to set the most frequent of the group. The wording of the sentence in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, not to be a simple listing of keys or a pile of words (just to write everything down). "Curves", unreadable constructions from keys are not allowed.
  • This tag must not duplicate the heading of the text that you enclose in the H1 tag. If you want the same request in both the title and title, change the wording, a literal match is not allowed.
  • Do not insert a comma-separated list of keywords in the title. The search engine can identify your site as over-spammed, and you will spend a lot of energy getting it out of sanctions.
  • Each document on your site needs its own unique page title. The same tags for different pages have a very bad effect on website promotion.
  • The title tag must be unique. You cannot copy other people's tags if you do not want the search engines to punish you for plagiarism.

Title rules will help you learn how to fill out this tag as quickly as possible.

Title tag for different sections and pages

First of all, the title tag is formulated for the home page. It includes the main, as a rule, highly competitive query. Since it is he who will be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make its wording as attractive as possible so that the user wants to know in more detail what is behind it. In fact, such a title works like an advertising slogan.

The rest of the titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. In order not to suffer when deciding what title should be, you can come up with a template for pages of the same type. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and words that attract attention - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used by prescribing a title for product cards, sections of an online store, images in the gallery. In title cards they start with the name of the product or words like “buy”, in sections - with its name, in the gallery with the words “images”, “photos”, “examples of works”.

Correct spelling of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investment in promotion will not work until the main tags are checked and corrected, among which title is the main one.

Competent tag compilation - this is one of the most important foundations of successful website page promotion. There is a set of requirements for which you need to create a tag <title>for the promoted page.</p> <p>Of course, only one perfectly composed <title>will not be enough to promote the page for some low-frequency queries, let alone mid-range and high-frequency keywords. But without this tag, any promotion will be useless.</p> <h2>1. What is a tag <title>... and what is it for

HTML tag ...- is one of the heading tags, which is located at the top of the page between the tags ...... In the language of optimizers, it is often called "title". It is optional, but if you want the site to take a worthy position in the search engines, then it necessarily must be used, and given the many nuances (about them a little below).

Html tag syntax ...
<span>Page title</span> Page content

Tag compiled based on the text on a specific page. The article that is posted on the page must have the entry of keywords and phrases in the text from the title. Moreover, a large number of occurrences of keywords is not at all necessary, one is enough. In this case, <title>will have a very positive effect on the position of this page.</p> <p>For example, if our topic of the article is "How to choose skis for skating," then it is logical that the title should be something like this:</p> <blockquote><head > <title ><span>How to choose skating skis - 5 tips from experienced skiers</span>

We have written simply and clearly what the article is about. Nothing extra. At the end, the phrase "5 tips from experienced skiers" appeared to cover an even larger set of queries. Moreover, most likely, your article will have such a subheading. As a rule, one article contains not one, but several more medium-frequency queries.

To correctly select these additional keys, read:

2. What does it look like in issue</h2> <p>In the search results, it is the "title" that is displayed as the name of the page. For instance:</p> <p>This tag is first seen by users who entered a search query. Therefore, in addition to the importance of the tag <title>for SEO optimization, it is also very important for the user. After all, on the basis of it, the user decides whether to go to the site or not.</p> <h2>3. Links from social networks contain <title></h2> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Or an abbreviated version without an image in VK</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <b>Inbound links and title</b> <p>Inbound links to the promoted page, as a rule, should contain words from the title tag of the acceptor page. Moreover, some of the incoming links should have a direct entry, some of the links should be partial, some of the links should contain synonyms in their anchor, and so on. This is necessary so that the promotion occurs on one request.</p> <h2>4. How to write a tag correctly <title></h2> <h3>4.1. Uniqueness <title>inside the site</h3> <p>All pages on one site must have a different Title. Unique <title>- the key to your success in the issuance of all search engines. This is so important that it equates to the uniqueness of the content on the page. I want to emphasize that I mean uniqueness within one site.</p> <p>If you do not follow the uniqueness rule, then this will have an extremely negative effect on the website promotion for this request, since this will automatically create duplicate pages on the site.</p> <h3>4.2. <title>must match the content of the page</h3> <p>Only include keywords that the page actually responds to. With the introduction of behavioral factors, this has even more strongly influenced the position in the search results.</p> <p>For example, a user visits a page with a title that meets his requirements, and the content of the page is completely different, then it is logical to assume that the majority will simply close the page and go further to search for information in a search engine. As a result, such a resource will quickly deteriorate the behavioral picture, which ultimately can negatively affect the position of the entire site as a whole.</p> <h3>4.3. The order of keywords in the tag <title>has the meaning</h3> <p>First word in a tag <title>is the most important for the search engine, therefore, in the first place you need to use the most important keyword on the page.</p> <p>It is also worth noting that if some related keywords do not quite fit the content of the page, then it may be worth not specifying them at all, even at the end of the title, this increases the importance of the first keyword.</p> <h3>4.4. Adequate length <title></h3> <p>Number of words in <title>should not exceed 5-6. The optimal number of characters in the title according to the PS is 70. Usually this number is used to compose the title tag for the main page. For internal pages, its length is slightly less - 40-60 characters. But again, this is just a recommendation. If there is a need to make a title of 120 characters, then make it 120 characters. Everything that is done for the benefit of users is rewarded and encouraged.</p> <h3>4.5. Punctuation marks</h3> <p>Use punctuation marks in your <title>only if it is absolutely necessary, and there is confidence that the search engine will correctly assess the message that you wanted to convey to visitors. The point is that punctuation marks can break a tag. <title>into different semantic parts. A person will be able to figure it out, but a search engine can understand everything in a completely different way.</p> <h3>4.6. Don't use useless words</h3> <p>Never include words like "home page" in your title. This is useless rubbish for users. There is a chance of being pessimized about the abuse of such words. The title should contain everything only to the point.</p> <h3>4.7. Specify <title>, if it's necessary</h3> <p>Don't make a title out of one word. For example, many sites have an "articles" section. If you pay attention, then many sites make a serious mistake and have a title in the form of a single word "article", but this is absolutely contrary to common sense. This word clearly requires clarification. For example, "articles about football" - if your football theme will look much more understandable. Better yet, supplement this with one more qualifying word.</p> <h3>4.8. Duplication can be useful</h3> <p>Sometimes it is very useful to include the name of your company at the end of the title. For instance, " <span>key phrase | Company name</span>". This is a good scheme that has proven itself for a long time. Despite the constant duplication of the name of your company in the title, this design allows you to lower the bounce rate on the site pages, since the user who comes from the search engines already knows roughly what is coming to the organization's site (by the way , possibly about which he had already heard something earlier).</p> <p>Its filling and other important components of these processes. Today I would like to touch upon a topic that is of particular importance for the successful promotion of your Internet resource.</p> <p>I will tell you about what a page title is, what this attribute gives for promoting a web project in various search engines, and I will share my own experience of its correct design.</p> <h2>What is a title and what is it for?</h2> <blockquote> <p>Title (title of the Internet resource page) - a special tag located at the beginning of the html code inside the structure <HEAD>and having the following form:</p> </blockquote> <table><tr><td class="code"> <head> .... <title>page title ....

.... page title ....

Along with elements such as descriptions (a brief description of the page content) and keywords (keywords), the title is one of the cornerstones of the successful promotion of any site. There are at least three reasons that require special attention to the issue of its optimization:

  1. When distributing in social networks, the title of the site is displayed.
  2. In the search results, the title of the article, its URL and description are displayed.
  3. Analysis of page titles allows Google and Yandex to determine their place in search results.

Yandex and Google rules for titles

In the query results, Yandex returns only 80 characters from the header. If your title consists of more than 80 characters or longer than 15 words, then "extra" words will not be displayed.

In Google search - no more than 12 words or 70 characters will be displayed.

Also, don't put in every keyword you can think of. Search engines will consider this behavior overspam and will lower the article in the SERP.

Use only the main keyword and dilute it with additional text (for example, after the ":" or "-" sign).

Important ! The main keyword will tell search engines what key the article is for, and additional words are designed to attract the attention of readers.


You may have noticed that key words are always in bold. This allows you to attract the user's attention, since he can immediately see the phrases he needs from the search query he has made.

This, in turn, has a positive effect on the position of your pages in search engines, if this user will go exactly to your page, bypassing other parties.

In this case, it is important to correctly fill in the "descriptions" field. Remember to spam. I believe that the key to success is not to use key words as often as possible, but to hook the reader with some intrigue in the first sentence.

Page titles in social networks

When a user of a social network shares your page, a snippet is automatically generated. Most of the users prefer not to change the original headers (although this is quite possible). What does it mean?

And the fact that the title can be seen by your friends. If they are interested in the information posted on the published page (which they learn from the title), then for a more detailed acquaintance with the material they will definitely go to your resource.

Who should you write titles for - for search engines or for people?

Definitely, it should be written for people, but be sure to take into account the specifics of the work of search engines.

Rules for creating a good headline

Now I want to tell you how to write titles that will appeal to both visitors and search engines Google and Yandex:

  • Absolutely all titles on the resource must be unique. Duplication will have a very negative impact on promotion.
  • Title must be a maximum of 12 words, and its length must not exceed 70 characters for Google (15 words and 80 characters for Yandex). Fill it out clearly and compactly.
  • The title must contain the main key phrase, which should be placed closer to the beginning.
  • Titles should be easy to read and attract the interest of the reader. Don't get hung up on SEO optimization alone. The title is the first thing that appears to a potential visitor in the search engine, so you should do everything possible so that this first meeting does not become the last.

Should you include your brand name in your title?

Experts disagree on this issue. Personally, I think that your brand name should only be included in a title if it is popular enough. Having seen the name of the advertised company, the user will certainly want to follow the link.

If you are developing your personal blog, then it is better to exclude. It's up to you, though. Personally, I do not want to add a construction like "| Abdullin Ruslan's blog" in front of each title of my articles in the search. I think this is superfluous.

Title optimization

So that you can see how everything written above looks like in reality, I will give you the following example.

Suppose you have created a page with the title " Genuine leather jackets for retail and wholesale | Jackets price | Sale of jackets Russia | Sewing jackets made of genuine leather to order».

It consists of 24 words and is 123 characters long. This title is not correct. And it's not only the number of characters, but also the overspam of keywords. Now I will tell you how to make your title capacious and presentable.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to create a title that contains the semantic components of all the key words. That is, the correct version should look something like the following: “ Genuine leather jackets in Russia: tailoring, retail and wholesale».

Thus, the entire text fits into 70 characters and 12 words, which are perfectly perceived by both a search robot and a person. The main keyword is used at the very beginning, there are additional words that help to reveal the whole point.

That's all! I think I have covered the topic quite fully. You can check the correctness and effectiveness of the above methods in practice.

Share this article on social networks, let your friends, if there are webmasters and web resource owners among them, will also make sure of the effectiveness of the correct use of titles. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates, see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

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